Positive Feedback Loop [COM]

Story by Myles Cobalt on SoFurry

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Twig is a deer mouse that has always felt a particularly strong attraction to skunks. The first skunk he hooks up with casually marks him with a bit of spray before they are through. It turns out that subtle, skunky aroma is a potent aphrodisiac for their species and gets stronger with each application.

A 4,500+ word commission for Twigmouse

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Twig hoisted his haunches so that the skunk behind him could bury his shaft deeper into his tailhole. Beckett, who was surprisingly aggressive sexually for someone who flirted so shyly, obliged him and hilted him with fervor. The mephit's body quivered with lust. His claws dug into the deer mouse's hips. He hunched forward over the rodent and pulled back just a bit before slamming himself in once more and grinding his pelvis against Twig's rump. His throbbing cock brushed tantalizingly against the mouse's sweet spot with each thrust. Its tapered girth slid in smoothly, but stretched Twig blissfully wide.

They had barely gotten into the house, a few minutes prior, before Beckett had begun to strip off and leered expectantly at the Twig to do the same, licking his lips seductively. The enthusiasm that Twig's top had shown immediately made the rodent's stout sheath plump and the peach flesh of his erection entreat forth from its fuzzy confines. It was mere seconds before the mephit had his submissive bent over the back of the couch while he greased his paw with the lube Twig provided him. His fingers teasing the rodent's ring. The oil he had slathered on his paw sent a tingle up the mouse's spine every time its cold caress ran the length of his cleft.

Beckett eventually wriggled his fingers inside the mouse. His paw was slender and dextrous. It worked magic. He started out with two fingers wrapped about one another. Twig tensed and released a squeak of pleasure, but easily accommodated the invading digits as they worked themselves in all of the way to the knuckle. The skunk rotated his wrists and spread his fingers this way and that until he found the button that made his partner tremble. He beckoned along his soon-to-be lover's prostate, gently massaging it, and coaxing a runny trickle of precum from the murine's aching shaft.

"You're a little stretchy, aren't you?" Beckett chuckled, easily slithering another finger in alongside the others.

The paw left Twig's hole, and the rodent's large, round ears rotated back at the rhythmic, wet slapping of Beckett fervently greasing his tool. The skunk wasted no time. His massive, fluffy monochrome tail curled up toward the back of his head in a gigantic S, blocking the dim glow of twilight filtering in through the window and shrouding Twig in darkness. His eyes took a moment to adjust. The deer mouse swished his tail, wrapping it about the skunk's waist in an effort to urge him to penetrate him forcibly and rough.

Beckett gripped Twig's waist and he lined up his cock's pointed tip- as glossy and midnight black as most of his pelt- with the eager rodent's entrance. It was good that the mouse was indeed "stretchy," because the skunk's shaft was an onyx obelisk, nearly nine inches long and as wide around at the base as a soda can. It jutted upward from above a hefty sac containing a pair of prodigious orbs. The initial penetration was every bit as enthusiastically feral as Twig had hoped from the attractive skunk, who had transformed from the bookish nerd who originally greeted the mouse from behind his rimless square spectacles while nervously biting his lower lip into a sexual fiend. Beckett forced over half of his maleness in with a single stab.

The deer mouse was pleased that the rumor that skunks were both virile and gifted held true, at least for his current partner. He was also somewhat embarrassed to admit to having ever believed the other prominent rumor about their species. Most mephits were insular in their communities and relationships, and it was pretty rare to see a skunk dating any other anthro species. There was a stigma attached to them about a certain foul odor that they may release, intentionally or not. To Twig's relief (and no small amount of chagrin) months prior when he first set his sights on the handsome critters, he found the "stench" to be greatly overstated and the reputation undeserved. There was a quite subtle skunky aroma, something reminiscent of a heady ale too rich in hops, but it was a faint whiff at worst, and more of an enticingly intoxicating scent than anything unpleasant. Detectable, but far from overly fragrant or disgusting.

If anything, Twig rather enjoyed it, even more so when it emanated from the male ravishing him now.

Beckett ground himself in deeper, letting inch after inch of his shaft continue to pry his lover open. He swiftly worked himself into an erratic pace of thrust, grind, withdraw, thrust, thrust, thrust, grind, repeat. He practically melted atop the mouse, his husky breath making the fur on the nape of the rodent's neck bristle. Twig's ear involuntarily fluttered as his partner's huffs and puffs tickled it on the way past. The skunk was on the stocky side of average, with just a bit of pudge around his midsection that told of more hours spent lost in science fiction novels than hiking up mountain sides, although that isn't to say he didn't have all the necessary power in his hindquarters.

