Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 13

Story by Seth_GodofChaos on SoFurry

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#13 of Camilla Queen, the Conquerer

Chapter 13

Meanwhile, while Isis and Stephen had sought and found the sleep of the righteous, Camilla had risen in her suite and visited the bathroom.

The Anubis Taur robot lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, finally rose and, with the servo motors humming softly, walked to the wall mirror, finally stood in front of it and looked at itself.

He began to think how the further course of action on his part should look like, went to court with himself.

'So, so, Anubis. Deep down inside, so are you, sharing this mechanical body with me, under my control. Together we will continue the work and also bring it to a good end. I just must not lose my temper through the damned transformation. In the last act, it almost went wrong and my true identity came into view. Fortunately, it only felt big to them, which I was able to brush off. If it happens in the wrong place and becomes too obvious, it's all over. No one has noticed anything yet, even Isis is guileless. On Sirius D, everyone will experience who I really am, I will show myself for what I am.'

At that moment Camilla stepped out of the bathroom, saw that her lover was standing in front of the mirror and seemed to be looking at himself.

"Don't you think you are imposing enough if I tell you and show you clearly too?" she asked.

"I am a god, we are vain."

"We? You are alone there, there is no question of a we with you."

"I meant us gods in general, that is, also referring to Isis."

"I even agree with you there. She's very full of herself."

"She can be, shall we say, very persuasive, and she's got a damn good grip on your stepbrother, too."

"Stephen is easily won over. And since he's found a willing partner in carnality in her and she's found one in him, too, so it's a good fit. It's a win-win situation."

"I agree with you without a doubt," the Taur replied. "And now I'm going to take a shower. Afterwards, I'd like to go to the dining hall. I'm awfully hungry."

"You got that right," Camilla agreed, nodding. "Off to the shower with you," she added, giving her jackal robot a good smack on the butt.

While the Anubis Taur surrendered to the tingling jets of water, Camilla got dressed ready to go out, sat on the bed and waited.

Time passed...

what felt like 20 minutes became a real 30 minutes...

Still the shower was running and nothing else could be heard or seen.

"Anubis?" called Camilla, getting up and going to the bathroom door. "Anubis? Is everything all right?"

There was no response.

"Anubis? What's wrong? Is everything okay with you?" she became louder and more agitated.

Finally, the shower was turned off, a rumbling was heard in the bathroom, and the door was opened.

Standing in front of the fox-wolf was her Taur robot, although it no longer looked like a robot. It was completely covered in fur, looking like a real biological creature all over its body. Nothing reminded her of what he was when he came to Camilla.

"How is that possible?" the fox-wolf asked in amazement.

"That's your influence," he chuckled.

"What nonsense," it escaped Camilla.

"I suspect it's the food, our joint activities, which have a stimulating effect on building a cardiovascular system, and ultimately the shower, which has an effect on the surface. The polymer just transformed into fur and flesh with every single stream of water."

"This is indeed a divine miracle," Camilla whispered.

"In any case, by the time we arrive on Sirius A, I will be ready for action, which should make our task much easier."

"Then Seth's army can come."

"Let them."

"Come on, let's get something to eat."

Arriving in the dining room, Camilla looked around and spotted her butler Frank Simson and her stepbrother Stephen Fang, who had taken seats at the same table with Isis.

But that was not enough. The doctor's assistant-rat was also sitting at the table, seemed to get along very well with her butler-Dobermann, was obviously joking.

They approached the table, gradually attracting the attention of those present in the room and finally their own.

"Sis," Stephen started delightedly, while the other three nodded with friendly smiles.

"I see Anubis has transformed faster than I thought," Isis stated briefly.

"Yes. That happened this morning," Camilla replied.

"I'm very pleased that we have Anubis back among the living," Isis added.

"I'm hungry," Anubis announced. "I'm going to go to the buffet and get some proper food. Who's coming?"

"Me, of course," Camilla confirmed, turning around and bumping into, of all people, the old tigress who had caused trouble in the past and was now guaranteed to do so again.

However, something quite different happened. She was neither spiteful, nasty, nor angry. Instead, she was bubbling over with friendliness, especially towards Anubis. If she had regarded the robot as a terrible subject before, now she respected it all the more.

"What an unexpected turn of events," Camilla stated after the tigress had left and Anubis and she were standing at the buffet, deciding on some delicacies.

"It's always amazing how much born creatures judge other, non-biological forms. I find it downright depressing that this behavior was so pronounced among the dominant humans back then and is unfortunately the case with you anthros as well. You'd think you'd have sprung completely out of those silly infancy years."

