Town (ch2)

Story by Shirogitsune on SoFurry

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#2 of Of Love and Lust

Continuation of 'Of Love and Lust' Enjoy ^.^ The next morning, Sasha awoke to a bright day. She sat up suddenly when she felt her pillow, Vuk, moving. She noticed she was naked, and panicked for a minute before remembering the events of the previous night, and laying back down to listen to her love's heartbeat. Vuk woke from Sasha moving and laying her head on his torso, he just peeked at her trough his half opened eyes, her snow white fur, it's perfect balanced pattern on her cute face, which moved slowly up and down due to his breathing. His body and mind still spoiled and infected with her precious sweet numbed love she gave to him, he sure won't forget that night, never of his entire life. He breathed heavily, nearly believing the beauty that was laying upon and against him 'we're one and the world is far away' Sasha felt a change in breathing. "Morning, handsome." She said as she moved up for a kiss. "Morning gorgeous" Vuk smiled just before kissing Sasha, closing his eyes and grumbling softly, stroking her limbs. Sasha licked Vuk's tongue through the kiss as she wrapped her arms around her lover. Sasha was laying on Vuk. Her warm soft body upon him, the kiss and her licking made him feel suddenly very warm again, he responded by licking her teeth and firmly stroking her lower spine, just above the tail, going slowly upwards. Sasha squirmed happily, Vuk had hit a sensitive area, and Sasha loved it. She kissed him all the more passionately. Vuk tightened his grip on her spine, enjoying her warm mouth, kissing her back deeply, feeling the slightest movements of her body with every nerve. Sasha was in heaven. Vuk's warm body and soft fur felt so wonderful. "I have been stolen by you, and I love it!" "It never felt so challenging Sasha, your love is a treasure beyond imagination, my heart is definitely with you now" He looked into her deep light blue eyes, and gotten completely lost in them, causing his breath to stalk for a sec, knowing that beyond those bright eyes Sasha kept his heart close to hers. Vuk got dazzled by the thought and by her warm soft body. Sasha smiled warmly as she pulled her arms out from below Vuk, and while sitting on his stomach and legs, began to massage his chest and shoulders. "Oh Sasha" Vuk moaned, feeling her warm hands firmly upon him, every stroke pulsed a wave of immense pleasure trough his body, his tail curved in excitement... He looked up at her, her naked body on his, her sharp look, the beautiful fur pattern from the top of her pointy ears running down, accentuating her cute face and making her breasts look very sexy, narrowing down to her soft belly and coming together between her legs, she had an outrages exciting fur pattern, accentuating discretely her feminine foxy curves, making her beauty shine... Sasha smiled, feeling Vuk's lean muscles under her hands. She continued to work his upper body for a minute or so, until her stomach growled audibly. "Sounds like somebody is hungry, how about breakfast? Can use on myself too..." "Sounds good." Sasha stood and got dressed. She smiled at Vuk, finally geting to admire his naked form in full. "You really are a gorgeous fox." she said as she pulled her t-shirt on. "Thanks" Vuk blinked, blushing a bit, but loving the way she looked at him. "Wanna go out for lunch or will some scrambled eggs be fine?" "going out sounds fun." Sasha grabbed her coat and morphed. she began rummaging trough her stuff. "have you seen my hat? I can't morph my ears, so I just wear a hat...but I can't find mine." "Didn't you lost it yesterday on the bike? Hmm, I have a shawl somewhere over here..." Vuk rushed trough the closet and pulled out a black shawl "There you go". He took two helmets and his suit and both went outside towards the bike, Vuk looking forward to the ride with his lover holding him close on the bike. Sasha smiled. "First, I wanna hit a clothing store, this shawl is nice, but not quite my style." She sat on the back of the bike, and held on tightly to Vuk, pressing herself right up against him. "Okay, we go then to the big town ahead, half hour drive, hold on" Vuk kickstarted the bike which came alive with a loud roar. He putted the transmission and released the clutch carefully, slowly the bike took of, trough the village down to the main road. There, Vuk increased speed heading towards the big town. He strongly enjoyed Sasha close to him, holding him firmly, her head upon his shoulder... Sasha held on, enjoying the ride. * * *

