How I Found It All: Part X

This morning I awoke to Charley still in my arms. This time, he was awake, and he was looking into my eyes. "Good morning, love," he said. "Yes, good morning." I looked up and saw that the window was open. 'Charley must have opened it this morning.' I...

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How I Found It All: Part IX

This morning I awoke to the sound of birds through the window. The sun was shining through it into my face, and I winced at the brightness. I felt Charley still at my side, clinging to me. I also noticed my own arm around him. I didn't want to disturb...

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How I Found It All: Part VIII

It was early in the morning. I had just opened my eyes to the bright orange sun rising over the trees. There was dew all over me, as we had only a blanket to protect us from the ground. I noticed something. There was no we. There was just me. Charley...

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How I Found It All: Part VII

When I woke up, I found Charley still in my arms, and me in his. The sun had just made it over the top of the trees, and was glaring into my eyes, blinding me until I was able to adjust. I was glad for the blanket that was over us, as the dew had...

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How I Found It All: Part VI

That morning I woke up very early. The sun hadn't even risen yet. As I got up, I noticed that there wasn't any kind of noise neither inside nor outside. It was as if anything that was living had died that night. I went into the bedroom where Charley...

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How I Found it All: Part V

I was awoken this morning by a loud _Thud!_ I turned over in the bed to see what happened and I saw the man on the floor staring at me. "What the!? Who?! What!?" was all that came out of him for a minute or two. He got up and went over to the window,...

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How I Found it All: Part IV

It was still dark, and I was still following the two children and their dog. I had found out that my stealth skills were still a little lacking, because there were a few occasions where they turned around as if they were listening for me. Thankfully, I...

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How I Found it All: Part III

After a long rest, and a substantial breakfast consisting of kwama eggs--imported directly from Morrowind--and fresh boar, I decided to go out into the courtyard of the Arcane University and watch the mystical flames for a while. They glowed a...

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How I Found it All: Part II

"So... what is it you need from me?" I asked. "I mean, you did sound just a bit manic through your message, so I'm guessing that it is to some degree of importance to you." "Well, you will not believe this, but I was going through my usual...

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How I Found it All: Part I

In case you don't realize it right now, it's me, Jumps-In-Water. Okay? All right. Now let us get down to business. When it all started, it was Loredas, Last Seed 12, 3E435. My sister and I had been living together in Rosethorn hall, although we...

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