Only now, does it snow...

Story by BongoBongo on SoFurry

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My first yiffy story. <3

Yey, I has no talent. c; Re-write of <Insert title here>, constructive criticism is a must!

The clock of St. Nick's kirk banged and chimmed for three in the afternoon, the long, rusted notes of the church bells echoeing across the drenched high street of the granite city, pushing the endless crowds of Christmas shoppers. It'd be getting dark soon, thought Roary as he peered out onto Union Street from his final destination. The young otter sighed softly and opened out his own umbrella, pushing out into the herds of rushing shoppers all trying to avoid the approaching darkness. "Only on a day like this," Roary muttered to himself, "only in the pissing rain does Master force me out of the house." The fine whiskers on his face twitched as he was shoved about in the crowds and the grip on his shopping bags tightened with anger. "Watch it!" He yelled as some senile old woman barged past him, causing him to stumble on the slippery pavement. "Daft bitch," he added before he carried on walking amongst the array of umbrellas, this time walking that little bit faster to keep up with the crowds.

Roary was shook by the insane beeping of the green fur at the central crossing, he took a brief moment to recover before dashing across just as the maniac drivers took off. Already, his hands grew numb with the December chill and his eyes could hardly stay open, he had been out for hours now. "Master's going to start thinking that I've been kidnapped," Roary chuckled meekly to himself, "don't see why he couldn't of gotten the decorations himself," he thought, quickly taking his mind back to ealier this afternoon. He pictured his Master standing there, in their bedroom with nothing but a pair of joggers on, grinning cheekily, telling Roary about his excellent taste in colour and how he should go out to pick up a few new decorations, he had little choice really. Roary hurried on, the evening was rapidly coming in and the unforgiving lashing of the bitter rain drops was far from over. Not long now, he reassured himself with a smile.

The sixteen year old arrived home in the dark, a quick glance at his watch told him that it was only 3:43pm. He emitted a long sigh of relief, dumping the soaking bags of baubles and bangles at his feet while he searched through his pockets for his own set of keys. Fiddling about with them, eventually finding the right key, he jammed the small piece of metal into the keyhole, twisting it slowly with his stiff fingers, allowing the flat door to swing open. "Sorry," he grunted loudly, picking up the group of bags and entering, kicking his damp, faux fur boots to the side. He dragged himself along the hallway, grunting and moaning as he did so, allowing his presence to become known. "It's havoc out there, I swear," gasped the otter as he made it to the living area, dumping the bags for the last time, yanking off his soggy duffle coat while doing so.

"Took your time," said a voice.

"Yeah, well, it's a shit day, sir," replied Roary politely, with rather innocent eyes.

Roary recieved a harmless look from a second otter, an older otter, who stood in nothing but a pair of joggers, the very same he had on earlier this afternoon. "Got the decorations?" He questioned with that same cheeky grin from before.

"Heh, in the bags," Roary pointed towards the bags which were left in a heap for a few seconds before beginning to tug and pull at his checked scarf, which soon revealed a jet black collar made entirely of leather.

"Mhm, cheers m'dear," Roary's Master added. Dominic was his name, or Dom as he prefered, either way though, it wasn't very often that Roary was allowed to address him as such, 'sir' was the norm, 'Master' if he was sooking up to him. However, neither was said the majority of the time.

"Welcome," he muttered, flinging himself down onto the nearby sofa, his hazel eyes eyeing up the plastic bush which blocked the television. "Should of gotten a fiberoptic one," he snickered, edging one of his footpaws forward to kick at a bottom, springy branch.

Roary was given yet another harmless look, "make yourself useful and fetch me the scissors will you?"

The younger otter rolled his eyes and moved himself sluggishly. He headed for the kitchen, finding that it was in a complete state. Shreads of wrapping paper covered the benches, along with christmas cards - both old and new - with rolls of ribbon and piles of bows. The scissors were bound to be under the clutter. Roary flung the wrapping paper to the black tiles below, as well as the ribbon and bows. He juggled the cards about, placing them into small, rough piles, finding the scissors beneath, stuck to a well-used roll of cellotape. Roary grabbed them, prying the tape off and throwing the roll back to the bench, running back with them in hand upon an impatient call from Dominic.

"Here," handing them over, sitting himself down afterwards.

