Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Rustboro City

Story by soni050 on SoFurry

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#36 of Pokemon - To Catch Them All

Leo reaches Rustboro City and challenges Roxanne for the Stone Badge.

Now that I had left Petalburg Woods I continued exploring north of Route 104 and wasn't surprised when my Rotom Phone informed me that all the Pokemon that could be caught here had already been caught south of here. At that I explored and was surprised to find some berries growing outside of what looked like a berry house. When I entered I was immediately greeted by several people who gushed about how beautiful and important berries were for Pokemon and I agreed with them. The fact that I agreed with them convinced them that I would take care of berries across the entire Hoenn Region as well as every other region I could. At that I left and harvested the berries outside and replanted them to ensure that people and Pokemon could both enjoy berries.

Continuing east I came across a Lady who challenged me with a Zigzagoon and I sent out my own Zigzagoon who used Quick Attack to outmanoeuvre the opponent and score a direct hit defeating Zigzagoon. Next a Lass challenged me with a Lotad and I sent out my Taillow having him use Peck which defeated Lotad thanks to type advantages. Next was a Shroomish and I had Taillow finish it up with a second Peck winning the battle. Heading up across a bridge that overlooked a decently large lake I was challenged to a double battle by two Twins. They sent out both Seedot and Lotad and I chose to use my Dustox and Beautifly. I had both Beautifly and Dustox use a double Gust which combined together created a much stronger Gust which defeated the two Grass Types.

The last obstacle before I reached Rustboro City was a Fisherman who challenged me with three Magikarp. I had Treecko come out and push through each of them with Mega Drain defeating each of the Magikarp with relative ease. At that I headed north and entered Rustboro City and started off by heading to the Pokemon centre to get my Pokemon fully healed and once that was done my next stop was buying some Pokeballs to catch more Pokemon before my gym battle.

While exploring Rustboro City I noticed it was a rather busy city compared to others I'd seen. Maybe it was because the main area of importance other than the gym would be the Devon Corporation, which makes all sorts of convenient items which helps trainers on their journeys. Not only that, the Devon Corporation is where trainers can go and get fossilised Pokemon restored, just like on Cinnabar Island in the Kanto Region.

Before I decided on challenging the gym I decided to head East and explore Route 116 and catch some new Pokemon. As I walked through the grass I looked around for new Pokemon and thanks to my Rotom Phone I knew what Pokemon to look for. Eventually I came across the first new Pokemon, a Nincada which observed me curiously from low in the ground. I almost missed seeing it, thankfully I spotted it. "Come out Surskit!" Surskit appeared staring down the fellow Bug Pokemon Nincada. "Use Bubblebeam!" Surskit rapidly launched Bubblebeam against Nincada who attempted to use Scratch and destroy the bubbles, but they came much too fast and Bubblebeam therefore scored a direct hit against Nincada.

"Pokeball go!" I threw a Pokeball at the stunned Nincada and watched as the ball shook once, twice, three times before the capture was confirmed. "Nincada has been registered to your Pokedex. Nincada the Trainee Pokemon, a Bug and Ground Type. It grows underground, sensing its surroundings using antennae instead of its virtually blind eyes." I was happy to have caught one new Pokemon and it made me all the more excited to continue catching.

The next Pokemon I found, well when I say found, I guess you could say the Pokemon in question found me. It was a adorable and curious Skitty which approached me. The Skitty darted around me rapidly and I decided to have a go at catching it. When I grabbed a Pokeball ready to begin battling Skitty. Seeing the Pokeball made the Skitty run for it, thinking I was playing a game. As such, when I threw the empty Pokeball, Skitty caught it and thus captured itself.

"Skitty has been registered to your Pokedex. Skitty the Kitten Pokemon a Normal Type. It can't stop itself from chasing moving things and it runs in circles, chasing its own tail." I smiled at the adorable sounding entry and was happy to have yet another new friend. According to Rotom that left only one more Pokemon that could be found living in this area and that was a Whismur a very sensitive Pokemon when it came to hearing.

However, before I could find the Whismur, something else completely unexpected caught my attention. It was a Torchic, of that I was certain and it was running around the grass seemingly for no reason. I observed curiously wondering why a Torchic was here. I had believed they were only found in areas which Fire Type Pokemon loved and here in the Hoenn Region that surely would be Fiery Path or even Mount Chimney. Still, the Torchic didn't seem to have been abandoned, judging based on its movements it wasn't injured and nobody was chasing the Pokemon so presumably it lived here.

I followed the Torchic but I wasn't as silent as I had thought I was and so the Torchic turned to face me, startled it unleashed a barrage of Ember but luckily the attacks were just used as a means to scare me away. I wasn't going to be dismissed so easily and decided to have a go at catching this resilient Pokemon. "Come out Marshtomp!" Marshtomp appeared observing the Torchic carefully, not underestimating his opponent. "Marshtomp use Mud Bomb!" I commanded and Marshtomp followed suit sending mud raining down at Torchic.

