
Story by Sargonia on SoFurry

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Finished with it. I found it kind of hard to write from the womans perspective as I am not a woman and I'm not entirely certain if I was correct or not (feedback please X3). This was just something I thought of one morning (or evening) and was like well if they are animals then they would have puribreds and rich people don't like messing up bloodlines so why not. Also how would it be done?

Also I know that German Shepherds are a rather new breed but they are cool and I wanted to use them. I don't know if I want to keep this title or If I want to add more to the story. I like it as it is now and I want to move on to my other stuff. I hope you all like it :3

Josephine sat in the room thinking very nervous thoughts. She was sitting there on the bed in her fine silk robe awaiting her prospective stud. Her parents had reassured her time and time again that this was her destiny and that as a pureblood Shepherd of numerous generations it was only proper that she be mated with another pureblood. She had almost objected that she had a boyfriend but they would ask for his lineage and if one could not be produced he would be discarded as a mutt and she would be punished. This was going to happen whether she liked it or not.

When she was younger she had fantasized about her prince charming. The strong, brave, and handsome Shepherd of any girls dreams. He would be kind and gentle with her and they would live happily ever after. That all melted away as she got older and thoughts became more of a chore then something she really wanted. She wanted love and how could she think that a stranger would love her. She really wasn't in love with her boyfriend either but he was kind and had a great sense of humor. He was fun to be with but she also couldn't see herself married to him. He was too sporadic and she needed stability. At least it was her choice.

Her parents weren't that rich, well not anymore. One of her ancestors had made a killing off the great Unification and the new Industrial Revolution that had hit their homeland. Now her father was a mediocre lawyer and her mother was a secretary but they still had some money to give enough thought to having their daughter breed with a pureblood. "It is what purebloods do." That was always their answer.

Now here she was practically naked in a room waiting for some strange man to come so that they could have sex. If puppies were produced they would be married, if not they would most likely try again and again until it was decided that they should try another pureblood male. All she knew was that his first name was Otto and that his father was important. Her mother seemed quite pleased because she got a response from his family rather quickly after she had it known that their daughter was finally ready to be mated. Apparently he was far older money then they and he would be able to take care of her for the rest of her life. But did that matter to her? She just wanted to be loved.

Then came a knock on the door. "Come in" she called out to whoever was behind the door. It opened to reveal a tall Shepherd who shyly entered the room closing the door behind him. He was also wearing a silk robe like her. She took a good look at him and thought to herself he sure is handsome, that is at least a start.

"Josephine" he inquired.


"Oh good, the last few rooms were not very polite. This place is far too large and confusing." She smiled. "Oh you think I'm kidding. This one very large lady put her boot to my rear end." He turned to show her his backside as if to have her inspect his wound. There was a large boot print on the robe but she also got a look as his tight rump. It was true that Otto was in good shape as he was an outdoors man but his body was toned not bulky.

"Please then Otto, come sit down and rest your sore behind." She gestured to a spot beside her on the bed. He took up her offer and took the seat being careful not to further his injury. He was assaulted though by her scents as it was her season. He tensed up as his body, especially his lower extremities, reacted to the pheromones.

"I hope that you don't feel ill towards me for being the one who has to do this Josephine as it is an arrangement of our two families."

"I guess I shouldn't blame you as it may be my own fault for not finding a pureblood man out there for me. It is just so hard to find a decent one."

"Then please find me decent. Truth be told Josephine, when I found that your family wished for a stud I jumped at the chance. All the rich bitches are snobs and I thought you would be different. Life can be such a bore when all they wish to do is sip drinks by a pool or go shopping for the latest rages in Paris or Berlin. I want someone to talk to not some window dressing that only cares for money. So please Josephine, give me a chance!" He was staring at her with a pleading look in his face. She looked back and decided that she couldn't resist his deep brown eyes.

"I guess I could have done worst and we are expected to produce something." She stood up and let her robe fall to the ground. She probably thought that he would have to settle for her body. She wasn't lean like a supper model but she was by no means fat. He breasts were still very perky and slightly larger than normal. Her dark brown and black body had nice slender curves. She was also ashamed that if she could feel the heat radiating out of her baby factory. She was quite shocked by what Otto did next.

He stood straight up letting his robe fall the ground stating "you my wonderful lady are absolutely beautiful, the prettiest woman I have ever seen. I wish not to just have sex with you but make sensual love with you." She laughed. "It is the God honest truth my fair lady!"

"You are one of the most ridiculous men I have ever met. I guess you've earned the right to kiss me." She leaned forward was again as pulled her into him giving her a kiss more passionate than any she had received from her boyfriend. If her parents only knew they would flip (thank God for the pill and Protestantism). That's when she felt his hard dog meat press up against her stomach. He was really turned on by her and all that she could think was his and Rolf's comparison and Rolf didn't match up. It made her feel bad that that would matter to her but damn she was in season and horny.

