Unexpected Paradise - Falco x Krystal & Fox x OC 2/2

Story by Randomsquidborn13 on SoFurry

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A commissioned piece - the moment Falco sees Krystal he gets a reaction, but he's never thought to be with a different species before and its obvious Krystal and Fox have a thing between them. But as time goes by and both Krystal and Falco are reacting to one another, curious information from her species and an investigation on a new planet will throw the pair together and introduce Fox to someone else.

Author's Note - I don't know much about Starfox so bare with me for the AU piece and I can't remember all the tags to put on so if you see some missing out, please add them!

Part 2

The days passed and they were quick to finish up when something trouble was developing on the horizon. A magnetic storm was reported travelling through that region of space, something that occasionally was a left over from some big space battle that tended to knock out ship navigation if a ship was between space and the planet. It was problematic and meant that everyone had to get grounded or get up into the air fast. Falco and Krystal were stuck at the back of the group, helping the scientists gather their items and get them up into the sky before cleaning up anything that could damage the fragile ecosystem. It was irritating to hear them panic, to tell them to calm down and yet to feel that something really strange was going to happen if it did not happen soon! By the time Falco and Krystal had gotten them up into the air, the storm was due to roll over and the pair had decided to sit it out... at least that had been the plan.

No sooner had the last ship cleared the atmosphere then the wave had hit. As soon as it touched this strange new world... something shocking happened! The strange magnetism of the rocks upon the planet seemed to absorb the magnetism of the storm and within their ships, waiting it out, Krystal and Falco were soon swearing in horror. Their navig

ation was breaking, their computers fritzing out and the ships clearly starting to break down! Falco was slamming his fists against the control panel, swearing that his beloved ship was being made to turn on and off continuously as the storm kept rolling over and the planet was even vibrating!

Krystal was soon standing up, bashing the door of her cockpit open and launching out as her plane suddenly seemed to start powering up as if to fly off. She stared at it in horror, not sure what to do when suddenly the next wave turned it off again. The vixen was understandably on edge and terrified as she backed away to the last item to be lifted out by Falco's ship... the supply box! She hurried to the box, yanking the door open and then hopping inside as her ship began to start up again and then suddenly, one of its landing stands closed and made it collapse onto its side before it turned off again!

Falco swore at the sight of it, hurrying to put in the manual overdrive on his ship so that the engine could not start without him charging it by pressing a button down for a certain amount of time. He hoped this would stop it having the same kind of problem as Krystal's, but he was not sticking around either and had to leap out himself, grunting as he hurried to get out of his own one. He slid out himself down the side of the ship as he then hurried to join Krystal in the box too as the next wave seemed to make the planet itself shake.

"Just what is that all about?" Krystal questioned as she was panting heavily and flopped onto the floor of the great box with Falco securing the door and then sitting down beside her. He made a few groans of frustration over how hard the bottom off the box was, but he was glad all the stock was fully strapped down and then he felt the rumbling of the planet again as Krystal gave a sudden grunt. "Quick... that next one might cause trouble... there's the seats to strap into on the sides here, hurry over."

"Coming..." Falco stated firmly, hurrying across the box to Krystal's side as she pulled the seat down and sat herself on the creaking object as the box began to shudder. The boxes inside the crate began to shake and thankfully they were strapped tightly to the wall as the crate jolted just before Krystal strapped herself in and Falco grabbed his seat. The pair swore together as the cargo crate rolled and though the boxes inside remained strapped to the wall, the pair were flung back towards the door and suddenly Falco slapped his arms around Krystal and pulled her in close.

As the storm continued on through, the crate was pulled upward and bounced around with the ground as the items inside were kept tightly to the wall, but Falco had needed to do something crazy! He'd grasped hold of Krystal as they'd been tilted to slide down the crate, as he'd caught her he'd snatched one of the ropes around the cargo and grasped tight enough to stop Krystal hitting the other end. But just as she'd grasped hold of his wrist to climb up into his chest, Falco was suddenly forced to swing her over to another set of stacked boxes as the crate rolled. She grasped the boxes but kept hold of him as he let go and slammed into her back as they gave grunts of pain.

With his body wrapped around her back as the ground began to quake and shiver underneath them, Krystal's eyes widened in shock as she felt his groin pressed into her backside. She had automatically lifted her tail as he'd gripped hold of her tightly and she'd grasped the box as firmly. Her eyes were wide as she felt that throbbing and swelling within her womb, the sensation that she was ready to accept him inside her... accepting the idea of her womb being swelled up with his offspring! It was terrifying as she felt him rubbing against her backside, feeling his cock swell up as it was rubbed around her despite the fact Falco was just trying to cope and she wanted to scream out for him to put it inside her!

This was insane!

Falco would agree that this was ridiculous, he had never thought that he'd be in a situation where he was battling to keep hold of a vixen that was making him horny as hell and yet it was not a situation where he could enjoy it. He could feel his balls swelling, his cock swelling and his whole body getting revved up to take advantage of the situation and enjoy himself with her! He could swear he could smell how good her scent was, that she must be horny too, that she must be producing some kind of scent to say she was ready for him and he clenched his beak at the thought he wanted to impregnate her!

He tried to just hold still, tried not to get jogged about so much that he was grinding against her ass, but her tail shifted and seemed to be wanting him to rub against her more. He had to gulp back, glad the sound of them getting rattled about and the sudden motions kept her from hearing or seeing him. He was embarrassed and horny and felt utterly ridiculous at the whole thought that they had not even been talking ten minutes ago and now this?

"I'll apologise for this later, but don't let go whatever you do, that rumble's getting louder so it should be the last wave!" Falco groaned out to Krystal, she was panting and just nodding her head. She did not want to say anything now when she knew that it was feeling so good she might just moan. She could feel her body wetting her clothing, her body screaming and begging to be filled with this guy's cock and so she pressed her face right into the boxes she was holding, whimpering as she realised that it was indeed about to get worse... but at least he understood the situation.

The last part of the wave seemed heavy indeed, slapping into the planet and rolling over slowly, but as it did so it made the entire surface of the planet vibrate and shake. Whatever readings they'd gotten of this planet so far was probably about to be removed and the cargo crate was suddenly flung against what must only be one of their ships. Falco held Krystal tight and she screamed out in horror and in pleasure from all his rubbing as they were thrown but managed to hang hold of the crate's items that thankfully, stuck as the walls were not dented before suddenly the world stopped moving.

When they felt that the wave had left them and the rumbling that had been audible, ended... they were both soon no longer dangling but lying against each other upon the ground. They were surprised when there was no longer anything, it had all become utterly quiet and yet Falco was lying over Krystal's body as she just remained frozen upon the box. Only when they were very sure that it was not going to happen again, did they suddenly separate, stand up and look embarrassed at one another before they stepped out of the crate, expecting hell.

However, they did not expect that the sudden magnetic wave would have such a different reaction to the planet as they stepped out into the world and found themselves frozen. There was now a rainbow of glittering crystals swarming over the planet's sky, from above it formed a ring around the planet that was flashing in the light of the nearest sun and painting the sea, sky and land with rainbow colours. The barren landscape around them was suddenly brimming with plant life and a wild jungle had already grown around their smashed ships and the crate. A beautiful fresh spring had formed a curious fountain in the centre of this jungle and there was the excited hooting of various animals they'd heard on this trip but had not actually seen being active and Krystal gave a gasp.

"Whoa... does this planet actually have a cycle based around getting hit by those magnetic blasts? Do they all end up hitting here?" She questioned, stepping out to the crushed form of her ship and pulling out the spear-like weapon she'd brought with her. Straightaway she strolled about around the crate, looking for any sign of the landscape they'd been studying before and instead finding that wherever a metallic object seemed to get near the ground, flower-like objects would pull themselves up and soak up the magnetism attached to it. It made Krystal freeze and check her weapon... the damn thing was utterly broken and she gave a grunt. "Damn... everything's been frazzled!"

"Even the communications..." Falco grunted, having adjusted his pants and decided to consider his anger over his ship's damage a focus point to remove his erection. He could not believe it as he pulled himself into the cockpit... his ship was only a little bashed and thankfully his actions had kept it safe from Krystal's doomed vessel, but the magnetism had made it go haywire. It was likely though that the inbuilt restoring devices on these ships would kick back into gear as soon as the magnetic waves left over by the storm faded away. Yet, he was hearing the scraggly snaps and grunts from little flashes coming from the watch-like communicator. "Hey... its Falco Lombardi... Krystal and me are alright but the magnetic waves have messed it up... anyone hear me?"

"If it's the magnetic waves than its likely to be throwing our communications out at an angle... they probably won't be reached fast enough... looking for the next planet or one of the moons of one to bounce back from. Hmm... thinking about it, if this planet survives off these storms, its no wonder there wasn't a moon here, tidal function, earthquakes or any of the normal stuff you see on a truly active planet. We can at least start taking notes whilst we're here." Krystal stated, hopping up beside him and then looking at some of his devices, trying to read the information that would blink through them as Falco lifted his head to stare at her in total amusement. He'd never expected her to be so practical in this kind of situation, most other girls that Fox liked tended to panic in it and he gave a gentle chuckle as she turned to look at him with a scowl. "Something wrong?"

"Nah... just glad you're actually talking with me now. Survival situations huh? Better check the supplies in the crate... we might be here a while and we'll need to stay here for them to pick us up." Falco stated, trying not to eye up something he'd not noticed before but she was likely to freak out over or blame him if she saw it. Krystal's trousers had split under her tail, showing off not only her underwear but just how wet and greyed the white fabric was thanks to their little dry humping session. He was very pleased to see it, but he hopped down from his plane and moved to the crate again as she then gave out a quick grunt.

"I can salvage a few items from my ship to improve the range of our emergency signal... you get on making base camp and I'll do this!" The vixen stated, not willing to be anywhere too close to the bird for long and hoping that they'd only be a few hours before they got the help they needed. She knew the burning in her body, the dampness between her thighs that she could swear it was dribbling out of her trousers! If she dared to spend even five minutes breathing in his masculine scent, she'd end up humping at the air, desperate for him to come and ram his thick bird cock into her body!

Falco made no noise or gesture about what he was thinking on that, just as desperate to keep out of her hair as she bounced off to get to work. He found himself stepping into the crate and then closing the door behind him, needing that extra bit of space between them both now his cock was throbbing inside his trousers. He knew that if he'd hung around her any longer, he might have jumped her but he was getting so thick now that he needed to relieve the tension and in the darkness of the crate, there were thankfully a few empty containers that he could aim into for a little relief.

Groaning as he stepped with legs wide and a grimace of pain, he wobbled over to the first corner he could find with a broken piece of siding that had a convenient shape to it, perfect for him to jack off. He picked it up, unzipped himself and was about to start dealing with the problem when he heard the door open and Krystal trotted in. Falco froze immediately, holding the object over himself with a heavy blush upon his face and an expression of total disbelief as she rummaged through the broken pieces, unable to stop herself from coming in, bending down and with her backside on display! Falco had to try not to start jerking, but he pressed up against the wall, just out of sight of her and started to jerk hurriedly with the scrap metal just blocking him from her view.

Krystal's tail lifted as she spoke aloud, insisting that she'd found some good items here that could be used to lengthen the signal and maybe have it poking out of the canopy. As she did so, that backside was on full display and Falco was angled as if stroking his form was rubbing it between her folds. He was shivering with the building desire and he wanted to scream out in fury that she was too damned hot right now! But thankfully, just as she'd bent and gotten stuck between a broken box to reach something, Falco had the quick time to pant and strain out with his tongue as he jerked off to completion and then yanked his pants up. He stepped over to her side, trying not to swell up again though his balls felt like they were suddenly pumping into life, desperate for another round when Krystal straightened up and then gave a grunt.

