
Story by GryGry on SoFurry

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#2 of Adult

So, I watched two seasons of Demon Slayer and then thought about snakes for whatever reason. This is the product of a rather lonely night afterwards. Any friendly feedback on what I could have done better is welcome and appreciated! I also posted this on my FA account here.

I let out a frigid breath of steam in the night air, the woods dark and full of deep shadows. I navigate more by sound and touch than I do sight with only the dim stars above providing the slightest gleam. Yet there is still a scent trail for me to follow, one made by pungent herbs recently gathered. I'm not entirely certain why it would want them, but my job is to kill and not ask questions. There are matters I would very much like to voice, but not of my quarry. Though, an argument can be made that I'm still very much the prey.

I pull my cloak tighter and press on, traveling slow to avoid stepping on sticks and other noisy debris. Unfortunately, it might smell me coming, but that's a risk I have to take. I'm a little perturbed when the scent leads to a cavemouth set in the side of a cresting hill, rather than a little hovel like I was expecting. Pushing past a heavy covering of ivy over the entrance, the scent of wood surprises me. When I put my hand against it, it becomes clear: there's a door. A carved and sealed door. Here? Of all places? Not just one cobbled together, but well-made of heavy wood with hinges and what I am guessing is a bolt pin on the inside.

Well. That's irritating. I'm not even going to remotely try breaking something like that down and leave after taking out a pack of my own herbs and crushing them up, scattering the area liberally to cover my own scent and climb the hill to get an overlook vantage point. Finding some leaves to pack together and make a spot to sit against that isn't cold ground, I hunker down and wait. I stay aware of my surroundings still, eyes and ears open in the event there's a second entrance.

As morning breaks, I'm tired and probably on the verge of hypothermia, but I ignore it and jolt to full attention as I hear the door moving. My sword is already drawn, so I crouch and wait. Sure enough, out into the light slithers... not at all what I was expecting. Roughly two meters tall with bright azure scales, a soft white underbelly, and a muscular abdomen set upon the body of a snake, they regard the area around themselves, a long, slim tongue tasting the air as they peer through the trees. Their head is devoid of hair, simply flat and armored with heavy scales, like a merging between a human and a snake with a long snout and large serpentine eyes set below thin brows. This is not what the target was projected to be, but orders are to be carried out to the letter, even if they are inane.

Silently, I rise and drop down, blade poised to strike. But somehow, they sense my presence and look up, their massive tail swinging with startling speed. It's too late for me to adjust and I can only brace as it slams into my shoulder, sending me flying several meters away. I roll when I hit the ground, avoiding any trees and recovering into a kneeling position I rise from, standing and sprinting towards my target again.

I see a flash of purple eyes and ignore them. I'm not sure what I'm facing, and many creatures such as this have some sort of effect to their eyes. They're subtle, but in protracted fights it can make a world of difference. The creature regards me in a sort of surprise but adopts a fighting stance with their forearms defensively shielding their chest and neck. My sword is double edged, one serrated, the other a flat blade with a thin tip for armor piercing. It's great for fighting regular humanoid opponents, but it puts me at a disadvantage against a bigger, heavier armored foe much like this one.

Rushing forward, I dodge over the first swing of the tail but am not prepared for the naga to drop onto its back and swing its body around like a mace. I duck and narrowly avoid getting my head smashed off, sidestep a follow up smashing strike. I rush in to make a reckless stab for its chest. Surging upwards, I can only partially avoid a sudden punch it throws, its defensive stance likely a ruse. Even just partially grazing my temple with its thumb, it whips my head around and breaks the skin.

Directly afterwards, I take another smash from the tail across my chest and get sent flying once again. I am briefly aware of the target rushing after me, somehow fast enough for its fingers to close around my throat before it redirects and slams me into a tree. The impact is so stunning I can only weakly grunt in pain, but I keep a grip on my sword.

I raise it as my foe widens its jaws with a bone rattling hiss, displaying four prominent fangs as it lunges for my throat. I raise my sword, but its other hand grabs my forearm and forces it back. Even so, I adjust my grip and twist my wrist, putting the flat of the blade directly in the path of its mouth. Instead of continuing forward or stopping, it bites down onto the sword on purpose with enough strength it easily yanks it free from me.

Then, almost nonchalantly, they spit it out, the blade clattering a bit as it hits a few stone on the forest floor. They open their jaws and hiss again, preparing to bite down once more.

