Dusty loves Kodi

Story by Rollriver on SoFurry

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#1 of Balto's special love story

A little love story about Kodi x Dusty and Ralph x Kiona.

This is a story about how Dusty started liking Kodi, and eventually they both fell in love with each other.

Warning: This contains six, so do not read, if you want.

Kodi, is hybrid wolfdog and son of the legendary sled hero - Balto, who also saved the little human child's life. Kodi was initially a slightly insecure puppy, but his father had to teach Kodi how to handle the situation. Balto has also helped and saved Kodi from various dangers that exist in the wilderness. Kodi grew up and became a big wolf dog in Nome. Although not everyone knew, except for a few dogs, Kodi was a half wolf and a half dog, but he is strikingly similar to his mother, Jenna, although his red color became somewhat a little darker, as he is a young-adult wolfdog .

Kodi began his first training to become a sled dog, just like his father. He trained and trained. He trained so hard, that his body gained a little more muscle and is physically stable and also ready for his first dog race. The people from the post office wanted to test and see who or which dogs are the strongest and fastest, who can receive the best sled dog for the postal service. Kodi is in the start, plus a few more dogs involved as well. It started and Kodi who has learned from his father, Balto, how to run, so Kodi ran much faster and faster than any other dog has succeeded.

Kodi ran the fastest of all, he won the races and received the postal service. In the postal service, the three other dogs in the team work, right now they got another friend in the team. Kirby is a light-brown Siberian husky, who is the postal dog and is also the cocky member of the trio and the guide dog in the sled team. Ralph is a dark-gray Alaskan malamute, which is the postal dog and also an overweight, or simply strong and muscular dog.

And he is more relaxed than the other trio. And finally, the last dog of the trio - Dusty. Dusty is a Siberian husky, with gray fur, with a lighter abdomen, white on her face, breasts and underside and has gray on her upper area, her blue eyes. Dusty is the only female dog in the mail team. They welcomed Kodi into the postal service and they collaborated together, to forward the mail to another village. All human children were so happy to receive gifts in the mail that have arrived, they gave all the mail dogs a hug as "thank". Kodi is very happy to get famous by the kind child.

But what he himself did not know, is that Dusty looks at Kodi a little often sometimes. Almost like she's getting a little more interested in Kodi. Time passed, postal teams make no mistakes. The only mistake is just the blizzard, which they can end up in the situation. Because that's the biggest problem. But temporarily, they have no problem. Until the Airplane appeared and the pilot, Duke is the only one who is the postal dogs' big rival. But despite the new fashion, they made a competition about which teams will come to another village first, see, then return. Kodi and his postal dog friends also got Balto in the team.

Of course, Balto did not want to put up with it first. But in the end he agreed, he also met Duke that night, when Balto was out visiting Jenna. Both Balto and Duke got along well. But after when the race started from start to finish, the sled team won, but the pilot Duke is missing. Balto suspected that Duke had been in the accident, set off to save Duke.

Jenna has succeeded in convincing her son to go after his father and help him. Kodi also told the postal dogs that he intends to search for his father, Balto and pilot Duke. He left the group in the boiler room behind, and left. Dusty was the first to follow him to the door and looked shocked as he left. But in the end, the postal team also gave away and helps. Balto found Duke and tried to fetch him on the sleigh back to Nome.

Until they ended up in a serious situation at the cliff, and they were about to end up in the cliff. But luckily, Kodi and his friends came at the last seconds, just when Balto was close to giving up. Kodi held on to Balto and all four celebrated them, rescued them. Balto looks into his son's eyes, he said with a proud look.

"I'm proud of you, my son." and Kodi smiled at his father very loudly. When everyone later has returned to Nome. They were considered heroes. a real sled heroes team.

Some time later, Balto got to fly on a plane with Duke, while Jenna and Kodi stood on the ground and watched how Balto enjoyed the flight. Jenna is so happy to have a mate and son who are alike with willpower, courage, honest, loyal, polite and friendly. Because if Jenna had made her son understand what is most important in life, then Balto would never have existed, but she knew that Kodi has the same hearts of gold as his father. Which proves he did what he has to do.

Time passed and summer came to Nome. In the summer, all sled dogs are temporarily free, or also on holiday. At Dusty's house, she was lying on the balcony dozing in the sun and sleeping peacefully, she is wearing no sled collar, as she is free all summer. She has a rather strange dream. In her dream world, she dreams that she was lying on her back and moaning.

Her eyes were closed, her mouth was open and panting, her body rocked back and forth, her breast hair rose every time she moved, her waist was held with a pair of front paws from some dog, her pussy was penetrated by a giant dog cock. And the dog who penetrated her, seemed familiar, his mouth kept open, his tongue hung out and panting desperately. But Dusty telling to male dog.

