Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 17

Story by Candysnake on SoFurry

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#19 of Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse

Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse


"Do you need me to...collect, while I'm out?" he asked with a blush, the older dragoness shaking her head.

"It would be appreciated but your contributions Ember supplied will be more than enough for a while."

Looking at the door, he sighed to himself. "Should I...indulge other girls if I happen across them out there?"

She huffed a little. "It's a hard call, and we've been debating it with the Guardians. It's a conflict between forcing them to leave or wait when they really shouldn't, or risking manipulation in a remote area with your children. But in the end...what happens, happens, even with our strictest measures there will undoubtedly be some issues. All I can say is...exercise your utmost best discretion. But for now, honestly, I would rather you wait and simply focus on the portals and return to Cynder as quickly as possible before winter truly sets in. Perhaps take note of needy girls for a spring run of breeding if it ails your heart that badly. Safety is top priority at this time."

"Before you leave," came her sister's voice behind him, "we just finished this for you."

"What is that?" he asked, eyeing the armor pieces her assistant was carrying.

"Elementally charged armor, as you and Cynder wore during your travels, but these will keep you warm. And, the codpiece is for this herbal treatment," she explained as she showed him the soft cushioning inside the metal plate. "These leaves will go underneath this top layer of fabric, just pull them out and tuck them in with your claws like so. They will help you train your pheromone dispersal."

"How's that?" he reluctantly asked with a nervous blush.

"A fresh leaf every two or three days will help quell the natural production of pheromones from your scrotum, at the same time producing a small, unique sensation. Focus on this sensation and practice making it on your own with muscle tension, and you should gradually condition your body to stop producing these pheromones passively. They will still be produced and emitted regardless of the herbs when you are aroused or having sex, but this will help train your body to stop the production when you do not desire to seduce a partner."

Spyro was cringing through the whole explanation, but sighed and nodded.

"One leaf for each testicle will suffice for now unless the production is stronger than we expected, and we've provided you with a pouch of leaves that, at a regular changeout of two to three days, should last you for about two months. We'll have to run some exams when you return to make sure they're working. If it is not we'll move on to some salves that Cynder can apply to your testicles nightly, I'm sure she'd enjoy that."

"I mean, maybe I could stay an extra day to see if it works..."

"It'll take at least three days of usage to see a marked effect if any. Don't tarry on your portal duty."

"Right...thanks." It felt so awkward maneuvering the pebble-tacked armor plate over his nads in front of them, but it was surprisingly well-crafted and cushiony, and kept his balls from knocking against his thighs with every step. "Oh...that's...actually really nice. What's the rest of the armor for though?" he asked as he lightly ground the codpiece against his groin, shifting the soft fabric against his sheath and sack to better feel the support.

"Would be terribly awkward for you to only be wearing that, wouldn't it?"

"...Good point, yes."

"Just withdraw them into your magic storage as needed, but do try to keep the lower piece on as much as you can. It's made to sleep in, but do give your parts some freedom as well."

"Thanks. Hopefully I won't be gone too long."


With that he took off from the Temple, winging in place at a distance to gaze back at it. In the cool gray light of incoming snow clouds, it felt a bit dismal and barren, especially with the browning plants everywhere. Spyro couldn't help shaking his hips as he hovered, reveling a little in the pleasant hug of his new codpiece. With how heavy his bits had gotten from this curse, sometimes his sack felt very sore or even chafed after a long day. It was nice to not feel them brushing everywhere under his tail for once, like when they'd been smaller. Finally, he took off.

It was strange to leave his home without a target destination in mind. The urgency of finding a good spot combined with the sheer uncertainty of any direction was an unusual conflict for him. Usually, on these distant trips, he had partners to travel with, others to assist and interact with...but this time he was completely on his own and had to remain so.


No, he couldn't go ask Sparx to accompany him. It felt a bit too soon to pull their god away for an unknown leisure trip. Sparx would ideally have to know about the location though, in case they had to retreat. He bit his lip.

Maybe a visit would be a good idea though. Sparx's network of dragonfly information could possibly be a useful source of tips for good places to hide, after all. That was the key to their continued survival.

Yeah...the more he thought on it, it seemed a better idea to at least try there first and chill with his brother for a bit, without the pressure of being home in time for Cynder's laying. It would take some time to discuss ideas and break away from the Atllawas, but...the pros were outweighing the cons, especially since no one else knew about his mission and he could just casually pry as if he needed the knowledge in case of having to perform rescues against golems.

Actually, that too was a very valid point. The juggernaut-bird golem had actively tried to attack the dragonflies, so he needed to know potential other spots that may or may not have troubles or might be good spots to hide.

Wind power surrounded him, a purple streak jetting through the sky to get some distance from the Temple. As strong as he was, it was too taxing for him to lightning-jump and blanket the sonic blast at the same time. Technically, he could use light to travel too, but he had to couple that with his time control and that was a whole other headache. Sweeping high into the clouds, the air thinned around him and his ears popped. With an all-body flash, electricity jolted all across his scales and with a crackling clap of thunder he was gone several miles in a single jump.

