[Serathin] Out From the Rain (Chapter 1)

Story by teryxc on SoFurry

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Teryx takes shelter in Bheni's house, safe from the sudden downpour. However, after a nice hot shower, he isn't safe from what's in Bheni's closet...  (3.3k words)

Commission from SerathinGallery Link: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/serathin/

The sunshine that had been promised for the entire day had suddenly ended in the early afternoon when a thunderhead that took over the entire horizon drifted quickly towards the small city, the wind picking up with greater intensity as it got close. Those that were lucky enough to see it coming were able to get inside before it was on top of them in the span of a few minutes, a single bolt of lightning splitting the darkened sky before the clouds emptied their contents on the mostly unsuspecting population below. In seconds everything had gone from dry to soaking wet as the heavens opened and drenched anyone unlucky enough to be out when it did. For Bheni he had been fortunate enough to have already been inside when it happened and as the blue-scaled dragon did the dishes he looked out of the window to see others scrambling for shelter.

Just as he had put the last of the plates away, he heard a knock on the door that caused him to pause. He hadn't been expecting anyone and when he looked out of the peephole, he saw a familiar face that had him open the door. "Teryx!" Bheni said as the dripping wet rain dragon took a step inside, golden mane matted against his similarly blue scales as he attempted to shake the water off his coat before he did. "Goodness, you're soaked to the bone!"

"Yeah, can't believe I got caught up in that," the rain dragon said as he tried to find a place to put his coat after he had taken it off, Bheni ending up offering it to him. "I was just on my way home and thought that it would be nice to walk instead of drive, had I done the latter I would have been there before this all happened. Sorry for barging in by the way, but do you mind if I just stay here for a while until the worst of it blows over?"

"Of course!" Bheni replied quickly as he grabbed a nearby wash bin to put the soaked coat into. "Why don't you take a hot shower before the cold sets in, and I'll get these in the dryer for you."

"You're too kind," Teryx replied, grinning sheepishly and waving his hand dismissively. "I don't need all that, this is probably a quick storm and it'll blow over in like an hour so I can head back."

"Nonsense," Bheni stated vehemently as he handed the wash basket to Teryx. "Go ahead and strip down upstairs and put the rest of your clothes in here, I'll get them dried for you while you shower. It's the least I can do for a friend, don't want your scales chafing because you decided to walk the rest of the way home in wet clothing."

Finally the rain dragon relented and grabbed the bin, thanking Bheni for his hospitality before heading upstairs to do that. He went up the stairs to the second floor that consisted of the other dragon's bedroom and the bathroom he was to use. Once he was inside Teryx carefully peeled off the wet clothing from his body before tossing it in the wash bin, finding that his brief time in the rain had soaked him all the way down to his underwear. He ended up putting it all in there and sliding it out of the door with his foot before closing it behind him and starting up the hot water.

While it was strange to be showering in his friend's place he was thankful for the ability to wash himself after being caught in that rainstorm, letting the heat warm up his chilled body for a few minutes before washing himself. He didn't want to use too much and once he had gotten the cold from the rain out of his system and his mane properly washed, he turned off the water and stepped out before drying him off. Once he was finished with that, he wrapped the towel around his waist and looked outside of the bathroom to see that his clothes had disappeared with the bin. That left him with the problem that he was now standing in the other blue dragon's house with only a towel wrapped around his waist, and when he relayed that to Bheni by shouting down the stairs he just shouted back to grab something baggy from his room until the drying cycle was done.

Teryx turned back and went into Bheni's bedroom, looking around the small but tidy space in order to try and find a pair of sweats that he could lounge in while his own clothing was being taken care of. He was going to have to find some way of repaying him for this favor, Teryx thought to himself as he began to rummage through the closet near the bed. It wasn't long before he found the clothes that he was looking for, pulling out the sweats as the hangers fell to the floor. When he leaned down to pick them up however he saw something that caught his eye, something shiny and red that got his attention.

While he wasn't normally one to snoop in the belongings of others as he continued to look at it he noticed what looked like a glove of the same material sticking out as well. As carefully as he could, the rain dragon reached in and grabbed it. Although he had gotten an idea from seeing it when his fingers curled around the material it was clear that this was something made out of latex. When he had started to extract the item from the back of the closet he was surprised to find that it wasn't just a rubber dragon glove, there was an entire red and yellow dragon suit stashed back there!

"Whoa... now this is something," Teryx said as he looked over, turning it from front to back to find that it was very well crafted. "Why would Bheni be hiding something like this all the way in the back of his closet? Looks amazing and not a wrinkle in it despite the treatment."

As he continued to look over the suit a strange thought overcame the rain dragon as he saw the opening of the suit presented to him when he turned it around. With Bheni still milling about downstairs he wondered what it would be like to have it on. It was so realistic looking he could only imagine what it would be like to have it on... and as the seam of the suit seemed to open even more, he realized that he didn't have to imagine it. As though in response to the idea the seam of the suit seemed to grow even wider to allow him to slip his feet inside.

