Unexpected Paradise - Falco x Krystal & Fox x OC 1/2

Story by Randomsquidborn13 on SoFurry

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A commissioned piece - the moment Falco sees Krystal he gets a reaction, but he's never thought to be with a different species before and its obvious Krystal and Fox have a thing between them. But as time goes by and both Krystal and Falco are reacting to one another, curious information from her species and an investigation on a new planet will throw the pair together and introduce Fox to someone else.

Author's Note - I don't know much about Starfox so bare with me for the AU piece and I can't remember all the tags to put on so if you see some missing out, please add them!

Unexpected Paradise

A Falco x Krystal Commission

Part One

Taking on Andross was over and once docked into the Great Fox, Falco Lombardi was feeling more than a little relieved as he was taken up to see Fox. It had been a little while since they'd last talked and certainly battle was never an easy time for chit-chat and catching up, not when he was having a chance to show the amazing kind of pilot he was. The blue bird double checked his feathers as he followed the crew up, making sure he was looking his best to see his old friend again and to show off how cool and calm and collected he was even after a battle.

As he continued to flick the dirt from his feathers and his suit, he was brought up to where Fox McCloud was waiting to see him and looking more than a little peeved about it. So, Falco had gotten in on the mission that was supposed to be Fox's undertaking, he couldn't say he hadn't needed his help and in the end the goal had been the same. He thought Fox might even be a little grateful for it, but he just waited for whatever Fox was going to say as he stood there staring in boredom towards the wall behind Fox's head. At least, that had been the initial intention, but he'd found himself rather oddly distracted as the pair had then thanked him, relaxed and Falco had thought to settle down, when someone else was brought up to be met by Fox.

Apparently, if Falco had been getting the information right from the others, then it was one of the beings who'd been involved in the issues with Andross and the Dinos from the beginning. Falco was not exactly interested in meeting them of course, he just wanted to get back to normal and bask in the glory of a good day in his head. But when the others began to chatter and whisper about how Fox was going to react to this figure, Falco could not help but get a little curious. He heard it was a female, a fox and well that was not exactly fascinating, but he'd never known Fox to look so oddly embarrassed before. He looked towards the fox, who should have been trying to look fancy and prepared to greet and be thanked by this figure for helping with their problem, but instead Fox was gulping and trying to figure out what to do with his paws.

Falco was amused, he did not show it on his face, his sharp eyes just stared up and down the fox before he stepped back a little, ready to observe with the others. As he settled, he looked at the others that were making kissy faces to suggest that Fox was already infatuated, and Falco had to give a smug snort of fascination. He really had not seen his companion looking so sheepish before, especially not about a female, so this had to be an interesting situation and Falco decided that he would hang about to see who was coming over. The crew were staring too, ready to see their commander make a bashful mistake or stutter as he spoke, and Falco was grinning inwardly to see what would emerge to make the fox pilot so pathetic!

But when the doors opened, what stepped in to greet Fox McCloud and apparently thank him more personally than just a transmission where she'd apparently apologised for being rash, was not what Falco had expected. To be fair, he was far more interested in his ability to be in the air and steer his fighter than really muse about attractions and relationships, he'd not expected to have his head turned by anyone and certainly not another one of these foxy things. But the female to step forward had not exactly chosen her flight clothes to be hampering, let alone to exist much. Her blue almost mauve fur was wearing a loin-cloth style skirt, a basic bra and she looked practically savage rather than the experienced fighter that Falco had been expecting her to be, but certainly he was shocked by the reaction of his own body towards her!

Staring at this vixen, Falco could feel his body heating up, looking her up and down with his sharp eyes and almost drinking in her beauty. It was almost confusing to think that a being that was so clearly a different species to him, was somehow so enticing at the same time. He found himself feeling hot below, feeling like body parts were waking up as he looked at those neat curves and those breasts and those dazzlingly confident eyes. He was surprised, she looked almost delicious and then he could swear he felt his body doing something he never would have thought it would do!

Inside, the signals had been fired and the messages relayed to his hefty bird balls that it was time to consider breeding. The body was working on overdrive, desperate to engorge itself with enough seed to impregnate such a creature. The juices were starting to boil and flood the tubes, ready and raring to go and do what must be done. Even his cock gave an excited twitching within his covering feathers, almost standing to request attention. That sudden half-pleasurable throb made Falco's eyes widen all the more as he looked at Krystal and swiftly he turned to McCloud with a snort.

"Who's your friend?" He grinned, elbowing Fox playfully to give the hint that they should be a pair. It was only natural right, a fox with another fox? He wanted to shake off the feeling in his body, maybe he'd been in space too long and needed some company to keep him going? But trying to maintain his cocky façade right now and not alert the others to his growing arousal was almost impossible, but for the way that Fox gave a funny sound of surprise just made Falco want to clap his ears and tell him to have some charisma.

"Please... McCloud... I only came on board to give you my sincerest thanks and apologies... I doubted you with this whole mission and I was wrong. I don't even know if my thanks is even enough..." Krystal stated, it was rather clear that she was trying not to extend this moment out any longer and yet, it was also obvious that she could not stop herself from looking back and forth from Falco to Fox. Anyone else might just assume she was trying to have a tender moment with the other vulpine pilot, but that the presence of so many others was making her feel awkward and somehow, that was what the general consensus was... but Krystal was feeling very different.

