Siriel's Exile to Wonderland

Story by MoonScythe on SoFurry

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Alright, here is the introduction to a series that I want to start writing about a guy named Siriel. Please, any feedback would be great. PM it to me by all means. Next on a note, if you are under 18 don't read this, please. I know I cannot turn you away if you are going to read it anyway, but seriously... Finally, I am S.L. Proxy. Don't ask me to explain it, it is just a pen name.

Siriel's Exile to Wonderland


by S.L. Proxy

First off, let's get one thing straight. I'd like to think that I am a pretty normal guy, who all the fucked up things in the world happen to. I mean really, I was a nobody that didn't stand out in the crowd, had no courage, couldn't drink, and really the only thing going for me at the time was my high school GPA. Surely you are thinking, well that doesn't sound so bad, and you would be right if that was the extent of my problems.

Starting when I was nine my life took a nosedive. I had it all, being that kid that everyone wanted to be friends with. I had the latest game system, the biggest TV and was the smartest kid in class. Granted that was a small town in Colorado, but everyone knew every one and it was content. Then I was uprooted and became the timid little kid, thrust into a big city in the backwater state of Montana. Don't get me wrong, Montana is a great place to be, there's just no one there.

Back to the main point, my family was thrust into a state of poverty, my parents living off of the government trying to find work, and I returned to school. I was the new kid, and because I was shy, well... I didn't forge many friendships. In fact, I'd say that I have maybe two friends to date in that city. Now again, you are probably thinking, well that could happen to anyone, and they aren't bitching about it.

Well, that's because they and their dogs weren't tied to a sled and forced down a 75 degree hill in the winter. On the same note, their dog who ended up breaking a leg on the way down didn't drag them face down in the snow for a few miles before the dog finally found someone. To make matters even better, they probably also weren't sworn to silence on threat of their life. But hey, who am I to complain, especially later in life. Like the time in high school... they, in all probability, weren't initiated as a freshman by the same group of kids who had threatened their life, and become seniors. And those seniors probably didn't put them at gun point and tell them to screw the pooch, literally. I think the only saving grace on that one, not that it's much of one, is the wolf, was a female.

On to my next point... nah this is probably getting boring for you and you want to know what changed, right? Well, I was scraping by donating plasma and working as a cashier in some rundown gas station. Of course it had to be me on shift each time the store got robbed, the event occurring every third week or so. It was never the same group, and they were always from out of state so they probably didn't know me. But after the fourth robbery I ended up getting into the occult, trying to find my way out of hell by selling my soul.

Of course, that proved to be utterly useless and then the final straw happened during the middle of my first seance. My parents were killed by a gang lord that was moving into town, flexing his muscle if you will. Why in Montana? I have no earthly idea. In all honesty, the group strolled up in their Escalade popped a few caps off outside and then stormed my house. I suppose it is fate's way of spitting on me since I lived in a house in the middle of a trailer court. I heard several blasts and there were holes blasted through my floor, not a single shot coming near my seance circle.

Like any reasonable person fear filled my body to the brim and I was frozen solid. I heard feet coming up the staircase, and I looked around my room, my heart pounding in my ears. I didn't want to die, but I knew when the inevitable was upon me. Why me?

I tore the drawer from my desk, and pulled out my box cutter from work. My door happened to be locked since I was in the middle of something I didn't want my parents to see. I heard several other sets feet stomping up the stairs and I looked down to my wrists. I wanted to be in control of something in my life, so why not take the biggest step of all? Those were the thoughts that went through my mind as I slit both of my wrists across the street. A moment later, I heard the gangsters say something in Spanish before blasting the doorknob off. In that moment I slit each of my wrists down the street and closed my eyes, feeling my blood drain from my body. Someone came up and kicked my side, jolting my eyes open, but my vision had already tunneled down and I didn't see what the gangsters looked like. I was laughing as I was dying... which I found kind of creepy as they forced the barrel of their shotgun in my mouth. The last thing I saw were the words Twelve Gauge, inscribed on the side of the gun.

I'd swear I died that night, but then I'd be lying. I certainly blacked out, and when I awoke I looked to my wrists seeing them completely healed up, sort of forming a cross pattern scar on each wrist. Again, I'd swear I'd died when I looked around, seeing the flames dancing on the wall, and an intimidating woman looked down at me. Well, I thought she was a woman, since she was nude, and had breasts, with no penis in sight, but as it turned out she was a wolfess.

That is where my luck changed. She said something to me that I don't remember to this day, the incoherent sound seeming like a growl, more than anything. She spat some yellow dust in my face and I was out like a light once again. The next time I awoke I was two years older, and had knowledge of the place I had gone to. It's like she had taken two years to infuse me with all the knowledge I needed to know to survive on the new world I ended up on. I didn't ask questions, immediately accepting my reality. My life had been all jacked up this far, this was probably no different.

I took a moment to take in some air, looking around. I could move. I had energy. However, it was like I had been asleep for two years and not moved an inch for that time. It seemed as though my body needed to remember to move. Luckily, it didn't take me that long to learn as I pushed myself up to a sitting position. I stretched, and realized that I was still pretty strong for being asleep for two years.

I rose to my feet, dressed in something I found to be rather girly. I was wearing something akin to a robe, but it had frills on the hems. I did not dare to insult the massive wolf woman in front of me, and she greeted me with an expressionless face. She was still naked, but she wore a feather hair piece holding her bangs out of her eyes. At the very least she was humanoid, and I would say that she was attractive, if not for her wolf parts.

"You probably have a lot of questions, but I am only going to answer one of them," the woman said sternly, glaring at me for some reason, "My proud sister was changed into a bitch and sent across the dimensional rift into your world by way of magic. When she was on her death bed, she pleaded that you would get a second chance at life when you died. You see, we were twins and even across the rift I could feel her worry. When you were forced to rape her, she felt sorry for you. Her magic brought you back here when you died. Now you are getting your second chance."