"Yeah, this seems about right," I breathe.

I've had enough, raising my head so they have better access to my neck. There's a small breeze across my face from the speed of them darting forward to land the killing blow, but their fangs stop just short of touching my skin, their breath hot across my neck.

They pull back, regarding me with a quizzical expression. Their features are foreign, but I still can read their face, even with my left eye obscured with blood from the temple graze.

"And here I thought slayers fought valiantly to the death," He says, his voice deep and melodic.

It's not taunting. More of a statement of fact.

"I've been 'accidently' sent to my death four missions in a row. Alone. It's pretty obvious my captain is trying to kill me."

"How so?"

"Well, I was told you were a minor oni. Clearly not the case."

"And yet you still attacked?"

"It was either stick to my orders and come back with a kill or I'd be back to being a rice farmer with my parents. And. Well. Not my thing."

I breathe in through my mouth, tasting his scent. Herbs, mostly, but there's fruits and nuts around him as well, like he washes with fine soap. I wasn't even sent to kill a dangerous monster, was I? This is a person, damn it.

"I share the sentiment. If I let you go, will you attack me again?"

"No. Couldn't if I want to. Coincidently, please, don't drop me."

Mercifully, he lets go of my neck and lowers me slowly to the ground by my forearm. I slide into a sitting position against tree, drawing my knees up to my chest against the cold. Unlike him, I am under a meter and two thirds tall with a slim body, pale skinned with white hair and dark blue eyes bearing slitted pupils. Thinking about it, our eyes might be similar, but I've avoided looking at his on purpose. I imagine we both can taste the air the same way too.

He doesn't say anything more and moves away, his movements making a clear path in the forest loam I would have seen had I began tracking him during the day. I feel around for my sword and find the tip of it, leaning to the side a moment to get a grip on it and sheathe it. Pain and exhaustion get the better of me and I slump to the side.

I awake with a start to a hand on my shoulder, accidentally looking up into two deep, amethyst eyes. No effect takes hold, though. Not one that I can feel. It's the naga again, frowning down at me.

"You're not dead," He notes. "So why haven't you left?"

"...Because you beat the shit out of me?"

"Perhaps. But you were tired beforehand, I could tell. How long were you waiting for me?"

"Mmm," I hum, thinking. "About six to eight hours."

"In the cold?"


I take a deep breath and taste food on the air, a soup, I think. And a very nice one at that. Never heard of a monster making those before. I'm kind of glad I didn't get the chance to kill him now; he could very well be innocent.

"You got the drop on me, sure, but that was reckless."

"I didn't have the time to worry about that."

"What do you mean?"

"I was assigned to get here, kill my target - you - and be back before the next nightfall. So, run here, get a trophy, and run back. With no sleep."

"Why on earth would you have to do that?"

"My captain is trying to kill me. That's why."

"So, you've said. It's because of your eyes, isn't it? There's some unnatural blood in you."

"Probably. Maybe he just decided to loathe me in particular. I don't know."

I notice he's wearing clothes now, a heavy cloak along his upper body and cloth wrapping over his lower body with metal plates along the under belly. Huh. So. I guess that's the boot equivalent for snakes.

"Why weren't you wearing anything earlier?" I ask

"Do you fully dress to take a piss after waking up?" He replies with a chuckle.

"No, I don't. You haven't actually killed anyone, have you?"

"Many. All in self defense, though. Why do you think I live so remotely? Speaking of which, how did you find me?"

"The little village nearby reported an oni. I was sent to slay it. I tracked you from there."

"I see. For the record, my only interaction with any of them was once giving a woman medicine for her dying son, and that was all."

"... Sorry. For attempting to take your life. I'll leave now."

I try to put weight onto my arm as I sit up, wincing in the process. It's a safe bet I just barely avoided having my shoulder ripped from the socket. He rises back up as I brace against the tree, standing. Everything is stiff and hurts. My head is pounding.

"You're not doing okay," He observes.

"Tell me something new," I chuckle, scraping caked blood off of my left eyes.

"I notice you've been breathing through your mouth. Does it hurt to do otherwise?"

"No. I just can't smell well that way."


In answer, I open my mouth so he can see the gaping hole under my tongue, taking a deep breathe and exhaling through it before closing it.

"So, that's how you tracked me."

