The adventures of Jet: Meeting Spyro

Story by jetdwolf on SoFurry

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The Adventures of Jet:

Meeting Spyro

"Ugh... my head hurt," I said as I laid on the ground somewhere. Where am I? I thought to myself as my head cleared and I was able to take in more of my surrounding. It was night and I was in a forest. That is normal for me to be out in the forest, because I owned a bar in the forest. Not many customers came but still they were the best customers for many reasons.

As my sight returned, I stood up and realized that this was not the same forest. It was...different somehow.

As I continued to come to my senses, I realized that I was in my dragon form and not my usual hybrid form. I tried to turn back but could not. This forest must have a magic barrier around it. I looked myself over and realized that I had neglected this form. I admired myself. The glistening dark green scales on my underbelly complemented my black scales. I had no big noticeable horns yet, because as far as dragon age, I was still and youngling. Admiring myself, I felt my dick slowly slide out of its slit, but I brought it back down as I reminded myself that I was in an unknown place.

How did I get here? I wondered as I started to look around. I walked for some time, just following the stars until I came to a clearing. In the clearing, I saw some dragons snoozing peacefully. I backed up into the cover of the forest and hid behind a bush, looking at the sleeping dragons. They do not look like the dragons I know of...I must be far away from home. I stayed behind the bush, trying to guess where the dragons were from, while something walked up from behind.

"What are you doing?" said a young voice from behind me. I jumped and swiftly turned around and stared at a dragon that was about my size. His scales were purple. Ugh, such a putrid color, I thought to myself, but I had to admit that it looked good on him. I looked him over; his yellow spines and horns looked good on him. As I looked at him, my mind started to wander at what I would do to him. The dragon gave a questionable look at me.

"Hey! You there?" I snapped out of the daydream and looked at the dragon.

"I'm sorry,"

The dragon looked at me. "Well, apparently you were thinking some pretty 'happy' thoughts."

I followed his eyes down to where my erection stood prominently, its tip just barely above the ground. I blushed slightly and looked back at the dragon that was also getting an erection. "It seems that you are taking an interest in something I have."

"No, it's just that you have a nice dick for a small dragon."

"Hey, I'm almost the same size as you." I replied, referring to my height.

"No, you seem to be bigger than me."

He came over and stood next to me, and sat down, his erection standing proudly next to me. "Sit down," he said.

I sat down next to him.

"You see," he said, "you are definitely bigger than me."

"Yeah, but you still have a nice one for a dragon such as yourself" I said as I leaned over and slid my tongue along his manhood.

"WH-what are you--?" He started to protest, but I had already taken it into my mouth and was moving my tongue around it. He let out a moan under his breathe as I started to move my mouth over his dick. I continued to suck the dragon off, even repositioning myself in front of him, so that I could take more of it. He laid back against a nearby tree as I continued. His paws made its way to the back of my head, slowly applying pressure as I went down on him.

I took as much as I could all the way down to his slit and back up to the top. I was able to tell that the dragon was getting close.

He moaned, "don't stop...I'm almost..." It was not long before the young dragon let out a loud moan and came into my muzzle. I swallowed all every drop of it, savoring the taste of his spunk.

I brought my head back and licked my lips at I looked at the dragon. I realized that he was cute from this angle, looking him over I realized that I was still hard as a rock. "Heh, hope you enjoyed it. Hopefully you could return the favor?"

I looked at him for a second, wondering why he had not responded. A second later, I heard a small snore. He had fallen asleep.

I looked at the dragon and only smiled. Maybe tomorrow, I thought to myself. As I was about to lay down, I noticed a glowing rock. Was that there before? I questioned myself. I walked over to the rock and picked it up. I took a good look at it and finally recognized it as the rock that I saw before I came here. Suddenly, I felt tired and my legs felt weak. I laid down, trying to stay awake but soon I too had fallen asleep.


I woke up to the familiar sounds of the forest. I stood up quickly and looked around, realizing that I was back in Ekelt Soref, my hometown. I silently cursed to myself. I was hoping to try to get to know that little dragon better. I did not even know his name. I looked around and found the rock that had brought me there. The rock had a faint glow, but not as much as it did the night before. I studied it for a little and decided that I would decide how to use it. After all, I still wanted to see the dragon again.

As I got up, I realized I was still in my dragon form and was about to change back but stopped as I looked back at myself. I thought for a minute and decided that today would be a good day to walk as a dragon.