Private Dragon Session

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#274 of Commissions

Story for Wehf!

Arranging a private session with Lizbeth at the spa doesn't mean a massage. Unless you count sliding down her throat a relaxing experience. Vuin couldn't resist her casual offer, especially if it means he gets to be part of her ample pudge for good.

Featuring: Quadruped on anthro sex and vore, paw play, smothering/facesitting, willing prey, digestion, disposal, and consciousness entrapment.

It felt like some kind of covert mission, but Liz assured him everything was approved by her boss herself. Vuin wandered the halls of the rather upscale spa with both arms wrapped firmly around a large urn all decorated with an elaborate intertwining pattern of red and white. It was near the size of his whole body, but surprisingly light. Some people gave him a second look while he passed by, but no one stopped him. He only got lost once on the way to the private room where the dragoness - and his fate - awaited.

There it was. Room 4. He already caught a faint sugary scent before he opened the door. They didn't call her a candy dragon for nothing. He had to set the big urn down and push it aside just to get the door open, and there she was, all sprawled out and already transformed. The room was oversized, but she still took up a great deal of it, with all the massage tables and other supplies that might have normally been involved in an appointment there pushed aside to make room for her massive, chubby bulk.

When she occupied the front desk in her day to day duties, Liz generally chose an anthro form simply for the ease of typing, and of course to keep from scaring away the customers. But it was never really her. She was a real dragon, a stark white beauty with a chunky black belly squished below her where she was stretched out with her forelegs crossed over one another. There was something catlike about that pose. As for the gleaming, fangy grin she gave him when she saw him hefting in that oversized gift, that was all dragon.

"Hmm. That might be big enough. But I'm a big dragon, you know," she told him, probably just teasing.

She wasn't kidding about that. While she had been impressively large when she was walking on two legs, already considerably bigger than him, as her real self she was simply massive. She must have changed over once she was already inside the room, because there was no way those hips could have fit through a regular door. If it wasn't for the high ceilings, she wouldn't even have been able to stand up. Not that she seemed especially inclined to do that yet. Her feet alone were nearly the size of him, and her tail was as thick as some of the most ancient trees he'd seen. The size of her head, and her jaws was a constant reminder of how easily she could have scooped him up and swallowed him whole without much effort at all. She was huge enough to fit his whole body in her mouth at once, whenever she wished.

He didn't immediately respond. While they'd been flirting plenty, and he'd met her in person already, he'd never actually seen her four-legged form. Her true form, by the way she told it. She was so much bigger like that. How did it even work? Magic? That seemed like the best explanation for something he didn't know how to explain, anyway. It wasn't his place to ask questions, just as he didn't bother to ask her how exactly she planned to keep him as living, thinking pudge by when she was done with him. The idea was so very enticing to him that he'd been thinking about it ever since. He set down the urn and pulled a camera from his jacket before he forgot about it.

"I ... hi Liz. That's really you?" he couldn't help but marvel out loud.

"Yup. What? Do you know any other fat dragons who've agreed to meet you for a secret eating session?"

"Well, no." He knew he didn't need to answer that but did anyway. "You're just, well. Wow."

Her draconic ego got a little stroke at that. Resting her chin on a foot, she winked at him and then nodded her head.

"I know, right? Don't worry, you'll get plenty of opportunities to adore me before I melt you. And I'm going to enjoy every little bit of it. It's not often I meet preythings who are just so eager to be dragon pudge, you know."

As she spoke, she leaned in close and gave a throaty rumble, letting her hot, steamy breath puff in his face. It smelled like a candy shop, excessively sweet but never in an unpleasant way.

"You're going to be so happy living on my haunches. If I decide to keep you thinking, anyway. Only if you're really, really good prey."

She was probably just teasing. He liked to hope so, anyway. Her exotic offer was so enticing that he'd agreed to the whole thing.. She was going to use her dragon power, magic, whatever it was to preserve some small piece of him, so he could live on as part of her body, aware of what had happened to him, still thinking, still perceiving in some way. To others it might have sounded horrifying, but when he looked over that doughy marshmallow of a dragoness, he wanted nothing more than to be hers. Even while she was flashing her teeth in such playfully imposing fashion at him.

"Yeah ..." he huffed, briefly shaken by her display. Not scared, exactly. More just utterly turned on.

