Nothing but Love (chapter 2)

Story by AlyxandrDingo on SoFurry

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#2 of Nothing but Love

Disclaimer: Hello! Welcome to chapter 2 of my series, Nothing but Love. In this chapter, we shall see many interesting things including _____ and ___________ and also ____________________, plus _____ which should be interesting. I hope you like those things because there's gonna be a lot of it. Now, the annoying part. This story is for adults only and includes many sexual acts between men and thus, if you are not old enough (depending on your location. Not by my standards) or do not find such actions enjoyable or acceptable (i.e. if you are straight, afraid of sex, a monk, or just plain weird) then please close your internet browser and try again later. If you do however find such events exciting, intriguing, or even slightly arousing, do one of the following plus the last one. A) if you haven't already, consider the possibility that you are gay. B) Unzip your fly and/or remove pants. C) Get yourself ready using whatever method you find works for you. E) Find a comfortable position to sit or lay in with lots of elbow room for maneuverability. F) Begin reading, playing with whatever equipment you've got (in case a girl who likes gay stories is reading this). G) Enjoy the story feeling free to comment at the bottom when finished (it's much appreciated). H) Curse yourself because you totally didn't realize that I skipped the letter D in this list. I) Silently wonder what letter D was. J) Forget about it and move on with life. K) Scroll and inch or so down and begin reading the marvel that is Nothing but Love (chapter 2).

The next morning was a nightmare. Butch hadn't gotten much sleep, for when he had gotten home, his parents were a blaze of questions, throwing one after the other at him, but never giving him enough time to answer. He had forgotten to tell his parents that he was staying after school to do some weight lifting with Coach, which he often did, and so they had no clue as to what he was up too. By the time he had batted away all worries and made sure his parents understood what had gone on (hypothetically), it was well into the night, leaving him just enough time to eat dinner and slip in a few episodes of NCIS while doing his homework. When he finally did get to sleep it was around 2:30 am.

Butch's alarm blared at him to wake up and his droopy eyes barely opened as he smacked the digital clock off. He spent a few moments lying in bed, allowing his eyes the chance to get used to the garish light streaming in through his door from the hall. His parents were both early risers, and also had a thing about leaving lights on. He'd heard, through TV mostly, that most parents were really stringent about turning lights off when you were done with them. His parents, seemingly oblivious to this world-wide parental rule, couldn't turn a light off to save their souls.

His Dad worked as a manager over at Best Buy and worked pretty long hours. He'd leave early in the morning, and work until late, making sure the store ran smoothly and that everything was fine; or something like that. Personally Butch didn't know what his Dad did at work; he could be junking out on snack foods and watching porn all day for all he knew, but in his mind he didn't envision his father doing something like that. Honestly they weren't all that close.

His Mom on the other hand was a school teacher at the elementary school. She had also been Butch's first grade teacher, something he remembered both fondly and vehemently. She had been carting Butch and his little sister to school for several years now and only recently allowed Butch to start driving there himself. He didn't care for driving all that much, but it was better than listening to his little sister singing in the car to little kid songs all the way to school. Butch loved his sister, Tanya, but he could do without the music. In his car he listened to his own music; bands like Muse and Panic! At the Disco.

As his eyes adjusted and began to focus he became aware of a small squirming mass under the covers on the small of his back. He groaned in protest as he moved to catch what he suspected it was. He reached behind him, his hand groping for the scaly green creature. As he found it he picked it up and rolled over, bringing Iggy, Tanya's green pet iguana, up in front of his face. "Now how is it that you keep ending up in my bed, or for that matter, getting out of your cage, down the stairs, and into my room," Butch rasped out. He grinned as immediately the answer's small giggle rose up from the foot of his bed.

Tanya stood up from her hiding spot at the end of the bed and ran giddily over to his side, taking the squirming green beast out of his paw and clutching it to her small frame. "I did it, Bro." At least she was honest and Butch loved her for it. He sat up and picked her up off the floor, setting her down on his bed.

