Taming the Wilds Chapter 21

Story by Dani Drake on SoFurry

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#21 of Taming The Wilds

Brigirth learns his lover's name and helps him recover fully with help from new friends.

"Hm? What?" Brigirth yawned and stretched in the soft morning light. A familiar sensation washed over him, curling his toes with its gentle pleasure, and he lifted his tail. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw crimson ears wiggling above his rump, and he smiled to himself. "You know the way to a guy's heart, don't you, loverboy?" A soft growl met his words, and as the fog of sleep cleared, the sensations from his clenching hole intensified. Thorough as he was aggressive, the kitsune delved deep into his dragon lover's rear, his dripping tongue lapping around inside Brigirth as if his life depended on it. Soft suction pulled at Brigirth's pucker, forcing un-manly noises from his toothy maw and puffing his entrance with each passing moment. It wasn't until Brigirth felt himself grow sloppy, gaping with the kitsune's lewd efforts, that he pulled back, rubbing his cheek against Brigirth's plump rump. Raising his rear and giving it a teasing shake, Brigirth flashed his vulpine lover a lazy smirk. "Come on, sweety. Don't hold back. I know how badly you want to breed me." Clenching his gaped hole softly, he shivered at the drool of kitsune saliva rolling down his balls. He must have been worshipping Brigirth's rear for quite a while. What a sweetheart. Such a caring lover deserved a reward. Always the gentleman, the kitsune's first thrust was slow and measured, arching Brigirth's back with a careful stretch. There was no urgency in his movements, and he seemed to savor every inch that disappeared into his dragon lover, his member bouncing in time with his heartbeat. His fingertips drew slow circles over Brigirth's back, lighting up his nerves with feathery soft touches and trailing down to rest on his ample, scaly rear in a claiming grip. Brigirth never felt anything so sensual, and by the time the fox man bottomed out inside of him, he was squirming and panting with sensory overload. Even the most demanding master could never wring this chest tightening pleasure from his body, and he hadn't even reached his climax yet! Silently, he pledged himself to his nameless lover, digging his claws into the ground and surrendering to pure sensation.

Every thrust, every twitch of the kitsune's cock, every squeeze of his scaly rump, tailored themselves to Brigirth's pleasure, wrapping his body in a haze of lust, and he barely noticed the kitsune's quickening pace. No resistance remained around that wonderfully warm cock, and Brigirth's slack, relaxed walls shivered with each delving thrust aimed directly at his most sensitive spots. Soft kisses peppered Brigirth's back, trailing to the nape of his neck.

Brigirth's prostate could only take so much milking, and eventually, the slow build of his orgasm washed over him, tensing his body and painting the ground beneath him in gooey excess. "Oh, gods, breed me. Please. I need it." He tried his best to clench, his tail wrapping around the kitsune's waist, but exhaustion took its toll, and his body went limp beneath his grinding lover, held up only by the vulpine's capable hands on his hips.

Deliciously slick vulpine cock wasn't far behind, and Brigirth felt teeth sink into the meat of his shoulder as big, sweat-slicked balls pressed hard against his and warmth bloomed deep inside him, bathing every inch of his innards in decadently excessive kitsune seed. "L-L-Love B-Brig." Muffled and dreamy, the kitsune's first words sent an arrow through Brigirth's heart, intensifying the sensations racing through every inch of his body.

Slow and messy with dripping evidence of their union, Brigirth pulled himself off the kitsune's flagging erection, rolling himself onto his back and drawing the dreamy man down on top of him, a few inches away from the creamy mud Brigirth's fountaining member created. Maroon lips sought out the kitsune's, and his fingers coiled in crimson hair while he coaxed that soft tongue to explore his mouth.

"I-Isamu." the kitsune's face contorted with effort when the kiss broke, and he pressed a finger to his chest. His name? Brigirth was touched that he tried so hard to make himself understood for his sake. With his introduction and their first proper mating out of the way, the kitsune draped himself over Brigirth's chest, nuzzling into his scaled neck with a contented smile. Somehow, Isamu became even more cuddly after sex, and his soft, glistening skin felt so right pressed up against Brigirth's scales.

Several minutes passed before Brigirth forced himself to stand, helping Isamu to his feet. The kitsune's limp was improving, and he could easily walk on his own now, though he still leaned heavily against Brigirth, and the dragon shivered as gentle fingers slid inside his drooling tunnel to tease him. Still, he loved the claiming touches, and he had to admit that the sloppy, wet sounds brought a stiffness to his small draconic member.

