Undone by His Suit 1

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#1 of Undone by His Suit

The start of a four-part cycle where a snake ends up causing himself all manner of trouble.

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Undone by His Suit

Part 1

for Katsuka

by Draconicon

Crypt'Lisk had a job as an analyst, installer, and debugger of security systems throughout Blue-Stream City. His boss kept him busy with daily tasks, installations, and gray-shaded jobs that were almost certainly illegal, but the snake did what he was told and made sure every SaefSec box was in its proper place by the end of the day. No matter how hard it forced him to work, he did his job and he did it well, and it meant that the boss never had it in for him the way that the big bear had it in for others back at the office.

Every day at quitting time, Crypt'Lisk half-expected to be stopped on the way out by Mr. Vult, the bear in question, and be told that there was something that had gone wrong, or that he'd be fired for something that had been installed improperly. Every day, he was mistaken, and he was allowed to leave as any of the other employees did.

Today, he wasn't.

The black-scaled snake was halfway to the elevator down to the corporate parking garage when the HUD in his glasses flickered, a message popping in from the boss. The serpent hesitated, biting his lips as he debated pretending that he hadn't seen it, only to realize that it was too late. He'd left the glasses on for too long. Shaking his head, he turned around. The other employees didn't say a word; when Mr. Vult decided that you needed to stay for extra hours, you did what you were told, overtime or no overtime. More often, no overtime.

Crypt'Lisk walked through the communal workroom. The cubicles usually dividing the different employees from one another had gone down as soon as the shift was done, the hard-light projectors powering down. The workstations, little more than projectors that the employees stood on that focused their neural links into the floor and the company projectors, were offline, shut down, dark. The room itself was little more than a giant metal cube with a lit-up pathway of panels leading to the far end. The boss's office was the only source of light outside that path, and the oppressive white light pulled him on despite its nature.

The snake cleared his throat as he walked on, putting all the worries he could out of his head. He'd done a good job today. He'd installed four systems, debugged a dozen others, and fielded six support calls. That was doing pretty good for a SaefSec day; most of his coworkers could do about two-thirds of that, and that was without having to go on housecalls the way he did. Mr. Vult shouldn't have any complaints about his work ethic, at least.

So, why was he being kept back?

No answer presented itself, and the snake walked a bit faster.

He felt like an insect as he stood in front of the steel door between him and the boss. Despite the fact that he was reasonably tall, standing just under six feet, the door was built with a different species in mind. Lean and slender, Crypt'Lisk felt like he was a child approaching some strict teacher's door.

Biting off the urge to gulp, he tapped his knuckles on the door.

"Open," the usual deep voice said.

It was less an invitation and more a command to the door itself. It slid upwards without a sound, and he stepped through the entrance. The office was as white as could be, pristine and reflective to the point where it gave him a small headache just looking around the room. He resisted the urge to rub his head as he turned his eyes to Mr. Vult.

The brown bear dominated the room, his thick shoulders barely constrained by a suit just slightly darker than the white of the room. It wasn't quite gray, but it was still the sort of brightness that hurt the eye. However, the room was so much worse that everyone always looked at Mr. Vult so that they didn't suffer the pain that the walls offered. The brown bear stood head and shoulders over everyone in the office, even the few dragon employees that they had, and even seated, he was almost of a height with the snake.

Mr. Vult pulled an e-cigar from his desk, tapping the end and setting it to glowing. He sucked on the other end, holding it for a moment, leaving the snake more and more concerned about his fate.

The silence stretched on as the bear clearly savored the cigar. He held his breath, and so did the snake. One puff, two, three -

"There's been a problem."

Crypt'Lisk gasped, pulling in air that he hadn't realized that he'd needed after the long delay. The bear looked at him with a raised eyebrow, and the snake collected himself.

"A...a problem, sir?" he asked.

"Yes. A problem. There's been a...complaint...with one of our clients."

"What kind?"

"A box glitched."

"...Glitched, sir?"