"Oh Kodi! Fuck me! Fuck me, harder! Give me your knot in my pussy!" despite her wish and the dog's revealed name, Kodi says.

"Oh Dusty! I'll be here soon!" he took in everything he could and Dusty whined even louder, until. Paff! Dusty woke up and wondered what had happened. She felt her forehead with her one paw and wondered. Until she saw a bone of meat in front of her. Her owner has fixed a meat bone for Dusty and threw it to her. She understood that it was a dream. She dreamed that she and her boyfriend, Kodi, had sex together.

"This is too good to be true." Dusty thinks, laying her head on her front legs and sighing. Dusty has been fond of Kodi for far too long. But she never said she loved him. But that was precisely why she was the first to accompany Kodi to the rescue of Balto and Duke. Because she's in love with him.

"He's such a cute, kind, brave and strong male I've ever met. I wonder if he really likes me?" her question was unclear. She lay completely still and pondered for a while.

"Just wondering what to do now? I can not lie like this all day." Dusty thinks. The more she pondered, the more she figured out what she could do. And now she figured out what to do now.

She left the meat bones untouched and then rushed to the clothesline. She jumped forward to the ropes and grabbed the ropes with her teeth and hung and slid down towards another house. As she approached, she let go and landed on the porch roof and then jumped to the ground, then ran away. Her thoughts were fixed on a dog she was thinking of: "Kodi", but he is not home right now. Where he is right now, she does not know yet, but she will find out. Because her love for him is too strong.

Out in the woods, Kodi runs on a little training round. Even though it's too quiet in the summer, Kodi wanted to have little to do. But his training session became a bit somewhat dull. Now Kodi stopped at a little water dam. He sat down on a flat rock that lay near the water's edge and stared at the water, wondering how deep water is. But he can see that the pond can reflect and he can see for himself what it looks like.

Kodi stared at himself in the mirror for far too long and his face became a little cheerful. His eyebrows frowned sadly and his eyes were half closed. The truth is that he is not really worried or sad, but he is simply bored. He lay down on flat rock and put his head on his front legs and his eyes were closed and then he began to rest for a while.

While he was resting, he began to think about a lot of things he has experienced in his life. He saved Balto and Duke, he got to learn how to run and even jump. His friends in the postal team were really good friends. But the best friend he has, and who he likes a lot. It's Dusty. Dusty is the most beautiful, purebred female husky, quite friendly and loyal girl in Nome.

"Just wondering what she's doing right now? Oh Dusty." Kodi mumbled as he smiled and rested. Until the twirling sounds were heard in the forest. Kodi's eyes opened at once, rising quickly. He turned his head several times and looked for what it was.

"Very strange. No deer, or any other animal nearby." Kodi said, standing up and standing on four legs. He does not like that it is so quiet in the woods.

"I have unpleasant feelings, that there may be someone out there." Kodi said, but he did not know anyone was behind a tree near Kodi.

The mysterious animals sneak out of the trees and sneak and sneak. Kodi thinks it will be too unpleasant and should just go. Until someone stood behind Kodi, and with a grin on his face, it jumped forward and screamed.

"HOW IS THIS GOING ?! Kodi was shocked and happened to jump towards the dam out of sheer panic, there was a big splatt in the water. The one who laughed a little, was none other than Dusty herself, who has scared Kodi. She just wanted to surprise him a little with such a scream, but ended up he jumping into the pond.

"I'm sorry so much, but I didn't know you were so scared of my screams." she giggled a little briefly, until she returned to being a little serious. Because she notices that her friend is not coming out of the pond. She walked over to the pond and looked for where he was. She became really worried and regretted that she had scared him.

"Kodi !? Kodi !? Are you still there? Answer me!" she asked and shouted to Kodi many times, but not an answer. Dusty leans even further forward to look closer. Until two front legs emerge from the depths and grab Dusty and Kodi's head was next to Dusty's head and whispered in her ear.

"Gotcha!" then he pulls her down right into the water. Their two heads emerge from the water depth, Dusty gasped in panic and swam ashore. There she stood on the ground, panting and gasped. She was not prepared that way. Kodi also came out of the water and laughed and said.

"My dad taught me how to swim and even be underwater in a little short time. You scared me, so I'm scaring you back, Dusty." Dusty, who gasped a little calmer, stared at Kodi a little angry but smiled at him.

"Well, you say that?" Dusty asked, shaking her whole body to get rid of all the water from her fur. Even if it was silly fun, Dusty understood what Kodi meant.

But a little later, their fur has become dry thanks to the sun. Dusty told Kodi that she had gone out and searched for him, because she really wanted to hang out with Kodi. She has also asked Balto where he is, and that was precisely why she just wanted to scare a little and surprise Kodi. She tilted her head down in shame, her eyes closed and apologized to Kodi, but he was not the least bit angry with her. He closes his eyes and puts his forehead against her forehead.