"This should do it... so, where are you starting with making the base? You going to count off the stock we've got?" Krystal questioned, standing up straight and trying to look like she knew exactly what to do in a crisis. Her heart was pumping desperately in excitement and she was looking at the bird as he grinned foolishly and insisted that it was the standard protocol, wasn't it? Falco turned and walked to the other side of the crate, desperate not to be near her because he would jump her this time. But Krystal stepped over to where he'd been and spotted the scrap metal, hooking it right up only to sniff suddenly at the air and then give a moan of pleasure.

"You alright? Krystal..." Falco paused, hearing the sound and gulping heavily for the fact it aroused him even more. He turned his head slowly towards the vixen, noticing that she'd started to heavy breathe and it was clear that there was something strange going on with her. He could feel his balls getting heavy again, almost as if his body was sensing something his brain had not caught up on and yet when he smelt the air, he could not pick anything unique. However, the groan and whimper from the vixen alerted him to something being wrong and so he stepped back to her side, stretching out a wing to pat her shoulder. "Hey... its okay, you can tell me what's wrong..."

"GET AWAY OR I'LL SHAME US BOTH!" Krystal shrieked, pushing back with a paw, but it was so weak that Falco stepped back as a courtesy. But he could not understand her words until he stepped back and noticed that she was dribbled down her legs from the hole in the back of her clothes. He gulped heavily, swelling up so suddenly in his underwear that he was almost desperate to yank his clothes off just to relieve the pressure from the fabric. But Krystal was groaning and panting, her body trembling as her tail was wagging and she turned her head to look at him as he blinked in disbelief.

Falco could not believe it, the face that peered over its shoulder towards him was sexy, desperate and it looked like he was going to have to punch himself in the groin to stay in control. Her cheeks were flushed with colour, her eyes were looking drunk and her mouth was wet as she let her tongue probe out with soft, anxious pants. He'd not seen a female getting so excited for no reason and he was seriously aroused, but desperate to try and make things a bit easier for her as he stepped forward to her side. Her nose was twitching like mad and she turned her head sharply to the side trying to avoid him it seemed.

"Look... we're both in a weird mood right now, I don't know whether it's the mood or the wave we just got hit by... or what just happened trying to be stable, but we're both in a bind. How about we just get it over with right now, have a quick go and then we can focus on what we need to do. Alright?" Falco questioned gently, hoping that his words might be a little understandable for her as Krystal grimaced, not willing to look towards him as she grit her teeth and groaned in fury as she straightened up and then turned to look at him with an anxious expression. She did not want to come off as some kind of slut because of some ancient instinct from her home planet long forgotten, but then she gave a groan.

"If you can find protection." Krystal stated, trying to hold some kind of power over the situation although just being within scent of the bird and his thick masculine odour was making her womb flood and she was ovulating instantly, no matter how mad such an idea was. But Falco gave a soft chuckle, clapping his wings and then insisting he'd find it and they'd feel much better after this. His expression after that made her growl at him in irritation for the way he seemed to think it was fun, but she just found herself sitting down on the box, only to realise what had happened to her clothing and swearing softly.

Falco was quick to look for the personal supplies, medical supplies that tended to have the things he needed and as he scanned through the boxes, he finally found something. It was little more than the spray on and he looked at the numbers on the side, trying to figure out how many uses it had left, only to grimace to see it was a one-use only device. But that was all they needed, all they wanted was just to get this over and done with so the pair of them felt less awkward and also got a little stress off their chests. He turned towards her and gave a grunt.

"Got one. Its just for one so let's make sure we get each other off... do you wanna go straight to it or take a little time to get to know each other?" Falco questioned, his digits tingling as he considered how much he'd loved to touch her body and give her the perfect experience that he had been desperate to give her since the first time he'd seen her. He really wished to get his beak brushing between her breasts and nibbling that soft white fur, preening it as he made sure she writhed beneath him! But he was more than a little surprised when Krystal had already stripped down and then redressed, just leaving her trousers and underwear off.

"No... its so wet I don't need the fuss. Please, let's just get this done as hard and fast as you can!" Krystal grunted, but Falco was surprised she was still being so resistant to him! Still, he put in his mind that they never knew if someone like Fox might suddenly turn up to rescue them. He did not like that he could not enjoy himself fully, but he unzipped himself, steered his swollen cock out of the fabric and then shook the can before spraying the item over his form. It quickly stretched out, connecting and creating a useful sheath that would not stop them from feeling each other but was guaranteed not to make a mess! "I'm coming over..."

"Just... don't speak and get it done..." Krystal growled, suddenly lounging over the nearby fabric bunk that she unclipped from the wall. The fact the crate had the beds on the side was useful for them in turning this into their camp and base, but Krystal did not care. She leant her chest over the bunk. Spreading her shivering bare legs and then lifting up her tail, flicking it to the side and showing off her tight tailhole but more importantly a wet, winking, bright pink pussy that was already beckoning to be filled. She could already feel her honey starting to glisten and gloss the lips of her pussy as if preparing to kiss his length and then engulf it with pleasure. She had never been so embarrassed in her life, but Falco's cock was soon so hard he had to hold it out for balance as he strolled to her side with a hungry look upon his face.

"You'll feel good, I promise." Falco stated with a steady intake of breath as he approached her, hardly able to believe she was showing off such a gorgeous image of herself. He had to keep control, he had to make sure not to go overboard and take too much... she might be the most wonderful female to have ever made his balls ache like this, but she clearly did not like him. He wished the situation was different as he brought his form to her boiling hot snatch, both of them gasping at the pleasurable sensation of him stroking his dickhead against her beautiful form before he gently pushed himself into her.

Krystal gave a sharp gasp and almost bit firmly down on her own lip as she felt that hot, burning cock stroking up and down against her wet snatch. She moaned and sighed, trying to stop herself from it but feeling her insides quiver and start to burn with the excitement that was swelling up inside her. She began to pant gently, shivering in pleasure as she felt the great form push its way into her body. She was startled how quickly he opened her body up with one long, slow thrust that made the wettest sound she'd ever heard, filled every inch of her and rubbed every sensitive part of her body.

Krystal gave a funny sound, almost like a gurgle mixing with a moan, her whole body forcing her to make the very sound to match how good it felt. Every part of his length was forcing an electrical storm to explode within her body, making her tail lift right out as she groaned and moaned in total delight to feel such a fullness for the first time. She was even shocked that her insides had even squirted with a slight orgasm that made her drool and moan with a shiver before Falco froze, his cock in as deep as it could go as Falco then groaned.

Damn it, her insides were perfect and they grasped and massaged up around his length as her beautiful honey soaked and stroked him. There was a tingling sensation of total pleasure that was making him groan lovingly as he just let himself soak within... until Krystal gave a grunt. She clearly wanted him to start working and so suddenly, he gripped her hips gently and then started to pump himself in and out. Krystal gave a sharp gagging sound, more than a little surprised at how beautifully exciting it felt with the withdrawal, until she was soon gritting her teeth once more as Falco began to hammer into her. He had not intended to be rough, but she wanted it done quickly and he wanted to get as deep inside her as he could!

Falco was panting and grinding his teeth, his cock slamming in and out of her snatch with a sickly-sweet squelching sound that was making his whole body tingle in pleasure. He groaned and sighed, his whole cock feeling like it was being massaged by her passages, tightened and tugged in as if she wanted to rip the covering off and make him cum deep inside her. His brain was screaming that this female wanted him to get her pregnant and he should not just leave it as a simple fuck! But he had to bite against whatever instinct that was, swinging his wings about to grasp at her breasts, massaging them gently as he rubbed his beak to the back of her neck, making her moan even more in delight.

Falco was panting suddenly, his body was on fire, he did not even know if this was a good idea... what if he wanted to fuck her even more? The bird tried to keep control, gulping back the growl and groan of delight, trying not to roar out how fucking amazing it was inside this female! He could not explain why his brain was going crazy, why was he enjoying this so much and why was she holding back her moans? He could tell she was feeling good, her insides were boiling, dribbling the honey down her legs and down his cock and she was clenching and twitching so much, he could feel her orgasm building up.

"Huh... uh... Krystal... don't... don't hold back your voice... no one's gonna hear it but me. Feel good, alright?" Falco groaned, feeling so fantastic he could not help but keep thrusting in as deep and hard as he could. He found a spot suddenly that made her give a sharp gargling gulp and then he grasped her breasts, squeezing them as he began to grind into the point. He pushed in deeper and deeper, rubbing it as it made her pour out pleasure and squeeze onto him so tightly she was starting to whimper and drool past her own clenching teeth. He knew she felt good and he wished she would let him know how good she was feeling!

"Uh... can't... too... too embarrassing!" Krystal sobbed, swallowing back her drool and trying not to scream out how amazing it was to her. She was terrified that the moment she was moaning and sighing in total delight, he'd think of her as some kind of slut! Her body was burning, boiling and churning with total pleasure as her tail raised up so high that she was forcing her insides to squeeze around him! She could even feel her backside puckering and twitching over the fact that she was feeling so good and being rubbed in the best spots! She'd never been so wet or made such a mess before and yet, she was almost crying that it was indeed, the best she'd ever felt!

"Come on... it's alright..." Falco groaned into her ears, hurrying to push his fat, swelling, throbbing head right against the best spot that was making her dribble even more. She smelt fantastic, her body heat was making him melt and inside her felt like he was becoming so comfortable inside her that he did not want to leave as he felt himself about to cum and then groaned. "Gonna... gonna..."

"So good! I'm gonna cum!" Krystal barked out and then Falco gave a cackle of delight, hollering out 'yes baby' and then really thrusting into her. They were both soon panting and moaning and grunting and really hurrying into the orgasm, the bunk she was leaning on shaking against the wall. Their cries were soon filling up the cargo crate as it was rocking and then Krystal gave a sudden howl as her body tightened and she suddenly soaked him, her legs and then he almost burst out of the condom with a groan of pleasure.

"So... so... goooood!" Falco groaned... hopefully now, the awkward situation would pass.

Elsewhere in space, Fox was getting a little nervous about the information he'd received whilst his crew were heading back from their mission. The instruments had picked up a big magnetic wave in a nearby galaxy that had caused slight disruption to the communication systems and forced them to stop and give the ship time to recover. It only took about five minutes for the communications to be fixed, but they were soon picking up flickering sounds and random identity numbers from ships that sounded like they were from their research teams. Fox was concerned as he had then turned to his crew and demanded to know the exact details of the burst.

"The burst hit a planet that a study mission was sent out to. It looks like there's no instruments working to locate this planet as the magnetism seems to be clouding it from the instruments. We'd have to go in blind and try to figure out which planet in that system was the one that was damaged. But our research team are certainly sending a distress beacon..." One of the crew members chirped, pointing towards a screen that was identifying the basic information of the planetary system, but there were lots of blank spots indicating that there could be other planets, moons, asteroids and what not that were troublesome. It was not normal to have to drive blind, but there was a reason they had technology advanced enough to deal with unexpected items. But then, one of the other crew members on the communications end bolted upright to look to their captain.

"Captain McCloud... there's another ship heading in our direction that's sending out a hail. They're an unknown ship to the system, but they are asking if we were the ship in distress. Shall we let them come on board and talk, they look to be Avian..." The crewman stated, lifting their face towards Fox who was still looking at the images of the system before he turned around with a gentle nod and insisted that as long as it was a friend going to help, they could all work together! The crewman nodded in response and then sent the message across.

The message back was good, the ship's captain wanted to come over and share information on the system and be useful, which they would find vital for a rescue, but all were curious. The Avian types like Falco were rare in the universe, it was hard to think a whole ship of them was arriving to be of use and certainly that they'd been wandering around this quarter of space that long to know about the fleet. Everyone was intrigued and Fox had to admit he was more than a little excited to meet a female of Falco's kind... only she was not a bird of prey but a chicken!

