Chapter 2: Trouble in Paradise

Story by Judas Rusczyk on SoFurry

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#2 of The Perpetual Oasis

It had been about a week since the raccoon's arrival, and things had finally begun to settle down. Life seemed to return to normal for Anfang once more. He lifted himself up from his bed, made from some soft branches he found one day as he was wandering in the woods. Still, it wasn't rare for him to be jolted awake, as a stray offshoot jabbed into his ribs. He was still half asleep as he yawned and stretched, letting out a deep breath as his arms returned to his sides. He looked across the dark cavern to where Kieshou had already set up a bed of her own. His eyes strained as the small pile of leaves and limbs started to come into focus. He was a bit astonished to see that once again, she was awake first, and nowhere to be found. He rose from his place of rest and made his way out from the cavern. The bright sunlight filtered through the trees, causing him to almost shut his eyes completely. He stumbled around for a while, thinking that maybe the raccoon had just gone to collect some berries for breakfast again.

"Kieshou!" he yelled. "Were'd you go now?"

Anfang wondered what she could be doing, as he began scratching his ears with a paw. Giving up on the short search, he started making his way towards the falls. It was the first thing he did everyday, but it never seemed to grow old. He made a few feeble attempts at locating the raccoon as he walked.

"Kieshou? Kieeshoouu? Aaah, forget it. If she wanders off and gets hurt, it's not my fault." he said, trying to convince himself that he wasn't concerned.

Strange thoughts filled his head, and he started picturing his new friend in all kinds of troubled situations. Each one kept getting a little worse than the last.

"What the hell am I worrying for, she couldn't have gone far." he assured himself.

He neared the tree line, hearing the familiar sounds of cascading liquid being dashed on the rocks at the base of the falls. He squinted once more as he stepped out into the clearing, trying to adjust to the bright reflection of light off the crystal blue waters. Once again, the wolf stretched his arms high above his head, preparing himself for the coming exertion.

"It's about time you woke up!" Kieshou shouted.

Anfang looked up at the top of the waterfall, and there, perched upon a large rock stood the missing raccoon.

"What are you doing way up there?!"

"It's fun! Watch this!" she replied.

With that, the raccoon leapt off the boulder, launching out a great distance before swan-diving into the shallow water below.

"She must be nuts." Anfang thought to himself.

His mouth was hanging open in shock, not expecting to see such a bold show of acrobatics from out of nowhere like that. Kieshou surfaced not too far from Anfang's personal sunning spot. She swam to it and called out to the dumbstruck lupine.

"So how was that?" she asked.

"Uh....very nice. I didn't think the river was deep enough to dive into like that."

"It's all in how you enter the water, you have to arch your back right when you hit."

"Yeah, whatever......I would never do anything as crazy as that unless I had to. So you don't have to tell me how to do it."

Kieshou frowned at his response, expecting some kind of praise for the display of bravery she just showed him. She climbed up onto the small island, intentionally laying down facing the opposite way from the seemingly unimpressed wolf.

"Hey, what are you doing? That's my spot! I was about to...."

"Well too bad! Maybe you shouldn't have been such a jerk to me!" she said, cutting his statement short.

"What a sensitive creature." Anfang thought. " was a nice dive and everything. I didn't know how much you cared what I thought...jeez."

She didn't even honor his last statement with a response. She tried to ignore him, concentrating on enjoying the warmth of the sun against her cold, wet body. She thought that maybe if she stopped listening, her anger would subside.

"You aren't even hearing me are you?!" he snapped.

He realized that he was now continuing an argument that he didn't even care about in the first place. Kieshou sure knew how to push his buttons. He jumped into the river and swam over to where the waterlogged raccoon was laying motionless, pretending she was falling asleep. He lifted himself out of the water and hovered above her. Then he began shaking himself off vigorously, hoping to get a response from the lifeless raccoon. She didn't exactly enjoy Being sprayed with the mist, but ignored it none the less. Frustrated, Anfang nudged her with his foot.

"Come on, this is a stupid thing to be mad at me for. I just said that stuff because I was worried. You always wake up before me and go wandering off. What am I supposed to think? Then I show up here and you nearly kill yourself!"

"Really? You were worried about little old me? That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard!"

"Cut it out."