Before he could forget, and before she got too hungry and just snapped him up, he reached into his coat pocket for something else he'd brought along. The instant camera was an older thing, a bit clunky really, but it would serve the purpose much better than something more modern. Taking a selfie with it was a little awkward though. He held it out in front of him in a careful balance of both hands and tried his best not to look too nervous as he clicked the shutter, finding himself temporarily blinded while he listened to the whirrrrr of the photo printing out. A few shakes, and there was his handsome red visage, wearing an expression of barely contained excitement. Not the best shot, but it would have to do.

"There's a sticky side when you're ready to put it on. Just give it a lick," he softly explained.

"Oh, I'll be doing plenty of licking soon enough," she rumbled, sticking out her striped tongue. "Now get those clothes off already. How do you stand to walk around with all those layers touching your scales?"

Vuin glanced down at his outfit. It was true, he was a bit overdressed perhaps, but a reptile like him didn't feel the warmth like mammals did - or dragons for that matter. Of course, shrugging off his clothes meant the ceremonious unveiling of not one, but two almost fully engorged lizard cocks. Well, hemipenes anyway. There was no hiding his excitement from her. Just being in the room with all that dragoness was enough to get him excited, and so too was her teasing little tsk when she saw him silently throbbing for her. He definitely didn't miss the brief lick of her lips she gave.

"My my. Someone's excited about getting gurgled. You're a meaty lizard, aren't you? I'm going to enjoy digesting you."

She offered another grin, this one with a bit of a playful growl. Or he assumed it was playful anyway. He felt a bit awkward just standing there with his arousal on full display, and so he started his tentative approach towards her, taking his time with each step. It didn't take him long to get close enough for her to reach out and grab him, snatching him up in the grip of that forefoot so she could pin him down in one smooth motion. Though she had the appearance of being a fat, lazy dragon, she could move quickly when she wanted to. He might have been more startled if he wasn't so turned on by it.

"Ohhhhh. I felt that throb. Looks like that same someone likes these big meaty dragon paws, hmm? Feet. Hands. Whatever you want to call them, I'm going to moosh you with them."

"Yeah ..." he humbly confessed. "You can do whatever you like with those ..."

"Of course I can," she assured him.

First, she toyed with him. A touch of her toe to his side, then a stroke of an extended claw down his chest let him feel that harmlessly scratching along his scales. It was sharp, though perhaps not perfectly maintained. She could have been a leaner, deadlier dragoness, but her chubby appearance just made it all the more enticing to eventually be eaten by her. That was how he knew she was going to enjoy him. She made it abundantly clear just how much she liked the look and feel of him by thoroughly, carefully rubbing him all over with those hefty toes, toying with him until she decided to really get stompy.

For all her lazy appearance, she was swift whenever she felt like bothering. Up she got, standing tall, looming like a great monochrome cloud above him before turning her rear end towards him. A lazy swing of that fat tail nearly took out one of the walls. It could have served well as a wrecking ball if she was so inclined. Instead, she just stepped herself into position to stand with him between her back legs, two meaty feet planted down on either side of his body. One good stomp could have made a pancake of him, but she kept herself on balance as she raised up one hind leg and pressed it right down onto his face, heels and souls first, firmly, but carefully.

She was asking for a lot of trust that she wouldn't crush him, and he was happy to give it. He had no complaints while she squished down the surprisingly soft soles of that three-toed foot right atop his face. He was swiftly smothered in her scent - a sweetness that persisted even on the surface of her scales, as if she was herself sugary. A few rubs against his face and he got his tongue involved, dragging some smooth slurps across the crevices and wrinkles of those heavy paws. He was drooling before long. He liked her taste, liked her texture, and absolutely loved the forceful way she squished down on him without ever actually harming him. She might have acted sassy and dominant, but there was some care and consideration there, maybe even fondness. He liked to think that was why she squeezed him so tightly..

Curling those toes around him, carefully cradling him between those long black claws, she gripped him tight for some deeper kneading until his face ended up nicely wedged right between two of those toes. He was happy to kiss and nuzzle her there, offering the kind of worship he knew dragons loved. It was enough to make her give a happy rumble of sorts - almost like a purr at times, but even more thunderous. The whole room shook with the sounds of a contented dragon, and her voice was deeper, smoother too.

"Mm. You'd make a good kobold, little lizard. You've got the spirit of one."

