Me and My Bull Go to the Beach - Part 3 - Shark Bait and Mating

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#10 of Bunny Series, Season 1

Me and My Bull Go to the Beach - Part 3 - Shark Bait and Mating

By: DarkSerpent

Night had come on our little island. Drewy and I sat at a nice little retaurant on top a hill. To our left we could see the sun setting softly through the wall window. He smiled at me across the table the small candle between us flickering. God it was so romantic; his bright eyes glistening with the candle. I melted into my seat staring up at him.

"You are so handsome in this light you know that?" I asked blushing deeply. "No but I do know that you look adorable like this," He smiled and I ran my finger around my coke glass making a soft sound. He toke a swig of his and I ran my foot up his leg. He smirked and I giggled.

I let out a content sigh waiting for my lobster; he ordered the soft shell crab. I wasn't to ecstatic about going to the club. Now if just me and Drew we're going it would be fine. But I knew that little bitch Davis would be waiting for us. I knew the entire night he'd be hitting on my man. If he tried anything I'd rip that pretty fin right off his back.

Suddenly I snapped out of it as my plate was set down in front of me. I smiled at the whole lobster sitting in front of me. "Yum!" I yelled and five fried soft shell crabs were placed in front of Drew. We started to eat and I had a little trouble with the big claws. "Need help babe?" He asked and I smiled handing him the claw. With little effort he cracked the claw in half and I smacked my forehead. "Your so strong baby," I smiled and he handed the claw back to me. "Just a big crab claw babe," He smiled and popped a crab leg into his mouth.

I smiled and we ate till we were completely full. "Mmm...that was good," I rubbed my belly. "You said it baby," Drew did the same as i. Once the check came Drew laughed a little. "Sixty bucks; I'd be furious if we hadn't saved up for this," He spoke and set his visa card on the check. The waiter toke it away and he leaned over the table kissing me.

"Well I think the club is just down the street," He smiled. "Yep," I had nothing else to say about it and the waiter brought back the check. He signed and we stood up walking outside. Slowly it started to rain a little and we walked down the street. We saw the club and could hear the pounding music. A small line outside with a bear guarding the door. The shark stepped out and pointed to us and the bear moved aside letting us in.

I hesitantly fallowed Drew in. We stepped into the pounding music and the massive group of people dancing. I watched and grumbled as the shark grabbed his arm and directed us into the crowd. We stopped in the center of the crowd and this overgrown blue fin tuna had the nerve to wrap his arms around my boyfriend. I was just about to kill this fish when Drew stopped him. I couldn't hear what he said but the shark got the idea.

He turned around and I wrapped my arms around him. Davis came up behind him basically making him the meat in our sandwich. He was still a completely terrible dancer so he just swayed with us. I turned around grinding my bubble up against him. When I turned around he had been turned around again. Davis was trying to take my place.

I growled and I whipped Drew back around. I jumped up wrapping my legs around him kissing him softly. I peaked over his shoulder and stuck my tongue out at the fish. He narrowed his eyes not taking the hint. He disappeared into the crowd and I walked over to the bar getting a drink for us. We stood in a calm corner and drank.

Not four feet in front of us was a support pole for the building. Davis returned as wrapped his legs around it. He ground against it to the music. Drews eyes were glued to him as he slowly moved up and down the pole. I shook angry as he pushed his butt out for Drew to see. It wasn't better than mine; smaller and that big tail would probably make it hard.

"Wow," Drew gulped and I glared. I walked up grabbing his arm and dragging him to the bathroom. I shoved the fish against the wall. "What are you trying to pull?" I yelled and he smirked. "What do you mean? Your boy friend was the one staring at me...bunny," He smacked my nose. "Yeah only cause you were slutting you way up that pole," I smacked his nose back. "Well maybe I'm just more appealing than a little fuzz butt like yourself," He gave me a big toothy grin. "Well I know he wouldn't want you; who would want someone who smells like a dead crab," I grinned back.

Instantly we started yelling and arguing until we heard the door open slightly. "Everything ok in here?" Drew asked stepping me. We both quickly straitened up as he stepped in. "Alright what's going on; you two kept whipping me around; then you both run in here," He asked and we both looked down. "Well I think your really cute," Davis spoke fiddling with his tail. "He was flirting with you and I got jealous," I mumbled playing with me shirt. "So you two are fighting over me?" he asked and we both nodded. "Huh; well I won't say I;m not flattered but; Davis Adam is my boyfriend; I'm sorry but I'm spoken for," I say and he sighs.

