Fred's Dance [COMMISSION]

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I'm taking commissions! You can order a story of this length for 50$. More info on my page

Fred was a pretty regular blue jackal, a short, red haired guy who never really stood out from the crowd. But what he lacked on the outside, he made up for in the inside, as he was always quite a daring and brave individual, often overestimating his abilities and getting himself into trouble. This is also how he agreed to a dance battle the previous day, when he was out drinking at a bar with his friends.

It was a pretty regular night, they rolled down a couple of shots and just planned to spend a night talking and having some fun together, doing dares and playing on the machines. Even though Fred swore to himself not to gable again after he lost half of his savings in one night, he just couldn't bare the fact that his friends were playing without him, as due to his personality, he had take part in everything, no matter how stupid or dangerous it was. He was a daredevil, had no sense of danger, but most importantly, had much too big of a mouth for his own good.

The night seemed to all be going pretty well at first with nothing out of the ordinary happening, but suddenly the DJ switched to another song that nobody had ever heard at that bar before, and a crowd started forming around the middle of the dance floor. A fox guy, who seemed to be a professional dancer by the looks of it started dancing and drew the attention of several people around him with his impressive moves.

It looked as though he wasn't even a real person, his body moved so precisely but at the same time also so freely, while shooting some winks towards the girls who squeaked up every time the fox looked their way. He attracted the attention of the whole crowd, which Fred and his friends also noticed.

"Hey, why is there such a big crowd forming over there?" He asked putting down his drink for a second.

"Might be some kind of fight, I dunno..." Max replied, a tiger who had been one of Fred's best friends ever since they could remember. He took small sips out of his admittedly overpriced drink, not seeming to care much about what was happening next to him.

"I say we should go and check it out" Fred suggested, standing up from the table.

"Well... Fine..." The tiger answered, getting up along with the others, then walked over to the crowd.

The jackal stood on tiptoes to see through the thick crowd, managing to get a glimpse of the dancing fox. Although he would have never admitted it he was quite impressed, and he saw that his friends were too.

The music neared its end and the fox made his finishing moves, the crowd cheering as he bowed. He didn't even say anything just smiled, letting the crowd hype him up.

"This guy really knows how to dance, huh?" Max looked towards Fred, teasing him as he saw that the jackal was turning yellow with envy.

"Yeah yeah, he can dance I guess. I don't really get the hype though, I've seen much more impressive dancers than him. To be fair, even I could dance better than him!" He replied in an irritable tone, which the fox apparently seemed to hear, as he turned towards Fred.

"People, it appears that we have a professional dancer in the house!" He grinned as he called out the jackal, startling him a bit.

"W-what? I mean... Yeah! I'm quite a good dancer what about it?" He replied back, getting quite heated. Was this attention robber really going to embarrass him in front of the whole bar and his friends? Of course not! He's gonna show him who's boss around here...

"Oh, that's quite thrilling to hear! A fellow enthusiast! Could you maybe give us a little demonstration~?" The dancer asked in a sarcastic tone, signing to the DJ to put on a song for the jackal.

A new song started playing and the fox gave way for the jackal to dance, who was of course not prepared. He carefully stepped towards the dance floor and then stopped with a forced disappointment on his face.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I can't dance right now, I have a terrible leg cramp today... Look, I can barely walk!" He said as he walked away from the dance floor, dragging his leg behind himself.

The fox smiled and shook his head. "Oh of course, we all have those days jackal boy... Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get to my level one day~" He laughed as he started dancing again, the crowd quietly snickering at Fred as he pulled his head in and made his way towards the exit.

But just before leaving, he turned back from the door, yelling back at the fox with a bright red face. "Hey you! I will be back tomorrow! My leg cramp will be gone by then and I BET that I will dance much better than you!"

"Oh I would love to see that!" The dancer smiled, not skipping a beat.

"Yes you will! I hereby challenge you to a dance battle, right here tomorrow, at the same time! Be here you coward!" He yelled through the music.

"Sure! A dance battle tomorrow! I've been wanting to show off my award winning choreography anyway~" He replied, the crowd getting even more excited than before.

"Award winning my ass..." Fred muttered under his nose as he stormed out the door and aggressively shut it behind himself. Embarrassed, he walked towards his house, barely even noticing his friend running behind him, getting a bit startled as he got close.

"Whoah Max! You scared the shit out of me... But anyway... Did you fucking see that loser! He can't even dance..." He said with an angsty tone.

