Final Eggnancy VII: Cloud's Chocobo Reckoning!

Story by Tremerre on SoFurry

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Cloud Strife needs a new way to beat Sepiroth, perhaps his friends in the Lifestream will aid him once again? The answer leads him and Tifa to a new life as they become stronger.

This Story was in response to Wolfbird47's request for my take on Cloud being a Chocobo hen. Thanks for the inspiration!

Cloud Strife knew he was in trouble. The 7 feet of Sepiroth's sword embedded in his shoulder was not the first tell, but it was the most irritating. "I have given you despair, now, let me show you pain!" Sepiroth crowed as he charged a materia, and Bahamut rained destruction on Midgar once again. "You grew old, Cloud. What's it like, being mortal? Every day brings you farther from the Soldier you once claimed to be." Sepiroth spat in Cloud's face, whose hair now streaked with gray as Bahamut discharged, and Sepiroth knelt down to Cloud's ear "You are not even a challenge, I kill the people you love, and all you can do is grovel at my feet. I give you a day, to say goodbye to this world. I will find Meteor once again, and meet you here, tomorrow. Don't disappoint me, Cloud" Sepiroth says as he stands, pulling his sword out of the beaten warrior. Cloud looks up at him as the rain starts before blacking out.

Aeris looked down at Cloud, beaten, scarred, and old. She had never gotten a clear answer from Cloud how old he was during her life, but he was older than she was, and now, he could pass for her granddaughter. Cloud's mentor Zack shook his head as Cloud gained consciousness. "Welcome back, Cloud! Damm, you are such a old fart!" He laughed as Cloud sat up in this construct of the lifestream he often met his friends in times of trouble. "Don't give me that Dilly Dally crap this time, please. I need a way to beat Sepiroth, and we seem fresh out of Miracles!" Cloud growled looking up into their eyes.

Zack took a step forwards, grasping Cloud by the hand, picking him up off the ground easily. "It seems you are a bit too old to do the job, Cloud. But it is just your body that feels that way." Aeris strode forward, giving Cloud a hug "He's not too old, and you know it! She says, giving Zack a kick in the shins for his rudeness while sticking her tongue out at him. "You have never aged, have you?" Cloud says smiling at the face easily 30 years younger than his as he hugs her in return before disengaging. "So, any ideas?" Cloud quipps as he pivots from the hug, one arm resting on Aeris's shoulder as they face Zack, whose injury was only for play.

"We have something, something that your age will actually prove beneficial to pull off, but I warn you, you will still be you, but you will be reborn, Cloud if you choose this." Aeris says before Zack quips "The other choice is letting Sepiroth have our world, and everyone connected to the lifesteam dying, of course." He says, rolling his eyes. Cloud stares at him before saying "Yeah, don't want that." with a grin, punching Zack in the arm, only half in jest. Cloud waited for the answer to his problems, but they looked reluctant. "Spit it out! Sepiroth is killing people!" Cloud spat out, irritated, not at his friends, but at his own weakness.

"We watched you kill a Dozen Sepiroths in 3 hours, Cloud. And we know how they are doing it, They are cloning the bodies Sepiroth hosts." Aeris says, shaking her head. "So, all we have to do to defeat Sepiroth is take killing him off the list of possibilities, no problem!" Zack says, grinning like he has said something profound. Cloud shakes his head "So we lose then?". Zack shakes his head "No, you have to keep Sepiroth from reincarnating into a clone body while keeping him from destroying everything. No sweat!" He gives Cloud a thumbs up, still grinning.

"Hey, it can be done, but it will require a sacrifice. And you will come out on the other side feeling quite younger. A better deal than I was able to manage with my pitiful wish, I think." Aeris said with a scowl. "You will need Tifa for this, and do not spurn Red's kits either." Aeris said, her voice fading as his time there ended without concrete ideas, but with a clue for directions as the world faded back into existence, his forehead bleeding from open cuts he could not see, but whose blood caused his vision to blur as he forced his body once more to move, and find his Motorcycle.