"I understand; I'm sorry," Davis started to walk out. I grabbed his arm kinda feeling bad. "Well...look I know how it feels; I won't give him to you but maybe we can share him; but you have to remember he is mine," I sighed knowing I'd feel bad and it would haunt me. "Do you mean it?" He perked up and smiled. "Hey don't I get a say in this?" Drew smirked and I shook my head no. I lead the two of them back out onto the dance floor.

Once I knew he wasn't going to steal him from me I gladly let him dance with Drew. My hands wrapped around Drew's waist and I pushed my face into his back. Davis pushed back against him all three of us grinding. Davis suddenly let out a small squeak. I looked around to see what was wrong only to see Him pushed back against Drew's ever hardening cock. "He's really big," Davis lifted his long tail up around him. "If you want me to take you..." Drew looked back at me and smiled. "You have to let Adam loosen you up first," I was surprised; did he really want to see me take this shark. He hand swatted his butt and he nodded.

Drew lead both of us to the alley behind the club and smiled. He push Davis against the wall and pulled off his shirt. "You are pretty cute for a fish," Drew stepped back and looked at me. Without a word I moved up and softly kissed him. He tasted like salt water but it was kind of exciting knowing my daddy bull is making me take him. I pulled back and grabbed his ass. "I think you have to get me wet sharky," I ran my hand down the back of his head. His rough denticles feeling like sandpaper on my hands.

His kissed down my belly. I was very nervous about those extremely sharp teeth. He wrapped his lips around me pulling his teeth up not to hurt me. It was weird feeling having a shark sucking on me. His tongue ran against me and I felt his gills slowly move. He was breathing while sucking on me so the cold air would hit my dick in that warm mouth.

I pushed his head back stopping him. He looked up at me and licked his lips. "Time to loosen you up sharky," Drew said and I smiled as the shark stood and slid down his shorts. His two dicks stood erect up against his belly. "Very nice," I smirked as he turned and placed his hands on the wall. He pushed his butt out; his long tail wrapping around my chest. I grabbed his ass and pressed against him. With little resistance my pointed prick slid strait into him. He let out a loud groan as all three inches of me slid into him.

I admit I'm not very big. But I had enough to make this shark moan. I grabbed his hips and pulled back slowly before pushing back in. The shark under me started to push back as I fucked him. "Ah...your tight!" I groaned and he turned his head blushing. I looked over at Drew seeing his big cock out. He was rubbing himself slowly watching me take advantage of this shark. "Harder..." Davis begged under his breath and I slammed harder into his tight ass.

I held his hips hard hearing his cocks slapping against his belly. I pulled a truly bunny move. I leaned over him and wrapped my arms around his sides and I started to fuck him as hard as I could. My hips slapping his ass making him groan and dig his fingers into the brick wall. Suddenly I let out a loud moan and I released myself inside him. My cum squirted into his bottom and I gripped him.

"That was great," Davis smirked and Drew moved over. He went wide eye and his meat swung from side to side. He slid up behind him and I slid off of his ass. Drew swatted my bottom and I giggled. I grabbed his member and guided it to its target. "Push in daddy," I whispered into his ear. My cum added perfect lubrication as he shoved in filling the shark beyond his limits. He jolted up groaning and I smiled sliding between his legs.

I licked his cocks feeling his heartbeat and Drew heartbeat as well. The pulsing energy rushed through him as I sucked both of the heads. He pulled back slowly and he slammed back into him making his cocks jump in my mouth. I giggled and swallowed them both as Drew started to fuck him furiously. His grunts being so familiar. I could tell he was planning on giving the shark the time of his life.

My tongue teased his balls and it was the first time I'd ever seen Drews massive balls slamming against someone. It was so hot just seeing him having his way with a willing participant. His big hands gripped his sides as he pounded away. "Fuck me...faster," Davis yelled out loud and Drew fucked him faster. I loved the naughty squishing sounds echoing through the alley. Suddenly I felt his cocks jumped and he came onto my face. I licked his cocks softly catching what was left.

I giggled wiping my face. I could hear drew whispering naughty things to him meaning he was close. "Such a tight little whore," He started to pound him harder and harder until suddenly he mooed. I watched his balls throbbing as he filled up the sharks ass. I grabbed them and massaged them gently just before he pulled out. I quickly caught the tip catching whatever wasn't lost inside the shark. He smacked his ass and the shark turned around leaning on the wall. "That was...amazing," He gasped as we all three got dressed. Drew kissed me and I kissed Davis afterwards and we all three headed inside.

We spent the next few hours dancing with each other. Once we headed home Davis went one direction and we went the other. Drew slid his arm around me and I leaned against him. "That was pretty fun," I said leaning against him. "Yes and we were a good sport," he hugged me and I smiled.