Spyro really disliked this form of transport, but it was the fastest and most reliable for accuracy. The electricity coursing along his body felt horribly uncomfortable, and if enemies were paying attention they could still track him from the thunderclaps. The only other means he had for silent transport was wind, but for covering vast areas, it was still too slow unless he created sonic booms, which made his gut hurt.

There was also shadow, technically, but that was much harder to use for crossing the ocean like he was right now.

Shaking his head and shivering to clear off the weird tingling sensation, and get his bearings, he couldn't help some more thought on this current plan. Maybe he could spend more than just a few hours at Tall Plains. After all, the Atllawas still saw him as a god. Maybe 'blessing' them with his presence for a day or two would do some good. It would certainly give him time to catch up with his brother and discuss various potential secret spots.

Then again, he didn't want to leave Cynder waiting too long...but her getting pregnant from Flame and even potentially curing his sterility could take time and exposure. Was it it his Patriarch side fussing about not having a welcoming warm embrace for his dick? He growled and shook his head again, then performed another lightning jump. Still open ocean as far as he could see around himself, but there were a few tall pillars of white stone in the distance to the west, as good a start as any. With some wind control again, it didn't take long to find a familiar pillar and work his way from there.

Past tall rock pillars, over collapsed ancient bridges, skirting some abandoned overgrown pillar terrace fields, and soon he was flying over familiar jungle territory, with a rebuilt temple in the distance guiding him to the Tall Plains village. No one was out and about though, to his confusion. Heading to the Temple and smirking with a humored shake of his head at the extra statues of his likeness added since his last visit, he found Sparx and Stella going over some scrolls covered in every inch with colorful ink.

"Security's a bit lax here for a temple..." he said, the two practically jumping at the sound of his voice.

"DUDE! Send word or somethin'!"

"What, afraid he'd catch us doing something...inappropriate?" Stella asked with a giggle. "From the sound of things it'd be karma, really."

"That it would be," Spyro replied, padding up to them. "What's up?"

"History lessons...or their idea of it anyway," Sparx grunted. "I need a stretch break anyway. Why're you here though?"

"Passing through, wanted to catch up a bit, see how things are settling."

"Decently enough I guess." Leaning over to Stella, he held her hand to get her attention, then gave her a small kiss, the purple bug girl giggling softly. "Hey. Gonna head out. Get your eyedrops and some rest, okay?"


It was a fairly quiet walk to the edge of the village, neither of them really saying anything until they came to a brick lookout at the edge of the pillar. "So what's with the pants?" Sparx asked with a smirk, crossing his arms. "Cynder put ya in chastity?"

"And how would you know what that is?"

"You pick up quite a few things you don't wanna know when you're lookin' for info on things."

"No, it's not chastity. The Matron sisters gave me this so my balls aren't knocking my thighs all the time with how big they've gotten."

"Probably also just for decency."

"Well, that too, but mostly just for comfort."

The dragonfly's smile faded a little, then completely as thoughts came across his mind. "She already had the eggs, didn't she."

"Yep. Not long ago. Dunno when they'll hatch though..." With a heavy sigh and a flap of his wings against the growing sun heat, he gazed off into the cloudy distance. "Apparently dragon eggs can go for centuries before hatching, if they don't feel it to be right. At least another...three? months normally, which is what we're hoping for. But this...breeder stuff, I hope they don't pick up on it as a stressor. Cynder's so anxious to see our babies. They're the first new dragons born into the world since the Destroyer war."

"You're not out here to breed, are ya?"

"No. But, I do need your help with something."

"It's not gonna take me away from my godhood duties, is it?"

"What duties do you even have?"

"Right now, memorizing their lore. But they did stumble across some'a their old magic doohickey stuff that might let my own magic power do stuff for them."

"You, having magic?"

"Supposedly. Gonna hafta see how that rolls out. It's part of their lore too, so if I'm gonna be a proper god, I gotta...study. Yech."

"How's Stella taking to all this?"

"Pretty great so far, though she'd having trouble getting used to the weather up here. It gets intense, dude. And since she navigates using smells, sounds, pressures, and other things we're not used to, her getting around is pretty susceptible to the weather."

"Gonna get her pregnant soon?" Spyro asked with a smirk, the golden bug blushing and rubbing his neck in embarrassment at that.

"Dude, can we...not, right now?"

"Something wrong?"

"No, just..."

"Whaaaat, you were poking at Cynder and me about sex for so long, but you can't take what you dished out?"

"You don't have a tribe depending on you."

"No, just my literal species."

"It's...weird, here, about sex stuff. Stella an' I wanna start a family..."

"Wow, you sure you're ready for that on top of godhood?"