His friend, who was by then used to Fred's tantrums put his arms around the jackal's shoulder and tried to console him, although he knew it was quite an impossible task.

"Look Fred, that guy was very charismatic. He just managed to win the crowd over, that's all... He's gonna be gone in a week anyway and everyone will forget about him." He said in a comforting voice.

"They might forget about him but they will never forget about me! How could I ever return to that bar after everyone had seen me chickening out of a dance battle? I have to beat him, he's really not that good of a dancer after all..." He said, looking away from his friend.

"But I've never seen you dance, Fred! Do you even know how to?" The tiger pulled his eyebrows up, being surprised, but not all that shocked that his big mouthed friend actually wanted to win a dance battle against an award winning dancer.

"It can't be that hard! You just flail your arms around and move in weird way and... Stuff... As long as I stay on beat it can't be too bad, right?" He looked up at his friend, a sense of desperation in his eyes.

"Well... Let me see how you dance. I'll put on a song on my phone." Max sighed, taking out his mobile and starting a song on it.

The jackal tapped his foot to the beat, then joined in with the music, trying to move his body to the rythm. One could say it even went pretty okay-ish at the beginning, but it didn't take him more than ten seconds to fall out of it and get all tangled up, almost tripping over. He sighed in defeat and sat down on the ground.

"Man, I really gotta practice tomorrow but I swear I'll get back into it! I'm a dance god, nobody dances better than me, not even that smug little piece of crap fox!" He said, his voice almost cracking over as he buried his face in his palms.

Max sat down next to his friend and hugged him, turning off the music. Fred started quietly sobbing, and did something he never usually does:

"I can't dance, Max! I'm totally unable to dance and I will never learn how to! Especially not in 24 hours! It's impossible!" He admitted.

Valuing his friend's honesty, the tiger quietly purred to try to comfort his friend. "You don't have to battle him man! Really, I swear! Just let him be for himself."

"But I will never be able to go back to that bar if I chicken out! The people there will remember and laugh at me! And then where will we go to drink out? This is the only freaking bar in our town!" He insisted.

"Well I guess you're right... Maybe you should just try. You might lose but at least you can say you didn't get scared of him, huh?" Max said, which filled his friend with determination.

"That's right! I will go and battle that idiot tomorrow! If I lose, I will lose with pride!" He smiled, hugging his friend. "Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna go home and sleep now, I have a lot to practice tomorrow!"

"Good luck man! And remember, this is just for fun!" Max said after him as the jackal headed home. Tomorrow was certainly going to be a very interesting day.


Fred woke up early the next day and started practicing right away. He put on some music on his speakers and stood in front of the mirror, trying to remember some of the moves the fox did at the bar the previous day.

He remembered that there was a part where his legs looked like he was going forward, but he was strangely moving backwards... Moonwalking, was it? The jackal tried to figure out how to do it, but without a teacher he simply couldn't figure it out.

"Damn it... Alright, let's just move on to simpler moves..." He thought as he moved onto the next one he remembered. At one time the fox managed to completely open his legs in 180 degrees and get down to the floor, which looked easy enough, but once he tried, he had to realize that that one wasn't going to work for him either.

His legs hurt before he could even reach 90 degrees, and he could barely get back, almost falling over. He decided that he wasn't going to go on trying with that either, and moved on to the next move.

He tried move after move, but none seemed to work out for him, they were all too difficult and weird, and his body just never seemed to work in a way he expected it to. After nearly two hours of trying, he laid down on the ground, defeated. He just wasted two hours not learning a single move, and he was going to have to dance in a battle against the most popular dancer in the town!

He almost decided to give up, but then had one final idea, an idea that could have saved his pride if it worked out. He reached for his phone and called Max, trying to put on a smarmy voice.

"Oh hey Max umm... I'm just calling because I would like to know whether I could ask you to use that big clever brain and engineering talents of yours!"

Max worked as an engineer at a robotics company, and he liked to build different types of machines in his free time. Although his inventions were extraordinary, he never really showed them to anyone, he mostly kept them to himself, so nobody really knew about his outstanding talent other than Fred.

"My... Engineering talent? What do you need, man?" He asked, confused about what his friend would want from him when he was supposed to be practicing his dance.

"Well... I really came to admit that there are some things I just can't do... And I reeeally don't want to embarrass myself tomorrow, I hope you understand that dear~" He said, kind of walking around the topic to ease his friend up, like he always did when he needed a favor.

"I thought we already talked about this tomorrow! If you stand out against him, you won't lose your pride even if you lose!" Max answered, confused.