It was as much a tease as it was a compliment. Impressing her didn't come without its benefits. She brought the base of her foot down, right around her heel where the most weight was normally balanced, pressing it against those two extended lizard cocks. Squishing them down to his body allowed her to rub and grind until she got her scales smeared with the excess juices leaking from him. It was like she squeezed them right out of him, leaving him making hissy noises of slightly overwhelmed pleasure. If he lost his composure for a moment, he could have easily came all over her paw, but he wanted to wait, wanted to let it build no matter how tense it made him. It would all be worth it.

Completely enveloping him with her heavy foot, she squashed him from face to ankles, leaving little more than his squirming tail sticking out. She held him there for a while, simply because she could. It meant he could barely breathe, but he was happy where he was for as long as he could last. Eventually his chest started to ache a little, he started to wriggle in silent protest, slowing his adoring licks as his discomfort grew. Only when she was satisfied with the amount of lizard spit clinging to her scales did she finally let him up, leaving him to gasp for a few seconds as he caught his breath.

It seemed even she couldn't resist that lovely foot of hers. She was surprisingly flexible, arching back and wrapping her head around so she could slather up that thoroughly drooled-upon sole with a few good licks of her own. Only when it was absolutely dripping with her saliva did she return it to him, stroking and smoothing across his whole body, smearing him in the excess juices soaking into those wet scales. It was like slurping him with an extra step, getting him soaking in her spit while she smothered him with her foot. She didn't stop until the entirety of the komodo's front side was glistening with how wet she got him. Then she lifted up and gave a grin down at him.

"Mhm. Very squishable. Has anyone ever told you that?" she asked him with a little chuckle.

He knew she wasn't really looking for an answer, but he couldn't help responding anyway.

"Can't say that they have ... but I always knew it," he added after a brief pause. Nothing wrong with showing a little confidence.

"Oho. Is that so? Well. Let's find out for certain," she rumbled.

A swish of her thick tail was his first warning of what was to come. She positioned her bulk so that her feet were near his own, giving him an even better look at that enormous rump above him. He didn't get up. Something told him it was best not to move when one errant step by the wobbling dragoness could have flattened him. The absolute heft of those two enormous dragon cheeks coming down on him completely eclipsed his vision for a time. He got a good look of her dark, puffy pussy, all slathered up in unspoken lust, and that plump black donut beneath her tail before she utterly engulfed him with a smooshing, smothering sit that made a seat of his entire body.

After a little wiggling for position, he ended up all wrapped up in the wet folds of her oversized pussy. It felt for a moment like he could have simply vanished up inside that slick, flexing tunnel, especially when it squeezed around him with a pulse of pleasure just to have him there. But that would have been missing the whole point of their meeting. He wasn't there to get stuffed in her pussy, but he was certainly happy to lap up all the juices of her desires while they leaked onto his face in the squishy smother.

While he slurped, she worked her hips back and forth, riding his face and tongue in lunging, overbearing humps. He ended up getting his snout stuck inside her briefly before she pulled back. Sometimes he had to gasp for air between dives into her soaking folds, but she was luscious and warm enough to keep him going back for more anyway. Liz was at the same time focused on grinding on him as she was slightly distracted. Shuffling around, searching through some nearby drawers and cabinets had her rifling around for something that was going to come in handy later. She'd almost forgotten about it.

That dildo was big and complex enough that it might have even satisfied her. Slightly, anyway. She set it down on a countertop, out of Vuin's sight to let it slowly wobble back and forth atop its base. The textured, ridge-covered thing was quite accurately modelled after a dragon's cock, with all the complex details that went along with such, right down to some thick veins. It was a distinctly un-relaxing bit of equipment for a massage parlour. He might have had questions if he saw it, but he was busy being a dragon's cushion and worshipper all in one.

His air was getting a little short again, perhaps. He didn't panic. Liz knew when he'd had enough - and then she pushed him just a tiny bit farther than that. Finally, she rose up to allow him to gasp himself back to relative stability, though nothing could have completely prepared for what came next. Lifting her butt up, ling herself up, she thumped down again with surprising precision. That was enough to slam his two firm lizard cocks right up into her soft pussy, driving him deep into her warmth and wetness all at once while he faintly cried out below. Any doubts he might have had about whether she'd even feel them were quickly assuaged by that tight clamp she gave on each, squeezing them together with her mighty inner strength.

"Therrrrre we go," she slightly growled. "Go ahead. Cum in the dragoness before she turns you into ass fat."