When she'd stepped into the room, she'd found herself drawn towards the shocking blue feathers of the magnificent Falco. She'd never seen such a being before, she'd never expected to see someone so handsome and exciting other than McCloud upon this platform, but it shocked her! She'd never dared to look at a non-fox as anything interesting, her experiences with many other species had proven that not all of them could be trusted and her own kind were almost rare. Fox was a good pilot, a good captain, a good fighter and well, he'd made a very good impression on her now although he'd turned up like he was trying to be her knight in shining armour. She should be looking only at him, but her eyes kept turning towards the figure beside him, a being that clearly had no fear of being on his own or devoting himself to the battle and that was rather... attractive.

As Krystal looked towards the bird, she could feel her body burning, her insides boiling and sloshing with the building arousal. Her hormones were shooting around her body, filling her with desperate heat that was difficult to think of fanning away and her pants were getting wet. She could feel the little teasing squelches of her pussy juice dribbling out of her heated snatch as her clit began to tingle. She could feel too, inside her body the factory was on and hurrying to make the eggs swell and burst into her womb... she felt like looking at the bird would make her pregnant and so she turned her head aside with a firm grunt as Fox McCloud took over the situation.

"It really is wonderful to know I've changed your views on me, Krystal... perhaps we can talk about this some other time and really get to know each other better." Fox was looking sheepish, a silly grin on his face that made Falco feel more relaxed in knowing that the captain wasn't dumb enough to see the glorious opportunity before him. But as Krystal bowed her head and they shook hands before leaving, a glance over her shoulder towards them both seemed rather more aimed at Falco. He felt a firm thud in his heart that was echoed by the sudden erection in his trousers. Thankfully, no one noticed as a comment from one of the others about Fox's temperature rising kept them all distracted and chuckling. Falco could not understand it, but he hoped Fox would take that vixen and make Falco's mind think elsewhere.

Time passed by and to Falco's relief, Fox and Kyrstal had decided to try and become a pair and were involving themselves in a comfortable relationship. It sounded right, it sounded like it was the way things should be and yet somehow it gave Falco a bitter taste in his mouth. He was confident in his abilities to draw in ladies of course, but he never usually found himself reacting in such an embarrassing way to anyone like he had with her. His mind was constantly comparing things to her, even other lovers he would wonder if fur was softer than feather... if her nipples were more sensitive or if her pussy would taste different. His wandering thoughts had made his partners uncomfortable and his love life had ground to a halt.

He was musing at a bar about it, enjoying the soft atmosphere and the empty, dim-lit room aboard a station. He had been looking for another female he could compare to Krystal but nothing had come up, instead he'd just decided to drink his thoughts away... not that he was stupid enough to get drunk! But somehow it seemed fate wanted to play games with him and as he was musing over the universe, the door to the bar opened and Krystal strolled in with Fox. It was not what he had expected to see, they looked cute and happy, so he had been thankful to be out of sight, until they'd occupied a booth that the mirror before him seemed to reflect perfectly.

What were the odds of that? But as he watched her share a drink with Fox and chuckle with him, that steady throbbing in his loins began and he tried to focus on the alcohol. It had lost both strength and taste against the desire to conquer the female and he found himself staring right into the mirror as Fox and Krystal held hands and kissed. Fox was surprisingly innocent, giving soft little kisses and barely trying to push into something more extravagant, but Falco could tell already that Krystal was impatient and needed a good game of tongue-hockey to really make her moan and pant. He could see it so clearly in his eyes, his beak pressed about her muzzle and their tongues wrestling for control as he groped and squeezed her thighs... it was getting him even more aroused!

As he'd continued to stare into the reflective surface, he found himself watching the way she was leaning up against Fox, her bosom so pronounced and so beautiful, yet Fox was not even thinking of touching it. His paw sat only on her knee and Falco grit his beak, surely any male worth his salt would have that paw around her waist and that leg over his thigh, pulling her into his lap? It made Falco suddenly wince to feel that excitement developing below and he grit his beak even tighter as he watched their tongues swirling once more before she let go with that soft pant and gorgeous expression that made Falco cackle....

Clearly, Fox was not exciting her as much, that kind of feigned pleasure was the sort a female gave after touching herself; there'd been a clear edge of disappointment to it. But Fox was nuzzling at her again, looking so devoted and obsessed with her company that Falco was finding his stomach knot uncomfortably to think his friend was happy and yet, she was not. But his eyes lingered too long on the reflection, he did not realise that it could be seen from the other side and Krystal had noticed.

The vixen did not like the way Fox was so... typical when it came to dates! She could understand that he wanted to do things properly, he did not want to rush her and of course he was desperate to make her feel like she was with someone she could respect, but that was not what she wanted. Lately, all the cute moments with Fox seemed to be falling flat on her... it was getting a little repetitive and there was a lot of excitement missing from their relationship currently. She knew that he wanted the best, but when she'd suggested they go to the bar, she'd hoped they might get drunk and the pair of them might get a little further in the relationship! Certainly, he knew how to kiss but he was not doing much else and, when she looked across to the bar with a sigh of frustration, she spotted the mirror reflecting off Falco and clearly, he was watching her.

For a moment, their eyes locked as they both realised whom they were spying on and suddenly, Krystal's heart was hammering away in excitement. She could not believe it as the eyes did not stop staring but she felt that heat in her loins again. She could not understand it, why was it that staring at this creature was making her feel so excited as she gave a soft gasp of surprise when Fox licked her chest. It was loud enough to be heard by the other patrons and to her surprise, Falco heard it and stood up, storming off as she stared after him and her eyes widened in shock....