Now that Brigirth's mind returned to some semblance of sanity, he was beginning to recognize his surroundings. Ko's stories had often told of the beautiful flowers and dense forest near his family's home, along with the thick, misty air tinged with sweet herbal scents. Somehow, it made sense. Brigirth's sick, desperately lonely mind must have led him into the wilds of Shoufey in search of the one piece of Ko that still existed, his family.

Ko's loved ones deserved to know of his passing, and he could fulfill the tanuki's fondest wish at the same time. Brigirth could still remember Ko's wistful expression as he described his Grandchildren's smiling faces after he baked them their favorite sweets. The tanuki would constantly talk about leaving Lopestown once his apprentices could take his place and returning to his hidden home to visit them once more before he grew too old to make the journey. Unfortunately, he never got the chance.

If Brigirth's memory was correct, he only needed to travel to the North once the mists appeared among the trees, and he would find Ko's home. Thankfully, Ko's words echoed once again in his mind, reminding him that moss only grew on the northern sides of trees, and he could follow the direction of the forest itself.

Isamu couldn't care less about their destination if his affectionate gaze focused on Brigirth more than his surroundings revealed his thoughts. Whenever Brigirth's gaze wandered down to the fox, without fail, silver eyes stared up at him in innocent wonder and a handsome face snuggled into his arm, fingers sliding between his own. The sight never failed to make his heart melt, and he had to stop himself from rewarding his lover for his devotion. If he let the feelings rising in his chest free, they would make love for weeks before he could even think of doing anything else.

A warning growl alerted the dragon to a newcomer, and he felt soft vulpine tails bristle out in alarm against his leg. Following Isamu's gaze, Brigirth barely managed to step back before a sword sliced through the space he was occupying moments ago.

"Hey, you, big guy. Fight me. You look like you'll provide a decent challenge." An excited voice drifted from the sword's owner, and Brigirth finally got a good look at him. Bare-chested and impossibly fluffy with a thick mane of curly fur, he reminded Brigirth of a posturing canine, yapping for attention. Thick metal rings dangled from his nipples, and his nose held another between flaring canine nostrils while his pointed ears sported a string of metal studs.

"Lu Meng, what did I say about attacking travelers?" A stern voice echoed from behind the lion-dog, and Brigirth winced as its owner's foot aggressively connected with the lion-dog's crotch. Lu Meng crumpled to the floor under the assault, but surprisingly, his panting face looked aroused rather than pained.

The newcomer was the spitting image of Ko in almost every way. Kind, amethyst eyes, the same fur pattern, and even the same massive endowments swaying between his legs marked him as Ko's kin, though he was thin, almost bony, and one of his ears jingled with a small pair of bells on a chain. He stomped on the writhing lion-dog's package with one foot while smiling at Brigirth, drawing pained barks from the helpless furball. "I'm so sorry about him. He's a good protector, but he gets overly excited at the prospect of battle. You know how Komainu are. All fight, no sense."

"Is he alright?" Brigirth raised an eye ridge at the tanuki's rough treatment, though he could see the komainu's loincloth tenting under the testicular assault. His manhood throbbed with phantom pain in sympathy for the lion-dog's tortured balls.

"Would you believe that he's the one that asked me to do this?" The tanuki sighed, pulling Lu Meng up from the ground by one of his pierced ears. Crimson eyes stared at the tanuki with something akin to love, drool dripping from his tongue and his legs shaking. "Wore me down until I indulged him, and now he begs me to do stuff like this." Clawed fingers released their hold on the lion dog, letting him step back with a sheepish whimper. The tanuki gripped Brigirth's hand in a firm handshake, staring at Isamu with interest as the kitsune gave a barely audible, jealous growl. "I'm Bo. What brings you to my humble home? I see your friend is injured, but it seems he's already received treatment."

"Oh, um, I'm a friend of Ko's. Could we sit down? I have something important to tell you." With the gravity of Brigirth's news, he wanted to make sure they were situated somewhere safe and comfortable. Ko always said that tea and a comfy seat helped one absorb bad news.

"Oh, you know Grandfather? Come, come. I'll break out the good tea, and you can tell me how he's doing!" There was a bounce in the tanuki's step as he dragged the perverted komainu behind him by one of his pierced nipples. His happiness sunk Brigirth's heart. Was he going to ruin this boy's day with news of his beloved grandfather's death?

Cozy and warm inside, with fragrant bundles of herbs hanging as far as the eye cared to roam, the inside of Bo's cottage was pretty much what Brigirth expected from Ko's family. As he took a seat at a sturdy table, he steeled himself, squeezing Isamu's hand for support, then launching into the tale of Ko's death, tears streaming freely down his cheeks as he remembered that charred, gentle smile.