"Yes. Glitched. As in, the reports from the security records didn't match what everyone else reported seeing that night."

"...That's...odd, sir."

"Yes. It is."

"...Am I supposed to -"

"In the morning, I want you to go look into it. First thing. Soon as you wake up in the morning, head out and take care of it."

Crypt'Lisk nodded. It wasn't that usual, though it wasn't something that happened often, either. The routing boxes that SaefSec offered were second to top of the line, keeping most hackers at bay and ensuring that the WiFi implants that so many criminals used these days didn't have access to the security feeds and their records. It made stealing from a company that much harder in the long run, because there was no wiping the feeds or obliterating them from the public record. One had to make sure that they weren't seen at all if they didn't want to be caught after the fact.

If there was a discrepancy between eyewitnesses and the record, though...

"What's the client, sir?" he asked.

"Hable's, downtown."

He stiffened up. Hopefully, Mr. Vult only thought that it was because they were talking about downtown. Hopefully.

"Hable's, sir?"

"Yeah. Get down there at opening hours, tomorrow."

"Y-yes, sir."

"And Lisk?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Don't fuck up."

"Yes, sir."

He turned on his heel, moving a little faster than he should, and again, he hoped that the boss blamed it on it being quitting time rather than any extra reasons on his part. There were a lot of reasons that he needed to get out of there, and now.

By the time the snake reached the elevator, his self-control was cracking. He put his work glasses in the storage container by the elevator door, tapping the button. It scanned his finger and called the elevator, and he leaned against the wall, praying that he just looked tired to the security cameras.

Hable's. That was supposed to be safe. He thought he'd fixed that. But if he hadn't, if the locals saw nothing but that saw something -


Crypt'Lisk stepped into the metal box, riding it down. It moved quickly, barely giving him a few seconds to view Blue-Stream City from the heights before he was sealed within the metal elevator tube again. The dancing holograms that floated over the tops of the skyscrapers were familiar anyway, and he no longer paid that much attention to them. He had other things to think about, things that were of a greater, life and death concern.


Ten seconds from the upper half of the building to the parking garage. He stumbled out of the elevator, knowing that the cameras were less frequent down here but not completely gone. Finding one of the familiar blind-spots, he slumped back against a stone pillar and pressed one hand to his chest, trying to calm his racing heart.

"It might not be me...it might not be me..."

No. It wouldn't have been him on the cameras. It would have been someone else, but if the boss found out who that was, if that was actually recorded -

But it might not be. He had time. He had a full night to figure this out, and that meant that he had a chance still.

If the frog had finished his suit, that was.

He fumbled through his left pocket. Not for the work communicator, that one was traced. The other. An earbud with just one number on it. The snake pulled it free, fumbling as he pushed it into an earhole and let it lodge in place. It expanded, and as he hummed, it started dialing.

The frog picked up on the second ring. His voice was as high and irritable as ever.

"What do you want?"

"Is it fixed yet?"

"Yeah, sure. When the hell you coming back for it?"



"On my way."

"You better get here fast. I wanna get home and eat."

"I'll bring sushi."



Not much, but something. At least he'd have the suit back again. Crypt'Lisk wouldn't have a chance in downtown.

NightVeiler, on the other hand, would.


It was a short drive to the frog's apartment tower. The frog. It hit him sometimes - like tonight - that he didn't actually know what the frog's name was. It probably would have mattered to someone that didn't have his concerns, but as far as the snake cared, not knowing the other man's name was self-preservation. It was better to keep it quiet when they weren't really on good terms with one another.

Business was business, but money was money, and he knew which would hold the other man's loyalty.

He met the frog in the apartment lobby, the squat little amphibian waiting with a glowing chem-patch on his cheek. It made his entire face look orange-pink rather than the usual green, and not in a good way, either. The frog looked up, adjusting his coat as he did.

"Took you long enough."