"You can't lump everyone together. There are always these outliers."

"Maybe so. Still, it's sad."

Camilla just looked at her Anubis Taur askance and shrugged inwardly.

So first days passed, then finally the trip to the Sirius system ended.

Through the viewport of their suite, Camilla and her Anubis Jackal could see the fixed star and finally the destination, planet Alpha, approaching.

"In two days, we will first go into stable orbit. Thirty-six hours later, we will begin our descent," Camilla turned to Anubis.

"I can confirm that according to my information."

"Somehow you've become even weirder," the fox-wolf suspected.

"What makes you think that? I have become Anubis and a living being, a god. I am no longer a mere AI in an artificial body. Therefore, I may be as I am and as I have always been, but also as you just don't know me."

"I will have to live with that."

"Perhaps as Anubis I am not quite what was desired in your imagination?"

"Maybe, but you are real now and that is important."

"What is it you always say? Don't ask so many questions and don't talk so much," Anubis replied, smiling broadly.

Camilla hugged him and started kissing him hotly. "Let's do it again. After all, we don't know when we'll get to it again."

"Sure you do, my companion. Never would I reject you when you crave my closeness, tenderness, and body."

"After all, we both benefit from it," she reasoned, standing behind her jackal taur and gently stroking his testicles with her right hand. "They're pretty darn big for a jackal. They should belong more to a stallion."

"No. There are mine, like everything else about me."

"Then give me what's yours and what you are."

Completely exhausted, Camilla sanctified into the sheet, Anubis did the same at her side, and they both struggled for breath.

"Wow, now that was more violent than anything ever before. Life as a living being seems to be doing you a hell of a lot of good. You're doing me good with it," the fox-wolf gasped.

"Glad to hear it. But, I feel the same way."

"Do you feel like going to the recreation area with me and messing up the spa area a bit?" asked Camilla.

"Create chaos? Sure you do. Chaos is my middle name."

"Shouldn't that be more Seth's job?"

"I'm very good at that, too. Probably wasted too much time with him in the past."

"If you say so ...," Camilla still countered, thinking a bit.

"But now you know what one of Seth's strengths is. He creates confusion with things like that."

"Good example," Camilla replied, still looking at Anubis askance.

"Can you meet me in the spa area later? I'd like something to eat and drink first," requested the Anubis taur.

"Okay, I'd love to. I'll go ahead," Camilla said, kissing her lover intensely. "And don't forget. I love you."

"I you even more, my wonderful fox-wolf."

They both left the suite and went their separate ways for the time being. While Anubis actually went into the dining room, Camilla turned around after a few meters, turned sideways to another corridor and sought out Isis' cabin.

She knocked.

"Come in," the human goddess called out.

"Isis? We need to talk," Camilla started.

"Come in. It's nice not having to come to you every time we need to talk."

"Cut the crap, it's about Anubis."

"Tell me, what did he do?"

"I've been asking him about Seth."

"Ah, you wanted to satisfy your curiosity?"

"Yes, I want to know what I'm dealing with with him."

"Seth is many things, he is chaos, confusion, but also reordering. He is not just the bad or the evil."

"Anubis seems to be taken in by Seth right now."

"Your Anubis is his protege. Clearly, he knows more about him than anyone else."

"How sure are you that this former robot is really just Anubis?"

"What are you implying?"

"Nothing. I was just asking a question."

"Don't you trust your lover anymore?"

"Yes, I do. But he's so strange."

"You wanted Anubis alive, not as a robot. Now you have him. He is a god and he behaves as such. He's just not simple and he's not a pure sex being either. It's all in your imagination."

"I don't mean it that way either. It seems to me more like he's not Anubis, but that there's Seth in there with him in that body. Some expressions are not him."

"You mean ..."

"There's something wrong."

"Keep an eye on him. If it is, which I don't think it is, sooner or later he'll slip up and expose himself."

"Good, I'm going now, he'll be expecting me spa area, wanted to eat something first."

"That's a good idea. I'll go with you. Then it won't be noticed that you were here and we talked."

"Excellent idea," Camilla confirmed, and a few minutes later, accompanied by Isis, she walked down the hall and entered one of the countless elevators.

"But why would Seth hide in Anubis?" mused Isis aloud.

"I don't know. Maybe he wants the fragments and hopes to get to them through us."

"That's one possibility, but he could get them that way."

"No. That would be too easy. He wants me."

"You may be the main player here, but I hardly think he ...," Isis started and fell silent. She thought hard and continued, "... he wants humiliation. He doesn't want to stand there as a rapist again, he wants you to be and stay with him willingly."