...she hadn't wanted him to go!

Falco hurried to the quarters he'd rented for the night, his groin painful as his balls felt full and his cock was visibly erect. He tried to avoid anyone else looking at him when he was like this, let alone passing anyone that might look at him too hard or laugh. Thankfully the lighting was dim and the hallways were empty as Falco reached the door, lifted the card and it slid open to show a neat little room staring out at the starry sky beyond. He stepped inside, the lights turned on automatically and Falco stepped to hit the button that turned the windows completely black so nothing could see in or out. He then stripped his clothes down, chucking them randomly into the air where a robotic arm appeared to catch them and quickly start cleaning them for him. He then stood there naked in the room, growling as he looked down at his erection.

Trying to figure out what to do, he quickly hit the door of what looked like a cupboard and it shot up with a soft swhoosh to reveal the shower. He stepped inside, commanding the warm water on and then he leant his big arm against the wall of the cubicle and gave a heavy groan. His eyes dropped down to stare at this swollen phallus that was throbbing with desperation to be relieved and he gave a growl. It had been a long damn time since he'd ever actually dealt with himself in such a manner, in fact he could hardly even think of a time when he'd ever had to deal with it on his own!

Falco grimaced as the hot water trickled down his back and between his feathers, making his body shiver in pleasure but his throbbing phallus pinch in desperation. He grit his beak as he tried to think of a way he could deal with this problem, knowing full well that just grabbing it and jerking was going to result in nothing but more discomfort. He groaned as he rubbed his head against the wall, letting the water flush the sweat from his body as he tried to think of what it had been to have aroused him so much when his balls felt like they were so heavy he needed to burst!

"Fuck... it's that vixen, isn't it? But why... why does she make me feel like this?" Falco growled into the wall, almost activating one of the computers until he just slapped the wall and barked for hotter water. As the steam then engulfed the shower, he heaved a heavy sigh and brought a paw to his groin. He stroked his paw up and down the length, never recalling it ever being this rigid before as he let his wet paw cover it and tried to think hard about how he could relieve it. Oddly, the image of that vixen giving her soft little gasp came to mind and his cock throbbed in desperation as he gave a slight grimace. He wrapped his paw about his length and then tried to imagine the scene, the vixen coming with him out of the bar and never having anything to do with Fox and coming into the shower with him!

He thought about how she'd looked desperate for more kisses and he'd imagined holding her shoulders and pinning her to the wall, his beak crashing against her muzzle in an aggressive kiss. He thought about pressing his naked body against hers, those pert breasts pressing to his chest, soft and plush and perfect! He imagined her tongue straining out of her soft muzzle for more affection and his thicker one rolling against it, a paw to her waist as her leg climbed up his hip! He imagined his form pressing against her stomach, telling her just what needed attention as she'd moan and groan against his superior tongue agility.

Then what? Well... she'd have to make him feel good before he even let her get her way... he knew she was probably the kind to want to be given instructions to make him feel good. Falco imagined placing his paw to her head, getting her down onto her knees and groaning at her to pleasure him so he can pleasure her even better. He imagined her slowly rolling her tongue against her pretty white muzzle and those eyes fluttering at him, before grasping hold of his broad length, stroking it and then lifting it up. He could see her mouth then kissing up and down his shaft in wet firm puckers that tugged at the skin before her muzzle went to his balls.

Falco shivered in pleasure, he thought about how good it would be if she were pleasuring him as he stroked his cock at the fantasy. He then found himself imagining her tongue rolling softly around his heavy balls, making them clench and swell with more cum as her lips would drag and kiss then suckle on them. He imagine her pinching the edge of his sac between her lips, giving a tender few sucks and moving her lips as if to chew, making them swell more and feel even more delighted. He then imagined how the precum would spit up at that point and plop onto her head, making her give that pathetic little gasp she'd had at the bar for her growing interest in his cock before he imagined her licking up and down his length.

He could imagine that gorgeous pink tongue he'd seen wrestling with Fox's, swirling and rolling around his form, dragging itself up and down before giving a soft gasp before lowering the cock down. She then gently rolled her soft tongue around his head, making him pulse and spit out more precum... at least in his imagination as Falco groaned to feel himself coming close. He groaned as he imagined her tongue just scooping up some of the bubbles and then gently slipping around the slit as he put his digit to the slit to make it feel good too. He groaned in the memory of what she might do to him then as she'd wink at him, open her mouth wide to show off it was empty before that dangerously hungry predator face would wrap around his cock.

He gave a loud groan of pleasure to think of her lips wrapping tightly around his form, slurping up and down eagerly! He imagined her savouring the taste of his precum and the taste of his head, sucking and drooling over the big head as her tongue was wiggling around the slit. It made Falco groan the more he was touching and rubbing his slit but squeezing at his own head as he let the fantasy continue. He grinned at the thought of that slutty vixen on her knees, her breasts bulging beneath her wet chin as she sucked on the cockhead some more before giving a gasp, opening her mouth wide again and then looking up at Falco for him to take control.

"Heh... you're a dirty girl, Krystal..." Falco grinned, speaking it aloud in the shower with his eyes closed and his back hunching as he rubbed his form more vigorously. He returned to his fantasy, putting a paw to Krystal's back and pushing her muzzle right into his crotch and his cock right down her throat. He groaned and sighed, imagining the feel of her soft, wet roof of the mouth rubbing against his cock with a melody of different sensations. He imagined that warm wet mouth filled with drool, that tongue waggling against his form before he thrust and pushed her head back and forth. He groaned and sighed, imagining how hard he could move, the way she would have her eyes closed, just savouring the taste and it made Falco moan to imagine before he finally gained release! "Fuck yeah... so good!"