"Sushi, remember?" He held up the bag, tossing it over. It wasn't really 'sushi', but rather just another word for whatever payment they were working off this week. This time, it was aquatic components. The frog needed some of the proprietary stuff that the company used for the boxes that they sent out, and he'd been able to snag a bit from the storehouses down below the garage. "That enough?"

"Enough for the fixes." The frog nodded. "You just taking and going?"

"Never invited me for more."

"Never gonna."


The frog waved him in, offering him his hand. It was just a chip-reading, of course, same as any delivery driver might have scanned after dropping off some food. As he waved his communicator over it, though, it gave him a different message than just a 'credits received' notice.

Back alley, third dumpster, plastic wrap, green.

Simple enough. Crypt'Lisk nodded and left the frog to his own devices.

It didn't take much in the way of dumpster diving to find his suit. It was layered with garbage, but the protective seal over it kept the mess from getting down to the suit itself. Good thing, too; while it was made with the right components to keep it from getting damaged by the garbage, he would have been smelling of it for weeks, and it wasn't exactly a simple suit to wash, either.

He left the protective layer in the alley, carrying the skintight suit with him back to his car. He blacked out the windows as soon as he was inside and changed.

Off went the company, happy-nerdy clothes that SaefSec made him wear for the company image, and on went the gear that he was more used to, and certainly happier to carry. The black suit had a hood in the back to make his own look a little bit bigger, more intimidating, and the whole thing was laced with camouflage circuitry that took in the area around him and wove a disguise around him. There were gadgets woven throughout it, from the sticky-fingers and boots that were at the end of each limb to the restraint lines that it could create on a whim. It was as high-tech a suit as he had been able to afford with his budget, and the frog had done a damn good job of making it.

It was, however, finicky, and too much stress could make it go haywire. The last job - the one down at Hable's, for that matter - had ended up in a fight with someone that had heard him, though not seen him. He'd come out on top, but the scuffle had done enough to rip part of the sleeves and down the back and front of the torso. It wasn't enough to completely ruin it, but it needed some tune-ups.

But now, he was back in business.

Flexing his fingers to settle them properly in the slippery gloves, he cracked his head from side to side, then brought up the nav system. He engaged the route to Hable's, a department store with a rather shady back-room operation, and set off.


The trip was uneventful, and by the time that he arrived, the store had long-since shut down. A series of new security guards lined the streets leading to the front door, and he could make out the eye-glints of others on the rooftop. Crypt'Lisk leaned forward, narrowing his eyes. Not much could be gleaned from a distance - his suit was built for stealth, not recon - but he guessed that there were at least a dozen on the roof and four times that patrolling around the building as a whole. They were probably all from the same security company, making sure that there was no risk of someone else getting through after last night's intrusion.

He would have been flattered if it hadn't meant that his job had just gotten quite a bit harder.

Shaking his head, he slid out his car window, locking it as he went. He shouldn't take too long with this, but no point being stupid. Engaging his suit's systems, he slid up the side of the neighboring waste-management building. It had a dedicated suspended connection to the store, and it would make for an easy bridge for any criminal or vigilante. Even easier for him, with the disguise field that he had active.

As invisible as the night wind, he walked across the rooftop, dropping soundlessly to the bridge. The guards didn't notice him yet, and that was all for the good. He hustled across the bridge.

Another hero might have taken the time to disarm the security guards while he was on the roof, ensuring that they wouldn't cause a problem when he came back out. He wasn't that sort of vigilante. His work was more attuned to the information systems, in making sure that the hidden stuff came to light. The corporations were getting more and more afraid of NightVeiler, and it wasn't because he was causing problems with their personnel, or blowing up their supplies. No, no, he had made it much more annoying than that.

Instead of blowing things up, he went about distributing their information, and not just the stuff about their dirty deeds. After all, anyone with sufficient money could pay to have that buried, to get rid of all the evidence, and they'd always have their supporters that would just shrug and say that it was just the cost of doing business at that scale.

Exposing dirty deeds didn't work. However, posting the banking numbers, or the access codes to different storage caches, or the routing numbers of high-ranking execs, or the security codes to the vaults of the different companies? That was an entirely different beast.

