For all the World to See - Part One

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#1 of For All the World to See

Mark and Melanie spend a day working their bladders to the limit while keeping themselves desperately horny, so that when their shared lover returns they're ready to put on an extra special show for him. ^^

This story was written for Garnet as part of her Patreon commission reward for October 2019. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, and watersports aplenty! :3

For All the World to See - Part One

"Are you ready?"

Melanie murmured softly to Mark as they sat on the couch together, both red faced, both trembling slightly in anticipation with hands clasped together between them, staring eagerly at the two pint glasses sitting on the coffee table in front of them. A soft whinny escaped the stallion, and he nodded warmly to the rabbit as the front of his boxer shorts twitched visibly, cock already rock hard before they'd even begun their plan. Melanie saw his body's response, and she beamed. Her free hand slipped over towards his rigid erection, but rather than stroking it outright her digits caressed his thigh right up to the very edge of his boxers' fabric. She leaned over and kissed him on one side of his long muzzle, and then, when he turned to face her more overtly with a bashful grin, kissed him deeper, harder, her nipples stiff beneath her t-shirt and a tiny but tangible wet spot already forming on her panties as she too revelled in the intensity of simply thinking about what the two of them wanted to share.

Their lips parted, they sighed and smiled so giddily to one another, and their eyes turned back to the table before them with its two pints of water sitting and waiting for them. Their hands slipped free from one another's grasp, reached out, and picked up those glasses, and with a final gentle whimper of gleeful anticipation from Melanie the two of them began to drink the water down in steady but eager gulps.

Despite it just being the two of them there on the couch, as they began to empty those first two pint glasses both Mark and Melanie's minds turned to the absent third member of their relationship. Daniel was away on a workplace retreat for two weeks; team building exercises, log cabins full of bunk beds, trust falls and a whole bunch more of that sort of motivational team-building stuff. Little did Daniel's employees know however that what was really motivating him to endure those two weeks had nothing to do with loyalty to his company or building companionship with racist Geoff from accounting, and everything to do with what Melanie and Mark had promised would await him when he returned home. That while he was away they would share in something wonderfully naughty, something so erotic and unbearably sexy that when he returned they would be able to share the story with him, and in doing so get him so worked up and desperate that it would make that night of relieving two weeks worth of pent up sexual tensions an absolute joy.

And like so many of their most wild and naughty nights together, today's fun all began with a whole bunch of water, and an increasingly full bladder. Though, on this particular occasion just drinking and filling themselves up with water really was only the beginning. It was mid-morning when they started to drink those first pints, and the main body of their plan wasn't going to take place until that night. Mark and Melanie had all day to prepare. All day to get ready and get themselves worked up to push themselves further and harder with their shared, lewd antics than either of them had ever gone before. But, even though the main event wasn't going to happen for many hours yet, that didn't stop the rabbit and stallion from already being so very worked up by the mere foreknowledge of what they planned on sharing, what they planned on doing not just as a story to share with Daniel, but as a memory that they would hold within themselves and between one another for the rest of their lives.

"I... I think I'm ready."

It took a good forty minutes, at least half an hour since the first pint glasses had been downed, before Mark murmured to Melanie from where she was currently sitting upon his lap, the two of them resting with palms pressed together and fingers entwined, making out like a pair of giddy teenagers as the horse's boxer-clad erection throbbed up against the crotch of the rabbit's underwear. As soon as Mark made that comment though, his lover giggled and immediately slipped off his lap while still holding one of his hands tight in her own. She pulled him upright, and with both their faces flushed and the stallion's erection still twitching not just visibly but rather rapidly within his boxer shorts they made their way to the downstairs bathroom.

"Do it..."

Melanie moaned breathily as she teased the front of the stallion's underwear down until his sizeable erection sprang free, tucking the fabric in beneath Mark's heavy balls before gleefully, almost reverently wrapping that same hand around the shaft of his hot, throbbing member and pushing it down with a little effort so that hard or not it was pointed down at the toilet bowl.

"Let go."

She whispered pleadingly as Mark closed his eyes and tried to focus through his intense arousal and the more tangible, inescapable presence of his lover's hand holding his cock.

"Piss. For me."