He didn't know what to do with his hands. The entire bottom half of his body was completely pinned, vanished beneath the dragon rump he was going to be part of before long. Reaching up, he eventually decided to knead into the ample round cheeks of that fine ass, massaging her as much as he was simply clinging on for life. Presumably the spa was still in operation while they fucked in that private room, and he was certain the tremors of their sloppy mating were going to be felt resonating all through the building. She certainly rattled his bones once she started slurpfully stroking her tight, squeezing pussy up and down along his hemipenes.

Those tightly flexing inner muscles milked him almost instantly. It was all he could do to even last a second inside her, soon left hissing his way to a desperate, sharp moan. She chuckled at the sound of him struggling to hold himself together, and she certainly didn't stop to give him a breather. Up she went, schlurking along his cocks, soaking him in dragon juices from tip to hips, and then thunk came that thick ass down on his hips. If it wasn't for all that cushion she would have crushed him on the spot, but the wobbling pudge of that fine ivory-scaled booty bouncing as she twerked it on those twin lizard dicks, taking him to the hilt and holding him there for a thorough kneading.

Vuin couldn't help but claw her a little as he lost his composure, squinting his eyes but not daring to shut them for a moment. He didn't want to miss even a moment of that gorgeous sight, of those thick dragon haunches going up and down on his cock. She wasn't bothered by his scratches, of course. They glanced right off her smooth scales, off the sleek hide that coated her all over. She was sweet, shiny, soft, and ever so warm where she hugged and milked his shafts until he simply couldn't bear it anymore. There wasn't enough willpower in the world to keep him from cumming inside that dragoness.

"Ah, Liz ... !" was the most warning she got.

A sharp hiss and a buck of his hips came with him going over the edge all at once. She destructively lashed her tail around the room while she rode him dry, making sure to contract on him just right to keep spurting those dual ropes of spunk inside her. Gushing her full of lizard cum until he was twitching and dry-firing between those soft folds, he found himself grunting with the sheer strain of all that pleasure. It all came so fast, hitting him all at once like a massive high. His head was spinning while he drooled beneath her, staring up at the ceiling for a time just so he could remember where he was.

"That's a good little kobold. Tribute for your dragon mistress," she said, and couldn't help but giggle at her own words. That wasn't her, but she liked saying it anyway.

It took a while to even pull off him for how tightly that messy seal was around his shafts. That extended sucking schlurrrrrp rang out through the room and beyond. She lifted him right off the ground with that firm grip before he dropped back down to the floor with a slightly painful thud. He still didn't get up. It wasn't entirely clear to him if he even could yet. The feeling was slowly coming back to his legs after getting half-crushed beneath a fat dragon ass for a good ride. It was a good time just to catch his breath as he writhed through the afterglow and watched her every move carefully. She circled around again.

"You sure came hard. I think that's a pretty good finish to your whole being alive and undigested thing, don't you?"

He wasn't sure how to answer that, so he slowly nodded, like a good, obedient meal-to-be. It was almost time. He saw her licking her chops, giving those exaggerated slurps all along the edge of her jaws to slather herself up in saliva for some extra shine. There was plenty of drool flowing already just at the thought of tasting him. He laid there watching, all sprawled out, devastated by dragon pussy, but still turned on as if he hadn't just blown a load inside her. His heart thumped as she leaned in close and simply blew a puff of hot breath over his naked scales.

"Get up," she softly said. It was a command, but a gentle one.

That was no small feat. The numbness in his legs was gone at least, but they still tingled oddly. He struggled and stumbled as he fought to rise, and even when he was on his feet it wasn't a sure thing. It wasn't until she crouched down low in front of him, pointing her muzzle right at his, and let her jaw drop open to display the supremely shiny, dark flesh of her maw that he found his stability. Such a sight was inspiring. He stood firm, admiring the curve of her bright, shiny fangs, the glisten of that saliva-soaked flesh, and of course the tempting beckoning of that elegantly striped tongue. That was a mouth worth worshipping.

When he didn't know where to start just yet, she went ahead and licked him. That overpowering slurp started between his thighs and worked up across his shafts, along his belly and chest, and finally finished off with a wet swipe under his chin. A splash of spittle soared up and then rained down on him while he sputtered just to keep from swallowing too much of it. She curled her tongue and drew it back into her mouth, and he found himself following, simply compelled by its alluring wriggles. It was all but a matter of diving inside.

Laying himself over the surface of her tastebuds, squishing his chest and face to the crevices of that tongue, he started the wordless praise from the inside. They were in a private massage room, and it was time for him to give his best massage. He pressed in and worked the inside of her maw like dough. There was no need to be gentle. Her fangs framed his upper half, sometimes ever so gently nibbling on his waist while he kneaded into her tongue, into her cheeks, her palate, and everything else he could reach. There was just so much to work and adore as those raindrops of fresh dragon drool rained down over his naked hide all the while.