"But I want Anubis, not Seth."

"He knows that, that's why he's Anubis. Still - and if you've met him, you don't just love the outside, you love the inside."

"You mean that by then I'll be so used to the inner traits that I won't care about his appearance?"

"Perfectly combined, young lady," Isis proclaimed.

"I hardly think I'll be playing this game for long."

"You'll have to."

"I can only hope I'm imagining it all."

"He's going to make mistakes sooner or later anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"He's not himself at all times. There are moments when he wants to be strong, but his emotional and mental state won't allow it."

"When ...," Camilla started and fell silent, blushing slightly under her fur.

"Right then."

"During sex. He becomes mentally unstable and focuses on that one thing."

"Have you noticed anything lately?"

"Well, you said he might have a problem or two during the transformation phase."

"Yes, that's what I said," Isis confirmed.

"He suddenly felt so huge in the middle of it, so more powerful than usual."

"That's when he'll have lost control for the first time."

"But his penis is your spouse's. How can that be?"

"Seth is a shape-shifter, as is Osiris. Therefore, once he has full control of that body part, he can very well shapeshift it, too. And if he is mentally Seth, he would much rather copulate with a stallion limb than a small dog thing."

"That reminds me, the Taur and also you told me that Seth is very much in love with his appearance and especially his manhood."

"Yes. Now what makes you think that."

"My Anubis Taur is very often in front of the mirror and likes to look at himself in profile very much, especially when he has an erection, also I noticed that his testicles fit more to a stallion in size than to a jackal."

"That fits the picture we're painting right now. The nanobots have altered him, but they also use information which is stored in the AI. They excavate everything and change the body accordingly. In the process, certain anatomical features may appear that shouldn't be there."

"That means there's Seth in there. He's a cross between a jackal and a mule stallion, isn't he? That would fit."

"Exactly! The only problem is that we should let him play and better not notice anything. That's the only way he'll believe he's reaching his goal."

"For now, after all, he's charming and endearing," Camilla announced.

The elevator door opened, dismissing its two passengers.

Outside the door they met Anubis, who had been looking for Camilla.

"Hello, my love," the taur fluted.

"Hello, my divine one. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Isis suddenly ran into me and made the suggestion to come along."

"No problem. Then we'll just go to the sauna as a threesome."

"As long as you don't get carried away and I end up joining you," Isis started, interrupting herself.

"No, I'm not sharing my jackal."

"And I don't like to be shared, have been told it hurts," the Anubis Taur gave in.

Isis thought her piece in response, and Camilla looked over at her briefly, interpreted her look, and fell silent.

"Let's go to the pleasure," Anubis prompted and led the way.

A number of people were already seated in the sauna, having made themselves comfortable sitting or lying down. Pale gray wisps of mist wafted through the individual seating areas, ensnared the alcoves, wound around the corners, crawled hot and humid through all the cracks.

It smelled of sweat, wood, coal and also very diffusely the presence of pheromones could be sensed.

Otherwise, it was a normal cruise sauna. There was a main room with elongated benches from which then branched off several smaller areas that were hidden behind corners to create some sort of privacy.

It was to such a private area that Anubis gravitated, wanting to be alone with Camilla and Isis.

"Sit down," Anubis started and leaned back, crossing his legs lasciviously and covering his abdomen with a towel.

"So demure?" asked Camilla, grinning.

"Isis is present," came the short reply.

"And I thank you for the gesture," she added.

"I'm better than my reputation," escaped the Taur in response, and he tried to cover the ignorant remark, making an innocent face.

Camilla couldn't stand the game anymore, after all it was her partner, her lover and she wanted to know with whom she was constantly sharing the bed and her body. "Who are you really?" she blurted out.

The jackal taur looked at her in irritation and Isis rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean?" he asked, visibly embarrassed.

"You are Anubis, but you are also not Anubis, or not alone in this body."

"What makes you think that?"

"You bear traits that lead me to conclude that there is Seth in you as well."

"Quite the show, young lady," Isis harangued the fox-wolf. "Then we could have saved ourselves the conversation."

"I want to know damn well who's putting his thing in me, or am I now the mattress for two gods? I only have room for one," Camilla growled.

"I wouldn't let it get so loud," whispered the Taur. "Doesn't everyone have to know who we are and what we are."

"Excuse me, but I want clarity now," Camilla hissed at him.

"I did set up a game of hide and seek, but so be it. Yes, I am both. Both are here and linked to the AI, which is neutral."


"I need you, so Seth needs you, but so does Anubis."

"Even I don't understand that anymore," Isis interjected.