"Morning Twerp," he said, suddenly pinning her against him in a gigantic grizzly hug against his bare chest. The kind of grizzly hug that he suspected Coach would give... and then it hit him. He'd almost been able to completely forget about last night events, of how he'd screwed up with Coach. With Richard. One damn kiss and everything was suddenly fucked up. He wanted to kill himself, so guilt ridden he was. Not an actual suicide of course, he didn't believe in suicide. This was one of those kinds of moments when you were so upset you just wanted to scream and roll on the floor in emotional agony.

"You know Mom doesn't like it when you call me that." The little dingo girl playfully struggled against the hug trying to escape his furry arms.

"Well, do you like it when I call you that?" Tanya stopped struggling as she pondered over an answer.

"I don't mind." She turned her head to look up at him.

"Ok, then it will be our little secret." He gave her another mini squeeze and a peck on the cheek before releasing her. "Now, go on and get dressed for school."

"OK!" She jumped off the bed and ran from the room. Just as she was leaving though she stuck her head back in and shouted, "By the way, Mom made pancakes. She wants to know if you want some." Butch nodded his head once. Tanya dashed from the doorway and Butch closed it and locked it behind him.

Butch liked his room and he liked his solitude more. His parents were nice enough and trusting enough to make an entire floor just for him. When they moved into this house several years ago, before Tanya was even born, the basement was unfinished; but as Butch grew up and Tanya was born there wasn't enough room unless Butch shared his room. His parents decided instead, to Butch's great relief, to finally finish the basement. Now, from the stairs there is a small living room with a comfortable couch, a TV and a few game systems and a treadmill (a more recent addition) tucked into the corner. Along one wall is also a small bar with a fridge, a microwave and a stove top. Butch kept the fridge stocked with food in case he needs to stay up late and gets hungry, so he doesn't have to go upstairs and possibly wake anybody up.

Straight in front of the staircase is a door leading off into Butch's room. Butch's room was pretty big, a pleasant living space with a desk for working, a dresser for his clothes with a mirror atop it, and a large king sized bed with a purple micro suede comforter. Even with all this the room was still quite spacious and Butch had a few framed artworks hanging on the wall and a square rug on the floor to add color and interest to the open space. Even though he had a dresser, most of his clothes were hanging in his huge walk in closet. When they were designing the new basement, his parents didn't know what to do with a large empty area in the plan so they decided to convert it into a larger closet for Butch rather than wall it off and add a door in the hall to it as a storage area. In Butch's opinion, it was really more than he needed, but he was happy with it.

The only door leading into his personal bathroom was in his room too. It had a sink, and a toilet like most bathrooms, but also a large shower big enough you could lay in it. It had several shower heads with many different settings, including a pleasant mist setting, which Butch really liked to just sit under. The shower also had a small bench built into one side and a shelf for all his shower products. Just outside the sliding glass door was a cabinet where he kept his towels and extra toilet paper. He also kept a few of his "toys" there in an ornate wooden lock box. The box had been a gift from his uncle, a man who was openly gay and loved by most of the family.

Butch's uncle had once visited around Butch's birthday and with him he'd brought a present for Butch. The present was large and Butch couldn't wait to open it but had to wait a day before he could. When he finally was allowed to open his presents, he saved his uncle's for last, eagerly tearing into the bright wrapping paper, exposing a sturdy looking dark wood box with intricate hand carved markings on its surface and a large decorative silver lock on it. The box was actually about eight inches tall, a foot and a half wide, and a foot deep. Inside it, at first when Butch opened it, was a large chocolate kiss set in the middle of the soft purple fabric liner. Butch had instantly fallen in love with the box and its beauty.

Later that same day, in a moment of privacy, his uncle had revealed to Butch that he knew his secret. It turns out, he told Butch, that he had browsed Butch's computer and internet history and discovered that Butch was gay through his frequent visits to certain questionable sites. He had a lengthy talk with Butch about the dangers of pornography and told him to be careful when viewing, and to always delete his history. Butch at first had been terrified but then took his uncle's words to heart. In the end, his uncle had told Butch of a safe site that he periodically used and gave him his account info so that he could use it. Then he presented Butch with a smaller gift box and inside, to Butch's delight, was his first toy, which he instantly stored in his new lock box. Since then, Butch had acquired newer, and some bigger, toys and he kept most of them in the box with a selection of lubricants and condoms, safe under lock and key. The key itself he always kept with him, strung on a tight leather cord around his neck.