"Ohhh, Liz, your mouth is just ..."

"It is!" she said with her mouth full. "Go a little deeper now ..."

He was trembling. It wasn't something he could help, and it wasn't out of fear either. The back of her throat was right there, undulating, swallowing down the excess saliva he helped her produce with his naked taste laid upon her tongue. She wanted to eat him. All the while, there he was, lifting his feet right up off the floor so he could crawl deeper into her maw, swimming in her spit, soaking his flavour deeply into her senses as if to absolutely ensure she simply had to devour him. That he lasted so long was a testament to her patience, but it helped that he was so eager to rub and even hump her maw while he wiggled between her lips.

She closed those for a moment, sealing around his thighs to suck on him a few times. His body bobbed back and forth while she blew his whole body at once. He felt a tingling surge of pleasure rise up once more, despite the recent release. She made him hard, made him drip, and made him consider when exactly the perfect moment to cum might have been. While she held him there, his legs and tail flailing about excitedly while he protruded from her lips, she reached for that dildo she'd stashed earlier. It wasn't for her.

He didn't get a good look at it before she was already shoving it inside of him. She wasn't exactly precise with it. It wasn't like she had a cloaca to practice on. First, she tried to crowd it in between his cocks, assuming they were all part of the same hole, but it went a little deeper than that. A little lower and eventually she caught the triangular tip against his anus, applying some extra pressure to his shafts as she crowded that engorged slit with the heft of that heavy toy. It was getting wedged inside him no matter how much he squirmed.

She was merciless, clutching that toy between her toes for extra leverage just to make sure she got it in all the way to the base. Vuin couldn't provide much more comment than a muffled moan inside her mouth. The sound echoed around him in that damp cavern of flesh and fang. Somehow, he could be even more turned on, it seemed. The girth of the toy wedged inside him ensured that cloaca stayed propped open all throughout her teasing, allowing her to drool right inside him, to bathe his insides in her warmth. A curl of her tongue allowed her to show off just how strong it was as she used it for some extra leverage beneath his tail - not just to shove him towards her open throat, but to keep that toy firmly wedged inside him, jamming it a little deeper with every shove.

His wriggling turned to desperate, overexcited thrashing where his legs dangled from her jaws. From the outside, it might have looked like struggling. Instead, it was simply him trying to deal with the excitement and pleasure alike of getting eaten whole by the gorgeous dragoness. She certainly savoured him, sucking him slowly towards her throat before finally wrapping him up in that wet hug of gulping muscles gripping all around his head. The first swallow sounded powerful, but she only took a few inches of him. She could go as slowly as she liked, no matter how good he tasted.

That toy remained wedged inside him the whole time, pressing against his most sensitive spots, ensuring he was just on the edge of a peak all the way down her tongue. His cocks slipped along the crevice of her tongue, grinding and humping all the way. He could barely move, and he couldn't stop moving, all at the same time. Much of it was involuntary while he twitched with lust and pleasure as she made a neck bulge out of him. She was big enough to fully slurp him into her mouth at once, licking briefly along the soles of his feet before tucking them away along with his tail. From there she nibbled.

It was nothing more than a light nudging, a playing of her teeth along his back, his thighs, his shoulders. There was a slight threat beneath it all, but she certainly didn't injure him, or even prick him. It was all just part of the kneading and slurping to get as much of his flavour out as possible. He found himself squished up against her palate, pinned by her tongue while she squeezed him like a sponge just to get all his taste, all his juices out. The satisfied mmmmm that vibrated around his body told him she was enjoying eating him just as much as he was enjoying being eaten by her. If that was even possible.

Then there came a gulp. It was a sudden departure from her slow easing of his body into her slightly sagging gullet. She lunged forth and engulfed him, enveloping him in squeezy, extra squishy throat flesh while she guzzled around his naked form. He teetered there, tightly hugged from all sides by that pulsing, hungering tunnel. It would have been so very easy to just swallow the rest of him then and there, but she had time for one more tease. A slow, thorough lashing of her thick tongue between his thighs had her licking along his legs, along his shafts, and nudging at the base of the toy that was still plunged inside him. Simply tapping on it was enough to hammer on his pleasure buttons, leaving him outright whimpering deep down in the slimy darkness that had overtaken him.