"I'm Captain Hilda Egbert of the ship Sleepwalker, we're here to offer assistance although surprised it was not your ship. I take it you were not aware of the high likelihood of magnetic waves in this region. We had assumed such a thing had hit you and made you stop, but I'm glad it's not the case." Hilda was a buxom chick, her wattle and comb were a soft orange red, her beak a golden shade, her feathers a chestnut brown and her eyes a piercing mahogany. She was not what he'd expected of a chicken for her thick breasts, her body was curvy, plump but she stood in a pose that requested attention and wore a black and white spacesuit that emphasised the strength within her wings. "I've heard a bit about you... Fox McCloud, so I'm very willing to share information and help."

"Thank you..." Fox's voice cracked a little, he had never seen such a figure before and he was certainly not expecting the being that had appeared before him. Fox had never really seen such a female before, but she was clearly strong and tough, but more than anything he could feel his mouth water and his stomach burn a little. In fact, he could almost feel a slight erection starting to form and that made him nervous as she stretched out her wing to him and he shook her wing gently before then regaining composure. "We had slight information but from what the instruments picked up, it must have been a significantly heavy magnetic wave to hit our stranded researchers."

"If they've got communication then they have oxygen, the problem is the initial hit of the wave is magnified by the crystal formation on some of the planets in this system, they seem to attract the waves and absorb them to sustain themselves." Hilda shook his paw, but immediately she stepped to the table in the centre of the room and then attached a device to it from her own ship. Once attached it was showing a clearer map of the system they were to head to and as they stared at it, the crew were fascinated to watch a wave visualisation hitting the planets. "They get an ecological boost, almost like an eternal summer from each hit and then revert back to slightly rocky, desert terrain. It can be dangerous to be around it if you're not aware of when each burst is coming and which of the planets it is about to hit. When it first hits, it can make the ships react sporadically, turning systems on and off and you'll find the engines will stop, even though life support will continue... my assumption is that your researchers were leaving when the storm hit?"

"That's our thoughts too... but we know two of our pilots are supposed to be alongside them, helping them out, but there's no sign that either of their ships have sent out distress beacons. We also cannot seem to get a reading on them at all, so we're concerned there could be more than just simply rescuing a stranded ship." Fox stated, reading the list given to him calmly before then turning his head back to look at it. He gave a grimace, gritting his teeth as he realised that the two pilots that were with them were in fact Falco and Krystal. The idea of Krystal being in danger scared him, he still cared about her as he did all of his friends, but it seemed to make him even more concerned. Oddly, Hilda noticed and gently lay a wing to his shoulder and gave him a reassuring look.

"Sadly... we're going to have to go about guiding you to them a fraction slower than would be preferred. It will take us two days, if you push your engines to go too strong, then the magnetism will affect the ship and you'll have trouble too. If they're injured, I'm not sure what we can do but hopefully we'll be able to rescue the researchers." Hilda stated firmly, guessing that someone important to him must be involved in this situation and yet there was comfort in her words and her expressions. She was also a little surprised that she would find Fox rather attractive, but he turned and held her shoulder in return with a bow of thanks.

"Its an honour to meet with you and work with you."

Krystal had escaped as soon as the bird had pulled out, both of them had known that it was not going to be enough for either of them and it terrified them. The vixen had pulled herself away suddenly, her snatch dribbling with her pleasure as Falco had given a grunt or her not to run but she'd needed to. Her whole body was still tingling, her nipples erect and all she could feel was how wonderful that had been and how embarrassed she was that things had gone so far and she'd actually enjoyed it!

The vixen rushed through the jungle of foliage, growling and snarling to herself as she galloped around through the plants and down to a creek that was nearby. Once she'd spotted the water, she'd launched into it, only to give a sudden groan of pleasure and shock at the cold of the water! It did not feel like normal water either, magnetised water had a heavier sensation, was often thought to be cleaner or purer for the ionisation and she could feel the water was vibrating down the creek... it was not flowing. Krystal lounged into the water, ignorant of soaking her entire clothing as she wrapped her arms around her knees and gave a soft growl.

"Even if it was rough and quick... that was the best I've ever felt and this is insane!" Krystal snarled, covering her face that was going bright red as she splashed the freezing water onto it. Even in the water below, her juices were still flowing and her body was burning in excitement and still desperate for more, her snatch was gaping and gasping as if raring to be fed the bird's cock! Krystal was embarrassed and wanted to cry, she could not believe how good it had been and how much she wanted to have sex with him again and then she grabbed the remnants of her uniform with a snarl and began to rip it off!

Krystal decided in her mind, they were trapped here for now, burning hot and there was only one set of spare clothes she'd seen available to her... what was the point in wearing all these clothes anyway when she was only going to end up giving in once more? She knew it... there was no way she'd be able to fight against the urges in her body when around this bird and she would have to just give up. She groaned in horror and frustration, splashing the water into her face to try and calm herself before she then stood up out of the water and shook herself before stepping out and ripping the rest of the clothes from her body that remained clinging around her thighs.

"At least now it won't be so hard to clean up." Krystal reassured herself, feeling better as she then marched back towards the base. She stormed back through the plants but was starting to feel suddenly even more strange. The sensation of the strange plants stroking at her purple fur not only seemed to soak up the moisture from her pelt, but they seemed to make her skin tingle. She could not explain it, the more she walked past one, the more her nipples began to harden at the strange touches. She was even starting to feel more desperate for the falcon when Falco emerged from the crate to meet her.

"You cooled off? I cleaned up the bunk and... heh..." Falco was more than a little shocked to see the naked vixen stomp into the crate with a firm expression upon her face that said she was ready to deal with anything. As the bird was stuck staring at her, she marched into the crate and then pulled the sheets off the bunk and then the fabric mattress. She took it from the bunk above and on the floor built a bed suitable for them both before then grabbing some water tanks and letting him know she was going to collect water. "Alright... there are filters on the tanks, just twist the top to activate it, thankfully its not affected by magnetic waves. I'm just going to fix something to the signal boost, see if it works."

Falco was not sure why she was naked or why she'd arranged a bed for them together, he had only just calmed down from their first exploit. As he walked out to go and check his ship again, he could feel that his balls were filling up and something wild in the back of his mind was telling him to fuck her until she was pregnant! It was a discourteous and wild side, something ancient and he wondered if maybe it was something that Krystal was experiencing too as he reached the antenna and then attached a device that activated once he snapped it.

The device helped increase the signal, but at a steady rate over the course of forty-eight hours and hopefully it might give just enough signal that at some point someone could pick up. He had not seen any signs of crashing ships and he was quite sure that the researchers were stranded and locked on the edge of the planet's gravity, probably trapped orbiting it. There was no voice coming through on the radios, so he was quite sure that the magnetic field around the planet was preventing the instruments from communicating. Though he was sure someone would come to rescue those ships, how long till they were able to come down onto the planet and save them?

"Right... that's sorted. Hey Krystal, there's enough rations to keep us well-fed for a week and plenty of fluids stored too. But clothing wise there's only two spare suits for us..." Falco called out as he watched her emerge with the jugs, her body glistening, her nipples straining out past the white of her fur and he was very excited to see her like that with those breasts bouncing at every motion. Krystal paused, lifting her head up to him before then turning her head towards the sun in the sky and the purple haze forming as the plants seemed to shiver and she grimaced.

"Something's odd about these plants. We'd best get into the crate now before it gets dark. Is there lighting inside? Oh and... I saw that with the clothing, hence the ripped clothes I just destroyed. We're adults, we won't giggle about what we see." Krystal stated, but something inside her was begging her to fall onto her back, spread her legs and beg him to stuff himself into her wet pussy again! She could hardly believe how rude her mind was getting as she brought the water into the crate and Falco nodded his head, standing up and stripping his clothes off too, feeling rather excited to be naked in the wild for once!

He hopped down and stepped inside with her, noticing the way the plants kept quivering and had seemed to try and stroke at his feathers as he'd passed them by. The sensation had tickled at his tail feathers, making his groin pinch and he'd then thought he'd heard or seen the bushes shuffle a little closer. Falco gulped, glad he'd got the signal sorted so it might be useful, but straightaway he marched over to the cargo container, stepping inside and then shutting the door behind him with a firm clunk. He then made sure it was securely locked as he noticed the lights on and Krystal holding onto a few of the UV lamps that let off a soft purple light that helped make it less dingy inside. He stepped over to the box with the ration packs and then brought it to the other side of the heating box that Krystal had set out.

"I see what you mean about out there... those plants are damn suspicious. If this sort of sudden blooming happens when there's a magnetic storm, I can't imagine what might happen if we have a situation where it's caused some kind of predator to awaken. What do you think?" Falco chuckled, trying to move the anxiety between them that was filling the crate. He knew it was probably just because they both knew that they wanted more of one another, but this time they'd have to have some other kind of reason for having sex with each other and that was making the conversation awkward. "So... what you up to?"

"Considering how best to separate the rations out and consider how long we're going to be here. Surely we should assume the longest amount of time and also what will perish first?" Krystal stated, sounding far more confident than earlier and trying to ignore the way her nipples were probing out against her soft white fur. Falco was trying to ignore it, but he could feel her eyes kept looking to the way he was getting more erect the longer he stood in front of her. He gave a soft cough of discomfort to know her eyes might be gazing at him and making him excited, so he stepped to the other side of the fabric, sitting down and grasping hold of the crate with the first expiry date.

"This one's got the expiry date first. We're not too hungry from today and even if snacking might help us recover mentally, we should just have the very basics to tide us over for tonight." Falco stated, hopping the box open and grinning as he pulled out the familiar shapes of some creamy foods to cover the fats and vitamins they needed as well as some meaty sticks that covered protein and also had a few antibiotics and chemicals in, to help them survive no matter what was going on in the atmosphere. He was thankful when she nodded to him and they took one of each before closing it up and then Krystal gave a grunt.

"Ugh... the thought of only having one of these things is clearly impossible! I just love the way they feel in my mouth, you know? The thickness, the length, the way it fills my mouth..." Krystal began as she picked up the sausage like shaped object, she ripped the foil open with ease and brought the big thick meat into her mouth. She opened her mouth wide, gently wrapping her lips around it, sucking at it gently, her tail suddenly wagging in pleasure over the feel of the meat in her mouth. Falco was stuck staring at her, unable to stop his cock from becoming erect and the bird hurried to sit with his legs crossed as he took the bun like object. Thankfully, the sound of her teeth chomping was soon able to stop his dirty thoughts on the meat and Krystal was enjoying the meat.

"Heh, yeah... I'm more into these buns. I just love the way they've made them so instead of the cream spurting it out in your face, you can just lick it out from the centre." Falco grunted in pleasure, opening the packet of the creamy bun that looked artificial, smelt artificial but was actually as satisfying as the protein rod Krystal had swallowed down. But his words made her freeze, she tilted her head to the side in confusion at the thought as she watched him then gently bring his tongue to the centre. He rolled it around in circles, his tongue scooping up the soft cream out gently, cleaning it out as Krystal's tail went stiff.

Her nose twitched in excitement as she watched his tongue twirl and clean it out in pleasure with a succulent sound of satisfaction as his lips smacked. Her nose kept twitching, her ears straightened, her eyes locked upon his motions and her tail was wagging about in delight as she licked the remnants of the meat in her mouth. She was feeling odd again, her insides churning and her clitoris straining, her lips shining as she began to get wet, desperate to feel that tongue working away on her in the same way. She hurried to stuff the food in her mouth, hoping she'd have a chance to just forget herself as she ate, but her pussy would not stop quivering as Falco continued to eat, his cock twitching in excitement before Krystal gave a groan of frustration and stood up.

"Damn it! I can't take it anymore... watching your tongue working on that bun's making me drip! I can't believe this but... please, you've got to do something about this!" Krystal barked, almost ready to launch onto him but just holding back when Falco suddenly stood up, cock erect and his whole body standing to attention as he gave a sudden groan.

