Goddess of the Throne: First Night

Story by Crystalline Lore on SoFurry

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#4 of Goddess of the Throne

First Night

Lyon stared at the massive mansion as they approached it from one of its side roads in her master's car. The fact that the mansion even had its own roads was impressive enough, but after viewing the amount of ground enclosed by the high rising walls she could see the need for them. The mansion itself seemed to be several floors high, possibly three and a windowed attic, and was parted into three portions: the central lobby and the east and west wings.

The mansion was also walled off from the rest of the grounds by a sturdy fence of stone tipped with razor sharp shards of iron shaped into leaves. Off in the distance she could see several other buildings; possibly storage sheds and the quarters of the servants that surely lived here.

"Impressive, isn't it?" her master remarked as she gave her a sidelong glance. "It was a bit of a lie when I said I purchased it as a summer home. Actually, even I would frown at such an unnecessarily large and expensive place, but it's in truth an inheritance. My family has owned this land since the ancient eras and since I'm the last left it was given to me even though I was banished from the family."

Lyon was mildly curious as to why she had been banished, though considering the type of person Magdalene was turning out to be maybe it wasn't all that surprising.

"No, my personal life had nothing to do with why I was banished. Not entirely," she said, almost as if reading her mind. "I was always a rebellious child. I refused to be their little doll, marry off to whomever they chose, even for all the money in the world. I was a young woman who fed off control and power, who despised being a puppet. So I set off and 'made it big', as they say, all by my lonesome. Aha, were they furious!"

The car eventually came to a stop in front of an ornate oaken door, after which the driver stepped out and quietly opened the passenger door for them. She dutifully followed her master in silence as they shuffled out of the car and strode through the large door. She was surprised to find the inside simple and modern for a place supposedly so old. Maybe her master got rid of all the things that reminded her of her family?

"All right then, let's see.." Magdalene looked around thoughtfully as she hooked her arm around Lyon's neck and brought her close, absently stroking her hair. "There aren't many servants here, but enough to last for your training and our stay. After that they won't be needed since you'll be taking good care of me, isn't that right my little pet?"

Lyon wanted nothing more than to slap away the hands that were so intimately petting her, but instead she simply nodded and forced a smile.

Magdalene led her on a brief tour of the mansion, pointing out that beyond the kitchen and dinning areas, the walking paths strewn throughout the grounds, and Magdalene's own room little else would be important. They stopped at another heavy oaken door behind the dining area that faced a row of wide windows. Magdalene opened it carefully, then gestured for her to look inside. Lyon saw nothing but an empty, barely clean room with concrete flooring and walls. There wasn't even a light inside.

"What is this room for, Master?" she asked, raising one of her ears quizzically.

"Until I think you're ready to continuously stay at my side and tend to my pleasures this will be your room." She smiled pleasantly. "Consider it encouragement to learn quickly. Now then, whenever I dismiss you or send you away this is where I expect to find you. The door locks from the outside when it closes, so all you have to do is open it and step inside. I expect you can manage that?"

She felt like crying, but instead only nodded sadly and said, "Yes, Master.."

"Oh, and let me say this simply: If you leave the grounds or if I have to go looking for you , you won't live to regret it, dear."

Though her master didn't say so she suspected her collar had something to do with that threat. It was thicker and heavier than her Center collar and from what little she had learned of Magdalene it was something the woman would do. She wisely kept her mouth shut however. If she was going to find some way out of this situation, she needed all the advantages she could get, small or large.

They continued on beyond the dinning area and down a short hall, stopping at an elegantly arched door. Her master opened it, then gestured for Lyon to step through. She walked inside and glanced around, seeing that it was likely one of the master rooms in the mansion. It was pretty much how she expected: large, extravagant, and utterly high class. The theme went with oaken furniture colored with dark finishes and silks of black and blue. There was even a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and seemingly ancient curtains hanging from the arching windows.

There were plenty of out of place objects though, no doubt personal touches made by Magdalene. She blushed as she saw an array of bizarre dildos sitting boldly on top of one of the dressers. Other similar devices and objects littered the room.