Bo was silent through Brigirth's tearful recounting, and he sipped thoughtfully at a steaming mug of tea as Brigirth's words trailed off. Sighing gently, he wiped his watering eyes. "That sounds exactly like Grandfather. A hero's death suits him after a life spent in service of others." He swirled his cup and took a shuddering breath. "I promise it's not your fault that he's gone. He knew what he was doing, sacrificing himself for a better future for those he cared for most." Bo cleared his throat after a moment of silence and stood, walking to Brigirth's side and patting his shoulder.

"There's no use crying over something we have no control over. Instead, let's honor Grandfather's memory by using his knowledge to do some good." Bo examined Isamu's distrustful face, then slipped down to his knees to check Brigirth's handiwork, peeling the dried poultice off with gentle, experienced hands. Clinical and purposeful, his fingers felt over the mostly healed wound before he ran one of his clawed fingers along Isamu's calf. "He can't speak, can he? Is he showing signs of animalistic behavior, and does he weaken easily?"

Brigirth nodded. "Yes. I found him in a trap, and he's only managed to say his name and a few other phrases." Come to think of it, Isamu's behavior was strange. Nimei was far less bestial, and he'd never heard of a feral kitsune before. Wrapped up in his problems, he had just taken Isamu's condition at face value and wallowed in his affection. Was he ignoring something even worse than the wounds on Isamu's leg?

"Mana Sickness. And a pretty advanced case of it from the looks of it. If ignored, it can cause permanent damage to the brain." Bo rummaged around underneath a pile of fragrant herbs until he found a sparkling thread with needles at either end. "Thankfully, the treatment is easy enough. More so with a dragon involved. Hold him still now. I'll connect your mana and let him siphon off what he needs to get better. The process may feel strange, but I promise it's not fatal." Gentle hands pierced the needle through Isamu's wrist while Brigirth hugged the kitsune tightly to his chest, and he gritted his teeth as the tanuki repeated the process on Brigirth's scaled arm. A surge of electricity seemed to spread through the dragon from the contact, and the world whited out around him.

"The city is doomed. As are we if we don't escape now." Brigirth's mouth moved, but his voice wasn't his own. Kitsune of varying colors, shapes, and sizes gathered around him with grave looks on their faces. "However, there is hope. If we can protect this place long enough, we can earn our children enough time to escape. Death surely awaits us, but they will live."

Murmurs rippled through the crowd, and willing volunteers stepped forward, linking hands with Brigirth's strangely smooth, humanoid limbs while others hurried the youngest among them away from the gathering. Explosions rained down overhead, dying the sky orange with their ferocity. Shimmering magic rose from their linked limbs, and a simultaneous chant raised a bubble of energy to meet the onslaught, shielding the city from danger. With every exploding missile stopped by their combined power, Brigirth could feel himself growing weaker, and in unison, his volunteers fell to their knees alongside him, propping each other up with shaking hands. His last sight before darkness took him was a familiar silhouette rushing for safety and silver eyes staring back at him, shining with tears.

Snapping fingers brought Brigirth back to his own body. "Hey! I said that's enough. You can let go of him now."

Isamu's head lolled between Brigirth's pecs, and his body had gone limp in Brigirth's tight embrace. He panted softly, and his claws dug into Brigirth's scaly arms while his glazed eyes cleared. "What? Where am I? Brig?" Fingers raised to his throat, and amazement crossed his face. "I can speak?"

Brigirth realized that the voice he heard in his vision was Isamu's, and he gathered him close, hugging him tightly to his chest. Despite Brigirth's loss, the kitsune's was far worse, and he felt like a colossal ass for not once considering anyone besides himself. He tilted Isamu's face upward with a gentle hand and pressed his lips to the bewildered fox man's, easing his confusion with familiar affection.

"There we go, much better! As long as he doesn't overexert himself, he should be back to normal." Bo reclined on Lu Meng's lap, using the komainu as a comfy seat. "Mana sickness is no joke. It feels like being trapped inside yourself, with most of your actions controlled by pure instinct. That he could function somewhat normally while dealing with that is impressive."

Isamu broke the kiss before Brigirth could, his face nuzzling between the dragon's pecs. "I do love you, you know. That wasn't just the mana sickness talking." His voice was shy, and Brigirth could feel a heat rising in the kitsune's cheeks. Somehow, he was even more adorable now that he was made whole.

