Reverend, I Yiffed Your Son

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Yiff Chronicles

By: Ace Wolf


I you're under the age of 18 please refrain from reading this story. This includes the act of two males having sex -gay sex. If this isn't your thing, or if it affends you, you may want to leave. If you are a bible-head, you, also, may want to refrain from reading this story. If you do not like the word fag, then turn around and leave. For everyone else, enjoy reading.

"Gay people will burn in the flames of hell!"

If I haven't heard that a million times. Each time that phrase was said it received the same response: a quick shrug, and the rolling of my eyes. Though I heard it a million times, I looked up at the person saying this: Reverend Bridges -a German Shepard with creamy brown fur covering his chest and muzzle, while the rest of the fur presented a jet black texture.

I turned my head in a drowsy action, focusing on the fur beside me -my mom. The black wolf stared up at the Shepard, slowly nodding her head in approval of his sermon. What a sight -my mom agreeing with this bigot. I just turned my attention to the seat in front of me and drowned out the ridiculous noise.

It sickened me; my mom knew I was gay. I told her on my eighteenth birthday, six months ago. Ever since then she has dragged me to this fag-hatting church, in hope I'll be changed. But everyone knows once you go gay, you can't go straight. That rule didn't apply to my mother. With the right amount of church therapy, I'll be straight as a cock. That doesn't sound so bad, huh?

Apparently, a guy liking cock is a bad thing -that's what this Shepard says.

I looked over to the Reverends side to see his son, sitting in the back with a grim look on his face. The smaller Shepard resembled his father: creamy brown and jet black fur. Two days ago was this Shepard's eighteenth birthday. What a lame party he was given. I heard more scriptures at his party then at church.

This is probably boring you, huh? Sitting through a church service, on a Sunday morning, listening to fag-haters preach their so-called truth. It isn't interesting you, right? You want something exciting, fun, yiffy? If that is what you're looking for then let's rewind this about ten hours...

10 hours earlier

"Can I buy you a drink?"

I looked at a middle aged tiger. He had holes in his shirt, and what seemed to be a big, brown stain on his chest. Pitiful. The guy actually thought I would give him the time of day. It wasn't because he was extremely old, or the fact he looked like trash. The reason why I paid little-to-no attention to the feline is because I fucked him already.

"I'll pass," I said, giving a fake smile.

"Come on. Let me get you one drink," The tiger tried to reason with me, but my eyes kept gazing over the holes in his shirt. This guy was truly a mess. What the hell was I drinking the night I had him under me is a mystery.

I spun around in my chair to face him. "Thanks for the offer, but I can buy my own drink," I said.

"How about letting me buy you a drink, cutie?" A deep voice said, coming from behind.

I turned around and was greeted by a bear. He stood my height, six foot two, with a slight muscle build, and a small gut. To be honest, the bear was pretty damn sexy, but there was only one problem: I fucked him -last week. I leaned back in my chair and expected the bear.

"Yeah...I don't think so, Yogi." I turned back to the bartender.

"Why you actin like that, wolfie?" The bear said. He leaned over my back, rubbing his giant paws over my chest, down my abs, and stopped at my crotch, taking a handful of my bulge. He lowered his muzzle to my ear.

I turned slightly and grinned. I forgot how large those paws of his were. They had size, but gentle when it came to rubbing, massaging, and stroking. I thought about the things I could do with this bear, but I had guidelines -rules. No guy could be fucked more than once. That way they cannot get attached, and my gay life style can stay discreet.

"Sorry, not interested."

The bear retracted his paws and walked away. No use clawing up a slippery tree. At least guys nowadays new when to give up. I can remember my first time here -the day after my eighteenth birthday, my first time at P3, the gayest bar in America. I was the new toy in the play-pin; every guy wanted a piece of my ass, or dick.

Furs change, but not me. From day one my attitude has been cocky and arrogant. I had standards. No fat furs; no fur over the age of forty; no scales. Not to mention I HATED when guys tried to make the first move. I'm dominant in every form and shape. If I want something, I'll be the one to go get it -not the other way around.

Tonight, at P3, seemed slow. Not many fags attended, and the ones who did were not worth looking at. Music started playing -barely anyone stepped on the dance floor. Why the hell did I even attend tonight? I've basically slept with everyone in this bar. Maybe it was time to find a new one.

I spun around in my chair again, performing a 360 and gazed over the dance floor. Something, or someone caught my eye. Way in the back, occupying a small corner stood a fur. This fur wasn't just any fur; I knew him. Standing alone, stood Mark -the reverends son.

"Hello, gorgeous!" I said and spun back around to the bartender. "Two beers."

"Here you go." The bartender said, placing two beers in front of me and taking the ten dollar bill I fished out of my pocket.

I walked over to the spot the Shepard stood and tapped him with the cold beer. "Don't you have church in the morning, young man?"

Mark quickly turned around and looked at me with shock and fear. It was cute seeing the, all-so holy kid in a gay bar -and rather shocking. Never would I expect the Reverends son to be here, of all places, even if he did seem a little out of place.