"How do you think I feel, watching you suck that meat and..." Falco chuckled evilly, trying to sound like he had some semblance of control but losing it completely. He looked to the vixen standing in front of him, bending her knees slightly as if she prepared to jump him. He felt oddly more like prey than a sexual partner and it made him shudder to think that this was the same vixen he'd assumed to be such a delicate and proper thing. "So... what do you suggest?"

"We 69." She stated flatly and Falco ended up giving a gasp of shock.

"What, you serious?" Falco scoffed, almost finding it impossible to think that she'd even want such a thing from him, but Krystal glowered at him. He was startled, she was giving the most serious expression he thought he'd ever seen on a canine face, but as they were out of condoms, he could understand why she might be thinking like this. It was safer than risking a pregnancy, there was another way of course but Falco had a feeling she had too much dignity for that and he gave a sigh. "Alright... here, now?"

"Better to get it over with." Krystal stated, slipping onto the bedding she'd made for them, lying onto her back. She spread her legs in front of him, showing off the glistening, dewy crevice that seemed to release a perfume straight to his groin. His erection began to hurt the more he looked at the reddening, wet lips that were already dripping with honey and he grit his teeth. What choice did he have but to accept this? Falco clambered onto the bed, spreading his legs over her chest and leaning his head into her groin.

Krystal made sure to steer his throbbing length away from her breasts and to her mouth, but just touching the object made her shiver and her pussy dribble in pleasure. It felt so heavy and huge, so damn hot and full in her paws and she was not sure whether she wanted it in her throat or back in her pussy. She could smell his musk, see the precum dribbling out of the slit and her body shivered even more. She wanted the real thing, she wanted it in her body and yet, if she took it raw without protection, what if her body was impregnated? She could not imagine such a thing and so she opened mouth and strained out her tongue.

Her tongue grazed over the slit, making him moan in pleasure as she lapped and stroked the precum from the head, savouring its salty taste against her mouth, shuddering and groaning in her own delight. She stroked her tongue around the sensitive head, feeling it pulse and twitch and sighing heavily in delight as she let her tongue continue to roll and love the amazing object. Then, she greedily brought him into her mouth, wrapping it gently around the whole object, sucking it wetly with little teasing moans of delight before then opening her mouth out again. She lifted it out, licking and slurping around the length, kissing and pecking at it as he groaned and swelled within her grasp. The taste was addictive and she opened her mouth again to welcome him in.

As she played with him, Falco made sure to play with her, just from using his feathery tips to peel her slippery lips apart to view the pink pussy, a torrent of sticky honey slid out to greet him. The sight made him shudder and the sensations of her enjoying his cock made him just as comfortable. He licked and slurped at her groin, his hooked beak rubbing at her lips and dipping into the entrance, making her quiver and shiver even more. She moaned softly as his tongue flicked out to roll inside and around the bottom of her clit, making it strain out in desperation as he sighed and continued to roll his tongue around.

When her body seemed to wheeze heat against his beak, he then gently pressed it into her opening, making her body open out to him as she gave a sharp gasp of pleasure before he stuffed his wet, thick tongue inside. Falco moaned as he rolled his tongue around inside her, cleaning out every drop of dew and slurping it back into his body with a sigh of pleasure. At each fresh droplet and the taste and scent of her, his cock swelled and he felt his balls building up with more seed to spill into her mouth, but he wanted to be deeper inside her... he wanted to be joined with her completely.

"Falco... lick deeper..." Krystal whimpered, feeling a desperation to have something more satisfying inside her. She panted as she grasped the cock and pulled it into her mouth. She sucked down hard, pulling it deeper into her throat, sucking firmly and desperate for more than just precum as she rubbed at his balls and then pulled him out with a moan that was almost a roaring command. "Damn it... I need more!"

"You sure?" Falco questioned, his tongue stuffing in deeper and deeper, and waggling around desperately as she gave out a growl.


"Really?" Falco questioned, pulling back with a grin of delight and kneeling off her as she let got of his cock and he straightened up. He gently stood over her, squatting and stroking his cock against her mouth as she panted and drooled desperately. She then pulled her legs up and then spread her pussy with a growl.

"STICK YOUR FAT COCK IN MY TIGHT PUSSY!" She groaned out desperately, a fury building inside her for not being penetrated yet. Falco had to give a sharp cackle of surprise; he'd not expected to hear such dirty, delicious words coming from such a pretty mouth. The vixen gave a low, frustrated groan as she shook her hips, flashing the bright pink of her pussy to try and entice him. Falco then leant forward and shocked Krystal by planting a cute kiss onto her black button nose before he knelt down.

He held his thick meat to her glistening pussy, stroking it back and forth to make her clit twitch and legs judder. She gave a groan of pleasure waiting with an expectant expression, waiting for him to penetrate before he finally pushed himself in. Without a condom to stop the precum and female juices from mingling, the sudden wet mix filled Falco with an all consuming satisfaction. The wet squelch as he went in, the intense heat and the squeezing of her body as Krystal gave a shaking howl of pleasure, only made Falco sigh. He thought being inside her before had felt good, but being inside with no barrier and feeling her honey tingle around him made the falcon pant and shudder.

This was heaven!

Krystal panted as she felt his thickness opening her out, stretching her as it went before it stopped. Her body twitched around him, kissing and pulling him inwards as she felt the fullness of his erect form clearly. It was touching every sensitive part, making even her stomach feel pleasantly full as she gave a groaning moan of pleasure to be so satisfied with a cock for once. The pair remained motionless, catching their breath and letting themselves soak a little as Falco then lifted his beak to her nose and pushed her into a passionate kiss.

"Do it... destroy me..." Krystal pulled back with a desperate pant as their tongues then twirled gently in the air. The taste of the other was as thrilling as their union and Falco would not deny her. He hooked his wings around her sides, pulling her against him a little before his hips began to work. Both were soon grunting against the wet sound and violent rubbing as Falco's hips hammered against hers, drilling deep into her body as she yanked her legs up and wider apart in pleasure.

"Deeper..." Krystal moaned out lovingly, her whole body burning and yearning for him to go in further as Falco began to pant in excitement. He grasped hold of her hips again, putting his weight into her body and pushing her to lean onto her shoulders. As she lay back further, she groaned and panted in delight as the thick cock managed to push in deeper, right to the hilt as he groaned out in delight feeling something he was drumming against as she groaned out.

His cock head was bouncing against the lip of her womb, pressing in as deep as possible and spitting out the precum as if to tease the opening to widen out and wait for him. As his cock rubbed in and out, her body was pouring out honey, she was moaning and gasping out in joy as Falco was groaning and panting in pleasure. The pair knew that their bodies were going to burst soon as they continued to grind into each other with Krystal's big breasts bouncing and swinging each time Falco lifted her backside more, pushing against her thigh and slapping his cockhead against her womb.

"Ugh... make me pregnant! Fill me up with your seed..." Krystal was moaning in desperate pleasure, her whole body feeling gooey and good but that wonderful thought in her mind bursting out of her mouth. She could hardly believe she'd say such a thing, but it was obvious that she was in so much pleasure that she was out of her mind. It was instinct talking and her nipples were straining out desperately to get his attention too as Falco leant in further, pushing in deep and bringing his beak to her straining nipples.

She was soon groaning and moaning in utter delight, his tongue was teasing and rolling in pleasure around Krystal's nipple, pecking and pinching at it. She was getting wetter, her hips started to jolt and her pussy pinched tightly around his cock as she felt that wonderful ticklish sensation. She drooled as she moaned out, her body squeezing and holding Falco inside so he could only make shallow hip movements. His mind was rolling back, he felt nothing but pleasure as he moaned out desperately in pleasure before they suddenly both felt that odd little hiccup and then the wet burst!

"FALCO!" Krystal moaned out in utter delight, her body lifting and her passage squeezing around his cock so tightly it almost forced him to cum. Her whole body was pouring out beautiful honey, the fluids soaking his cock and making it tingle in pleasure as she felt the rocking shudder run up and down her spine. Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth, drool was pooling around her cheek fur, her eyes were rolling back and her breasts were still bouncing as Falco continued to thrust just a little more before he'd groaned out and cum.

Falco's seed burst into her body, practically punching its way through her cervix and into the womb. Perhaps that was something that would actually happen far later into the day, but Falco could swear he felt his gift rushing down and flooding her womb with his essence. The thought of them penetrating eggs as easily as he'd penetrated her made his cock harden again and he groaned out in pleasure. But as he groaned, Krystal was moaning in desperation and he knew he was not done just yet as he grasped her, yanking her up from the floor and then dropping her onto the top of a crate.

"Falco... so rough..." Krystal moaned, but she was not unhappy for it as his soothing cream drowned her insides with warmth and pleasure. She could imagine it too, him filling her with a huge litter of babies that she would raise well! As she moaned in satisfaction as he let her face him, her paws lowered to her groin. She pressed against her body, convinced her little womb had swollen with the cum and feeling how deeply she thought Falco was inside her. It was so satisfying that she didn't mind as Falco brought his face to hers.

Their tongues stroked against one another, her tail wiggling as they kissed lovingly, moaning in pleasure as he remained deep within her body. The pair of them kissed and sighed, ignoring the cum that was already dripping out around Falco's swollen form before he pulled his beak to her breasts. He grasped them, squeezing and kneading their beautiful form with sighs of heavy pleasure as he then licked and sucked and rolled his tongue around the sensitive nubs!

Krystal gave whimpers and whines for more, her body tingling in joy to feel the heat going back into her brain and down to her loins. She almost thought she was popping more eggs into the creamy soup within her womb as Falco continued to knead into her breasts. He groaned and moaned in delight as he continued to knead and love them, his hips starting to slam back and forth again as he crouched over her with a sexy groan of pleasure.

His rod was delving in deeper, barging her open and tickling every sensitive part to make her pulse and throb on the inside. She got wetter and wetter, her voice getting higher and higher as she slapped her head back against the box. Her mouth was either busy panting in desperation for cool, relieving air or making yelping yowls of pleasure as her body was rocked across the box top. She grasped hold of his head, keeping his beak down to her breasts more so that he could not stop loving her there as Falco groaned and the pair rocked against one another in desperation to reach another fitful peak.

The louder Krystal whimpered, the more Falco grunted, his body feeling as if it might burst into flame the harder he thrust and hurried to get to another orgasm as Krystal moaned out in pleasure. He pushed himself in deeper, squelching out his cum from inside her and then groaning out in desperation as her body squeezed him tight. She let out a howl of pleasure as she was racked by another orgasm that rattled down her body and then Falco groaned as he pumped out another load into her body, only to groan and sigh and bend over her in frustration and delight as he continued to pump into her body.

"Okay... I think... I think this should deal with this... for the moment..." Falco panted heavily, his cock still wedged inside her body and he was rubbing himself inside her still. Her body pinched about him tightly, making him grunt as she gave another moan and had another orgasm that caused one more sudden burst with his cock as he groaned. His cock finally slid out of her, flaccid as he was panting and beaming and watching his cum oozing out of her as she gave a smirk.

"No... now we're satisfied."

The ships were due to enter the star system within the next ten minutes and the birds had settled their instruments and were showing off their knowledge to his group. They'd switched over to the bird's ship to find out how they set about their missions and to share information. The other birds on the ship were different varieties to their chicken leader, but they were eager to be friendly and all of the females seemed to eye Fox up, which made him oddly anxious. As he'd paced about, he'd found his way to the captain's quarters and knocked on the door.

"Captain Hilda? It's Captain Fox McCloud... we'll be heading into the system soon so you'll probably want to join me at the bridge..." Fox felt more than a little intimidated around this female. Her battle warrior outfit had made her bosom obvious and exciting and the whole air around her, this dominating air was startling. He had never felt this kind of excitement for someone like this before, but he was startled when the door opened, the room was black and yet she beckoned him to enter. "Hilda?"