From there, it was a process of tipping her head back and lazily tucking him away with the assisting shoves of her tongue against his hind end. She stuffed him into her throat and let him bulge beneath the black, wobbling scales of her underside. Then he descended in a resounding ulllp, taking the long, rapid slide along the slippery, slobbery surface that led down to her stomach. The shape of the lizard descended until he all but vanished behind the fat on her belly. A little wobble, a little sag that swayed from side to side on impact, and that was all. He was trapped in her, and he wasn't coming out again. Not looking the same anyway.

"Yesss, that's - URP - that's a good... URRRRP ... a good kob - BLURRRRP!"

It was perhaps a testament to how satisfying he was that she gave not one but three triumphant belches after fully swallowing him. She shook the walls with the force of her rudeness, then licked her chops with a wicked smirk on her lips. A wiggle of her hips, a swish of her tail, and she sloshed him around in the juices that were already present deep down in that digestive chamber. It was surprisingly hot in there, even for a lizard. Dragons were just different kinds of reptiles, full of that inner flame, that inner hunger that all but compelled them to devour entire people just to keep their appetites satisfied. Though judging by how fat she was even in her true form, she indulged a little more often than she needed to.

"That's it. Ahhhhh." A long sigh, and finally she patted her gut a few times while she settled down onto her side, sprawling like a cat. "How is it in there?"

For Vuin, it was easy to forget he was even in a stomach. There was nothing unpleasant about it. Was it always so agreeable in there or had she been considerate to do some prep for him? However that worked. The same sweet scent persisted in there, keeping him from catching any hints of the acids around him. It was devoid of food but for the komodo himself. Everything was accommodating to the point the juices pouring in over his naked body just felt like part of a spa experience. Even as they audibly hissed and sizzled in contact with his scales.

"Mmmmm ... nnnngh ..." came his reply. It was faint, but she heard or felt it enough to giggle, sending another wobble through her pudgy bulk.

"That's what I thought. Now be a good boy and digest quietly for me. As proper kobolds do, you know. I'm gonna take a nap, probably. Eating people is a lot of work. When I wake up, well ..."

She briefly hesitated, as if considering if she was really going to say what she was about to say. What did it matter? It wasn't like anyone was going to hear it but him, and that wasn't going to matter once her body was done with him. Leaning in extra close, she nosed against the vague bulge of the lizard in her gut and spoke in a low, growly tone like an aggressive purr.

"I'm going to enjoy shitting you out in your pretty little urn, Vuin. I just hope it's big enough for the great big mess I'm going to make out of you."

The komodo was so flustered by that he thought he might have burst into flame. It was a little embarrassing perhaps to launch into such a furious masturbation session immediately after hearing something so supremely filthy, but it hardly mattered anymore. He was free to enjoy his last moments as a lizard as much as he liked. It made no difference to Liz, who just yawned and laid her head down on her folded forelegs to relax while her body did its thing. Vuin was closer and closer to being fully immersed in bubbling, but temporarily gentle digestives while he stroked his cocks. Then there was that toy to have fun with.

He remembered it during some particularly energetic squirms. Reaching for the base, he found it as good as wedged inside him, but he was able to tug it out just a little to slide it back and forth, fucking himself while he stroked away. His body was plenty flexible, and it had to be to fit comfortably in that increasingly tight, kneading stomach. He made full use of it to bend right down over his own shafts and slip one of them into his mouth while he jerked the other off with his free hand, letting it glance and smear against his cheek. If there were to be his final moments as a lizard, then he was going out as spectacularly as possible.

It was all enough to send him into a frenzy of lust and excitement. The danger of the moment just fuelled it. She had eaten him, like the prey he was, and he was going to slush down to sludge and get pushed through her intestines. It was inevitable by then, and he wouldn't have had it any other way. When her belly squeezed down on him, it rolled him up in an even tighter position, testing that flexibility. A particularly firm clench made him nearly choke on his own cock when it got jammed down his throat by that harsh muscular contraction. Another gurgling flex had his whole snout shoved into his own cloaca for a few moments before he pried it back out to continue his sucking. He shook it all off, refusing to lose his focus when he had so little time left. As a lizard, anyway.