Granted, he didn't use them a lot, usually just every now and then, but still he had them, and that's where they were. Butch pulled a towel out of the third shelf of the cabinet and set it down on the back of the toilet. He lifted the seat and hooked his thumbs into his silken boxers, the only thing he wore to sleep. He let the fabric fall from his waist as he aimed his morning wood at the toilet bowl, seeking relief for his full bladder. Butch wasn't one for water sports or anything dealing with pee, in fact he thought it was pretty gross, but he wouldn't deny that the first piss of the day always felt good. Coach had shared his sentiments about urine, telling Butch of how he had once tried the fetish with a friend and had had to take an hour long shower before he felt at all decent and normal again. It was not an experience he was going to repeat, nor was he going to put Butch through it either.

At the very thought of Coach, like a magic word almost, Butch's morning wood went limp in his hand and despair crippled him. He needed to confront this. He'd never realized just how much he thought about Coach in a day, now in just a matter of minutes he had gone through mental hell twice. There had to be a way to rectify the situation, but he had no idea even where to begin. He stepped away from his boxers and put the toilet seat down, flushing it as he turned toward the shower. He opened the glass door and turned on the water, waiting to enter until the water was just right.

Finally as the shower began to steam a little, he stepped into the water's hot streams, sighing as the heat permeated his pelt and eased his mind. Something about water always was able to settle him down and calm him. Butch sat down on the bench, letting the water run its course down his chest. He reached over and turned on the secondary faucets, more water raining down from above. Once he was completely soaked with the warm relief, he turned the second faucet off and lathered shampoo into his fur, massaging morning soreness away with his fingers. The soapy lather engulfed him and he didn't stop until he was absolutely sure he was covered from head to toe. He stepped into the water's stream again, giving the second faucet a quick flick to reawaken its stream; the lather didn't stand a chance, gliding off his frame in the water's cascade.

Butch turned the water off and grabbed his towel, drying off as much as possible. He rubbed the soft fabric against every part of his being until all his fur was fluffy and dry. Butch examined himself in the mirror, smoothing out parts of his fur and giving extra fluff to others, particularly his chest. His hair he ran a quick hand through just to give it a shape. There wasn't really much you could do with his hair, it was a short orange and generally just fell where it needed to; he didn't like to let it get long because then it was unruly and impossible to tame.

He walked back into his room and looked for some clothes, tossing his night shorts back his bed and covering them with the sheets. Butch opened the top drawer of his dresser, where he kept his jocks, socks, and various other things, such as belts, scarves and neckerchiefs. Glancing over at his clock, the neon screen displayed the predicted temperature of the day. Basically, really cold. He grabbed a black wide band jockstrap out of his drawer and chucked a belt, a pair of socks, and a green knit scarf on his bed. He expertly stepped into his strap as he walked over to his closet, deciding his prevailing color schemes of the day would be green and black.

From his closet, Butch picked out a tight fitting pair of black jeans with faded knees and a tight black undershirt. He quickly pulled the clothes on, mindfully threading his tail through the provided split and fastening the button above it, as he looked for an appropriate jacket. He had a very large selection of clothes, more than most guys anyway he would say. In the end he chose a dark green suede light jacket and black and grey flannel jacket. He slipped the Jacket on as he walked back to his bed and collected the belt, slipping it through the belt loops on his pants. He left the flannel jacket, the socks, and the knit scarf on his bed as he slipped out of the room, hitting the light switch behind him.

Butch jumped up the stairs two at a time and rounded the corner, dashing across the living room towards the dining room. Tanya was already sitting at the table with a heaping pile of pancakes, digging in with her fork. "Good morning Butch," his mother chimed in her usual high voice. Butch's mother was a little old fashion in her approach to the world. Today it was showing plainly in her old style hair-do and her retro apron. She was always upbeat and interesting at the very least, and she generally went through phases. Her current phase was set in the 1960 -70's or something like that, but Butch was used to her interesting ways and quirky personality.