"Aaww, does this mean you love me?"

"Stop it, I was being serious! You didn't have to go and...."

"Alright, calm down. You don't have to get your fur all tangled up in knots. Besides, I knew what I was doing. Cliff diving was one of my brother's hobbies. He was always giving me lessons."

Anfang was still a little angry with her for taking such a risk, but he didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry I got so angry alright. What do I have to do to make it up to you anyways?"

He looked down at Kieshou. She looked gorgeous when her fur was all wet like that.

"Hey, you're not getting any ideas are you?" she asked playfully.

" know, you really hurt my feelings."

A grin appeared on his muzzle as he spoke, hinting of his true intentions. He sat down next to the raccoon, her coat still dripping with moisture.

"You look absolutely stunning." he purred.

Kieshou was just glad she finally had a reason to embrace the wolf once more. It had been kind of awkward ever since the day they met. The day the two of them had become more than just friends. Maybe they moved too fast....maybe not. She didn't really care anymore as she placed her arms onto Anfang's broad shoulders. She leaned in and gave him a long, passionate kiss. The lupine wrapped his muscular arms around Kieshou's soggy body, pulling her in tight. He loved the feel of another's fur rubbing up against his own, even if it was all soggy. He wasn't afraid of her anymore. He lost most of his inhibitions along with his virginity that day. They held each other and kissed for quite a while before Anfang finally pulled away.

"You were right. I think this just might be love I'm feeling." he muttered softly.

"I feel it too...."

They couldn't stay parted for long. Both of them were so attracted to one another at that moment, they could do nothing but give in to their emotions. They started groping and massaging each other, letting their paws wander about as if they had a mind of their own. Anfang was the first one to hit a nerve, arriving at the raccoons' warm orifice. Kieshou groaned as she felt his paw rubbing against her. She licked his face wildly, her paw coming to rest upon a nerve of her own. One of Anfang's bulky fingers was playing with her slit, sliding in a little ways just to tease, then pulling out and rubbing again. His member on the other hand, was fully absorbed in Kieshou's slender fingers. Her paw was stroking the entire length of the shaft, coaxing it out of it's sheathe. Anfang figured he had played around long enough, and slowly pushed one of his fingers deep inside of her. She yelped loudly and started pumping his cock faster, causing clear fluids to come shooting out onto her gut.

"Oooh....oh....slow down you don't want to......end this yet do you?" he said between whimpers.

"Not just yet......I've got plans for you." she replied. "Lie're going to like this."

The lupine did as he was told, pulling his paw away from her slit and placing both of them behind his head. Kieshou never stopped massaging as her face drew near his pulsating tool. She opened her mouth and put most of it inside, looking him straight in the face as she did so. She closed her lips tightly around his member and started to bob up and down, being extra careful not to let her pointy teeth rub against his sensitive cock. Anfang just stared into her eyes, his body shivering with pleasure. Kieshou wanted so much to do this to him the first time but wasn't able to. She was sure doing a good job of making up for it though. The wolf growled as he lifted his arms from under his head, placing a paw softly on top of her head. This action merely caused the raccoon to increase the vigor of her assault. She could now feel the hot tip entering her throat each time she descended onto his wolfhood. Still, she hadn't quite gotten to his surprise yet. Kieshou opened her jaws as wide as she could, letting his large knot slide into her mouth. She had to swallow much of his cock to do this, but she knew it wouldn't be for long. Anfang howled as he felt her teeth press into his bulb, causing him some pain. Somehow though, it actually intensified the pleasure as well, placing him in the throws of animal gratification. He clasped his paws around Kieshou's head as the cum rushed down her gullet. She never let a drop escape from her lips, she couldn't. His cock was buried too deeply in her throat now for that to happen. Anfang finally ran out of juice and sprawled out onto the rock exhaling a large breath of air. Kieshou managed to free herself from his swollen rod, settling down next to the spent beast. Her chest was heaving rapidly from the lack of oxygen.

"So that was the surprise....nice." said Anfang between breaths.

"I might like it."

"What was it we were arguing about again? I forgot."

Kieshou just gave the lupine a playful shove and laid herself out on his chest.

"So what's on the menu today?" she questioned.

"I don't know, I hadn't really thought about it.....what do you want?"