The dragon's muffled heartbeat and huffy breathing grew slower as she fell asleep with the lizard in her gut. That ensured he wasn't escaping. There was no way he could have crawled up her throat without her assistance, and he doubted he could even wake her up anymore. There was nothing to do but cum hard, and he worked himself to exhaustion in pursuit of that final, blissful high before the acids overtook him. They were starting to work him away by then, slowly picking at his scales, getting beneath the leathery exterior to work deeper into his body. But he was determined.

One more back-arching, spasming, twitching peak and he gushed himself stupid in a soaring climax that threatened to make him pass out in the digestives around him. He rode that toy and clenched down hard, milking at it while he creamed himself dry, spurting two solid shots of lizard jizz over his chest and belly, even hitting himself in the face while he splashed around in the rising juices. Trails of spunk trickled down his scales and got swept away in the churning fluids while they gurgled and sloshed around him.

Glurrrp glurk glurrrrrn was the squelching symphony of his own destruction while the snoozing dragon digested him alive throughout her heavy nap. He could hear her snoring, and sometimes burping. Despite the reality of the situation, he could hardly tell what was happening to him. It didn't hurt. There was a persistent tingle that was sometimes a little overstimulating, as well as a growing numbness crawling up his weakened limbs, but more than anything he simply found himself slumping down deeper and deeper into the rumbling acids all around him, in the same way he might have sunk into a hot, relaxing bath.

He eventually passed out, as much as he wanted to enjoy it right to the last churn. There wasn't enough air in there to sustain him any longer, and without his conscious effort to remain afloat, he swiftly sank beneath the surface and started really gurgling away. It wasn't much longer after that. His body twitched and shuddered its last nervous impulses while he died down there, soaked in dragoness acids. Liz slept on, nibbling the air in her sleep as she dreamt about past and future meals alike, and Vuin melted into something unrecognizable, a liquefied version of his former self suitable for sloshing through the long path that was the dragon's intestines.

Yet for all the ruination her digestive system inflicted upon him, he was never fully gone. There remained a thought, a vague sense of awareness that persisted even while she started absorbing him into her ample pudge. That faint sense of self lingered on right up to the moment Liz broadly yawned her way back to relative alertness. She smacked her lips, coughed a time or two, and then got up to stretch herself out with her forelegs extended and her prey-fattened rump right up in the air. It was only when he felt her thick haunches jiggling that he started to realize where he was. So did she.

"Still with me, Vuin?" She gave herself a little spank with a swing of her fat tail, setting the fat on her ass shake. "I want to make sure you know what I'm doing to you, alllll throughout this next little bit."

As much as he had his doubts, it was exactly as she'd described it. He wasn't simply gone, eaten and digested like the food he was. There was something about dragons, something that let them do things without the need for explaining how. Seemed like he was good enough that Liz had decided to keep him around, at least in some form. He was fully digested to the point his remains were pushing against her taut black rim, but some part of him, some consciousness was trapped in her cushioned curves. He could hear, he could feel, he could sense the room around him, even if he couldn't see. It didn't take him long to notice Liz pulling over that disposal urn. Looked like he was going to get to see it getting put to good use after all, in a manner of speaking.

The dragoness soon wiggled her huge hips into position. Once she was more or less certain she had her butt all lined up with that oversized urn, she squatted down in that telltale pose, her tail lifted in an arch, her spine curved. Then she started to squeeze. It took some time to really get the process going. He'd been an entire person after all. That was a lot of nutrition, and that meant for all she'd taken from him, there was still plenty left over for her to push out from that flexing, then bulging, spreading hole. A crackling noise preceded the smooth, relieving release as Vuin got pushed out from the fat dragoness' ass at last.

"Ohhh ... that feels so nice," came Liz's moan as she huffed through her nostrils, pursed her lips, even clenched her teeth at the forbidden pleasure of dumping out a former someone. "I hope my aim is good ..."

In truth, Liz wasn't fully sure if he could still hear her or not. It didn't matter. She was mostly muttering to herself anyway. With her head tilted back and a big silly smile across her drooly chops, she allowed her tongue to hang from her jaws while she indulged in the pleasure of shitting Vuin out. Just like he wanted so very badly. He even got to be aware of it the entire time, sharing in the pleasant sensations to some extent, soaking up the same pleasure she felt.

It was like he was meant to be a load of dragon waste squeezing from beneath Liz's fat, lifted tail. She didn't hide how much she delighted in the process of indulgently disposing of him. He was a thick mess, all strewn with traces of his bones, perhaps an undigested scale or two, but for the most part he was unrecognizable. Vuin was a captive in his own consciousness, faintly perceiving what was happening while that prey-thickened rump squeezed him out into the urn below. Some of him remained very much a part of Liz's flanks, aware of his status as her belly fat and the padding on her thighs and ass. Yet there was a certain surprising split somewhere in the process of dumping him out. He didn't expect that part.