"Thanks," replied Dom, snatching them, digging them deep into pack of baubles, taring the packaging open, spilling the multi-coloured spheres out onto the floor, happy to find that each and everyone already had a hook attatched to them. "Hey you," Dom playfully knocked at Roary's closest footpaw, "start untangling the lights please."

Roary screwed up his face before getting down on his knees with a thud, ready to fiddle about with the masses of wire and lights. It frustrated him, every achievement seemed to cause another problem and he was constantly pricking the tips of his fingers with his nails as he seperated the individual strands of wire. "Oh grr!" He cried out, "you always get the easy jobs, sir," he moaned, his hazel audits silently whimpering up at his Master. Dom shook his head with a sigh, followed by a toothy smirk.

"Perhaps, that's because I'm the Master? You're making my life easier here, doesn't that make you happy?" He laughed sarcastically, ruffling up Roary's hair. "Afterall, it does have its benefits, right?"

Roary blushed, pondering for a minute. "Uh.. yeah, it does."

"Right then," Dom carried on, "finish up, you're doing a grand job."

The young otter huffed like a child, continuing to turn the tangled mess into one, lengthly strand. Surprisingly enough, it didn't take Roary that much longer to do so. He began to hand the lights to Dominic, who then wrapped them round the tree in the most appealing fashion possible, he was a bit of a neat freak, presentation was almost everything to him, though, this didn't apply to Roary; he didn't really care how he appeared to him.

"I'm bored, sir," said Roary, who was now back to lying on the sofa, his head hanging over the back of the arm rest. He carresed at the soft, grey joggers Dom had on, hesitantly touching the nineteen year old's ass gently, grinning up at him as he turned around, pulling away to turn the tree lights on. White light, tinged with yellow now radiated throughout the room, contrasting with the outside darkness, causing the spilt baubles to glow and shine, casting shadows against the cream walls. Dom then turned off the main light of the living area, for him, to simply see how the tree looked, but for Roary, it only added to that warm, cosy effect.

"Yeah, well, what do you want me to do about it?" Dom asked, raising a brow.

"Use your imagination, Master."

Dom sniggered, only just catching on to Roary's suggestive attitude. "Well," he paused, pulling his joggers just half way down across his bum, teasing, "maybe I can do something about it, my pet." He clambered onto the sofa, and maneuvered himself so that he was sitting on top of Roary's waist. He inserted a finger underneath Roary's leather collar and tugged, gesturing for him to pull his head up. "Hope this isn't uncomfortable for you, darling.."

Roary shook his head slowly, he was immediately captivated by his Master's form. "Thought so," Dom spoke in a husky manner, already exerting his dominance.

Dominic was already overcome by lustful urges, urges that had remained dormant all afternoon. Quickly, he pounced in for a kiss, a quick peck intentionally, but no, the peck turned into a pull filled with lewd meaning and little passion. Roary didn't refuse, he just as easily locked lips with his Master, as he did with him. Dom sucked on Roary's tongue, slurping and sliding over it with his own, bullying it, overpowering it, moving it around to his own liking. Roary loved it though, he lapped it up, he lived for moments like these. He grabbed his own meat, concealed beneath his jeans and began to gently rub it in a circular motion, thinking about his own pools of saliva mixing and kicking about with his Master's, gradually causing him to become hard, forming a nice, firm bulge to press up against the inside of his jeans. His blossoming man-hood twitched with pleasure, feeling that his Master's own, maturing man-hood was thick with excitement.

Dom pulled away with an attractive, toothy grin plastered across his face, taking notice to the result of both his and his pet's pleasure. "Touch it," he demanded, knowing fine well that Roary knew exactly what he was speaking about. "Now," he pressed. Roary willingly obeyed, edging his delicate, feminine hand over to Dom's man-hood, too concealed beneath his joggers. Roary trailed a few fingers up and down the course of the rather large dick of his Master's, then taking hold of it, gripping it firmly, carefully massaging it. Dom giggled. "Toss me off," he commanded, "until I change my mind," he quickly added. Roary giggled too, sticking his hand into Dominic's boxers, feeling about in the dark heat briefly before taking hold of the elder's man-hood once again. Roary took it out of the darkness and into the light. It's beautiful he thought, it was rock solid, pulsating naturally. It's warm too, was his second thought, he began to beat it, up and down, up and down, lovingly, as gentle as a mother's touch. Roary then beat it a little more vigorously, causing his Master to groan with frequent bursts of pleasure and excitement. "Faster," he moaned, "pick up the pace!"