And working at SaefSec, the budget choice of all the money-grubbing, corner-cutting corporations throughout Blue-Stream City, meant that he had a backdoor access into every system that SaefSec was used by. He didn't even need to be a good hacker. All he had to do was use the system he was trained on, and he could get whatever he needed.

Avoiding the rooftop guards, the snake dropped down through one of the rooftop windows. It dropped him right into the upper levels of the store, mere feet from the main office and the SaefSec uplink right beside it. Crypt'Lisk smiled, sneaking through the hallways completely invisible to the naked eye. He pulled his work communicator out, swapped over to a burner profile that he had installed weeks back, and tapped it to the uplink. It blinked twice, and the office door opened.

He had half a second to smile before someone that shouldn't have been there stepped out. The great white-gray suit of Mr. Vult shimmered as the massive brown bear emerged, and then, the impossible happened.

Mr. Vult looked at him.

The suit's camouflage field short-circuited. That was the only way that he could think to describe it as the whole thing went offline at once. He gasped, knowing he'd been made somehow, but before he could turn to run, the bear lifted his hand. One finger opened, and a wire darted across the space between him and the bear.




When Crypt'Lisk woke up, he knew that he'd been drugged. The floaty feeling of who knew how many chemicals floating through his bloodstream made him dizzy even before he opened his eyes, and it distracted him from the residual soreness of the tazing that had knocked him out. He groaned, his arms over his head, tied to...something, he wasn't sure, but something over his head.

Thinking was hard.

His legs didn't touch the ground, though, so that meant that he was still hanging off the ground, restrained so that he couldn't run off and cause problems. He shook his head, trying to open his eyes. The room swam and spun around him, and he had to close his eyes again to keep from feeling like he was going to throw up.

"Is it almost done?"

Mr. Vult?

He groaned, trying to shake his head, but that only made him feel sicker. How...how had the boss found out about this? Was there something -

No, no, that was impossible. Even if he'd made a mistake and been seen by the camera, all it would have shown was NightVeiler's suit. It wouldn't have -


The frog. How...what...why?

"I'm assuming that you understand how delicate this is," Mr. Vult said.

"Fuck you. I know my work."


"What, the silent treatment? You need me, fucker. I'm the one that identified the suit. And you better be good for that two million. I'm not doing this for your company, you know that?"

Two million...so...so Mr. Vult had seen...

But why...

So hard to think. So very hard to think.

"Speaking of, where's the millions? I think I want some assurance of some fucking cash before I give you - ulk!"

"I find it very hard to enjoy the moment when someone is prattling on like this. Do your job, and you will be paid. Don't do your job - or annoy me any more than you have - and I will find another suit-maker to do it for you."

The coughing and gagging would have stirred the snake into action if it had been anyone else, anyone that hadn't stabbed him in the back. Or, well, if he had been sober. That would have helped a great deal, as a matter of fact. Instead, he was pinned in place, as paralyzed by the drugs in his system as he was by the bindings holding his arms over his head.

Fingers, gloved fingers, ran along his thigh. Oh. He was naked. And his cock hung down and -


A soft groan escaped him as two smooth fingers pinched his shaft, pulling at the head. It dangled soft, limp, hardly likely to rise anytime soon. Yet, as the fingers pinched him, they still rolled back along the rest of his shaft, teasing it all the way to the base, and then back up again.

It took three strokes for him to realize that they were spreading something over the flesh of his cock, and he groaned as it started tingling. He opened one eye to see the same robotic fingers that had zapped him rubbing his cock, teasing it up with some chemical. The snake hissed, huffing as he tried to look up at the owner of those fingers. It had to be Mr. Vult, but...but...

The drugs. They made it so hard...

And his cock...so stiff...

He was floating again, his eyes rolled back in their sockets as he hung limp from the chains, his cock getting stiffer and stiffer with the slow, two-fingered stroke of those slicked-up fingers. It had to be Mr. Vult, but what...why...what was...he...

