Do You Still Love Me 1

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#15 of Do You Love Me? [Remastered]

Sequel to Do You Love Me, featuring Travis and his own navigation of his feelings towards someone like Duke Weaselton.


Posted using PostyBirb

Travis sighed to himself as he sat in the back room, looking over the numbers one last time to make sure they were all correct. It had been a long week for him and there was nothing he wanted more than to just make his way home. Once he was done taking numbers and writing other numbers down he let out a big sigh and reclined back in his seat.

"How's it lookin' back there?" Gideon asked, leaning into the backroom's doorway.

"Actually I'm just about done here. Everything's been marked and accounted for," Travis confirmed.

"Ah, you're a lifesaver buddy!" Gideon encouraged the ferret. He had noticed that Travis wasn't as upbeat as usual. The fox thought a few extra kind words were just what he needed. He always made sure that Travis was always given credit for the things he did around the place. But unbeknownst to Gideon, Traivs was dealing with an entirely different problem.

"No problem," Travis responded. He got up from his chair and stretched. "Anything else you need me to do around here?"

"Nope you're pretty much done for the day," Gideon confirmed. "I'll take care of everythin' else."

"Alright, guess I'll head off," Travis shrugged and prepared to clock out.

"You sure you're alright, little buddy?" Gideon asked the ferret once again.

Travis finished clocking out and turned to his best friend. "Don't worry, I will be. Hey, you excited about your trip?" Travis asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, yeah. Judy's been going on about it all week," Gideon grinned. He and Judy were going to a couple's retreat that Judy had won from a magazine. "We're heading to some resort in the Rainforest District. Never been there myself, so it'll be nice to see for myself."

"Well, I hope you have fun," Travis wished his friend.

"Thanks, Travis," the fox smiled at his friend. The two's attention quickly turned as the bell against the front door sounded, alerting them that there was a customer.

"I gotta take this," Gideon motioned back to the main entrance. Travis nodded and followed behind Gideon. They both expected a last minute customer to pick out whatever they still had, but it was the city-known bunny officer herself, Judy Hopps.

"Well, speak of... What are you doing here?" Gideon chuckled to his partner.

"I'm sorry, but I just can't wait any longer. I took off from work early!" Judy said excitedly.

"We're just about done here. All we gotta do is put a couple of things away," Gideon explained, gesturing to some small appliances and unsold desserts sitting on displays.

"I can help with that!" Judy insisted.

"Thanks, we could use the extra help," Travis spoke up from the other side of the counter.

The three of them worked together to put things away and clean around the shop.

"I think we're just about done here," Gideon said.

"Well then, I'm gonna take off. Have fun on that trip of yours!" Travis waved while walking out of the bakery.

"Alright, see you later!" Gideon called after him.

"You ready to get packed?" Judy asked.

"Yeah, let's get going then," Gideon nodded, making sure the sign in the window was flipped to closed.

Travis walked to his bike and unlocked it from the chains keeping it held down. He hopped on it and began to pedal off towards the apartment complex he lived in.

Duke grumbled to himself as he walked the streets of the inner city alone. He was once again released from his petty crime and was on his way returning 'home'. His last visit to the ZPD replayed in his mind over and over again. But not behind because of his actual experience he had, but because he saw him again. Travis was there, right in front of him. He never thought he would actually see him again...

The weasel came to the shady part of the city and let out a deep sigh as he continued down the dimly lit streets. He stopped in front of an abandoned building and looked from left to right and slipped into the building. He always made sure nobody saw him as the front door was boarded up but he could get in through a hole in the wall covered up by a sheet of plywood. The two story building was abandoned even when he was a child. Duke sighed once again once he was inside. All that was waiting for him was the things he collected and made into furniture. The rest of the rooms were boarded up so he made the living room his main spot, having an old ripped up couch to sleep on and an old CRT TV that he found on the side of the street once. He managed to tap into his surrounding neighbor's cable without their knowledge. The weasel plopped down on the couch and coughed as dust fluttered into the air. He looked at the TV and cut it on. He didn't really pay attention to what was on the screen, he just wanted some noise to distract him for a while.

Once again the Blackfoot ferret flashed in his mind once again. He just couldn't shake it. The thing that really got to him, Travis looked happy to actually see him. But that didn't make sense, considering what happened back then...