"Good morning. One heaping pile of pancakes please!" Butch took his seat across from Tanya and waited for his Mom to bring him his plate. In the morning, his mother would refuse to let anyone get their own plate and would sit them down and bring it to them. Personally Butch would rather get his own plate, but he was getting used to it. She came back into the dining room with a plate with five plump fluffy pancakes, each one already buttered with a lake of syrup drooling over its sides. "Thanks Mom." As she set the plate down, Butch gave his mother a quick peck on the cheek and then quickly devoured his meal, sponging up every drop of the syrup with the light pancakes. When he was finished he picked up his plate and dropped it off in the sink before running back downstairs.

With a quick glance at his alarm clock, he realized if he didn't leave now, he'd be late. Butch slipped his arms through the flannel jacket and then put his socks on, sliding on his steel toe boots. Butch liked boots more than he liked tennis shoes. He just found them more comfortable, he didn't know why. After he tied the laces up, he threw the scarf around his neck and pulled his pack into place. Once he was comfortably ready and knew he had everything he left his room and ran upstairs and out the door.

He closed the door just as his Mom and little sister left the driveway, making their own way to school for the day. His dad was also just now climbing into his car about to leave for work. Butch locked the door with his key and jogged down the stairs of the porch to his PT Cruiser, unlocking the door with a click of a button and sweeping into the vehicle in one practiced move. Butch started the quiet purr of his engine and drove off to school.

The drive was mostly uneventful, and he smoothly pulled into his favorite parking spot. It was only a short distance from the parking lot to the main entry way. His school was pretty basic. There were two main entrances, one on either side of the building. The first was closer to the parking lot and it was where students came in from, trickling in from cars and busses into the commons area. The other entrance was across from it and was right next to the main office and the front doors to the auditorium. The rest of the building, embarrassingly enough was shaped like a penis. The balls were formed through a large cluster of larger rooms including the gyms, the auditorium and the commons. The fine arts rooms were also on this end of the building. The rest of the building was a long hallway with classrooms on both sides. Here you had, in order going down the hall, the library, the computer labs, the language arts and English rooms, the science, chemistry and biology rooms, the med classes, and the math and history classes at the very end of the hall. This formed the shaft of the penis. It was a standing joke among the students that at the end of the year they were all going to dress up in white gowns and run down the hallway and out the double doors at the tip, simulating (if seen from above) a climax. So far, no one had dared for fear of getting in trouble with the school principle.

Mrs. Hashing, a grotesquely fat hippo and the school principle, was the foulest, most ridiculously stupid woman in the world. She had no idea how to run a school properly and tried to cover for it by making the school's students suffer as much as possible with absurd new school rules and standards. A prime example of this was when a student's pants accidentally ripped in the crotch, displaying his crotch for all to see. The student was mortified and didn't know what to do. The principle happened to be nearby when it happened and took the student to the main office. The student was given a day's suspension for the inappropriate display and the next day there was a new rule instituted that banned student's from wearing pants with any holes in them, even if the hole was down over the students shin or something. There wasn't a soul in the school who didn't wish she would drop dead.

Usually when Butch got to school he'd go and check in with Coach, but right now Butch didn't think he could handle it; it just felt too awkward. Instead he headed straight to his first class. The most awkward moment came during fourth period, gym class. Butch was nervous as hell walking into the school gymnasium. He wasn't sure how Coach would act and he didn't know how he should act either. He entered the gym timidly, not sure what to expect. Standing in his usual place, Coach watched as the students came and entered the locker room, getting ready for class. Butch slowly walked over to Coach, stopping just shy of him, too scared to get closer. Coach just stared at him, a deep, bitter sadness, and tired rings under his eyes. Butch didn't know what to say, so he just stood there.

"Well? Go on, get dressed; class is about to begin." The words flowed out of Coach strenuously, not harsh, but not caring either. The words were heavily laden with pain, his gruff voice not as friendly as it once was. Butch supposed this was how he talked to most students, plus a layer of pain on top of it, but it jarred him to his core. Coach had always spoken to him with such care and... love. Tears bit at the corners of his eyes, but he ignored them, refusing to let them fall in front of Coach. He entered the locker room and got changed into his gym clothes.

Nothing truly interesting occurred the rest of day and when the day was over Butch left and went home. The following day was just the same. He talked with a couple of his friends at lunch and paid attention in class, but other than that didn't really do anything worth reporting. Not once though, did he and Coach speak. Mr. Fenton reminded him to have a bag packed for Friday so that he'd be ready to leave.