They broke the kiss and moved down back onto the bed without a world, only smiles and giggles. She laid her back down on the bed laying her head against the many pillows that adorned it; he meanwhile had his hands on each side of her head as he hovered over her, staring lovingly into her eyes. He leaned in for another kiss and then started his trek down her body, kissing and nipping down her neck knowing the places to go. She thought he has either done this many times or has done much study into the subject. This might be good for her. He didn't spend much time on her breasts as much as she might have hoped but moved quickly to her other female parts.

His head hovered over the outer skin that concealed the entrance to the entrance to her womb. He took in a deep breath of the scents of her heat that flooded out of the crevice. It made his now very hard member throb causing some discomfort. His knot was already forming and pre was oozing out, when he got to that step in the dance of love he wouldn't last long. He hoped that she wouldn't mind all that much if it was short though he probably had a couple of loads in him if she wished that once wasn't enough.

His canine tongue lashed out and invaded the sacred slit running from bottom to top. She gasped and the intrusion. "She's already wet" he thought. She could only think that Rolf had never done that, at least not so gently. She kind of liked it. His tongue re-entered this time travelling deeper. She could feel his nose press into her which made her giggle but that soon turned to a moan. She was on cloud nine as Otto's tongue worked every inch of her vagina. His nose brushing up against that oh so sweet spot, and then came the humming. She couldn't help but flood him with her juices as she moaned his name as she climaxed. Rolf had certainly never done that. Otto was more than happy to clean up any excess.

"Oh Otto, you sure do know how to treat a lady."

"I do consider myself a gentleman" he said wiping his muzzle on his arm. He pulled himself back up over here leaning down to give another kiss. From this position Josephine could get a view of the dark red member of her present lover. She was shocked by how large it was thinking "it has to be at least fifteen or seventeen centimeters!"

The stud positioned himself at her wanting entrance. At it got closer her fears and nervousness subsided to be replaced by need and desire. She could feel the pre flowing onto her but she needed more to put out the fire in her loins. He kissed her again and he started to slip his huge dog rod into her centimeter by centimeter. It was a wonderful feeling as he started to fill her up. She could feel ever piece of him as he shuddered trying to hold back till he could get himself inside. Finally she felt his knot press up against her outside and let out a moan. He started to withdraw and he was now arching over her. Soon all that was left was his doggy tip and he slammed back into her, both letting out a moan. He withdrew again only to do the same, and again, and again, faster and faster. Electricity was shooting up her body into her brain telling her that this is what they had wanted.

She started up at the man she had only met minutes before, his eyes were closed as he strained against the feelings his genitals were sending him. Below his face her breasts appeared to be waving as she let out some more moans as he shifted his angle. Next thing she knew there was an almost pop as he outer walls stretched enough for his knot to slip placing significant pressure on her clitoris causing her to orgasm again. He was still pumping away but at a slower pace. One more final thrust and he released his seed deep into her. He collapsed panting on top of her. There really wasn't anywhere else for him to go as he was now tied to her with the full swelling of his knot.

"I don't know your last name stud; since we may be getting married I should at least know what my new last name is going to be."

"It's Hohenzollern my fair lady." Hohenzollern, as in one of the most important noble houses in their entire shared homeland!

"My lord, please forgive me, I am not worthy." He laughed which annoyed Josephine quite a bit.

"There is no need for our titles mean nothing any more. I am but a normal guy just like the rest of you."

"Your family owns castles." He laughed again.

"I guess they do. Would that be something that would interest you? Having sex with a noble prince in a castle? Well they are quite draft and I am sure it that fun!" He let out another burst of laughter. She could feel it resonate through his still tied genitals.

"It wasn't that funny." He embraced her with a kiss.

"How bout we do this, we wait for me to go down, get dressed and get coffee. I know that sounds like a backwards date but who knows; you might come to like me and decide to have sex with me again!"

"That doesn't sound that bad, but I want a nice meal, I am getting hungry and you I think for having sex with you that you own me that much."

"Whatever the lady wishes" he said with a huge goofy grin. This time it was her turn to laugh.

WIP Pureblood

I know I said my next adult thing was going to be the next in What you Should/n't do (not sure what yet I'm calling because I keep changing the wording) but this popped in my head an I will finish it just not now. I sort of was like cool, now I can see...

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Jupiter Chapter 3 - Nothing major changed just fix a few things and flipped some others. I feel like I need to legthen Chapter 4 primarily in the battle scene and I think I'll put Chapter 4 and the Epilogue together for...

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Chapter two of Jupiter (Every Dog has his Day) Didn't change as much as I did in Chapter...

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