He panted gently; he had made a mess on the side but thankfully the automatic cleaning devices within the shower cleared it up completely as he gave a groan of frustration. He hadn't produced such a huge load in a good long while and since he met that vixen... that had been where it had all come from, he knew it must! But why was that? Why was it the thought of that vixen drove him crazy and made his body react so eagerly that he could not even consider controlling himself. What was his body doing like this?

"Fuck... use your brain Falco, she's with Fox and we've certainly never thought to take someone's girl away like that... never needed to." Falco growled, scrubbing himself down and then finally finishing up. When he stepped out, the machines helped him dry and offered him clothes to wear, but he just ignored them and threw the towel aside before looking at himself in the mirror. He was completely handsome, at least in his eyes and every lady he'd been with, but he wondered if his equipment was any different to Fox's, if his cock was maybe shorter or not... he could hardly consider what could be so different between them both...

...except that they were not the same species, but did that even matter?

Fox had collapsed into a deep sleep after a loving session that he'd not been prepared for but Krystal had insisted upon. Something about seeing that pilot had just set off a chain reaction and her body had been desperate to be filled. Fox's cum was leaking out of her body, but she felt disappointed about it. She pulled herself out of the bed, leaving Fox to snore away in his happiness as she strolled naked without care of mess or who might see her through the uncovered windows. As she reached a chair and then just slumped down, legs akimbo looking across at the universe that could not really even see her, she closed her eyes and lifted her head.

With a heavy sigh she tried to figure out what was happening to her, the way she'd suddenly hungered for cum like Fox had been the last male anything in the galaxy. But she groaned because what she was feeling right now was utter disappointment that it had been with a male vulpine and not with the one to have caused this urge. But why was she so drawn to that bird, just what had he done to make her body crave to feel the blue feathering touching her flesh so delicately? She gave a soft groan as she thought of it and then blushed heavily as she brought her paw to her face and rubbed it down her muzzle with a groan.

"What is wrong with me?" Krystal questioned, she'd never known this kind of sensation before or this kind of hunger for sex. She'd not been the kind of slut to just go around with any male and certainly, her interest in Fox was genuine. But there was something bothering her, something that did not seem sensible to her as she looked to her body and where her clit was still straining out and her lips were reddened. She looked like she was in heat, her womb she could swear was filled with eggs and yet the cum from another creature like her had not sated her hunger or made her feel like it would take. Was she at risk of having a child because of this sensation? "But that's what it is, isn't it?"

Krystal grimaced in frustration, she then lounged backward with a sigh of frustration and closed her eyes, thinking about a situation that was starting to play in her mind. She was thinking about that moment in the bar, when her eyes had caught his, the way he'd reacted and the way his cock must have been throbbing as much as her clit had been. She could imagine him then hurrying over, punching Fox and then grabbing her by the wrist, throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her to a secluded part of the hall! Ugh... she was not the kind that would ever accept a public scene like that... but for this fantasy, she just let it continue.

Krystal let her mind follow the story, imagining her bra being ripped from her body and that beak brought to her bouncing bosom. She could imagine one paw grasping her breast and massaging it, squeezing and kneading into it to make her mouth water and her body start to burn. She could imagine wetting herself with her inner honey the moment that beak was brought to the other nipple and that thick tongue rolling around it. She could feel it straining out even as she sat upon the chair and gently, she brought her paw up to the hardening nipple, rubbing it gently with her palm and then bringing her other paw to her groin as she grit her teeth, rubbed the nipple and clit as she closed her eyes and gulped in preparation for the rest of the fantasy.

The fantasy was rich, she could feel that tongue rolling and stroking around the nipple, pressing up against it and pulsing like he was massaging her with the tongue. She could feel it heating her womb up even more, her legs spreading naturally as she moaned out loud. She could imagine beasts coming near the hallway, looking interested but then seeing the sharp eye of the falcon and backing away. She could imagine that harsh look that said she was for him alone before his paw wrapped around her chin and he slammed his beak to hers in a violent kiss. She could imagine that tongue rolling in her mouth and upon the chair, Krystal gave a sharp moan!

She had to move her paw away from her nipple, bringing her digits into her mouth, stuffing them in deep and groaning as she sucked on them desperately. She did not want to make so much noise that she'd wake Fox and make him uncomfortable... or excited over the matter. She also did not want to suddenly scream out Falco's name and make her situation worse, but her pussy was getting wetter and wetter, her digits pinching around her clit as she stroked up and down, her fingertips daring to probe the hole below. She groaned as she returned to her fantasy, moaning into her fingers as she imagine him kissing her so roughly he was stealing her breath before pulling away and speaking in a deep voice to her!

"You're mine and you're not going to belong to anyone else..."

The words made her body tingle in ecstasy... she felt her fingers dare to probe into her slit whilst her other paw gripped her nipple for a tight squeeze. She had to hold back the yelp she would have produced from the excitement and she had to try and think of catching her breath to check on Fox, but no sound came at all. She snapped her jaws shut and closed her eyes as tightly as she could, taking in a deep breath from her nose before wheezing out in a low moan as her imagination took control once more and she could feel Falco's breath on her neck as he pulled her legs up around his waist, chuckled and then speared her with his cock.

