Invane: Pack Gathering

Story by SerpentLeaf on SoFurry

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With the pack's goal of capturing their target, the Hunter pack have a general idea as to what to do. But will it go right for them? Or wrong in so many ways?

In addition, will they be able to capture their target at all?

Invane: Pack Gathering

"So is this the spot for the gathering?" I questioned, raising my eyes towards the cavern before us while shifting my attention towards Huzizu who nodded his head slowly. "I assumed it to be. I had never expected it to be a bear cave instead of a wolf cave." "Well truth by told." Spoke Horizoki who stepped over to Huzizu's line with his thumb raised into the air, "Shut up." Huzizu growled at him, immediately. Interrupting whatever he was trying to say or inform us of something as his head shrunk and he stepped back behind Huzizu. He suddenly turned to me and gave a slight nod, urging me to go on. I nodded at the acknowledgement although I was nervous to head in. With my heart pounding in my chest, racing at millions of hours without end, I inhaled a deep breath and went in. The rest of the pack started following me inside as we entered through the bear cave.

It was just as we had expected. Pitch dark. Luckily, our wolf eyes were able to penetrate that darkness with our nighttime goggles... I meant eyes. Wolf eyes. Anyway, as we were able to see through the pitch darkness ahead of us, all we saw was a straight path to the horizon. The walls that surrounded us were made of sharp pointy rocks. The grounds that touch our feet was soft compared to the hard rock walls. It almost felt like sands. Almost. Feeling nervous about some sort of quicksands, I urged my teammates to keep a move on and we raced one another. Gliding across the sands, getting deeper through the soft grounds underneath of us as we delved further in. By the time we reached the deeper end was when we started hearing voices. 'In our heads?' I thought pondering while Huzizu and Haziyo turned their attention to me, I frowned. Mirroring their confused faces as their heads were tilted to one side. Questions were written all over their faces. But none I had the answer to however. Disregarding them momentarily, I slowed down. They responded by stopping immediately afterwards. Gaining an inch or two ahead of me as my head was raised towards the horizon and stared.

An arch was ahead of us. Made of emerald stone that illuminates the surrounding walls and grounds around us. Reflecting its bright glowy light onto our eyes, we stared with satisfaction on our faces. But I shook my head and turned to the others to growl at them. To snapped their gazes upon the glowy lights before them. As they all turned to me then towards the horizon, I turned to join them and perked my ears up, listening to the sounds of wolf sounds emerging just beyond the arch however. I was a bit interested, yet intimate to hear so many wolf sounds all at once which had me wonder if there were other wolf packs around. Disregarding that thought in my mind, I stepped forth and through the arch as I went to the beyond. The other wolves in my pack followed me as they mirrored what I went through. We walked slowly a few steps. Our eyes staring out in front. Quickly noticing that someone was already there. Despite Haizyo's terrible greeting voice which rumbled the ceilings above us and caused some of the spikes above to fall upon the arch behind us, breaking and blocking our path our of here when things gone wrong. I heard Horizoki growling at Haziyo who stepped back and whimpered, ears folding against his skulls as the rest of us ignored the conflict behind us and continued forth.

Eventually we saw four wolves ahead of us. Those wolves were together, their eyes onto one another. They never growled, snarled or anything. They just kept quiet. Often times whenever they hear growls, their ears were pointed this way. But their snouts would not. It was kept towards one another which was odd for us considering we needed to see our own surroundings. As we caught up towards them, the wolves now turned towards us. Curiosity were written onto their faces as the lead wolf stepped forth and closed our distance before sitting back down. I sat alongside of him as whispers from the other wolves behind him. Yet neither of us said anything or respond to the whispers at all. As our eyes were continuously met, Haziyo decided to break the silence and, figuratively speaking, the ice. His voice perked up against the ceased silence as he introduced ourselves.