"No, bro, I'm not! But even with that, the Atllawa are very strict about sexual topics. Iunno how it happens but their female heat cycles are all synced up, and sex is forbidden outside of those times, except for certain festivals or religious observances. An' all their goat-people kids are born around the same time of year too. Us dragonflies livin' here are expected to follow the same observances, even though our biology is way different."

"Sex is...forbidden? Yikes..."

"Well, they spend their days farming, fishing, hunting, and all other sorts'a chores. From the time they wake up to the time they sleep they don't leave themselves much free time, except for certain daily prayer sessions and the like. Technically they have a lot of free time but they spend it on keeping themselves busy. They think indulgence in lust, gluttony, material greed, an' all that will invite the Kraken to the world again."

Spyro couldn't help rolling his eyes at that. "Hell, then Cynder and I alone are damning the world."

"Thought's crossed my mind quite a few times, yeah. But we're still months away from that estrus sync-up thing, then it's...basically a sex festival."

"What's this 'Kraken' though?"

With a roll of his eyes Sparx lifted his arms to stretch his back, giving a drawn-out grunt of exasperation. "Yeah, y'know how we thought this draconic ancestral worship stuff was a nutjob's self-indulgent fantasizing gone wrong?"

"You thought that."

"Point is, well, their beliefs here are...it's like a fever-dream, and not the good kind either. See, they believe the world started in an ocean of nothingness made of fire, light, and primordial metals."

"Nothingness, but substance..."

"Yeah. It's some sort of thing 'our mortal minds can't comprehend'....like, dude, I lived this shit on our adventure, nothing made sense to my mortal mind."

"You didn't exactly try though, Sparx, I did have to spell things out for you. Sometimes still do."

"Yeah yeah, whatevs. But anywho, this ocean of nothingness had clouds for mountains and rivers of pure fire and water made of crystal. There were no stars yet, just this endless ocean of nothingness of metal, fire, light, crystal, it keeps getting more convoluted as the tale goes. Then there was this gathering of intelligent force between the crystal water and the fire rivers and they struggled for dominance, while this other intelligence turned the cloud mountains into a pillar to watch the fight from. The fire melted the crystal and the water put out the fires and everything turned to steam and ash, and the warring smarts fused into a faceless, ever-hungry god made of tentacles and darkness. The Kraken. It tried to eat all the steam, but the pressure made it explode and its fragments pierced the darkness and those became the stars. The llama god atop the pillar - yeah, he's suddenly a llama god where there were no gods, I have no idea how it turned from primordial smartness to a god - he jumped away from the Kraken and it shattered the pillar, and Tall Plains was made. Llama god took the remnant of the universal ocean to forge the world, using Tall Plains pillars as pins to hold it together, and trapped the Kraken in the core. He made the sun to shine on the world and give it light so the Kraken had no darkness to hide in, and the moon to reflect the sun, but the Kraken escaped and used the remainder of its steam to form the oceans. Because of the sun, it can't climb the pillars. But the Atllawa have a deep fear of water, probably because they've spent their lives up here where it's a deadly fall anyway. But they believe that indulgence in immorality weakens the world and lets the Kraken escape. How that works, I have no idea bud, it escaped and lurks in the oceans supposedly yet this belief in world-weakening is like it's still trapped in the core. But you an' Cynder were in there. No Kraken."

"Yeah...no hundred-armed giant fish demon thing in there. Just an enormous purple crystal that sucked up Malefor."

"They were insisting that the Destroyer was the Kraken in a giant war armor."

Spyro couldn't help a small laugh at that. "And what, I'm officially a god for defeating it? I mean, we didn't even fully kill it anyway, it..." His smile faded at the sting of the memory of that foul golem completing the Ring of Fire. Sparx opened his mouth to shoot some snark but it died on his tongue at the look on his brother's face.

"Point is it's gone and you saved the world."

"We saved the world. You helped."

"Yeah, like, one percent."

"Still better than zero."

"I guess. It just...bugs me that I couldn't do more."

"The Ring of Fire and the fight in the core would've killed you for sure. There wasn't much else you could do with us. You survived and got the others to safety now. Not everyone can carry the world on their shoulders."

"Everyone does their part, yadeyada. I know. It's all I hear now after the move. Everything out here is everyone doing their small parts to contribute to the greater whole."

"You've been doing too much thinking, Sparx, you're not usually this much of a downer."

Crossing his arms, the dragonfly shrugged. "I feel like I'm turning into an old fart at the Temple. Your temple, not mine. Feels like I know how Terrador feels all the time, tired and grumpy because life sucks with all this responsibility. I miss just chillin' in the swamp without a care beyond finding food or avoiding the odd frogweed."

"Welcome to my world the last few years. You need to find a way to make it good. And not just Stella."

"I know, dude...I'm just tired. It's a huge culture shock here, new environment to learn and watch out for, having to spend time studying and possibly practicing some arcane voodoo magic I may or may not have...if I didn't have Stella here by my side I might go crazy. It's a lot all at once. You an' Cynder got to ease into your lifestyle. Except for this breeder stuff, but you've gotten even that slowly doled out."