Torchic wasn't going to stand by and allow the attack to land and dodged with a rapid fast Quick Attack. Using that momentum Torchic then engulfed himself in a Flame Charge and boosted his speed enough to land a surprise attack against Marshtomp. I didn't even have time to command a dodge and was impressed with the Fire Type. "Marshtomp lets give them a challenge, use Rock Throw!" This time Marshtomp threw several rocks at the fast Torchic who attempted to dodge and was succeeding albeit barely.

Just as the barrage of rocks stopped, Torchic breathed a sigh of relief, he had seriously underestimated the strength of this random trainer. Though Torchic couldn't help but wonder, whether he could be become stronger if he decided to join up with this trainer. In that brief moment of hesitation he became vulnerable to a Water Pulse that landed a direct hit causing some serious damage. "Pokeball go!" I threw a Pokeball at the defeated Torchic and watched as it shook, once, twice, three times before the capture was confirmed.

"Torchic has been registered to your Pokedex. Torchic the Chick Pokemon a Fire Type. A fire burns inside it, so it feels very warm to hug. It launches fireballs of 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit." I sighed in relief and then smiled happy to have caught such a strong and resourceful Pokemon. I released Torchic and saw a completely different side of the battling Pokemon I had just seen. Torchic happily jumped into my arms upon being released and as the Pokedex had stated Torchic was extremely warm. Not only that, but Torchic seemed to accept being my Pokemon rather quickly.

I didn't question that much and decided to continue exploring for the final Pokemon that I needed for the Pokedex. That was Whismur and decided the best way to find such a sensitive Pokemon, was to search silently. However, Torchic decided to help his new trainer and began searching around for any Whismur. Though, Torchic didn't know that Whismur would only appear when there was no commotion around. Still, maybe it was luck or prior knowledge but Torchic managed to locate a surprisingly fercious and confident Whismur.

When I caught up to Torchic I was surprised at how confident this Whismur appeared as it stared me and Torchic down. Torchic wasn't going to back down and decided he would battle the Whismur to show the dedication to his new trainer. "Torchic Ember!" Torchic started off with Ember which scored a direct hit, but Whismur shrugged the attack of surprising both of us with its tenacity. At that Whismur unleashed a horrific screeching sound that sounded just like the move Astonish.

I covered my ears and Torchic tried to shrug the attack of to however, it was much stronger than I had expected. "Torchic Flame Charge!" I shouted over the sound of the shrieking and thankfully Torchic heard the command and faithfully followed up surrounding himself with flames and charged toward Whismur landing an effective Flame Charge knocking Whismur down to the ground with a thud. "Pokeball go!" I threw a Pokeball and both me and Torchic watched the ball shake once, twice, three times before the capture was confirmed.

"Whismur has been registered to your Pokedex. Whismur the Whisper Pokemon a Normal Type. Usually, its cries are like quiet murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks at the same volume as a jet plane." I sighed in relief and thanked Torchic for such a good battle and Torchic smiled ruffling his feathers in pride at scoring a win for his trainer. I looked over at my Rotom Phone and found that all the Pokemon had been caught and decided to challenge the trainers around before returning to Rustboro and challenging the gym leader.

Eventually I came across my first opponent who was a Bug Catcher and he sent out firstly a Wurmple and I sent out my Taillow having him use Peck to quickly defeat Wurmple. His second Pokemon was a Silcoon and I substituted for my new Torchic having him use Ember easily defeating Silcoon. The final Pokemon sent out was a Nincada and I had Torchic finish it with a second Ember. Next a Youngster challenged me with a Zigzagoon and I sent out my Treecko having him use Mega Drain to drain Zigazgoon's energy. The second Pokemon sent out was a Machop and I substituted for my Wingull having him use Air Cutter defeating Machop.

Next was a Lass who sent out a Marill and I sent out my Treecko which defeated Marill using a single Mega Drain. A Hiker's two Geodude stood no chance against Treecko either. Thanks to these rapid victories, Treecko suddenly began glowing signalling he was evolving. I watched as he grew taller and noticed he was only slightly shorter than me. "Grovyle has been registered to your Pokedex. Grovyle the Wood Gecko Pokemon a Grass Type. It lives in dense jungles. when closing in on its prey, it leaps from branch to branch."

Grovyle observed his new body curiously even testing out his improved jumping abilities, as he leaped from branch to branch above me. Suddenly he dropped down right in front of me and leaped forward hugging me before releasing me quickly turning away refusing to look at me. I assumed he was embarrassed at showing me affection when he had previously been acting in a very stoic and distant mood. Still I congratulated him and he blushed lightly accepting the praise.

