Carnal Combat II, Part VI - Fire And Rain

Story by Emerson on SoFurry

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#6 of Carnal Combat II

Carnal Combat II

Episode VI - Fire and Rain



Disclaimer: This story contains graphic sex between adults. There's likely to be bondage, hardcore sex, softcore sex, tentacle sex, ninja sex, ninja beatings, ninjas beating off, and other unspeakable acts. If you are not of age to view this stuff, or if it might make you cry, please don't read it. Thanks.

"Knock knock."

"It's open."

Spectre pushed the door to Daichi's quarters open slowly, peeking around the edge. The fox was standing in the middle of the common area, slowly wrapping long strips of cloth around his palms and wrists, not unlike Spectre wore in his own matches. The skunk closed the door behind himself as he entered.

"Big fight tonight, huh?"

"That's right," Daichi said, not looking up as he continued to wrap his paws. "Last fight of the first round. That's always a big match."

"That's not what I mean," Spectre said with a smirk. "I mean, you finally get your match with Rhane."

Daichi stopped for a second, staring intently at his paws. The fox then finished the wrap and looked at Spectre with a serious expression.

"That really doesn't mean anything now. It's a fight, plain and simple. I beat her, I move on. Same as any other fight."

"Since when? Look, it's good that you're taking this seriously, but it's Rhane. You know, your friend? The vixen you've been walking around with a boner for since you saw her?"

"That's the problem," Daichi said, tightening the belt he wore around his waist. "Coming into the Tournament this year, I wasn't sure what I'd do when I got to fight Rhane. I didn't want to beat her because I didn't want to put a rift between us. But then...then I thought back to what happened last year. Remember that final confrontation with Ra' Chi?"

Spectre rolled his eyes. "How can I forget? That was my first tentacle orgy."

"Yeah, and it could have been the last one for ALL of us. It took me that long to do what I knew was right. It took watching all of my friends face death at the paws of a tyrant before I did what needed to be done," the fox said, punching one fist into his open palm. "Not this year. I do what I have to do to win, and to do what's right."

"And what would that be?" Spectre asked, folding his arms over his chest. "What do you have to do?"

"I have to beat Rhane, no matter what it takes. I have to go to the finals, and I have to face down Adonis. I can't explain why, but I know that it's what I have to do, no matter what or who it costs me."

"Rhane isn't going to go down easy," Spectre said.

"I don't expect it to be easy. I'll get the job done, though."

"And if it's me? If we meet at some point?"

Daichi looked at Spectre, his face stern and his path clearly set in his own mind. "I'll get the job done."

The fox started to leave, but Spectre put a paw on his shoulder, stopping him for a moment. "You're not going to hurt Rhane, are you?"

Daichi pushed past Spectre, shrugging the skunk's paw off of his shoulder. "I don't have that dark of a side," he muttered, leaving the room.

Spectre frowned, and rubbed his chin. "Sure. What's going on in your head, killer?"

* * *

Ruin was not easy to find. This was to be expected, considering his occupation and his talents, but he seemed to have a special skill for being completely untraceable when he was needed most.

Hitomi had heard of the attack on the ninja, and word was that the attacker had, at some point, mimicked her voice to trick him. It was certainly a most uncomfortable thought, and it fueled her need to find and talk to the canine.

The ninja was one of the few individuals that could sneak past her acute and attuned senses. She had, however, found that if she concentrated and actually "looked" for him - in her way of "looking" - she would often be able to find him.

That proved to be the case as she finally caught wind of his aura's trail, lingering fresh around a staircase. The staircase led to a high tower, with a single small room and single small window at the top, overlooking the Hall of Combat.

There, sitting in the window, was Ruin. He seemed slightly surprised at Hitomi's arrival, but his glowing eyes barely showed it.

"Miss Hitomi," he said, nodding his head. "Can I help you?"

Hitomi nodded, folding her arms under her chest. "I heard about what happened to you yesterday. I just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't involved. That wasn't really me."

Ruin smirked behind his mask. "That much was obvious," he said. "Unless you've develop the ability to turn into a male canine in black. Have you?"

It was Hitomi's turn to smirk. "Not to my knowledge," she laughed. "So you're okay?"

"Quite fine, thank you."

"Good," Hitomi said, and then she pursed her lips. "That was a good fight that we had. Congratulations."

"Thank you. It was nothing personal."

"I'm sure, but regardless, I still want you to tell me the truth about something."

Ruin arched an eyebrow and looked at the mouse. She was, as usual, wearing her blindfold and so her sightless eyes were covered up, making it difficult to read her expression.

"The truth about...?"

"You called me a 'student of Fog'. You said you heard the term at some point during your spying engagements, but I don't believe it."

"Why not?"

