All The Quiet Rains

Story by GreatWallachia on SoFurry

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I write short stories for friends upon request. This is the result.

-=+=- All the Quiet Rains -=+=-

Part One: Prologue

My father was wrong about a lot of things, but he did get one thing right: A good man is hard to find. It's at times like these I wish there were more of them.

I take a drag out of my cigarette as I hunch over the crackling fire before me, keeping one hand on my rifle. The scout was supposed to be back any time now, and report what was-and more importantly, who was--around. This settlement has been safe here for a year or two now, outside the remnants of some dead city, but with marauders always on the prowl, you could never be too careful. The night is persistently dangerous.

I think back to my father again. A coyote, he was, same as my mother. (Though I've never met her.) Ultimately, he was the one who taught me most of what I know. He could never quite keep with the times, though. In his world, there were wonders. Small pieces of technology that connected you to an entire wealth of information, machines that flew through the sky at rapid speeds, weapons that could destroy entire cities: Such things exist only in stories today, but he would talk about them all the time, and how the old world would come back "soon enough". Sorry to break it to you, dad, but you were wrong.

I shift around uneasily in my chair, watching the woods in the distance as a figure approached. I pick up my rifle, a good bolt-action, and rest it on my lap. I squint and watch the person stalk closer, until finally I could make them out in the night: They're a dog, a German Shepard, wearing a roughly sewn black cloak over whatever clothes they had on beneath. I watch them approach, nodding in acknowledgment.

The dog reaches the fire, leaning against the wooden walls of the settlement we both currently find ourselves in. His blue eyes peer down at me from behind brown fur as he leans his rifle against said wall. "What's with the hat? Are you a cowboy?"

I laugh. "Something like that, yeah." I take off my cowboy hat and place it on the ground beside me. "What's the news?"

The dog throws off his hood, revealing his ears and the rest of his face. "There's no one out there. Nothing. Radio silence. Which is good, actually."

I nod. "I'll take your word for it. Is that it, then? Can we report back to the town?"

On a side note, towns were rare, especially here on the coast, but infinitely useful: Having such a concentrated core of people (600 or so, in this case) made getting supplies a lot easier. Especially cigarettes, which are only made on the other side of the continent.

The dog nods. "Safe for tonight." His voice is deep and smooth, carrying a certain melodic tone to it.

I sit up, grabbing my things and leaving the fire behind. "What's your name? Call me Landon."

"Cenric," he says, "I'm new in town."

Part Two: A Ballad for 23 Years

The light rain outside bangs against the rusty corrugated roof of the inn. I sit across from Cenric, drinking water out of a murky glass cup.

I've known him for a few days now, and it seems we've both made a temporary home out of this place: Tempest-Tost, the largest settlement for miles. Why he's here, he's yet to say, and I've yet to figure out. What I do know is that he works as a scout, constantly looking out for moving groups of survivors and bandits who might harm (or help) the town. But that's not much to go off of. Personally, I work as a guard and police officer, protecting this place from both inside and outside threats. Not that there's much policing to be done: Almost everyone here owns a weapon they can defend themselves with and isn't afraid to use it, so most cases solve themselves. But sometimes the law needs to get involved, and for that I'm here. Mostly, though, I just watch the town gates.

Our jobs often intertwine, though, which has led to a few casual chats before our duties begin recently.

I take another sip of my water. "Where do you think everyone else is? All the other travelers, I mean."

Cenric watches out the window, looking at the falling rain. "What do you mean?"

"We're the only two people staying in this inn." I say.

Cenric shrugs. "There's still no one out there. Complete silence. Usually, I'd smell or see at least one pack of survivors, bandits, scavengers, or whoever else, but there's just... no one. Whatever's going on out there, we're probably the last two to get out of it round here. This town, too."

I sigh. "What do you think it means? What? The Pandemonium is returning?" The Pandemonium was what started all of this, 23 years ago. No one can quite define what it is: A person, a disease, a moving miasma, mind control, or whatever else. What we do know is that it leaves fire, chaos, and death behind. Of course, no one has ever gotten a first hand account, because anyone who sees it happening before it's over is consumed by it as well.