Fox was scared again as he entered the room with a hearty gulp, only to come face to face with a glorious image. On her back on a bench lifting huge weights in clothing so tight it was barely hiding the details of her shape below, let alone keeping her breasts in, Hilda was snorting calmly through her beak and lifting without care for how heavy the weights were. His eyes were locked upon her beautiful form, a true warrior female but there was something in the air that suddenly caught the canine nose and made it twitch madly. It kept twitching, getting wet and strange thoughts began to roll through his head as he stared at her.

_Fertile... strong... perfect mate... many offspring... take her! _Primitive thoughts seemed to run from his mind, just from the scent, straight to his balls. He gulped heavily, his groin feeling weird and his cock starting to swell as he continued to watch her lift great weights with ease. The warrior hen did not even seem to notice him as she worked away, just lifting the bar and then settling it back down as the tall hen straightened up and then stared down her wickedly sharp beak towards the curious fox.

"I get that you probably want to talk to me about work, but I can't help but notice that gun in your pants..." Hilda gave a scoff of amusement, her wings folding across her chest to cover her breasts. Fox gulped, only to realise that she was looking directly at his groin and he dropped his eyes downward slowly, only to realise his firm erection and open his mouth as if to apologise. But before he could, Hilda stepped right to his side and pushed him up against the door of the room, not even using that much strength as Fox had been so anxious. He brought his nose up to her beak as she was looking down at him with a smirk. "Its quite impressive..."

"Is it?" His voice sounded a little rattled, his body was heating up, his cock was getting bigger as he drank in the curiously pleasurable scent of the hen's sweat. Hilda stated down at him with a smug expression, only for her wing to drop down and then press firmly onto his swollen form. He leapt back into the door with a grunt as he heard the zipping sound and then gave a bleat when he felt that warm wing clasped around his cock as he looked up at her fearfully.

"Why so scared? I clearly caused this..." Hilda chuckled thoughtfully, pushing her chest into his face, the gap in the fabric that revealed a perfect gap in cleavage for his head to lounge made Fox grunt. She pressed him against the soft, feathery flesh whilst her strong wing squeezed at the head of his cock that was only getting thicker in her grip. She was smiling more as Fox trembled but was feeling as if the more she held him, the more likely he was just to thrust into her grip as Hilda whispered into his ear. "...I'll take responsibility... or we won't get on with work, will we?"

Fox's eyes swelled, he could not believe what she was offering, or the fact he was letting her hold onto his cock and it was getting as big as his eyes! He gulped heavily in fear as her sharp beak pressed against his nose and she gave him that look that insisted she was 'eager' to help him. His nose twitched as his face was steered up from her bosom with her other wing, just to make the point that she was not afraid of doing something like this as Fox blushed.

"But... uh... I... I couldn't ask a lady..." Fox whimpered, dropping his paws to hold her wing and try to encourage her to release him. However, Hilda just squeezed his length, making him gasp hard and once more she pushed her bosom to his face. His nose kept twitching, she smelt so fertile and strong and wonderful that his whole body was tingling as she stroked his cock gently to make him groan and grit his teeth! He felt a wing go behind his head, suddenly slapping his head into the warm, fluffy, soft and good smelling bosom as she then lifted a feather and stroked around that sensitive frenulum to make him shudder.

"A lady? Such chivalry is wasted out here... dear Fox... I'm just doing you a little favour so we can get on with work..." Hilda beamed, smirking down at the vulpine that was sighing and moaning against her bosom. He was utterly startled at how pleasurable it felt to just rub his nose against her soft bosom and feel their red-brown feathers tickling at his face. Then she chuckled softly and rubbed the feather over the slit and he took a sharp gasp. "I like how you react... but don't be shy with me..."

Gently she rolled the feather against the slit, making Fox gasp and gulp air, his eyes rolling back as he rubbed his cheeks against her firm bosom. He could not understand it, he had never been around a female that was so demanding and certainly not this aggressive around sex. He'd rather thought that his break up with Krystal had been partially because he had not been enough for her sexually and yet, Hilda here had him literally by the balls! He groaned as he looked up at her, feeling himself swelling even more as the feathers began to cling with precum.

"Very good... you're far more resistant than other males have been... its rather cute... but just give in, we need to do this quick or we'll be late." She chuckled gently, the sensation and the sound of her voice tickling his spine, sending chills up and down his body. She suddenly wrapped her whole wing about his cock, pumping it gently and still rubbing a feather around the edges of the head, beckoning his precum to start to spit outward as he groaned out lovingly and Hilda gave a sigh of delight. "That's better... what a nice sound... let's speed things up a bit, shall we?"

"Uh... yes?" Fox was unable to control himself, his hips were starting to beg to thrust into her wing and she was flicking another feather at his balls. Fox could not believe this female's audacity and confidence... no sane beast would be like this, surely? Was this even happening? His whole body was starting to melt away, she was so strong, smelt so damn good and was making him so excited he had no idea how to handle himself in this situation. What should he do?

"Your reactions are interesting... if we weren't tight for time, I might have slammed you onto my bunk... we can leave that for another time..." Hilda stated with a soft chuckle, her wing grasping about his thick shaft firmly and then she began to pump roughly against him. He groaned, it was rough but it felt shockingly good and he could not stop his hips from rocking against her wing. She held the wing open slightly, clenching and squeezing but letting him move himself in and out of her wing with heavy pants and groans. "Hurry Captain... don't want to be late..."

"Cum... cum..." Fox groaned, he was feeling utterly lost, she had total control as his balls clenched and his cock tightened. He could feel the pressure wheezing down, knew he was going to lose it soon and yet it seemed it was only because of her squeezing, her control... the way she was telling him what to do. He could not explain his reactions, only that he wanted to obey her and the thought of being thrown onto her bunk and straddled like it was nothing only made him moan out before... it happened!

"An impressive load... poor dear, you've hardly been keeping yourself comfortable." Hilda chuckled, releasing him only when his cock stop sputtering the cum into her wing. Fox slumped against the door, giving a soft moan of relief and pleasure, but the clarity was coming to slap him fast as he looked up at the powerful bird and she grinned down at him with a smirk. She then lifted her wing to her beak, her tongue rolling over his cum before she bent to give him a kiss on the cheek before she wiped her wing against her towel and stepped out of the room, leaving Fox left slumped against her door.

"Just... just what... oh boy..." Fox looked down at himself, he was not even flaccid after that and something in the way Hilda had looked at him insisted that she'd expect him back again. He gulped heavily and hurried to put himself away, wishing he had more time to think it over and talk to her. He'd never dealt with someone like her before and the most embarrassing thing was that he actually... he actually liked her being in control. Was that even right?

With a grunt, Fox straightened up and slapped his cheek, he could not believe what just happened was real and it was certainly something he could not explain to any of his crew. What would they think if they knew their tough pilot leader had just been pinned to the wall by this burly, busty broad? He would not be able to live that down and worse still, to admit that it had aroused him as well... things couldn't get any worse for him!

"Well... I suppose it could be worse..." Fox groaned as he then got a message through on his wrist to inform him that he was late for the meeting. He gave a swear, realising he was still in Hilda's room too and was about to leave, but there was still the scent of her in the air and he drank it up with hurried sniffs before hurrying to leave.

Krystal and Falco were snuggled up on the ground in the makeshift beds, both of them sighing and moaning in their deep sleep, eyes rolling and not really sure what had just happened but surprisingly glad that they'd done it. It was the first time Krystal slept completely without waking up or having the strange dreams or nagging sensations of being unsatisfied. When she opened her eyes however, she realised there was a beak nuzzling between her breasts and she gave a yelp!


"Huh... what? WAGH!" Falco was startled, leaping up on his feet expecting a fight but his flaccid cock swung in front of Krystal to make her gulp heavily and remember what had happened as he gave a grunt. "What's that about? Didn't you like what we did?"

"What happened... it... it just can't happen again... it can't!" Krystal was clearly worrying about the whole situation and Falco was just staring at her blankly, his erection growing all the same for being in her presence. His whole experience even just sitting here was pleasurable, having her scent in the air, seeing her naked with her cootch still pink and open and sticky on the fur from his cum was exciting. He did not understand what she was on about, he was ecstatic over what they had done and he gave a snort.

"Seriously Krystal... I don't see what you're getting so upset about. I mean, we both wanted it, we both enjoyed it... I'm still wanting more... why do you have to think that this was some kind of mistake Krystal? We didn't do anything wrong, we're not in relationships and we both knew we needed it. Is it so wrong?" Falco questioned, a sceptical expression fell upon Krystal's face before her lips curled. She seemed to grimace for a while and then she muttered something that made Falco give a sudden snort. "Say what?"

"I said it's... it's only because of instinct." Krystal stated, she hadn't wanted to tell him about their species being linked but, with it now out in the open she turned around and discussed it briefly with him as she then lowered her head in shame. She felt like she had been the cause for all of this, that her reaction to him was unfair... that they were being controlled by something else and Falco had to agree it was a scary thought, but then he gave a soft chuckle. His laughter irritated her until he leant forward and stroked her cheek fur gently, making her stare at him carefully as he then gave a loving sigh.

"Look Krystal... when I first saw you I was attracted, but you clearly were interested in Fox and so I didn't try anything. You and Fox had a good go with each other and then things petered out naturally between you both. You and I were not being forced to come together by instinct, we were quite happily going with others and getting on with life. All that happened now was that there was no reason for us not to be together and our bodies reacted. I mean... the ferocity we've shown is probably instinct driven... but I like you, you get it?" Falco stated firmly and he watched as her ears lowered and a suddenly adorable expression appeared upon her face. It was beautiful, exciting and he had to smile as he then patted at her shoulder and stood up to go. "I'll get out breakfast sorted..."

"I like you too."

Falco froze, the sound so light it almost did not reach his ears as he'd been about to do something useful. He straightened up, took in a deep breath and then seemed to hold in the smirk and the statements about how obvious it was she liked him. He did not want to make her feel worse or more embarrassed as he turned to face her with a soft smile upon his face. She looked up at him with an irritated expression before he stepped over and to her surprise, gently pressed his beak to her lips in a gentle kiss.

"You're amazing Krystal, you're clever, beautiful and a fantastic pilot... I like you." Falco stated, reiterating the points on why he liked her and her cheeks flushed visibly. She stood herself up, her legs a little wobbly as she wrapped her arms around him tightly and pulled him in close to her. They kissed each other lovingly as she gave a sigh, nuzzling into him again and though their stomachs churned, she found herself feeling desperately happy to be held by him.

"So what happens next? Are we going to live here and try to survive on an alien planet until we're rescued?" Krystal questioned curiously, looking up at him with an expression that seemed almost fragile. She sounded like she was trying to be humorous and Falco gave a soft chuckle before kissing her again as he gave a visible grin.

"We'll be here a little while so... why not? Maybe we'll end up raising kids here before we're rescued... might be fun..." Falco chuckled gently and she found herself laughing at him and nuzzling into his chest. This was an odd situation for her, but she was pleased that he was speaking about kids and not thinking of just sex. But then Falco steered her over towards their food box and she was a little relieved until there was a strange beeping sound coming from inside the box.

"What is that?"

"Dunno..." Falco grimaced, rather annoyed that their moment of understanding and acceptance was about to be ruined by something requesting them to take notice. Falco stepped about the crate, looking for some kind of cause for the beeping sound before he realised that the beeping sound was coming from outside. He grimaced as he looked towards Krystal, there was only one reason that it would be beeping and that would mean that they're time in paradise was over. "I think someone's come to rescue us..."