"You can stay in the guest room tonight while you figure out what you want to do next. I have some ideas for you, but I'll let you two get reacquainted first." Bo waved, tugging the komainu toward his bedroom by one of his nipple rings and pointing towards another open door. "Oh, and don't mind any whining you might hear in the night. This big lummox doesn't know how to control his voice." Brigirth could see the lion dog's tail wagging and his tongue hanging out as if anticipating more abuse.

Snuggling against Brigirth's chest, Isamu's voice broke their comfortable silence. "I saw everything, you know. All your years of loneliness in a mountain forge, finding your purpose in servitude, and falling for that tanuki. What you want most in a mate." Pointed fingers teased Brigirth's hardening nipple, trailing claws over the stiff peak. "I was honestly jealous, though I know I shouldn't be."

"Jealous of what?" Brigirth groaned, leaning back and letting those pointed fingertips have their way with his scaled muscle, his dragonhood standing at its below-average height and glistening with a pearl of pre. Though the kitsune was more forceful, there was still plenty of sensuality dripping from his every movement, and Brigirth's body approved.

Flicking tails fluffed over Brigirth's erection as the muscular kitsune straddled him. "Jealous that others were able to fulfill your wildest fantasies while I couldn't. Jealous that others claimed you so easily, while I couldn't find the words." Slotting his half-hard, glorious helmeted member between Brigirth's pecs, he thrust slowly, letting his tip kiss against the dragon's nose and leave translucent proof of his love in thin strings. "Though I suppose I could always take my place as your mate, now that I can properly articulate what I want from you. From us." Slow and hypnotic, that glistening tip pressed against Brigirth's lips, then back between his pecs, coating the dragon's senses in a lusty haze as he took long, dragging breaths of vulpine arousal.

"Yes, you c-can." Isamu seemed to know exactly how to bring out Brigirth's submissive side now, and his authoritative tone and aggressive movements only deepened the desperate need Brigirth felt for him. All he could do was purse his lips and kiss that dripping member each time it graced his muzzle with its presence, dragging in steaming lungs full of pure male.

"Will you promise me something?" Abandoning his grinding thrusts, Isamu straddled the dragon's face, prodding against his lips with slow, purposeful motions but never letting that greedy mouth pull him in. "From now on, I want you to be mine. I'll let you play with others all you like, but I want to be involved whenever you do. I want to own you, body and soul, and give myself to you." Slow grinds smeared Brigirth's entire muzzle with fox pre, and big, beautifully full balls filled Brigirth's nose with musky promise.

Smitten with the fox's newfound dominance, the dragon agreed to his terms with an excited nod, happily groaning as deliciously dripping vulpine manhood slid home into his muzzle, rewarding him for his answer. His throat opened with each deep, filling push, and his tongue lapped at the underside, desperate to please his new mate. All thought fled, replaced with the sensation of claiming cock stretching his maw and the scent of vulpine arousal imprinting itself deep in his nostrils. Gods, this was what he needed most.

Isamu didn't fuck Brigirth's mouth, instead opting to make love to it, pinning his head against the comfortable mattress with gentle hands and burying himself to the root with each wet, messy thrust. "That's it. Commit me to memory." He caressed Brigith's cheek and pulled out until just the mushroom tip spread the dragon's lips with its girth, sighing dreamily as soft suction desperately tried to coax him back in.

Hours passed with nothing but the slow in and out of drooling cock, and Brigirth's scaled lips grew messy with mixed drool and pre, puffing from intense, repeated friction but remaining fastened around that pulsing shaft. Proof of his devotion drooled in thick strings down his chest, each thrust growing gooier as slimy satisfaction connected his muzzle to every inch of the kitsune's slick groin in luxuriously sticky, glistening threads of mixed fluids.

Isamu's climax was a surprise, but the dragon drank it down gratefully, his eyes nearly rolling back in his head as vulpine goo coated his tongue and filled his stomach with a sensation he could only describe as love. The slow withdrawal of that drooling member prompted a whimper from the overstimulated dragon, and he squirmed as he messed his stomach with a hands-free orgasm.

Gentle hands guided Brigirth's face against the slimy mess he left on the kitsune's groin, and a lazy grin made his heart skip a beat. "You'll sleep down there tonight. I want to wake up inside you." His demanding attitude and affectionate caresses excited the dragon, and Brigirth thanked whatever deity had led him to Isamu.

Insistent prods pushed that slippery slug of a cock past Brigirth's lips to take up residence in his throat, and the exhausted dragon closed his eyes, letting the soft heartbeat pulsing through the stiffening shaft lull him to sleep.