"Because you used it like it meant something to you," she said, stepping in close to the canine. "And because I know a little bit about the history of the House of Fog and the Tournament. We lost several fighters during the House of Shadow's reign - to slavery. When the House of Light took over, all of our lost fighters were accounted for, save for one: an otter named Gabriel."

"Intriguing. I fail to see how that relates to me, though."

"Gabriel had the same exact skills as you. I don't know of any recorded instance of two individuals having the exact same powers. You even have the same Carnality."

Hitomi leaned in, whispering to Ruin. "What did you do to Gabriel?"

Ruin was silent for a long moment. Inside, he was raging with turmoil. The truth, he knew, was something that had to be revealed sooner or later. Well, sooner had come.

The canine reached up and grasped small clasps on either side of his mask, where it held the front muzzle covering to his cowl. Hitomi stepped away, quite surprised that the ninja was unmasking; she waited eagerly to "see" his true face.

Once he'd dropped the muzzle cover, he pulled his cowl back, leaving his face bare. Hitomi reached a paw out and slowly worked it over his features, reading his face and seeing it in her mind's eye. He was actually quite handsome, and likely a coyote; there was some odd scarring that ran from the corners of his lips and along his cheeks, but nothing that marred his appearance. His eyes still glowed.

"I was Gabriel," Ruin said, watching Hitomi's face. "Once. But Gabriel died many years ago, and Ruin was born in his place."

Hitomi's paw stopped suddenly. "What? Gabriel was an otter. You're...clearly not."

"Not anymore," he said, brushing Hitomi's paw away. He pulled his cowl back on and placed his mask back on, once again covering his features. "You asked for the truth, and there you are. I'll only ask that you tell no one else, and you ask no more of the matter."

The mousette was clearly perplexed, and perhaps a little upset. He didn't blame her in the slightest; it was a bizarre revelation, and he was sure she still had many questions, including how he came to be in the House of Shadow.

He would say no more, though. His resolve on the subject was solid, and Hitomi could clearly feel it and hear it in his voice.

"Alright," she said, taking another step back. There was silence between them for a moment, and then Hitomi turned and left, leaving Ruin alone in the tower.

* * *

Hidden away in the Garden of Decadence was a small pond. The pond was not very large or deep; at it's deepest point an average sided adult could stand on the bottom and still have their head above water. Lily pads dotted the surface of the water, and the sun shone on the pond for the majority of the day, leaving the water pleasantly warm.

A small bridge spanned the length of the pond, crossing over the water from one side to the other. Rhane stood naked in the water under the bridge bathing, as she would often do when she needed to relax. The water was soothing and the spot was secluded, giving her an amount of privacy and peace.

As she rubbed her paws over her body, letting the water wash through her bare fur, the vixen contemplated her match that night. There was much riding on it for her, as it was to be her first title defense, as well as her first true fight against the tenacious Daichi. As if that wasn't enough pressure, she knew that with Winter's defeat she was now the last line of defense for the House of Light.

This line of thought brought other concerns with it. What of Winter's disappearance? There was still no word of the kangaroo, and now there were whispers of Selena going missing. There was something happening that troubled everyone.

Daichi was another point of worry. Rhane was quite fond of the tod fox, but she knew he was as stubborn and determined as she was. Physically, his endurance and training was second to none, and mentally his willpower was just as impressive. She expected him to be more of a challenge than Kaine was, not only because of his skill but because of the darker tone his personality had taken.

Ever since the Tournament had started, the fox seemed far more withdrawn and serious. His sense of honor and duty was still clearly there, but it seemed he was more cynical, more willing to break some rules to enforce others. She's said once that he needed to be a little more aggressive, but his new attitude was almost intimidating.

Her thoughts were broken as she heard a familiar, and unwanted, voice call out above her.

"Heh, didn't know there'd be a free show out here." Khan grinned down at Rhane from the bridge, watching her bathe. Rhane covered her breasts with an arm, not because she was embarrassed by her nudity, but because she really didn't feel that Khan was worthy of seeing her unclothed.

"Go screw, Khan," she growled.

"Sure, vix. I'll be down in a second," the tiger said with a wink. "So tonight's yer' big fight with your buddy, ain't it? Better watch out, hot stuff. He's nasty now. He'll probably fuck you good."

"Don't count on it," Rhane said darkly. "He may be a friend, but in the arena it's all business. I'm not going to lay down for him and he won't lay down for me."

"That so?" The tiger said, leaning on the bridge railing. "Maybe yer' thinkin' of a different fox, 'cause the one I saw the other day looks like he's willing to beat you bloody for the win. Yer' not gonna' get lucky with him like you did with Kaine."

Rhane smirked. "Oh, and that was luck? I sense bitterness up there, Khan."

"Not me," Khan chuckled. "But then, that's what really pisses you off about me, ain't it? That I AIN'T bitter."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Rhane said with a frown.