So he did, as pre began to trickle down the spectacular specimen, the sticky goo lubricating the wanking motion. Several beats later, the specimen erupted without warning. A lashing of white liquid rained back down to Roary, droplets of the stuff creating a speckled pattern on his shirt, the excess running down his chest like meltwater streams, draining into his shirt half way down. Roary hand left his Master's relieved dick, and was brought across to a small, visible pool of cum on his chest. He dipped his index finger into the pool and swirled it around, collecting as much of his Master's juice as he could on that one finger. He tasted it, the tangy sensastion, invading his senses, the salty flavour, sinking into his taste buds. My favourite.

"How does it taste?" Dom questioned with the same husky tone, the same toothy grin. He was panting slightly, regaining his horniness.

"Undescribable, Master." Said Roary quietly, submissively. "I want more, all that you've got." Roary's atrraction pleased Dominic, he had one last surprise planned.

"So, you in the mood, my pet?" Asked Dom, getting off of Roary's waist and the sofa, "y'know, for some anal?"

"You crazy? 'Course I am!" Said Roary rather casually, though, his enthusiasm was clearly there.

"Good boy, see you in the bedroom," he sniggered, disappearing out of Roary's site.

Roary entered the bedroom in nothing but a pair of sexy pink boxers. Dom was completely naked. "Pfft, get rid of those, you wont be needing them."

Roary took his boxers of instantly, his own erect penis now out, lighting up his Master's green audits with glee. "Condom?"

"Nah, fuck that,"

"Suit yourself, lubrication?"

"Uh, yeah, please?"

"As you wish, my dear." Dom took Roary's hand and walked him across to the large double bed in the centre of the room. "Bend over," whispered Dom, the heat of his breath tickling the back of the younger otter's ear. Roary did as he was told, bending his torso over the bedsheets, holding his ass high in the air for Dom. "One lubrication, coming up!"

Kneeling down behind the sixteen year old, Dominic pushed Roary's tail aside and spread his cheeks apart, inhaling deeply, familiarizing himself with the musky scent, or rather, enjoying it. He plunged his tongue forward into the crack, beginning with one, prolonged lick straight across the anus. Roary shuddered with the feeling, it was moist, tickly, but Dom carried on, slowly dargging his tongue across the anus multiple times, occasionally forcing his tongue into the hole until it became easily accessable, at which point, he stopped. He retained his upright, dominating posture, his eyes eating up the sight before him, this hole was his to pulverize, afterall, he was gracious enough to offer lubrication with his very own tongue. "Don't worry, I know you'd do the same for me."

He allinged his hard on with Roary's hole and at first, poked at it, allowing his pet to feel the pressure. He did this for no more than a minute and began with one, single thrust, he rammed his man-hood right into Roary once, and back out once. Roary had clenched the bedsheets, and already cried out, this wasn't his first time, but wow, he had to brace himself. Dom thrusted his pelvis forward once more, it went in easily, his saliva had done a good job, but nevertheless, it wasn't at all gentle. He removed his dick as quickly as it went in and thrusted again, every thrust causing a tingling sensastion to surge through his body. He rammed and banged again, and again, and again, swiftly, harshly, panting as he was slowly drained of energy.

"Master, I love you," muttered Roary softly.

"What was that pet?" Knowing fine well what Roary had said, he only thrusted harder, if that was even possible, causing Roary to grip the bed even more, gritting his teeth, enjoying every minute of it.

"I love you, Master."

"Can't hear you," Dom trailed on, as the pressure gradually built up in both his and Roary's dicks.

"I love you, Master!" Screamed Roary, at the top of his voice, blowing his load onto the sheets below him in sensitive groan.

"That's what I thought you said," replied Dom, in much calmer, spaced tone as he blew his second load of the night into Roary, in a few slowed down thrusts.

Dominic's man-hood slipped out of Roary's anus, coated in a layer of semen, "I would tell you t-" He was interupted, all three house phones rang. He grunted with annoyance, but felt compelled to answer, he could only assume that it would be his mother, whose calls had already been rejected six times today, "until next time, my dear," he said, stroking the short, fine fur of Roary's back before dragging himself away.

"Until then, sir," Roary picked himself up, he needed to clean himself up, but first, something caught his attention. He picked up a pillow and held it against his front, hiding his genetles from the world around him, before heading over to the window. He could see tiny snowflakes, falling from an orange sky to the frozen city below. "Only now, does it snow..."