"If you haven't yet guessed, this is my room," her master said as she closed and locked the door behind her. "Well, I suppose I should say 'our room' considering that you'll be spending almost as much time as I will in here." She stepped past Lyon, sat on the edge of the deeply cushioned bed, and then patted her lap. "Come here, dear."

Feeling a little anxious, Lyon strode over and sat on her master's lap, tensing as Magdalene wrapped her arms tightly around her and pressed her cheek against Lyon's.

"We've a little time before dinner, and your training doesn't begin in earnest until tomorrow," she whispered. "But..why don't use this time to get to know each other a little better? Well, our bodies at least. Tell me, have you ever had sex before, Lyon?"

She blushed brightly and slowly shook her head. "No, I haven't, Master."

"Haven't had your first heat yet either, then?"


"Oh my, we've lot of fun in store for us!" She gently shoved Lyon off her lap and onto the bed, then crawled over her and starting to pull off her robes. "We'll start with you for now. Not too much, I think, since this is our first night together."

Though it felt uncomfortable to lie on her back because of her tail, Lyon said nothing as she obediently lifted her arms so Magdalene could remove her Center robes, leaving her with nothing but the simple panties the Center had given to her at her request. Magdalene then clutched both of her wrists with one hand and pinned them to the bed above her head, her free hand reaching for something. Lyon felt something cold and hard wrapped around her wrists, then heard a crisp snap and felt it suddenly go taut with a brief grunt from her master.

"There we go!" Magdalene said cheerfully as she pushed Lyon's form so that she was laying in the center of the bed on her back.

Her arms hurt a little from the constant tugging of what she assumed were chains, but she couldn't move them and she didn't dare complain to her master. Instead she anxiously turned her head to see what Magdalene was doing

Her master quickly stripped down to her bra and panties, then joined Lyon on the bed. She slowly crawled on top of her, then lowered herself so that their lips touched. Lyon felt her master's tongue force itself into her mouth, felt it exploring as if it were a confident conquerer, then abruptly Magdalene ended the kiss and gave her a disapproving look.

"You should kiss back, you know," she said, raising an eyebrow.

"S-sorry, master."

Her master again brought them together into a deep kiss, her tongue once again slipping inside her mouth. She kissed back as best she could, entwining her tongue with Magdalene's. She didn't know if she was doing it correctly, but her master didn't complain. After a few moments of wetly exploring her mouth her master broke their kiss and then began tenderly brushing her tongue against her neck and chin. Suddenly something pinched one of her nipples, sending a mixture of pain and pleasure throughout her body.

"Ah!" she exclaimed, though only partially from surprise.

"Hehe, such a sensitive little kitten.." Magdalene cupped one of her small breasts warmly and began kneading it. It sent pleasant shivers up her spine and she soon began to feel a faint dampness between her legs.

Magdalene quickly repositioned herself, then wetly ran her tongue along the sensitive inside of Lyon's fluffy ears. She moaned gently in response, her breathing growing heavy as her master's hand continued to cruelly twist and tease her nipple before again descending to knead her breast.

"Do you like it..?" Magdalene asked, her words a ticklish whisper.


"Hmm.." Magdalene brought her free hand down to her thighs and gently caressed them. "Lying won't change anything, you know. You might as well admit it instead of risk upsetting me.."

Her master pushed a finger against the mound between her legs, then slowly ran it along the crevice through her panties. Lyon arched her back slightly and moaned, her tail constantly curling in pleasure while her ears flicked pleasantly.

Her master giggled and then continued stroking her ears with her tongue. "You know, they say that ani are much more sensitive than either humans or normal animals in a lot of ways. I'm glad to see that this is one of them.."

Lyon began huffing as her body grew warmer and her heart began to race. She stuck her tongue out as she breathed heavily, her eyes half closed. It was easy to tell that Magdalene was incredibly experienced. She knew exactly where to touch, how, and for how long.

"Better?" Magdalene ask teasingly, smiling as Lyon obediently nodded. "Tell me how it feels."

"Warm, wet..and tingly. Really good.."

"Where does it feel good?"

"Down..between my legs.."

"Good girl!" Magdalene removed her hand from Lyon's crotch and slowly slid her index finger into Lyon's mouth. "I'm going to make you feel a lot better, but I need something for me too.."