The wolfess' tone grew sharper and sharper as she spoke of her sister. I had no way of knowing they were related, and it wasn't like I had intentionally raped her sister. She threw a bag at me and hurried me out the door of her small hut. I had barely gotten the time to examine the town before I rushed off in a different direction and out into the woods. I wasn't sure what was in the bag, but it was fairly heavy. Once I had gotten a good distance from the village I decided to peek into the bag. There was food, a change of clothes, this time trousers and a shirt, some boots, a long knife, a blank book, a bottle of ink, a pen, some soap, and a couple of flasks of water. I quickly changed out of the seemingly feminine clothes into the brown t-shirt, and pants. I decided to discard my shoes in favor of the boots and I simply left them behind and continued on my way through the woods.

This world seemed a lot like Earth. In fact if I hadn't met the wolfess, I wouldn't have any problem in believing I was still on Earth. I recognized the trees, plants, the food in my backpack was like jerky and crackers. It's like someone had decided to make a different plan for Earth and this was the result. I followed the stream that coursing through the woods, hoping it would lead me to civilization. If I was to live here, I needed to get a job and a place to live. Then again, I realized I may be the only human on this world... but that was just speculation. I took a deep breath of the sweet breeze on my cheeks noting the clean air of this world.

I took a good look around the forest, noting everything being all too familiar. The trees were oaks, judging by their leaf pattern, and it was the middle of fall. The leaves were dying, and had already changed the character of the forest from summer to autumn. One strange thing that I noted was the lack of singing birds, and the lack of animals, anywhere. There were plenty of annoying insects buzzing about... but that was about all I encountered as far as wildlife, traversing the forest for a few hours. The sun started at noon, and started falling in the evening. Lucky for me, there were enough cumulus clouds to shade me from the sun, and the trees still had enough leaves to provide any extra shade. I hated the sun.

I wandered the forest, along the ravine, whose trickle slowly died out as my idea that civilization would be built on the stream turned out to be correct. Judging by the position of the sun, I would guess that it was about five when I reached the city. I hadn't expected such a large city, but business seemed to be booming and the place seemed like any modern city in my world. Maybe a little set back in the times, having a giant wall around it, but clearly there were guns and electricity. Guards patrolled the top of the wall, and they varied greatly in species. Just looking around I saw reptiles, felines, canines, avians, and a few equines here and there.

I wasn't in Montana anymore... that was for certain. I made my way toward the gate of the city, wandering along the wall to get to the main road, and the guards seemed to be shocked by my presence eying me a little. Regardless, I had to make a new life here, and that's what I planned to do. Nothing could be worse than what I 'd just come from, right? I let out a heavy sigh of relief, my excitement in this 'better' world obvious on my face.

"Welcome to Gilded City," a guard said bowing respectfully, and I reluctantly returned the bow, unsure of their customs.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that humans were just a rare species on this planet and were generally hated in this part of the world, though in progressive times, the idea was changing. People were people at the end of the day. As I walked into the city I was stunned. The place was like any city I had been to in the past. Houses, and businesses were scattered int groups throughout the city, separated into districts as I wandered down the sidewalk. I was definitely being eyed by just about everyone I passed, feeling a little afraid from myself. It was strange not seeing any cars, and having everyone walk, except for maybe two or three people on bicycles.

I probably wandered the city for an hour just admiring the place. I never really did that before, but it fascinated me that this place was so much like home. Then again, if home is where the heart is, my heart was already falling for this new world, even if I felt intimidated. There were fast food places, sit down restaurants, book stores, and about the only thing I didn't see were gaming stores or movie places. It seemed that sports were far more popular in this place. I didn't see much advertising that wasn't done by hand, making me wonder if they had any computer electronics here.

Suddenly, there was a paw over my mouth and I was dragged into a dark alleyway. I struggled to get free, but whoever had grabbed me was clearly stronger than I was. I had been in decent shape before arriving, but obviously two years was a long time to go without exercise. I think I was more or less preserved, picking up where I had left off. When the person released me I instantly turned around, relieved of my panic. It was a large snow leopardess, and a beautiful one at that.

"What are you doing here?" she asked with shock, her tail swishing nervously.

"I'm here to find a job, and get a place to live. I'm here to live... that's about it," I replied and she tilted her head as if confused.

"I am the leading spokesperson for human rights here... and surely you know that this city isn't a good place for you to be," she said clasping my hand in her paws.

"Well, of course not... I just got here. In this world I mean," I said shrugging a little and she eyed me with a look of desperation.

I studied her for a moment, her worried look somehow cute to me. I mean, before I had never really thought much about a sentient animal, as it really didn't occur back home. However, I had accepted my fate and well, currently I was liking it. Someone actually cared for my well being. I reached up to pet the leopardess' ears and she didn't stop me, though her look of worry faded into a pleased one, purring a little as I stroked between her ears.

I took the moment to get a better observation of her and realized just how utterly gorgeous she was. If I didn't know any better she was my dream girl. She had long white hair, perfect blue eyes, slim but still had meat on her bones, perfect sized breasts being perhaps mid C-cups, and she was a little shorter than me. The only thing that kept her from being my dream woman was the fact that she was a cat. I am pretty sure it is normal for me to say that I have never thought about having any romantic encounter with a snow leopardess. One thing I noticed though is she had a scent to her that was pleasant... it was just a little thing, and I barely noticed it but it added to her beauty.

I had always loved cats though and as I pet her ears she clutched my hand a little and nuzzled up into my petting hand. She was wearing a simple garment seeming much like a Japanese kimono, which seemed to be the style around the area, making me stand out. The colors I had seen in the city varied greatly, but the leopardess in front of me seemed to favor pink and white. Her tail flicked from side to side as she continued absorbing the affection I gave her, slowly releasing my hand.