When Butch got home on Thursday he immediately set to work, finishing his homework in a flash, all he had to do was finish a drawing for an art project, and it was simple. After that he pulled a large duffel bag from his closet and began neatly forming a pile of everything he would need on his bed. He packed twelve over shirts, twenty undershirts, and five pairs of jeans, several jockstraps and socks and a couple belts. Then he set aside a few jackets and his special pair of silk boxers to wear to bed. Once all this was tucked away in the bag he headed into his bathroom to pack his toiletries. He took everything he needed, including a bottle of lube, a couple condoms, and one of his toys, just in case. If all else failed, he figured he could think of a way to arrange for Mr. Fenton to "accidentally" walk in on him in the middle of pleasuring himself with a dildo. With any luck, Mr. Fenton will step in and replace the fake bull cock with what Butch imagined was a huge endowment.

Once everything was ready, he slipped out of his clothes and was about to put his boxers on when he decided to get in a quickie. By this time it was late at night and everybody else in the house was asleep. So, completely nude, he quietly left his room and entered his office, bringing along with him the biggest toy he had. It was shaped in the fashion of a horse, and even had a hollow tube in the base of it. The hole was made so that you could slip your own dick inside of the toy. It was actually quite fun to take it and slip on to the base of his cock, letting the ends of his sheath cover the edge of the toy, making it look like he actually had a horse cock.

He closed the door of the office behind him and locked it, walking over to where he kept his personal computer. He quickly wiggled the mouse, taking a seat in the comfortable desk chair, the screen brightening up at his attention. He double clicked on the icon for Firefox and the window opened up on the screen. He easily opened up the page to his favorite porn site, the one his uncle had given him access to, and browsed the movies catalog. The site was awesome; his uncle paid for the account they shared and Butch got access to thousands of good quality, sometimes lengthy, movies. He had several of them favorite on the account and so did his Uncle. They weren't able to make two different files for each of them, but they had discovered that it didn't really matter since they normally favorite stuff that the other liked too.

Butch determined to browse his favorites list instead of looking for new movies, wondering if his Uncle had added anything interesting. As luck would have, there was a very extensive portion of new movies. As Butch scrolled through the movies, one caught his eye. It was called After Practice. The teaser picture had a big gruff bear wearing blue gym shorts with a yellow stripe down the sides. His chest was bare and his fur was a thick dark reddish brown; around his neck hung a whistle, the classic prop for all coaches. The big bear was standing over a younger pup, a golden retriever with a slight orange tinge to his fur; he was lying on a press bench, staring longingly up the pant leg of the coach's shorts, both men heavily tented.

Butch stared at the picture for a few moments, his growing arousal signaling him to watch the video. He leaned back in his chair and clicked the vid link and sat back, ready to enjoy. As usual, first rolled the intro credits, introducing the stars of the show, but Butch didn't care who they were, he only wanted to see their story. He absent mindedly suckled the end of his dildo, coating it with saliva for later use. Butch loved sucking cock, and it didn't matter that it was fake, because at least it felt real in his mouth.

After the credit roll, the movie began, the lights fading into a gym scene. The coach was lifting weights in front of a mirror, his muscles rippling with exerted effort as the weight rose and fell with his breathes. This went on for a short time, the bear changing weights and lifting styles, working out different groups of muscles. The dog entered the scene wearing shorter than needed, tight gym shorts and a really tight tank top, coated in sweat like he'd been running. The two nodded at each other and the dog picking a spot near the bear to stretch. The bear eyed the dog's rump, lifting heavier weights now. The dog caught the bear looking and gave him a bigger show, stretching further and displaying his young ass with a smile. The bear ditched his weights and stepped up behind the dog as he bent forward, grinding his loins into the pups crack. The pup grinned at the man widely, pushing back against him lewdly.

The dog stepped away from the big hulking bear and sat down on a nearby bench press. The bear followed rubbing his crotch, groping himself giving the viewers a good idea of his package. The lab just swayed in place, smiling like a damn fool until the bear was right in front of him. The bear stared down at him and the lab figured out what he wanted pretty quickly. He licked his lips and reached, feeling the bear up.