"I think you do, fuck-fox. You hate me 'cause yer' sense of 'justice' can't touch me. You live by your rules and you play nice, and you live in the cage you built for yourself all so that you don't lose what you got. Me, I fucked the rules and I fucked your justice, and I'm still kickin' around. I've got a spot in a new House, I'm still livin' the good life...and I did it without followin' yer' rules."

"Go ahead, Khan, get it out of your system," Rhane said with a sneer. "Enjoy your smugness while you can. You keep fucking around with everyone like you do. Sooner or later it's going to catch up with you. You can't dodge retribution forever."

"I'm doin' swell so far," the tiger said, smirking. "Well, I'd love to stand here and fuck with your sense of reality some more, but I got stuff to do. Enjoy getting' yer' ass fucked by Daichi tonight, vix."

Khan started to walk away, and then he called back over his shoulder.

"Oh, and nice tits, Rhane. All they're missin' is a dick between 'em."

Rhane almost leapt out of the water to pound Khan, but she held back. She wasn't going to let him get her worked up. Deep down, though, she was boiling. There was nothing she wanted more than to see Khan dead. Nothing.

* * *

Hitomi was left with more questions than answers after her confrontation with Ruin. His revelation, that he somehow was the House of Fog's lost fighter Gabriel, was unbelievable. Whether he meant that literally or in some sort of metaphorical sense was just one of many questions that this new info now raised.

At first Hitomi had intended to honor Ruin's request to not pursue the subject and farther, but as the mouse went about with her day, she found herself more and more determined to get the answers she wanted. Her first decision was where to start her investigation.

The best place, she reasoned, would be the Library. The books would be of little use to her due to her handicap, but there was a notary there who would be able to search out the info for her and tell her what they found.

Hitomi was nearly to the Library when she distinctly heard something behind her, as if someone was following at her heels. The mouse spun around, surprised to find no one there. Her hearing was quite sharp thanks to her natural heritage, but her blindness had made that hearing even sharper as one sense made up for the other.

It was, however, her strange ability to "see" the auras of life around her that let her function normally in life. She had been born with the strange sixth sense, perhaps as a gift from the Gods to function in place of her eventual loss of sight. It was a talent that had never failed her before, yet now as she looked down the hallway, she sensed no one present despite the clear sound of breathing around her.

"Who's there?" She called out irritably, in no mood for games. "Spectre, is that you?"

"No, my dear," came a feminine voice in reply. "I'm afraid you do not know me."

Hitomi spun around, looking about as the voice seemed to come from all around her. Something about it made her fur stand on end; she could not sense a thing around her other than the coldness that indicated walls to her.

"Identify yourself," she said, pulling her blindfold off before she started to wrap it around her wrist. "Are you the one that attacked Ruin?"

"Ah-ha, how quaint. You think you have any idea what is happening around you?" The voice seemed to float in the air, not coming from any one direction.

Hitomi was about to respond when she suddenly felt something, or someone, strike her hard in her stomach. The wind left her body and she fell to one knee, doubling over in pain as she tried to catch her breath.

"Against anyone else, your powers might be an advantage," said the voice. "But you truly have no idea what you are up against now, little mouse."

Hitomi's breath was once again taken from her as she felt slender arms wrap around her shoulders, and then two sharp points of pain raged against the side of her neck. She moans and struggled, feeling something sink into her flesh, followed by soft, cold lips against her fur. Her struggling slowly ceased as she felt something warm spread in her body, pushing her mind away from control.

The sleek ferret femme that held Hitomi sucked softly at the mouse's neck until she was sure that the girl was in her thrall. Then, with only the slightest effort needed, the ferret dragged the limp Hitomi into a nearby room, and locked the door behind them.

The ferret smiled as she laid the mouse down on her belly over a table in the room. Hitomi's vulnerable form was quite a tempting sight, and as the ferret slid the mouse's pants down over her hips, she felt a stirring between her own thighs. Yes, she was quite hungry for this one.

Hitomi's ass was soft and round, making an excellent target for the ferret. The mouse made only the softest of gasps when the ferret put her paws down on her ass and spread her cheeks, making Hitomi's thin tail twitch. The subdued girl's soft, puffy folds glistened slightly, showing her growing arousal.

"Perfect," the ferret hissed as she slipped one paw away from Hitomi's ass, to pull her own panties down. The moment the thin coverings were down around her thighs, the ferret's throbbing erection bounced free, jutting out from where her clit should have been, with her own soft female folds dripping below the shaft.

The ferret spread Hitomi's ass cheeks again and then pushed her hips in, pressing the tip of her oozing cock right up to the mouse's asshole. Hitomi let out a cry of shocked delight as a thick, throbbing erection was slowly stuffed into her ass, pushed in inch-by-inch. The ferret began to moan with her, feeling the mouse's tight rump squeeze around her dick. It was delicious, and she enjoyed every moment, right up to when her hips pushed into the pillows of the mouse's tush.