"Mrr... ah... stop..." she said gently, and I did so, pulling my hand back and she gave me a dreamy look with a smile.

"Sorry, you're just so cute," I said, feeling my cheeks get hot as she turned and signaled me to follow her.

I had nothing better to do, no where to be, and no one to answer to at the moment, so I decided it would be a good idea to follow the gorgeous snow leopardess. Little did I know what she had in store for me... I followed close behind her and she led me into what appeared to be a bar of some kind and there were two wolfess strippers on a stage, a decent string quintet in the background, and people drinking all over the place. One thing that definitely stood out was the smell of sex in the bar. No one was going at it at the moment, but it seemed like it wasn't uncommon for them to do so.

"Oh, welcome back Selina, goddess of the humans," the barkeep said with a devious grin across his muzzle.

The barkeep was a large black dog of some sort, washing glasses, probably a doberman or a black lab? I wasn't really sure, and it was rather dark in the bar, not to mention I am terrible at identifying dog breeds. As soon as he noticed me he got a surprised look on his face and shook his head, a look of what appeared to be disbelief on his face. It was like he knew something I didn't know, and I was curious as to what he was thinking.

"So you finally got one for your little group? One male human, in a group of female activists in heat. Sounds like some sort of fucked up erotica," the dog commented, still shaking his head.

"Shh, Garrett. You shouldn't say things like that," Selina said stamping her foot.

One thing that surprised me about this bar was the fact that there was no smell of smoke, nor had there been any gambling going on. I suppose I had never really been into a bar before, but that is what I imagined them to have. I mentally shrugged off the thought seeing Selina's tail swaying as if she were nervous about something. She clearly had the strength, and agility to be in control of anything that I might try and pull, not that I was that kind of guy. As I thought about what the barkeep said I wondered how much of what he said was foreshadowing.

After that she led me to the back of the bar and squeezed my hand, leading me up the stairs. Getting one last look at the bar I noted that the majority of the people in this bar were canine, but there were quite a few felines running around. Coming up the stairs, the sound of the bar dulled and led to several rooms. The walls were a light shade of yellow, and the doors were made of some sort of redwood. Even though I had never really learned the language they spoke, whatever the wolfess had done to me made me know how to speak and read it. There was an exit sign back toward the staircase, pointing down, and there was a sign that read 'Suites Above' at the end of the hall by the stairway to a third floor.

Selina reached a paw into her pocket, revealing a key and opening the last door on the right, room 205 and led me into the room, telling me to make myself at home.

Selina closed the door behind me and followed me into the room. It seemed like any ordinary hotel room, except that there was no television anywhere. I took a seat on the couch by the window, taking a peak out the window and seeing the sun setting, before looking around the room again There was a wardrobe, a night stand, an ironing board with an iron, a bathroom, a shower, a bed, a couch, and a desk with a coffee pot and a rolling chair. Everything seemed to be made of redwood, and it definitely looked fancy, or at least well kept. I was kind of curious why I was led into the room and after opening a drawer on the desk, Selina revealed a jar of coffee and put some coffee on.

"So, tell me about yourself, human," Selina said sounding excited as she took a seat on the bed across from me.

"Well, that's gonna stop right now. My name is Siriel. No last name, nothing more, just plain Siriel," I said deciding to drop my plain name and go with something I had used on the internet once or twice.

"Siriel? That is a lovely name," she cooed, her tail patting at the bed.

I wondered about the strength of her tail, it's fluffiness a little distracting, as it pat the bed with glee. I had wanted a tail as a kid; I always thought tails were neat. However, as a human I obviously didn't have one and likely was not going to get one. I sort of grew up disillusioned to all of the pretend things that normal kids grew up with and became a little sarcastic, maybe even a little mean.

"Other than that, I am what you see. A fur-less, two legged creature that has a fucked up history, that I'd rather forget. Pardon my vulgarity," I said not meaning to sound gruff.

"Everyone has some skeletons in their closet, I suppose some more than others," Selina said drifting closer to me and finding her way onto the couch.

I was definitely socially awkward, and even moreso retarded. I really didn't have that much interaction with other people on Earth, and I certainly was not very friendly when I did. I could wear a pretty little mask for the lady, since she was laying it on thick. Her hitting got through even my dense skull. Of course, I had never had much of a positive experience with a woman and quite frankly this one was beyond my wildest dreams.

"Well, if you don't ask me about mine, I won't ask you about yours. So, I suppose your name is Selina, right? That is a fitting name for a pretty cat like you," I said feeling a little bit awkward as she leaned against me, her purring, vibrating through her form.

"Oh, you tease," she said, tapping my chest with her paw in a feminine way, pressing her muzzle to my cheek as if to kiss me.

"Are you really in heat?" I asked blatantly, raising an eyebrow.

It was an utterly stupid question to ask, and Selina froze for a moment, her purring coming to a halt, her tail ceasing its patting at the side of the couch. Lucky for me, she found my social retardation cute, and she simply giggled against my cheek, her breath hot and splaying sweetly across my skin. Her tail picked up again, curling a little, and she took my hand in her paw. I definitely felt uncomfortable in the situation as she drew closer, her chest pressing against me.

"Do you want to find out?" she asked, placing my hand on her cheek, and my jaw dropped at the offer.

I was what, a quarter of a day into this new world and already a beautiful woman, granted she was a snow leopardess, was hitting on me and offering me to have sex with her. I may not have had any experience in the field, but I knew that she had definitely just asked me if I wanted to have sex. If I turned it down it would mean that I had high morals and was a great upstanding person in society. If I turned it down I would be a fucking moron.

"Well, I can't say I don't want to find out. That would make me a liar. But, let me warn you... I have never done anything like this before, ever," I said, blushing deeply as she giggled to my comment.