It wasn't long before he found his draconic appendages slipping inside the leg sleeve of the suit, watching it disappear into the latex as he justified to himself that he would only have it on for a little while and then take it off. Plus he was sure that Bheni didn't mind him trying it on... he did say that he should grab something to wear. The idea of coming down the stairs in this red dragon suit made him grin, thinking about how the other dragon would probably smirk seeing him wearing it. Admittedly there was also something arousing about the rubber pressing against his scales as he sat down on the bed to help get his other foot in, watching the latex stretch easily around his legs and almost suction around it when he had gotten them completely inside.

The suit fit him like a glove, almost as if it was made for him as he shimmied the suit up to his thighs until he could pull it over his hips. Feeling the shiny skin press up against him was more arousing than he had imagined it would be, to the point where he found himself blushing slightly in embarrassment when the seam of the suit bumped up against his erect member. The fact that he was standing in the room of his friend seemed to leave his mind as he gave the sensitive flesh a few strokes before pushing it inside the suit, inflating the rubber version as he slid into it like a sleeve. The result of the rubber against him made it even more arousing and once more he found his hands stroking himself through it as he let out a soft moan.

The rain dragon was so distracted by his own pleasure he failed to notice that the red rubber suit continued to pull itself over his body, a smile forming on the deflated muzzle. Danny had realized that something was different the second a different dragon had pulled him out of the closet, and when he saw the handsome creature looking him over he had hoped that his curiosity would be stoked enough that he would try him on. The living suit could feel the pleasure coursing through the other dragon's veins as he slowly put himself onto him, using the sensation of arousal that came from their bodies sliding against one another to disguise the fact that he was crawling up his back.

To Danny's credit Teryx didn't even realize what was happening until he went up to stroke his chest, only to find that instead of his usual light blue scales covering his pectoral it was red latex instead. The shock of finding the suit completely engulfing his backside, feeling his broad shoulders actually get drawn into what he thought was a dragon costume, had prompted the rain dragon to turn his head to the side in order to call out for Bheni. When he tried to open his mouth however he suddenly found a pair of hands on it, keeping his muzzle shut as he turned back towards the mirror and saw the red dragon head looking at him. Teryx's eyes widened as he watched the head of the suit open up like a hood, then completely slide itself over him and engulf his own head.

For a few seconds Teryx was completely engulfed in darkness before he felt the rubber pressed against him adjust, feeling his mouth open and close despite him not telling it to as he felt his tongue poke out past his lips. When he was able to see again, he was shocked to see a completely different face looking at him as he felt a smirk form on his muzzle. When his fingers went up to grab at the mask pinching the red rubber scales felt like grabbing his own flesh, the rubber somehow suctioned onto him as the body of the suit continued to move forward in order to engulf the rest of him. With only his arms freed there was little that Teryx could do but stand there, especially since his already rubber covered legs refused to do what he told them to.

"Mmmm, this is a nice body," the suit said suddenly, Teryx once more surprised when a voice that wasn't his own came out of his muzzle that made the movements of the words. "I think you fill me out better than Bheni does in all honesty. Oh, my name is Danny by the way, and from I gather you must be Bheni's friend Teryx."

When Teryx attempted to respond he couldn't move his mouth, and the longer he stared at his red rubber-clad form the harder it was to remember himself as the rain dragon. It wasn't that he was forgetting, it was more that the thoughts of the living suit were mingling with his own and making it hard to think of himself as anything other than the red dragon. As the last vestiges of the rain dragon disappeared inside of the suit Danny chuckled and rubbed the muscular form that was underneath his rubber, enjoying the feel of the firm pectorals and washboard abs that were created with his body on top of the other. Already he could feel his host starting to succumb to him as well, unlike Bheni he could enthrall this one in order to be a mere passenger while he got to do what he wanted.

Speaking of such things, Danny thought to himself once he had smoothed out his own body and stimulated the dragon inside him even more, the living suit had a rare opportunity on his hands as he slowly walked towards the door. Though he was facing minimum resistance from the creature inside Danny still had to get used to walking with a new body as he looked out to see if Bheni had come up to the second floor in order to investigate what was taking Teryx so long. When the rain dragon caught wind of the plan the rubber dragon suit could feel the one inside him wiggle and squirm, but with his body completely engulfed there was little he could do but watch as Danny slowly went down the stairs. It wasn't long before he found his target, watching the blue-scaled dragon sit on the couch as he flipped through the channels of his television while waiting for Teryx to finish up.