Grinning, the ferret slapped Hitomi's ass hard and then began to pump her hips, working her cock in and out of the mouse's rear over and over at a nice, steady pace. Precum dribbled out of Hitomi's anus, oozing down over her pussy before it mixed with her juices and splattered down to the floor. Over and over she pounded into Hitomi's ass, fucking the poor, writing girl on the table top until the wood started to creak.

As the ferret screwed the dazed Hitomi, she felt the pressure in her cock starting to grow. With a smile she pushed up onto her toes, putting all of her weight forward to drive her cock as deep as she could into Hitomi's ass. The mouse cried out in pain and pleasure as the hard dick worked deep, deep into her bowels, filling her so tight and so good. The ferret bit her lower lip with a sharp fang and then growled, and with that her cock started to spurt, shooting thick cum out into Hitomi's guts, slowly filling her with the hot, sticky cream. Little by little the ferret relaxed and pulled out of the mousette's ass, leaving a steady stream of cum along her passage until her dick popped out. As it did, cum oozed out of Hitomi's ass and spurted up onto her cheeks, leaving her panting and moaning and coating in creamy semen.

The ferret panted a bit, watching her cock throb gently and drip cum. Soon it would soften, and shrink back down into a feminine clitoris, but for now she looked delightfully lewd. She slapped one of Hitomi's cum-covers asscheeks, making a slick splattering sound as her palm connected with the fleshy, messy cheek.

"I apologize for the short engagement," the ferret whispered. "But my Master asked that I not spend too much time playing with my meals before I bring them to him."

Hitomi barely heard the ferret's words. She was too tormented by the fire that burned between her legs, her body screaming as she was aroused and horny as she could be, yet denied an orgasm from the ferret's firm fucking. The mouse was aware that the ferret was picking her up and dragging her off somewhere, but as she slipped into a deep sleep, her only thought was of the need between her thighs.

* * *

Eventually, Hitomi awoke, but how much time had passed and what exactly had happened was a mystery to her. The previous hours were still foggy, and her senses still seemed dulled. With a great deal of effort, she started to focus and reach out to read her environment.

The first, most obvious thing she noticed was that her limbs wouldn't move. Tight manacles were clearly snapped around her wrists and ankles, securing the mouse spread-eagle to what felt like an x-shaped wooden rack. She was still wet between her thighs, having been clearly fucked repeatedly by someone or something during her blackout.

Then, the mousette realized that there were two other presences near her. Just as she started to try and identify them, one of them spoke in a hushed voice.

"Hey, mouse," said the voice, quite feminine and immediately familiar: Selena. "She got you too, huh?"

Hitomi groaned a bit, but nodded. "I...yes, yes, apparently so. Get me out of here, would you?"

"Sorry, love," Selena said with a dark chuckle. "I'm in the same boat. So is Winter."

Hitomi quickly started to logic out her situation. Selena and Winter had disappeared, and now here they were in some strange place, apparently bound just as she was. Selena's comment about a "she" being responsible brought up vague memories of a grinning ferret femme, who Hitomi concluded was the kidnapper.

"I can't sense anything about the room," Hitomi said. "Describe it to me?"

"Black," Winter said, weakly. "It's dark everywhere. All we can see is each other, and some sort of metal glove on a pedestal a few feet away."

"We're strapped to racks of some sort," Selena added, tugging at her own restraints. "Naked, of course. There's a rather effective dildo on a iron rod between our legs. Every so often they start to rise and fall, fucking us. We've both been brought to orgasm many, many times since we got here."

"And each time we cum," Winter said, "The glove glows. That's all we know so far."

"That...doesn't even make sense," Hitomi said, and frowned. "Who brought me here?"

Selena shrugged. "The room went dark for a few minutes about two hours ago, and when the light came back, you were here. You look good naked, though." The lizard smiled and flicked her tongue out a bit; Hitomi just sighed. Only Selena could find this arousing.

The mouse was about to ask another question when the sound of approaching footsteps brought the three girls' attention towards the glove. The slight silhouette of a figure began to emerge from the darkness, forming details as it appeared. Finally, the strange ferret was standing behind the glove, smiling from ear to ear.

"How are my girls doing tonight?" She asked with a wickedly teasing tone. Hitomi felt the words tickle her ears and make her melt; there was something about the ferret that demanded absolute, immediate lust for her.

"Well-fucked," Selena replied with a slight groan. "Surprised to see someone finally introduce themselves."

"Oh, we've all been busy," the ferret hissed. "Otherwise, I'd be here often to watch you three get fucked like the little pleasure-toys that you are. Alas, Master's orders come first."

"And who is your 'master'," Hitomi asked quickly, trying to ignore the delight she got from listening to the ferret's voice.

