Alchemical Experimentation 2: Solid Stress Test

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#2 of Alchemical Experimentation

Asteria and Roland make their way closer to town, and she gets to test out her alchemical preparation with a field stress test. A story told in parts, involving vore, pheromones, sexual encounters, and transformative effects

Along the way, Roland was perfectly pleasant, too. He showed her landmarks and signs that the villagers left to help navigate in the woods, away from the roads and trails they'd made. He asked permission to make slight detours to show her the way to some more obscure foraging grounds, feeding her sweet and juicy fruits, plump wild vegetables, and showed her to a swift flowing river for her to slake her thirst with, along with catching a few fat fish for her which she gobbled up whole. Her slim belly was already starting to show a hint of roundness again with all that he showed and fed her. It was the first time she'd interacted with someone who seemed to want nothing from her in return, other than sparing his life, of course. Even after her pheromones had faded out of his system, though, he didn't try to run. He never misled her, or tried to lose her, never told her any falsehoods. He simply fed her, obeyed her wishes, and watched her satisfy herself on whatever he offered.

She barely realized the time passing, but they didn't come close to the village until it was past midday. They'd been hiking through the woods all morning, even if their progress was rather slow with so many breaks for food. She could scent the flame and smoke of the hearths first, followed by the sound of civilization. "You're an odd one, aren't you," she commented as they drew nearer.

"Pardon?" Roland said, looking back to her in surprise. "What do you mean?"

"You've been exceptionally accommodating considering the circumstances," she said, the two of them pausing and turning to face each other. "I would expect some fear or resistance from you. Something. But you've been nothing but helpful."

"Can't help doing what a beautiful woman asks me I guess," he said, ducking his head bashfully. She stared at him a few long, quiet moments, unsure what to make of this strange deer. "So. Your uh... prey. There's a vagabond who's been harassing folks the last few days. I'm sure I can lure him out here, no problem. I'll bring him right here, okay?"

"Very well. I will climb into the trees, to evade notice," she said, hoisting herself into the branches above as he returned to his village. Whatever her feelings about this man, she had to admit, he could be immensely useful if this plan paid off. She was posed ready to leap higher into the trees to take to the sky if he returned with help, rather than keeping his word. She had to be cautious still. Much to her surprise, though, Roland was indeed returning with a single other man.

She watched intently as they approached her hiding spot, chatting amiably. The other man was just a hair over six feet tall, another deer, a portly sort with a soft gut and rounded cheeks. He wore heavy traveling clothes, stained with dirt from the road, and talking too loudly for how close the two of them were walking together. She noted this wanderer was holding Roland's pack which he'd packed with spare food earlier. It looked to be notably heavier than it was before. She wondered at that, but wasn't going to waste the opportunity afforded her here now.

Once the two of them passed beneath her perch, she slid down the tree as quietly as she could manage. She couldn't stop her talons from making a heavy thud in the soft earth below as she landed, the larger deer turning with a surprised snort. His eyes went wide in fear, mouth opening to make a cry of alarm, when she loosed a belch of pink mist into his face. It caught him completely off guard, making him cough as it gusted into his mouth and nose, which only made him breathe it in more quickly and in heavier doses. As the panic faded from his expression, replaced with a confused, chemical-drunk blankness, she streamed more vapors into his face as she approached him. Roland reached in to grab his bag from the vagrant's slackening grip, stealing a sniff of her pheromones in the process. Asteria looked down at Roland incredulously when she saw it happen, but fixated quickly on her prey again as her stomach rumbled with anticipation.

"Strip him," she commanded Roland, seeing just how much he was willing to do for her. And sure enough, he complied, moving to remove the man's jacket. She used her claws to rip down the front of his shirt, which Roland yanked off him from behind. All that was left were his trousers, and for those, she pushed him over onto his back, grabbing the pantlegs to pull them down. She was in luck; this man was wearing no small clothes underneath, leaving a plump sheath and a heavy pair of balls on display, cloaked with fine white fur. The sight of them left her staring for a few moments. It had been so long since she felt the touch of a mate. It made her long for it again before she was able to snap out of it, reminding herself what this man was to her.

She circled around him to his head, delivering a fresh cloud of chemicals into his face to keep him sedated. From the corner of her eye, she could see Roland shifting restlessly on his hooves, watching her prepare herself. "Is there a problem?" she turned to ask him sharply, making him squeak and jump in shock.

"Sorry, I'm just... I'm nervous," he admitted. "This is never something I imagined myself being part of."

She sighed to herself, shaking her head. "Turn away then if you must. Or help me if you wish. This is more than I've done before."