Later, in town

  • * * "This one? Think it'll look nice on ya" Vuk pulled out a hat and showed it to Sasha, it looked cool... Sasha took the hat, black with a pair of gray stripes around the bottom. "Nice choice! I love it!" She hugged Vuk tightly. Vuk hugged Sasha back, looked around, nobody paying attention. He took of the shawl and putted gently the hat on Sasha, "Perfect, we go for this one then. Let's get this paid for and then some nice lunch? I know a braserie around here which serves excellent food". "Sounds like a plan." They paid and walked down to the restaurant, Sasha's arm around Vuk's waist the whole time. Vuk was looking at the people around them "Strange, like this we're just an ordinary boy and girl, nobody noticing, suppose we were walking like morphs here, I bet they would take it as some kind of commercial stunt, maybe we should get T-shirts promoting the new Volkswagen Fox, we could raise money out of that... Ah, sorry, sometimes these crazy ideas just pup up in my mind" Vuk smiled, holding Sasha close against him, they arrived at the restaurant and since there was no cozy corner free they were obliged to take a table in the middle of the restaurant. Vuk shuffled Sasha's chair slightly and winked "Installez-vous mademoiselle" and bowed politely, the grin on his face betraying the pleasure he took out of these little gestures. "Thanks." Sasha said as she sat down with a grin on her face. "But I don't speak french..." "Ah, que c'est dommage, je voudrais bien te proposer un bouteille de champagne, mais bien on laisse tomber donc" Vuk looked provocative at Sasha with a grin on his face, wondering if she understood the champagne part. He knew she wasn't somebody to fool around with, making teasing her all the more tempting... "Uh, I'm sorry, glass of water?" He continued to make it complete... From the corner of his eye he saw a guy sitting in a corner who wasn't there when they came in, what was more, he knew him from the company he worked for, that is to say, he recognized him. At the company he was the guy you saw seldom, the guy nobody even knows who he was, but sure knew everything about everyone working there. A smile hovered faintly on her lips as she formulated her revenge. "Si, me gustaria un vaso del agua. y tu senor? te nessicitas beber tambien." She didn't bother to translate. 'Very good' Vuk thought 'she almost has me' "Agua minerale con gas porfavor señorita" he replied without the slightest change in his grin, he sat down his eyes fixed in hers, patiently waiting for her reaction... "Arigato gozaimas." She looked smugly into Vuk's eyes. "Ti amo mi zorra bellisimo, it was my pleasure" hoping he said that first part right, his Spanish was after all pretty poor and it surprised him he could handle it... Sasha laughed. "That last bit was Japanese. I said thank you." "Ahum, ok you win" Vuk replied quit impressed, then he realized that it was the first time ever in his life he loved to be defeated by somebody... Sasha laughed. "So, what kind of food do they have here?" she asked, as her stomach grew more insistent. "Ah eh well, they have excellent salads, spare ribs, some italian stuff like pizza, ravioli... Some nice steaks" Vuk said while going briefly trough the menu "I'm gonna go for the ribs I think, what do you like to eat actually?" "Anything is fine. Maybe you should just double your order..." "Will do" Vuk blinked. "Hey and after this, I'll take you to a mountain top in my village far in the woods, it has a magnificent view over a valley, sun is shining bright, there will be some snow but it will be warm enough, what do you say?" "Sounds fun!" 'Ah the pleasures of life.' she thought as she took a good look around. Nobody else was wearing a hat, but she pushed the thought from her mind. She noticed a group of teenagers looking at her. She may have to be careful to keep her secret safe. "Cool, looking forward to it already" Vuk blinked. He noticed Sasha looking around, and the teenagers looking at her "Well, they may not see such a pretty appearance everyday you know". Vuk ordered the food, which came very fast. Sasha agreed. "I don't like to talk about my appearance that much, but I guess I am kinda good looking. Anyways, I think it's my hat. Nobody else is wearing one." She took a rib and began to clean it to the bone. Vuk noticed the teenagers just kept looking in their direction, he could feel they we're up to something, maybe just making fun over the hat. 