"My Master? Oh-ho, you silly girl," the ferret said in a sing-song tone. "He is your Master too, now. Soon, he will be everyone's Master. All will bow to him, and his power."

The ferret stroked the steel gauntlet lovingly, and the single gemstone on the back of it pulsed with light. Winter, clearly weak from her continuous ravaging and thus the most exhausted of the trio, managed to get the next question in.

"What is that glove doing to us? What is it?"

The ferret looked mildly surprised at the question, as if the answer should have been obvious. "Silly, silly little toys," she cooed. "The glove does nothing to you. You, however, are quite important to it. You are slowly feeding it, giving it power, power that only my Master has the wisdom to control."

"Enough, Kalli," said a voice, deep and commanding, from the shadows. The figure who appeared next was one that shocked the three captured girls.

"You must forgive my Kalli," Adonis said, stroking a paw over the ferret's hair. Kalli drew herself back and close to the dragon, appearing grieved at the slight scolding she'd gotten, but thrilled to be in her Master's presence. "She is a good and loyal servant, but sometimes her appreciation for my plans and talents can get the best of her. She is something of an anomaly in these lands, you see...well, I suppose you've already learned that."

"I suspected that you were ultimately behind all of this," Selena said with a sneer. That's why you got me, isn't it? To stop me from finding out the truth?"

Adonis looked slightly amused. "Behind it? Please, my dear. I am not 'behind' anything. I think it is quite clear that I am the perpetrator of these events. It is the stupidity of you and your Houses that blind you to the truth that is right in front of you. I am merely taking advantage of that stupidity. Besides, you were simply next on the list, just as there is another to be brought to me after the lovely Hitomi."

"Let's be more direct, Adonis," Hitomi said. "What is the connection between us and that glove?"

"Power," the dragon said simply, shrugging his shoulders. "Are you familiar with Focusing Spheres?"

"Yes," Hitomi said. "They are the means to making an arena, to harnessing sexual energy for Combat. Only one family in all the land knows how to make them, and that secret is passed from generation to generation. They make them on the request of the Grandmaster."

"That is what they are, yes," Adonis said. "Do you know how they work?"

"No," Hitomi said. "No one does, other than that one family."

"Not quite," Adonis said, smirking. He continued to stroke Kalli's hair, while the ferret pawed lewdly at the dragon's body. "I know the secrets. I uncovered them long ago. Allow me to enlighten you.

"Hidden across the land are several wells of sexual energy. Focusing Spheres are designed to channel that energy into an arena at a regulated level, allowing only enough to make Combat possible. The secret of building a Sphere is an exact technique. Varying it in any way makes the Sphere useless.

"I, however, discovered a way to alter the formula to create a different kind of Sphere," he said, nodding to the glove. "The Godhand. A reticule for the power of Combat. Instead of channeling and dispersing the energy for Combat as a standard Sphere does, the Godhand keeps it, allowing it to be controlled and used as needed."

"Not possible," Selena said, shaking her head. "The family that crafts Spheres would never divulge the secret. Besides, only the Grandmaster knows their identity."

Adonis laughed. "All knowledge is available for a price, or to those who seek it. Believe what you like. I'm not interested in your opinions, only your bodies. Speaking of which..."

The dragon nodded to Kalli, and the ferret smiled. She waved a paw in the air, and suddenly the three dildos that were perched between the spread legs of Winter, Selena, and Hitomi started to move. Each girl gasped as the iron rods rose, driving the toys deep into the slits of the captives, penetrating them deep. The rods took a few moments to build up speed, but soon the kangaroo, the lizard, and the mouse were all throwing their heads back and moaning as their pussies were firmly fucked, pumping their slick sexes like lust-crazed males.

Winter was the first to hit her orgasm. She'd been there for days, and the repeated cycle of sleep and fucking had worn her down. Now, it took just a few short minutes to wring a climax out of her. Her hips rolled and her back arched as pleasure spread through her body, making her eyes roll back. Her pussy trembled around the dildo as it pounded her and milked another toe-curling explosion from the 'roo femme.

Selena soon followed, though her orgasm was more subdued; still fresh, the reptile girl still had the control and focus to not let her pleasure show. She knew that Kalli was still watching, as was Adonis, and she had no intention of letting them see her squirm in her delight, at least not while she could hold it back. It was hard though, as the dildo pumping her cunt seemed to always hit her at just the right angle, slowly increasing her lusts until the warm tingle of climax raced up her spine and consumed her body.

Hitomi, however, seemed to be sucuming to the abuse quickly. As the dildo piston in and out of her dripping pussy, the mousette screamed and bucked her hips in pleasure, grinding down on the toy. Her supple breasts bounced on her chest as the device fucked her, and her stiff nipples quickly pushed against the fur on her orbs, making it tent outwards. Though she was the last of the trio to hit her climax, she was certainly the most vocal, as she cried out in heated ecstasy as her whole body arched and twitched.