"I guess. But you sound like you're regretting being a bigshot savior."

"I...don't know what to think, and I barely get any time to think to myself either. I'm just hoping all this history and lore stuff stops bein' such a drag soon so I can get that kinda time."

"And what are the dragonflies doing to contribute here?"

"Scouting the jungle, really. Ever since the world got chunked up, plants and animals have been going nuts, as you've seen. Tall Plains ain't immune. There are weird creatures the Attlawa have never seen before. Not golems like that rock snake, flesh and blood critters, but...they're still dangerous. During the day we can zip around the jungle more easily, night's dangerous for all of us."

"Where does your magic play into the lore then?"

"I have no clue, dude, that's up next I guess."

"Is Stella reading the scrolls with you?"

"Trying, at least. Their shaman made her some 'blessed extract'. Iunno about the blessing part but it seems to be working a little. If she looks real close at the scrolls she can make out a few letters, so I'm tryin' to teach her and some of the others how to read. O'course, I'm also having to learn the Attlawas' language too."

"Yikes, you sure are busy."

"Dude, their alphabet has eighteen letters across four cases depending on word inflection, and an even bigger system of glyphs for words and actions instead of letters. And these can be used interchangeably. It's a nightmare, at least the language the Guardians taught us was more linear."

"Well, I know who to send my kids to for cultural exchange lessons. But why are they asleep right now?"

"It's some sorta midday nap during the winter seasons when harvests aren't all that great. It's also...I guess...preparation time for the mating festival. Technically they're not supposed to have sex until then, but...well, touching each other is permitted right now during the midday naps. I guess it's to relieve the year's tensions."

"Seems to be making you more tense."

Sparx didn't really reply to that, staring into the distance again. "So, what're you here for?" he finally asked.

"I need to find some places to...possibly escape to."

"To get away from Cynder?"

Rolling his eyes, Spyro huffed. "This breeder stuff is...very, very dicey business, what with making all the other bigshot males impotent."

It took the gold bug a few moments for that to sink in. "...Oh....shit. You mean it could actually start a war?"

"That's...what the Guardians are afraid of. And if conflicts do arise because of it - mostly, others being hateful of me for having all the breeding power - our family is very likely to be targeted, out of spite, powerlust, desperation, whatever. So I need to find some remote spots to build a personal portal at so Cynder and I can get our eggs to safety. I hate the idea of running away but...it would be necessary for our kind's survival, until we find a way to restore male virility or break this curse. It's...gonna take time to figure out how this works, and unfortunately that requires the eggs hatching safely and the kids growing up. So we're looking at twenty, maybe thirty years if these eggs hatch on schedule instead of going dormant."

Sparx was still staring off at the clouds while he thought it over, looking unusually stoic. "So you'd go and hide and raise your family in the meantime."

"It sucks...but yes. The Matrons worry that magic fanatics might think my death would disperse the curse's effects...but for all we know that could also completely doom all dragons, and then the world since we're so vital to the world's essence." Growling to himself, he fanned himself with his wings again. "There are just too many unknowns, and that's the worst part about war...with the unknowns, desperation sinks in, and desperation leads to thoughtless action. Usually harmful."


"I have a base portal made at home. It's key-locked, so only Cynder or I could activate it, and the Guardians showed me how to make a portal that reconstructs itself in the presence of a keyholder."

"Portals are a thing now?"

"Yeah. They've been working on it for a while now, but the breeder issue put a lot more pressure on it..."

"Because of the travel and communication logistics...also keeping tabs on families to prevent abuse for the new generations."


Rubbing his neck, Sparx huffed again. "Never a dull life for you, huh."

"Seems not."

"Lemme talk with the others. I might know some spots, but I'd need to make sure."


"It'll take me a day or two though. If I slack too much for chitchat it won't look too good."

"And me waiting here won't be enough of a distraction?"

"....Point. I'll see what I can do. But uh...remember how fervent they were last time you dropped by? Don't be too weirded out."

Spyro shrugged and followed Sparx back to the temple, just in time for some of the Atllawa to be waking up. All of a sudden the entire village was in an excited uproar again and Spyro couldn't really tell what was going on.

Especially when he was ushered to a large, angled stone slab that would've looked like a sacrificial altar if it had bloodstains. There were stains everywhere, but no blood. "What's going on?" he asked as the two-legged llama people prodded and nudged him to lie on his back on the sun-warmed stone. Instead of a definite response, just some giggles from females around him, and soon they were unclipping his codpiece. "Hey!" he yipped, but with all the fervent paws fondling everything they could reach of his body, he couldn't move well. Dexterous fingers began kneading and massaging his wings, his neck, his legs, his belly, his tail, exploring his scales and rubbing him down. He had to admit, they were very good at it, making him relax against the warm stone. At least, until several sets of furry fingers started to knead his exposed sack and sheath, getting him hard in a matter of seconds. "Hey uh...wha..." he groaned, then growled out in pleasure, toes curling as tens of fingers started stroking all over his massive tool.

