The Brother's Swiftbreath - Chapter 3

Story by naturescall on SoFurry

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#3 of The Brothers Swiftbreath

The troubles of our two druids far from over, will they learn more about their supposed fate or even the identity of each other?

Karion was the first to wake from the slumber imposed upon them by the Satyr's magic. The kaldorei's eyes slowly blinked, looking around, only to feel the shifting ground beneath bump and move jostling without a care in the world. Groaning a bit and wanting to grab at her head, Karion moved their front limb only to discover that for now it was a rather inconvenient paw. Groaning a bit more, those silvery eyes scanned her immediate surroundings.

Surrounded, there were cage bars making for a cramped and rather uncomfortable containment. Barely enough room for even a single saber, the feline druidess found her rump and face all but planted against the steel bars that formed her most recent prison. Still coming to, she managed to get a solid look around, realizing that she was upon the back of some sort of wooden cart. Letting her eyes drift rightward she spotted another cage.

Inside, and seemingly sleeping without a care in the world, was her brother, and given recent events, partner in what had to have been some sort of crime, Resam. The powerful male druid was snoring happily, stretched out as best a cat could manage given the cramped nature of the cage. Rolled upon his back and showing off his stomach for the world the druid seemed like he was at home in the conditions that presented themselves.

Were it that she could rub her face, Karion would have, but for the moment between the cramped conditions and the relative lack of use a paw presented in that particular arena the druidess instead gave a simple sigh staring out the back of the cage. They seemed to be traveling through a heavily wooded area, perhaps duskwood given the seemingly unnatural lack of light. Her ears pined and twitched trying to make out for any sounds that might be familiar, only to find that the haze and confusion of what had happened was still taking its toll.

If only to drive things home as her senses slowly returned, she suddenly felt a bit of dampness between her hind legs, looking back she realized that her and Resam's most recent adventuress had left a bit of a mess. Glancing over at Resam and growling a bit, as clearly this was his fault for all of this, she went to duck her head between her hind legs and started working to use that feline tongue to try and clean the bodily fluids that had been left in and on her sex.

It was shameful, she thought to herself, to be trapped in a tiny steel cage, traveling down some unknown road on the back of a wooden cart, cleaning herself like a common saber all while her brother slept only inches away soundly, blissfully unaware of the circumstances. Oh, how Karion wished there was a bath or shower nearby, or that she could shift and at the very least return to her elven form to deal with this matter. Instead, she could only close her eyes and attempt to ignore the scents assaulting her nose as that tongue dove between furry hind legs to work at cleaning and tending to her deflowered sex.

Had it been some other time, she might have appreciated the sensation of being able to push one's head down between one's own legs to do such a thing, but any sensation of pleasure from scraping her tongue across those folds was instead replaced with the deep and shameful thought of being seen. Worse yet the smell and thought of the causes left the druidess wanting to gag, trying to ignore the series of thoughts and memories that flooded her mind with each lick.

Karion was meticulous with her work, spending an inordinate amount of time trying to get every inch of her fur coat and sex cleaned of the evidence of what Resam and she had been doing earlier. That tongue ran across every inch of fur and dove as deep as she could manage into her sex attempting to remove seed and arousal alike.

It was of course at this moment, with head shoved directly against sex, that Resam would start to come too, announcing to the world proudly with an unrepentant yawn. Smacking his lips and taking in the situation he seemed to blink a few times before glancing over.

"Well, well, if this isn't an odd predicament. I say, were you the lovely lass that I was enjoying before I passed out? My memory is a bit hazy..." his voice all but a grin in some sort of twisted pride at his work.

Karion, face flush with embarrassment, quickly pulled her face from between her hind legs, clearing her throat in surprise. Still though, the satyr's magic prevented her from speaking. So instead, she could only stare forward at the other cat as he seemed to size her up.

"Oh no, don't stop cleaning yourself on my account, though if you are still interested in such a thing, I have a spot perfectly suited for that tongue of yours" Resam stated cheekily going to use a singular claw to point between his own hind legs.

"Oh, suck on a pile of the Goddesses Dicks Resam" Karion spat out rather suddenly and rather to both their surprises.