I nod, "By the herbs you collected."

"Ah. That would do it, yes."

There doesn't seem to be much more to say, so I take a few steps towards the way back and stumble, gripping a tree for balance.

"You're not walking back to the village like this, let alone back to this captain," He says, gripping my shoulder lightly. "Come inside my home and rest for a bit."

"I... I tried to kill you," I reply, surprised.

"Not to crush you anymore already, but my life was never in danger against someone of your ability."

"That's... fair enough."

I take his hand and he slips my arm over his shoulder, walking me to the door and inside. Afterwards, he closes it behind us and pushes a dead bolt in place. I'm not worried about him locking it; he could have already done anything he wanted to. Inside is a small kitchen area with herbs hanging from the ceiling along with shelves lined with clay jars and cups filled to the brim with ingredients, both cooking and medical.

There's a hearth with a cooking pot in front of a large fur rug of some sort. Past this is another room shrouded in darkness, likely where he sleeps.

"It's no barracks," He sighs apologetically, helping me sit down on the rug where I can warm up.

"It's more comfortable than one. By a long shot."


"I sleep with fifteen other men on thin cots in a drafty wooden building with no fire for warmth. My standards couldn't get much lower."

"No, I suppose not. Are you hungry?"


Grabbing a wooden bowl and spoon, he ladles some soup from the spots and hands it to me. Gladly, I dig in. He doesn't say anything and wordlessly takes the bowl, refilling it after I drain it three times before politely denying a fourth helping.

"That was delicious, thanks," I say.

"Of course," He nods bashfully.

Is he nervous about having a guest in his home? He seemed entirely unperturbed when waking up his would-be murderer.

"I'm Yaomo, by the way," I continue.

"Call me Ichor for now."

"Interesting name," I remark.

"I could say the same for you," He replies, settling down beside me on the rug.

"My real name is Yath. But one day someone started calling me Yaomo in basic training, and it stuck. It feels more natural at this point."

"Do your comrades treat you badly as well?"

"Some. Not most."

"You mentioned four missions before this, right?"


"What went wrong on those?"

"Bad intel and misidentification of monsters. I had to flee from each one and call in a more experienced slayer. But the captain always found a way to make it my fault, so he's been chipping away at my record for a while now to get rid of me. I didn't think he'd get so brazen, though."

"I suppose it could be worse. You could have to live in a tiny cave in a nowhere forest to avoid bounty hunters."


"Speaking of which, what happens when you return and report what's happened?"

"I'm not sure. But if I don't, they'll send another slayer. I'll just tell them there was no monster at all."

"And they'll believe that?"

"Yeah. Villagers can be jumpy and make up problems in their heads. It happens quite frequently."

"That's a relief. I won't have to leave my home."

"What do you collect so many herbs for?" I ask.

"I was an herbalist for a while in a sleepy village far from here, but once the slayers started getting overzealous, I fled until eventually finding a place to settle. And old habits die hard, don't you think? I don't feel alright unless I have a stock of basic medicine on hand. Regarding that, let me examine your head."

I don't resist as he brushes a lock of my hair aside and takes a look at the graze. It bled quite a bit at first but clotted quickly, so it's superficial. Even so, he insists on washing it and applying an antibacterial poultice. The smell of the poultice is unfamiliar to me, and I ask about the ingredients. That leads to more questions about his craft, and he happily talks freely about herbs and their uses. Hours pass as we talk, and I soon become tired again. I'd like to leave now and not risk a slayer being dispatched, but I'm still not ready to make the journey back to the outpost.

"That's fine. Rest here for the night. I'll send you off in the morning at an early hour."

I nod in thanks.

"But I think this rug is about the best I have to offer for bedding."

"Oh good, I don't have to move, then."

"Yes, that's a positive spin on it - annnd you're already asleep."

True to his word, Ichor wakes me early and is kind enough to share breakfast with me as well.

"It's been nice talking to someone again, Yaomo," Ichor says as I prepare to leave.

"And thank you for being kind in this circumstance."

"You didn't want to hurt me after learning more about the situation, I saw that afterward. Besides, you're quite a pleasant guest. Feel free to stop by again if you happen to be trekking through these woods again. You know, if not stalking me."


With a wave, I leave and head back the way I came out of the forest. I feel better and make it back to the outpost by nightfall. The guards let me in through the front gate and I am greeted by the outpost handler as I make my way inside to give my report.