Each time one of the girls climaxed, the jewel in the Godhand surged with light.

"Ah," Adonis chuckled, watching from the darkness. "It seems our new guest is enjoying her predicament. How lewd."

A slight blush spread over Hitomi's cheeks as she felt her firm fucking continue. She would have silently cursed the dragon, if he wasn't so damn right.

* * *

When Rhane arrived at the Garden of Decadence, where her fight with Daichi was scheduled to take place, she found the tod fox already there and waiting. He was silently practicing his kickboxing techniques when she stepped into the arena; the vixen listened as the foliage around the boundaries came eagerly to life, no doubt hoping the night would end with a vulpine meal.

Overhead, the sky had turned a dark grey. Clouds were gathering slowly, blocking out what little light the moon and stars might have provided. A distant thunderclap heralded an approaching storm.

As Daichi turned to face Rhane, the vixen suspected that the storm might be an appropriate metaphor for their impending fight. The male fox's face was set and hardened. He was clearly taking this fight seriously.

"Hey, Daichi," Rhane said, stepping around the arena. "Well, here we are. Only took a year to get this fight to happen, huh?"

Daichi nodded. "A lot changes in a year," he said. "Let's just cut to the chase here, though. We both intend to win this fight, so I expect that we're both going to throw everything we have at one another, right?"

"That's right," Rhane said, realizing that the fox was dead serious about the match. "No mercy?"

"None," Daichi replied, assuming an offensive stance. As he took position in front of the vixen, he felt the first few drops of rain start to fall, spattering against his bare fur. Another deep bellow of thunder slowly rolled across the arena.

"Rhane versus Daichi. Fight!"

Rhane pressed forward with the first attack. She knew quite a bit about Daichi's style and techniques, and so she knew his strengths lay in ground fighting; the fox was an expert in pulling a fighter to the ground and applying sexual holds once there. The vixen expected to have the advantage if she could keep the fight standing, and that she planned to do.

As good as Rhane was with her stand-up, Daichi was as good in getting the fight onto the ground. The vixen shot in for a stiff jab, but quickly faked it and replaced the strike with a high-kick. Daichi was quick enough to see the switch up, and he grabbed Rhane's ankle just before the kick connected. With a grunt, the fox rolled and yanked on the vixen's leg, hurling her overhead and down onto the ground with a thud. Rhane gasped as she hit hard, splashing into a puddle that the rain had made.

Daichi scrambled for the downed vixen, slipping a bit in the rain water as he dove at her. She tried to get up, but the tod fox was able to snag her heel and keep her down just long enough to mount her back - truly, she knew, a bad place to have an expert ground technician like Daichi.

The tod fox slapped her ass hard and she winced, feeling a slight surge of pleasure and pain. Daichi hooked an arm around her throat as he held to her back, rolling to his side so he could wrap his legs around her waist while a paw slipped around to fondle one of her breasts. The vixen groaned, but quickly retaliated by grinding her ass back against Daichi's crotch. With all clothes still on, the vixen had little to fear from the fox's quickly growing bulge, while she knew that he would have to release the hold soon, or risk hitting his edge right there.

Sure enough, Daichi soon released the hold, rolling away from the vixen before she could excite him any more. He snuck in one last slap to her ass before he was back on his feet, his pants showing a throbbing bulge in the front. Rhane smiled a bit as she got up, shaking rain out of her fur. The storm was now right overhead and the rain was pouring. Lightning crashed in the sky, illuminating the two fighters for just a moment. The were both soaked, with dripping fur and clothed that clung scandalously to their bodies.

This, they both knew, was going to be a legendary fight.

Daichi made a sudden dive at Rhane, aiming to grab her legs and tackle her to her back. The vixen was quite skilled at stuffing such forward takedown attempts, and as the fox went low she threw a quick low kick that caught him in the face, stunning the tod. In that moment that he was disorientated, Rhane leapt past him and grabbed the top of his pants on the way. She rolled forward and yanked with all her might, tearing his pants off his hips to leave only tatters around his thighs. The fox turned quickly, either uncaring or not noticing that his plump sheath and throbbing erection were now totally exposed, and he swung a surprising kick out at Rhane. It swept her feet out from under her and she landed hard on her rear, just as the tod fox grabbed at her chest. His paws seized her breasts, drawing a sharp groan from her as he applied the briefest of fondles to her. The grope didn't last long as the fox quickly sunk his claws into her top, tearing the fabric away, just as she had done with her pants. She scrambled away, crawling frantically through the rain as her breasts bounced into view.