Cenric shakes his head in frustration. "Hell if I know. Something's going on though, I'm sure of it." He takes a drink of his own water. "I appreciate the privacy, though. Just the two of us."

I raise an eye. "What's that supposed to mean?"

The brown-furred dog smirks. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

I roll my eyes. "You're dreaming. I'd never do anything degenerate with the likes of you." Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy and all, but I'm not gay.

Cenric stands up, grinning playfully. "Wanna bet?"

I grin back. "I do."

The dog opens his mouth to say something, but right at that moment, the loud banging of the bell outside the town walls being rung sounds out. I hold up a finger. "Hold off on that. We've got business." I grab my rifle, slinging it over my shoulder and getting up.

Cenric follows, doing the same. "Shit, we were just talking about this. How fast did someone get here?"

I head out the door, walking at a brisk pace. "Clearly, we've just found the exception to that 'no one else is around' rule."

I see a few other guards also filing out of their recreational activities and heading into the early evening. (Cenric isn't a guard, but he's close enough.)

We head out to the wooden gate. Just as we arrive, a burly wolf guard pries the gate open, letting a stumbling man inside.

The rabbit pants, bending over and throwing up from exhaustion. His tattered clothes are covered in mud, and his arm is bandaged. His shoes have seen better days, being mangled and barely hanging on to his blistered feet. The white-furred man mumbles something, then takes greedy gulps out of a canteen.

The wolf closes the gates, keeping an eye on him. "Sir?" He says in a gruff voice.

The man stands up, wiping his face. "It's out there..." he mumbles, still breathing hard. "I was scouting... for my group. I heard bullets.. .a lot. When I went back... they had all shot each other. All of them. No one was alive. When I saw that, I... I took my things and ran as fast as I could."

I walk up to the fatigued rabbit and pat his shoulder. "Hell, man. What do you think it was? What's coming? How far did you run?"

The man rubs his eyes. "The Pandemonium. I know it was. They were all fine before. We all got along. There's no other way. And god, I don't know how long it was to get here. Miles, I guess. Miles is all I know."

Worried murmurs spread through the small crowd. The Pandemonium? I mean, I mentioned it earlier, but I wasn't very serious about the question. I mean, this would be big news. Very big. What does this mean for everyone here, at Tempest-Tost?

Cenric steps next to me. "Assuming this is the Pandemonium, do you know how long we have until it shows up here?"

The rabbit nods. "This place is safe."

"How do you know?" Cenric asks.

"This place is louder. More animals around here. The animals always leave before the Pandemonium comes. It's- It's done with the east coast. We're safe here. The last of the old world is gone. The west, though, where all the bigger cities are- That's what it wants."

The gruff wolf next to us speaks up. "And how the fuck do you know all that?"

The man looks around at the crowd of guards and the occasional curious civilian. "It's always gone for the old cities. Baltimore, Washington DC, Los Angeles. It's never gone for survivors before. We're all young. No one here is above, what, above 20? We were all born after the Pandemonium appeared. And we're all alive."

The wolf shrugs. "I'm no scientist. You should speak to the mayor, he'll want to hear this."


It is two hours or so later now. The rabbit ended up staying with the mayor, probably getting some well-deserved rest. Me and Cenric, however, are not so lucky, and both have to perform our night duties. Him, a short scan of the area around us for bandits (which he has yet to go on), and myself, my daily night watch. I've gotten used to it by now, though, which keeps the tiredness away.

I take another drag out of my cigarette, enjoying the warmth of the fire in the cold night. Cenric sits on a stool across from me, listening to the forest intently. "What do you think of the rabbit's claims?"

I sigh. "I would definitely say he might be making a leap with some of his assumptions, but... I think he's right. It wants those on the west coast, not here in the east."

The dog stretches. "Aye, I'm from the west. It's a good place, but... too chaotic. Can't trust anyone down there. Not that people down here are particularly nice, but... you get what I mean. Either way, the west is certainly more developed than anywhere on this side of the continent. Hell, last I checked, they're trying to set the government back up. Put some old guy in charge."