His thoughts drifted off to nothing, and all that remained were the slow strokes, the teasing movements up and down his shaft. Soon, the snake was as hard as he could get, and the stiffness between his legs went from a dull ache to something that demanded satisfaction. He moaned, his words breathless, unclear, indistinct. It didn't matter. His body moved on its own, giving voice to the need that lay between his legs.


But then the fingers disappeared, and all he could grind against was air. Crypt'Lisk thrust against the air, his hips bunching up as much as his weakened body could manage, thrusting against the emptiness and trying to get the same stimulation as he had been getting merely moments ago. He huffed, he puffed, feeling his cock sliding through nothing, throbbing up and then dropping down.

Footsteps, dull thumps that moved around him. He tried to open his eyes again, but everything was sensitive, too sensitive, making it impossible for him to do things the way that he wanted. Just looking at the room felt like he was looking into blinding light. He couldn't even make out the frog, couldn't see anything but the dullness and fullness of the world as the drugs ran through his veins. Everything was too much, and he closed them again.

Then hands returned, rubbing along his ass, pushing his tail up, exposing his hole. He gasped as fingers prodded and poked around his rim, teasing it, rubbing more of the ooze around that part of him. He groaned, shaking his head, a mumbled 'let go' barely making it past his lips before it was roundly and justly mocked.

"Let you go? Heh...not likely."

One finger pushed past his rim, and the same tingles that had teased his cock entered his ass, some strange chemical altering and sensitizing his inner walls. He gasped as he felt his balls pulling up, his cock twitching and spitting against the ground from that one finger just being inside him. Not thrusting, not teasing, just being there. It felt...it felt so good, so hard to resist.


"Is it done?" Mr. Vult asked.

"Suit's...suit's ready," the frog wheezed.

"Bring it here."

What did they...

No, no thought. He couldn't think. Thinking made it hard. Made it sting. Made it hurt. Better to just float, settle along the waves of stimulation and hope for the best. And so, he sagged down, his toes almost touching the floor, his claws actually dragging against it.

And as they did, he felt the suit...or something like it. It was almost too wet for his suit, as if it had been liquified. What had the frog done to -


He moaned as he felt the suit spreading along his toes, climbing up his legs and slowly making its way higher and higher along his limbs. Little gasps escaped him again and again as he fought against the touch that they offered, the strange slime and wetness that he'd almost grown accustomed to before suddenly becoming so much stronger. He arched his back, feeling Mr. Vult's finger slide deeper still.


"It seems that the sensitivity drugs are taking full effect. Good."

That finger out, and he gasped, his cock going half-hard as he felt it empty out. He shivered, his toes curling and squelching in the odd half-liquid, half-solid mess that his suit had become. Crypt'Lisk wanted to open his eyes, see what had happened to it, but at the same time, he didn't dare.




It was all so much harder than just going with what was done to him. He'd react later. He'd respond when he felt like he could. Until then...

Until then, he 'suffered' the pleasures of his enemies.

And what pleasures they were, as the suit continued to crawl up his legs, coming to life, squeezing his calves and then his thighs. The slow rubbing was more than enough to have him gasping for breath, his eyes rolling back as the fingers slid away from his ass cheeks. Bit by bit, the suit swallowed him up, taking him into itself.

And as it did, he felt something else. Something deeper, darker, something that ran through the suit that hadn't been there before. There was an intelligence, something that rippled over his body in a way that artificial intelligence never did. There was a living tease through it, something that had been added, something that rumbled with its own odd claim over him.

It was a symbiote.