She moaned, giggling as Mark shuddered and his cock strained helplessly within her grasp. A few moments later though the stallion did precisely as he had been asked, and with a deep, joyous groan of his very own the first droplets of urine began to dribble from his still firm erection. When the spray first intensified to a full stream it did so at a slight angle, and Melanie squealed with laughter as the urine hit the rim of the toilet, seat already raised, and splashed across both her and Mark's lower legs for a second or so before she was able to tilt his cock and correct for that off-centred stream. After that though silence fell over the room apart from the deep watery splashing of urine hitting the toilet bowl's water, and as Mark's shaft softened ever so slightly within Melanie's grasp while he emptied his bladder of some of that most recent pint and the drink he'd had with breakfast earlier that morning, the two lovers' eyes turned away from the flow of piss and towards one another, glimmering with delirious and mutual excitement.

As soon as Mark's bladder was empty for the time being, his shaft twitching as he pushed forth a last couple of dribbles and a moan escaping his lips when Melanie gently shook him off, only to reach down and wipe the last droplets of his urine teasingly away with her bare fingertips, the two of them turned to one another. By the time Mark reached out and flushed the toilet, Melanie already had her arms around his neck and was dragging his taller form down so she could kiss him deeply once again. No sooner were their muzzles entwined though, Mark's eyes widened and his nostrils flare as he smelled the gentle but acrid scent of piss much closer by than simply the now cleaned out, clear water of the toilet bowl close by. It was then he felt Melanie's hand sliding between their lips, and he heard her moan loudly as with a deep groan his tongue slipped forth, and cleaned the few droplets of urine that had clung to her fur off her digits before the rabbit could even do so herself, as she had doubtlessly planned.

"Ohhhh god..."

It took all of the stallion's willpower not to drop to his knees and bury his face between Melanie's legs right then and there as he heard her moan of pure arousal, so turned on, so delighted by feeling and seeing him tasting his own piss. He could only imagine she was fighting a similar battle of her own not to reach out and grab his still exposed cock as it swiftly rose back to full, stiff-as-steel erection, and there came a moment almost a minute later when Mark thought that his lover had actually lost that battle, ready to whinny and surrender a load of cum regardless of their plan to tease and work each other up in that regard as well as their bladders when instead he realised that Melanie's trembling hands were moving not to grab and stroke his cock, but to pull his boxer shorts back up and rid herself of that quite so immediate, near irresistible temptation.

Together the two of them left the bathroom just as they'd entered it, hand in now freshly washed hand, and returned to the couch. The original plan had been for them to watch some TV, binge a light hearted series or seek out an old favourite of some sort. As they sat down however and Mark's hands immediately reached over to caress Melanie's belly, wordlessly teasing and wondering how long it would be before she needed to go given her smaller bladder, they soon found themselves just caught up in one another once again. Moaning, blushing, giving the occasional whispered tease or assurance of their eagerness to share in what all this was building towards, and generally finding themselves all over one another touching and kissing and feeling both themselves and their partner shake with intense and glorious desire.

"It's almost been an hour. We'll need to drink our next pint soon. You okay?"

Mark murmured some twenty minutes of tenderness and lustful smooching later, the dark spot of arousal on Melanie's panties now matched by one on the tented front of his boxers.


Melanie murmured bashfully, but her voice trailed off a moment later as a fresh shudder of arousal crossed her form. She looked away from Mark's tender gaze, and her face burned brighter as she heard the horse moan in sudden realisation.

"Mnh... naughty bunny. You're not meant to hold it. Not yet."

Melanie was about to deny it, about to say that she just wasn't ready to go yet, but then she felt her lover's fingers pressing against the front of her panties. Grinding inward against the soft, silky white fabric and seeking out her flushed and swollen clitoris with a practised, skilful touch. Her eyes bulged, and she gurgled in dismayed excitement.

"H-ha-aahhh... hey, we're nnnh... not meant to be... oh god... we're meant to wait..."

The stallion just chuckled, and to the rabbit's blissful anguish removed his fingers from her panties' exterior only to slide them inside her underwear, slipping two digits between the outer lips of her pussy and starting to fondle and masturbate her quite openly and shamelessly.

"Well, sure. But we're meant to piss whenever we need to for the first part of today, too. And if you're gonna break the rules because it turns you on... well, making you cum turns me on, so..."

Mark's fingers began to press up into Melanie as she grunted and whimpered in desperation, only to shake her head and grasp his wrist where it was vanishing down into her panties with both her trembling hands.