Resam blinked several times as did Karion, the two staring at each other for a very long moment. Karion was unsure of how she had been able to speak while Resam was coming to terms with the fact that the mute whore he had bought could now speak and seemed to know his name. There was a long silence as the two felines seemed to size each other up as if both were getting ready for some sort of fight

"Right, well had I known you could spe--" Resam was about to say before being cut off

"You what? Wouldn't have gone to a sketchy whore house in the middle of Stormwind on the hunt for some virgin to deflower? We're in goddess damned cages traveling to goddess knows where and here you are trying to make jokes about getting a fucking blow job!?" Karion responded angrily.

"Settle down my sweet wall flower," Resam said in a gentlemanly tone "When you lead the kind of life I do, this sort of thing happens from time to time, and you just sort of have to work your way out of it. I'm sure the two of us will find a way out of these cages and out from under that rather miserable Satyr's magics. But there's no need to let a little adventure spoil the sense of fun in the meantime don't you think?"

Resam's voice was calm, collected, and all the things, that now Karion could barely compose herself to do. The outrage at the situation was overcoming the poor druidess "I am NOT your sweet wallflower, I am some 'whore' you picked up at a shady ass club trapped in a cage, unable to shift, deprived of a shower or bath to clean myself, dripping in your FUCKING cum!"

Resam kept his eyes on the druidess and shook his head softly "Listen my sweet wall flower, we are not going to get out of this by yelling at each other. This situation requires calm". The druid managed the best shrug he could muster in a cramped cage "For now, we ride this road with each other, stuck in cages, the least we can do is try and make the best of the situation. Unless of course you know a method for breaking steel?" the druid poked at the metal bars curiously and then laughed.

Karion sighed, irritation plain on even the feline's face. Slumping down she simply stared at the floor of the wooden cart beneath them, the tip of her tail slapping angrily against the bars of the cage floor doing her best to contain the mountain of emotions that were swelling within. Letting out a deep and frustrated sigh the druidess looked up "Just how many times have you ended up in a situation like this anyway?"

"This one in particular? Can't say that I have" Resam responded proudly "This will be a new experience for us both. You can add that to the checklist after losing your virginity to the most handsome Kaldorei in the Eastern Kingdoms" the feline said sticking out his tongue playfully

Were it that she could have reached, Karion would have grabbed that tongue right from his mouth. Instead, she settled for letting her anger give some manner of productivity "So where are we anyway?"

Resam looked around and gave another non-committal shrug, not sure himself.

Sighing, Karion looked down, tears starting to grow in those eyes, slumping against the bars of the cage and giving a few quivering breaths. The druidess wasn't sure if now was the best time to bring up that their relationship was much more than a simple encounter in Stormwind's red light district. Instead figuring it was best to let Resam focus on a way out of here. As much as Karion hated to admit it, her brother did have a certain amount of experience in this area. Military operations were always his sort of thing anyway.

Glancing towards the cobbled roadway that trailed behind the wagon Karion whimpered a bit gently pawing at the metal cage. Resam meanwhile glanced over showing the first honest amount of concern in the entirety of this whole affair "I will not let them hurt you dear wall flower, I gather from your frustration and fear that they have you just as much at their beck and call as I currently, but know this, so long as I am here, I will keep you safe"

Karion looked over at her older brother, and for a moment seemed to show a sense of relief, happiness that her brother was once again on the case, even if the situation was somewhat more complicated this time round. Though her quiet musings would soon be interrupted as the wooden cart swiftly came to a stop, the abrupt nature sending the druidess face first into the metal bars she had been staring out of

Alynna's none to pleasing voice soon found its way to both druid's ears "Well well, if I had known that you're being able to talk would have resulted in so much racket, I would have been sure to put a muzzle over you both before you had left". The form of a Sin'dorei slowly sauntered from beside the wagon to finally stand behind it, looking upon both. "Now now... look what I have caught today"

Karion flattened her ears back while Resam seemed to keep up a beaming smile of sorts looking at the other as if there was a certain curiosity. "Well, if I had know that the side show came with a second act I would have dressed for the part" Resam chirped gleefully.