"It's ok, Dusty. I understand what you mean. Besides, I'm more than happy to hang out with you. If you want, my sweet and teasing husky." Kodi said with her calm and pleasant tone to her. Which makes Dusty feel relaxed.

"Thank you, Kodi. You're so cute." Dusty said Kodi blushed a little at her expression. But then their heads moved apart and then they stared at each other's eyes and feel something they have never felt before.

"Do you know a thing, Dusty?" asked Kodi, she looks at his honest look and listens.

"About what, Kodi?" she asked softly. Kodi swallows a little and tries to be more brave for her.

"Only since I joined the postal service have I been able to hang out with you, Ralph and Kirby. All three of you were really good friends for me and my parents. But when I saw you for the first time, I could never imagine any other husky girl, like you. You are the most beautiful, sweet and wonderful sled and the mail dog in the world. " when he finished telling, Dusty gasped a little, and her eyes filled with tears of joy.

"Oh Kodi. You're really cute, kind, brave and strong male wolfdog." Dusty said.At that moment, she leaned forward to his nose, he does the same to her. When their noses touched each other, their mouths opened and put together against each other, and they began to kiss for the first time.

They both sat down on the grass and they cuddle with each other. Kodi's front leg wraps around Dusty's body, while Dusty's front paws wrap around his strong neck. They both cuddled and hugged so much as they continued to kiss. Their tongues wrestle and bind together and they breathe sexually and have a really cozy moments together.

Kodi's right paw caressed Dusty's back up and down and felt how soft she was after the bath. After a while, their lips were released from each other and their saliva was pulled out a little until it let go. They look at each other with their half-closed eyes and smile big. Dusty licked around her mouth and is very aroused. She also noticed how his cock began to emerge from the sheath.

She first looked at Kodi, he nodded in agreement and she moves on. She bent down to his groin. She sniffed at the red organ that continues to slide further out, until she started licking it. She hears Kodi moaning and enjoys licking her. Now she opened her maw bigger and let his cock slide into her gap. She first started with blowjob and sucks as much as possible, making Kodi can not keep quiet about it, he just moaned louder and louder than ever.

"Mmmh. He really enjoys my sucking." Dusty thinks, continuing even more. She sometimes pauses and licks around his cock and drools with her saliva, and you can even hear how it gargles, every time she pushes her head back and forth, Kodi's cock goes in and out several times. But after a few minutes passed, Kodi feels that it is close to orgasm.

"Dusty! I'm gonna cum soon!" moaned Kodi. Dusty sees Kodi holding his head up in the air, but she took in everything she could.

Finally his cum came and she released his cock and let it squirt out a few crystal drops of cums. Dusty got some of Kodi's cum on her mouth and nose. When it was over, Dusty licked around her lip and nose, getting a little clean. Kodi breathed a little easier and his eyes were closed during the blowjob of her. Then his head gently bent down and looked at Dusty with his eyes half closed and said.

"Not bad. But now it's my turn to give you pleasure, Dusty." he grinned at her. Dusty also smiles at her boyfriend and understands what the next step will be.

She got up and stood on four legs. She walked a bit from Kodi, so he could get up too. He now stands up on all fours, and his long 11 inches cock hung under his stomach. Now Dusty stands in position and lifts her furry tail and showed her pussy to Kodi. He stared at her triangular pussy and felt his heart beat much faster. Dusty looked behind her shoulders and giggled.

"Do you see someone you like, huh?" Dusty asked with seductive voice, wiggling her buttocks. Kodi became more and more attracted to her butt dancing. And his tongue hung out of his mouth.

"What a tough girl!" Kodi said. Dusty lets her tail pull under Kodi's chin and lets him feel her scent of love.

"Well, your handsome? I'm waiting for you, and I'm yours." said Dusty in a seductive tone. Now Kodi could not make her wait. He first started by licking her clit and made sure it got wet around her pussy.

Dusty gasped loudly as she felt Kodi's tongue working on her clit and licked inside her vaginal canal, enjoying the most wonderful moment. But now Kodi has clearly licked and asked first.

"Can you bend forward, Dusty?" when Dusty pant a little calmer she looks at Kodi, she smiled and nodded. She lowered her chest to the ground and left her buttocks in the air.

"Better like this?" Dusty asked, moving his tail a little more to the side. Kodi nodded contentedly and said.

"Much better. Here we go!" he jumped up on his hind legs, then put his front paws on her back and then grabbed her waist. His wet penis stays close to her pussy. He first started by teasing a little against her pussy with his cock and making her more and more aroused.