"Ohhhhgod... okay, I... I'll be good. I need to pee. Right now. I'll do it, a-and... and I won't hold back any more, I swear. Just, p-please... please don't make me cum. If I do it now, you know it won't stop there. If we break once, we'll just end up fucking and playing around at home all day. And then we'll need to wait a whole other week before we have two days off to try this again. I can't wait another week, nhh... not when we've already been planning this out and waiting for it all this one."

To Melanie's abject relief, Mark nodded and immediately withdrew his hand from her underwear. He leaned in and kissed her as she trembled and moaned, her pussy now throbbing more desperately than ever both with arousal and the need to use the bathroom which had been suffusing her with gentle arousal since about ten minutes before Mark had declared his need to use the bathroom. A fresh surge of that same lightning-sharp arousal crashed through her when just seconds later she watched Mark lift the fingers that had been inside of her to his muzzle, and teasingly, seductively lick them clean right in front of Melanie's eyes. Before she could succumb to temptation and beg him to lick her pussy though, the rabbit bounded up off the couch and across the room, not grabbing Mark by the hand this time but waiting in the doorway, looking back over her shoulder and wiggling her ass playfully as he rose to his feet and hurriedly followed.


She murmured, soon bounding out into the hallway but this time heading up the stairs to the main bathroom of the home which she and Daniel shared, and which lately had been increasingly feeling like it was Mark's home too, his clothes migrating over with increasing regularity and their large bed now occupying three almost every night when all of them were available to do so.

"...come watch me."

The bunny moaned as she slipped into the bathroom with Mark following immediately behind her, only to draw an even louder groan of longing from the stallion as she pulled her t-shirt up over her head, teased off her panties to stand totally naked for a moment, before stepping past the main bathroom's large, deep bathtub and to the shower whose glass front occupied basically the entire back of the room. She slid the door open, stepped inside, and with her legs spread leaned back against the tiled rear wall of the shower. Boldly, gleefully she reached between her legs and shamelessly spread open the outer lips of her pussy, and just as Mark stumbled forward and fell to his knees at the entrance of the shower, wide eyed and huffing audibly in anticipation of what he knew was about to happen, Melanie let her bladder go, and began to piss while standing up, right there before Mark's giddily bulging, hungrily staring eyes.


Gasping, whimpering in pleasure despite applying no physical contact to any part of herself with her hands, Melanie's toes curled as at first her urine flowed down the insides of her thighs and trickled through her fur to the shower floor below. Soon though the full force and flow of her piss began to pour forth in greater abundance, and loudly the droplets of urine drummed against the shower's base as her spread lips did their job and her flow began to gush out free and unimpeded. She looked down at where Mark was kneeling and watching her as she let loose, watching the front of his boxers strain and twitch, watching the dark spot on the light blue fabric grow, larger as he panted and moaned in wonder at the sight of her letting go of her bladder, and in that moment Melanie sincerely couldn't understand how every single person in the world wasn't as turned on by all of this as they were, Daniel too when he was home with them.

Not just the pissing itself. Not just watching or being watched as your bladder let loose, but everything surrounding it. The aching need. The anticipation as you took a long, deep drink of something and knew that in time to come you'd find yourself helplessly drawn to the bathroom by an intense biological urge more undeniable than almost anything else. After all, you could deny yourself sleep for days at a time if you were determined and desperate enough. You could go without food for weeks and live on if you received more nourishment at the end of that time. But, not only was life so intricately tied to water that going without it for even a day was a pretty dire struggle, Melanie could think of few aspects of life so inherent, besides perhaps breathing and the very beating of your heart, that if you tried to deny them your body would simply override you and force you to do it anyway regardless of where you were or how hard you tried to restrain it, as it would with a full bladder if you tried to hold back for too long.

"I love you."

Mark murmured in reverence to Melanie as finally her flow trailed off, and she stepped out of the shower with her inner thighs still glistening with her urine, almost pressing her damp crotch to the horse's face where he knelt in what was practically worship before her. Soon he rose to his feet, dampened a wash cloth and gently, lovingly cleaned Melanie's lower limbs and crotch while trying his best not to purposefully stimulate her. And as he stood bowed before her, his hands holding a fluffy towel and drying off her legs, she cupped his face in her hands and kissed him long and deep before whispering back, eyes shining with giddy tears of lustful, loving elation.

"I love you too. Now... let's go drink some more, okay?"