"But I wanna win you see!" Fred smiled. "You know, with your exceptional talent I'm pretty sure you have some sort of machine that can make a body move in certain ways..." He suggested what he was going for, which his friend picked up on.

"You want me to build a machine that will make you dance? Did I really get that right??" Max said in disbelief, even though he was used to unusual ideas from his friend.

"Pleeeease?" The jackal said in a very, very enticing voice.

"You have to be crazy my guy! A machine that will make you dance better than a champion?" The tiger replied, not being all too flattered by the request.

The jackal sighed, realizing that some simple begging won't do the trick. "Fine... If you make me one I will suck you off, okay honey~?" He knew that Max had a huge crush on him for a long time that he never dared to say upfront. He knew that an offer for sex would turn him over.

"I- I... Ugh, what, Ughhh..." Fred heard from the other end as Max probably choked on something he was drinking. "We can even do anal.." He said.

"OKAY!" Came the reply. "Okay, I'll do it for you Fred! I.. I actually have this belt right now that can control movement, but the only problem is that it's a... It's kind of a sex toy, you see?" He explained.

"A sex toy? That's pretty interesting, I didn't even know you were so naughty, love!" Fred said in a further enticing tone.

"Ugh... Uhh... Okay uhm... It's kind of like a belt, you put it on and it makes your body pretty much anything... But it can only do previously programmed moves, and it only has like, stripper stuff in it... I can program some cool dance moves for you though! You'll dance just like a superstar, sweetie!" He said, excitedly.

"Don't call me that that's so cool! Thank you so much Max, it really means the world to me! You're so selfless~?" The jackal cooed through the phone.

"Of course! It will be ready for tonight! I'll give it to you at the bar and you'll absolutely crush that fox!" Max said cheerfully, not even realizing that his friend had already put down the phone. He plugged the belt into the computer and got to work right away.

"Nailed it.." Fred said grinning, picking out his outfit for the night from his closet. He decided to go with black denim pants and jacket, and a stylish pair of sunglasses on his head. He did his hair and sprayed his most expensive perfume on himself. From then, all he needed to do was wait.


Fred was already at the bar an hour before the dance battle was supposed to begin. He sat in the corner hoping nobody would notice or recognize him, nervously waiting for his friend with the magic device that was going to make him the coolest dancer in the world.

As he was sitting there waiting, his mind started to wander towards the future. If he really did manage to pull of this stunt, it would probably be recorded and uploaded somewhere... Which would make him famous! He could build a career out of his impressive dancing skills, and become a superstar earning millions of-

"Hey Fred! Freddy boy, are you there?" The jackal was shook awake from his daydream by Max, who had just arrived at the bar holding a pink belt in his hands.

Getting a bit startled, Fred jumped in his seat. "Whoa! W-what? Oh it's just you Max... So good to see you! I was just getting worried that you wouldn't... Oh wow, this belt really looks... Enticing, doesn't it?" He said with a sarcastic tone as he took his first look at the machine.

"It was supposed to be a sex toy at first, remember?" The tiger snickered. "Hey, I've still got those sexy moves programmed into it... You think we could use them after we're done with this little dance battle~?" He winked at his friend, who rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah sure, just give it to me!" He took the belt from the tiger's hands and tried putting it on, but was stopped by his friend.

"H-hey um... It won't really work if you just put it on like that. There's a hidden... Cock ring underneath that you also have to put on, that's the second point of contact which makes it all come together, you see?" He said blushing.

"A cock ring? Are you kidding me?" The jackal looked underneath, and indeed, there was a small ring attached to the crotch of the belt. "Are you sure I'm gonna have to wear that? Can't I just put it on my finger or something?" He complained, obviously not in the mood for putting it on.

"You can, if you don't have a problem dancing with one hand constantly reaching between your legs... Also, I recommend putting that earpiece in as well. That way we can communicate in the case that everything goes to shit." Max smiled, to which the irritated jackal stood up and headed to the bathroom in defeat.

"Fine, I'll put it on but you'd better make a better point of contact for our next endeavour!" He grunted as he shamefully walked through the restroom door.

Thankfully no one else was inside with him, so he just chose and empty stall, locking the door behind himself. He unbuckled the belt he was wearing and put the new, pink one in its place, and lifted his underwear to put the ring in.