"What can I do?" he asked, wringing his hands.

"I'm starting with his head. Lift his legs and help slide him in," she said, lifting the man up by the shoulders. She placed her trust in her potion once more as she opened her maw. This man's antlers were going to make getting started awkward, and she knew this was going to be a laborious process. But the idea of devouring a creature whole that was nearly as large as herself... it left her quivering with excitement. Her jaws opened wider still, impossibly so, like a snake unhinging its jaws as she worked his antlers around and into her cheeks. Roland looked on, stunned from the sight before him, as she kept moving on the man, forcing his head into her gullet bit by bit. A light mist of pink pheromones rolled from her lips with each exhale, ensuring her prey wouldn't scream or panic, the growing dose of chemicals turning him insensate as it built in his system.

She felt his snout press into the back of her throat, and she swallowed hard, starting to envelop her unconscious prey in the slick warmth of her throat. There was a bulge in her neck as she worked him down with powerful ripples of her muscles, peristaltic actions assisted by her hands forcefully pulling the man deeper too. It was when his shoulders met her lips that she felt like this was going to be more of a challenge than she was up for, though the stretch her prey left in her scales was a feeling of pure bliss, she had to admit. It was in the midst of trying to pull his shoulders in when Roland stepped forward, grabbing the man by the hips and starting to lift. She blinked, surprised, but certainly appreciating the help. He kept lifting slowly, bringing him up higher and higher, until gravity was starting to help slide the vagrant in deeper to her maw.

The moment she was able to stretch her lips around his shoulders, his body slipped deeper quickly, his bulk catching on her throat. She moaned softly to feel him pressing in deeper, her stomach rumbling hard, anticipating a heavy, filling meal. She kept pulling and swallowing, feeling the rings of muscle pull and stretch wider and tighter as the big deer worked down into her gullet. Roland kept pushing too, him and Asteria locking eyes as he helped, a deep flush crossing his face from that brief contact. She felt when the man's head dropped out of her throat and into her belly with a hard pop of sensation. If her mouth wasn't so full, she would definitely be crying out in pleasure, coming out instead as a muffled, deep groan. The bulk of the man's body was starting to fill out her middle, her scales parting and skin stretching as more and more of him fell inside. The bumpy silhouette of her prey was starting to press up against her skin, faintly visible through her scales as her belly stretched more and more, impossibly big in a way that only her magical brew made possible.

Her progress began to slow as she approached the buck's hips, the scent of his masculine musk filling her nose, this close to his plump sheath. Her breathing quickened as the smell of him hit her more and more. He may be her prey, and her draconic pride made her hesitant to admit it, but this was the closest she'd been to a man in a while, and it was having an effect on her. Her serpentine tongue slid forward, curling just so around his balls, licking the musk from them and circling the fuzzy edge of his sheath. The flavor of him was thick and strong, making her head swim with it as she enjoyed playing with him, using his manhood as a flavorful addition to her meal and savoring the salty tang it was covered with. The half-swallowed deer couldn't help falling victim to his own biology, his tapered pink length starting to slide out in small increments. It was enough to make him wiggle in her belly, which only made him feel so much better inside her. She moaned soft and quiet around the body still in her gullet, especially as a generous rope of precum splashed into her mouth from her attentions.

In the midst of falling to her temptations, she had nearly forgotten about Roland standing there, watching her toy with her victim. His breath was shallow and fast, a noticable bulge forming in his pants too as he observed this happen. She couldn't help a coy smile curling her lips, trusting him to hold the vagrant steady for her as she reached over to rub that bulge through the fabric of his bottoms. His legs quivered with a soft gasp, his tone a mingling of surprise and pleasure himself. Now she understood why he'd done all she'd asked. She wanted to question him, but could do nothing in her present state. So instead, she tightened her tongue around her prey's cock, using the warm, slick coils she made to stroke him like a helpful hand. Lust drunk as she was now, she threw pride aside to simply enjoy this moment.

She grabbed the waistband of Roland's pants, pulling them down from his hips to let his rapidly stiffening length spring free to the open air. She glanced from it to his face, brows raising playfully. "Please, miss," he whispered, his breath catching in his throat. "I'm... I..." She wrapped her fingers around him, working his shaft in long, languid strokes, at odds with the faster frantic motions her tongue took on her prey. Roland whined, gasping as he thrust back into her grip, his hold tightening on her prey as Asteria fell into an easy rhythm with it all. She closed her eyes, getting lost in the sensations coming from all sides now; she swallowed the pre pooling in her jaws the best she could from her victim, letting it slide down her throat around his sides, glad of the extra lubrication he was giving himself and marinating him in his own musky seed. At the same time, Roland was making soft sounds, begging and moaning, his cum making her fingers slick and slippery as they worked over him, droplets of his essence pattering over her scales when his kegals flexed especially hard.