"You can't be sure of that, maybe they just want to know if we're alive." Krystal stated, almost bringing her paw to her mouth with a grunt at the thought that she would say such a thing. She could not help it, she was rather starting to understand that this situation with them both together and actually being honest with their feelings, was too good to just abandon. Falco gave her a playful wink that made her scowl at him before he insisted, he'd take his gun and go out to check the signal. Krystal sneered, she'd forgotten that the outside was still dangerous and she stepped to his side, grasping his wing and giving him a gentle tug back. "Let me grab my spear and I'll stand in the doorway and keep you safe."

"Alright..." Falco beamed in amusement, rather glad she was starting to return to form and also glad she was not going to abandon him. Falco was not a coward of course, but outside of a plane and in a place they did not know, the pair of them were at a disadvantage should there be poisonous creatures or just something they cannot even expect to be there. However, when he stepped to the door, Krystal was to his side and slowly they opened it together suddenly and found that within the course of a possible night-time, the jungle had grown even taller and they were utterly surrounded in vines, moss and their fighters up in the trees, leaning on top of the crate. "Bugger..."

"This place really seems to thrive on that magnetic energy, but I don't think only the plant life can be thriving. Can you hear anything out there?" Krystal whispered softly, the sun was shining down beautifully and there were the exotic scents of flowers they'd never known before. It was exciting and she wanted to go out and bathe in the sunlight, but it was obvious that in looking about the jungle that it was not a place to be... underestimated. But she was almost startled when Falco stepped out and then leapt upward, grabbing hold of the side of the crate and swinging himself upward and Krystal gave a snort. "What are you up to?"

"Going to check it out." Falco stated calmly, grinning to himself as he hopped up onto the crate top and strolled calmly to the tree. Krystal listened, but her ears twitched anxiously and her eyes snapped towards the foliage. She swore she could see something rustling and she lifted her head up towards Falco as he clambered onto the limbs of the strange purple tree and grumbled about the branches being made of gemstone. Krystal grimaced, only to hear the rustle again and lift up her spear, ready to battle.

She watched the ferns of reddish brown shift and flutter, her senses screaming in fear that an enemy was approaching and Krystal crouched. She did not care that she was naked and smelt of Falco's seed, she brought the spear forward and glared at the plants, ready for hell. Her fur was starting to stand on end and her nose wrinkled as her face drew up into a primitive snarl as Falco was pulling moss from his vehicle and trying to get into the cockpit where the signal was flashing. When he made a grunt as if in pain, whatever was in the ferns launched and Krystal launched too!

A creature about the size of a dog but more like a rat in shape, though coated in some rocky stone-like hide, launched from the bushes. Razor-sharp claws that looked to be made of crystal had burst out of its three-toed feet and it had given a screech of fury as it had planned to get up there and grab Falco! Falco had turned his head, swearing aloud at the sight of the creature, until Krystal's spear had crashed into its chest and flung it back down to the ground. The creature lay silent for a moment, their bodies were rippling in anticipation and then it sat up with a vicious snarl and looked at Krystal.

"Krystal... here!" Falco barked, throwing his gun down as she caught it and then aimed it towards the creature that was approaching her with fury but caution. Falco dove to the cockpit, smashing his fist through the already cracked casing and managing to get a hold large enough to stuff his hand through. He hurried to grasp for a second gun, knowing he was going to have to have one himself when he heard sounds in the forest ahead! It looked like they'd picked the worst time to step outside and yet he still had to hear the noise from the beacon and he groaned. "Shoot at it then slam the crate door shut, I'll hide in my ship..."

"Don't be stupid Falco, you're not safe out here... just forget the noise and get down here!" Krystal growled and the beast lunged. She fired at the ground in front of it first, making it pull back with a chattering sound of irritation before it looked back at her with rage. She was not sure what to do next, but she knew she would have to aim at the creature and hope the gun would actually kill it! Above she could hear Falco rustling inside the cockpit, grabbing hold of the microphone and speaker from the bottom of the make-shift beacon that was thankfully still hanging out of the canopy and he pressed the speaker.

Research vessel to missing ships... research vessel to missing ships... _Falco grinned to hear they were still alright up there and he quickly called through, but his message seemed to crackle. There were few moments left for him to muck about as the creature growled outside and then Krystal shot at it, hitting it in the shoulder as it yelped and bounced aside for a moment. Falco hissed down the line, insisting that they were there and then he got a response. _Allied ship arriving within hour to tow us, unclear if atmosphere safe to collect you - hold on!

"Fuck..." Falco jolted when he heard Krystal give that profanity out in a slow groan! It was just loud enough for him to hear and to panic, it was like she'd read his mind, but then he pulled himself out of his fighter. He clambered about the strange vines and looked down, the spare gun in his wing as he watched the second blast from Krystal hit the beast. He could see that, just like the first blast, this one melted a hole but though the creature backed off, the hole was sealing up again!

"Krystal... get back in the crate, I'll hit it with the gun then try and lure it up... then I'll drop down there to be with you!" Falco growled and Krystal grabbed her spear again, ignoring him and rushing at the shaking creature. When its mouth opened out to reveal fangs that glittered like diamond, she swung her spear and smacked it under the chest, bowling it over completely and then bashing it aside. She looked up at Falco, growling at him to get off the crate and he leapt off obediently, getting to the door and waiting for Krystal to join him.

The creature rolled onto its front, grunting and shaking, ready to attack again before it was smacked once more in the face with the spear. Krystal then bolted, leaping back to the crate with Falco as the beast shook then charged after her. She just got inside the crate as the beast leapt and Falco aimed his gun, shooting it point blank in the head as the creature seemed to fly backwards! Krystal got in, Falco dropped the gun and they both grabbed the door, slamming it shut hard and then locking the door.

Suddenly, the beast slammed against the door, they felt it bend a little and both of them pressed their backs up against it. They tried to remain quiet as the beast continued to barge and ram against it, though it did not bend the door open as much as before. They were both bracing themselves against it, growling and groaning despite their desire to be quiet so the creature would go away! However, Falco then pulled towards the nearest box of supplies, hooking it with a hind claw and tugging it over. It was heavy and tiring, but he started to tug it and Krystal nodded her head, stretching a foot out to grab another box they could help brace the door with.

"It was a good idea when we braced the door last night, imagine if this creature had come barging in when we were... you know..." Falco snorted, trying to put a bit of humour into the situation so that it might make Krystal feel better. When she turned to look at him on the matter, she rolled her eyes then lunged for the crate, the door almost popped open a crack and Falco slapped himself against it when Krystal grabbed the crate and dragged it over, pushing it to one side of the door and then switching with Falco. "Good idea..."

Falco grasped for another large crate with his claws, groaning as the creature still pushed and slammed itself against the door. Krystal grimaced, shuffling the boxes around to be in a better position to make them more secure, grimacing at how they'd _had _to end up finding something like this at their door! Falco grasped hold of the next box that was a nasty and seriously awkward box to grab, he dragged the heavy object over, covering the other boxes in front of the door enough that it was able to withstand the slamming against the door!

Falco managed to press it up against the other boxes, the weight of it as he strained and pushed it against the others clearly what they needed. Krystal pulled away, grabbed the other side of the box and then grunted at the weight, only to help him push it gently against the rest of the boxes. Finally, it seemed to secure the door as the beast slammed but nothing moved and the door did not creak. The pair of them stepped back, grabbing the ripped scraps of their clothes from the floor as they manipulated them into slight skirts and a covering for Krystal's nipples as they grasped their weapons.

The pair of them remained focused on the door, they had a box with some flares near their feet and yet they had nothing like an explosive that would probably do the job of startling the creature. They remained motionless, standing beside one another with their weapons raised as they waited and watched. Their hearts were pumping madly, they were terrified and excited all at once as they stared at the door as the beast kept banging against the door whilst the creature was slamming against it.

"You know Krystal... if we don't get through this... I've had a great time with you and you know... I might actually be in love with you." Falco stated, the banging still continuing but the crates not moving. They were still preparing for the thought that this might be the end and Krystal gave a soft little chuckle as she turned to face him and then gave the side of his beak a gentle kiss.

"Hmm... I might love you too..." Krystal chuckled and the pair of them were ready... ready to face death!

There was the sudden sound of some kind of battle outside that made both of their eyes widen in surprise. They could hear the sound of guns being fired and the beast leaving the crate, but then there was the sounds of it roaring and then someone grunting. Someone... or something... was beating up the creature outside and both Krystal and Falco looked to one another in concern. Maybe there was another party that had been caught out and they were all going to meet up with each other?

"Maybe we should clean up if we've got guests, honey?" Falco teased, but both of them had darted back to the crates they'd boarded up the wall with. There was no telling if there was friend or foe outside and certainly, they were not in a position where they could easily cope with fighting someone that was likely unknown and dangerous. If the report from the ships above had been right, no one was supposed to be able to reach them, or get down to them and Falco knew all too well that some of these crazy sectors had some fearsome pirate-types within.

"It sounds like whatever's beating it up is pretty strong... I've got a bad feeling it might be an enemy we've encountered before..." Krystal growled, her lips curling as she pressed up against the boxes and prepared to fight if she had to. Her mind was already making guesses about what could be out there, her heart trembling with fear that the only thing that could make any impact on that creature could be some kind of Saurian. The fact they had guns was bad enough, but when they both jumped at the heavy sound of the beast being flung against the side of the crate, Falco could not help but wrap his arms about her protectively.

"Falco... Krystal? You there?" The familiar although slightly shaken voice of Fox McCloud reached their ears and both of them poked

their heads up along the crates in fascination. "Krystal?"

"FOX! Fox, we're in here... wait a minute!" Krystal's expression was suddenly so excited and joyful that it rather startled Falco. Then he looked at how happy she was and his heart sank, suddenly pondering about just why he would be so happy to hear Fox's voice. Falco's heart trembled and threatened to crack, he could tell that this was all leading towards her and Fox having a joyful reunion. "Fox, we've put boxes in front of the door... what's going on out there?"

"Out here... well..." Fox was still a little startled himself over what had just happened, one minute he had been guiding his ship over to the planet using Hilda's and the next she's picked up a beacon on the planet and grabbed him. His foxy face had been barged into her hefty bosom as she'd dragged him to join her in her fighter plane where they could collect their companions. It was a reinforced ship against magnetic waves and she'd not let him sit in the back where there was room, but pulled him onto her lap.

Fox had found himself sitting within her broad lap, her big breasts rubbing around his ears and neck and almost massaging him. He'd almost slumped back to sleep on them, the whole time trying not to have an erection. But with the joysticks between his legs and her big wings upon them and brushing along his legs, he'd been having real difficulty trying to concentrate but then she'd handed him the plane! He'd managed to fly the heavy vehicle and land it in water where it seemed safest and settled comfortably before she'd leapt out fearlessly!

Fox had been thankful for the cold water too, he'd fallen out of the vehicle and landed with a splash into the water and quickly splashed the freezing water to his groin. Hilda had pulled out a massive black gun that sat across her big shoulders and looked like something even Fox would have difficulty carrying as he'd caught up beside her and they'd started marching on. The main ships were already relaying with the stranded scientists when they'd come upon the scene of a vicious creature attacking a crate.

Fox had pulled out his gun first, fired a shot at the creature only to see what Krystal and Falco had, as it had yelped but then turned to face them. Fox had then sneered, but gained a surprise as it had charged him and though ready to fight, Hilda had turned about to use her massive gun as a club. She'd smashed the creature straight back towards the cabin and then dropped her gun into Fox's arms. He'd given a grunt, forcing his legs not to give out as he pulled them up and then hurried towards the crate as Hilda had gone after the beast and was still swinging it around by its tail and slamming it into the ground.

Fox had never thought that seeing such a thing would ever turn him on, but now he was even more conscious of a throbbing erection and he had no idea what to do or whether he really wanted Krystal to see that he was being turned on by a bird! But, he had to help his friends and so he waited for them to move the crates back, open the door and then he was grabbed by a near naked Krystal in a tight hug, just as Hilda threw the unconscious creature into the bushes.