Travis took a deep breath to calm himself. The weight of what was happening finally hit him. This was it, right here. Right now. He had already said goodbye to his parents and his best friend and was standing alone at the bus stop. He was really alone, all by himself. The train arrived and Travis quickly climbed on board. After getting his ticket checked and getting himself to relax. Not too soon the train started its path to the city of Zootopia.

This is it, the first step to it all: college. This is finally the time.

The ferret looked out the window watching the environment gradually change from the fields and plains of Bunnyburrow to the area of Sahara Square. It was an environment that bothered him. He spent his whole life up to this point around gardens and farmer's fairs. The idea of living in a dry place with a majority of sand instead of soil was just unpleasant to him. He was sure that Gideon would agree.

The train flew through a tunnel and Travis felt the temperature around him gradually dropping. The windows fogged from the shift as well. Wiping it away Travis saw the tunnel pass and now instead of sand the land was snow and ice. Just like Sahara Square he wasn't a fan of Tundratown either. There was no way he could live in winter everyday. He didn't even like the winters that came around back home.

Another tunnel came and the temperature shifted back to a comfortable level. On the other side of the tunnel Travis was amazed by the Rainforest District. As he was going into the study of agriculture, the ferret was very interested in how the environment was maintained and what kind of plants actually grew there. He was sure there were a bunch of tropical fruits growing there. The next tunnel approached, Travis was actually sorry to see it gone.

As the last tunnel passed he was finally there at last. In Zootopia. It felt unreal for him. The ferret had always thought and dreamed about going to college in the big city but to see that those dreams were coming true was something Travis was still currently processing.

The train came to a stop in the square of the city. Travis took his first step into Zootopia. He had to wait a little bit to find his bags but he did eventually get them. He already had the money to hail a cab to the university building.

Even though he had to carry his own luggage, he did it with a smile on his face. It had hit him that he was in Zootopia, the city that anyone can be anything apparently. And what he wanted to be was a major in agriculture and that was what he was gonna do.

"Taxi! Taxi!," Travis shouted over the crowd of other animals. Luckily for him the cab stopped and he threw his bag in and hopped inside along with it.

It had been a long day of being shown what felt like every little thing that the campus had to offer. All he wanted to do now was find his dorm and take a nap or two. His classes started tomorrow and he wanted a chance to at least get a feel for his dorm and meet his roommate. It was that moment that it hit him that he had no idea where he was headed and it was going to be like this for a few days. He was already staying up late at night in anticipation of coming here and now being here brought those feelings back full force.

Travis stopped in his tracks and took a deep breath. I can do this, I can do this.

After a lot of walking back and forth and asking for directions a few times, Travis found the building he was housed in. The one the freshman stayed in, duh. Dragging his stuff to the building he pressed the button. His mom and dad stored the rest of his things in a truck that would be here the next day, hopefully after classes. As he stood on the elevator to the 4th floor he thought about what his dorm would be like. He had the key with him, and he also thought about what his roommate would be like. Stepping out of the elevator and making his way to room 5 he opened the door and was greeted to an empty dorm room. He dropped his suitcase on the bed that sat on the left side of the room. The room itself was a decent size. In addition to his own stuff coming in he would already have to dig into his savings and go buy some things for the bare dorm. He needed something for his bed that already felt hard as dried corn, at least the room came with a microwave.

It was pretty late when he unpacked his clothes and the few things he could also squeeze in the case with them. At the very least he managed to stuff a pillow and a blanket to try and sleep on. He climbed on his bed and assured himself that things were always the most hectic on the first days.

Travis had the day off from work, which was nice, but he had no real idea of what he wanted to do for the day. Working with Gideon was something he was always doing whether it was baking with him or looking over the finances. Sometimes he would even take work with him when Gideon would make unexpected purchases. But he didn't mind, it gave him something to do and he was helping out his best friend in the whole world.

He was sure that Gideon was spending his day off with Judy. He found their relationship to be cute and Gideon was certainly happy. It shocked the ferret when he first heard the one who finally snatched up Gid's heart was none other than the "dumb bunny cop". He still felt bad when he thought of how he acted as a kid. He considered it a much deserved reversal when he and Gideon went to highschool and as freshman were the targets of the very things they did to others. Of course Gideon was a fighter and just took it as a challenge. But it put things in perspective for Travis. When he picked on others, more specifically when he would encourage Gideon, he never considered what he was doing to others. In Travis and Gideon's eyes they were just having a good time, it was the victim's fault if they were being picked on. Maybe they shouldn't have been weak, or a crybaby or whatever have you.