"W-what are you doing here...?" Mark asked in shock.

"I should be askin you the same question," I stated, "Who knew the man of god's son would be here, in P3. The gayest place in the world. You know you're going to burn for this, right?" I grinned and started bouncing with the music. A up-beat techno song was playing -fags favorites.

"Wh-... I... You're gay, Ace?" Mark queried.

"My usual answer to that is 'if I'm not fucking you, it's none of your business', but seeing that I will soon, I might as well tell you," I said, grinning. "Yes, I'm gay."

I could tell the Shepard was shocked. He just stood there, with a slight tremble. This was the usual response. It was really hard to decipher me as gay. Nice body, deep voice, no piercings. Yeah, I was the prime example for straight. The only gay thing about me was... nothing.

"Y-you're not going to..." Mark asked, but was interrupted. I knew exactly what he was going to ask.

I leaned down and whispered into the Shepard's jet black ear, "Your secret's safe with me." I moved back, giving him space and handed him one of the beers. "Here. You look a little nervous. Drink this and you'll relax a bit. Mark took the beer and thanked me.


"Don't thank me yet," I grinned.

Mark gave a puzzled look, but that was quickly turned into a look of excitement, confusion, and lust. I pushed him into his corner and grabbed a paw full of his crotch and licked up his neck, gaining a murr from the Shepard. He trembled in my grasp, but there was no sign of resist.

Mark looked down at me. "W-what are you doing..."

My tongue worked its way up the creamy brown neck and up to the jet black ear. I squeezed his crotch with much force, making him squirm and whimper from pleasure. How far could I get with this? The usual -all the way until I'm planting my seed in his ass.

"Just giving you...a late...birthday gift..." I said and licked the inside of his ear, causing him to moan and go limp.

I caught him in an arm. He wasn't big at all. Compared to me, a six foot two wolf, the Shepard was five foot eight and fairly thin. Seeing the little canine in my arm only made me question how big he really was -down south. Just something I would find out in due time.

"I have my mom's van...the seats are let down...let's finish this there," I whispered in his ear, lustfully, and sending waves of heat into the canal, causing Mark to shiver and nod.

We walked outside the bar, kissing, rubbing, grinding, gripping, and groping. It was a miracle we made it to the car; I stopped every few feet, pushing Mark against the bar's outside wall, pinning him in one spot and forcing my tongue in his muzzle. My body towered over his, until I picked him up, and letting his legs wrap around my waist.

Mark was getting the hang of it. The once nervous Shepard vanished. His claws sank in my back as I kissed his chest, neck and lips. He moaned, and with each one the volume gradually decreased. If we didn't make it to the car, Mark was going to have an orgasm with his clothes still on.

Once we made it to the van, I slipped a pair of keys out of my pocket and pressed a button, never breaking the kiss. The door slid open automatically, and I pushed the Shepard inside. I pressed the button once more and the door closed, locking two horny furs inside.

The van was one of those traveling cars. The seats could be hidden under the car's floor to make a ridiculously large amount of moving room. Every night I prepped the car for my midnight fucking, placing blankets and towels in the back so nothing can be stained. We all know how messy two guys can get.

There we stood on our knees, kissing and moving our paws over the others body. Mark undid my belt, unzipped my zipper, and forced a paw into my pants, grabbing my sheath and stroking it. His paws were warm, small, and extremely gently, but the way he stroked caused my cock to stand straight up.

My body twitched from the touch and I pushed the little Shepard on his back and started tearing away his pants and underwear until he laid in front of me half-naked -cock exposed. He, himself, was fully erect, standing around seven in a half inches, but not thick. I pushed down my own pants to reveal my member, standing approximately 8 inches, thick, bouncing, and dripping pre.

I leaned down and connected our muzzles once more in a lustful kiss. Our bodies grinded, pushing our cocks together. The tip of my cock was very sensitive; every time it rubbed against Mark's belly fur I shivered and shot more pre. Mark attempted to wrap his arms around my neck, but his paws was forced down, making any movement very difficult.

Mark gave a slight whimper. That could only mean one thing, from my experience: he was ready to move on.

I leaned up -my cock jumped with each beat of my heart- and grabbed a condom from a cup holder. I opened the small package and was going to put it on before a black paw stopped me.

"Just do it..." Mark said lustfully.

I chuckled and shook his paw away. Then I grabbed a pawful of his balls and gave them a light squeeze, causing him to jump.

"Never... I repeat. NEVER fuck unprotected," I said in a loud tone as I placed the condom on my throbbing member. "I can tell you're an amateur..."

I grabbed his legs and placed them on my shoulders. "You ready?"

Mark nodded and said softly, "Go slow..."

I grinned. Slow? That was funny, because I've never took any tailhole lightly. The harder and faster I pounded an ass, the quicker I could send them on their way, yet, for some reason, I considered cooperating with his wishes. I mean, it was his first time. I didn't want to scar the guy for life -or did I?

I handed Mark a towel.