Mark grinned, nodded, and as he reluctantly left Melanie to dress herself once again, he returned downstairs to the living room, grabbed their empty pint glasses, and refilled them for hour two.

From that point onward, over several hours, a pattern was established. A pint an hour, sometimes chugged and sometimes drunk more slowly depending on how they were feeling in the moment, followed by an eventual trip to the restroom. Well, an eventual trip to urinate, at least, because after that first round of one visit apiece the two lovers found themselves growing ever more teasing, daring and playful with their choice of venue for letting their bladders go.


"Mnnh... naughty horse..."

Melanie giggled as she stood behind Mark, holding his stiff cock in one hand once again while peering around underneath his left arm while he draped it back over her shoulder. The stallion gave a deep groan of relief as for the second time that morning his bladder let loose, drumming louder and more vibrantly than ever before against the venue to which Melanie had guided him for his release, not the bathroom but instead the kitchen sink. Even the taller stallion had to stand on the tips of his hoofed feet in order to accurately aim down into the bowl of the metal sink, and though they both knew this wasn't the first time someone in their household had let go in that particular receptacle, though they both knew it would be cleaned and washed down immediately, it still felt so, so naughty to purposefully let go in a spot like that when the downstairs bathroom was literally one room away and entirely unoccupied.

By the time Mark was drained once again, he could feel and see Melanie's hand sliding up his still stiffened, dapple-fleshed cock towards its dripping tip. He groaned in ecstasy as her palm wrapped around the tip of his cock and rubbed and squeezed at it for a moment or two, half cleaning him off but half shamelessly seeking both to pleasure him, and to transfer those last droplets of his piss onto her own flesh. When she lingered there for longer than that though, the horse chuckled and reached out to grasp her wrist in one of his own hands. She whimpered and complained as he turned on the sink's tap and ran her paw underneath it, cleaning off what she had obviously intended to be used elsewhere, and by the time he released her and turned to face her, Melanie had her arms folded over her chest and was pouting playfully.

"Oh, I'm sorry... were you gonna do something with that?"

Mark teased innocently, laughing as Melanie huffed and turned around on the spot away from him. Seconds later though she was shrieking with laughter as Mark grabbed her sides and began to tickle her intensely, thrashing and flailing around until he relented and she collapsed into his arms, the two of them grinning and panting as they kissed once again. And, by the time they finished that feverish makeout, Melanie felt compelled to whisper to Mark in return.

"Meanie. If... if I was as mean as you, I'd tell you that I wanted to pee on my own this time."

The horse smirked, but tried to put on a sincere, hurt expression a moment later, clearing his throat as he rather poorly failed to conceal his amusement.

"Oh? Oh no, please do not keep me from watching as you go to the bathroom!"

He spoke in a purposefully monotone voice, only to grin and laugh once again as Melanie herself descended into a fit of the giggles, then rolled her eyes and nodded her head not towards either of their home's bathrooms, but towards the back door which led out to their house's small, fenced in back yard.


With the back door open and her buttocks resting across the lip of the door-frame, her panties cast aside once again while behind her Mark stood with his own cock still exposed, his boxers still lying on the floor by the sink, both the rabbit and stallion moaned as a cool breeze whipped around their exposed and extremely aroused nether regions. From the angle at which they were positioned at the back door there was no way anyone from any of the houses around theirs could see what was happening, but Melanie still gurgled in embarrassed excitement as she stretched out her legs until they too were braced in the door frame, Mark standing directly behind her so that she could prop up her upper body against his legs. With her legs obscenely spread wide out either side of her and her pussy just barely poking out over the single step that led down to decking with a small lawn beyond, Melanie giggled, whimpered, and let go once again.

Her piss sprayed out over the step and onto the decking, the weather cool but dry so giving the light wood an immediate and obvious dark stain wherever the bunny's urine fell. She groaned as she really pushed herself, working her muscles to launch her spray as far as it could reach, and heard another, deeper groan of delight as a few trickles of her urine hit the very far edge of the decking and perhaps even drizzled the grass beyond, looking away from her flow and up over her head as she began to run on empty to see Mark's cock straining and twitching, desperately turned on but still untouched by the stallion's trembling but disciplined hands.