"Silence Kaldorei Dog" Alynna responded shaking her head and crossing her arms. "It was enough trouble trying to lure you out here, I don't intend to suffer your useless prattle" quickly going to shuffle around in the contents of a bag on the back of the cart. The disguised satyr pulled a set of leather bits, harnesses, and various other pieces of equipment usually meant for riding sabers. "Now why don't you be a good boy and get down here so we can get you geared up to present hmm?"

"I don't see as I have much choice at the moment" Resam responded sticking out his tongue and then finding himself compelled by the hunter magic to step gingerly from the cage, presenting himself so it would be easier for Alynna to put the various tack on. He seemed quite at ease with himself given the circumstances.

Karion on the other hand attempted to resist every step her body seemed to force her to take, trying to buck against the magic "Now, no need for that". Alynaa responded with a smirk as she watched Karion struggle against the magic. "If I could get you to dance on a pole and lose your flower to this mongrel, do you really think you could resist me now? Why don't we make this easier on all of us and you hop down here so I can get a saddle on you"

Karion growled anxiously, but her body moved forward inch by inch, standing next to Resam's own. The scent and warmth of her brother's body was strange to her in that moment. They had spent countless hours together in their feline forms in the past, but right now it was somehow... different. There was something so protective about the other saber, something safe. Giving a dejected sigh she was soon just as tacked up as Resam.

"I'm afraid we can't take the roads from here my darling future fur coats. No, I fear that from here we must travel by foot" the satyr stated as she went to hop atop the saddle on Resam's back. "Boy howdy when the folks get a look at the both of you, I'm sure they'll have a lot of questions hmm?" snickering a bit as they were compelled to ride deeper into the dark forest

Resam happily trotted along, seeming to have no trouble with the additional weight upon his back while Karion grumbled and pulled against the lead tied around her muzzle with every step of the way. There was no love lost between the kaldorei and the satyr in that moment and it showed across the whole of her face. Even if her body was compelled to follow along into what was no doubt meant to be her demise.

The group seemed to walk for hours on trails that made little sense or were heavily cloaked in fae magics before coming to a clearing with a small barn in its center. The construction was of a human make, and the dim lighting gave little in the way of details. Alynna stretched hopping down from Resam's back "Honey, we're home!" laughing as she went to lead both sabers inside.

As they stepped inside all their noses were assaulted with a damp, almost moldy interior. The roof showed signs of leaking, and the various stalls in the barn had not been cleaned anytime recently. A small, slovenly goblin seemed to step forward from the back of the barn, looking over Alynna and the two captured sabers.

"Well! Ms. Alynna, so good to see you again, and two this time! I say you are really stepping up your work. If you keep things up you'll be finding yourself much higher in the bosses eyes before you know it!" The green creature excitedly approached the two sabers before suddenly stopping "They are of course under your control?"

Alynna gave a simple nod as she released both the leads to show the sabers were either incapable or had no interest in going anywhere. "Gilfa, would I ever bring you bad goods? That would sour our business and see me leaving with far less then I bargained for. No, you will find that these two are quite well behaved~"

The goblin smiled, nodding as he approached closer, going to sniff at the two sabers "They smell relatively clean, though..." the goblin stopped and pondered "They also smell like that whore house that you are so fond of. I can't be selling product like that; you're going to need to bathe them" sagely nodding as the goblin continued feeling at Karion's fur coat brushing those dirty little fingers through that pristine white fur.

Karion shivered a bit at the touch, not wanting to know just where that Goblin's hands had been, wanting to retch at the treatment at hand. Her eyes desperately scanned the room for anything, even a hint that there was a way to make this top. Those thoughts were swiftly interrupted as she felt those grubby hands caressing her belly and pinching at a single feline teat.

"She's not pregnant yet, that means I'm going to have to keep them here for at least four months, you know that means you're paying me the proper fees right Alynna?" The goblin asked as that hand crept down further.

"I'm aware of the arrangements required, I'm sure this stud I brought with her will be more then capable of accomplishing the goal. He already seems quite eager to make her his, though..." Alynna paused for a moment "If he finds some room for doubt in that, I'm sure the other sabers will be more then willing to finish the job".