Cloud thought to his meeting after his defeat at Sepiroth's hands, and Aeris's parting words. Rebirth, Sacrifice, and Not killing Sepiroth. There had to be a connection he furiously thought as he sought out Tifa's ranch. Tifa had become rich racing Chocobos, and while Cloud had experience with the beasts, and respected their speed and strength, he did not enjoy their company. However as he drove up to the ranch, Tifa herself astride one of her flock pulled alongside him her grey hair out behind her as she paced him on his motorcycle. "How well did the breeding stock progress in 30 years?" he thought as he pegged the throttle trying and failing to outrun the fowl. He wished for something to throw at it when Tifa pulled ahead, and he was forced to look at bird butt all the way to the ranch.

When Cloud dismounted his bike, Tifa went to hug him, a greeting on her lips before stopping with a shocked look on her face and falling to her knees, eyes looking to the dirt as her chocobo nuzzled her in concern, barely winded after the run. "Heard Sepiroth was back, guess you lost, eh?" She mumbled half to herself. Cloud looked at her, waiting for a explanation, then took a step forward before getting picked up off the ground by a blow that carried him into a tree's crown, all but rendering him unconscious. He looked down at Tifa, and discovered the source, her mount had moved to protect Tifa, and removed Cloud from the area via a solid kick.

Cloud gingerly climbed down the tree as Tifa apologized from a distance as she put her fowl friend away into the barn. He felt something in his shirt pocket warming, and pulled out a marble sized Materia, wondering how it appeared there. Cloud was looking at it as Tifa made a appearance, clearly having given care of her steed to a assistant. "Sorry about that, but you know how Chocobos work." She said, her eyes not looking into his, but at his hairline. "You allright Cloud? You look off somehow." She said. "You know, a little bit of the ole Dilly Dally, but damm I feel old now." Cloud said, his shoulders slumped as Tifa reached for him for a hug.

The Materia in his pocket went from warm to burning as the two touched. Its fire something that did not hurt, but its warmth comforting, empowering as the two looked at eachother, as the flames flickered over their forms, before letting go, both sitting down in the grass before bouncing to their feet, or so it felt. Cloud felt better than he ever had, even in his SOLDIER dreams. Like this, he could fight a legion of Sepiroths. He however was concerned about Tifa, whose Hair was turning into Feathers. He pulled a Materia from his pocket, no longer hot, but glowing as feathers sprouted from his arms. Cloud sat down as his legs buckled under him as his knees changed direction, with Tifa following suit, landing butt to butt, and Cloud looking over his shoulder was as amazed at the range of motion his neck had, until he realized it had lengthened the same way Tifa's was, as their clothes ripped off of them as their bodies grew. Cloud grinned for the last time in his life "WARK!" he said, loudly, earning a laugh from Tifa as their arms changed into wings. "Just testing it out, though I do think Aeris is in a bit of a hurry this time." He said, to a shocked Tifa.

"You don't just drop that name out of nowhere, Cloud." Tifa said as her body shifted into the familiar streamlined body of a racing Chocobo and as Cloud felt himself change similarly, His head shifted. The changes were actually refreshing, like falling into a comfortable chair, or riding his motorcycle for the first time. That thought brought out his first distressed "WARK!" from the mouth of a newly minted Chocobo. That he'd never ride again. Of all the things about being human he loved, his bike was his pride and joy.

"Hey Cloud, it's not that bad, yet. And I can't help but notice you do smell good." Tifa well knew Cloud's opinions about how Chocobos smelled, but one thing Tifa could not hide was the Cock she now sported as she stood up over Cloud. Cloud looked up at her, then moved to stand up too, noticing just how good Tifa smelled also. His groin was warm with arousal, but no cock was present. "Hey Cloud, we got Gender swapped I think" She said, her brain as scrambled by the change as his was, and Cloud sat down, following a instinct the now female Chocobo body now demanded of Cloud.