Twig had met Beckett at a party, where the meek, brainy skunk seemed a little out of place. He was part of a trio of black and white furs who kept to themselves and it felt like ages before his companions left him alone long enough so that the deer mouse could converse with him privately. The striped anthro seemed shocked that someone other than another skunk would approach him, let alone with the look of open interest that sparkled in Twig's inky black eyes.

An hour later, they were at the mouse's burrow- a quaint house in the woods just beyond city limits.

The mephit's breath hitched as he drew close, chest heaving. His uneven pistoning changed to long, slow, powerful thrusts. Beckett bit down on the mouse's scruff near his collarbone, not hard enough to hurt, but more of an instinctual sign of claiming a mate. Their shaking legs barely kept them from collapsing. Beckett reached back and pressed his thumb beneath his own voluminous tail. When he brought it back, it smelled more strongly of the beer-like aroma and mixed delightlfully with the cloying scent of sex that lingered in the air as they raggedly panted. He aggressively scritched it into the sweat-dampened fur at the top of the rodent's spine. It felt to the deer mouse that the spot was being violently groomed.

Twig thought little of the action. He already lost too deep within the sex induced haze of pleasure to care about Beckett's personal quirks. If it was a way that skunks marked a partner in the heat of the moment without resorting to watersports, that was certainly more than fine by him.

Beckett buried his snout into the spot he had marked with his scent and inhaled deeply. He nuzzled forcefully with wild shakes of his head as though it were a potent drug or aphrodisiac that sent him into a rutting frenzy. He hilted and spasmed almost immediately after. His whole body shuddered as he unleashed his load into the rodent, splattering viscous ropes seed inside his lover. Twig felt his insides flood with Beckett's warm essence. Some oozed out around his impressive girth. The deer mouse moaned and stroked himself while squeezing down around Beckett's spent shaft and making him groan with satisfaction. His paw was a blur as it glided along his own quivering erection, and within seconds, he climaxed as well, spraying jets of gleaming spunk onto the couch and carpet.

Beckett stayed lodged in Twig until his maleness had softened enough to slip out of the mouse's used ring on its own, trailing gooey strands of ejaculate. The pair used the opportunity to catch their breath and revel in their joint afterglow. The skunk stood and fastidiously smoothed his mussed up fur as best he could, looking mildly abashed at revealing the extent of sexual prowess. They relaxed together to recover their stamina, but eventually Beckett wandered about the room to gather his discarded clothes and took his leave.

The next morning, after his shower, Twig noticed that the scent didn't wash out of his fur as well as he had expected. It wasn't particularly offensive or strong. While the skunk musk had been more concentrated than the faint miasma that accompanied the striped furs like an invisible cloud, it was an exceedingly small amount- but it had seeped into his pelt and endured. Few furs would recognize that it came from him. If they smelled it, they would just assume a skunk had been merely in the vicinity lately.

The week wore on, and by the end of the following weekend, Twig was considering calling up Beckett for another round. Maybe even for something a tad kinkier than just the raw rutting that they had lustfully engaged in previously. He was sitting in a cafe enjoying a hot chocolate and the sound of rain pitter-pattering off of the awning shielding the outdoor tables while scrolling on his phone. He was actually just about to message Beckett when he heard a sniff. He looked up to see another skunk at a nearby table. The male mephit was built like a sprinter; lean and agile with just a bit of muscle tone detectable beneath his tight-fitting shirt and fur on his biceps and pectorals. He was almost entirely black. The white stripes along either side of his spine and the matching markings of his mask were narrow to the point of near nonexistence, as if painted on with a calligrapher's brush. This made the rosy coral of his nose, inner ears and paws all the more vibrant.

His silver-blue eyes and knife-like ears were trained on Twig, and his nose twitched as he smelled the air. He wet his lips with his tongue and smirked at the deer mouse. The rodent gave him a tiny wave of his paw, and the mephit invited him over with a jerk of his head. Twig picked up his drink and scurried over to the other table, pulling out the spare chair with a smile of his own.

He introduced himself as casually as he could, heart aflutter.

"Faris," the skunk responded in kind, with a hint of a foreign accent. "You have a curious scent, little mouse," he added tactfully.