Resam seemed to give a bemused smirk at this while Karion found herself deeply uncomfortable with the conversation at hand. It was made even worse when she felt that Goblins' hand now between her hind legs, lifting her tail and toying at the edges of her sex. "She's not even in a full heat yet Alynna, I thought you weren't bringing these things to me half ready".

"There were some complications, the stud was... quite difficult to track down" Alynna responded quickly going to cross her arms and roll her eyes "If we need, we can simply use one of those topical ointments and before the night is out, she'll be burning hotter than a furnace in the heart of Tanaris.

Karion gasped as the goblin's grubby fingers were soon plying apart the petals of her sex, reaching in and feeling at those silken inner walls. Her claws sank into the ground, and she let her ears press against her skull in the only sign of anger her body was willing to must. Resam's eyes momentarily made contact with her own, and there was at least there a sign of sadness or concern.

"Yeah, I suppose we can use the gel on her and then let the stud have her for a few hours, but I'm adding that to your tab you know" smirking as the goblin finally went about removing those fingers, moving now to check Resam over. Those same grubby hands started feeling over those furry orbs hanging beneath the other druid, feeling at them, and then rubbing along the whole of Resam's sheath.

"You haven't even let me buy you dinner yet" Resam protested bemusedly

"Alynna shut this Kaldorei wretch up or get him a muzzle. The last thing I need is a stud that can talk" the goblin stated plainly continuing to feel at the sheath, coaxing just a hint of that spined pink member to make an appearance.

"Of course, Gilfa, I wouldn't dare let your ears be soiled by something so dirty" disappearing for only a moment before returning with a large leather muzzle to slide over Resam's mouth. Resam for his part was all too happy to help pushing his snout forward so the disguised Satyr would have an easier time getting it on.

"Once the queen is gravid, we'll just milk the stud until we can ship them both off for processing" the goblin shrugged going to toy with some of the spines along Resam's member. "I don't know if there's enough here for as many coats as we were promised, but..." the Goblin paused for a moment "We'll just fatten them up, I'm sure the stud has good enough muscle structure that we can get a few good steaks out of that"

Resam seemed to wiggle at that, as if he was proud of himself for all the compliments. Karion on the other hand struggled and squirmed attempting to get away from all of this. The words seemed to only burn at her ears.

"Right well, let's get them in the stall." Gilfa said simply stepping back from the two sabers and heading further back into the "The sooner we can get this started the less time I have to wait to get the product out".

A tug came at the leads on both their muzzles as Alynna seemed to lead her further back into the barn, where the lighting at least seemed to grow if only a bit. It seemed to be about 5 minutes, being lead through a maze of stalls before the Blood Elf Shaped Satyr finally stopped at what appeared to be a relatively clean stall. Leading them both inside, Alynna smirked "Don't worry I'll come back soon enough with the ointment so you two can have some time to yourself~"

Resam simply smiled before pointing at the muzzle atop his snout with a paw.

The disguised satyr gave an exaggerated sigh as she looked over the situation. "Fine, but if you start to make a lot of noise, it's going back on" she said removing it. The elven form paused for a moment before seeming to look about "Now... I'm going to find the salve so that we can get this party started, you two just stay here and be good hmm? Get to know each other or something, I don't know, whatever elves do"

With an exaggerated sort of motion, Alynna's form disappeared, and the two felines were left alone in the cramped, but clean paddock. Resam seemed to work his jaw for a moment as if double checking that it was still working after having been confined. Karion meanwhile was trying to find a quiet corner to crawl into away from any source of light. She hoped that there might be an opportunity to continue cleaning at herself in lieu of a proper shower.

There was silence between the two cats for some time as Resam simply watched the outside of the paddock almost protectively before Resam spoke "You know... if you need help getting clean, I can..." he turned a bit to look over at the other druid who was huddled away trying her best to clean every inch of herself.

"No, I am fine" Karion retorted defensively, growling a bit and then giving a sigh. Looking herself over, it was about as good as things were going to get. She pondered if she should bring up the fact that only a matter of days ago, they were siblings, but the longer she lingered on the thought the more impossible it became to bring up.

"I'm Resam by the way, though I gather you already knew that", the male druid offered helpfully going to sit next to Karion looking her over and giving a warm smile. "What is your name?"