She wiggled her finger in Lyon mouth until it was thoroughly wet, then removed it and it brought it down into Lyon's panties. Lyon tensed as she felt the wet digit stroking her gently, then gasped as her master suddenly slid the single finger in after pushing through a little bit of resistance.

"Goodness, dear, you're incredibly tight.."

"Ugh..ah..huff.." She squeezed her thighs shut as she felt the wet finger adding to her own wetness while it invaded her deeply. It wiggled teasingly and stroked her insides in small circles, driving her crazy.

"If you're like this now I can't imagine how you'll be after a few lenberries or during your heat," her mastered whispered. "Now then..as you've probably already felt your ear is quite sensitive..you have a lot of blood vessels and nerves tightly bundled up here. So..I wonder what would happen if I.."

Her master gently bit down on her ear, then slowly began to clamp harder. Magdalene timed her thrusting finger just as she bit down, pushing her finger deeply inside her. Sharp, hot pain shot along her ears and down her body just as shivering pleasure ran up along it.

She shrieked in pleasure and pain, her mind swimming in a haze. It took her a while to realize she had began purring loudly. Magdalene giggled, ruthlessly continuing to nibble painfully on her sensitive ears while fucking her with her finger. Lyon felt something searingly hot begin to build deep inside her, something that begged for escape.

"Oho, you're ready to cum, aren't you? I can feel it." Magdalene blew teasingly on her ears, then without warning thrust another finger inside Lyon. Both of them twisted and turned inside, making nasty noises as they slid nosily in and out of her pussy. Keeping up the pace, her master bit down cruelly on her ear and began to sharply tug on her other ear with her free hand.

"Ow, ow! That..hurts..stop..!" Lyon struggled to break free, her voice laced with pleasure even as she feared her ears were going to be ripped off. Magdalene ignored her and continued to toy with her body until finally she closed her eyes as a hot white flash overtook her. She arched her back in pleasure, her mouth slightly open while she purred loudly.

She gasped for breath as the hot wave of pleasure and pain finally receded, leaving her thighs feeling suddenly wet and sticky while her ears throbbed painfully.

"So adorable.." Magdalene was laying beside her, smiling softly while she watched the waves of orgasm leave her pet. She leaned down and gave her a wet kiss, then broke it with an amused expression. "Your voice is so lovely as well, I can't wait to hear you scream. Ah! And thinking of all the naughty things we'll soon be doing and all the toys I'll teach you how you use gives me the shivers, my little pet.."

Lyon looked idly up at her master, her chest rising and falling as she breathed heavily. Magdalene watched her curiously, her expression thoughtful.

"That wasn't enough for me, though. Do you know how to pleasure a woman, Lyon?"

She shook her head, her eyes half closed.

"No, I suppose you wouldn't. Very well, I'll do it myself tonight and teach you later." She leaned over and rolled Lyon over onto her stomach. "Don't move, dear."


She felt movement behind her, then heard the sound of opening drawers. She guessed Magdalene was looking for something, but for what she didn't know. After a few moments she felt the presence of her master standing behind her, then felt her panties being slipped off.

"Lift your tail, dear, and don't lower it until I tell you to."

She did as she was told, feeling strangely dirty and exposed when she raised her tail straight up into the air. Without warning something hard and thin smacked her bottom painfully, sending faint shivers of pleasure through her body.

"Ah!" she breathed, caught by surprise.

"Such a lovely voice.. Tell me, does it hurt?"

"Yes.." It did, a kind of lingering pain that was sharp but manageable, like a paper cut.

Her master brought whatever she was using down on her bottom again, then again, and again. She constantly changed the timing and sometimes hit her softly while at other times she hit hard enough that her eyes watered. She constantly moved around as well, hitting either side of her butt or at times hitting her thighs or pussy. Each swing brought a loud smacking noise and drew a deep cry from her lips as she helplessly lay there, her ears flat against her skull.

"Raise your..voice..a little..louder..dear.." Her master's voice was thick and breathless and Lyon could hear a wet, slippery noise similar to when her master had been playing with her pussy earlier.

