How I Found it All: Part III

Story by Not-Really-Living on SoFurry

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After a long rest, and a substantial breakfast consisting of kwama eggs--imported directly from Morrowind--and fresh boar, I decided to go out into the courtyard of the Arcane University and watch the mystical flames for a while. They glowed a distinct violet and were very unusual, since they did not burn with the same intensity as normal fire. One person even placed his hand in the deepest, hottest part and still only received a minor burn. Each of the flames in the courtyard were this way, violet in color, yet comparatively cool to the touch.

One other amazing feature of the courtyard was the ability for plants of any kind to grow and thrive. I walked over to a large clump of various mushrooms. "How can a Tinder Polypore survive in the same climate as a Stinkhorn?" The only explanation I could come up with was the magical properties of the University allowed any plant to grow and bloom, despite season, time of day, and even weather. I spent only a few moments admiring the flora here before realizing that Marbles was waiting for me.

When I entered the Arch-Mages chambers, I found Marbles, who was looking at me excitedly. I guessed she was eager to get me through the portal that she called "time travel" and await my return. "Marbles, is everything ready? I don't want to be blown to bits before I can even make it out on the other side."

"I have anticipated that the ride through won't be perfectly smooth, so I have made a few scrolls that will help. One is a shielding spell designed specifically to prevent any body parts from becoming severed. The other is also a shield spell, but it will keep you from experiencing any dismemberment on the microscopic level."

"What do you mean "on the microscopic level?"

"On some tests I have found that the binding of the subjects cells disintegrates and it experiences lethal trauma."

"Now I'm confused." She was using words that I was not familiar with. I thought, 'she's a mage, not a biologist.'

"In simple terms, they come back a big pile of mush. Don't worry, I have tested both of the spells and they are completely effective at negating anything that might happen." She handed me a few flasks of vile-smelling liquid. "These potions will help you in the case that you don't use either scroll correctly. They will also deter the nausea when you exit at the other side. One last thing, you can't use the scrolls until you are actually going through the portal, since the entry has a very strong dispel effect that stops any active magic, as well as negating any enchantment temporarily."

"So, I go in, cast the scrolls, come out, and drink the potions? That sounds simple enough." If I could sweat, I would definitely have been then. It all sounded very risky.

"Don't worry, Jumps. I believe you are fully capable of carrying out this task. Well, I guess we shouldn't waste any more time. Are you ready?"

"I am."

Just then, Marbles chanted something in an obscure Daedric dialect and the room grew dark. In the center, sprouted a dim light. As it began to brighten, I saw that it was the portal. Soon enough, it was at its largest and my mind raced with every possible thing that could have went wrong with the situation.

"Now!" shouted Marbles.

"Oh, why am I doing this?" With both scrolls in hand, I jumped through.

"Agh!" The feeling was almost unbearable. I felt like I was being tugged from every direction all at once. Marbles was right. I was going to fly apart if I didn't use the scrolls. So, I then shouted "infitialis pro somes!" and "contego pro profundus!" As soon as read the scrolls they turned to dust in my hands, and the intensity of the effects dissipated almost instantly. The rest of the ride was almost pleasant. I felt like I was weightless and the visual sensations were incredible. Pretty much every shade of every color flashed around me all at once, seemingly in an endless dance, almost with order amongst the chaos.

I stared ahead, and saw what looked like the exit. I closed my eyes to brace for the impact, but nothing seemed to happen. All was dark. I heard nothing but the quiet ambiance of nighttime. I was laying on my back, in a very uncomfortable position. Something apparently was poking up into my back, so I got up. "Ow," I exclaimed. I spent a few minutes trying to orient myself of the situation, feeling like I was going to throw up. I remembered the potions. I took one out and tried as hard as I could from spitting it out. It tasted absolutely horrible. "Ugh, nasty; but at least I'm not feeling nauseous anymore. Where am I?" I began to look around, but to no avail. My eyes were still adjusting to the dark from the intense brightness in the portal.