Falco and Hilda both looked towards the hugging foxes with an echoing expression of discomfort. They were jealous that the pair were so eager for such simple skin-ship and yet neither felt able to step forward and say something. However, Hilda suddenly cleared her throat loudly and then Fox jolted in surprise. He and Krystal stepped aside from one another, embarrassed that they had been embracing when they were feeling such different things within their hearts. But then Hilda gave a soft grunt.

"Your missing companions? Good to see they're both alive... whatever that creature was its not likely the only one, we'd better get back to my ship now and leave the crew to come back here and clear it up. Besides, we've got to make sure they haven't been injured." Hilda stated, stepping right up to the foxes and barging her hip right in front of Fox, her tail feathers stroking his shoulder and making him shiver. Krystal eyed up the hen for a moment, suddenly worried about how Falco might react to seeing a female avian for once and she hurried to Falco's side, wrapping her arm around his.

"We're both eager to get back, but we would rather not be separated... right Falco?" She stated, her tail flicking in irritation as she gripped tightly onto Falco's wing. She was glaring towards the hen but Falco was non-plussed by it. She had no idea what was going on in his mind, but Krystal was feeling a little possessive as Falco patted her back and then Fox realised that the pair were barely clothed and had only been in this crate overnight.

"Yeah... we're better sticking together from now on. You alright with that, Fox?" Falco stated, swinging an arm back around Krystal and then looking down to the pair of them. Both of them checked each other over, blushing heavily to realise they'd been naked up to a moment ago. However, it was Hilda that gave a snort of amusement and then grabbed hold of Fox's shoulder firmly, pulling him back suddenly towards the planes where he gave a yelp of surprise and then he gave a whimper.

"Sure... uh... we better follow Hilda back to the fighter." Fox barked to them and they swiftly insisted to grab their weapons and follow after. Fox did not have much time to question the situation as Hilda only slowed slightly and called out to the lovebirds to follow them. Krystal and Falco grabbed their weapons and stepped out, only for Falco to turn and stare at his vehicle in irritation and dismay. He did not want to leave it like this, not when it was trapped in the mess of magnetic plants, but Krystal grasped his wing and kissed his beak.

"There'll be another plane you know... but only one chance of escape..." Krystal smiled then grinned as she stroked at Falco's back, only to recall that he was not covered on the rump. She gave his backside a gentle squeeze and he gave a soft grunt of surprise before grumbling that he agreed. The pair of them then followed after Fox who was trying to keep in sight of Hilda and his companions. The three of them caught up with the hen and then strolled to her ship, glad to see it had a good space for them to sit and together they clambered in as Hilda sat in the cockpit with a scowl on her face.

Once Fox had ensured his companions were clicked in, he was about to sit with them when Hilda beckoned him to join her in the cockpit again. He took a heavy gulp of surprise, feeling his body temperature rise and his groin pinch in anticipation. He strolled out of the back of the ship, closing it up behind him before then strolling up into the cockpit where the hen grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. He found himself suddenly spun around, muzzle into her breasts as she then clipped him into place before giving a soft chuckle.

"I think we can go on autopilot and I can teach you a lesson..." Hilda chuckled softly and Fox was confused as she flicked a few of the buttons on the wall and suddenly a screen slipped between them and the cargo where Falco and Krystal were laughing about their awkward experience. Then the glass around the cockpit changed a darker shade, stopping anyone from seeing in as the chair seemed to slouch back so Fox was lounging on her chest when Hilda grinned. "You've made it obvious you're interested in me... I can tell by every reaction in your body... so how about I show you the kind of partner I'd be?"

Fox gave a gulp, he didn't think he could deny anything when it came to this hen, she seemed to be able to sense what he was not even sure about himself. Why was he finding an Avian so much more exciting and enticing than Krystal had been? How could he want someone of a separate species as eagerly as he did her? Already, just from having his head rubbed into her large, plush-feathered breasts, Fox's groin was swollen and he felt his whole body twitch in anticipation for what she was about to do as she grinned.

Hilda flipped him suddenly, Fox gave a yelp of surprise as his back was slammed into the chair and then her wings were around his trousers. She unbuckled him and then yanked them down along with his pants as he gave a yelp of surprise. His tail swung around, covering himself in anxiety as he looked up at her in excitement and anxiety all at once! Hilda then unzipped herself out of the suit, releasing her breasts to bounce in front of the eager fox before she then fell out of the suit and clambered upon him with a lick at her beak before grinning.

"It's going to be rough... otherwise it wouldn't be a lesson, would it?" Hilda chuckled at the still startled Fox. How could he stand a chance against this warrior when not that long ago she'd already taken control of his cock! Fox was shocked by his own inability to exhibit restraint, the sight of her freed from the restrictive clothing had steered his cock awake to the point his own clothes would have become restrictive! Fox was panting, his body boiling and his balls feeling like they were swelling with the desire to breed he felt right now and Hilda grinned. "Ready?"

"How could I ever be ready for you!" Fox stated with a strain in his voice as he fought the part of him that was excited and the part of him that was terrified. He could not bring himself to move and instead, his heart was trembling like his swollen cock as Hilda bent forward and snapped her sharp beak just inches from his cock to make it jolt. With expert skills from her tongue, she stretched it out and twirled around the tip, slowly just teasing it as it strained out even more and Fox gave out a groan of desperation.

"Ah-ah... if you make too much noise then your ex might hear and get jealous..." Hilda grinned in amusement, bringing her beak away as Fox looked at her desperately! Why had she stopped just like that? He grit his teeth together and nodded his head in understanding as she gave a chuckle of amusement and then licked her beak. She grasped his length in a wing, pumping hard and a little rough as he gave out a groan of pleasure, only for Hilda to suddenly stop again, waiting to see that desperate reaction upon his face, before she then continued to pump at it.

Fox's hips strained upwards, an expression of delight upon his face as she continued to tug him hard. He groaned but tried to hold the noise in, embarrassed by the thought that Falco and Krystal might hear him but also slightly aroused. He looked up at Hilda's stony face, no grin was present as she continued to pump his cock until it stood more rigid than it ever had. Then, when she was satisfied, she let him go and then stood up over him, staring down and even placing a claw to his cock as he took a gasp of fear.

"Impressive... let's have fun shall we? Just remember if you make a noise... I'll stop... got it?" She looked down her sharp beak at him, her eyes twinkling in delight and Fox could do little more than gulp and nod as she suddenly removed her claw and with seeming speed sat down right onto his length as he slapped his paws around his mouth to silence himself as she gave a groan of desire and licked her chops expectantly.

She'd sat so calmly down onto his cock, not even flinching or showing any kind of sign that she was even feeling him inside her. That look, that speed... it was so terrifyingly exciting that Fox could feel himself growing thicker insider of her as she gave a snort and bent forward. She pressed her beak to his nose as he began to pant and give desperate gulps... she was not moving and he could not move himself without her letting him. Her eyes kept him pinned and Fox was desperate to lift his hips and really hurry into her, but Hilda shifted slightly, letting him slide in deeper as her body clenched him tightly and he swelled again.

"Are you trying to impress me, Fox? Good boy for keeping quiet... now let's see how long you can stay quiet." Hilda chuckled as she looked down at him with an almost loving glint within her eyes. She was beaming at him, sighing happily and then giving a hefty chuckle as Fox gulped and found his eyes staring at her hefty bosom. She bent forward, grabbed the back of his head and forced his face between her breasts. Fox could not help himself but nuzzle into her bosom happily, loving her scent but also the softness of her feathers... but soon he was pushing his face in deeper to smother any sound.

Hilda's body lifted and suddenly she began to slap herself up and down onto the shaft, her whole body slamming up and down as she groaned and sighed. She kept his head within her breasts, groaning in pleasure as she felt him thicken and dive in deeper, reaching all the best spots and making her pant and grin in delight. She moved up and down so hard and fast that her bosom was clapping around Fox's face, keeping him smothered as his tongue lolled and he began to pant heavily in pleasure. Hilda groaned in pleasure as she stuffed him in and out of her body before she looked down at his drunken expression.

Suddenly being forced in deep had been painful at first, squeezing tightly around him, but then as she'd pulled herself upward, Fox had been shocked by the sudden dragging sensation that had made his cock tingle in pleasure. As her breasts had squeezed about him and his nose was overcome with her scent, the speed of her motions seemed to rub every area of his cock that was sensitive or reactive. The more she slammed herself onto him, the more he swelled and enjoyed that beautiful warmth inside! Each time she lifted up, the sudden temperature change was shocking and he felt almost as if he might just cum outside of her!

Hilda was rough, aggressive... she was doing this her way and Fox could do nothing more than go along for the ride. Any other might scream that this was all just a natural, physical reaction to this kind of behaviour, but as she rode him like she was on some wild beast, Fox was feeling himself drowning in pleasure. No one had ever dared to be forceful with him, he'd never thought he'd wanted that before and yet she was making his whole body sing in pleasure as he growled with a tightened jaw and swung his paws right up.

Fox clasped hold of her gorgeous bosom, squeezing and almost pumping the teat within his paws as his tail wiggled beneath him. He moaned and sighed, drinking in the scent of her arousal and her soft feathers. Her body scent was beautiful, he wanted to sink his teeth into this beautiful plush flesh and it was impossible to stop himself from moaning too loudly. He held it in though, unwilling to lose her attention as she rode him with ease and then began to give soft little huffs and grunts as she slammed his shoulders down onto the seat again.

He still kneaded her breasts, his tongue lolling from his jaw as she drew herself up, pulling him free from her heat and then slammed back down. Her insides squeezed him, massaged him as she rode him, sucking him in deeper and then clenching him as if trying to hold him in. The pressure it pushed into her was immense, punching into the most sensitive spots to make her pant and groan in her delight as he was almost in pain from the desperate tightness of his swelling form against the squeezing passage. It was rough, almost violent but watching the hen ride him with her big breasts clapping into his sweaty palms was intoxicating as he began to pant faster and harder.

Hilda grit her beak, almost feeling as if she were going to lose it first, but she looked down to check on her Fox. She could see he was looking ready to blow, a desperate expression on his panting face as he held back as much sound as he could but clearly, he wanted to do a little bit of thrusting and she was thoughtful for a moment. If she let him do the work, he'd probably not let her end and so she beamed down her breasts at him with a grin.

"If you intend to appease me so you can have your go at riding me next time... you'd better know how to cum together." Hilda grinned at him, but a hot flush filled her with surprise as she could feel him getting just a little bigger inside and rubbing right against the best spot. Fox nodded his head, massaging at her breasts and then trying to thrust with his hips, eager to help her get to the right spot and so Hilda pulled his paws free from her and sat back, legs akimbo but with all her weight going into her feathers. "Let's get a full view so you can see if I'm ready..."

"Yes Ma'am..." Fox gulped, grasping her feet and pushing them down into the seat, stabilising her as his eyes then beheld a treat. The sight of his cock stuffed deep inside her wet pussy was astonishing, she was taking him in, right to the hilt and yet he could still see where her body was kissing and sucking his length in further. He gave a low moan of pleasure, the sight arousing him more as he could feel his phallus pulsing inside of her as Hilda gave a grin and then began to ride him again, dipping herself down onto his length and then upward as if she were doing some kind of exercise.

The wet sounds to meet his ears were difficult to ignore, he tried to think of something to hold him back, but watching her breasts swing was hard to ignore. The gentle clapping as they met and the sound of his shaft stuffing into her moist form... he couldn't hold back his desires! Hilda continued to pant and moan herself, glad the other pilot was holding his voice in for her. She rocked on him a little more desperately, feeling that tight pinching before she took a sudden gulp.