'Kids' He decided not to pay attention anymore and continue with his dinner. "Tastes great, long time I've eaten this". Then he noticed one of the kids had gotten up and headed for probably the bathroom, wherefore he had to pass behind Sasha. The punk grinned as he snatched her hat and took off. Sasha stood and caught his arm, drawing him back into a rather painful arm lock. The kid cried out and dropped her hat. She released the kid and noticed the entire restaurant staring at her. "Shit." she said quietly. 'I should have seen that coming' Vuk swore. "Put it back on" he whispered. Apart from the background music everything was icy quit in the restaurant. Then the biggest and fiercest of the teens stepped forward up to Sasha and without hesitation pulled one of her ears "They're fucking real" he shouted in agony, expecting them to be not. Vuk lost his temper and from the emotion morphed partially his head, along with his tail. He stood up -the chair falling over, the glasses on the table shattered on, the ground- and growled deep and loudly at the kid showing all his blinking teeth, some of the people started to panic. Sasha crammed the hat back on her head and blasted the kid in the face, laying him out instantly. "Of course they're fucking real, Jackass!" She dashed out before she could get herself into any more trouble, and hid out back in the brush behind the restaurant. She shook out her hand really quick. 'Damn, that kid has a hard head.' She thought to herself. Vuk followed her out the back, trying to keep his morph under control "The bike is in the alley nearby, better get out of here as soon as possible" he shouted. Sasha dashed out and followed him to the bike. "That was not good." Sasha said. She saw the bike get mauled by the kid's friends. It wouldn't run well with bent rims... "Aaaargh those creeps" now they were some of them ahead, and some of them behind. "C'mon" Vuk grabbed Sasha's arm and pulled her with towards the kids at the bike, they tried to stop them but suddenly Vuk morphed completely and with his blickering white teeth scared the hell out of them, leaving a free escape. "That's one way to do it." Said Sasha, pulling free, and dashing for an alley. "Stick to back roads, too many witnesses on the main ones." "They often run death inhere" Vuk looked swiftly over his shoulder and noticed the crowd growing and getting faster on their tails "This ain't good". "Damn it." Sasha said as they rounded the next corner to face another crowd. She pulled a small round object from her pocket. "Stay close." she said and threw it into the ground, making a huge cloud of smoke. She then led Vuk up into a fire escape and then onto a roof. She then motioned for them to go down the inside, casually. Vuk hesitated, checked if his morph was completely under control and then walked with Sasha in a big supermarket, nobody paying attention "That was a narrow escape" he sighed. "You're great" and gave Sasha a swift kiss on her nose. She smiled and put her arm around him. "See, we don't really disappear." She said quietly. The two walked out into the street and caught a taxi home. ... Vuk entered his house, followed by Sasha and took a beer out of the fridge "I really can use that now, you want some too? Ah, no, better..." Vuk grinned, and then pulled sake out "There you go..." Sasha smiled tiredly and took it. "Thanks. I could use it." She took a long draft and then set it down. "Good brew." She stood and hugged Vuk. "I was so scared when I felt my hat lift away..." she began to cry softly on Vuk's shoulder. "Hey, hey that's all over now, just stay low for a few days, we'll be fine", he gently caressed Sasha, stroking her head. Then he morphed, which felt far more comfortable, and also a lot more intimate. He took Sasha closer to him, pressed her head softly against his chest and laid his on hers, between her pointy ears. Sasha also morphed, and let the last few tears fall from her eyes. "You are so good at comforting..." she said into his chest as