"Uuuuugh...of course they would," came Sparx's voice nearby.

"Sparx what're they doin'..."

"It's a harvest fertility ritual," was all the gold bug said before zipping off back to the Temple.

"Spaaarrx!" he groaned out, huffing and squirming. It felt so good! The purple dragon couldn't help himself, arching up off the altar with a low roar and a small blast of fire that made the Atllawa by his head jump back in alarm, a split-second before his cock throbbed hard enough to jerk away from their grasp and start pulsing everywhere with thick, sticky ropes. Cries of surprise rose up around him as they watched in shock, quite a few of them getting splattered from the fallout arcing over them. Panting as he came back down from his high, Spyro groaned in afterglow, hips bucking slightly with the aftershocks of his climax forcing a few more dribbles out. There was excited clamor all around him.

"They were supposed to get your consent first," came a strict voice of disapproval nearby, the crowd hushing. Kane was standing there with his arms crossed. "I know the harvest is suffering this year but his consent was necessary, you know."

Spyro took a deep breath to try to steady himself. "I wasn't expecting this by a long shot but...it wasn't unpleasant either, I guess. Just awkward."

"Honestly..." Kane growled, shaking his head and rubbing his muzzle. "Well, what's done is done."

Spyro looked around at the uncertain and somewhat hopeful gazes looking back up at him. "What the heck...I could use the relaxation I guess."

With Flame and Ember to distract her, Cynder didn't feel the usual loneliness or anxiety of Spyro being gone on another trip. She did miss him, but with Flame casually mounting her any time his shaft got hard, and Ember sharing funny stories when he wasn't on her, it felt like...a normal day, more normal than other days she'd spent by herself.

Maybe it was a good thing she'd gone for so long with just Spyro, to build up that contrast of isolation to this newfound...belonging? Was that the sensation? Whatever it was, it was quite nice to have a familiar face around.

"Damn, I wish I could hold as much as you do..." Ember mused with a bit of a jealous tone, watching Cynder rubbing her swollen belly while scribbling at her notebook of recipes. The pink dragoness groaned out and bucked back as her red brother slowly, sensually rolled his hips over her and buried his shaft into her needy depths.

"And this is just anal," Cynder replied with a grin, patting the remnants of Spyro's last ejaculation into her belly before he'd headed off. "Can't wait to feel him swell my womb again though..."

"That's gonna take a while to get to..." Flame replied, grabbing his sister's hips and giving her a few sharp thrusts, making her squeal out in delight. "It's amazing that Spyro's cum can settle estrus so fast, but...if mine does regain any strength...it'll take a few weeks to a month to know for sure."

"Yeah...that's gonna suck. Maybe he should cum inside you a few times and see if that jumpstarts your balls."

"Oh I wish..." Flame murred, eyes rolling back and tail hiking at the thought of Spyro's generous length getting buried in him. "Although...Volteer kinda made a pass at us, I think. It's hard to understand when he's spouting a hundred words a minute."

"Both of you?" Cynder asked, eyes wide with surprise.

"Hey, why not?" Ember asked with a grin. "If he needs to drain his balls, wouldn't be the first elder I've had in me."

"Or me," Flame added, bucking up into her and grinding his sheath on her clit, making her bite her lip on the verge of climax.

"I almost want to ask how many you've had sex with but the possibility scares me."

Ember giggle-moaned, humping back against her brother with the motions. "I've lost count. But if a guy earns my trust, he's free to sheath himself in me."

"Speaking of...you two have mentioned having sex with your parents a lot. How old were you when that started?"

They glanced at each other and traded grins. "Kind of...complicated to answer that. I mean, our parents let us touch and explore their parts when we got curious about it, even when they were in the middle of having sex. Ember really liked watching dad's balls moving when he mounted either of our moms."

"So hot..." she drooled.

"We didn't start having sex with them though for a while, at most it was maybe Ember licking dad's penis after he ejaculated, or me mimicking him licking our moms. Penetration was something we had to work up to because of the size difference, so...technically...I guess the first time we had 'sex' was when were were about nine? which is when most kids start getting sexually active anyway. But dad only got his tip in us at first."

Cynder watched as the red dragon gritted his teeth and gripped his sister's hips, plowing into her, Ember clawing at the floor and panting with a wide dopey grin and eyes rolled back. The two rolled their hips back and forth together in perfect sync, then both groaned out and shuddered with an all-body ripple, Flame's tail flagging behind him with each rush of his orgasm creaming his sister's insides. Ember panted and purred, slumping onto the floor. Tenting his wings around her, Flame settled onto Ember's back and started nibbling and licking her neck, still gently thrusting his hips to grind his sheath against her sensitive button while they recovered. The pink dragoness purred and wiggled back against him, eyes closed in afterglow contentment. Cynder grinned at the sight, wondering to herself how cute it would be to see her own children enjoying such a loving togetherness themselves. Flame churred to his sister and slowly licked along her face, Ember purring louder and enjoying the affection.