She frowned angrily; her master was getting off from her suffering! Her anger quickly vanished however as she felt her hair being roughly tugged, then felt fingers clamping around her aching ears. She shrieked in surprise and pain, tilting her head to prevent her ear from being ripped off.

"Ow, ow!"

"Are you listening, you little bitch?"

"I'll be louder!" she hastily replied, then exhaled in relief as her ear was released. When Magdalene hit her again, harder this time, she made sure to raise her voice when she cried out in pain. Not that it particularly took a lot of effort..

After a while she heard her master grunt, then exhale in satisfaction. The bed shifted as she slid on top of it, then Lyon felt her master's breasts press against her back as she lowered herself on top of Lyon and pulled her onto her side. She winced when Magdalene's thighs brushed her aching butt, leaving behind a sharp, stinging sensation as her tender flesh was pressed.

Her master absently stroked her body as she basked in the afterglow of her orgasm, her hands idly wandering. "Hm, you're wet again."

Her ears perked up in response as her face twisted into an expression of confusion. "Huh..?"

"I suppose you liked it a little rough, even if you didn't realize it. Well, it's actually not all that unusual. It'll be less so once I'm done training your body to respond as I please." She brought her hand back down to Lyon's pussy and began stroking it teasingly. "Don't you worry though my little pet, Master will make it feel better."

Her master skillfully brought her back into a state of embarrassing panting and purring, her deft fingers slipping wetly in and out of her. It didn't take long before the hairs on her tail and ears stood straight while she reached an orgasm for the second time, her back arched in pleasure.

Then the hot pleasure slowly fled and left her feeling drained and tired. She drowsily gasped for breath, her ears flat against her skull and her tail limply resting on top of them.

"Mm, that was wonderful. A little boring, maybe, but we've plenty of time to get to more exciting things." She let go of Lyon and slid off the bed. "Let's get you something cute to wear and head off to dinner. You can practice your tongue-work then~"

Magdalene begin looking through various drawers and started shifting through various articles of clothing, humming softly to herself. Lyon watched her idly, the previous sensations still faintly coursing through her body. She dearly hoped the dinning chairs were heavily cushioned..

Suddenly a strong gust began to pick up in the room, swirling in a circle like some kind of whirlwind. Her master somehow didn't seem to notice, which was definitely odd, but nothing in the room seemed to be affected by the strong gusts either. It continued to build up, roaring vigorously, and then just when Lyon felt her ears would bleed from the noise everything grew suddenly quiet.

And still.

Her master wasn't moving. The curtains didn't sway from the cool draft, everything else seemed lifelessly silent and still, their colors slightly dulled. She glanced curiously around, unable to to do much while still chained. Suddenly a fox-like creature hopped onto the bed, a small, even cute, little thing. It was an odd color though, a darkly purplish hue with black highlights.

"Throne! Empyrean aflame, you're alive!" the fox suddenly said, startling her.

"Huh?" she replied stupidly, surprised enough that the fox was even talking. Calling her 'Throne' only confused her even more, though the name was faintly familiar and brought up muddled memories, more emotion than anything else.

"I knew I sensed you! At first I -" He paused as he seem to realize that she was naked and chained. His eyes traveled down to her genitals, widening as he saw the stickiness glistening on her thighs. "Oh..s-sorry."

He turned away and surprised her even further by fading into what seemed a whirling mass of inky, dark smoke. It reshaped itself into that of a humanoid, then grew more detailed before finally settling into that of a fox-boy that seemed all too familiar. He looked much like the fox he had been, dressed in purples and blacks. His long hair fell to just below his shoulders, purple with black highlights just like the fox. They matched the fluffy fox ears that poked out from the hair and the slowly swaying fox tail behind him. He was incredibly beautiful in feminine sort of way. She also personally thought he looked incredibly handsome.

"I didn't mean to interrupt whatever it is you were doing...my apologies." he said, embarrassed. He kept his back facing her.

She raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "You didn't interrupt anything; it's not like I'm here by choice."

He glanced at Magdalene, who remained motionless as if in stasis. "Then this human brought you here against your will?"

"Something like that. She bought me, so I guess she's my master and I'm her pet."

He stood up straight and shook his head, sighing. "The irony of you being someone's pet is too much, you know.."