The mouse's ears tinged crimson. Of course another skunk would pick up on specific aroma and its origins with ease, Twig thought. However, a different odor tickled his nose. His own whiskers twitched as he inhaled it. There were the pheromones of arousal permeating the masculine fragrance of sandalwood shampoo wafting from Faris- a smell that layered well with his natural musk. His fluffy fur told of a recent, thorough washing. Perhaps he had just come from the gym, and was enjoying a drink to relax post shower?

It was far from peak hours and the cafe was quiet, especially outdoors with the spring rain. Despite the public locale they had enough privacy to chatter about whatever they would like. The conversation quickly turned flirtatious, and before he knew it, the mephit was pulling Twig by his paw into a nearby abandoned alleyway, hastily leaving a crumpled wad of cash on the table without waiting for the bill.

Faris leaned back against the wall, cushioning himself against the bricks with his tail. He was shielded from the view of the street by a recycling dumpster full of cardboard boxes. His shirt was lifted several inches, revealing his athletic torso. His jeans and royal purple trunks had been shimmied midway down his thighs and stretched taut between them. His erection was a mottled, pink spike curving upward from in front of the muscular V of his groin. The soft fur of his sheath and sac were the same snowy hue as his slender stripes and underbelly.

The deer mouse was crouched on the concrete in front of him, bobbing up and down on Faris' shaft while the skunk scratched behind Twig's ear as though he were a treasured pet and not an anthro he had just met at the corner coffee shop. The rodent was ecstatic while he sucked on the other fur's knob. He found the species particularly desirable, and now he had enjoyed the experience of pleasuring two of them within such a short span of time. He hoped his luck would continue.

He took his time, savoring the velvet flesh of Faris' cock between his lips. The skunk jetted spurts of pre seemingly by the second while he falteringly stifled his moans to avoid drawing attention from passersby on the street. The rodent teased and stroked the mephit's hardness with one paw while he suckled on it. It throbbed in his palm with each beat of Faris' racing pulse, and blazed hot with need. Faris bucked forward every so often, thrusting himself wantonly into the deer mouse's throat, barely able to contain his lust.

Being outdoors in the daytime was thrilling but nerve wracking. Faris seemed to have no qualms with the situation, but between the anxiety and his focus on getting his newly met partner off, Twig was too distracted to stroke himself in the moment. He settled on dampening his underwear with a splotch of pre, knowing the memory of that afternoon would provide endless hours of fap fodder for the evenings when he was unfortunately alone.

The mouse could sense Faris getting close. His abdomen randomly tightened and released, and he stopped petting the rodent to splay his paws against the wall behind himself, bracing for the moment he crested into ecstasy. He made a throaty growl, and squinted his eyes shut. As if done instinctually, one of the mephit's paws slipped beneath his own tail, just like Beckett had done. When he withdrew his fingers, they were scented with a small concentrate of his spray. He reached down and used that paw to grab a fistfull of Twig's scruff, massaging the musk into the same place that Beckett had.

The rodent had no time to waste being curious, since Faris humped Twig's muzzle with a final arrhythmic series of bucks before erupting into his throat. He came a lot of spunk, but the deer mouse dutifully gulped down the salty treat with a couple of large swallows, managing to spill little. He leered lewdly up at the panting skunk and slowly slurped off of his member, coaxing the last vestiges of his nut from the sensitive flesh as he did.

Afterward they composed themselves. Faris stuffed himself back into his underwear, making a prominent bulge that he somehow managed to button his fly over. Meanwhile, Twig wiped his chin free of cum and saliva with the back of his forearm, and had a minute to reflect on what had just occurred. Twice now he had played with a skunk and the skunk had marked him with a tiny volume of his musk. Once was nothing but a personal habit, but twice created a pattern. Neither skunk had volunteered any explanation for their action. He considered asking, but each mephit had done so so casually that he felt embarrassed to inquire about it, like it was something he should have both known about and expected from the start. The odor grew more potent with the second application, but still, he did not mind and assumed that he could find a good opportunity to broach the subject at a more appropriate time and place.

They traded contact information, both excited to meet again. Twig suggested seeing each other in the next few days. Faris replied that he would love to but expected that Twig would be too busy for the foreseeable future to host him. It was a strange remark spoken with a mischievous edge, like it was a joke that he knew that Twig didn't yet understand but was at least aware enough to realize had occurred.