Daichi knew he was at a disadvantage in the rain. The water was making it hard to hold onto the already nimble vixen, and so getting any submission locked in on her was going to be the biggest challenge facing him. When Rhane dove at him, looking for a takedown of her own, the tod fox found her literally slipping through his fingers, sliding right by as he tried to grab her. She darted low and tripped Daichi up, sending him tumbling to his back as she tried to mount him, while her fingers darted about in a crazed attempt to stroke his cock.

There were still ways for the fox to get his own grip on the vixen, though. Rhane's fight dress, though now tattered around her torso, was still in one piece down below. As she tried to pin him down and rub herself against his dick, Daichi reached around the vixen and grabbed the back of her shredded clothes. He tugged hard to the side, making Rhane yelp as she was roughly tossed across the ground by what now amounted to her panties. As soon as he had her off, Daichi was back on his feet, staring the vixen down.

Rhane crouched and growled, starting to grow frustrated with Daichi. He was tough, and he was determined, and he was starting to piss the vixen off. She could hear Khan's voice in the back of her head, predicting a win for the tod, and she found that to be her biggest motivator - the idea that Khan could laugh at her and say 'I told you so'.

Slowly, Rhane began to siphon the energies in the arena into herself. In the year since the previous Tournament, the vixen had truly learned to harness her special talents and put the sexual energies that made an arena to use. She stood gracefully as it flowed into her, and her forearms started to enter their metamorphosis from flesh and bone to mystical red waters.

Daichi knew what the vixen was up to even before her body began to show the effects of her powers. It was something he'd expected, and it was something he had planned for. Even as the vixen pulled from the pool of energy there in the arena, Daichi took his own share, and as he let the energy flow into his frame, his paws and hindpaws erupted into hot flames, and his eyes sparked with fury.

The two foxes stared each other down as they prepared themselves. Then they lunged at each other at once, coming together with such force that the ground shook beneath their feet.

Daichi's burning fists and kicks were blocked by Rhane's bubbling forearms, sending up wisps of steam as the rain continued to pour down on the fighting foxes. Rhane tried to fire out her liquid fists at the tod fox, but Daichi was able to negate the attack simply by holding it back with his burning paws.

Each fox fought for a shot at getting a direct shot at the other. The flames from Daichi's attacks burned the senses of the vixen, making her grow wetter between her thighs with a heated lust. Daichi's cock bounced and throbbed, flicking precum around as Rhane's own aquatic attacks washed over him like liquid sex, threatening to extinguish his own flames.

Rhane soon found herself in control of the action. Her skill in striking was clearly overwhelming Daichi, as the fox was merely defending himself from Rhane, while his few attempts at another takedown were easily blocked by the vixen. Slowly she forced him back, closer and closer to the boundary of the arena. The tod fox's focus seemed squarely on keeping Rhane's flying fists away from him.

Just as Rhane got Daichi up to the boundary, the tod fox went for another tackle. Rhane brought a knee up to catch him again, but suddenly he darted back up with a sweep of his fist. Rhane realized at the last second that he had faked the tackle to get an opening for a strike, and it had worked. His flaming blow caught her up her belly and between her breasts, lighting a fire of passion in her body. With eyes wide, the vixen gasped and staggered, holding her breasts and fondling them. It took all her concentration to break herself free of the spell, at the cost of her liquid defense; her arms faded back to fur and flesh.

The next few seconds seemed to slow down, as if everything was happening under water. Rhane saw Daichi throw a high punch, his flames now extinguished, and she deftly sidestepped, looking to avoid it. As she did, he grabbed the torn remains of her clothes and he pulled her around, trying to throw her out of bounds. Desperately, the vixen grabbed onto the fist he had thrown, digging her claws into the cloth strips that he had wrapped around his paws and wrists. Suddenly, she found herself teetering backwards, avoiding the grasping vines of the living foliage behind her only by the bandages around Daichi's paw.

Daichi's bicep bulged as he pulled back, trying to keep from tumbling out of bounds with the dangerously-balance vixen. They both looked at each other tensely, wondering what the next move would be.

"Pull me back," Rhane said softly, feeling her heart race. "If I go over, you go over, and it's a draw, and the Champion gets the decision. Pull me back, and we can keep the fight going fairly."

Daichi grunted, flicking his eyes down to Rhane's paws. "No mercy."

"What?" Rhane's eyes widened.

Daichi suddenly slashes across his wrist with the claws of his free hand. The cloth bandages that Rhane was clinging so fiercely too snapped, and with a shout of anger and despair the vixen fell backwards, out of the arena and into the waiting grasp of the surrounding vegetation.

Rhane felt vines wrap firmly around her waist and her wrists, yanking her paws above her head as she was lifted off the ground. She kicked her legs in panic, but soon more vines appeared, wrapping around her thighs and her ankles and her tail and her throat. As more and more vines seized her, the vixen found herself bound tightly and pulled up against one of the tall bushes.