I point at him. "Exactly. They're putting an old guy in charge. Maybe that rabbit is right."

"Yeah. You've got me there." Cenric says.

The conversation falls quiet for a moment. I take another drag of my cigarette. "You know, you're right about that 'people from the west' thing. All the people I meet from down there are assholes who will stab you in the back just to get another penny. You're kind, though, unlike the others."

Cenric smiles. "Thank you, Landon."

I nod. "I speak honestly."

The dog gets up, grabbing his rifle. "Well, lad, I'm afraid I must go and complete my duties. There's only so much time in the night. If it's how it's been every other night, though, this probably won't take long."

"Alright, well, see you after. I'll be here." I respond.

"Right." Cenric puts his hood up, obscuring most of his face. "As always, I'll report if I see anything."

"Aye aye." I answer.

With that, the dog disappears into the darkness, his black cloak obscuring most of my vision of him. Y'know, thinking about it, he was actually a rather handsome guy. I bet he'd do well if he tried to find someone in town.

For some reason, I wished against it.

Part Three: A Good Man is Hard to Find

I sit at the inn table, tapping my fingers against the coarse wood. Where was Cenric?

We'd known each other for about a month or so now, and had easily become friends. That was rare for me out here. I've never had many. Cenric was trustworthy, though. A trait I could appreciate. Nowadays, our schedules have changed. I have the day guard shift, and he scouts in the early evening instead. So far, no one else has shown up, save for a few unknowing traders from the south; Tempest-Tost farms most of its own food, but gets a lot of its commodities from other places.

That aside, though, the earlier times left us with plenty of hours in the night on our hands to sit down and talk. I've been enjoying them, personally. The German Shepard's filled with stories.

At that cue, I hear the door open. In comes a certain dog, still wearing his black scouting cloak. He waves to me as he heads to the table, taking said cloak off and laying it on the chair next to him. He sits down. "Sorry I'm late. Had a chat with the mayor. Apparently, he wants to grow the town, but not let anyone old in. Just to be safe."

I feel my tail start to wag behind me, something it had grown a penchant for doing the last two or three days when Cenric came around. I couldn't fathom why, though. He was just a cool guy. I grab a hold of it before it can really start going, praying to god the dog hasn't noticed. "Interesting. So we're taking the mad-man rabbit's words for the truth, then?"

I catch a glance from Cenric going down behind me, where my tail was.


He had seen it.

Had his tail done the same for a moment there, though? Had it? I've heard dogs had an easier time controlling them.

Cenric pretends not to notice my excitement at his presence, however, and continues the conversation. "The mayor seems to believe it. Better safe than sorry, anyway. I don't see the harm in it."

"Aye, I guess, yeah. The needs of the many over the needs of the few." I respond.

Our conversation continues on through the night. As the darkness outside grows thicker and the bumbling of others outside grows quieter, we begin to settle in for the night. Tempest-Tost is growing into more and more of a home, too. I know a lot of the local townsfolk, and the other guards are cooperative enough. Cenric shows no signs of leaving, either, which just makes me want to stay more.

Speaking of the dog, the brown-furred man opposite of me stands up, stretching. "Right. Well, lad, I've had a good time talking to you, but I'm afraid I'm off to bed now. My legs are tired."

I give a thumbs-up. "I'll follow you in a moment, then. Goodnight?"

"Goodnight." He says. He grabs his rifle and cloak and gets up. As he walks past me, he subtly grabs my shoulder and gives it a gentle squeeze. "See you tomorrow."

A (figurative) electric shock passes through my shoulder. I sit there, dazed. "Yeah."

I think my ears just went red. Was he... flirting with me? I'm not gay, though. He knows that. Hell, why do I care so much, anyway? Surely I'm not... y'know? What is it they call it? Homosexual? I mean, maybe? But maybe not? Probably not. Well... it's possible? But surely not. But maybe...

My brain fully melted by what, frankly, was just a touch on my shoulder, I start to head off towards bed. Okay, maybe "just a touch" is a bit of an understatement, and maybe it brought up a whole field of self doubt and realization, but... really. Just a touch. Right? No. Whatever.