It was sad, but it was true. I hadn't even masturbated properly before, I guess reading and watching just didn't get me off. I would get close and then my body denied me. However, I was not about to tell my future lover about that. She quickly untied her kimono and dropped it off of her shoulders, but her kimono was still held just above her waist by her hakama. Despite this, it was more than enough to reveal her chest and surprise me. I had fully expected two good sized breasts, but instead there were two good sized breasts and six, much smaller auxiliary.

At first she seemed to be rather outgoing, but the moment her top fell from her shoulders she turned into a timid kitten. I followed her example, doffing my shirt and getting out of the staring I made to her chest, so as not to make the situation all too awkward. She leaned back, looking me over as if analyzing her prey. I leaned over her, unsure of what to really do, so I started with a kiss to her muzzle. It was a little strange, especially since I wasn't into animals that way... but she was a little more human than any animal I had ever seen.

Even if she was human-like she still was a snow leopardess. She had fluffy, triangular ears atop her head that seemed to bend and turn to show her emotion or to listen to the sounds going on around. She had a long tail, probably at least the length of her legs, if not a little more. It was hard to tell since it was usually curled, stretched out, or moving. Her eyes were distinctly feline, the slit in the center apparent at the close proximity. She had hand and foot paws... not exactly a human hand or foot, but not exactly a paw, but some happy medium in between. Her paws still seemed practical for walking on, but at the same time, her feet were developed a little more like a human's and her hands could definitely get a grip on something.

I was unsure if she had ever done this before or not, but I assumed she had, since she was so quick on the draw to get me to her room. However, as each moment passed, I became a little less certain, as the kiss started out awkward. I felt he paws slip down over my back, and I realized just how soft her pads were and I shivered at the touch. I had never been sensually touched and as she pulled me over her I placed a hand down to support myself. Oddly enough that was the moment the smell of the coffee tried to fill the room.

Either way, I felt her chest press against me, and if I wasn't mistaken she was ready to lock and load. Her nipples pressed against the front of my body and I could tell that she was horny, a moan escaping her muzzle as she squashed her breasts between us. She rubbed her hips against my leg and closed her eyes as I deepened our kiss. I don't know what she was thinking, but I was fairly certain she enjoyed it as I forced my tongue into her maw to battle with hers.

Selina was excited by the kiss, and I wondered if she had ever been kissed like in such a deep way. She moaned against my mouth and took up my free hand as I moved it to scratch behind her ears. She lowered my hand between her legs and under her hakama. She was not wearing any panties either, as if she had been waiting to have sex. As my hand slid down her body I felt her quiver, her rough tongue warring harder against mine as the kiss grew sloppy and she drew back, a small strand of saliva forming and breaking as we parted.

"Oh, Siriel... that was divine... what was that act called?" Selina asked softly, panting a little, clutching my hand under her paw, just above her treasure.

"That was a kiss. My first kiss," I said, feeling happy and I looked down to Selina, her gaze meeting mine timidly.

I don't know what a snow leopard would be thinking right now, but I could smell her womanly scent now. There was no question that I was aroused by the lovely scent. I did not know what to label it as, it didn't really smell like anything else I had encountered, but it was a pleasant scent and it had an effect on my mind. I could only imagine what she was feeling, probably drowning in her own scent.

"God... I really need you, Siriel. I wish I was more experienced, but I was waiting for a human to come along to satisfy me. Heat is really torturous and I have been turning males away left and right. You can only do so much by yourself," she said and I saw a blush form on her cheeks.

Here I thought she was a slut or something, but she was really just an person in need of some treatment. Perhaps that is what I was just rationalizing it so that I wouldn't feel morally dirty for sleeping with a snow leopardess. My first contact into this world being sex was probably not the best way to go about things, but I was pent up and she was in need. It wasn't like I should have any reason not to fully sate her heat, right?

"I guess it will be a learning experience for both of us," I said softly, drawing back and rising to my knees between her legs, her paw releasing my hand.

It was as if I had given her a cue or something, but she rose and slid her hakama down, waving her rear at me. She tugged her kimono from around her body and tossed it off the side of the couch, her tail lifting and revealing a hot, wet, and puffy slit. I had only seen something like this in porn, but this was different, especially up close. Her tail was off to the side and she had her chest bent down, head looking over her shoulder needily. The position was definitely a seductive one and I am sure that any horn-dog of a male would instantly take her up after seeing this.

"Siriel," she whined, "What are you waiting for?"

I was simply amazed by what I saw and I saw her kneading the couch, tearing little holes in it. If her clawing was a usual event in sex, then she wasn't lying when she said that she hadn't had sex, at least not in this room. Those claws of hers tore the stuff out of the couch with ease. As if to snap me out of my trance, she brushed her tail against my cheek and I shook my head, quickly dropping my trousers.

"It is fascinating. I have never seen a woman up close like this before," I said softly.

Selina had averted her eyes from mine down to my penis. I may not have been the biggest guy on the block, but I was damn certain that I could please a female. I pressed the tip of my hard rod to her inviting lips and she let out a unique growl and instantly thrust her hips back against me. She was strong and I felt it when she hilted herself on my cock, knocking me back a little, and almost on my bum. I reached back up over her, feeling her tight passage practically massaging me. She must have had quite a bit of experience with her own body, knowing right where she wanted me.

"Fuck me already!" Selina pleaded sharply, growling as I leaned over her, her tail curling up over my back as I pulled back and started a thrusting into her, trying not to pull back too far and slip out.

Selina was delighted, and I could tell as her tail clutched at me and she let out the cutest mewling sound as I awkwardly thrust, not having really done this before. There was no way I was going to last with this being my first time, but what I didn't expect was to have her break so quickly. I had barely been into her for thirty seconds before I felt her walls clamp down on my penis and well... not that I am proud of it but I couldn't hold the wave that crashed inside of me. She slammed her hips back against me and forced me to my back sitting up on my cock as I sprayed her full of my seed. Selina yowled loudly, almost forcing me to cover my ears, upon my release.