Cloud's tail lifted up showing his fleshy cloaca and Tifa sat down directly on his body, her male organ finding Cloud's hole and they made love, the way Chocobos were made to.It was like the time they had been lovers, before the money, and the bickering mattered. Cloud pushed his neck against Tifa's, entwining as this need was met, feeling Tifa cum for the first time as a male. Tifa gasped for air, light headed from the male orgasm, still sitting on Cloud. "With the way you were smelling, glad it was me, handsome!" She said winking, before standing up, her cock softening, and retracting into her cloaca. Cloud stood up, the feeling of being bred a new one, but one Cloud would remember, and hopefully duplicate often as the afterglow lasted a long time for Avians apparently. As the gender swapped Cloud stood once again, the warm glow remained even as Marlene Wallace walked through the door of the Farmhouse, leading the two Chocobos to look at her and take a few tentative steps, getting used to legs that felt backwards still.

Whatever happened to you two, stay there! I don't want Feathers!" Marlene shouted, drawing the pair up short. They had made it halfway to the farmhouse and stopped when Cloud opened his mouth to say something "Wark" was all that came out. He looked at Tifa, who also warked in response. Cloud remembered having talked to Tifa earlier, and now was puzzled at not being able to. Tifa figured it out faster than Cloud did, and returned to the Tree "Can you understand me!" she shouted, leading Marlene to shout Yes, the same time Cloud Warked again in response. Cloud lowered his female head, and walked back to the tree, which now smelled like Chocobo sex. Though it could just be Tifa and himself. Or was it herself now?

Marlene followed, but stopped at a respectable distance "I seen it all, including you two getting it on, you know. The kids fortunately were not watching, however. So, Cloud, what happened, and where is Dad?" Marlene grew closer, wary of changes, but eventually came aside the pair as Cloud had to tell the story of his battle with Sepiroth, and how Sepiroth had destroyed the airship her father was on as his opening move after Cloud killed him the first time today. He went on and told how Sepiroth is all but unkillable as clones he can instantly inhabit the moment he's killed are hidden across the world. He told them both of how he killed Sepiroth again, and again in rage for what he did. Sepiroth answered in kind, using Bahamut on Midgar in retaliation. Tifa sat alongside him, one wing across Cloud's back. Once he finished with the tale, and how he met Aeris and Zack again, he sighed, unable to process how his life had changed as Marlene took the news of her Father's death in. "But Barret had lived a dangerous life for a long time and died a warrior's death", Marlene pointed out trying to hide her tears, which led to being hugged by a pair of fluffy chocobos as the three sat together, sharing memories for a bit in tribute, the wierdness forgotten for a moment.

After Marlene left, the two continued to talk "Aeris said something about sacrifice, and rebirth, I think we have that one covered, Cloud" Tifa sighed, then stood up. "For the fun of it, wana race?" She said with a cocky tilt of her head. Whatever is enabling us to talk, is in your old clothes, Cloud." Cloud had thought this likely, and nodded to both statements, standing up, and limbering his new body, getting used to it. Tifa had the advantage at first, being intimately familiar with the Chocobos in her care, and understood how they ran. But it was Cloud's years on his bike that proved the better experience, as he lowered his head and ran faster than he ever could have traveled on Motorcycle. He noticed a pair of eyelids that lowered to protect his eyes, but did not limit visibility as he breached 300 Kph, yet behind Tifa, but feeling like this was what he was meant for, as his neck stretched out, and his streamlined beak cut the air, he passed Tifa at over 450 Kph, not even breathing hard. He took the turns the same way he rode, using his wings to lean into each turn, and riding the ground effect with his body, the cushion of air allowing him to "fly" but remaining in control of his direction. He stopped, letting Tifa blow past him, before turning back to the farm, now hungry. He took a minute to process what happened as Tifa caught back up, winded from the exercise, but happy. Giving a cheerful sounding wark, they trotted where they left their old clothes, only to find out they were gone! Cloud took off in anger, with Tifa behind him, both warking the entire time, until resolving back into the more familiar swearing as they neared the barn.