"When did you know you were...'the ones' for each other?"

"I guess we always did...just didn't actually recognize or admit it until we were separated by the wars." Flame kissed his pink-scaled sibling and she relaxed under him, resting her chin on her paws. He kept slowly rolling his hips, gently stroking his penis in her depths. "I was nervous another guy might take her before I could let her know I was still alive with dad. Spyro helped me get back to Warfang safely. But when we met back up..."

Ember giggled to herself. "He was a total klutz. Stumbled all over himself and nearly pissed himself with excitement."

"Did not!"

"Did too! And you were hard as a rock just bounding across the street!"

"No I wasn't!"

She laughed and swatted his cheek. "Were too! The marketers were horrified! You nearly cost me several commissions you doofus!"

Cynder was tittering quietly at the bickering.

"Can you blame me? I thought you were dead...or worse, taken...and I'd been searching all over the city against floods of others doing the same!"

She glanced back at Cynder and smirked. "He mounted me right at the counter in front of my friends and my boss."

"No!" she laughed.

"Yep! Shoved his dick into me and started going to town."

"You were waving your ass at me once I got into the shop."

"Details, shmetails."

"Wasn't your boss upset?" Cynder asked.

"He was pissed, but all of us apprentices were pretty casual about sex together so it wasn't anything he hadn't seen before." Rubbing where she'd swatted her brother, she kissed him and churred. "But soon as he filled me up he asked me to be his mate."

"No, you asked me to be yours! Amaranth was telling me for weeks afterwards about how you kept pining for me and staring out the windows."

"No, I remember you gripping my hips like you always do just before you cum, and then soon as you finished ejaculating you said 'Ember, be my mate forever'."

"Nah, after your boss let us finish that romp he kicked us out for the day and you were crying and begged me to be your mate."


Cynder just rolled her eyes with a humored smirk, remembering very well her own proposal event with Spyro. Soon as they'd calmed down from finding out they were alive in Avalar after the fight in the Core, Spyro had been all blushes and awkwardness but had asked her to be his mate, telling her that after everything they'd just gone through, all he wanted was a quiet life with her. That memory, and their first time having sex that night, were her two most precious happy memories so far. Perhaps laying the eggs should be equal with that? But part of her was also anxious about potentially having to give her eggs for adoption still, or...that they might not survive. Seeing them hatch, she was sure, would be her most treasured memory for sure.

"Cynder, you there?"

"Huh?" she squeaked, finding Flame standing before her.

"Thinkin' about stuff?"


"You hungry? I'm gonna go get some food for you two."

"Mmmm...kind of, thank you. I am hungry...but more for...something else..." she trailed off with a playful smirk and a wiggle of her hips, the fire dragon grinning toothily.

"I should be recharged enough by the time I get back...gotta make sure I get you pregnant, after all." With that he ducked out of the room and Ember stretched languidly on their shared bed, Cynder slipping onto the pseudo-nest of softs she'd arranged for herself nearby. She carefully pulled her eggs out of the incubator and nuzzled them into place against herself, purring and nosing gently all over the shells, letting her sensitive muzzle check for any cracks or deformities or cold spots. A musing sigh made her glance up at Ember, the pink dragoness watching her with a hint of envy.

"Can't wait to meet my own eggs..."

"How many are you hoping for?"

"As many as I can get!" She lifted her wing a little to look at her own belly, slightly round now but not much different from her previously trim self before Spyro had filled her. "Honestly...I mean, I'll be happy if I get even one healthy egg, but...I would love to have a huge clutch and a big belly to rub. Flame loves pregnant girls, and I wanna be that for him too. He kept himself in check around you but he was...extremely excited by your huge belly."

"Mmmm..." Cynder sighed. "Sorry...I hope that...didn't cause any tension for you. Not like I can control how many eggs I have...not yet anyway."

"It was...a bit disappointing that I couldn't be that big for him. But...maybe now? I really hope so...how long did it take your belly to start showing?"

"Oh geez...um. I wanna say maybe two months and then it just ramped up faster from there by the day? Honestly I wasn't keeping track of time, we were just too happy and excited by it to pay attention to much else beyond day to day living."

"How long did it take you to...well...take his entire penis?"

Cynder giggled and purred. "Mmmm...probably a year I guess. But he wasn't always that long. When we first started having sex, he couldn't touch my cervix even when he was sheath deep in me. But over the year he started getting longer and longer, and it...hurt a lot when he tried to get all the way in, but with practice it stopped hurting and started feeling good. He wasn't bulging my belly like he does until about two years after we became mates."

"And that bulging doesn't hurt at all?"

Shaking her head, she grinned. "Nope~ He was so mortified when we first realized it was happening, but for me it was extremely pleasurable. And...really freaking hot..."

"What about in your throat?"