Another pint, but considerably less time than a full hour later as their technique for loosening the seal upon their bladders began to pay off, Melanie whimpered and bashfully pulled away from where she and Mark were making out on the couch yet again. Immediately Mark could see in her eyes what she needed, and the fire, the pleasure in his gaze as he acknowledged what they were both thinking, that the rabbit's body was really starting to succumb to their attempts, was almost enough to make Melanie want to let her bladder go right there and then just to see if she could make Mark cum through his shorts. On any other day she might well have done that too, but what they had planned was so much more naughty, so much more extreme than that. Thus she opted for a compromise, to be wonderfully naughty but not quite so much as to give any serious likelihood of driving her lover over the edge before he was ready.

They returned to the upstairs bathroom, and Mark murmured in confusion as Melanie reached into the laundry basket stationed by the door and began to pull out both the towel she'd dried off with earlier, and several others that were due to be washed. When she laid them out on the floor however, and removed her panties yet again before kneeling upon another two bunched up, folded towels, she saw the recognition and the lust in Mark's eyes. She saw his cock throb within the ever-tented, stretched out confines of his boxer shorts, and together they moaned loudly, giddily as she began to piss barely a metre away from the toilet, soaking those towels with her pale, diluted urine for no reason other than now unnecessarily naughty it was to do so.


Ten minutes later after a brief break to actually put on a now more necessary load of laundry in the washer-dryer, they were back in the upstairs bathroom once again. This time it was Mark who stepped naked into the shower, but closed the door behind him after doing so. He grinned at Melanie as she stood on the other side of the glass watching his cock twitch intently, placed his hands behind his head, thrust his hips forward in a show-off'y motion, and grunted as hands free he started to piss, letting his heavy, urgent flow drum loudly against the glass right in front of Melanie. Every five seconds or so he thrust his hips sharply forward with enough momentum to make his cock swing upward, then down in a swift arc, and each time he did so Melanie squirmed and whimpered as the glass up and down the height of the shower was soaked by her lover's piss, knowing full well that had it not been there she would have been the one getting soaked from head to toes.


Another drink later and they found themselves needing to go at the exact same time. Both of them had the same image flashing through their mind, the two of them in the shower together, pissing all over one another before Mark grabbed Melanie, lifted her up, pressed her to the back wall of the shower and rutted her mindlessly. Knowing full well that they were trying so hard to not succumb to their physical pleasures till later that day though, they opted for something just marginally less all consumingly erotic. For the second time that morning Melanie found herself kneeling at the open back door of her home and shivering, moaning as she pissed out onto the decking of the back garden, but this time in direct competition with Mark as he stood over her, cock in hand, and splashed his own stream across her own repeatedly until both of them were empty, and the rabbit squealed in delight as the last few droplets of his piss dribbled off the tip of his cock, and fell down almost perfectly upon the soft fur of Melanie's own pubic mound.


Another hour passed, and another, each bringing with it a fresh pint of water and more deliriously intense, exciting emptying of the two lovers' bladders. When both Melanie and Mark knew that they were ready however was when barely five minutes after Mark had most recently emptied himself out into an empty milk-bottle procured from the kitchen's recycling bin, he shifted around on the couch where he and Melanie were kissing and teasing and whispering to one another once more, and moaned in gleeful realisation.

"Oh, god... Mel, I... I need to go again."

Melanie giggled, and blushed as she squeezed her own legs together.

"I'm getting there too. Do you... do you think we're ready?"

Mark moaned, one of his hands seeking out the rabbit's own as he rose to his feet and began to guide her towards the downstairs bathroom. He nodded, and squeezed her paw tenderly in his own.

"I think so, yeah. So... after this we get ready to go out. Take a shower... get dressed up, and then one visit to the bathroom. One last drink. Then, w-we play by the rules."

They slipped into the bathroom, their underwear being pushed down as they parted, as Melanie sat upon the toilet while just beside her Mark fished out his cock and pointed it at the sink.

"We get one."

Melanie gasped gleefully as she began to piss into the toilet bowl, and watched Mark let loose into the sink close by.

"One visit to a public bathroom all night, and... and then..."

She moaned in pleasure as her bladder continued to let go, and Mark whinnied lustfully, his cock twitching even as he pissed, spraying up out of the sink and splashing off the tile behind it.

"...and then we have to last until we make it home."

Mark grunted in pleasure, his eyes closed and his face scarlet as he imagined the evening ahead for them.

"Or... or we don't make it, and we piss ourselves out in public, where anyone, where everyone could see."

By Jeeves

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