In her mind it was large, pulsing, heavy and wide, filling her up, impaling her against the walls as her hips bucked uncontrollably to try and let him get in. She could imagine her body trying to pull him in, her hips aching at his size but somehow... somehow his firm thrust was getting into her. She imagined that fat cockhead barging its way in and with her fingers she stretched herself open wide, letting her juices dribble down onto the chair as they might dribble and spit onto that cock. It was so easy to imagine herself squirting with an orgasm the moment his cock was inside, imagining it stuffing itself up as deep as possible, maybe even pushing into her womb. The sudden thought of it violating her so greatly was enough for her fingers to start stuffing into the crevice with great squelches and her other paw to come to her clit, rubbing it roughly.

She crouched on the seat, legs up hanging over the arms and her breasts jiggling, her breathing more panting than anything controlled as she rubbed and stuffed at herself so vigorously it could have hurt. She was getting really wet, her silken strands pouring onto the furniture as she squeezed her breasts with her arms and groaned out piteously in the growing pleasure that was overcoming her body at this fantasy. Even her mouth opened to pant, her tongue to hang out and drool as she tried to stop herself from just collapsing in sheer pleasure as she let this fantasy go wherever it needed to go as the image of Falco began to pound into her body.

In her mind he was ruthless, his head craned into her shoulder, hoisting her up by the thighs so her toes touched the back of his head. She could imagine herself bracing back against the wall, groaning and moaning, her jaws champing with the pressure making her senseless. She imagined his strong musk filling her nostrils and making her womb bloat with eggs begging to get drunk on his seed. She could imagine that huge form slipping in and out, rubbing everything inside her and making her want to howl out in total delight. She could feel his heavy balls clapping against her tailhole, could feel their juices mingling inside and setting her insides on fire as she groaned out in total delight and then gave a few pants of anxiety as she knew he would not stop just because she orgasmed.

As the fingers delved in to try and match the rhythm of her dream, she was soon squatting over the seat, her tail up and her head back as she groaned and tried to manage her breathing and keep quiet. Her breasts were bouncing and jogging her arms, knocking one paw that was trying to help stabilise her as the other paw was starting to squelch. Somehow she was able to get three of her digits into herself, strands of her honey sliding down her paw and then onto the chair. She ground down with her hips onto her fingers, trying to keep her body moving as ruthlessly as it was in her daydream.

Within the daydream Falco was still groaning and grinding his huge cock deep into her body, his beak pinching around her neck as if trying to leave a claiming mark. In the dream her breasts were being pushed right into his blue feathers, the sound of their wet loins slapping thanks to his heavy balls pounding into her groin was making her cry out. She would see herself panting so much her tongue was lolling and she was drooling, her legs floppy as all her weight was pushed into her shoulders to keep her against the wall and his feet into the ground. His firm movements were continuous, nothing was slowing him down and she could imagine how his cock would just get bigger and bigger to the point she'd be able to see it clearly if she looked at her belly.

The image was insane, unreal, but it made her wetter and wetter below before she imagined that moment where the giant cock would rupture. She could see and imagine that boiling hot cream drowning the eggs in her womb, drowning her womb, drowning her passage and pouring out of her body onto the floor. But it would not stop with just one burst, in her daydream that cock inside would just keep pulsing jets of hot cum into her body, filling her up so much she could not stop it dribbling and leaking down his cock to stain into her tail hole... maybe even entering her tail hole. She could just see it pulsing and spewing until it calmed and then slid out... the bird dropping her to the floor....

Then, in that dream and she could not understand why, she could just see that fat cock being brought to her face. She could imagine her stomach swollen with the cum as Falco then rubbed his cock against her face, telling her in a callous tone to clean up her master's cock. She could then imagine herself opening her mouth out, letting the fat, heavy form lay within her jaws whilst her tongue stroked and lips sucked. She'd never do something so lewd and wild before and the scenario was unreal and yet... yet somehow her body craved that aggressive passion and desire to mate.

She groaned out, clenching her teeth hard on the chair as she rubbed into herself so deep, so wet and wide her whole paw almost slid in before she felt that sudden wet squirt. Her eyes then widened in horror, at the same time she'd released just a little liquid from the pressure in her body and the desperation of her movements. Her dignity was lost too as she looked out the window then noticed that a room on the other side had suddenly closed it's blinds as if the occupant had noticed and Krystal fainted onto the floor, her whole body filled with embarrassment as the cleaning machines tidied the chair and then even offered to clean her.

Meanwhile, Falco had not slept so he'd gotten up and thought the image of the galaxy would make him more relaxed. Though at first he'd been annoyed that his position had meant he was staring right at the other rooms, he'd suddenly found himself watching a free show that he'd found so arousing he could only imagine that she'd known he was there. Falco had really not expected it, he'd ended up watching everything Krystal had done to herself and found himself getting more and more erect for watching her... but was it even real?

When it was over, after such a spectacular display, Falco had found himself closing the shutters again before asking them to be opened, only to see that hers were closed. He rubbed his eyes a few times, trying to avoid the throbbing, swollen cock that had decided to greet the universe with him and decided to chalk this all up to his earlier imagination. There was no way that a proud vixen like Krystal would really have gone ahead and done that in front of the universe now was there, she was far too careful for that! Falco shook his head with a groan and then requested a drink from the room, which arrived and he downed fast with a soft snort.