Selina moaned with each throb and she sank her claws deeply into the couch as I filled her. Her pussy spasmed wildly around my throbbing manhood and I felt her fluids start to trickle down my balls and on the inside of my thighs. I had never felt better in my entire life, but as I felt myself release into her, I also felt tired for some reason. I had just woken up from a 2 year coma for God's sake. Why was I so tired?

"Oh my God, Siriel..." she panted and separated from me, lifting me, into her arms and laying me out on her bed.

"Did I do alright?" I asked, her words worrying me a little.

"That felt amazing!" she said with a deep purr, cuddling close to me. I tried to kick off my boots to finish kicking off my trousers.

Selina grinned and kissed me again, trying to perform the deep kiss she had experienced the first time, things going far more smoothly this time around. I felt the heat of the kiss, the passion still coursing through me, and I leaned into her. She mewled playfully into the kiss, throwing her paws around me. I noted that she was trying as hard as she could not to scratch me. I wagered the reason she wasn't holding me so much is because she didn't want to hurt me.

It hadn't even occurred to me that she could possibly get pregnant. She was a snow leopardess, and I was a human. There was no way she could get pregnant, right? We didn't exactly look compatible... but then again she had to of obtained her humanoid form somehow. For the moment, I let it go, feeling too high on the ecstasy that she gave me.

I had never had a lover before, so I didn't even know what she would like. Nonetheless, with the energy I had left I decided to rub her chest and massage each of her breasts. Her face lit up the moment I started working, and her tail patted my leg as if to show approval. Feeling that it would be more sensual, I kissed her neck and along her collarbone, wanting to kiss her nipples for some reason.

"Siriel, you did the deed... why are you still teasing me?" she asked softly, blushing a little.

"Do you not like it?" I asked, fully expecting her to tell me to continue.

"I love it. Males generally get in, do the deed, and go," Selina whispered and moaned as I suckled at each of her largest breasts.

Maybe her heat made her just want any kind of attention or I was just good at working her, but it didn't seem to matter what I did... she liked it. I loved the feel of her toned body, and the softness of her fur. I don't know how much this woman bathed, but she smelled wonderful and her body was taken care of. She arched her breasts toward my suckling mouth and my fingers continued to stroke her side and down her back, stopping at the base of her tail when I got a devious idea. I waited a moment, before continuing to suckle each of her lovely breasts and she seemed to be getting horny all over again.

"Selina, I would like to think that you would not hurt me, but do you think you could be on top and try mating again?" I asked softly, knowing that she still had not had her heat sated

I had gotten a breather, and I had worked her back up, knowing that she was fully ready to go again after noting her nipples perking through her lush fur. I couldn't help but admire her pure coat and her adorable spots, even though the fur between her legs was matted from our session just a few minutes before. I wasn't out for the count yet... even if I was dog tired.

"Why do you want me on top?" she asked, surprised by the idea.

"Well, I just wanted to try it in a different position, and I figured, this way you could be in control. Not that you weren't before," I said, feeling my cheeks get hot with my less than good performance.

"I never thought about trying it this way... but sure. I will entertain the act," she said smiling, licking my cheek before rising to all fours over me.

Selina was clearly bigger than me, even if shorter by a little bit and I didn't mind that at all. The only bad thing is if we came away from this with a strong relationship, I wouldn't be able to do the manly thing and protect her. I don't know why a man feels the need to protect a woman, but at least in my mind, it was something that was required of me. Clearly, however, Selina would be doing the protecting.

Selina was smiling at me warmly, hardly hinting at the desire to go again, as if she knew how tired I really was and I gently worked my fingers over her breasts again, rubbing each one, until she arched her body to make me switch pairs. Eight breasts were more than I thought I could entertain, but she seemed to like the contact, forcing her body to bend how she wanted to make sure my hands cupped over her exactly the way it felt best. She huffed out quick pants with the more intense groping, but her purring did not stop.

"Siriel... you..." she started, quivering a little as I pinched the nipples on her largest breasts drawing a mewl from her, "You really know... how to make a leopardess feel good."

"Well, I don't know how your mating works... but humans do it for pleasure, pretty much all year round and typically with a lot of touching, kissing, licking, nibbling, maybe even biting before the actual sex begins," I explained, thinking about the human ritual of love.

"How do you resist that urge to go?" she growled, feeling her sensitive breasts had had enough, letting me know by forcing her body down against mine so I could no longer mess with them.

"Because I don't have as sensitive of a nose, or heats like you ladies," I supposed and she rubbed her body against me, making butterflies form in my stomach.

I kissed her neck and gently nibbled against her, trailing sweet nips down her collar and she rumbled against me, making me wonder how much power her purr motor had. She pressed her body tightly against mine and brought her paws to my shoulders, her claws threatening to pierce my shoulders. It seemed she had gotten into the spirit of things as she lapped my neck with her rough tongue, drawing a slight moan from me, and I squeezed her tightly in response. I loved the feeling of her affection and after a moment she nibbled at my shoulder.

I can't really say that it felt good to have a snow leopard's teeth sink into my flesh, but I can say it was done in such a way that it was erotic. Her tail brushed over my legs as she rose to her knees over me, and I smiled up to her. I couldn't help it, with the sweet compliance she was showing me. I felt her velvet pads running over my chest and she massaged my sides a little as she lowered herself, rubbing her wet slit against my love rod.

"I am not in a rush, Selina... go as slow as you want," I whispered up to her and she blushed, moving her hips, and the feel of her slit rubbing against me, made my boner rise again.

"Siriel... I want it now..." she said with a growl, her claws sinking into my shoulders.