Cenric is already in his room by the time I reach the hall. I open the door to my quaint, under-decorated room and throw myself onto the bed. The blanket is roughly knit and falling apart at some of the seams, but it works for its general purpose.

I rest my coyote head on the pillow, and go to sleep.


The next day comes and goes: Until the night, that is. I spend most of it lost in thought thinking about my life experiences, and how it relates towards my opinion on Cenric, and... Cenric himself, actually. Charming, well-spoke, handsome... actually, such unholy thoughts were not welcome in my mind, right? Perhaps I was just growing desperate for attention. Maybe that was it? Whatever.

I sit at the same table as I have for the last week, waiting for the same person I have for the last week, who I have been talking to for a month: Cenric, the brown-furred, black-eared German Shepherd. A good man, above all else.

At that moment, around the same time as last night, he walks through the door. With a wave, he throws off his cloak and rests it over his shoulder. He reaches my table in the inn, leaning down over it. "Aye," he says, "how ya doin'?"

My tail waves the same as last time, betraying my concealed excitement, but I fight to keep it down to just one thrash. "Same as always. Could be better, could be worse."

Cenric smiles. "And as always, about the same here." The dog looks around, seeing the empty inn; Even the barkeeper is gone, asleep wherever they sleep. "Do you know if there's anyone new today?"

"Yeah, no one. The traders all stay at the other hotel, remember? They actually have the money for it." The rates here are cheaper and more akin to that of a small apartment, which is more or less what they are. (If smaller.)

The dog nods. "On an... unrelated note, how about we talk in my room today? I wanna discuss something."

I'm confused, but oblige. "Sure, I guess? What is it you wanna talk about?"

"You'll see." The dog says. He straightens himself back up, then beckons me towards his inn room.

Ominous. But I liked the idea, for reasons I didn't want to fully form.

I follow the dog down the hallway, his tail swishing behind him. Across the creaky floorboards we go, and we arrive at our destination: He unlocks the door, leads me inside, then closes it behind us. "Sit or stand wherever you like." He says.

I look around. His bed is in the left corner, which is made suspiciously well. In the other corner, a desk is adorned with a picture of a younger Cenric and his mother, as well as an empty glass of water. Apart from that, the room is about as empty as mine.

I take a spot on the wall next to the bed, leaning against it. Cenric rests his rifle next to the door, then walks over to the bed and tenderly sits down on it, putting his cloak on the floor next to him. "So, anything new in the security quarter?" He says.

"Not really," I say, still confused about why Cenric wanted to come in here, "Crazy guys cause some trouble here or there, but apart from that, it's about as boring as always. And nice place, by the way. I like that you bother to make your bed."

Cenric chuckles. "Sitting around all day? Boring? What a surprise. And thanks. I really haven't done much to make my room nicer, but I thought the bed would be a nice touch."

"Respectable." I respond.

Cenric nods absentmindedly, swallowing. After a moment of silence, he scoots in a little closer to where I'm standing. "Now," he says, "I have that question for you."

I look down at him. "Go on?"

He reaches a hand up and grasps my arm, holding it lightly. With a blank expression, he says: "Why are you always so excited to see me?"

My jaw falls slack, and I freeze in place. His touch shakes me to the core, warming me, but that question... he's been picking up on it the entire time? I shouldn't be having this much of a reaction but... "I..."

Cenric gets up from the bed, standing across from me. "I've been picking up on a lot of little things, you know, though you probably aren't doing them intentionally." He squeezes my arm a little tighter, moving it up towards my shoulder. "How straight really are you, Landon?"

I look down, still unable to form a proper response. Was this it? Was he not flirting with me at all earlier? "Well..."

Cenric raises his other arm, and for a second, I think he's going to strike me for being the fag I probably am. I flinch, waiting for such a punch, but... it never comes. Instead, I feel as Cenric slowly drags his fingers across my upper chest and towards my head. He clasps his hand around the bottom of my chin and muzzle, lifting it up to look at him directly."You know, I've always found you coyotes to be cute. When I first saw you out there with your cowboy hat on, I thought you looked good, but that we'd never end" He takes a step closer. His breath hits my face, flowing over my nose and muzzle. I try to think of a response, but I'm too paralyzed to do anything. The dog smiles, stroking the bottom of my now-closed muzzle with his fingers. "But we are, aren't we?" He runs his hand across my neck to the back of my head, resting it there. "Come here, let's figure this out."