Karion froze for a long moment, thinking on things, how did she answer this question? Gulping a bit, she bit at her lip "Ah well, that's not very important right now"

"If you insist Ms. Not very important" snickering a bit as he sniffed at the air "I smell... seven wild sabers and quite a bit of other not so encouraging things. But the fact that the satyr is having trouble keeping us from speaking gives me a more then fair amount of hope".

Karion blinked "How... how did you know it was a Satyr?"

Resam smiled "After you have spent enough years fighting them, it just sort of comes naturally. They have a certain... aura about them".

Karion grunted a bit, sighing "Must be nice, I didn't see it coming" frowning a bit and staring down at the hay beneath them. She slapped her paw against the ground angrily, "If I had... the training, the where with all this would not have happened. You would not have been lured back to that seedy bar... none of this!". Frustration from the events welled up within the druidess as she sat there in her corner.

Resam approached slowly, giving a quiet "Shh..." attempting to calm the other down "Now now, do not blame yourself for this. It was not your fault, I got myself into this mess, but be assured I will get us both out hmm?" laughing some and placing a paw on the other's shoulder, gently petting it.

Karion simply nodded, wiggling her muzzle, and accepting the calming pets, a kind gesture considering everything going on and the near constant threats of her future at the hands of the Satyr. "Do you think she means what she says, about making us into nothing more then fur coats?"

Resam nodded a bit "Oh I am certain she means to make good on her threats, and I fear if I do not capitulate in my role, she will simply have the wild sabers accomplish it".

The druidess blinked a few times at that, looking back over her shoulder at her brother's powerful frame, that strong masculine scent feeling her nostrils once more. "Your role?" she asked a bit quietly, almost shyly

"Indeed, she means for me to be a good stud and mate with you until you are heavy with cub. At that point I can only imagine whatever plans might be in store past that". Resam spoke with a quiet, but calm tone, "Had I known that your will was not your own, I would never have..." the druid paused for a moment before biting his lip "I'm... sorry about what transpired, and what I fear may transpire in the near future".

Karion nodded at that looking down at the ground once more taking a deep breath. Her mind wondered through the whole gambit of possibilities such a thing could bring. Finally summoning up the courage to speak her muzzle opened "Resam, there's something you should know. I ---"

The druidess words were cut short as Alynna returned with a small bottle in her hand "Well, it wasn't so hard to find after all! I'm glad of that too, much longer in that stinking supply closet and I would have lost my mind. Now... my lovely young lady it's time that you got your treatment~"

Karion could feel her will being subverted by the huntresses' magic as she found herself rolling upon her back, presenting her stomach to the skies above. Alynna approached happily going to uncork the bottle humming away as the "huntress" went to kneel next to the feline. "Now now, let's make sure that you're good and ready for the adventure that awaits you hmm?" snickering a bit as she dabbed some of the stuff in the bottle on her fingers.

Slowly snaking them down the feline's stomach, gently swirling it around each of those teats, the substance seemed to almost burn, eliciting a hiss of confusion from Karion. "There there, you just give this a moment, and it will work its shaman magic hmm?" snickering more as those fingers trailed further south now happily rubbing the substance into Karion's soft, fluffy white tummy fur. "Judging by the big boy's more the proud little erection, he can already smell what it's doing to you hmm~"

Karion blinked a few times as her head went to glance in Resam's direction, noticing as the Saty had just moments before the barbed feline member that was on display for the whole world to see. Resam seemed to show no embarrassment about the matter, but he also wasn't his normal cocky self, avoiding meeting eye contact with the druidess.

"Now just one... more" Alynna stated before those fingers started to circle that feline mons, starting to push into those nether lips causing the burning sensation to grow all that much more. "And there we go, a good and seasoned cat~". No sooner had the disguised Satyr arrived then it decided to leave "Well now that's done and over with, big fella I leave her needs in your care, and remember if you can't get the job done, I've got plenty of bigger meaner sabers who will be more than willing to handle it for you hmm?"

Resam for his part offered a curt and disagreeable little growl, watching as the Blood Elf form once again vanished into the super complex of this massive barn. Sighing a bit, he looked over Karion's form and shook his head. "I want it to be known, that had I known that your will was not your own back at the club, I would..." he stopped for a moment looking away.