I felt my face contort a little as her claws pierced my flesh, but she had slipped herself onto my cock again, her love tunnel squeezing me again. I saw her melt in the pleasure, and I arched my back up to hilt myself inside of her. The mixture of the pain and the pleasure made me feel strange, but I loved the way she moved. She took control and started thrusting her hips down against mine, causing me to slip out with her speed, though moaning loudly through her purring. I only really knew she was purring because of the vibration she made against me, making the pleasure that much more intense, when we were connected.

This time went much slower and I tried to meet her eager thrusts, and tried to keep from slipping out but she was overwhelming, and both of us were still sensitive from the throes of our last orgasm. Luckily, it as like each time I slipped out and back in she got a spike of pleasure. That didn't stop me from trying to pull her down and kiss her while we tried to make sweet love and I kissed her passionately, through her pleased moaning. My hands trailed down her spine and my plan came to fruition as I squeezed the base of her tail. I wasn't sure what to expect but she yowled at me and I felt her keyhole squeeze and tremble over my key, her fluids spilling around me as she rocked her hips wildly against me, drawing a pleasured moan from me.

Little did I expect, she released my shoulders and sank her claws into the bed, clamping her teeth into my shoulder roughly. Now, I 'm no masochist, but something about the way she did it was sexy and broke me following her orgasm. I didn't think I had any seed left inside, buy my body surprised me as I felt my raging manhood release what little seed it had left into Selina's welcoming womb. She melted over me and laid on me for a moment, while she spasmed several more times, clutching and squeezing every drop out of me.

"Fuck! Selina..." I groaned into her ear, her teeth still sunken into my shoulder as I gripped her ears.

After a long moment in the high of a second ecstasy, which was much stronger than the first Selina released my shoulder, revealing a decent amount of blood and she simply lapped at it. Her rough tongue, definitely did not feel all that pleasant against my wound, but it did stop the bleeding, surprisingly enough. I was completely worn out and something just told me that Selina was more than satisfied with what I had done. I was unsure if I should feel accomplished or not, but with that, I fell into a slumber, cuddling with the lovely snow leopardess.

Much to my surprise I didn't wake until the next morning, and Selina was still there, sleeping next to me. She had changed the arrangement a little, as I was covered with a blanket, and with her cuddled against me I felt a sense of happiness. I had never really been in a situation like this and there was a feeling that lingered in the air that I could not place my finger on. I wasn't sure if I had fallen in love with this snow leopardess, or if it was just the remnants of lust.

I didn't know much about snow leopards, other than fact sheets that were readily available through the charities of the rare Earth breed. They were creatures that generally lived in solitude, with the exception of mating season. I wondered if this was the case for Selina as well, or was she more of a social creature like a human? She was friendly, from as far as I could tell, and she seemed to know some people in the community, but that didn't mean she wasn't alone most of the time. I was sure that she was fairly self reliant, since she commanded respect and was in the best shape I had seen anyone in, ever.

I rubbed my shoulder, which still stung pretty bad from the bite, the claw marks not hurting so much. I had a pretty good tolerance for pain, but that bite was certainly something that hurt. Selina had her arms wrapped about my waist and she was holding me close, both of us still nude from the night before. Her arousing scent had died down, which I was thankful for, since it let my libido keep low. However, as I stirred, Selina slowly started to wake, her tail patting the bed gently under the covers.

"Mmm... Siriel. You are an interesting man," she whispered, lapping the back of my head, a gentle purr rising in her body.

"Oh yeah? What makes you say that?" I asked softly, turning to face her.

"You stayed with me through the night, you did things that people don't normally do, you tried to make sure that I was completely full before stopping... you are a lovely mate," she said softly, purring heavily against me as she squeezed me, or chests pressing together.

"Well, you are my first real lover, Selina," I said, blushing and I kissed her muzzle gently.

"Most males finish their deed with the women in heat and go on with their lives," Selina said, lapping at my neck sweetly.

"Well, when humans fall in love they get married and stay together for the rest of their lives. I suppose before that, they might have sex and run..." I said thinking about it.

It was certainly that kids my age definitely got into relationships and had sex, then might break up a week later and do the same thing with their next partner. I hadn't exactly had a good relationship to go off of. I sighed and kissed her muzzle once more before breaking away to rise for the day. She had drained me so much I didn't even have morning wood.

"Humans mate for life?" she asked a little surprised.

"Well, kind of. If you mean the act of mating tying them together, then no. I suppose humans vow their love to a single person when they feel ready," I explained, as I gathered my clothes.

"Not that I would have a problem wish sharing these vows with you, but I am probably only going to live for another five or so years. I have already lived for a good ten years," she said softly, blushing deeply.

"You mean for the majority of your life, you have not been with anyone?" I asked more shocked by that fact than the fact her lifespan was about a sixth of mine.

"No, I guess I have been waiting for the right person..." she said softly, a deep blush coming to her cheeks.

"Lookin' good, for your age," I said trying to hide my own blush while Selina gave me a little smile and gathered her own clothing up.

I had fallen in love with Selina that day, and we vowed our love to each other, since there was no formal marriage ceremony on this world. We stayed in Gilded City for a few more weeks, and I met the rest of the human rights party. It seemed that their goal was to change the view of the general public on humans in an attempt to increase the lives of future generations. Despite the deep hatred for humans, I learned that there was an upper caste of people on this world who took a position of nobility.

The nobility of the world were all just the offspring of the rapes in the human genocide. I thought it was an ironic way to become a noble. Regardless, the Noble Animals were the ones who could use magic, having learned the secret art from the humans before they died out. Currently, there are only five humans other than myself in the world and only one of the others is male. Apparently, they are the most powerful mages in the entire world, and all of them except the youngest woman are hermits.