The bear groaned and let his head lull backwards, sighing as the dog's fingers roved over his covered cock. Butch watched enviously as the dog prowled the bear's privates. He started deep throating the dildo, enjoying the feeling of cock nudging the back of his gullet. Butch murred quietly around the fake manhood, his salivary glands kicking into overdrive as he drooled excessively around it. His cock throbbed in the cool air, crying out for his attention, but he was entirely focused on the porno and the cock.

By this time, the dog had succeeded in removing the bear's shorts, revealing the porno industries other trademark coach relic; a bright yellow jockstrap with a solid black waistband strained to contain the bear meat behind it. A look of pure lust crossed the dog's face and a more feral growl emerged from the coach's mouth as his dominant urges took over. He pushed the dog down on his back on the bench press, and crossed over to the head of the bench as if he were going to spot the dog. He brushed the pouch of his jock aside, his large cock flopping out the side. He squatted a bit and the dog shimmied up the bench so his head was angled back. The bear grabbed his throat and yanked his mouth open, shoving his fat fleshy cock into his mouth.

The lab choked around the wide girth of the bear's manhood. The bear, wrapped his large paw around the boy's maw, closing it around his length. The dog obligingly formed a vacuum seal with his lips, the bear giving an experimental shove, bucking his hips into the lab's face. Then the bear began to lustily hump the dog's mouth, forcefully face fucking him, the dog's tail wagging joyfully as his man used him.

Butch tilted his head back, sliding the dildo into the back of his throat. He let out a sigh around the black length, sinking it all the way into his gullet like a sword swallower swallows his sword. When it became harder for him to breathe, he removed the intrusion, now generously coated in saliva.

By this time the coach was violently thrusting into the dog's maw, his throat visibly contracting and expanding as he juggled between breathing and swallowing. The look on the bear's face made it abundantly clear that he was close. With one grunting pelvic thrust, he roared out, planting his seed deep in the lab on the bench press. The dog struggled to swallow the huge load. After the initial flood, the bear slowly pulled his cock free, milking the last strands of bear spunk onto the dog's outstretched tongue, begging for the taste of his partner, not wanting it to leave him.

Butch watched in longing at the fantasy situation, most people never getting to experience this kind of situation. To the vast majority of people, this kind of thing never happens, it's just a fantasy, something to dream about but never attain. But Butch had experienced, he had had his Coach in just the same way the lab had the coach; had it, and lost it. The pangs of loss ached in his heart, but he continued to watch the video, despite the painful emptiness it made him aware of; for the soul reason that he didn't want it to end, just like he hadn't wanted his relationship with Coach to end. But it had ended, and Butch realized there was no sense in lingering over it. He was only opening old wounds, pouring salt in them. He set down the toy and turned off the video, not even caring to watch the second half, no doubt filled with raunchy anal sex between the two, in one way or another. It was a classic porno combination; first oral, then anal, then a conclusion to adds suspense or indicate a sequel.

Butch reached into a desk drawer, pulling out a cloth wiping the spit off the toy, not even caring to use it anymore. No sense in loosening himself up before his big winter break with Mr. Fenton. He'd probably be filled soon enough and he didn't want Mr. Fenton to think he was a loose whore or anything. Once the toy was clean he deleted his search history and closed the internet window. He left his study and walked to his room, depositing his toy in his wooden box, before locking it up and pulling on his boxers. He hopped into bed, pulling the covers over his body, blocking out the cold of the night. He flipped the light switch near his bed, turning the lights off and sinking into oblivion.

Wow. Okay, so.... here it is, chapter 2. I hope you like what I have here. I can't tell you how little time I've had to write at all and its through sheer force of will that this much was written. After a while It became apparent that if I tried to continue the chapter further, it could be a while, and i figured you guys had waited enough. so here's what I have and I'll continue the rest of what was supposed to be in this chapter in chapter 3. Hope you like it, hope its not to uneventful. Either way, its here, here it is, thank you for reading. PLEASE leave your brain matter. (that means please comment, NOT bash your head on the computer til brain matter comes out. thats unhealthy and could get me in trouble. please DON'T leave actual brain matter.)enjoy.