"HI everyone." He would start. "We are the Hunter's pack. The wolf you are staring at is Hunter. This is Huzizu, he is a self righteous dumbass who believes his- ack!" But before he could insult Huzizu more, the said wolf growled at him before grabbing his neck tightly. Forcing his eyes to pop up and his tongue out of his mouth. With his struggling words trying to breath, the other wolves started snorting at this confrontation. But the wolf ahead of me said nothing but a break of a smile upon his face. As his lips were split apart, he spoke with a low voice. So only I could hear him. "You are Hunter?" "That is right." I nodded with no hesitation, just a nod and closed eyes as the wolf stared at me more. Got up from the ground and turned tail before speaking to us. "Then come with me, you guys have a mission to do with us." "A mission?" I questioned him, tilting my head to one side as the wolf nodded again "Yeah. The one we just talked about during our previous encounter." "Oh." I exclaimed, "Against an old friend of yours, if I recalled correctly." "That is right. But let not talk here however." The wolf responded, turned his head around and nodded towards the rest of the wolves. Their eyes turned to me, then to the other wolves behind me before turning around towards their wolf and followed him down.

Further into the darkness they had disappeared and left me along with idiots straggling each other behind me. I exhaled a breath, closed my eyes and turned towards them. I growled to gain their attention as their eyes turned towards me. Bodies shuffling about before straightening themselves into a line as their eyes were kept upon me. I was silent for a brief moment. To take in the air of uncertainty that loomed over our heads. As another exhaled sigh takes my breath away, I spoke towards the rest of them. "Alright. Guys. We got our mission." "RIght," They would say "Finding this so called Inoita wolf." Reminded Hazijo as the other wolves turned to him, slowly nodding. I said nothing towards them but kept quiet while their eyes were to one another. I continued saying nothing as I got up from the cold grounds below me and walked through them. It was as if I had a plan. A plan of action per say. However, I was kinda curious of where she was hiding. Where a place would keep her identity and scent sealed until this entire plot blows over her head. That she could do anything to her free will. Not binded to some story inside ice, however. I pondered over the thought. Yet was not aware that I was not moving at all. Kept still upon the ground with my head raised towards the ceiling above me, I pondered over the location of our target. But at the same time, I had wanted to learn her history with the other wolves.

My head shook. I started growling which urged the wolves' attention behind me. As they reassembled themselves back onto lines, we marched out of the cavern and back upon the forest. Where our ranks had rearranged to a small circle with Haziyo at the twelve position. We discussed our findings. Hoping that something within that conversation would lead us to our prey. Did I ever mention that the forest was beautiful in springtime? With the leaves clutched together against the tree branches and wildlife already springing to life, it almost felt like home. The sunlight above us would penetrate against the spots and holes of the trees. Shining its light against spots upon the grounds. The forest was rather peaceful persay and ceased of conflicts. It was almost as if all the animals that lived in the forest had some sort of mutual pact with one another. What kind? I would not know however-

As I thought about the wildlife around us, I had not realized that my mouth was completely shut. My presence was silenced and kept out of the conversations that were hovering over my head. Bringing myself back onto the topic at hand, I realized that we were talking about something else. I growled in response to get them back onto the wolf problem. Their eyes widened and turned to me, before their mouths silenced and allowed me to take the stage once again. With the silence fallen again, I spoke out. Questioning about the whereabouts of the wolf. Huzizu suggested about the nearby village and towns that was close to the forest. Arguing that the wolf might be binding her time to steal anything that was close proximity against the forest. Haziyo argued back against Huzizu. Saying that the wolf would not have any time at all considering the position of where the market was within the town or village itself. She would resort to human meat or animal meat such as prey. Huzizu nodded. I agree. This conversation went on and on until the daylight extinguished the last of its light. With the moon settling right above us and stars shining dimly against the night skies. I yawned but spoke with a tired voice, "Come on. Where is the nearest village or town nearby the forest?" "There is one we just passed, twenty seconds ago before entering into this meeting with the other wolf packs." "Drat!" Growled Horizoki, clenching his jaws tightly with his eyes narrowing upon the grounds. Our eyes turned to Horizoki as he further spoke, "I forgot to show them a magic tri- Ow! Ow! Stop that!" He yelled at Haziyo who started biting his ear to calm him down.