Over the next few days skunks began to turn their heads toward him wherever Twig went. He couldn't run an errand without some skunk somewhere noticing him. They winked, smiled, and shot him salacious glances. He swore he even got a whistle once. It made him feel like a celebrity, albeit one who eschewed fame and fortune for his own private reward. It got to the point where he half expected an open proposition whenever he went to the bank or the grocery store. The deer mouse had deduced that the mephits' spray marking was some kind of symbol or code to others of their kind. It was not necessarily a sign of claiming personal ownership, like he had guessed when Beckett had done so while he was inside of the rodent, but more of a beacon. It seemed to not only alert other skunks that he was a potential non-skunk partner, but also enticed them to view him specifically as a piece of communal property- The skunk toy. It certainly held a vaguely aphrodisiac quality when they inhaled it.

Twig had a friend who was DJing a show at a local club one evening shortly after his encounter with Faris. The rodent was invited to attend, along with several others in their friend circle. The mouse arrived in the city and descended the stairs into the building. He could feel the pulsing techno beat reverberate through the door when he placed his paw on the handle. The music electrified his body as he scurried into the room of gyrating anthros and strobing lights to find his friends and grab a drink. He had only made it halfway to the bar when a skunk approached him, honing in on his position like a heat seeking missile. Twig saw his tail before he saw the rest of him. The fluffy appendage stuck above most of the other furs on the dance floor like a periscope.

His colors were inverted from that of a normal skunk, being predominantly white, with black stripes and markings. His fur was streaked and speckled with a variety of luminescent dyes that glowed in the UV lights waving here and there. The mephit was shirtless and lithe. His tight jeans were low cut. He was short, but still taller than Twig by a head, although his massive tail would have fit better on an anthro almost half again his height. His features were angular, sharp, and well defined with eyes that reflected a deep red the shade of a dark wine. He grinned impishly at the mouse and mouthed something, but the music drowned out whatever it was that he had said. He laughed and shook his head when the rodent shrugged and pointed to his own ears to convey this.

The skunk motioned emphatically for Twig to follow him by extending his arms and opening and closing both paws. Before even giving the deer mouse a chance to hesitate, he grabbed one of the rodent's paws in both of his and tugged him out onto the dancefloor. They slipped between other furs until they came across another skunk who was the opposite of the first in many ways. He was a little taller and a lot heavier with a round frame that suited him and his short, pointed snout exceedingly well. His fur pattern was fairly standard, although he too had colored splotches painted along his coat. He had taken advantage of the night club's pro-kink status and wore a chrome-studded, black harness over the top half of his torso with a matching collar and cuffs. Black denim hugged his trunk-like thighs.

They each leaned down to yell in Twig's ear so he could hear them introduce themselves.

"Geoffrey," the smaller one said, pointing to his own chest.

"Kain," the larger one added, mimicking the gesture on himself.

Twig could tell they were long time friends from the way they casually acted in unison without rehearsal. The rodent lifted his own muzzle between Geoffrey's left ear and Kain's right and shouted his own name.

Then they danced. Their bodies bounced, grinded, and twisted against one another, with the deer mouse finding himself perpetually pressed between the two skunks. Their aroused scent wasn't masked among the mass of anthros, and the quivering outlines of their cocks visibly strained against the fabric of their jeans.

"We like the way you smell," Geoffrey eventually hollered while he thrust his groin into Twig's hip.

"We're going to make it even better," Kain added, his voice a rumble like thunder behind him. Their paws roamed his body and glided through his fur. He squeaked and tensed as they slid up under his shirt and down beneath the waist of his trousers to cup the pert globe of his ass. The world was a pleasant blur around Twig as he started to ignore everything but the mephits themselves. The dancing anthros gave them space as they began to aggressively strip Twig. The rodent did all he could to help, enticed by their potent pheromones, but all of his excited wiggling probably made it take longer.

Twig had been to enough fetish-friendly clubs that he didn't feel too self-conscious about being the most naked anthro in the room, although he wouldn't be for long. The trio were attracting an audience, eager to watch the rodent be tag teamed by the skunks. Already the skunks were peeling away what little clothing they wore. Beneath the more svelte mephit's pants was a pair of designer label briefs so soft and white that were it not for the stitching on the elastic it would be difficult to tell where his ashen pelt stopped and the underwear began. The hefty skunk wore a cerulean jockstrap under his. Every contour of both of their sheaths and sacs were visibly outlined against the fabric. They each lowered those as well and kicked them aside into the crowd.