"So," She says, "Just to briefly recap. The oni you were sent to kill did not exist and no other monsters were in the area, but a bad fall while searching the forest forced you to stay with the village healer for the night?"

"Correct," I nod, sitting across from her, her desk in between us.

No slayer was dispatched to check my disappearance, and there is no reason for them to double check my story.

"Alright. I'll have this sent to headquarters. Get some sleep in the barracks; I should have a new assignment for you in the morning."

I nod and stand, getting some dried food to eat from the provisions before turning in for the night. I have a bad feeling and wake up early, heading to the messenger bird cages and catching the handler right as a raven carrying a message arrives. She regards my presence with a nod as she takes off the message.

"So. A message came for you a few moments ago. I assume you know what's on it, given you're here?" She questions.

"I'm being discharged, right? My captain threatened as much."

"Correct. The short and sweet version is while your scouting of the situation was fine, your 'clumsiness' and injuring yourself in the process was 'another mark in a series of failures'. I am going to need you to turn in your service weapon. In fact, come with me to my office: we can handle your last pay while we're at that."

I was already prepared for this and don't show a visible change, nodding and following her. In short order we get the proper paperwork set and I leave the outpost, minus my sword and the padded armor I was wearing. I get to keep my cloak, luckily, because it doesn't have an insignia, and the armory sells spare weapons to travelers, so I was able to get a decent blade for self-defense. I'm not sure where to go, but it feels like a heavy weight has been taken off my shoulders despite the frustration. Home is a long way off, and really, it'll be too soon if I never see my parents again. I could become a sellsword, but that'd be a gamble with all the coin I have to get better equipment.

I shrug to myself and start walking back down the road. Ichor strikes me as an interesting person with too much time on his hands, so... I don't feel like I have much to lose in this moment. Might as well be a wildcard and see if his offer was genuine. It takes me about the same amount of time to make it back to his home. Circumventing the village by walking through the woods, I find my way to his home this time by a small, freshly made path made by a heavy being pushing their way through the undergrowth. The door isn't locked, and I don't scent him inside after opening it briefly to check, so I sit down nearby on a small pile of dry autumn leaves and wait.

About an hour later I catch his scent on the wind, a little unnerved that I do not hear him at all even as his bright colored scales come into view, carrying a brace of rabbits.

"Oh. You're back," He blinks, smiling after his initial surprise. "Am I about to be ambushed again?"

"No," I shake my head and pull my new weapon partially out of the sheath to display it. "If that's what I was up to, they wouldn't have taken my service sword. Or armor. So. You know. Please don't whack me with your tail. It might break ribs now."

"I shall do no such thing. The slayers, did they cast you off?"

"I had to explain why I was gone for longer than I expected. Slipping and falling off the path was apparently enough of a violation to do so, yes."

"Pardon me for not being entirely sympathetic... but that must have been hard for you."

"I'm irritated. But being angry doesn't gain me anything. I was hoping you wouldn't mind company for a little while longer? Until I figure out what to do with myself."

"I'd like that. And... I couldn't say no since you lied on my behalf. But I'm afraid I am quite boring."

"I certainly thought our conversations were interesting. Actually, if you don't mind, I'd like to learn about healing. I've had enough killing, for now."

"I'd be happy to pass on what I know! Let me butcher these and we can get started after dinner, yes?"

I still feel a little bit of reflexive shock from him so readily accepting me, but decide not to question it. Using my belt knife, I help him skin and butcher the rabbits a fair distance away from the door to avoid leaving a marker, and we carry them back to leave boiling in a pot. At my asking, he talks about the herbs he uses to season the soup.

"Were you never taught how to cook?" He asks.

"Besides roasting over a fire, no, not really."

"I'll have to change that as well. Life is not worth living without good food! And believe me, I would know."

He walks me through how he cooks the soup, seasons it, and explains why he uses the seasons he does. I didn't realize cooking could be so complicated and almost wish I had paper to commit some of this to ink for my memory's sake. After we eat, he walks me through his stock of herbs, explaining their uses and showing me their appearance and smell.

By then, it's quite late and we both turn in for the night. The next day he shows me the river he bathes in, and we gather more herbs after cleaning ourselves in the water. I am disconcerted by his body for a while but learn to ignore it. By the end of the week, he's taught me how to gather herbs for and grind a basic poultice, as well as cook fish, rabbit, and venison.