Both me and Huzizu rolled our eyes a bit before nodding towards one another. "The nearest village and town is north of us. It is also really close for some reason to." Huzizu responded, pointing his snout towards the north. I smiled in response to him, praising "That is great. Lets head out now, we should be able to find our guy before daybreak then." "Right." Responded Huzizu again as he takes the lead. We walked north in silence. Despite the complaints from Haziyo growling at Horizoki. We eventually reached the entrance of the town. My thoughts reflected against my intrigued face as I gaze out towards the horizon of the town ahead of us, quickly noticing that the town was already peace and quiet. The streets empty of customers and employees. The huts closed and locked with windows already down and covered. The well adjacent to the entrance of the town was empty. 'Nothing to drink from, I guess.' I thought to myself with a frown as my eyes eyed the well. Shaking my head and watching as the other wolves stepped forth through the entrance of the village. Keeping their eyes out upon the rooftops and roads for any sign of that targeted wolf. I followed them through, believing myself to be the last one there. Yet as I caught up to them. Huzizu whispered "I do not see anyone around here." "Why is that?" "Not sure." Haziyo responded to Huzizu while Horizoki break into a smile and spoke towards the rest of us, "Think I can do a magic trick that will shock and awe our villagers into arousal that they would co-" "No." Growled Huzizu, turning to him with a scowl hardened face.

"Regardless." I muttered before shifting my gaze towards Haziyo who met my eyes too. "We need to split up and find him somehow. The wolves did say that he was here, after all." "And this is the nearest village from the forest behind us." Informed Haziyo as I slowly nodded my head, "So where should we head now?" Started Huzizu already finished with biting onto Horizoki's ear as he whimpered and shuffled his feet in anger or frustration. "Just anywhere is fine. But I am taking the north." I started, the other wolves nodded and slowly they peeled off from me until I was alone. I rose my head to the north. My eyes narrowed as my face softened. I pulled myself from the grounds below me and started walking ahead. Following the rough dirty road laid before me as I journey to the deeper end of the village with the intention of finding that wolf that lurks inside the forest grounds. The atmosphere looming above me was silent. Quiet with only the ringing echoing my ears while they were perked and sp read about, listening to nothing that was around me. I kept my eyes towards the front. But slowly, I turned towards the huts that were to my sides. I hate to say, but I was a bit interested in them somehow. Seeing how bricks and white glue sticked together as it formed a solid ground wall. And a yellow rooftop over their heads, keeping the rain snow and any type of weather away from them. 'But not plagues.' I reminded myself as a soft emerging smile drifted from my face. I snorted. But kept the chuckling/laughing to myself as I continued my way.

But as I do, my eye caught onto something black that obstruct against the big moon behind it. It was running away somehow and I took interested in it. Finding it intrigued that some wolf is running. With thousands of thoughts running in my mind, my feet took off from the grounds beneath me. I glided through the solid rough grounds beneath me while I felt the winds brushing against my fur. My heart racing now. I kept tailing against this unknown wolf who was just a bit ahead of me. By now, I was able to see a bit of what he looked like somehow. Small ears. Big head and body, tail. White as snow fur. And his nose black. 'It had seem this might be the right gu-' I thought but it was interrupted when I started hearing someone blowing a sharp note onto their instrument. Halting immediately to shove my ears with my paws, I turned sharply towards whomever introduced that sound to the ceased surrounding us. But I was a bit surprise to see Haziyo running of the rooftops, constantly blowing against that flute that he perhaps stole from a closed store. Running chasing against our targeted wolf. I facepalm in response and exhaled before tailing them both. Worriedly, I wondered what the other two wolves are doing in preparation on our chase. But I guess that does not matter since we are currently chasing him and the other two are nowhere to be found however.

With interest taking point in my mind, we continued following the wolf as it dropped from the rooftops and to the ground. Growling irritated at the wolf at the rooftops following him before fleeing straight into more huts and houses. Cloaking himself in with the patches of darkness that were around. Me and Haziyo stopped and stand upon the grounds. Our eyes stared forth towards the following huts and house ahead of us and frowned, quickly noticing the patches of pitch darkness that settled between them. "This would be impossible to find her/him now!" "Why the heck are you setting the gender of our culprit already?" I questioned her, raising my eye in interest towards him as Haziyo glared at me suddenly, silencing me for a short period of time while we thought it over. However our thoughts were quickly shattered when we heard a loud sound that echoed upon the near distance. It was loud and so low pitch it almost sounded like a fog horn somehow. "Wait. Foghorn..." I heard Haziyo muttered underneath his breath as his eyes sparkled, "That is Horizoki!" "But why a ship?" I exclaimed complaining while another fog horn was sounded again. "I do not know! But this is fun!" Exclaimed Haziyo while I threw my paws into the air and growled.