Each already had an erection. Their cocks were crisscrossed with veins and were similarly delicious shades of fiery red adorned with thin runnels of pre. A small tube of lubricant found its way into Geoffrey's paw- from where, Twig couldn't say-, and he helped himself to a healthy squeeze of it in his palm before passing it to Kain. Geoffrey nuzzled into the space between the murine's throat and shoulder while he glazed his tool with the substance. His paw then crept over the deer mouse's maleness, giving it a gentle squeeze before sliding beneath the bulge of his testicles to poke around for his aperture. The rodent lifted his tail to help him find the entrance he sought. At the same time, the more rotund skunk had just finished greasing his own length, and was also reaching for Twig's cleft. Each penetrated him with a single, wet finger and enjoyed the tightness that reflexively clamped down around them. The pair worked in tandem to stretch him, making sure to take turns brushing and teasing his prostate.

They lowered their hindquarters to the floor and scootched together while on their rumps. Their legs wrapped around each other's waists, thighs resting atop one another. Their scrotums and fat sheaths squashed together. Kain forced their trembling erections tightly against each other by closing his fist as much as possible around their girthy bases. The pointed tips combined to make a wider, misshapen cone. They cocked their brows in unison as if challenging Twig to take them both into himself at once.

He accepted.

Twig carefully positioned his foot paws and squatted his haunches down over the presented phalluses, slowing just enough to line them up perfectly with his hole. He took deep breaths and relaxed his body as he lowered himself onto the dual penises. The tapered points made it easy to begin, but the width quickly became formidably wide after only a couple of inches. Luckily Twig had practice and was, as Beckett put it, "stretchy." He found himself squirming and bouncing his way down in time with the throbbing bass of the music.

His friend, DJing from up on the stage, noticed him in the center of the crowd and swapped to one of his favorite electronic dance tracks. It made the mouse feel as if in that moment the world was made for him. The cocks pulsed with heat inside of him and spread him delightfully wide. The skunks could hardly wait and barely constrained their random, involuntary bucks upward to spear him. He paused to take several shuddering breaths and adjust when halfway down onto their needy shafts. He rose and sank, shallowly at first but gearing up for longer, deeper thrusts. His tail lashed in time to the rhythm.

Kain made gruff noises of satisfaction while Twig enveloped his rod. Geoffrey's muzzle was open, alternating between murrs and gasps with no particular pattern. The shorter skunk ground himself against his friend, thrusting upward a little further into the deer mouse. The pleasurable sensation caused Kain to respond in kind. He groaned hoarsely and humped. Twig began to see stars as they impaled him on the remaining third of their erections. The position limited their speed and gave the rodent a lot of control over the situation, which he used to make sure that they set off fireworks against the sweet spot within him over and over again. His ass was so stuffed that he could feel the twitch of their pulses and the throbs that accompanied each splash of pre.

The murine placed his paws on the floor to support himself and began to ride in earnest, going as far up and down with each lifting of his hips as he dared. His own penis bobbed and jumped, jerking with each pass the twin cocks made against his prostate. It could have been minutes or hours. Time lost meaning. They panted and moaned, putting on quite the show for the enthralled onlookers.

The quaking of his partners let Twig know his ride was coming to an end and he squeezed and sped up until he could hear the wet smacking of the mephits' balls bouncing beneath him. Both his lovers grunted and shook. Kain reached beneath his own tail and sprayed his paw with his concentrated musk before slapping his paw down onto the chosen spot between Twig's shoulders. Geoffrey also marked his paw and stretched to scratch it into the mouse's pelt right afterward. One cock blasted a couple of seconds before the other, but Twig couldn't tell which skunk was the first to cum. Soon their joint orgasm flooded him, splattering deep inside of him, and leaking out around their erections.

Twig massaged himself to completion while they were lost in the throes of climax. It barely took any fondling. A few strokes and he shot one of the largest wads of his life onto the floor. It took all he could not to completely collapse into a sticky pile with Geoffrey and Kain. With great effort he pulled himself off of the skunks, and a gush of ejaculate oozed down his thigh.

There were cheers from the audience, many of whom were openly rubbing bulges in their pants. Some had even whipped out their cocks for a public pawing off. It was tough to tell which smell was stronger: the skunk's heady spray or the scent of sex and semen in the air. Despite having just arrived, Twig was unsurprisingly exhausted and spent.

The skunks seemed in no hurry to stand and dress, and instead lounged on the club floor, milking the last droplets of spunk from their plump shafts.

As Twig went in search of his discarded clothes he noticed several sets of eyes flash in the light. All their gazes were trained on him. He looked up from plucking his shirt off of the floor to see that a half dozen black and white anthros had made their way to the front of the crowd and had their hungry gazes focused on him.

It was going to be a long night.