The rest of the week we spent loving each others company. One day we went out early and watched the dolphins in the surf. While another we hiked through the jungle. Davis joined us everyday and I didn't mind. But the last day of our trip I made sure to get drew to myself. It was his twentieth birthday. I would be twenty one in three months. It made me laugh that I was almost a year older than him but he was the dominate one.

I got up early and made him a nice big breakfast. "Drewy?" I sang from the doorway and he opened his eyes. He sat up, yawned, and scratched his head. His eyes went wide when he saw me in the doorway. I wore nothing but a skirt and a smile. "Morning sleepy head; your breakfast is ready," I giggled and brought his tray over to him. I set it next to him and he started to eat while he ate I kept kissing his chest and neck roughly.

I knew I was driving him crazy. I kissed his check softly and ran my hand between his legs rubbing his member under the tray. "Mm, This big python is all mine; And I want it now daddy bull," I whispered into his ear and rubbed it roughly. I squeezed it softly and ran my hand along it. He finished his breakfast and set the tray aside. He leaned in close and whispered something into my ear softly. "I want to try to sixty nine you," He whispered gently. I nodded and smiled.

He laid back with his head against the pillows and I straddled his neck. I bent forward and pulled the sheet of his hidden manhood. It bounced up as if to say hi and I kissed the tip gently. I ran my tongue around the edge of the head and slowly ran my tongue along the slit. He let out long sigh of contentment and I felt his hand grab my balls. He toyed with them gently and I lifted my tail up moaning gently.

As his strong hands worked me I opened my mouth as far as possible and slowly slid down on him. My jaw opening as I engulfed his massive member. Slowly he slid down my throat till my nose met his balls. I smiled and suckled him inhaling his deep masculine scent. I lifted up and released him; a drop of his pre cum perched on the tip of his cock like a gemstone. It glistened with the sunlight and I leaned it slowly licking it off. I felt his hands grab my furry tail and his finger tease my boy pussy.

I jumped as he pushed it in. My feet pushed against his horns and I clamped around his finger. He finger fucked me as I sucked on his head. "I wanna fuck you baby," He ran his hand along my back. I nodded and released him from my lips and kept him laying down. I turned and sat on his lap letting his cock run up between my ass. "Say please," I giggled. "Please Adam let me have you; let me make love to my bunny," He whispered into my ear and I melted. He knew what I wanted to hear and he used it against me.

I motioned so that he pressed against my ass and I pushed down. With a faint pop he was in and I moved down till I sat on his lap. His hands ran up my belly and twisted my nipples softly. His chest was against mine. I grabbed his horns and used them to lift myself up and let myself drop back down onto him. "That's it ride'em cowboy," He smacked my ass and I groaned. "Oh yes...buck up into me...let me ride my cow boy," I groaned and he started to buck up into me.

"Shit! YOU FUCK ME SO GOOD!" I nearly screamed and he pounded up into me harder. My voice was shaking as my ass bounced on him. He destroyed my boy pussy; he was determined to make me his permanently. The scent of sex and musk filled the room and I felt him suddenly slow. He fucked me gently. "You're my boy you know that; do you want to be fucked like a women?" He asked and I nodded blushing deeply.

He laid me under him without pulling out and I wrapped my legs around him. He fucked me slowly and passionately. His massive cock throbbing inside me. He was so gentle and strong. He was usually so rough that it amazed me that he could be such a caring and gentle lover.

He leaned down kissing me softly our tongue running against each other. I wrapped my arms around him and I felt different. I felt much closer to him. I usually felt like we were just having sex this was that step further. This wasn't just fucking this was making love with each other. Time slowed and I could only speak his name over and over. No pain at all but it felt like my ass was opening and closing to let him in and out. I suddenly felt a wet spot between us. The scent of cum filled the air. I had cum and not realized it.

He kissed my softly and I felt him cum inside. It was very thick this time; and there was a lot. Enough to fill me up completely. It was like our animal instincts toke over completely. I had become a mate my body was reacting just as his was. I was opening like a had a womb and his body was trying to impregnate me. It was a truly other worldly experience as we both slowly came to a stop.

He pulled out gently and I went limp. His hand ran along my face and we kissed gently. Tomorrow we would leave paradise and head back home. In a few weeks college would begin again. I would be a third year and he would be a second. I knew Drew now. Nearly a year had passed since our first meeting. The collision in the hallway, the party, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas with Meme, my accident, Valentines day, and now our first vacation and true mating. Life was good as I hoped it would always be.

Goodbye Paradise

The End