The word came to him through the haze and the shivering pleasure of the full-body 'massage' of putting on the suit, particularly as the suit itself seemed to find that he had places that really tickled and tingled and sent him into a fit when the suit touched it. He gasped in particular as his cock was sucked in, pulled forward and pointed out. He could feel it acting more as a cock sock than as a cloth protecting his modesty, forcing his shaft forward and leaving it all but exposed, only a layer of black keeping his skin from being seen. He arched his back as it rolled down and over his cheeks, spreading them like invisible fingers, digging into his rump and making his hole pucker again and again, oozing the chemicals that had been left inside before -


He all but screamed as the suit plunged inside of him, filling his hole and making him gasp at the sudden stretch that took all of his attention. It didn't matter that the suit was sucking his cock, nor that he was being bound and stared at as he was broken in. All that mattered was the intrusion, probing, teasing in his ass as the suit stretched him further and further, pouring in like some sort of living liquid.

The pleasure and pressure back there only got stronger as the suit went higher and higher, climbing up his body until it rested on his chest, squeezing him, running up his arms and then along his neck. It was tight, warm, and a little bit wet inside.

"Do I get the reward now?" the frog asked.

"Hmmph. Yes."

"Finally. Give -"


The frog was out. Mr. Vult kicked the unconscious body off to the side.

"I'll deal with him in a moment. He might be useful...but he can't remember this. And neither can you, Mr. Lisk."


"Oh, I know you can hear me. Your mind's not taken yet. You're still listening, even if you aren't entirely here. Don't worry. I'll make sure that you get what you need...eventually."

The bear leaned in, and the stern eyes of his boss seemed to warm. Not in kindness, but in something else. Possessiveness. Amusement. Something like that.

"You've caused so much trouble. But from now on, you'll merely give us what we need...what we want. It won't take long for you to learn what you should be, what you need to be. The suit will be your instructor, and I'll supply the materials."

The suit continued oozing up his body, soon reaching his chin and his jawline. The snake groaned as it slid over his hood, up along the back of his head. Soon, there was nothing left unexposed but his eyes, and some sort of rumbling thud-thud pulse was already filling his ears, making it hard for him to focus on anything else.

"Don't worry...you'll learn."

And then the suit slid over his eyes, and the world went dark.

He felt the pressure of the suit around him, the symbiote already whispering in his ears as it caressed his body, fingered his ass, tugged on his cock. There was a constant full-body molestation, and no matter how he squirmed, he couldn't get free. The pleasure was a trap, a way of keeping him there, but it was the type of trap that anyone would have stepped into willingly. There was no getting free, because too much of him didn't want to get free. It felt too good to escape from, and so, he sagged in the chains once more as the symbiote got to work, whispering in his ear, telling him what he was and what he needed to be.

A good boy.

A good toy.

A good bitch.


Crypt'Lisk groaned as he opened his eyes, rubbing his forehead as he sat up in his own bedroom. He remembered...


It came to him a few seconds later. He'd gone to get his suit from the frog, but hadn't had the time to head down to the site. He'd have to do that later and hope for the best. All things considered, he was probably being jumpy about any dangers of being seen. There was no real chance that he had ended up on camera, after all, and the only person that knew about the connection of NightVeiler to Crypt'Lisk was the frog that made the suit. And he doubted that anyone would know to talk to him.

As long as the two stayed separate, he'd still be able to get out there and make a difference. He'd still be able to do something other than just be a good little drone for Mr. Vult and SaefSec.

There was something...odd...about that thought, but the snake knew that another day had dawned, and that meant that there was another job to do. Mr. Vult had told him to get down to Hable's to check the security box today, ASAP, and that meant that he needed to get moving. Being late for a debugging was a good way to get on the bear's shit-list, and that wasn't something that he needed, not when half of his ability to go around as a vigilante was based on access to SaefSec security.

Just a little longer, he told himself. Just a bit longer, and you won't have to do this anymore. Then you can...

He didn't know what he'd do next, but something different. Something better. Something that made Blue-Stream City a better place.

The End

Summary: The start of a four-part cycle where a snake ends up causing himself all manner of trouble.

Tags: M/solo, M/M, Suit, Symbiote, Cyberpunk, Implants, Drugs, Frog, Snake, Bear, Size Difference, Bondage, Molestation, Groping, Fingering, Masturbation, Plugging, Anal, Series,