I was finally able to see. I looked at the ground where I was standing saw nothing but crumbled masonry and grass. To my right was the water. I realized that where I was standing was the remains of the Arcane University. "By the Nine! When am I? How could this be the University? It looks thousands of years old."

As I walked around, I was able to piece together my exact location. "This looks like the Orrery." The pieces from the ancient Dwemer device were scattered around in various conditions. Some could be discerned as globes, others as the internal workings. Everything else was too disheveled to be identified. I continued to walk around, searching for any sign of my beloved civilization. I searched for hours. Realizing that everything was gone had traumatized me a bit. "I might be the only one alive."

Then, I heard something behind me. 'In the bush,' I thought. I got down as low as I could, without laying down completely, and proceeded to move slowly towards the ominous noise. It stopped, then it started again. When I was as close to the bush as I was comfortable with, I heard more clearly a gnawing sound. I slowly extracted the dagger that Marbles had given me, and was going to ambush whatever was in it, but the noise ceased completely.

"Whoa!" I shouted. Whatever was in the bush had caught me off guard and jumped on me. sniff, sniff... bark, lick, lick went the creature. It was a dog. I pushed it off of me, and I put the dagger back into its sheath. "Hey, boy... if you are a boy." I checked quickly. "No... hey girl. What are you doing out here? Do you have an owner? Oh, no." I remembered what Marbles said whilst she was orienting me with this world, when I was to get here. "Try not to make any contact with the native people of the land, if there are any. I do not know how they will react to seeing you."

"Sorry, girl; I have to go. Stay here." I got up and looked around to see if I could spot anyone. In the distance, I saw bright streaks of light flashing across the grass. I ran for somewhere to hide until they left.

I made it to a small overhang of rock near the water. It was just small enough for me to crawl into it and seemingly disappear. I heard them getting closer, since I could hear their voices now. They were shouting for someone. "Rosa! Here girl! Where are you, girl?" I assumed they were looking for the dog, which had just appeared at my feet.

"Go away! Shoo!" The dog just looked at me and then began barking. "Shh, shh... be quiet." At one point, I tried to push her away with my foot, but that didn't work. I could hear the voices coming closer, attracted by the noise of the dog. "This is not going to plan." I mustered up the magic and cast myself invisible in a flash of green light.

"What was that?" I heard one of them. They were right on top of me. "I think it came from over here."

"Hey, it's Rosa. What are you doing over here, silly girl?" The same streaks of light that were so far away were now shining right at me. "What is it, Rosa? There's nothing in there."

"Come on, it's late, and Charley is going to start wondering where we are. Come on, Rosa. Let's go home. Come on, Hannah."

"Okay. I wonder what has gotten into Rosa. She thinks there is something in there." I dared not move; not even breath. If I was discovered by those children, Talos knew what would happen.

My foot stirred but a little bit. "Oh, damnit!"

"Didn't you hear that? It came from over there. See, I told you something is in there." I made a quick dash to escape from my hiding spot, which had been discovered. Thankfully, I was still invisible, so I was able to make it out of there without them seeing me.

'Oh, thank Mara I'm out of that. Those were children, so there must be some kind of settlement nearby. It's only a matter of time before I can find it.' I stopped running and turned around, so I could follow the two kids and their dog. I still remained far away enough so that I could see them, but they couldn't see or hear me. Once or twice, their dog, whom they called Rosa, apparently heard me and responded as any guard dog would. Thankfully, after the first time, they ignored her. The lights in their hands were gone, so I assumed that they were some sort of device, like a candle, yet much more focused.

What other wonders waited to be found?

End of part III...

How I Found it All: Part II

"So... what is it you need from me?" I asked. "I mean, you did sound just a bit manic through your message, so I'm guessing that it is to some degree of importance to you." "Well, you will not believe this, but I was going through my usual...

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How I Found it All: Part I

In case you don't realize it right now, it's me, Jumps-In-Water. Okay? All right. Now let us get down to business. When it all started, it was Loredas, Last Seed 12, 3E435. My sister and I had been living together in Rosethorn hall, although we...

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