"That wasn't as long. I was taking him to the sheath after...I guess half a year? And my throat doesn't have a cervix so I guess as he got longer I got conditioned to it. I think I gagged on him a few times but...yeah. I just really love sucking on him..."

Ember grinned at her recent memory of being with Spyro all night. "You're so lucky. So much penis to play with...I wish I could drink all that delicious seed."

"Are there...recipes, anywhere, that use...cum?"

At that, Ember stared at her in surprise, then started laughing. "Not that I know of! I'm not really the one to ask there though, Flame says I'm a really picky eater. He'd know more than I do there. I'd imagine there are quite a few with how casually sexual most of our kind are? I know the Furs have a few uses for their own breast milk. There are a few recipes for dragon eggs too. The duds, of course."


"The infertile ones, like that smaller seventh one you laid. A lot of girls generate duds when they have an active sex life. The eggs don't contain a baby, just the yolk and other stuff. Even a lot of the older females still lay a few duds here and there, especially those who had very active sex lives or lots of children."

Her mind was rolling at that. "So...what, you just get filled with cum at night and lay an egg for breakfast?"

Ember laughed again. "Sometimes!"


Her laughs faded into a soft, sad sigh. "I...I really, really hope this works...Flame getting you pregnant..."

"I hope he's not upset at his sterility."

"He is. He tries not to show it but...it was a very sharp blow to his pride. Like it will be for many guys. At least he can brush it off. But he's...he's very excited at the idea of being able to personally get me pregnant after this. And I want it too...so very much..."

"I hope it works then...but I also hope that just being near me can counteract it, because if a guy has to impregnate me to regain his virility...I don't think I can carry the eggs of every single male in the world."

"Yeah no, that's even worse than Spyro's predicament of breeding every girl. I kinda hope he can male up and do that himself soon. Flame loves the job, but he's only one guy."

"Heh...yeah...I know. I think his time with you and Jeela helped sort him out, but we'll see how he is when he gets back."

Not long after, Flame returned with a cloth bag full of leaf-wrapped steaming meat buns. Carefully setting it down near the girls, he grinned proudly. "Lunch is served, m'ladies."

"Thanks hun," Ember replied, snatching up a bun and nipping into it. "Mmmmm!"

"Thank you, Flame." Cynder was more gracious with her indulgence, giving a careful nibble at the food. "Oh my...that's loaded with spices...very tasty."

"While that warms your gullet..." He stepped over her and gently but firmly grabbed her hips, sheathing his hard shaft into her again, "shall I warm your womb once more?"

"Please~" she purred, grinding back on him, her belly jiggling under her with Spyro's load still sitting heavy. Purring between bites, she enjoyed the slower, more sensual breeding this time, Flame giving her long, deep strokes of his shaft and using his tip to poke and prod along her slick inner walls. "Mmmm that feels so good...hey Flame, are there recipes that use dragon cum?"

He chuckled over her and gave a sharp thrust, making her squeak when his balls clapped against her clit. "A few, but I dunno them off the top of my head. Why, lookin' to use Spyro's massive output?"

"The thought's been crossing my mind a lot."

"It's one'a those things where the flavor of each load determines how it's used, so far as I know. That's about it. It's much more common to find those uses in more...exotic or tribal locations."

"Like Tall Plains?"

"Iunno for certain." Gripping her hips and rubbing her swollen belly, he nibbled on the back of her neck while settling into sharp, shallow thrusts, Cynder moaning out lewdly, Ember rubbing herself with her paw at the sight. Flame shot her a wink and a mouthed "You're next again" before gripping the black-scaled female's hips more tightly and then slamming himself into her. She yelped out and shuddered, gushing all over the floor, his legs and balls, and clamping tightly on his cock. Flame couldn't hold back anymore and growled against her neck, unloading yet another batch of hopeful baby batter into her depths. Huffing and purring, they relaxed in afterglow, Flame gently sawing his hips to keep her pleasured until he couldn't stay hard anymore and slipped out with a wet slick noise. With a smirk he turned around over her and Cynder happily suckled on his soft shaft, purring louder as she cleaned every drop of cum from him, then nosed at his balls and suckled on them for a few moments.

"Kinda just wanna spend the night sucking on these..." she mumbled, drawing her tongue all over his scrotum. The thought crossed her mind that technically, she could still suck on Spyro's huge nuts, it would just be a very uncomfortable or even painful stretch for her jaw and would have to be one at a time. For now she took Flame's back into her maw and purred gently, vibrating her tongue on them while quietly slurping. She could feel his sheath resting on her muzzle, his penis firming up and sliding up over her forehead, making her grin around his balls. Giving him one final, slow suckle as she pulled off, she giggled as she watched his nuts hanging lower than before from the heat of her mouth, bouncing a little as gravity took over again. "Mmmm...such a sexy sight..."

"You girls and testicles, I swear..." Flame muttered with a shake of his head. "Well, now that I'm hard again..." He moved over to Ember and casually mounted her, the pink girl purring in delight. Cynder curled up with her eggs again, purring softly in her afterglow.