"There is no way that was real..." He groaned, stroking his beak gently before noticing his hard-on. He did not like it when dreams and reality tried to mingle like this, but he was sure that it was probably just all part of a dream he'd been having after just wondering if he'd spotted her. He shook his head and then brought his paw down to his groin, grasping his shaft tightly and then swearing in frustration. "Once more I've got to settle you down... fuck... I've never bee this aroused before..."

He really could not comprehend what was happening to him as he recalled what his eyes were still trying to convince him he'd seen, as he rubbed at his form. If she had been putting on a show for him, she would have given him some kind of signal she could have seen him right? No one in their right mind just jerked off in view of the universe no matter how desperate... but if it was just her doing it for him? He stroked himself more vigorously, replaying the way her fingers had started stuffing themselves in and she'd looked hungry and about to lose control. She'd have looked even better with his cock stuffed into her mouth, playing with herself while soaking him so he could get into her deep. The thought of him having that chance to just cover that dirty looking vixen in his cum, jerking right onto her body and watching it splash into her face, onto her chest and just see her panting and begging with her mouth for more....

"Fuck... I gotta get laid..." Falco groaned as he finished of another curiously unsatisfying session, desperate to find some way to deal with this reaction every time he saw that female!

Krystal was still trying to figure out what had happened to her that night, she'd been quite sore after but Fox had not noticed and she'd settled to hanging about with him again. They'd decided to go off together to another planet to enjoy a picnic together and indeed, the region was beautiful and certainly romantic. It had been a pleasant moment with the pair lounging there together under the stars and a mauve sky, but it made her stomach knot all the same as McCloud talked to her about his past and his wishes for the future. She listened, but she found herself unable to say anything more about her future than duty and love.

Saying these things to Fox felt oddly uncomfortable and even as if she were telling him lies... she could not explain why it felt like that and he did not pick up on it, but Falco came into her mind again. That night she found herself in bed with Fox after some more lovemaking, jumping up under the blanket after another wet dream about the avian. She'd stood up to find the river to bathe in, leaking heavily from her snatch with her nipples erect... all from the excitement of a daydream about his thick form thrusting into her. It was making her feel rather sick with herself for having a disloyal fantasy when she was trying to have a real relationship with Fox and so she settled down into the water with a groan.

The cool water teased at her nipples to make her shudder in pleasure, she swung her paw to her groin to spread the lips and let the sticky honey get swept away. Her expression was depressed, she knew it was beautiful and romantic here, but her mind was still screaming that she wanted to be here with someone else. Even as she tried to clean she imagined those big blue wings wrapping around her body, grasping her bosom, teasing her nipples to make her give out a cry of pleasure and then Krystal gave a growl and stuffed her face down into the cold water.

Clearing her head, she was able to have a moment of clarity that told her she needed to look into that bird's species. She needed to have a conversation with Fox about it, this reaction was just too extreme that she needed to find out if there could be any reason he was making her react. Maybe it was a reaction most females had to him, some kind of attack he'd been hit with that had left a strange affect? Maybe he was actually into males and had a vulpine partner who was more masculine than Fox and it was his smell that she was reacting to in truth? It made her grimace as she pulled herself out of the water, feeling like she was grabbing at straws when she heard Fox stroll over with a smile upon his face.

"You look like you got too hot... did you have a bad dream? I could feel you twitching beside me." Fox stated, a soft smile upon his face as he sat upon the bank, dipping his feet in the cool water and smiling at her lovingly. She felt her heart squeeze with the concerns she was feeling over their relationship and yet Fox just seemed to give a knowing sigh as if he could understand anything on her mind. "Don't worry about telling me something uncomfortable... your bloodline went through a lot and you saw things that would be hard for anyone to understand..."

"Would Falco perhaps understand?" She almost bit her tongue for saying such a thing and certainly she was not thinking when it had just slipped out of her mouth. She turned to look at him with an expression of apology, but Fox was not even thinking about it as he gave a soft grimace. His paw came to his chin, rubbing at himself in thought before pulling his ears back and then shrugging his shoulders.

"Ah... I don't know... Falco's never really said anything about his past to anyone. I think he's the only one of his kind I've ever really seen or gotten to know at least. But maybe... maybe he could empathise Did you want me to talk to him for you?" Fox stated, as charmingly oblivious as he seemed to be about her and Krystal just blushed. She rubbed her nose, how could she even be worrying about this situation when it was so clear that Fox was such a wonderful male. She felt embarrassed as she stretched her paws forward to grasp his cheeks, kissing him softly and lovingly, encouraging him not to worry about it.

They enjoyed the cool water together for a while before they went back to sleep, but once more the dreams came to her and Krystal's heart would not stop hammering. Her whole body was tingling in delight and wetting the ground as she imagined Falco with them. Her mind was crazy, thinking that the bird would appear from nowhere, turn her towards Fox and whisper in her ears to keep her voice down as he spread her legs and stroked her wet snatch with the head of his cock. She could imagine him licking her neck and smothering her muzzle before pushing his cock into her body and pumping into her whilst Fox remained asleep....

It was discomforting, really discomforting and when they finished their little vacation, she was swift to find a library to go through whatever information she could. It was not easy, she had to get Fox to help her to find a selection of books and study materials. He let her settle down in a private booth to scroll through the information, searching certain terms about Cerinia and the females of the world. There was a lot of random things she had to go through, she was grimacing as she was finding nothing about her reactions, nothing about extreme ovulation and just... nothing!