"Well you told me yesterday that you were going to teach me how to catch those wild chickens. You still up for it?"

"Am I up for it? Are you kidding? I was starting to think you were never going to ask. I'm getting real sick of fish and berries."

"Well let's go, I'm starving."

It took a few minutes before the two of them eventually got up and swam back to shore. They both shook themselves until they were dry and started walking downstream.

"It's not exactly easy to catch these things, but I think you'll get the hang of it." said Anfang.

He told Kieshou that he usually finds the chickens near a patch of blackberry bushes in one of the nearby large fields. He led her down a path that went through a part of woods that she hadn't seen before. The raccoon rubbed her belly which rumbled with anticipation at the thought of a good meal. Much to her pleasure, the two soon arrived at their intended destination. It was an amazingly vast grassland filled with flowers of all different sizes, shapes, and colors. You wouldn't expect such a place to exist in the middle of such a dense forest, but there it was.

"Over there......see it?" the wolf whispered in her ear.

Kieshou focused in on a row of tangled shrubs on the other side of the clearing. As she looked on, she started noticing some movement in the deep grass that surrounded them.

"Alright, watch and learn." said Anfang, already brimming with confidence.

He crouched down into the tall grass and slowly made his way across the field. He neared the rustling, and stopped to see if the chickens could sense his presence. They just went about their business, some pecking at the sweet berries growing on the shrubbery, others simply pecking at the ground.

"This is gonna be so easy." he thought, a small smirk appearing across his chops.

He was about ready to pounce when all of a sudden the chickens, somehow aware of the canine's arrival, began clucking and flapping their wings. They soon organized and began running around, trying desperately to find someplace to hide.

"Oh no....I wanted to impress Kieshou so badly I forgot the first rule of hunting. Always stay downwind of your prey!"

He took off quickly, just as the poultry made a break for it. Even with the fowl up, he was way too fast for them and he started to close in on one of the stragglers towards the back of the group. The chicken tried to out-maneuver the predator, but to no avail. Anfang was soon close enough to it to pounce. He jumped into the air, coming down hard on the bird, clamping it's neck between his jaws. Whenever he hunted, he always made sure he killed his prey as suddenly and painlessly as possible. He didn't like to see other creatures suffer, but it was either eat or be eaten out here. He took the chicken from his mouth and held it out in front of him. It was a rather large hen, which he figured was the reason it was so slow. He trotted back over to where the raccoon was watching from, a feeling of pride washing over him.

"That takes care of you learn anything?" he said arrogantly.

"Yeah I did....don't let your food see you coming. Looks like you still need some work wolfy boy."

"So you noticed that huh? Well, I still caught one.....maybe you want to try?"

"Nah, I think I might just sit this one out. You go right ahead, but don't forget what I told you."

"Very funny, so now you're the teacher huh?"

Kieshou just smiled and gestured with her paws for the lupine to be on his way. He stuck to the outskirts of the field this time, trying not to make the same mistake twice. He came up behind the flock this time and waited until they settled down before once more claiming his prize. Once they had enough to make a pretty good meal, they started back down the path towards the hollow. Upon arriving at the den, Anfang decided it would be best to cook the food this time. He gathered some kindling and built a small fire pit just outside the mouth of the cave. He also constructed a makeshift spit to roast the chicken on.

"I'm going down to the river to get some fresh water okay?" said Kieshou.

"Alright, but hurry up, this is gonna be done soon."

"I smells great by the way." she said, remembering just how hungry she was.

With that, she grabbed a gourd they used for carrying liquids and set off down the path that led to the falls.

"If she doesn't get back soon I'm gonna eat her share too." he said quietly as he turned spit.

All of a sudden he was gripped with fear as a deep, booming roar pierced the calm air.

"What the...."

He turned and found himself face to face with a gigantic, and very hungry, black bear. The bear smelled the chickens roasting, and he searched the woods until he had found them. With just one swipe, Anfang was sent flying through the air, slamming up against the side of the cave. He screamed in pain, clutching his ribs with one of his paws. Kieshou had already filled the flask and was heading back towards the campsite when she heard his cries. She dropped the jug and began running as fast as her legs could carry her.

"Damn...that bear followed Kieshou all the way here.....persistent bastard." the injured wolf snarled.

To be continued....