Then, he closes the gap between us.

He presses his muzzle against mine, the sudden warmth producing a gasp from me. Before I can fully process what's happening, a tongue forces itself inside my mouth, finding a comfortable stay against my own. I melt instantly, growing wobbly in his grasp. This... I liked this. I did. And I think I know why. It's just a kiss, I know, but... there isn't much relief out here, and... Cenric.

He rubs my arm. Cenric pulls back out of my mouth, grinning. "Not gay, are you?"

I breathe heavily, stabilizing myself against the wall. "Okay, well..."

Cenric laughs. "That's more like it." He lightly tugs my arm. "Here, sit down."

I oblige, sitting down on the bed opposite from where he's standing. Still dazed, though now for a different reason, I say: "What... just happened?"

The dog puts a hand on my shoulder. "You've had a gay awakening, lad." He reaches up and gives my head a light pet. "Glad I could facilitate. You're quite handsome, you know."

"...You're not too bad yourself." I manage to stutter out.

"Thanks, lad." He says. He strokes my head again. "Okay. This is where the fun begins. Starting off, I'd like you to do what I say. Got it? Just makes this easier if we have that on the board, nothing personal. I believe you're going to like where this is going after we get into it, so don't worry."

I nod, heart pounding. What was he implying?

He gives my head another pet, running his fingers through the tan far. "Okay, that's nice. Now that we're agreed, I'm gonna advise you to explore this whole gay-awakening thing a little bit more. And for that you need help."

It's at this moment I notice the part of Cenric's body my face is leveled at. I take a deep breath. Was I ready for this? I think I am. I'm certainly not unwilling, which is surprising enough for me... "Okay."

He pats my head, keeping it there. "Alright. Now, let me get ready." Here it goes, I realize. The point of no return.

He moves his hand away from me and towards his trousers.

He settles on his pants zipper and pulls it. He pulls his pants down and reveals his underwear and brown-furred legs. The fur on his inner thighs is a darker brown, accenting the area; Certainly pulling me towards what was up above. "Right, lad." He places his hands on his underwear. "I think this will really help. I know it's fairly sudden, but I think we both want this, alright?"

He then pulls a claw over the top of his underwear. Here we go. He drags it down until it drops onto the floor on top of his fallen pants.

The move reveals the rest of his legs and waist, and more importantly, his pink cock. It sits at a fairly good size, tantalizing me right in front of my eyes. He gives it a few strokes, coaxing it out of its sheath until it begins to harden. I watch the eyecandy grow with a hunger I didn't know I had.

Cenric, in a quick move, bends down and grabs my hand, swiftly pulling it up and placing it on his cock.

I breathe in a sharp breath at the electric shock of so suddenly having his shaft in my hand. "God..." I didn't expect I'd ever like this feeling, but... I close my hand around it, tugging my hand up and down its length. I explore the feeling of having the now-throbbing thing in my hand pushing against my fingers. Cenric smiles, collapsing his hand around my wrist to stop me. "Mmh. Like that, huh?"

I nod sheepishly. He laughs. "See? I told you you'd like this. That's not the real test, though. And lad, this is where I need your cooperation to come in. Trust me on this one." He moves my hand off his shaft, placing it on my lap. Stepping a bit closer, his cock lands a few inches from my muzzle. "Open." He says, dangling said object in front of me. I oblige, opening my jaw and letting air into my mouth once more, My heart pounds in anticipation in what I know is probably coming.

And then, it comes.

Cenric moves in the rest of the way, sliding his shaft inside the warmness of my mouth. It fills the space, resting inside the unprepared region. "Close it." I close my mouth, encompassing the hot shaft between my teeth. I gasp. I'd never persued much with woman, but had never thought much of my tendency. It was just happenstance, I thought. It's hard to trust someone in this world. But now... I understand better now. I, well, I like having this thing in my mouth.