Exactly as I said, there was a large ship to our right. How Horizoki got one is beyond me. How he obtained one during the medieval time period is also beyond me as well. Also, how he is driving that ship so perfectly is also beyond me too. To tell you the truth, readers. This story and series is full of-

But before I could say what I wanted, the foghorn sounded again. I muttered quietly underneath my breath, detailing how the villagers and townsfolk would not be able to hear anything at all. Upon that, I had wondered how they were able to sleep at night.

Shaking my head, I turned back towards what was in front of us. A large ship chasing down a panicked wolf. Splitting the grounds into two with its sharp pointy front, I had wondered if Horizoki would drive our wolf out towards sea. A small smile emerged upon my face while I nudged Haziyo. He suddenly turned to me. Noticing my amused face and nodded. 'Perhaps he was thinking something differently' I thought to myself while looking at him, he avoided my gaze and waved his paws into the air. He tried to catch Horizoki's attention to no avail as I found myself exhaling and shaking my head while chasing after him. The ship and the wolf suddenly turned northward. Out towards sea it seems. 'We have him cornered!' I thought again while running alongside of Haziko as he continued growling,yellowing and screaming for Horizoki's name. I rolled my eyes and said nothing in response or comment as I watched the event unfold in front of my eyes. I felt my heart pounding against my chest, faster it went while excitement slowly spreads across my body. Giving it the warmth that it had needed to continued on.

As we drew closer towards the seas, I spotted something up ahead. A cliff of some sort that separates the lands and the waters. I blinked in surprise and found myself tilting my head to one side in confusion. Wondering to myself about the cliff, but at the same time also wondering about the ship as well. Knowing full well that nothing goes right in this story and series, I just rolled with it and kept watching as our targeted wolf continues to run. Running out of space to maneuver from. Slowly realizing that he was getting cornered by the large ship chasing behind her. I heard Haziyo praised Horizoki. But I protested against their praise, reminding them that we still needed to capture her or him. 'Oh great, now you are getting me all mix up with the wolf's gender now.' I snarled mentally.

Suddenly, both me and Haziko stopped. Our eyes turned to the cornered wolf. Horizoki smirked confidently and stepped towards the front edge of the ship. He slammed his right foot against the metal part edge of the ship and growled at the wolf in front of him. All the while glaring down onto him. "Ayoh there!" He exclaimed with a gleeful smile. Haziko raised his two paws into the air and screamed, almost like a fanwolf... or something along that line, right? Anyway, as no response came from the wolf, Horizoki spoke again "Tis by the decree of the Hunter's pack, that you must come along with us. Or walk the bridge towards the drinks below you. Tis your choice now." "Since when did he learned to speak pirate?" I heard Haziyo questioned to me. I shrugged without hesitation and continued watching. "Arg. What would be your choice now laddie?"

"Why the heck are you speaking in a british voice?" Spoke the wolf. She was indeed high in pitch so it is a female. Both me and Haziyo were surprise by this turn of events that our faces remained frozen in a shock face. "What the seven seas are you talking about, lad? I am speaking in a pirate voice-" "That is now pirate languages." She pointed out. "Enough! You had your shot now to the drinks with you." 'Are you an idiot...' I thought to myself, deadpan silent while I watched the two wolves have a short conversation. The shewolf had a smirk upon her face. An ear flickered suddenly as she stepped towards the edge of the cliffs, her paws and arms spread wide speaking to the rest of us. "See you later, idiots!" She started laughing the rest of the way through while she leaned backwards, allowing gravity to fall upon her as she disappeared. We were shocked. Even more to see her go. But as we stared at the spot where she started from, we wondered to ourselves.

'Was it a great idea?'

Invane: Snicker's Ice

Invane: Snicker's Ice "We are late! We need to get to that meeting spot in the cavern right now." I spoke, my scream echoed throughout the entire darkened cavern as my eyes widened in response. The other two wolves with me, turned their heads...

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