Magic was kept to the upper class, most schools only teaching magic to those who were at least half human, since the teaching took near five years and that was typically about a third of a typical animal's life. However, those who were at least half human became the upper ruling caste of people. Ironic that the animals that had just obliterated the entire race now practically worshiped it. Selina hadn't been outside of Gilded City, and because of that she had been unaware that most people were going to treat me like a god.

Later I found out that I had gotten her pregnant, but it was something that I was ready to accept. Selina had come to term much more quickly than a human, but she felt that it was longer than any of her friends. Before she had birth we ended up moving away from Gilded City and to an even larger metropolis where magic was practiced. I hadn't believed in magic, and for a while I was wondering if I was in some sort of dream. However, I never woke.

Upon arriving in Ether City, as it were called, Selina and I were immediately given a plot of land and a giant house to live in. Humans were revered highly in this city, and we were given plenty of food and gifts to get us started in this new life. I was happy to finally crawl out of the cesspool of despair that I had been brought up in, and be living the good life. However, it did come a little fast for me and I didn't know what to really do at first.

People were generally afraid to talk to me when I walked down the street with Selina, and I almost always had a clear path from one side of town to the other. I felt awkward in the city, and I tended to stay home, not feeling comfortable doing nothing with my life. I mean, I enjoyed making love with Selina, and she was always willing to try something different, even coming up with outlandish things that I had never expected. Some things worked, some things didn't. Typically, we just went doggie style since it was what kept Selina from tearing into me too much, and felt natural for her.

When Selina gave birth to our children, we had four boys and a girl. Despite them being half human, they sure looked a lot like their mother. I suppose I passed down some of my psychological traits since they understood feelings better than Selina did, making me a little more valuable at raising them. Selina felt a little awkward since she was expecting to raise them for a year and let them out to do their own thing. Unfortunately, that really was not going to be an option, especially since they were the equivalent of a four, maybe five-year-old human kid.

After a couple of years though, the kids had grown up enough to go to school, and I decided to join them, since I figured it would teach me, or help me access the information that I had obtained from the wolfess upon my arrival. Not to mention I needed to study magic to live up to the expectations of the people on this world. Going to school with my rapidly aging children was definitely weird, but I did not mind it at all. It helped me keep an eye on my daughter whom I had a decent bond with.

Jeremy, the first born of our litter was a natural at all things physical. He was the strongest and fastest of all of our children and he was very good at sports. Like his mother, he enjoyed being active outside and he really did not like going to school at all. Selina was insistent on making all of her children learn magic and be a part of Noble society since it would be an easier life for them. Despite not liking to study, he was pretty good at magic as he grew up.

Sirus, the second born of our litter was close to Jeremy, sharing his temperament and ideas. They were close and a strong competition grew between the two of them, Sirius taking second in just about everything. However, Sirus was a little faster, even if he was not as strong as Jeremy. They loved to play together while they were growing up and it was easy to keep the two of them entertained, since their competition pretty much governed their actions. They never got too violent with one another, but Selina did have to break up a few fights, as I was unable to physically separate the two with my human form.

Serena, the third born and daughter of our litter was the smart kid. She was not nearly as strong or built as her mother, and she enjoyed solitude far more than her brothers. She was the most adept at learning magic, and she was the one who put meaning into the phrase "Knowledge is Power." I swear she had photographic memory and she remembered things that even I tended to forget. I was definitely the brain of the family before she came along, but that was alright by me. Rena, as she preferred to be called was my favorite child, and I definitely put her on a pedestal. I took her to town more often than her brothers, probably because she was the easiest to find at first. But over time, she had just taken a liking to me, and she shared her feelings on just about everything with me. She got confused in life, since she was attracted to girls and not boys, and that was a weird conversation to have with my daughter. Rena and I were practically best friends, but when she was in trouble I still disciplined her and she grew up to be responsible, in my opinion.

Allen, the fourth born of the litter was the runt of the group. He was the smallest and weakest, but he managed to pull through in the beginning. For a while he had been invisible to Selina and I could hardly believe her treatment toward him when he was a cub. Apparently, it was natural that someone from a litter died, but I managed to prevent that from happening and Selina did not even try to stop me. Sometimes I felt that she wanted to, and whether I was wrong, or she just let me work with Allen out of love, I am grateful to her. Allen was the smartest of the boys and he grew up a social creature, falling for girls starting the day he first went to school. He was a social creature and everyone liked him. It didn't matter that he was bad at sports he definitely had a silver tongue, and that got him into success in Ether City.

Zack, the final born of our litter was kind of the protector of the group. He believed strongly in family and he was the one who sort of held everyone together. He was also a very social kid, but in a different way than Allen. He is that guy that would give friendship speeches, and tell the importance of equality, much like his mother. He and Selina were very close and she imposed many of her feelings and thoughts onto him. While she never admitted it, I could swear that Zack was her favorite cub. He was a pretty average kid, not really standing out that much, and I just hoped he didn't get my bad luck.

As our children grew up, I realized that they were a little more human-like. They had slightly shorter muzzles, and did not share a lot of the instincts their mother did. They did not have the urge to hunt, for the most part. However, they were still cat-like physically, and it seemed only mentally they were much more like me. I related to them when they had problems growing up, and Selina was always supported of our children. Selina kept me from going insane as our children grew up.

Selina was my support system, and when the realization that I had been transported to a new world, and forced into the position I was in finally dawned on me I was nearly driven mad. It didn't seem possible to me, and I knew the whole time that I hadn't been dreaming. I had been lying to myself, and convincing myself that I was dreaming... but one day my conscience stopped that lying to myself. I don't know what caused the change and I was overwhelmed with emotion. Selina was the greatest lover that anyone could ask for and she kept me going while I sorted things out.