"Clear us up," Camilla urged.

"Anubis and Seth need the fragments of Osiris so they can free themselves from this body and return to their origin."

"But the fragments are only enough for Anubis and in this body," Isis countered.

"Only you believe that. The fragments are from my dismemberment of your husband, I know what the individual parts are capable of. And the head on Sirius D is the crucial element. The body must live and the head will provide the release."

"What part do I play in this? I feel used by you."

"If I really did, we wouldn't be sitting here talking about this. But we are, and that should be proof enough that I don't think of you as a plaything."

"As what then?"

"As my mate, my lover, my partner, my wife."

Camilla looked sheepishly at Isis, then back at the Taur. "I would very much like to believe you, but right now I'm finding that very difficult."

"I can imagine that. But to show you that you can trust me, please look intensely into my eyes."

"What should I see there?"

"Just go ahead and let it happen," the taur urged her, gently placing a hand on her left shoulder and nodding kindly.

Camilla leaned forward slightly and made eye contact, quickly sinking into his eyes, losing her surroundings and immersing herself in his thoughts.

The fox-wolf saw chaos, saw an army, saw a burning planet, she saw herself, Anubis, Seth and Isis. She saw Osiris, as well as Stephen and Frank. They all stood before a sea of flames, scarred by battle.

The fox-wolf cried out and abruptly broke eye contact. "What was that? What did I see?"

"A possible future," the taur explained. "A future that will happen just the same if we don't stick together, bridge the differences, and prevent another party from interfering."

"Who would that be?" asked Camilla, distraught.

"I don't know. All I know is that I have to stop my own army and hope I still have enough strength and get through to my soldiers."

"Enough strength?"

"It's very tiring to be constantly connected to an AI and have to reconcile two god souls."

"That all sounds more than schizophrenic," escaped Isis.

"It's close to it, too," the Taur confirmed.

"Who are you really now?"

"I am who I am, I am who you want me to be. I had told you that many times before."

"I want Anubis, he is my companion."

"Then Anubis I am. But live with the fact that at times Seth also exists."

"I still don't understand what's behind all this fuss," Isis showed herself indignant.

"Then again very slowly and for the record. The load carrier came to Camilla. The AI was already loaded before you installed Anubis in all possible memory corners. Seth was already in the program, accepting the options, the subroutines."

"Wait a minute," Camilla intervened. "Then Seth made sure Anubis jumped on my bed, presented me with his erection. Seth made sure he was dying to hug me, whispering things in my ear that he supposedly didn't know about afterwards."

"Right. You only ever saw Anubis, never Seth. We were both present, though. When I, as Seth, whispered in your ear that you should let everything happen because it is right and there is no danger whatsoever, Anubis could not know and was correspondingly irritated afterwards when you asked him questions that he could not answer. I could answer you those questions, but only cryptically."

"But why?"

"You would never have trusted me."

"You didn't even try."

"Yes I did, but your reactions within our conversations clearly showed me that I, as Seth, was not in demand. Isis did the rest. Apart from that, Anubis was and is your favorite anyway. You said in my presence that you don't like stallions and you'd rather fuck a Taur robot than let Seth jump you."

"Well, you have a point there," Camilla admitted meekly.

"There's your answer. What would have happened if I had waved and said I was full schizo and Seth and Anubis rolled into one?"

"We probably would have had you picked up."

"Right, straight back to Taxon. Then another load carrier would have been delivered and then the future would look 100% like you could see it in my mind."

"You mean the future wouldn't necessarily look like that?"

"No. It would have looked like this if you had jumped up and left me the moment you saw everything. But that's not the case. We're sitting here talking. Therefore, everything is uncertain."

"But why did you have to stop your army? They listen to you, don't they?"

"I haven't been to Sirius B and D in a long time. I don't know what happened there, but the mental contact is disturbed, partially non-existent."

"So it's within the realm of possibility that they're attacking you, too?" asked Isis.

"I am Anubis on the outside, not Seth. At least as long as your husband's body is not yet assembled and he doesn't have a head yet. So you see a jackal taur and not the jackal mule. Since my mental level to my troops seems to be disturbed, they will also go only by appearances."

"That's the danger you initially pointed out to me. That's where you were Seth," Camilla noted.

"Right. You see, you can trust me. I've been both from the beginning, you've not only had Anubis with you and talking to you, but Seth as well."

"Who did I have sex with, who was inside me, who told me the loving words and also the dirty words?" asked Camilla meekly.