"I don't know who..or what, you are, but I wouldn't be against some help," she replied hopefully. She couldn't possibly be this lucky?

"O-of course, my Lady." He turned and leaned over the bed, struggling to keep his eyes glued to her face. She noticed that his eyes were a deep amethyst color. "And you don't remember me? Sky?"

The name did seem familiar, stirred something deep inside her. A memory just out of reach, like a word on the tip of her tongue. The feelings entwined with this memory seeped through, however. Anger surged forth hotly, accompanied a sadness deep enough to drown her.

"You..are a little familiar," she said, closing her eyes as her head began to ache. "You said that you thought I was dead..?"

"Yes, the last time we met you..killed yourself in a fashion few of us would ever forget."

Us? Killed myself? More emotions rushed forward as he spoke, more memories kept away from her. A deep hatred left boiling for several lifetimes. "I don't remember you..or much else..all I know is that I feel like I should hate you, despise you."

He paused in what he was doing, shocked. "You don't remember? Impossible! Nothing could have caused - " He paused, his eyes thoughtful. "Unless something is restricting your memories, confining your past. What or who could be powerful enough to do that, however.." He shook his head. "As for myself, I don't doubt that we would not be on good terms after what happened..but for you to despise and hate me? That's..unlikely."

She groaned as her head began to spin. Anger washed over her like a sea, hatred, despair, and a sense of loss quickly following. They choked her, brought tears to her eyes. From deep inside something stirred, a font of something both incredible and frightening. She reached out to Sky with it, her body filling with exhilaration as strength welled from within.

Sky's eyes widened as he seemed to feel whatever it was she was doing. "Throne, please - " he stopped suddenly and seemed to struggle as if something were holding him. She smiled in pleasure.

"How dare you show yourself before me, Sky!" she screamed, tears running down her eyes. She did not know why she said this or even why she was crying. She was lost in the flow of the moment, an endless maelstrom of teasing memories and deep emotions. "You and the others do not deserve another breath, let alone to speak to the last of the loyal."

"That's...not true..please, Throne - " He coughed and clenched his teeth.

"Bring your blade to your throat."

Surprisingly he did as she commanded, seemingly struggling as if his will were being undermined. A gust swirled from his palm, forming into the shape of a long, curved katana. It was beautiful, hued black and purple just like everything else about him, and decorated with an amethyst crystal. It shimmered faintly as he brought it to his neck, his eyes fearful.


Her anger flared. "You fear death? Truly?" She laughed confidently, which was amusing considering that she was laying naked and chained. "Very well, then how about your manhood?"

Obediently his blade fell to his groin, the sharp edge pressing against the elegantly weaved slacks he wore. He shook his head, his fangs clenched even tighter as he seemed to be fighting with all his strength.

"Tell me then, Sky: will you die as a male or live as something less?" She paused, looking at him coldly. "Or perhaps you're already something less and it's already too late."

"Throne..please.. if Vandale finds you.."

"Vandale?" she asked, surprised. "He might already have, because he's the reason I'm here."

"That doesn't make any sense.." he breathed, his eyes filled with confusion. "Please, allow me to leave.. I promise I will bother you no more.."

She growled at him, her ears flat against her skull. She very much wanted to kill him, but not before he suffered. Something inside, however, kept her from doing so. Instead she released her hold on him and closed her eyes, exhaling as everything suddenly left her. The wonderful force she had felt inside her, the dancing memories, the hatred, all of it.

As soon as she released him Sky dismissed his blade in a puff of amethyst mist and gave her a long, sad look before stepping back and fading through the wall. Within moments the room again burst into a torrent of wind, then it quickly died down and everything returned to normal.

Magdalene turned and tossed a pair of black lacy panties and a beautiful black dress on top of Lyon, seemingly unaware of everything that had just transpired. "Let me untie you so you can get dressed." She paused, looking at Lyon quizzically. "Are you all right, dear? You're suddenly crying."

"I'm..fine, Master. Sorry.."

But she wasn't. She was confused and frightened, her mind twisting and churning with what had just happened. And of course, even without that troubling her already, her future days were marked to be spent as Magdalene's sex slave.

She closed her eyes and slowly exhaled. No, she wasn't fine at all.