"Oh Kodi! I can't taking anymore! Please, put it in and fuck me!" moaned Dusty. Kodi understood that she could not wait long. He did as she said and pushes his cock through her opening. Dusty gasped loudly and felt how painful it is to get a wolfhound's penis inside her pussy. But the pain passed quickly when Kodi started to move a little slower first. He pulled in and out a few times and only let his penis go in halfway. Dusty eyes were now closed and enjoyed the wonderful experience.

"Oooh! Aaooh! Does it feel good Dusty? !!" Kodi gasped loudly as he fucked his girlfriend. Dusty who has never done anything like that, except for her fantasies, masturbation and dreams. But now it became a reality and her dream came true.

"Oooh, my Kodi! It feels so much better! Keep going, my strong male!" Dusty whined and continued to moan.

Until Kodi started to increase a little more speed and feel how her inner walls of her vagina contract and seep out more love liquid and she got wildly aroused and wanted more. He fucked her all he could and even moved his hind legs a little apart, to get a better angle, while he fucked all the way to her bottom. His ball sacs swayed in the air several times, his huge penis pulls in and out and makes her vaginal canal stretch more, each time the penis moves even deeper and deeper.

"Oh fuck! You're so tight, Dusty!" panted Kodi. And his lower body moves faster and faster.

"Ooooh, Kodi! You are so incredibly big! I like it! Aaooh !! Oooh !!" moaned Dusty, feeling that she was the happiest husky in the world. Her front body vibrated on ground and felt her butt rocking every time he pushed in and out, in and out repeatedly. She whines ecstatically and wanted much more and told Kodi.

"Oooh, holy shit! Fuck me, Kodi! Fuck me even harder and faster!" Kodi heard what she said and he fulfilled her wish. Despite his efforts, wolf instinct took over Kodi's mind and fucked really hard and fast. His eyes were tightly closed, his teeth were bared and his body was sweating. Even for Dusty's body was sweating, when they lasted quite a long time with the moments of love and they both moaned and whined loudly together.

Thanks to her fluid covering his entire penis, Kodi was able to fuck even faster than ever before and he went even deeper and deeper and Dusty feels a wave of pleasure shot through her body and vibrate even more. Until after a few minutes, his knot is just outside her pussy. Now Kodi slowed down a bit and Dusty understood what will happen now. Her eyes were still closed, but gasped a little and told her boyfriend.

"Mmmh! Please, give me your knot in my pussy, honey!" Kodi heard what she said and fulfilled her wish. He grabbed her hips hard and then took in all his strength, until it was heard, plop! His knot finally came through her pussy passage. Now they were bound, but Kodi continues with the hump a little gently, until his hot cum came loose and squirted into her womb

Dusty could feel his cums filling inside her womb, never thought it would go away so quickly. Of course she did not want it to end, but right now the two couples began to breathe a little calmer after their first and violent six moments they did. Kodi moved and lifted one of her hind legs over her back, then they stood back to back and were bound together for a while. When she looked behind her shoulders and saw how he was panting a little, she got a little worried.

"Is everything all right, Kodi?" asked Dusty. But Kodi turned his head and looked behind him, looking at Dusty and answering.

"It's no problem, Dusty. I'm just tired after my first sex with you. I've never tried or experienced such training before." but when Dusty heard what he was saying, she giggled a little loudly at him and said.

"Maybe we can try it several times over. Besides, it's my first sex with you too, Kodi." and then the two of them laughed for a short while, while they waited until his balls had emptied everything out.

After 20 minutes have passed, they both came apart. Dusty yelped as his organ came out of her pussy. Now Dusty was lying completely still on the ground. She also saw his penis slide back into the mantle, before he started cleaning his buttocks. Dusty was of course a little tired, but she had some strength left and also had to clean her buttocks.

Later, Kodi lays next to Dusty keeping her safe and secure. Dusty was so happy to be with Kodi on this day of her life. They both nuzzled each other with their noses and talked a little.

"You were amazing, Kodi. Absolutely amazing. No wonder you're the son of Nome's hero. I'll never forget this day you made for me, my strong male." Kodi looked at Dusty and smiled.

"And you're great too, Dusty. You scared me and I scared you back, so I'll not forget this most wonderful moment we've had. You're my best girl who exists." Kodi said Dusty smiled at Kodi with his eyes half closed and gave him a tongue lick kiss on his cheek, then their eyes closed again and were about to rest. But before they did, Dusty said.

"Kodi, I love you." Kodi smiled big and was so happy with what she said and has feelings for him.

"And I love you too, Dusty." Kodi said, and she smiled big at her friend.

The two couples have feelings for each other, they will always be together, regardless of whether they work as postal dogs. Right now the two couples are lying and resting for a while, until they have recovered until the afternoon, and they can later return to Nome.

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