"Marlene! Come out!" Tifa shouted, her feathers akimbo in all the telling ways of a Angry Chocobo Buck. "Marlene came out holding two harnesses, both studded with Materia orbs. "Guess you don't check your pockets, much, huh Cloud? There are two sets of these materia, some I recognize for aiding strength and dexterity, and two of which probably did this to you, but may be allowing you to talk. So putting them on your tack makes sense, but you ran that fast without these, which has me nervous to see what happens when you wear these." She said, putting the harness on Tifa, it being a regular harness, and not one for control, lacked the bit for keeping a Chocobo from biting, or eating. Tifa stood up, sporting the harness, and said, "Be right back" before almost disappearing, before their eyes. The shockwave was easier tracked as indeed Tifa had broken the sound barrier, and thunder rolled across the hills marking her passage.

"If Chocobos could use Materia the way you two can, they might all be that fast, you know? But just in case, I want that egg you are about to lay." Marlene said as the thunder grew fainter in the distance. Whatever Cloud was thinking of flew right out the window at that statement. "Egg?" he all but squeaked. Marlene smiled and rubbed Cloud's tummy, which admittedly felt very good. "Betcha Hungry, too, huh?" Which Cloud nodded, as it was the truth, as Marlene got up, and motioned him to follow her into the barn, where Cloud was fed properly, enough so that he was unable to tell what part of his belly was food, and which was egg. He was warned about his crop, and how birds needed to digest food. And indeed Once a few Aluminum pellets were ingested, it became easier to eat, the warm feeling of his food being ground within him, before being taken to his stomach a novelty. He sighed in happiness, feeling very much better until Marlene stroked his belly, once again tracking the progress of the egg he carried. "Better not run like Tifa until you lay, you know" She said, before one of her kids came out to check on their Mama. "Pretty hen, Mom, you trade for her?" Cloud would have blushed, but right then, the egg dropped into his rectum, and looking over his shoulder, Cloud all but ran to a empty nest, feeling his cloaca start to dilate as the egg pressed against it from within. Cloud had felt Pregnancy as a never ending warmth, like just having had sex, but it never went away, and now, laying was all the good parts about sex, but magnified, as Cloud strained to hold the egg in, unwilling to let the feeling pass, but as the egg stretched him, his "Oh Fuck Yeah!" in Cloud's recognizable voice caused Marlene's son to pass out, on the spot as the wet egg was delivered as Cloud screamed in orgasm.

Marlene's hand was in her pants, at the time, and seeing her son safely resting on a bit of hay, gave in, and came on the spot. "Hope it was as good as it sounded Cloud, because it sounded fucking awesome, I'm quite jealous, as it took 4 hours to pass that lump and it hurt like hell." Marlene pointed at her son, unconscious as she re-buttoned her shorts before looking at the egg Cloud laid. "We have incubators, so no worries there, we even have stasis cubes to keep eggs from aging if you want to brood them yourself." Cloud's mind was coming off the best orgasm he ever had, and all his thoughts were on how often Tifa could give him that present over, and over again, when his mind went DING! With a Idea!

As Cloud nestled the egg Under him, settling on it felt the most natural thing he had ever done, fluffing his chest feathers just so, so his warmth spread to the fragile life within. "Suppose we can try the Incubator, as I think we might have a use for the Stasis, but not for tonight, I think. Chocobos lay once per day, right?" Cloud said, looking very smug, even as the neighboring Chocobo lifted her head over the stall, and her laying ecstasy began, and due to the magic of the Materia, her pleasure was voiced to the barn in general in recognizable words. Marlene and Cloud looked at each other, then laughed, which for Cloud was the first real laugh in years as a familiar thunder grew louder over the horizon as the sun set on the day before the end of the world.

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