The casual sex was definitely growing on her, to say the least. It was so nice to have others that not only didn't judge her, but were willing to so easily indulge in fun like this.

It made her a little more eager to try living at the SIlver Grotto.

Later that day, while Ember and Flame were out doing other things around the Temple, Cynder decided to get some stretching done and go for a small flight, maybe rustle up another crab to eat. Strapping the incubator to her neck, she wandered out into the garden and sighed to herself at the chilly breeze. A few snowflakes were in the air but it was still just a bit too warm on the ground for them to stick. Lunging into the air with a sweep of her wings, she smiled as she felt the air slipping past her membranes. "I should get out and fly more often," she muttered to herself. She wanted to do a few aerial tricks but the stability of the eggs stopped her from doing more than a light glide down to the lake of ether below. Sadly, there were no crabs surfacing, and there was no evidence of recent activity either. "Wonder if there's a way to lure them..." Settling for a while to watch the lake just as she usually did, she smirked and curled her tail to rub herself off, her nethers still a bit sticky from her latest romp with Flame. She kept a small Wind charge on her tongue in case she saw something, but there was very little activity today, probably with the colder weather. Moaning softly, she ground her tail firmly enough to spread her nethers on her scales, then purred as she nudged at her clit, huffing lightly. Part of her wished Spyro would appear from his trip and spear his cock right up into her snatch again...

After a few rounds of masturbation, and no prey to catch, Cynder gave up on the crab idea and winged her way up to their house to procure some of the bread Spyro had made. Giving a small puff of fire to the incubator to keep it warm, she grabbed a few loaves and carried them in a cloth bag to the Temple, settling in her nest and nibbling on the bread. After a while, Ember came back in, looking a bit flushed and blissed out. "Hi~" she churred, flopping on her bed.

"How does Flame keep going at it so much?" Cynder asked.

"Hm? Oh, this wasn't Flame this time."

"We have visitors?"

"Nope~" she giggled. Flame nudged the door open and Cynder blushed at the white drip under his balls.

"Wow. He sure was pent up."

Ember giggled again at the curious look on Cynder's face. "Hehe...we uh...may or may not have taken up Volteer on his idea."

"Gonna go get cleaned up," Flame said, giving Ember a kiss and Cynder an unintentionally clear view of his tailhole dribbling fresh cum. "I'll bring you two some more to eat and drink."

Cynder just nodded, but her mind was whirling with ideas. If Ember and Flame had just had sex with Volteer...would the Guardians be able to put eggs in her belly or were they too old? A bunch of unbidden ideas were filling her head, including the what-ifs of Ignitus breeding her too if he was still there. She felt so guilty about fantasizing about him like that, but also couldn't deny a certain level of naughty desire all the same. It culminated in a mental image of walking around the Temple full of everyone's eggs all at once and every male just casually mounting her throughout the day.

Freshly roasted meat caught her attention, Flame bringing some poultry and mushrooms to the room. "Smells wonderful..." Ember murred, licking her lips. The red dragon grinned and doled out some food for them.


"You look like you've been having some thoughts," he said as he settled to his own meal. "What's up?"

"Huh? Oh. Just...yeah. Thoughts."

"Whatcha thinkin'?" Ember asked, Cynder shrugging in reply.

"Still not used to this sexual stuff so much."

Flame tilted his head in confusion, then chuckled softly. "I guess it rattled you a bit that we had sex with Volteer."

"I...don't know."

"Hey, they have needs too."

"I know, it's...it's just...weird, to think of them like that after all this time."

"And you never thought of it even when seeing their balls on display around the Temple?"


"Well, I dunno about Terrador or Cyril, but Volteer sure was pent up." Ember giggled and purred. "Gave me two big loads~"

Flame changed the subject with a nod to Cynder's belly. "When did the Matrons say you'd start that multi-pregnancy thing?"

CYnder blushed again. "No idea really, I'm still too young for it to start I guess. But who knows."

"Looking forward to it?"

She gave a hesitant small smile. "I don't really know. I mean...the idea is super hot but I'm worried I wouldn't be able to get around properly. I missed being able to fly, I couldn't do it very easily while carrying these little ones." Her paw stroked over the shells against her chest. "I'm definitely not against the idea, just...kinda scared of the implications all the same. But for all we know it'd just be Spyro giving me clutches unless my Matriarch thing can cure you and others."

"I hope so." He sighed and took a bite of meat. "Need another filling soon?"

"I wouldn't mind it. I...think I might go to the Grotto again though. Wanna look around for a bit."

"Well, it's getting close to evening now. Not sure they'd want you wandering during the night construction."

"Guess not."

"Need a bit of a chill night?"

"I think I do," Ember chimed in. "Still horny as hell but getting a bit sore."

"Yeah...I think that might be best," Cynder replied, Flame nodding.

"Alright. Need anything for the eggs?"

"I'm good with this nest, but thanks."