"I think I've spent enough time with you to trust you. I want to show you why I gather so many herbs," Ichor says as we get up one morning.


"I trade them. Speaking of which, that guest should be here now."

He opens the door, blue light that does not exist in the natural world spilling forth into the room. Ichor greets someone, and in walks easily the most fluffy thing I have ever seen. Two amber eyes of a fox-like kitsune with six tails meet mine.

"Ah. Who's this now?" She asks. "You don't normally make friends, Thael."

"I am still capable of it," He replies in good humor before closing the door. "Yaomo, this is Amaratsu. Amaratsu, this is Yaomo."

We bow to each other, and she regards me critically for a moment, but doesn't say anything else on the matter.

"I hate to be rude, but I am in a hurry this time. I shall be happy to hold our normal conversations another time, still. It's just that my mother has insisted we have dinner shortly, and I only have enough time to pop in and pickup my usual stock."

"That's fine," He says, taking a basket off one of the shelves and handing it to her.

In exchange, she hands him a few gleaming coins. With another nod to me, she leaves as Ichor opens the door for her and leaves. Her scent and footsteps suddenly disappear, so I think she must have used magic to transport herself.

Child, I hear a voice in the back of my head.

I don't outwardly show my surprise at hearing her voice again in this manner, I care for Thael as he is of great use. While I have no doubt he can protect himself, I will take any cause of harm coming upon him with great offence. Keep that in mind.

I see Ichor looking at me apologetically as I feel her mind retract from mine, seemingly aware of her words.

"She's surprisingly passionate about getting fresh herbs. Don't take it personally," He clarifies.

"That's fine. She is right to be weary of me, anyways."

"Perhaps," He says, lowering down next to me on the rug. "But I still don't want your feelings to be discounted."

"I appreciate that. So. Thael?"

"That is part of my real name, yes. You have more than earned the right to use it, if you wish."

"Do you prefer Ichor or Thael?"

"Thael, if you don't mind."

"I do mind. Thael it is."

"Thanks," He smiles.

Unexpectedly, I feel a bit of heat in my face as he beams. Throughout the next week, that feeling starts to grow, especially when I see his bare body in the morning as he rouses from sleep. Truth be told, he's the kindest person I've met in a long time and being able to simply hold a conversation with someone, let alone be treated as a friend, is lovelier than I at first realized.

I start to catch on he feels the same way when I notice he likes to touch my shoulder when we're nearby or bump me with his tail when we cross paths. Its unfamiliar territory for me, so for a while I wonder if I'm just overthinking it. But there's this affection in his eyes that doesn't leave much doubt.

"Hey, Thael?" I say as we both prepare to sleep for the night. "It's cold with winter coming on. Can I sleep with you? At least until those furs finishing curing?"

"I'd like that," He smiles, motioning for me to follow him to his room.

I've peeked past the hanging curtain a few times, but there's not much to see besides a coin pouch and a few personal belongings. It's mostly dominated by a nest of fur pelts. As he lays down, he pats a spot and I join him, very well aware I am just in my undercloth as he wraps his arms around me. Pulled tight against his chest, his familiar scent fills both my nose and mouth. Contrary to how they appear, his scales are soft and warm, and I think I can faintly see just the tip of his tail wagging happily. That. That is adorable. I happily nuzzle his neck as he tucks his snout over my head.

We're both quite tired and fall asleep, but when I awake sometime later, I feel something hot and a little wet pressing against my legs. When it pulses in time to Thael's heart, I'm well aware its his shaft.

"H-hey, Thael?" I murmur, lightly rubbing his shoulder.

"Hmmm?" He hums sleepily.

"You're. A lot... bigger than I thought you'd be."

I can practically hear the gears in his head turning as he foggily tries to comprehend my words and then snaps awake with a cute yelp.

"I'm so sorry!" He cries, rising away from me and covering himself. "I didn't think about that happening, and I don't want you to feel uncom -"

I cut him off with a kiss, and he gradually melts in my arms, pressing closer and intertwining his tongue with mine. We stay like that for a moment before he breaks the kiss to give me a loving lick across my neck.

"Could... you show me how you use this as well?" I ask as my fingers trail down his belly before coming to rest on his erection.

It's fascinating, really. Deep purple in color with a bluer tip, it has a myriad of tiny spikes and slick feeling flesh, creating an unusual texture.