"Bite on this..." I said.

Mark took the towel and placed it inside his muzzle.

I moved forward and pressed my cock to his tailhole. I could feel the hole close up at the touch of the alien object -he must've been a virgin, or at least an anal virgin. No guy I've ever fucked was this tight. Slowly, I slipped my tip past the tightened hole. Mark gasped and whimpered with the towel in his maw. I pushed more of my length in, slowly. The Shepard had a really tight hole. If I didn't have control, I might blow my load in him quicker than expected.

Mark pulled the towel from his maw and said, "It hurts...t-take it out..."

With my paws planted on both sides of the Shepard, and half of my cock inside him, I said, "'s supposed to'll get better..."

I slid more of my wolf wood inside Mark; inch by inch I pushed forward until all eight inches safely rest in the Shepard's tailhole. He grabbed my arm with one paw, digging his claws into my flesh. He breathed slow; his chest moved up and down.

We sat there for a minute, as I wait for Mark to adjust to the new feel of being filled. With each breath he took, his tailhole walls clenched around my raging cock. I wanted to just start pounding away at his black and creamy brown ass, but I had to remember it was his first time.

After letting Mark adjust, I slowly pulled out and pushed back into him, with a slow and gradual rhythm. Mark's body language spoke to me. He wanted me to go faster -to pound his ass to oblivion. He wanted me to make him walk funny tomorrow, but his mind wanted something slower -something memorable.

"Fuck me..." Mark whispered. He was now digging his claws in more than just my arm, but the blankets beneath us as well. The Shepard was starting to get use to the feel of a cock inside him. With the little force he could exert, he pushed back into each thrust.

The soft words 'Fuck me' caused an increase in pace. I drove my cock deeper into the tight ass, moaning and panting, losing myself in the pure lust and heat of the moment. The feel of a nice, young canine under my body made me feel dominant -superior. I loved to be on top.

I pulled out of his ass. "Get on your paws and knees, pup."

Mark obeyed, slowly turning around and lifting himself up on his paws and knees with the little strength he possessed.

I placed both paws on his furry ass and shoved my cock back into his hole, this time not going as slow. The reason I changed positions is so I can be on top of his ass when we are tied. I wanted to mount him and when I finish coming in his ass, mark the son of the Reverend.

Mark rocked into each thrust. He really started to get the hang of it. The pain past, and now he was receiving sheer pleasure -anyone I fucked received pleasure. It's one of my talents.

My paws worked their way up the Shepard's back and grabbed hold of his shoulders. I pulled back and thrust forward, implanting my cock deep inside the Shepard's ass, and accidently slipped my growing knot into the tight, virgin tailhole.

Mark howled from the painful experience of a knot shoved into him and slumped over, leaving his ass high and proud.

I grabbed his cock and started to stroke it, while I continued to hump into him, letting him clench around my cock. My orgasm was just around the corner -I could feel it. Before I got off, I was going to make sure the Shepard shot his load. Everyone knows how tight a tailhole gets when the guy shoots.

I rubbed my paw in a circular motion around Mark's cock, coating it with his pre. With each jerk, Mark moaned and groaned. Up and down and circular, the motion continued as I tried to fish out his orgasm. I moved my paw down to his knot and gave it a very firm squeeze, and as I did, his tail hole tightened and we both shot our load: me filling the plastic covering my cock, and him shooting his white fluids onto the blankets I prepared.

"AHHH!" I said as the orgasms died down. "Haven't had a tight tail like that in a while..." I started tugging at my knot, trying to pull it free, but a paw was placed over mine.

"Wait..." Mark whimpered, "Can you...hold me?"

With those words, I paused. No one ever asked me to hold them, or even cuddle. It was always fuck and leave, and that is the way I liked it. No apologies, and no regrets. But with Mark, it felt as if I may actually want to cuddle, or to have him in my arms until my knot decreased, instead of ripping it out, along with half his intestines.

"Sure..." I said and laid down behind him -my knot plunged deep inside his hole as my cum dripped out of the condom. This violated every rule in my book, but it felt nice -warm.

I wrapped my arms around the Shepard's body and laid there in silence while the night aged.

10 hours later

"And if homosexuals do not change their ways! Internal damnation is ahead of them!"

Reverend Bridges continued blabbing about fags and hell, even after thirty minutes. I often wondered if he thought of anything else besides homosexuals. Maybe he is a secret, undercover fag, and he go tail banging at night, or even a male prostitute. That would be hilarious, huh?

I shift to my other arm to rest my head and knocked over a bible on accident. It fell to the ground, opening to a certain page. I picked it up and was about to close it before I saw something that caught my eye. One passage read "God loves all of his children and will protect them".

A soft smile formed as I read the passage. There was my proof. No matter my sexuality, or what I do, God will always protect and love me. For that, I will always cherish and love God.

I gave my attention back to the Reverend. In the back, Mark stared at me and grinned. He stood up and walked into the back of the church -his tail swaying left to right.

I grinned and stood up. Sometimes, rules are meant to be broken.