The vixen's legs were spread wide apart and then lifted up until her knees were almost at her chest. Another vine made quick work of the little bit of her uniform that remained covering her sex, exposing her puffy folds. That same vine quickly darted into her pussy, spreading her lips wide as it wriggled in, stuffing her cunt while the vixen howled in pleasure.

Her open mouth was soon occupied though, as a vine slipped in and muzzled her. She closed her eyes tightly, starting to gasp and pant as the plants had their way with her naked body. Tendrils wrapped around her bare breasts, squeezing and stroking their tips over her stiff nipples, while another vine teased under her tail. Soon that teasing became a more needful pressure as the vine pushed into her ass, taking her in both snatch and rear, filling her body with an incredible need.

The plants began to fuck Rhane, hard. They slammed in and out of her pussy and her rump, pumping her hard while the vines around her breasts fondled them like an overly eager lover, making them pillow up and show off her cleavage. Slick, sticky fluids leaked from all the vines, dripping down her rain-soaked fur to feed the smaller plants below.

When the vixen hit her orgasm, she moaned hard around the vine in her mouth. Her hips rolled lewdly and her panting became labored, all evidence of her pleasure. With that first orgasm wrung from their victim's body, the vines began to carry the writhing vixen towards one of the many floral pods that seemed to dot the outer arena. This one opened wide, splitting down the middle and revealing a slick, fleshy inside that crawled with tiny little wriggling tendrils.

Daichi watched in solemn silence as the vines dropped the groaning Rhane into the pod, and the tiny tendrils wrapped over her body to hold her in place. The pod slowly closed over her body, and the last thing that the tod fox saw was the vixen's face twist in fear and pleasure as the vines teased her body, and the petals sealed over her.

"Arena elimination. Daichi wins."

With Rhane defeated and now in the grasp of the plants, Daichi sat down on the ground heavily. He breathed hard, taking deep lungful of air as he felt his adrenaline recede and let him calm down. His erection was still throbbing and dripping precum, but with the victory still fresh and the rain still pouring down on him, his pleasure was a distant thought. He knew he was now one step closer towards whatever fate, and the Gods, had set for him.

Not too far away, Spectre silently phased out of the bush he had hidden himself in. The phantom skunk slipped away, shaking his head.

"There's going to be no living with the two of them after this," he muttered to himself.

* * *

Reiko knocked awkwardly at Khan's door, not sure if she was doing the right thing. True, Khan had been quite eager to befriend her and he hadn't asked anything of her, but the warnings of friends - former friends - still rung sharply in her ears.

When the door opened, she was surprised to be faced with not the tiger, but the towering Adonis.

"Oh...I'm sorry...I thought that..."

"This is Khan's assigned quarters, my dear," the dragon said. "I am merely waiting for him to return on an errand. Please, come in and wait with me. He has spoken quite highly of you to me."

"He has?" Reiko was a little surprised at that, and even more surprised that she found herself walking in while the dragon closed the door behind her. "I'm, uh, flattered."

"Indeed," Adonis said dryly, walking over to a seat and setting himself down in it. "What is it you seek from Khan?"

"Just...someone to talk to, sir. He's the only one around here that seems to listen to me. I kind of lost my fight last night, and I guess I just wanted someone to vent to," she said, looking down at her feet.

"What you mean is, you wished to speak with someone who would appreciate your plight and not lecture you, correct?"

Reiko frowned. "Well, maybe."

"Your peers don't show you the respect you deserve, do they? Not even the simple respect that they owe you as friends."

"Not all of them," the wolfess muttered, thinking of Suki in particular.

"None of them. They seek to manipulate you. You would have won that fight, had they not sabotaged you with questions about your own skill. The Reiko that entered the Hall of Combat would have won, had her confidence not been poisoned."

Reiko blinked. "What makes you say that?"

"I am the Master of a fledgling House," Adonis said with a smirk. "I make a point of looking for talented fighters and servants."

"Woah," Reiko said, looking a little embarrassed. "I'm not jumping Houses, Master Adonis. It's one thing to be angry at someone, but it's another thing entirely to abandon your House of birth for another."

"Perhaps," the dragon said. "But the time of the Houses is close to an end. Let me tell you of my plans, my dear. Let me tell you of the future as it is about to be."

Reiko watched as Adonis stood, and opened one of the windows in the room. Where there should have been the dark blue of night and the sound of rain, there was only a deep darkness and an all-encompassing silence.

"Come. Let me show you what role there is for you to play in this future."


Story (c) 2006 F.J. Emerson.

Carnal Combat and Carnalities are (c) 2006 F.J. Emerson, unless Ed Boon or Midway call up and yell at me.

All characters are created and owned by F.J. Emerson.

Special Thanks: Setta Flamowitz (for creative input), Christin (for support), and everyone else who has been consistently reading this drivel!