"I don't blame you Resam," Karion said softly, going to roll back onto all fours and shaking herself off, attempting to get the scent that was now overpowering her nose off herself somehow. "It is the Satyr who is to blame, and besides..." the druidess paused for a very long moment, "It is not as if it felt that bad," blushing and clearing her throat.

"Right..." Resam said softly once more, "Well... hmm..." he thought for a long moment "Shall we get started then, I doubt very much it will be good for either of us if we choose now to act disobedient and more then that it will take at least a few weeks for you to begin to show. In that time, we can start putting together a sort of plan".

Karion blushed worse still, looking around as if there was another cat or person proposing this "Er... you mean... um..." biting at her lip and taking a deep breath "You err... uh..."

Resam simply nodded before he got up, stretched, and started to take long and powerful of Karion's form, shuddering a bit. Karion for her part gave a little shiver as that powerful male form grew closer, and seemed to inspect her form stem to stern, that nose diving in all sorts of locations. It was almost distracting enough to pull her attention away from Resam lifting his leg.

"RESAM WHAT THE GODDESS DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?" Karion demanded rather loudly and with a great deal of displeasure about her muzzle.

"If I mark you with my scent, the other sabers aren't going to mess with you, meaning even if this does not take immediately, they won't be viable replacement candidates" Resam explained calmly as he started to line himself up with Karion's flank. Giving a sound that almost mimicked a sigh of relief a stream of hot, smelly piss sound found itself splashing against that pristine white fur causing a more then disgruntled look from the recipient.

Karion was boiling in that moment, feeling the splash of her brother's own piss now dripping down her fur and onto the floor beneath. She went to shake off, trying to get rid of the scent only to find that it like the scent of heat simply permeated the air. She wanted to gag on the combination of overpowering aroma, but that feral, feline part of her body seemed to drink it all in. The powerful masculine smell, the scent of estrus, all of it caused every inch of her body from ear tip to tail tip to tingle and twitch.

Lost in the thoughts of the powerful scents she barely even had time to brace herself as she felt Resam's weight upon her back, those powerful jaws wrapping around the scruff of her neck and holding her still. Karion could not help but raise those hind legs, moving her tail out of the way with haste and whimpering in a mixture of pleasure, surprise, and lust.

It didn't take long for Resam to find his mark, plunging that rigid feline rod into the other's barely tested depths elicited a yowl from Karion. Her claws sunk into the ground beneath, raking against the hay and mud while that barbed cock raked against her insides sending wave after wave of pleasure throughout the whole of her body. The pain she had expected from those barbs tempered by the sweltering heat that was clouding every thought in her mind.

Resam would buck his hips again and again, those furry white orbs slapping against Karion's inner thighs, that swollen, slick feline cunt squeezing at every inch that it could, milking and trying to coax the male into a swift climax.

It took little time for the two of them to find themselves in the throes of orgasm, each yowling and roaring into the empty barn with reckless abandon. Both their hearts raced, their bodies and fur coats covered in sweat, panting as they seemed to finally walk away from each other for a moment. With a bit of distance and a fair bit of panting, Karion didn't even seem to mind the fluids that now soaked her hind legs and inner thighs. If anything, it was a an almost soothing balm on the heat that was practically seeping from every pore.

Resam, even through his pants was still quiet, looking away, almost ashamedly as Karion had meandered off to a corner to recuperate. There were no words shared between the two, instead the quiet and eerie nature of the barn was all that an outsider might hear. The two were so locked in the primal, instinctual motions that when Resam walked over the Karion for a second time it took only moments for the druidess to present herself showing that heat swollen flower.

Growling and hopping upon her back once more these mating sessions would last for minutes but seemed to continue for hours throughout the night until both were exhausted and drained. The floor of the barn covered in evidence of their love making. Karion felt practically swollen from all the seed her brother's member had happily delivered, leaking from her swollen folds, and dripping onto the ground below.

The silence between the two was near deafening neither wanting to speak of the sheer pleasure they had both just enjoyed. Instead, they simply looked away from each other, huddled in separate parts of the Paddock, thinking about their activities. A swirl of emotions and thoughts danced in each cat's head, curious about what they had just done and curiouser still about the future that awaited them.