With a growl of frustration as she rubbed at her muzzle, Krystal then decided to look into something different about her home planet... something older! She began to flick through the more ancient pieces of literature about the planet, just looking about the planet and nothing else. She was determined the answer must be within the literature and it would make things easier for her and her relationship with Fox. With a soft sigh she found one of the oldest pieces within the files and then found a passage that made her eyes widen in surprise.

The planet of Cerinia is a curious planet with a marked difference to its species evolution that has been long pondered and not explained. The species has a separation between the sexes that would otherwise be a source of debate amongst scholars. The males of this planet are all strictly of the Avian variety and the females of the Vulpine, being able to breed with each other without difficulty and produce offspring of a similar nature. When these children have bred with other non-similar species, there has been no such fertility, including Vulpine females from other star systems.

The reason for this step is unknown, some have stated it is due to food scarcity and the domination of air-borne predators meaning that Avian males are more likely to guard the homestead. Many debates have been built up and discussed over this situation and there has been little study due to the guarded nature of these beings. Mating rituals and breeding rituals have not been documented fully, only noted for taking days and being triggered upon the meeting of two compatible beings.

There is a statement from the High Priestess of Cerinia that the pairing is not often conscious but that the body will react upon sight of the most compatible mate. In recent years the male of the species is in decline and there are concerns that this culture will be lost as they become more involved in setting out on their own adventures in space.

That was all there was, there was nothing much else to explain any of it and yet it had given Krystal enough food for thought that she was stuck staring at the document for a while with her jaw dropped. She had never heard of Avians on Cerinia and certainly never thought that it could ever even happen between the species. But firmly she shook her head about, she was not sure how to absorb this kind of information but to think that maybe it was a biological reaction and that was all! She tried to take in a few gentle breaths and sighed at the idea of just being able to react like this because of some ancient aspect of her DNA. She would get over it, she had to get over it, especially when she knew that he was not at all from her community or her planet.

She would get over this!

Something had been bothering Falco for a good few months since that dream, but he had not had a time to look into it because things had happened before he could even take the moment to sit back and consider it. Only a week ago, he'd been meeting up with the others for a mission when they'd completed it and there had been some chats going on about what had been happening amongst the group. It had seemed the usual gossip that he'd not really been interested in listening too and so he'd sat with one of his few friends and been focusing on her opinion of everything that had been going on. However, a titbit had slid off the tongue of one of the others that had made his heart suddenly pump in surprise as he'd heard it.

"Did you hear... despite how good they were together, Fox and Krystal have called it off? I was so thinking they'd tie the knot and all!"

"Say what?" Falco choked, making Katt jolt slightly in front of him as they'd been enjoying their dinner in the mess. The words had come from an opposing table and Falco wanted to stretch over and ask what had happened and if it was true, but he held back. He could feel the feline giving him a sceptical look that said she was intrigued by his reaction and Falco gave a scoff. He then turned back to his food, the pair ate a few moments in silence before he noticed the way the purple feline was grinning down at him in total amusement, which made his feathers flutter with irritation before Katt gave a soft chuckle.

"So tell me... what's so interesting about Fox and Krystal's break up to you, old Birdbrain?" The feline hissed in amusement, her face split with an almost malevolent smile before Falco gave her a blank expression. He tried to look like he had no understanding of the situation, that it was just random stuff he hadn't realised. He then tried to say that he'd met them together once and thought they'd be good together, but then he tried to focus back on the food with too much interest. The feline just brought her paws together, letting her chin rest upon them as she smiled at him thoughtfully. "You know... I have all the details from Krystal and Fox over what happened... did you want to know why it fell through?"

"Uh..." How did Katt always know how to tempt him and when he was trying to avoid the truth of his interest? He was grimacing as he then leant forward and then whispered very low, knowing that she would want a little secret of his before she gave away what she knew. "Okay... so I was a little interested in her..."

"Ooooh... now I'm intrigued and I might just give you the information you're looking forward to hearing..." Katt teased, flashing her fangs as Falco's eyes widened and he stared at her almost in excitement. He was startled that she could act so seemingly casual over this kind of thing and he glared at her for a little while. She purred softly, stroking her whiskers with a little chuckle as he then gave her a firm prod.

"I told you my thoughts, now you tell me what you know. Fair's fair, right?" Falco grinned, knowing that Katt would indeed tell him soon enough what he wanted, he just had to play her game. He chuckled and then grasped her paws in his, leaning forward and looking towards her affectionately and almost romantically. Some of the others were watching with wide eyes of surprise to see it, but Katt gave a grin as Falco smiled. "Katt... be a doll and tell me?"

"Be a doll? Heh... sometimes I wonder how you ever get laid when you have no idea how to seduce me properly." Katt teased, her tongue wiggling out of her mouth in response as he blew her a kiss and gave a wink. It made her chuckle suddenly and then she sighed, rubbing her chin and then looking at him affectionately before speaking. "Seems like they broke up because they realised that they were better off as friends. It was clear to see that they had gone as far as they could and there was not that connecting force. I talked to her about it, seems Krystal couldn't get excited properly in the bedroom and well, they didn't seem genetically compatible."

"What? But they're both foxes!" Falco scoffed, absolutely shocked by such an idea when it sounded impossible if it were the case, but Katt just gave a Cheshire grin.