Before moving on their were two remaining trainers who I had yet to defeat and the first was a School Kid who sent out a Ralts and I sent out my Poochyena. It was a potentially disastrous move as Poochyena was weak to Fairy Types, but I trusted in Poochyena's abilities and as such, with a Bite, Poochyena came out on top and happily ran to me for a thorough petting session which was well deserved. The final opponent was another School Kid who sent out a Shroomish and I sent out my Torchic having him overwhelm Shroomish with Ember. The second Pokemon was a Whismur and Torchic with some cunning defeated Whismur by boosting his speed with Flame Charge dodging Whismur's attacks before they could land.

I was shocked when Torchic began glowing after winning that battle and assumed that Torchic must have already been close to evolving before I even caught it. Mainly as we had barely done any training together and had only one a few battles and already Torchic was strong enough to evolve. Nonetheless I was happy and watched as Torchic got much taller, not as tall as me, but tall nonetheless. "Combusken has been registered to your Pokedex. Combusken the Young Fowl Pokemon a Fire and Fighting Type. Its kicking mastery lets it loose 10 kicks per second. It emits sharp cries to intimidate foes."

I was very impressed at the Pokedex entry and Combusken smirked lightly seeing that emotion on my face and decided to demonstrate his kicking abilities. I lost count almost immediately, as Combusken's kicks were so rapid and so fluent that my eyes could barely keep up. Nonetheless I immediately congratulated Combusken on reaching his evolution and unlike Grovyle, Combusken returned my hug with equal adoration.

Before leaving I did take note of a small cave which Rotom informed me was called Rustfurf Tunnel which linked Route 116 to Verdanturf Town. However, I decided to return to Rustboro City and challenge the gym there. Upon returning my Pokemon battled any and all wild Pokemon that challenged us and grew even stronger thanks to their victories.

Upon reaching Rustboro City I had my Pokemon healed at the Pokemon centre and decided while I was waiting to do some research on the gym leader to construct a team that would be suited to defeat her. In my research I learned that the gym leader was Roxanne and she was a expert in Rock Type Pokemon and her two main Pokemon were her Geodude and Nosepass. Thankfully, I had lots of experience with Geodude but I had never encountered Nosepass before.

Still, since the gym specialised in Rock Pokemon out of the Pokemon I had acquired I knew what Pokemon would be best suited to battle these Rock Pokemon. First there was Grovyle, Combusken and Marshtomp who were all super effective against Rock Types. Poochyena and Zigzagoon would most likely be at a stalemate against Rock Types. My Beautifly and Dustox wouldn't be wise as Bug was weak to Rock. Lombre was a good choice as both his types were good against Rock. The same went for Nuzleaf too. Taillow would face some serious difficulties and Wingull wood be a possibility as he was part Water and Flying. Ralts was a decent choice but lacked powerful moves at the moment.

Surskit was much like Wingull having an advantage and disadvantage against Rock Pokemon. Shroomish being a Grass Type would be a good choice and his ability being Effect Spore may come in clutch if his opponent makes direct contact. Although Nincada was getting stronger thanks to our training against the wild Pokemon and even though he was a Ground Type which was super effective against Rock Pokemon. His only effective move was Mud Slap which may not be strong enough. Not that I doubted his abilities at all.

Whismur and Skitty were both in the same situation, being Normal Types, their attacks would more than likely have no effect against the rough exterior of Rock Pokemon. After deliberating for a little longer I decided the choice was obvious and decided to choose my Marshtomp and Grovyle as they were likely some of my strongest Pokemon. Before challenging the gym I did ask each of my Pokemon how they felt about challenging gyms and they all seemed to be in agreement that challenging gyms would be fun for them.

At that I apologised to the Pokemon that I wouldn't be using against Roxanne but my other Pokemon brushed my apologies off understanding my reasonings. Realistically they knew their opportunities would shine in other areas, whether it be helping their master catch Pokemon or battle trainers it didn't matter to them much. At that I exited the Pokemon centre and marched confidently to the gym and entered.

The gym definitely resembled that of a Rock Type and as such I was now even more confident in my Pokemon's abilities. It didn't take long to find the gym leader as she approached me, observing me with calculated interest she could tell that I was an experienced trainer and clearly understood what I needed to do in order to win. "Welcome challenger! I am Roxanne, the gym leader of Rustboro City and the specialist of Rock Pokemon. I must say though, judging from your expression I know that you'll be a tough opponent. I can't wait to see just how you battle with your Pokemon. That's enough talking, lets get this battle underway."