How he was capable of perceiving being in so many places at once wasn't entirely clear to him, but it wasn't like he had much else to think about. He could feel himself jiggling upon the great white and black dragoness' hefty form, but he also became acutely aware of his own former body getting squeezed from her plump black asshole and piling down into the oversized urn below. The pressure kneading around his new self as she pushed him out from that hole, the brief plummet, and then the plop to the bottom of that urn, everything was perceptible. He could feel his own weight accumulating upon himself, piling up and as that waste coiled into a heavy mound. Vuin was dragon shit, existing as an imprisoned pile of filth, knowing it was all he was ever going to be.

That toy wasn't exactly made of easily digested material. It survived all the way through the dragoness' intestines, but the komodo it had been inside certainly didn't. That meant it was wedged in a mass of solid waste, briefly wedging sideways until another grunting squeeze forced it out with the rest. The komodo distinctly felt that filth-coated silicone descended to jab into the pile, crudely penetrating Vuin again as his new self enveloped it. After that, it was swiftly buried by the rest of the logs that followed, utterly irretrievable. Liz didn't mind too much. She sighed her relief after that brief strain and continued flexing that broad rim to work Vuin out of her backside. The rest of the messy process proceeded smoothly after that.

Liz kept squeezing until there was nothing left inside her. Her body was plenty efficient at digesting him. Either he was fat on her flanks or he was a mound of dragon waste. She'd filled that urn almost entirely to the brim by the time she was finally done. A sigh and a slump of her shoulders, and she finally relaxed, rising from her proud squat to spin around and get that thing sealed up. It looked almost elegant like that, if she did her best to forget about the contents. There was still something missing, though.

For a moment she thought she'd lost the photo. It had drifted off the side of the table in the midst of the indulgence, perhaps blown away by her mighty belching while she'd been digesting him. Picking it up in her claws required a precise pinch, but she managed. A quick lick along the adhesive side got it almost entirely slathered in dragon drool. She was still producing some extra saliva thanks to the lingering taste of the horny lizard on her tongue. Oh well. It still managed to stick in place, pinning that eager komodo face to the side of the ceramic container, indicating to all who resided within.

"Much better. God, that was... kinda great, actually," she murmured, spinning around. "Looks like you got your wish, dragon shit. Now what to do with you ..."

While she slowly paced around the room, Vuin found his consciousness shifting. There was still some part of him aware of being her pudge, but the farther from that urn she got, the less he felt that wobbling sensation, the less he felt as if he was her. It seemed like the load of waste stuffing that decorative container was what he really was. His true form. Fat could be burned off in time. Not that Liz was particularly inclined to do so. Yet there he would remain, shat out by a chubby dragon and sealed away in his new prison, fully aware of the filthy, humiliating mess she'd turned him into, still thinking, still feeling, knowing precisely how embarrassing it was to be in his dirty situation. He'd never be a lizard again.

After considering that rather crude trophy for a time, trying to decide what to do with it, she eventually decided she couldn't simply leave it behind. A whip of her tail allowed her to coil the tip around it and carry it off, hoping no one asked questions along the way. The door was too small for her four-legged form normally, but there was an extra, hidden latch to one side that allowed her to slide the whole thing aside so she could crawl out into the hall. She brought her tightly sealed and contained prize with her. Now that that urn had been fully closed, none of him was going to escape.

The contents were surely valuable to someone out there. Maybe she'd find one of those weird websites and watch the bids come in. A load of shit belonging to a fancy princess dragoness like her was a hot commodity, whether it was for a garden, or ... whatever else. The specifics weren't of her concern. She sauntered off with her tightly sealed prize, passing by her coworkers with a bounce in her step and an extra jiggle in her stride. People knew to move aside when she was walking around on all fours like that. Partly because she was just a whole lot of dragoness and they didn't want to get trampled, but partly because they recognized that look on her face.

A well-fed dragon was still a dangerous one - that just meant their appetite had been awakened, ready to go to work on anyone else she fancied, whether they were as eager to be permanent dragon pudge as Vuin was or not. Maybe she'd even grab another snack on the way out, adding to the wobbling mass that was the komodo's new home. He was one meal among the many, many more in the past, and surely plenty more to come.