He shook his head from the memories and took a moment to reassure himself he came out of high school a much better mammal than before, Gideon did too.

He was proud of his friend and how far along he had come. He was also impressed that he's dating Judy, the famous bunny cop. And he recently met her best friend Nick and his boyfriend Finnick, whom he had met a long time before. He sighed to himself and realized that the people around him had something going for them. Gideon has his bakery, Judy is a cop, Nick and Finnick seemed to be happy and successful with their own lives. But as for himself. He wasn't doing bad, but he couldn't help but compare himself to those around him. All he accomplished was dropping out of college and having to explain it to his parents. They were supportive, but he felt that he let them down. And Travis also felt he let himself down.

Now he was laying on his couch staring at the ceiling all alone. He had no significant other to spend his free time with. He did once, a mammal that popped into the ferret's mind once again. He never expected to see Duke again, let alone talk to him. He knew that Duke wasn't on the best path, but he couldn't stop thinking about him. And Duke seemed genuinely happy to see him. The more he thought about it the more frustrated with himself he felt. He couldn't take it anymore.

He picked up his phone and dialed a number he knew he could depend on. He heard the dial ring a few times and let out a sigh of relief when the receiver picked up.

"Hello?" Nick's voice said through the phone.

"Hey, Nick!" Travis started. "Look, I'm bored out of my mind here and I was wondering if you and Finnick are free.... If we could go out for some drinks?"

"Sure, I'll see if Finnick's up for it," Nick's voice went muffled for a few seconds and returned. "Yeah, we're up for it!"

Not too soon after the three gathered and went to a cheap bar to drink.

"So is there a reason you're doing this?" Nick asked the ferret.

"I ain't complaining," Finnick shrugged before downing another shot.

"Well, the truth is. I'm kinda confused. These last few days... I can't stop thinking about Duke," Travis admitted, taking a sip of his beer.

"The weasel?" Finnick perked. "You're not serious."

"He wasn't always the way he is now, a long time ago we used to date and he was a great guy with a whole future ahead of him. But now.... And even though I know he's trouble, I can't stop thinking about him," Travis sighed before downing his mug. He had no idea what he was thinking or doing anymore.

"You know what you should do?" Finnick hiccuped. "You should call him up and admit you wanna fuck."

"Finnick. You're not wrong, but that's not helping," Nick snickered and rolled his eyes. "If you ask me I think you should call him, but just start it off casually and then ask him if he wants to meet."

"You think something like that will work?" Travis whimpered.

"Not while you're still sober. Trust me, these kinds of things are best done when you're kinda wasted," Finnick encouraged.

"Okay, Finnick. I think you've had enough," Nick groaned, pushing the next shot glass away from the short fox. "Just make the call and see what happens."

Traivs nodded and hopped from the bar stool he was sitting on. He pulled out his phone after walking a couple of feet away. He dialed the number and hoped the Duke didn't change it.

Duke laid on the worn couch, staring up at the ceiling. His phone buzzed and he jumped in surprise. He pulled out the old blackberry he had since forever and looked at the caller ID. It was unknown. Usually he would decline them, but this time he felt that he should take a chance and answer it.

"Yo," Duke answered.

"Uh, Duke? Is that you?" Travis' voice made the weasel freeze in place.

"T-Travis?" Duke stammered.

"Hey, Duke. I know that this is out of nowhere, but I have been...thinking about you a lot lately. And I just wanted to know if we could meet up," Travis requested.

Duke felt numb for a whole second. Was this for real? "Uh, yeah. Sure. You thought of a place?"

"Um, how about? The train station. That's a good place, right?" Travis offered.

"Yeah, yeah. I can do that," Duke said quickly.

"Okay, that sounds great. I'll see you there tomorrow," Travis said before hanging up and taking a deep breath. "I did it.."

"How did it go?" Nick asked as the ferret returned.

"Pretty good. He picked up and we agreed to meet tomorrow," Travis explained, a bit excited.

"See, it all worked out," Nick chuckled. He reached into his pocket, pulled out his wallet and paid his share of the tab.

"Alright, Finnick and I are out of here. We should do this again sometime," Nick offered.

"Sure," Travis nodded. He watched Nick reach over and pick up Finnick who was mumbling something. Travis soon paid the rest of the tab and left the bar feeling a nervous excitement about the event tomorrow.