she hugged him closer. Vuk just let a comforting growl, enjoying Sasha, her beautiful fur, everything what she is... "Hey after this we go for a walk up to the mountain, will do fine you know, what do you say?" Sasha was hesitant, but agreed. "I guess we'll be able to hide, and it'll be relaxing." she said and grabbed her bag. "Well, how we gonna get up there?" "Ah rats forgotten about the bike, damn I loved that thing so much, er... how are we going to get that back?" Vuk sighed. "I don't know." Sasha said. "Maybe we'll just have to get a new one." She thought for a second. "You got a car of any kind?" "A very old one, it's in the garage, haven't used it for two months now, hope it still runs..." "Better than hiking to the top of the mountain. After we get there, hiking and stuff could be fun, maybe stay for a few days." "Hmmm, it's still cold outside, but if you want too, got some good hiking equipment, go for it then? Just a couple of days?" "More if you want, but I don't want you to miss anything important." Sasha got all of her stuff together, and tossed it into the trunk of the car. "Anything important? With you everything else just faded as snow for the sun" Vuk blinked. He quickly grabbed stuff together and also putted it in the trunk. "Now lets see", he opened the hood of the old Volvo and quickly checked everything "Seems fine, hope the battery has some juice left" Vuk sat down behind the wheel, ignited and after a few death turns the engine came alive "wonderful Swedish designer drugs" he grinned. Sasha jumped in, and Vuk carefully drove the car on the muddy road behind his house, straight into the forest. Sasha sat happily next to Vuk to spend a few days alone up on the mountain. After a few minutes, a cabin came into sight. "It's even cuter than your house!" Sasha said delighted. 'Perhaps we'll get to have some indoor fun here, as well as outdoor...' "Wait until I have the fireplace started tonight, it's awfully cozy you know" Vuk laid his hand on Sasha's leg and softly stroked her. "You and I alone... looking forward to it" he blinked at Sasha with a faint red glow in his eyes... Sasha smiled warmly, her previous fears and worries wiped away simply by her lover's touch. "Alone, sounds fun." she then grinned playfully. "Perhaps even kinky?" She then unloaded her stuff into the cabin. "You're right, it is very cold for a hike. Let's just stay inside." "Cool" Vuk replied and gave a quick lick on Sasha's nose. "I get the fire started" Sasha blushed through her fur, but was very happy indeed. "Can I help?" she asked, wanting to be close to Vuk as possible. Vuk just had ignited the fire "Ah well yes actually, it itches on my back and I just can't reach it, so if you..." "Certainly." Sasha said and began to gently scratch, sending waves of pleasure through Vuk. She could tell that he was thoroughly enjoying it, and remembered that he enjoyed her massage too..."Here, let me get this out of the way." she said as she pulled his shirt off and began to massage Vuk's back as she scratched between his shoulder blades. "I want you tonight." she whispered. "Last night was delightful, I want to feel that again." She let her eyes wander to Vuk's crotch where she saw a bulge forming. Vuk paralyzed from pleasure rushing trough his body, arching his back, and sinking slowly on his knees, moaning. He let Sasha go on with it, feeling a hot passion rising from between his legs. He could feel his cock getting hard. "I want you too Sasha, to enjoy you, to be in and one with you again tonight, you're an awesome fo...." Vuk gasped as she just scratched a small but highly sensitive spot between his shoulder blades, closing his eyes, arching his tail, which coincidently stroked Sasha between her legs. Sasha gasped and froze as the unexpected stroke sent waves of pleasure through her. She had frozen her hands right on Vuk's little sensitive spot. She exhaled in ecstasy as she accepted it all with pleasure. Vuk sensed her enjoyment and arched his strong tall tail again, pressing it lightly between her legs, softly moving it. He wanted to turn around and undress Sasha, but her hands on his back felt sooo good he just wanted to enjoy it some more. Sasha moaned in pleasure, the feeling of Vuk's tail pressing against her now sensitive crotch was excruciatingly pleasurable. She moved from Vuk's back, and returned