Wanting to get more of this feeling that's shaking through my body, I move my muzzle down further along Cenric's shaft. I savor it, enjoying the new experience. I begin to move back and forth along it, sucking at the supple skin between my teeth. I feel precum begin to leak out into my mouth: A salty, strange flavor, reminiscent of stale seawater. I let the taste hang on my tongue, continung to suck and move at the cock in my muzzle. I forget my dilema about my sexuality and the chaos outside and everything else, all to enjoy this unexpected moment. The long, strange thing in my mouth trumps all else.

Cenric moves his hand up to caress the back of my head, pushing me in deeper along his shaft. "Mmh...good first time, lad."

I'm too preoccupied with the task at hand to answer his question. I get more daring with my moves, moving along faster amd more confidently. After a few seconds of this, Cenric lets out one last moan and pats my side. "Alright, alright. That's good enough, lad. Real good. Let's not get ahead of ourselves." He starts to pull away, and I move myself apart from his private region, licking my lips. Cenric kicks his trousers and underwear on the floor aside.

I blink, looking at the half-naked man before me. "I... I really just did that."

The brown-furred man before me chuckles, patting my shoulder. "You did, lad. And I'm pretty sure you enjoyed it as much as I did."

"Yeah..." I mumble, reality returning to me.

Cenric strokes my head again. "Nothing to be ashamed of. This is just who you are."

"I'm not ashamed, just... surprised." I answer.

The dog nods knowingly. "That's how I was my first time."

I inspect his lower body, admiring his lithe muscles: Same as mine, actually. "Is this something you do a lot?" I ask.

Cenric lifts up his gray shirt and throws it on the floor, revealing his chest."Hah, no. Far from it. Just a handful of times. Just got me some experience. But... nothing as intimate as this. I really like you, Landon."

If my ears weren't red before, I'm full-on red now at that response. I find myself naturally looking down. Cenric lifts my chin so that I'm looking up at him once more. "I mean it. I think you feel the same way I do, too."

"I do," I say, finding no reason to hesitate, "I do."

Cenric smiles once more, leaning down to kiss my forehead. "That's nice to hear."

I smile back. Cenric moves on, positioning himself perfect in front of me, his cock still very hard. It reminds me of my own, throbbing painfully in my pants.

He points at himself, moving up from his legs to his dark-furred chest. "There's a task at hand here, lad. As you can see, I am naked. You, however, are not. Would you like to fix that?" I nod once more. Cenric continues. "Here, let me help you again." He moves forward, placing his hand greedily on my pants. "I imagine you're pretty pent up in there, by the look on your face." He moves his other hand up to my chest and gently pushes me over, forcing me to lay down on the bed. He then grabs my trousers and pulls them off, relieving me of some of the pressure. He places them on the floor. Then, in a quick movement, he moves his hand up to my underwear, grabs it, and pulls it down. My throbbing cock flops out, standing straight up into the light of the room. Its pink skin savors its newfound freedom. I'm just glad I wasn't wearing tighter clothes before.

Cenric moves his hand over and gives my shaft a squeeze. "What I like to see. You're not bad either, too."

"T-thanks." I stutter.

He traces his fingers down along my inner thighs, giving my muscle a rub. Satisfied, he returns back to undressing me, reaching over this time to unbutton my shirt. Once complete, he awkwardly pulls it off my arms and then drags it out from under me. He smiles, looking down at his new prize: Myself, fully nude, laying down before him. He stops for a moment to swirl a thumb around my nipple. It's a strange, if nice, feeling. "You look good, you know." He says.

"I could never compare to you." I say back.

He rolls his eyes. "You're exaggerating. Whatever. Let me talk. There's a pecking order to be firmly established here."

Wasting no time, he lets me figure out what that means as he lifts up my legs, pushing me a bit further along the bed. Once satisfied with my position, I hear him shuffle around finally, before finally, a spitting noise. He fully splits my legs apart. "Prepare yourself, coyote."