Her prey was squirming especially hard now, his hips shuddering and bucking, chasing the phantom mate that her tongue must be conjuring in his mind. His legs kicked and stretched, back arching and tensing. Asteria could feel just how close he was getting now, especially in the way his balls drew up in his sac, his cock throbbing powerfully in her tongue's grasp. The forked tip of her tongue lapped and swirled around the tip of his length, playing with his sensitive crown to draw out his powerful orgasm. His entire body went tense as a bowstring, the outlines of his figure in her belly pressing up tightly against her skin, as he blasted several thick ropes of creamy white cum straight into her mouth and all over himself. She moaned happily from his flavorful seed, uncurling her tongue as his length began to wilt and retreat back into his sheath. His energy drained, the vagabond went slack again, so much easier to maneuver now.

She took her hand away from Roland's cock, leaving his length weeping, reddened and pulsing with unfulfilled need. He opened his eyes with a pleading whine, looking down at her. Asteria simply winked in return, pointing to the hips and legs still sticking out of her upturned maw. It wasn't hard for him to get the message; Roland redoubled his efforts, grabbing the man's thighs and helping to keep pushing. Once his hips slid past her lips, it was all smooth sailing from there. Asteria could feel how her abdominal muscles were pushing and forcing her prey to curl up inside her as more and more of him dropped into her belly. She let Roland take over the effort of pushing and holding his body, moving her paws to rest on the huge expanse of her swollen middle. She was positively round with the weight and bulk of another creature inside her, one that probably weighed more than her despite the foot of difference in their height.

The weight was nearly too much. She was already on her knees, but couldn't help but sink down to sit on the ground instead, splaying her legs out around her tightly stretched middle. She pressed and rubbed on herself as the last of the man disappeared inside her, her muzzle returning to its normal shape. She took a mighty inhale, now that her mouth was finally unobstructed, craving a big breath of pure oxygen. Her prey's legs were the last bulge visible in her throat. Asteria reached over to grab Roland's hand, bringing his fingers closer and ghosting her hand over his, the two of them following that bulge all the way down until it disappeared into her stomach with the rest of the man, his outline barely visible through the tight ball of skin and scales her middle had become. Her stomach was bigger than she was now, and she had no doubt she would need a lot of help to stand and move around after this. "Are you okay?" Roland asked breathlessly, like he was just as winded as she from the experience.

She worked her jaw a few times as she looked back up at him, blinking slowly as she did. She opened her mouth to answer, only for a low rumble to escape her lips. He gave her a look of worry as that sound kept building, growing in volume into a full throated belch, forcing all the air out she'd swallowed along with the man. Plumes of pink pheromones leaked out from Asteria's maw as it dragged on; Roland surprised her once again by leaning in closer, breathing them in with little moans and hums of pleasure, like the mind melting effects of it were pure bliss to him instead. As her rumbling burp trailed off, it became a moan of relief, her belly squeezing and working on her gargantuan meal already. "I'm ready... for dessert..." she panted, grabbing Roland by his cock again, pulling him forward by it like a handle. He was in no position to protest, stumbling forward until he was close by her side. Asteria unfurled her tongue first, wrapping up his length just like she did her prey, stroking him with it as she drew him into her mouth, giving him a proper blow.

She bobbed her head along his length slow and easy, languid after spending so much energy on such a huge meal. He grabbed hold of the horns on each side of her head, holding on to keep himself upright, knees wobbling as she assaulted him with tongue and lips both, each drawing distinctly different intensities, speeds, and sensations over his shaft. Her tongue coiled tighter, long enough it was able to curl around his base and down to caress his tight, plump balls, adding another whole new layer of sensation to the act. He was already moaning and crying with ecstacy, not going to last long after she'd edged him so hard while she ate. She wasn't about to deny her new helper the just reward he deserved after his good work, either; she grabbed his hip in one hand, the other rubbing her full belly, helping him to thrust into her maw and find his release. He came hard on a final push, unloading his musky seed into her hungry mouth. She didn't let a drop escape, swallowing every bit until he had nothing left to give.

When she released him, he collapsed to the ground beside her, utterly spent. Asteria licked her lips happily, resting back as her tail swished behind her through the grass, content in the moment and filled with joy to know her experiment was a complete and total success. When Roland finally came around again, he looked up at Asteria like she was his new personal goddess. "Now," she smiled, caressing his cheek. "...have you a home here I can use to sleep this off?"