"Hmmm ... both of them. Physically in the first place Anubis, in parts Seth. The words came from both of them. Anubis himself would only think many things, not pronounce them, while Seth would not only think such things, but pronounce them directly."

"So I'm having sex with two gods?"

"Yes, you can look at it that way. But they both want you, love you, want to protect you and have you as their eternal mate."

The fox-wolf thought for a long time, fell silent and stared at the ceiling. Then she took a deep breath. "Then so be it. After all, you two are united in this body and why should I have a problem with it if you don't. I want both of you, and I don't want to know which one of you is talking to me right now, who is talking dirty to me right now, or who is whispering loving words in my ear."

"So be it."

"You should just agree on who is fucking me so I can adjust for size. Last time it was a surprise and almost tore me apart."

"I have to apologize on that one. A stallion penis is just different than a jackal's."

"But, I must admit it was a satisfying surprise and I'm not averse to it."

"Ah, that pleases me as Seth."

"Don't overdo it friend," Isis interfered, "she's a fox-wolf and a living woman. She's not a toy, nor is she infinitely resilient."

"I won't break Camilla, if that's what you mean. I love her and would never do her any harm."

"I trust you. Mostly because I feel you are telling the truth."

"But again about your army," Isis began, "What is its mission?"

"To protect the fragments and defend them against anyone until I rescind the order."

"How large is the army?"

"Twenty thousand."

"Then we're screwed if you can't make the connection."

"I'd have to build a counterforce. Damn it, Isis. I thought you had an army lined up against me. Where is it?"

"You mean the force I sent against yours?"

"Yes. Exactly. The time you got away from me."

"And you shot your charge into the sand," Isis snapped, and she started laughing.

The taur looked helpfully at Camilla. "You realize now, at the latest, why I needed and wanted to keep Seth a secret."

The fox-wolf nodded in understanding. "Isis! Calm down again. Seth doesn't think it's funny."

"Sorry about that, but I just had another indescribable head-scratcher. Anyway - what is your army about?"

"They're zombies. Mummies, common laborers, lowly civil servants."

"Whoa, how gross," Camilla snapped. "You'll take anything, though. How can you?"

"Seth came up with the idea, but Anubis supplied the material. So we were both involved."

"You guys really match," Camilla hissed indignantly.

"What do you expect? Anubis is practically my foster son. Whereas he was spoiled by Hathor at a young age."

"Sure, it's always the others' fault," Camilla blurted out.

"Schatzi, it really is this time. She has spoiled him. - What about your army now, Isis!"

"Not available. Not in such a short time."

"Well, we'll have to try another way. We'll have to see where the fragments are and steal them by night and fog," the Taur continued.

"Great. You're skilled at that, and above all, conveniently, Anubis doesn't stand in your way, but even helps you," Isis teased.

"Don't give me that line of bullshit. The situation is more serious than you think. The troops rotate on a system and no patrol runs under 20 men, the entrances are secured with traps and locks."

"Oh, so you upgraded after you were able to wrest the pieces from Anubis after all."

"I know the combinations of the locks and also the type of traps. Anubis doesn't, but Anubis knows where the fragments are, thanks to Horus and his hawk eyes."

"That means we have the perfect mix in you," Camilla concluded.

"Not only in sex, but in battle," the Taur fluted.

"Then we have a goal," Camilla finished and stood up, standing before the Taur almost naked with her towel in her left hand.

Isis cleared her throat briefly. "I'd better leave you now," she said shortly, and left the sitting area.

"Seems we have a more current target," the taur whispered, pulling the towel from his lap.

"I see you're already ready," Camilla breathed, sitting down on his thighs.

The Anubis Seth Taur bent his torso forward slightly, hugged the fox-wolf tightly, and bit her left shoulder demandingly.

Camilla gave a pressed groan, reached out and slowly stroked his strong arms, his muscular chest, wandered over his belly.

The Taur, meanwhile, let his hands wander over her back, sliding over her reddish fox fur, then nuzzling her neck, stroking her flanks.

Camilla moaned more and more under his touch, moved a little closer to his lap, embraced his manhood, let it become even harder under her fingers and then enjoyed the feeling of impaling herself, of driving the stake of lust deeper and deeper inside herself.

Minute by minute, both devoured each other in never-consuming lust, were enveloped in greed, lust and the mists of the sauna, both forgot their environment, merged into one being, which, driven by tenderness, love and eternal union, detonated in a mental explosion, pressed to reveal the climax of physical satisfaction.

Exhausted, they both sat on the wooden bench, their eyes shining from within.

Camilla looked down at a slight angle, recognizing the flaccid member of a stallion, and knew she could trust her Taur.