"I still can't believe I'm doing this..." He muttered as the carefully slipped the ring on his penis, which lit up as a response. The plastic ring felt cold against his sensitive member and it held tightly, assuring Fred that it wouldn't come off as he'll be busting the best moves of the night. He buckled the belt, put in the earpiece that was given to communicate with his friend and stepped out of the stall, walking back to the table to his friend.

"Woah, you look stunning in it! Almost as if it was made just with you in mind!" Max complimented his friend, who was now wearing the pink belt.

"Stunning, huh? Well, I guess I do look good in anything..." The jackal muttered, when he suddenly heard excited screaming. He looked to the door and saw the fox from last night walk in, two bodyguards behind him, a cheering crowd forming his path to the dance floor.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Felix Cunnings, award winning dancer and international superstar! Tonight, he asked us to host a dance battle between him and... Fred from around the corner? That blue jackal guy who passes out after two shots! Y'all know him, right? Give them a great big hand!" The DJ's voice sounded from the speakers.

"He organized a whole freaking event? I thought this was just some kind of casual dancing, look he brought his whole crew!" Max said in disbelief as more suited man with sunglasses entered the bar.

"The bigger event they organize, the more painful it will be for them when I beat them in their own profession!" Fred said excitedly, already imagining himself on the covers of magazines.

"You really do trust the power of that belt, don't ya?" The tiger replied, shaking his head. "Anyway you better head off to dance now, before they think you chickened out!"

The jackal made his way through the crowd to the dance floor, waving to the crowd, but soon enough, he was pulled to the side by one of the guards.

"Watch your step. The master is about to dance." The big bear guard grunted on him, but before Fred could reply, the music started playing. Felix immediately started dancing, the crowd going crazy at the sight. Whatever he was doing yesterday seemed like rookie practice compared to the moves he started busting out, moving in ways nobody thought would be even possible.

He went on for about five more minutes, when the song switched and the fox bowed. The crowd started cheering, and the DJ's voice could be barely heard through the excited noises.

"And now, Fred! Show us what you've got little guy!" Fred nervously stepped on the dance floor as Felix stood to the side, suddenly every eye being stuck on the jackal. He took a big gulp, and awkwardly waited for his friend to turn on the belt.

After about ten seconds of waiting, the crowd started murmuring in confusion, so Fred took it upon himself to try to dance by himself. He stepped from side to side, nodding his head and trying to pick up the rythm. The crowd watched confused as the jackal flailed his hands around and moved his hip in a way that looked like he was about to fall over, but then suddenly the belt hit in.


Fred suddenly stopped and stood straight up, arms stuck tightly to his sides. Then as if by magic, he started doing the most impressive break dancing anyone in the room had ever seen. He got to the ground, spinning around in a crazy fast manner, people barely being able to catch a glimpse of his movements. He spun on his head, waved like a caterpillar, and did a double backflip from a push up.

Everyone stood silently in shock for a second, some jaws dropping before the stunned crowd started cheering, even louder than for Felix. The dancer fox watched in amazement and disbelief as the jackal did every single one of his moves but twice as cool and impressive, looking at his crew in panic. Was he really going to be defeated in some no name club by a no name jackal?

It really did seem like that, as Fred kept dancing with supernatural charisma and talent, the crowd cheering him on. However there was one slight design flaw with the belt, which only became apparent at that second, when one of the cheerful members of the crowd fell over, the beer falling out of his hand and landing a good splash on the belt.

Fred felt a shock all over his body, which made him cramp down. The belt had stopped working, he was in complete control of his movements again. "Shit! This can't be happening right now, make something up quickly!" Nervous thoughts started flooding his mind, but before he could do or say anything to the spectators, he stood straight up again, just like at the start of his round.

"Phew, seems like the routine is starting again from the start..." He thought with relief, but instead of the previous break dance, a completely different animation started playing.

He started enticingly moving his hips, putting his hand to his shorts and dragging his finger under them as if he was about to take them off. The crowd went absolutely crazy, yelling in ecstasy as everyone expected a strip.

"I would like to remind the dancer that stripping is against the rules in this dance battle." The DJ's voice could be heard through the speakers- not that Fred could do anything about it.

"W-what's happening, Max! Please make it stop, put my dance back on!" He whispered in panic, hoping that his friend would hear.

"I'm trying! I swear I'm trying! Did the belt get wet? It doesn't seem to be responding to any of my commands!" The tiger replied through the earpiece, pressing every single on the remote and bashing it against the table in desperation.

"Yes, some moron spilled a beer on it and it shocked me... Now it's making me do this gross stripper dance which I'm really not a fan of!" The jackal said as he took off his jacket and threw it on the ground, revealing his naked upper body.