Though the situation was surreal, Teryx found it unusually appealing to have the rubber creature controlling his body, giving him a form to use even if it had been unexpectedly taken. The fact he could still feel everything that was happening to him but not control it had made him wonder what it would be like interacting with Bheni, and from the thoughts that he was able to catch from the living suit's consciousness it was clear he was soon going to find out. Once more Danny took advantage of a dragon's distracted state and went behind the couch itself, slowly crawling over in order to keep himself from being seen or felt. When he got in position Danny watched for a few seconds to find the right time to strike, both he and Teryx feeling their anticipation swelling.

Meanwhile Bheni looked at the time on the television and wondered if something had happened to Teryx or if there was something that he needed, prompting him to turn the device off in order to go and take a look. The second that he had leaned forward to put the remote down on the table however he felt a heavy weight on his back, followed by his shirt being pulled off of him in one smooth motion. He let out a yelp of surprise as he suddenly found him bare from the waist up, the deft fingers quickly running down to his pants to pull them off as well. As he felt something throbbing against his back he wondered what had gotten into Teryx, but as he quickly realized that the body pressing against him was rubbery in nature he knew that it wasn't anything that had gotten into him but rather onto him instead.

"Danny?!" Bheni said as he turned around, only to find a pair of rubbery lips pressed against his own. The dragon suit was having far too much fun at the moment to ruin things with small talk, plus the blue-scaled dragon already likely could piece together what happened to Teryx as the two dragons continued to make out with one another. With his body completely bare Danny had so many things he wanted to do with him now that he had a different form to use, though the first was feeling his cock press against his own as he wrapped his rubber fingers around both shafts to stroke them.

As Bheni felt his pleasure growing stronger he found his hips bucking up slightly, increasing the sensations of rubbing his own member against the one covered in rubber. With him usually being the one wearing Danny it was strange to find the synthetic creature being on top of him, especially with the physique of the rain dragon underneath it. He could only imagine what Teryx was feeling, knowing that the red rubber dragon was completely in charge of their shared form as their bodies continued to slide against one another. With both their arousals building however Bheni soon found his focus somewhere else, mainly the cascade of pleasure coming from his groin and his mouth as the rubber dragon continued to ravish him on the couch, their tongues sliding around one another as they made out.

Eventually the pleasure of the muscular rubber creature rubbing on his draconic counterpart was too much for the three involved, Danny and Teryx feeling the cocks in their grip throbbing hard before they climaxed from the stimulation. Bheni felt the latex creature practically collapse on top of his own body as they came, their lips finally breaking from one another as they both started to pant heavily from the exertion of their fun. At that point the blue-scaled dragon realized he had an opening as he saw the living suit practically in a daze from their amorous encounter, reaching up his hand to the neck of the rubbery individual. Before Danny could realize what was going on he felt the fingers of the other dragon slide underneath the seam of the suit, his face freezing in shock before going passive as Bheni took the hood of the dragon suit and pulled it off the one underneath.

Teryx let out a loud gasp as he suddenly felt the thoughts of the living suit leave his own, as well as finding the control coming back to his own limbs as he shook his head a few times. Bheni quickly positioned him so that he could sit on the couch where they had just gotten together so that the rain dragon could clear his head and to make sure that Danny didn't try to take control again. With the suit exhausted from his pleasure-filled romp it allowed the rain dragon to have full movement of his body again, and since he was no longer taken over by it Teryx was able to look at himself fully in the red dragon body. Though there was no mirror for him to look at himself the rain dragon found that rubbing his rubber hands over the rest of his form was good enough, though he quickly stopped when he found his arousal building from the action once again.

"I am so sorry," Bheni said as he watched Teryx look at his rubber-covered body. "I didn't realize when you were going to take clothes from me that you might stumble upon Danny, plus he's usually a little more well-behaved. He probably caught wind of you naked or something and just couldn't-"

Bheni's sentence was cut short as Teryx leaned in and gave him a kiss, surprising the other dragon enough that he gave the rain dragon a stunned look when he pulled back. "I actually thought it was quite the fun experience," Teryx said with a smirk. "If anything I should be thanking you and Danny, definitely something I was not expecting when I came here to get out of the rain."

"Speaking of which," Bheni replied as he turned his head to look back out the window, Teryx doing the same to see that the rain had not let up and if anything had actually gotten worse with night falling. "I don't think you want to be going home anytime soon, and I found the first time that I wore Danny I was completely exhausted afterwards, so why don't you go ahead and take him off while I make up a bed for you on the couch?"

"You sure?" Teryx asked. "I don't want to intrude."

"I'm positive," Bheni said with a grin. "Now first I think we both need a shower to clean ourselves up and we probably should get Danny off of you, I can already see him trying to get his head on top of yours again to possess you and I think he's had enough fun for one day..."

[Serathin] Out From the Rain (Chapter 2)

The next morning Teryx awoke to the smell of breakfast cooking, the rain dragon sniffing the air as he slowly rose up from the couch he had slept on. When he looked outside he saw that it was still raining as hard as ever, which meant that there was no...

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