At that the referee arrived and announced the battle rules. "This will be a battle between, Roxanne the gym leader against Leo from Viridian City. Each trainer may use two Pokemon, with substitutions from only the challenger. The battle will end when one sides Pokemon are unable to continue battling. Now please send out your Pokemon!"

Roxanne started and sent out her first Pokemon, a Geodude which pumped its fists together, seemingly confident in its abilities. "I need your help Grovyle!" Grovyle appeared staring down Geodude who suddenly appeared slightly nervous against such a powerful looking Pokemon. Especially since Groyvle appeared look rather stoic and serious. "Battle begin!" The referee declared and I decided to make the first move. "Grovyle use Mega Drain!"

Grovyle darted forward at speeds almost to quick to follow. "Roxanne immediately knew her assumptions were correct and knew Geodude was outmatched against such a powerful and fast Pokemon. But still she was a gym leader for a reason and never gave in. "Geodude counter that with Mega Punch!" Geodude round its fist up and as soon as Grovyle got close. Geodude attempted to land a devastating punch. However, Grovyle had impressive reflexes and dodged effortlessly.

Once he had dodged Grovyle moved in and landed a decisive Mega Drain defeating Geodude with just a single move. "Geodude is unable to battle, Grovyle is the winner!" Roxanne returned her Geodude thanking it for battling so well against someone so powerful. Grovyle remained composed as he waited to see who his next opponent was going to be. "Nosepass I choose you!" At that Nosepass appeared on the field and I decided to check it out on the Pokedex.

"Nosepass the Compass Pokemon a Rock Type. Its nose is a magnet. As a result this Pokemon always keeps its face pointing north." Grovyle observed Nosepass carefully while waiting patiently for a command. "Grovyle another Mega Drain!" Grovyle dashed forward ready to finish Nosepass with a single Mega Drain when Roxanne smiled. "Nosepass Thunder Wave!"

At that electricity began sparking from Nosepass' nose and rushed forward attempting to hit Grovyle. However, Grovyle dodged effortlessly around the Thunder Wave. If it had landed Grovyle would have been paralysed and would have slowed down dramatically. It was a surprise to see a Rock Pokemon use an electric attack. Still the risk of paralysis was great and I knew if Grovyle got paralysed it would be the end for him. Marshtomp however was immune to paralysis thanks to being a part Ground Type.

"Groyyle return for now." Grovyle accepted the decision and understood why his trainer was substituting him. It was because of the paralysis and he knew that Marshtomp could handle the battle and score a win for their beloved trainer. "Marshtomp I need your help!" Marshtomp appeared staring down Nosepass and Roxanne observed the new opponent curiously. "A Ground Type was a wise decision. You take into consideration your Pokemon's well being more than most trainers. It's good to see." I smiled and thanked her for the compliment and Marshtomp happened to agree.

"Marshtomp use Mud Bomb!" Marshtomp fired a barrage of Mud Bombs at Nosepass who attempted to dodge but his speed wasn't good enough. "Use Rock Throw Nosepass!" Roxanne commanded as she hoped Rock Throw would prevent her Nosepass from being defeated. "Knock them all down by using Water Pulse!" I countered and watched as Water Pulse smashed through each and every Rock Throw before landing a decisive hit against Nosepass defeating it.

"Nosepass is unable to battle, Marshtomp is the winner. As such, the victor is Leo from Viridian City!" The referee declared and Roxanne smiled, returning her fallen Nosepass before observing the celebrating trainer and his Marshtomp. Marshtomp had really grown in confidence after being presumably abandoned from a previous trainer for who knows what reason. Now Marshtomp had a trainer that he trusted and would do anything for.

"Congratulations on your victory. Your Pokemon worked extremely hard and you gave the right commands needed to secure your victory. As such I reward your efforts with this the Stone Badge!" At that I thanked Roxanne and accepted the Stone Badge placing it inside my badge case. After thanking Roxanne for the battle once more I returned Marshtomp and exited the gym and returned to the Pokemon centre. Even though my Pokemon had barely taken any damage I knew they would still need some time to recover from the battle.

After some research of the Hoenn Region gyms I knew I needed to head to Dewford Town for my next gym challenge and to catch some exciting new Pokemon.

Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Petalburg City

Upon reaching Petalburg City I had my Pokemon healed up and brought some Pokeballs for the future but it the time I had I had been learning about my Pokemon's personalities and their likes and dislikes too. First was Mudkip and currently he was a very...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Heading to Hoenn

I awoke early the next morning and headed downstairs and got some breakfast before making sure that I got enough food for all my Pokemon. I handed out their breakfast and they all thanked me for the food. At that my mother descended downstairs and...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Return to Kanto

I had finally managed to capture almost every Johto Pokemon, the only exceptions were the legendaries, a few baby Pokemon and Porygon2 but with time I would eventually manage to capture them in the future. But for now I had done what I needed to. At...

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