As I digest the words, I feel a few wet fingers test the rim of my asshole. Moments later, they push themselves inside, adorning my rim with lubricating spit. Further inside they go, and I finally realize what's about to happen. I swallow as a mix between nervousness and excitement fills my veins.

The fingers wiggle around inside my ass, before pulling out. "You ready?" He asks.

"I'm ready. I think. I hope." I respond.

"Alright, then. Fair warning, this is gonna hurt for a bit." As always, he wastes no time. He gives my waist a quick pat before coming in closer. I feel his shaft press up against the outside of my ass. He holds my legs in his hands, spreading them wide and revealing one of the most private parts of my body for his free viewing.

Then, he begins.

Cenric pushes his saliva-covered cock past my guardian rim, then a little further, than all the way. The hot shaft enters me in its entirety, widening my ass. "Here we go." He begins to slowly move both me and it back and forth, over and over. I grimace at the forewarned pain, but as Cenric speeds up, and I get more used to the thing inside me, pleasure begins to build and overpower any other emotions. After a few more in-and-outs, I can't help but softly moan, which Cenric seems to take as confirmation he's something right, and speeds up. An emotion of pure pleasure builds up within me, my fully stimulated asshole supplying my body with nothing but enjoyment. I continue to let out a manner of moans as, well, Cenric fucks me. He seems to certainly be enjoying himself too, letting out his own noises every now and then. I hardly hear them, however, too focused on the rumbling emotions filling my body. His twitching cock takes full advantage of my ass, now moving at a comfortably fast speed.

Then, it all comes to a shaking climax. Cenric lets out a joyful groan and shivers, movements coming to a stop. A hot warmth pours into my asshole, making itself right at home in the strange enviroment. At that moment, I feel the pressure in my own dick boil over as well, resulting in me spewing a salty whiteness all over my own tan fur, landing on my chest. I let out a satisfied groan.

Cenric pulls his cock out of me, resulting in his personal seed spewing out over the blue knitted blanket. He smiles. "That was incredible, hun. Good thing the innkeeper lets us wash our own things." He says, sounding exhausted. He then rotates me around so that my full body is laying down on the bed. He then climbs in next to me, flopping onto the mattress with a tired slump.

"Wow..." I whisper, feeling utterly content.

I hear Cenric faintly laugh from behind me. "Welcome to being gay, hun. You're my bitch now."

"I'll never give in." I say in protest, still dazzled by the fading feel inside me.

"Oh yeah?" He says, reaching a arm over and grabbing my waist. He pulls me in close, pressing my naked body against his. He pulls the blanket out from under me and throws it over us. Kissing my neck, he says: "I'll have to work on that then."

I push myself against his body, letting his arms encompass me. "I still can't believe I'm doing this." I mutter.

He squeezes me tight. "You'll get used to it."

"I guess you'd know. And shouldn't we, uh, clean up?" I ask awkwardly.

I feel him shake his head. "No, we can do that tomorrow. I just wanna rest here with you, hun." He playfully licks my neck.

I don't protest this time, just resting in his grasp, letting him spoon me. "I'd like that."

Cenric rubs his hand up and down my arm. "I'm glad." He quickly nuzzles me with his nose. "You know, you coyotes are supposed to be real dangerous. Wild. Crazy. But you're not dangerous or wild. Crazy, maybe, I think we both are, but you're a good man, Landon."

I grab his still arm and hug it against me. He ruffles my chest fur. "Thanks a lot. Really. But I would like to dispute part of that statement and say I am dangerous."

"Not to me. I've conquered you." He shoots back.

I consider the awkward, yet unavoidable truth in that statement. "Fine. I'll take the comprimise." I relent.

We settle down after that into a comfortable silence. I let Cenric continue to caress me for a little longer, shivering and enjoying his light touch.

A light rain falls onto the roof above, splattering against the metal. It's a quiet thing, a stark contrast to the chaos of the world outside. Hell, who knows what's happening in the west. Nothing good, probably. But here? It's quiet here. A respite from the normal happenings.

I wish there were more moments like this one. Comfortable ones, where you get to relax.

I wish there could be more quiet rains.

Eventually, Cenric falls asleep, and eventually, I do too.