"I can do that," He purrs happily, his hands sliding down my back. "Let me prepare it first."

In a great display of eye candy, he bends forward until his snout is touching the tip of his shaft, lavishing a heavy lick upon it before accepting it into his mouth and taking it all the way to the hilt. As he does so, his tail pushes me closer. One of his hands reaches into my undercloth and grasps my length, making me gasp and squirm as well, bringing it to full mast by slowly pumping it. As if I couldn't get any harder, he makes a few humps into his mouth with a wink to me, his throat bulging a little at his own insertion without any difficulty.

"So," He grins, pulling himself off his dick. "How do you want to do this?"

"I... I want to feel you inside of me," I breathe, leaning forward to his abdomen and grasping his love spire, taking an experimental lick.

"I admit, I've wanted to do that all week... But it's going to be a lot to take at once. Let me loosen you up."

He pulls my rump towards his jaws, and without warning lunges his tongue inside me. I shudder as I feel him push deeper and deeper, exploring my depths until he finds my prostate and begins to make firm, sweeping circles along it. I am far more inexperienced in the matter and can't do much more than lay another lick on his dick before leaning it forward and accepting the tip into my mouth.

He gently thrusts his hips and more flesh flows into my mouths. I didn't expect to like the feeling of fellating him, but there's something deeply gratifying about the moan he makes as I push his dick further inside my mouth. My hereditary begins to really show as I take him into my throat without a problem, right down to the base just like he did. As I do so, he bucks his hips a few times, and I feel a warm splash of pre deposit inside my belly.

"Hah - mmf~ You're really good at that," he breathes as I tighten my throat muscles around him. "Were you really trained as a slayer? Ah, never mind that! Let's move on to the main event."

I happily withdraw his length from my throat and sit up as he grabs my hips, turning me around so he can see my eyes. I lay on his chest as he aligns his tip with my hole, and I let out a pleased sigh as he begins to push inside of me. His previous ministrations loosened me well, but it's still an incredibly tight fit and he has to slow down. Pushing centimeter after centimeter of hot flesh inside of me, I can feel it pulse and throb, making me want to press myself downwards and feel filled to the breaking point.

Finally, I feel his scales press against by rump as he hilts inside of me, my belly slightly bulging at his size. He pulls me into another kiss as he begins to lightly thrust into me, his entire length grinding past my prostate and the spikes only adding stimulation. I press back into them, pushing him deeper inside of me. I moan into his mouth, letting out little cries as he picks up speed and we settle into a tempo. I can't help but grip down hard on his length inside me

Pumping harder and faster, he picks up the pace as I adjust to his insertion and I happily bounce along with it, filling my hole entirely with his size. It isn't long before his breathes start to become shorter and hot.

"Yaomo, I'm - I'm getting close."

"Me too!" I pant, feeling numbness beginning to set into my abused rump and prostate. "Don't pull out!"

His tempo becomes slower, and he instead pumps into me in heavy, filling thrusts before suddenly pushing me up by the shoulders to lean forward and wrap his tongue around my own shaft, slamming his hips back into mine and pushing my entire length in his mouth as he begins to fuck me hard and fast.

I yelp and make more noises in the back of my throat, urging him on as he hilts inside me one more time. I feel his dick bloat heavily before a molten feeling spreads through my belly as he breeds me, continuing to pump slowly in and out of me, only pushing it deeper inside of me. I clamp down on his length and milk him for all he's worth with a tight grip as his maws brings me to climax, dumping rope after rope down his willing throat. I feel myself begin to bloat a little as he continues to cum.

"H - how much do you have?" I moan, one of his hands rubbing my stomach, a grunt of satisfaction confirming he noticed.

He lets out a pleasured sigh as he relinquishes my softening dick from his mouth, his own splurge finally coming to an end.

"For you, I have enough to put an egg in your belly or keep trying until it happens," He grins wolfishly, licking the side of his jaws in an almost predatorial fashion. "Let's sleep like this. I want to keep filling you throughout the night."

"Please do," I sigh as I lay down onto his chest again.

He rolls us onto our side into a more comfortable position, caressing my neck and chest while occasionally making a gentle thrust inside of me, rubbing against my pleasure point. I feel him cum inside of me again before I drop off to sleep, vaguely aware of his loving treatment throughout the rest of the twilight.