"Apparently, you might want to look up a little about her planet..." With that, the feline stood up and then bent over to give Falco a kiss over the eye to make him grimace and grumble. She strolled off chuckling to herself and he followed her with his sharp eyes. He brought his feathers to his chin, rubbing it cautiously as he considered the situation and yet, he could not quite remember what planet she came from!

With the conversation over, Falco was thinking of his next job and trying not to grin from ear to ear at his luck. Despite every other thought that questioned where getting involved with Krystal might be a little strange for him, he was convinced that he should offer at last one date with her. Would it hurt just going out, getting a bit sloshed and then maybe having a one-night stand... that would likely cure the feelings and desires in his stomach! But at the same time, the thought of leaving her on her own and away from him was more than a little frustrating, for the idea of not being with her more. But he got up and went for a stroll down towards the meeting rooms.

Meeting room, it was little more than a modified map room on the station that was exhibiting various projects and missions towards the pilots that were stepping in and out, checking their missions and their companions. Normally it was a little more straightforward when someone got a posting, but lately there were not very obvious enemies causing trouble for the region to pull Falco straight into his vehicle and get out into the inky blackness. Instead, he strolled around looking at the rosters on every hologram that was discussing missions, knowing it would only be activated if it was his one.

Normally, he would be working with Fox in particular, but lately his little forays out on his own had been getting attention. He walked past the mission that his friends were being sent on and oddly it did not respond to him, so he moved along to the next one but still no reaction. He'd almost walked in a full circle around the hall in search of his mission when something reacted and he gave a sudden sneer. He was being shown a brand new planet that needed to be scouted out and just from the basic stats of it, the planet was some warm and paradise-like planet that probably had some hideous monsters running around it! For a while he just stared at it in complete disbelief, why was he stuck with this kind of lame job?

"This someone's idea of a joke?" He grunted in fury, staring at the instructions to collect samples and spend some time gathering and monitoring the atmosphere with another party! He was not the sort to do this science crap, why'd he been chosen for this kind of project where he would be clearly sitting down slacking off whilst pretending to guard. Was this what he deserved for going off on his own to deal with his own matters before? Falco gave a hiss of irritation, then checked who else was on the list and he gave a grunt... Krystal.

His stomach was already starting to knot and his groin was starting to swell, he was just expecting to cum right now just from looking at her name and imagining being in paradise with her! He gave a grunt, he had to quickly download the data onto his device and then leave the room in search of the nearest bathroom. He hurried out to the first one he could get to, he didn't care if it was currently out of service as he just whacked the lock and then stepped back inside. He stood there, groaning and grimacing, taking in deep breaths as he looked towards his swollen pants with a soft grunt of amusement and then gave a chuckle... life sure had a sense of humour!

The mission was going steadily, it was coming near to the first day and Falco was bored as hell standing beside his ship and the transport ship, waiting to get called over for help. He'd hoped for a chance to talk with Krystal, to get to know her more maybe, but the way things were he'd not had a chance to even wave her down and he'd been slightly concerned that she'd been doing her best to avoid him somehow. Falco couldn't quite comprehend it, but he was not the sort that gave up on anything and when evening came and they were on guard together at the camp, he had his moment to clear his throat and gently call to her.

"Hey... Krystal... I haven't had a chance to talk to you properly, shall we try to get to know each other?" Falco had approached her causally with a ration pack and thrown it to her as she sat on a large rock staring out at the skies. Where she was looking, the stars were filling the strange dark purple haze of the sky and making him give a soft sound of fascination and excitement before he settled down beside her to look too. Falco was waiting for Krystal to say something to him, but she seemed hesitant as she caught the pack and then looked at him.

"You're... Lombardi?" She questioned, trying not to turn around to look at him properly when her body was already starting to react. After learning the connection between her womb's reaction and this bird, Krystal did not want to be in a situation where she might lose control against her instinct and let him hammer into her until her womb was filled! She had to hold back any such thoughts and just try to be civil and yet... her body was heating up and she could almost swear that her breasts were starting to swell in response... that was just bizarre!

"Yup... Falco Lombardi... it's a pleasure to meet you... I've not had the luck of meeting such a beautiful vixen before." Falco stated calmly, strolling around to face her and try to get her attention, but she had her eyes closed as she chewed on her rations. The moment he saw her smooth looking muzzle and beautiful features, he felt his balls going into overtime to make up cum and he had to swallow back the hunger he was feeling. He dropped a wing to his belt, loosening it slightly as he felt his phallus pressing up against it with his growing hunger and he had to give a soft grunt. He then looked towards Krystal again, noticing she still had not opened her eyes. "Hey... this may seem a bit forward but... since I saw you on Fox's ship... I can't get you out of my head."

"Is that so... well I'm sorry about that." Krystal was trying to hold back her desire to pin him down and milk him dry of seed. She could feel that her snatch was drooling in growing anticipation, soaking her knickers and she was thankful the skirt had enough cool air to let it dry. She did not want to give in to these desires and to give in to such a cheesy line as Falco grit his teeth in frustration before then swinging a paw in goodbye and turning away from her.

"Well... talk to you later perhaps." Falco stated, not quite sure why she was being so quiet around him, but he turned back to settle down and eat his rations. He gave a soft sigh of frustration and relaxed back amongst the other beings. He kept his eyes and ears towards Krystal, listening out carefully in case she might call him out and yet, Falco found nothing happened. He was frustrated that she was ignoring him, especially when it was obvious that he was trying to be nice, but what could he do?

To Be Continued....