the favor, gently stroking his crotch through his pants with her right hand, while she held herself close by putting her left around his chest. Vuk turned his head halfway around, pushing his cheek against Sasha's muzzle, feeling her hot breath. He growled in pleasure as he felt her hand touching him, soon his member grow to full size. He pulled his tail up with more force, almost lifting Sasha of the ground. "I wanna taste you Sasha" Vuk said with a deep voice... "Mmm, sounds fun." Sasha said as she kissed him. "Oh, or was that not what you meant?" Vuk turned around and blinked at her, then kissed her deeply while he took of her shirt, bra and pants. He continued kissing her while pushing her gently back towards the couch, when she felt the couch Sasha sank into it. Vuk got down on his knees right in front of her, licking her teeth, muzzle, her nice pointy ears, neck... Leaving wet traces in her snow-white fur. Gently he licked and kissed her breast, moving slowly downwards... "Mmmm..." was all Sasha said, She was enjoying Vuk's attentions quite thoroughly. Then Vuk gently pushed his muzzle between Sasha's legs, and licked her while he stared with hungry eyes at her awesome beautiful body. First he just licked her lips gently, Sasha soon got wet, and slowly he pushed his tongue between her lips and licked her thoroughly. Sasha wiggled a little at the feeling; she'd never done it this way before. But she settled into Vuk's licks. His tongue diving into her caught her off guard, and she gasped and grabbed the back of his head, pressing him into her a little. "It feels so good!" Vuk turned his tongue into Sasha with greater force now, excited by Sasha holding his head, he kinda liked it, but he had to be very careful now not hurting her with his sharp jaws. The deeper Vuk went, the more Sasha enjoyed the sensation of his tongue lapping at her insides. "Oh Vuk!" she cried out as she felt the pleasure intensifying. Vuk tried to avoid his jaws touching her, but could barely keep it up since Sasha pushed him closer. Suddenly he felt Sasha's wiggling tail at his member, he growled from deep inside, her furry tail touching him there felt awesome. From pleasure he gave in into Sasha's pushing, his chin partially slipped in her, he had to use his tongue now in a way his sharp teeth from his lower jaw wouldn't claw in her, the teeth in his upper jaw sank softly in the fur on her stomach. He looked at her shivering and shaking body, and turned it up a little, he wanted her to cum; he wanted to taste her... Vuk's jaw pushing into her, and his teeth scratching her belly...she pushed him farther in still, loving the feeling. She then came in a gush of fluids, spilling them all over Vuk's jaw, the couch, and the floor... Vuk swallowed some of it, and then pulled softly his muzzle out of her, which was soaked all over. He gently licked her clean. When he had given the last lick he looked up and stared straight in Sasha's eyes with a exciting look, then he swallowed loudly and said with a grin "You taste great" then licked his muzzle, his eyes still locked with hers... Sasha smiled, and licked Vuk clean. "You weren't kidding." She kissed him, and unbuttoned his pants, and pulled his underwear free, leaving him exposed from the waist down. "My turn to taste you." Vuk shivered at her words, then he felt Sasha's hands unsheathing his cock, followed by her soft lips, he closed his eyes and moaned "Oh gosh you're so hot Sasha, you'" he gasped... Sasha giggled and licked Vuk's hard shaft a few times to stiffen it up, and then kissed the tip, followed by a slow pushing down the shaft until she had filled her mouth. Vuk melted when he felt Sasha's mouth all around his cock; he squirted a little pre. Then he grabbed Sasha's head and pushed it lightly. By doing this he suddenly felt her sharp teeth stroking against his cock, he gasped at the feeling... It felt awesome... Sasha continued to gently scratch Vuk with her teeth. The pre caught her by surprise, but she took it happily enough, rather enjoying the salty flavor. His pushing on her forced her to go a little farther than she had originally intended, but she did a good job of suppressing her gag reflex. She found that it was fun to take him that deep...She began to bob up and down, pushing the head of Vuk's cock deep into her throat each time, and each time, swallowing, to work her throat around the shaft n her mouth, to stimulate it more. 