At school I learned a lot about the world, most of it just snapping into place as if I had already known it. Also, I learned the basics of magic, which would help me tap into that closed memory that the wolfess had given me. I had far more advanced spells in my memory from her lessons , but I did not have much of that information readily accessible. It just sort of fit together when I either lived it, or relearned it. I also had learned a lot just about the simple stuff, like history.

Humans had magic since the beginning of time on this world, and because of it a lot of experiments started early. They had wiped out nearly the entire population of natural animals, but in doing so they had created human hybrids, or at least changed the animals into humanoids. They were not truly human, but they had sentience and greater intelligence. Humans eventually became the bad guys in history, though no one is certain as to why anymore, and a revolution of the various animal hybrids had pretty much driven humans to extinction, except for those who were the most powerful with magic. The animals of the world did not really have access to magic to start with and survival of the fittest had driven the humans to be a completely magic race.

As time went by the humans slowly started to come back, but because of their magic nature, they were still outcasts from the rising society that the animals were making. Just before the humans made it to the peak of their hidden golden age, they were overrun once again by the animals, this time the animals being the bad guys in history. Human blood was introduced into the gene pool, and with it longer lives and magic wielding animals. Unfortunately, this led to the distribution of the world's land into sections where the magic animals took the ruling class and the others were forced into a lower caste of society. However, as time went by humans had become so rare that they were basically deemed extinct.

Since the majority of the animals had short life spans, and no access to magic, technology developed to aid in life to make it easier, sort of resulting in an age similar to the one I was used to. They still had yet to make cars, or discover nuclear physics, but a lot of the nineteenth century things were developed and they had figured out how to make electricity using dams. However, magic was the most prevalent form of lighting, and electricity. Only the larger settlements had such luxuries, while much of the population was spread out in little nomadic villages.

Nobles pretty much kept to themselves, and kept the human part to themselves, resulting in much longer lifespans, and with the development of magic, increasing their lifespans by near a hundred years. It seemed that a typical animal would live to be fifteen or sixteen, some making it as far as eighteen. A typical human hybrid tended to live between twenty five and thirty years, while noble might to be around a a hundred and fifty before they died. Magic could only do so much... it really could not affect someones life span, either to increase, or decrease it. It could not instantly kill someone, except by way of say a fireball or a lightning bolt, and it could not raise the dead. Magic was awesome but not perfect.

For the most part, history was kept by the nobles and hybrids since animals didn't really live long enough to keep a good history. Because of this fact, only recently had history really been recorded, much of it lost to time, or told in fairy tales. However, manuals for operating equipment, blueprints architecture, and magic all were recorded for future generations. Generally if it was a set of instructions it was recorded. If it was history it was spoken.

I had a great time learning magic in school and while my kids were growing up to be five, they were advancing to a point where they were going to graduate the academy. Selina was growing old and her heats had stopped coming on, also growing lethargic. However, the spice in our love never faded and she was always up for making love with me, even if she wasn't in heat. She was never as ferocious as she was in heat, but it was great either way. We had learned each other so intimately I knew how to make her orgasm several times before letting her have any seed from me. She never seemed opposed to this idea, and I had to work with what I had, since I was only human.

Selina grew old enough to watch our children graduate from Ether Academy and she was proud of her children. I do not know how many times she stated it when we celebrated that evening, but after they graduated they had gone their separate ways.

It was awkward for me to learn that Jeremy and Sirus were gay for each other, but I did not shun them or disown them as a typical person from my home would have. While it was strange, they were still my kids and I loved them... just not the same way that they loved each other. They set out for Gilded City to learn how to fight and become guards for the city. They probably would not have much trouble since they could use magic, and I hoped that things would work out well for them.

Allen, ended up traveling with a cute coyote Noble as a merchant. He traded goods from city to city, trading goods and making a little money in the process. He was trying to make enough money to establish a guild where all merchants could gather together and trade. He was always good with money and knew how to work economy in his favor. His lover was a timid woman and her parents did not approve of her relationship, but she had followed her heart and I rewarded her with a spell to change wood into gold. It was a spell that wasn't taught since it would ruin economies everywhere, but somewhere I had recalled it from the back of my mind. There was no way Allen would let her do that, and she was an honest woman.

Zack settled down in Ether City with another leopardess and moved out and into a house on the other side of town. They were interns at the school, aiming to teach magic to the next generation, and gaining access to the more advanced spells. I did not know his lover very well, and she was really quiet. She was a girl that tended to keep to herself, really only greeting me when necessary and mostly sticking close to Zack. Zack asked me about how to deal with the strange feelings he had for her, but I told him he would have to find out how to act for himself. So far it seemed to be working for him.

Serena had set off for a life of adventure, taking on jobs to find treasure, to fight for people, and so on. I did not know for certain what she was going to do with her life, but I really hoped that she did something great. Of course it didn't take long for the name Rena to become the topic of rumors when she started taking on dangerous jobs and succeeding. Selina and I were proud of her, and she often sent messengers back home, though she never told us where she was or where she might be going next.

Shortly after our children had all gone their separate ways Selina died. I was thoroughly crushed, even though I knew her time was coming. I was alone in the world once again, but this time I had a foot hold to continue forward with. I was twenty four, pushing twenty five, and no longer just an abused child with horrible luck. I knew how to wield magic quite well using my spell book and I thanked the wolf that had given me my second chance near every day of my life.

Selina told me to continue on with my life and to find a new mate some day when I was ready. She had adapted a very empathetic nature while living with me. I lived by myself, pretty much wasting away for nearly six months before I decided to set off from Ether City in search of adventure. I knew it was going to be risky, but I did not foresee myself getting a new life mate anytime soon. I decided to follow in Serena's footsteps and try to find her, since she had simply run off in search for adventure. I ended up hearing about a powerful witch to the north who was tormenting the local population, and maybe I was being cocky but I was going to take the bitch of her high horse.