"Help, it's making me strip! I threw my jacket away!" Fred's voice could be heard through the earpiece, between all the excited cheers from the crowd.

It didn't stop there though, as the next stop were the shorts, which the jackal slid down and kicked into the crowd, his face blood red with embarrassment. The voice could be heard again: "Please stop stripping, Fred. You're gonna get disqualified."

However, the best part was just yet to come. He put his hand under his underwear, members of the crowd desperately wanting to come up to the dance floor by then. After one tense moment of anticipation, the jackal slid his underwear down, revealing his penis underneath.

Complete havoc broke out, the body guards barely being able to contain the mesmerized crowd from rushing the stage. "Oh my fucking god, I'm completely naked now! Make it stop! Make it stop!" He yelled, but his voice was drowned out by the crowd. He kept moving more and more enticingly against his will, getting on the ground and humping the air. His dick also started getting erect, the cock ring glowing brighter and brighter.

Life started returning into Felix as he saw that Fred was completely messing up his opportunity. "Hey guys... Why don't we put on some ballet music for him?" He said smugly, handing a couple of hundred dollar bills to the DJ.

"Well I'm pretty sure that I should stop the battle now as getting naked is reeaaallly..." He tried to argue, but was greeted by the stash of money to his face, and instantly changed his mind, grinning and reaching for a disk he only kept on himself for jokes. "Your wish is my command, sir!" He replied giggling, and soon enough the electronic dance music was switched out by a gentle classical ballet music.

The belt took the change in music as an order to start a different animation, and Fred immediately got off from the ground started spinning like a ballerina. The crowd's excited cheers were quickly turned to laughter, as the embarrassed jackal jumped through the air and stood on tiptoes, giving quite an impressive ballet routine with a fully erect cock.

"If you don't make this stop right now I will kill you! You get me? I will fucking break your neck!" He screamed to his friend, but the tiger was nowhere to be seen. He probably went home to find something that could get the belt back under control, or he just fled the scene not wanting to be a part of the experience, but either way, he was gone and no reply came through the earpiece.

He kept on dancing, soaring through the air like a trained ballerina, as several people recorded him through their phones, uploading him all over the internet. Five minutes hadn't even passed into his ballet dance before "Crazy naked guy at bar does funny ballet dance" Became the most trending video of the day. It was definitely not something he would ever get off the net or wash off of his name anytime soon, but thankfully the dance was at least nearing its end.

The music slowed down as it came to a stop, and with a final bow, Fred's throbbing erect cock spewed out its thick load on the ground. If he wasn't held back by the belt, his entire body would have been shaking from the pleasure, the cock ring gently vibrating around his aroused member.

He let out a couple of quiet moans which were silenced by the crowd, and his thick, white cum formed a slippery puddle on the ground. Understandably several members from the audience started grossing out at the sight and leaving the club, the final drops of cum dripping out of his tip.

Finally as the music came to an end, his belt threw a couple of sparks and completely broke down, turning itself off and letting the exhausted, embarrassed jackal fall on the ground. He closed his eyes and cried, curling up in embarrassment as the world's eye was on him, recording his every involuntary move. It felt like ages, but the security guards finally broke up the crowd, sending everyone away until only Felix, his crew and Fred were in the club.

"Well, that was certainly an interesting choreography..." The fox said smugly to the jackal, reaching out his hand to help him get up, which the jackal hesitantly accepted, dusting himself off and staring at the ground.

"I... I don't know what happened to me... The belt..." Fred tried to explain himself, but was cut off by the fox.

"Yeah, I know. These kind of belts do tend to act a little crazy when they get wet. They are banned in dance competitions by the way, but for the heck of it I didn't ban you right away. It was kind of a fun dance to see. At least you gained some fame, haven't ya?" He asked winking, to which the jackal wanted to skin him alive.

"He knew it all along and didn't ask to stop the battle? What an asshole..." He thought to himself, but played it cool in front of the muscular bodyguards.

"Alright boys, let's go on now. I've got a competition on the other side of the country tomorrow, I've still gotta get ready!" Felix said to his crew, and soon enough they were gone, leaving the jackal alone.

Fred sighed, collecting his clothes from the ground and cursing to himself that he trusted his friend with the belt. He certainly wasn't going to suck off that tiger after that... Staring down at the ground he left the bar and quietly walked home, vowing to himself never to take part in a dance competition ever again.