'God I want to taste you!' she thought as she continued to bob, drawing more pre. Vuk yelped softly as he felt Sasha's throat and mouth on the most intimate part of his body "You'" he barely could bring out between gasps and yelps. He felt his cock growing even harder, strongly stimulated by Sasha's throat tightening around the head by each bob, sucking him in deeper, her hot wet tongue stroking his shaft, and also her front jaws pinning softly between the knot and the base. He tried hard to hold up an upcoming orgasm, but Sasha was just too good, and he felt he couldn't hold it up any longer. He looked down at her and noticed her beautiful curves, her foxy head with those awesome pointy ears, the lean back, showing slightly her strong spine, the long slender legs and the sexy curved long tail, all covered by soft shiny pure white fur. He barely could believe she was real, and that she was with him "I love you Sasha, you have no idea how much..." he whispered softly between two yelps, stroking and guiding her head. Sasha let off completely, for air more than anything, and after teasing his head for a few minutes, dove back down, again taking him in deep and swallowing around him. "Just in time" Vuk gasped "I was about to..." but then Sasha took him right back in. This time he let go, and after a while he squirted his hot sperm deep into her throat, filling her muzzle with his cum. He grabbed her head and pulled her gently on her feet, looking straight into her awesome blue eyes "You're amazing Sasha, I love really everything about you", Sasha stood, a drip of cum slowly formed on her lips, Vuk licked it of, and kissed her passionately... Sasha felt it shoot into her, and swallowed what was shot down, but rather enjoyed the flavor, despite the strange texture, and swished some around in her mouth. Then Vuk kissed her, and she hugged him close as he did. She then reached down and gently positioned his cock at her vagina, and slid down onto him, not breaking the kiss. 'That fox is amazing' Vuk thought as he felt himself going into Sasha. She felt so hot and soft. Because his knot was already formed he couldn't go in all the way, he gently grabbed Sasha's hips and pushed her on him. Suddenly Sasha gasped from pain, but then he slipped all the way in, seriously increasing the pleasure by both foxes. Vuk's swollen knot had stretched her to the limit, but she managed to get it all the way in. She had been tied by her lover. She began to move up and down as best as she could, not getting far with the knot, but still moving a little. She also tried squeezing with her walls, making her pussy even tighter. She moaned through the kiss, which she was determined to keep through cumming. Vuk moved along with Sasha, trying to go in and out her as far as it could. The taste of her saliva mixed with his cum tasted extremely excitant, he felt the heat rushing trough his body, pulsing in his brain, almost knocked him of his feet. "I feel you Sasha, soooo hot" he managed to mumble between the kissing. From moving extremely wildly he did lost his balance, the two foxes fell over, holding and kissing each other, rolled over the floor and just continued there love act... Vuk felt Sasha shivering and getting hotter, which made him hotter too, he reached a point of no return, and wanted the timing to be exactly, he felt her almost cum, and let himself go... Sasha was still aroused from sucking Vuk off, and was quite ready, but was waiting for Vuk's rush to cum, but before long, she hit the point of no return, and came hard, her tongue thrashing in ecstasy in Vuk's mouth. Vuk squirted deep into Sasha, just at the same moment he felt her cum really hot on him, her crashing kiss adding the pleasure, pushing himself still deeper and draining himself into her. He kissed her wildly... Sasha slowly relaxed after the climax. She and Vuk then sat there, their crotches stayed fast, they couldn't unmate if their lives depended on it, but Sasha didn't care. She enjoyed the sensation of Vuk's cock standing rock hard in her pussy. She smiled and lay down on Vuk's chest. "So nice, your cum feels so nice inside me. I want more..." So hard to choose chapter cut points...this will have to be one of those "to be continued" ones. Watch for chapter 3! >^.^