With a moan of pleasure, she groaned out in desperation and joy as her insides shook and clenched about him. Her honey poured down along his twitching shaft buried deep inside as Fox took a gasp at the warm, tingling sensation. Suddenly she gave out a far more comfortable moan as her body relaxed just a little and then that was it... Fox could not hold himself back as he thrust upward as fast as he could before it happened.

Stored up and thick after her previous touch, his swollen balls had pushed everything he had out of his body. He poured himself into her body, catching his breath with that joyful release and wheezing out the pleasure. His thick cream splurged inside the welcoming honeypot as Hilda moaned with a delicious kind of satisfaction. The fox groaned, sighing low in joy as he slumped back and felt her beautiful insides still squeezing and milking him of whatever he had left within him. He panted and wheezed a little, feeling it all squirt out before the slight splash back that told him she was full.

Within her body, Fox's cum had swollen her out as it had funnelled down towards her womb. Eagerly it sought out targets to penetrate and awaken as Hilda sat panting upon the fox. The hen remained sitting back, a smirk on her beak as she savoured the feel of his form within her own. With a few soft pants and twirling motions of her tongue as she enjoyed that sensation of satiation, Hilda then bent forward. She brought her beak to his nose in an aggressive but passionate kiss as he shuddered against her, that fearsome tongue lashing about his own to make his mouth water desperately.

"Looks like you were a good boy and behaved.... but I'll have more for you to do when we get on-board..." Hilda chuckled, lifting her wet form off him with ease before grasping her clothing. She pulled it back on, her nipples still erect and showing off to the world, exciting him to remain rigid. Hilda noticed and produced a cleaning cloth for the body, gently wrapping it about his form and then giving him a few firm pumps as he bit his lip not to give out a bark of pleasure. With a few little pumps he gave one final spit and then softened as Hilda smirked again. "Its very addictive... I might not let you use it anywhere else..."

Was that a proposal of some kind?

When the ship docked, Hilda found some spare clothes for the trio to wear and neither Falco nor Krystal were willing to ask why Fox might need them. He looked oddly sheepish stepping out and had been about to ask how they were until Hilda had barked at him to follow her to the bridge. Obediently he followed as Falco watched with a smirk upon his face.

"I get the feeling they might be an item..." Krystal stated in a curious manner is if she might be second guessing herself. It made Falco snort in amusement as they were beckoned to head to the medical quarters for a full screening. He gripped Krystal's paw, pulling her back just a little as he smirked down at her.

"And us?" He questioned as Krystal then boldly stretched up to kiss his beak.

"I thought we'd already decided... this is it; I'm not letting anyone else have you." Krystal gave a smirk that made Falco grin as they both continued on to their medical examinations, hoping certain questions might not be asked of them. Indeed, there were a few curious expressions from the staff when reading the charts, but no one mentioned it. They just left to a room onboard they could rest in and cuddled up within one another's arms.

Fox meanwhile was only given as much time as was needed to do his job before Hilda made it obvious she wanted him to return to her room. Of course, he had to make a show of taking his work seriously, issuing orders and sending out a message to the nearest station that they were bringing in a damaged research vessel. He was also pondering how they'd ever get the wreckages back from the planet, but maybe that could be left for another team. As soon as he'd ensured everyone was comfortable and safe on the main ship, he'd then strolled across the attaching bridge to where Hilda and her crew were finishing up their notes on the subject. One of the other battle-hens pointed out the direction to her room again and he thanked them.

"Captain Hilda... I'm... I'm here... ma'am..." Fox gulped, stepping into a dark room once again and tingling with excitement, he could already smell her scent in the air and it made his whole body shiver with pleasure to notice it. He took in deep breaths, drinking it in and yet his cock was already swelling and his balls pinching below. This was not a scenario he could ever have dreamt of, but as soon as he stepped inside the room, the door closed suddenly. He felt something loop around his neck and around his muzzle, making him give a yelp of shock before he was pulled forward and his nose began to twitch as his tail wagged frantically.

He could smell that Hilda was the one to have wrapped something around him, he lifted a paw up and felt the leather of a leash and his tail wagged with more excitement. Hilda seemed to like to play rough with him and should it have been any other female, he doubted he would have let himself be treated like this. But as he was lead forward, he could smell that Hilda was sitting on something ahead of him and his muzzle was being pulled downwards toward an area of heat and the heavy scent of her beckoning pussy. Was this a bird in heat?

Fox was jerked downward to her legs, he dutifully felt forward for the edge of the bench she was sitting on, recognising the position from earlier to be that of her weightlifting bench. His hide prickled in excitement as the lead jerked him downwards and his nose was brought towards the quivering scent of the excitable female. His jaws were suddenly filled with drool and he knew immediately what it was he needed to do as he opened his mouth and stretched his tongue forward. With a groaning sound like any hungry dog, he brought his tongue to her pussy and began to slurp her honey from her eager lips as his tail waggled behind him in delight and Hilda gave a chuckle.

"Good boy... you knew just what I wanted... you'll be rewarded for it." Hilda grinned in amusement, spreading her legs wider as she felt that tongue stroke over her form. Her body shook gently, getting softer and wetter at the gentle rolls and slurps of the fox captain that was obediently tending to her. As he hurried to clean her out, drinking in her juices and making her clitoris swell, Fox could feel his cock straining against his underwear. He felt like he might burst any minute now, desperate to be with her once again no matter how much she bullied him and Hilda chuckled. "Come on then, stand up and show yourself to me..."

Fox straightened up, his tongue lolling and his mouth filled with her taste as he bobbed his head and brought his hands to his trousers. He pulled them down then grasped his underwear, pulling them down and showing off his swollen length. Hilda chuckled and though he could not see her yet, he felt her wing wrap around the back of his head and gently push his face into her bosom. He groaned, loving her scent and those soft feathers and he wanted to nuzzle into her bosom, but knew Hilda would not allow it yet. Slowly, she stretched her wing out to his groin, gently grasping at his balls, juggling them tenderly before then stroking up his shaft.

"Impressive... but don't make a mess just yet..." Hilda clacked her beak as Fox's cock straightened and twitched with anticipation. He gulped heavily, swallowing down the arousal he was feeling in order to keep control though he was desperate to thrust into her wing. She felt him up and down steadily, amused that he was holding back everything before she then stepped away and rolled onto the seat. "Alright... let's do it 'your style'... you deserve a treat..."

Fox's eyes widened and his ears strained, he stretched his nose forward, snuffling desperately as he could guess she was lifting her rear towards him, offering herself to him so that he could take her like a wild beast. He felt the tug on the lead to say she still had control, but he gave a shudder of pleasure as he put his knees behind hers and climbed onto her. He grasped his dripping cock, rubbing its ecstatic tip against the wettened pussy he could feel was dripping in anticipation too. As he felt the warmth against it and her soft tail feathers stroking his shoulders, Fox pushed forward.

He groaned in pleasure, pushing his cock in deeply till the point that the strong muscles of her insides held him back. He groaned as he felt her engulf him, squeeze him and then relax, only to do so again as Hilda took in steady breaths. Fox was almost sure that Hilda was controlling what her body was doing to his cock and he gave a growl of excitement. He lounged over her back, his paws swinging around to grasp her dangling breasts that felt fantastic, soft and just... perfect.

Now in the position she had wanted and seemed to make his whole body scream, his cock thickened inside her as she gave a sound of pleasure as Fox began to move. He massaged at her bosom, loving how malleable and soft they felt as he squeezed and played with them, his hips moving with the pleasure he felt touching her. At first, it was slow and steady motions, opening Hilda up gently and feeling for the spots that made her moan before suddenly finding the spot that made her gasp out in ecstasy and then he sped up. Fox gripped her breasts more tightly, put all his weight into her back and began to start thrusting himself into Hilda's body as fast and hard as he could, the room being filled with their grunts and the clapping of their bodies together.

Fox growled and grunted hooking his paws about her breasts more tightly, kneading them as roughly as he thrusted into her, enjoying the wet squelch as she got more and more aroused by him. Hilda moaned and sighed in delight, seemingly opening up more for him and yet grasping him too, sucking him in as he moaned and growled against the back of her head. As he slapped into her, he nuzzled his chin against her body, groaning in desperation as he felt that wonderful pressure building up and was getting ready to blow. He began to pant and whine, feeling himself ready to cum as the hen's body began to tighten around him and Hilda groaned.

His paws on her nipples made her whole body sing, the more he kneaded her the more she could swear her body was filling with eggs ready for him to fertilise. She felt crazy, a mad heat overwhelmed her brain with a reproductive fever... she'd never experienced such passion and pleasure from being around any other being! Even the roosters she'd paired with before had never been so obedient and wild and yet... Fox was fantastic!

As her insides got soggier, warmer and softer, it was clear that the pair were both about to blow as they groaned and gurned against the pressure building within. As they growled and grunted and her body kept twitching and squeezing around him desperately, Hilda then finally gave a groan. She felt the sudden wet warmth, a wave of bliss slamming into her as she gave a sudden and loud cluck as if she'd just produced an egg. It was an embarrassing sound as her honey soaked the fox's cock but the sound was all Fox needed to reach his own end.

With two more firm thrusts he then gave out a groan of pleasure as his cum erupted into the hen's passage and his head went back with his tongue hanging out. He was looking so joyful, so happy that it startled himself as he felt himself continue to pump his seed into Hilda's body. She moaned and sighed in delight, shivering with excitement and pleasure as the hot mess flushed down into her body. It went on a journey to find her eggs that were waiting for it and ensure that the pairing was fruitful. Fox continued to pant in surprise as his cock continued to go and Hilda gave a cry with another wet orgasm before she chuckled and turned her head towards the fox on her back.

"I think I'm going to keep you around from now on... Fox." Hilda grinned and Fox slouched over her back, nuzzling and nipping at her shoulders, wishing he could bite her but knowing he should be a well-behaved boy. He sighed in relief as he nuzzled against her again and Hilda then chuckled softly as she turned her head about, grasping Fox and pulling him closer. "What do you think, be my male?"

"Yes Ma'am..." Fox panted, suddenly pushed forward for a romantic kiss as their tongues rolled against one another and they both groaned in desperate pleasure... the future seemed set for Fox too....

Some years later and the planet from the survey had been sorted and made habitable, everyone was able to protect themselves against the magnetic waves thanks to the rivers and building special underwater housing that they could reach from the surface. It was fast becoming a popular holiday home and it was to this strange place that Fox and Falco had thought to meet up again with their... families. They were glad to see each other when they met, quick to hug and then to introduce their eldest cubs to one another as Falco gave a chuckle of amusement.

"Your son looks just like you Fox, hopefully he'll grow up good friends with my kids... what do you think? My daughter's got her mother's looks but you can see my colouring in her." Falco chuckled, pointing out the young fox around his ankle that looked similar to Krystal but had the brilliant blue colouration of her father. She was peering around her father's legs to look towards Fox's son as the canine grinned and then pushed his son forward, eager to get them to greet each other.

"Looks like they'll be at this forever... my boy's a bit shy but he'll be fine when his father relaxes." Hilda chuckled as she and Krystal stepped over to greet each other, Hilda carrying a new born in her arms, another son that was clearly avian. The pair of them stepped to the lift that would take them down to the holiday home below ground and both sighed as they dropped themselves onto the seats, waiting for their husbands to catch up as the busty females were both stroking bulging bellies indicating more youngsters were to come as Hilda gave a chuckle. "So... how do you like being with an avian?"

"Avian or fox... it's not just the fact we're compatible but somehow we are perfect for each other. I guess it's the same with you and Fox... I'm glad you came along to rescue us when you did Hilda... I always worried that Fox would be on his own." Krystal stated, lounging back as she looked at the unexpected beauty of this paradise-like planet and gave a soft sigh. "I don't regret being trapped here and being with Falco either...."

The End