All Foxes go beyond Heaven.

Story by DragonMasterX on SoFurry

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Warning: This contains Growth, Breast Expansion, Muscle-Growth, Hyper Tera Giga Mega Macro Growth, Cock Growth, Chemical Usages, Hermification, Herms, Threesome, Oral and Anal.

All Foxes go beyond Heaven, by DragonMasterX.

"This is going well," Ted said to himself as he analyzed tissue samples through a microscope. The blue fox's tail swished under his lab-coat whilst his paws rapidly jotted notes down, this experiment had been holding out on for months. Today was the day Ted's research would come to fruition. Long hours had been spent on this funded growth hormone research that his company had commissioned him to carry out, and today he was going to reach the final step: Testing.

With a smile, the fox side-stepped and looked at his table full of assorted chemicals, the product of his long research resting there as a conspicuous blue-tinted liquid enclosed in a glass flask. Gingerly Ted picked the vial up and uncorked it, "Let's see what you can do, compound number 086..." he produced a syringe and proceeded to extract some of the liquid only to later carefully administer it into the sample he had been studying. He rasped again as he discarded the used syringe and began observing the tissue sample again, scanning for any sign of change.

Minutes went on like this, but for Ted, they were only seconds of pure excitement. This had all been his sole work, his individual invention; he would surely be handsomely rewarded with his success. Suddenly, a familiar voice permeated his sensitive pointy ears, making Ted raise his vision off the microscope. The bittersweet amount of patience he was putting into this was incredible, but not so much that he wasn't aware of his surroundings. "Lynn, Michael," he blinked his eyes, dumbfound by the intrusion of his best friends inside of his company's lab, "What're you guys...?"

"Don't act so surprised, Teddy. We told you we were gonna come over, remember?" Lynn, the dark red vixen with a womanly figure laughed, "What's that "How did you guys get in here?" look for, anyway?"

"Actually, I was going to ask that. Mike, you didn't hurt anyone in the way, did you?" Ted asked with a nervous glance to his other friend.

Michael was the tallest of them, gold fur matted his well worked body, he was strong but too much of a slacker to actually try doing something like picking a fight without the need to. "Puh, Ted, you make it out like you're in top security or secret stuff. It's only three rooms from the entrance, and we've come here before!" he folded his arms.

Ted nodded, "Well, what are you guys doing here anyway?" he asked, only to be backhanded on the head by Lynn. "Oww, hey! What was that for?"

"Don't play dumb. It's Friday!" the tomboyish but beautiful female snorted, "You know we always hang out today. Bah, you've really been all but lost into that project of yours, haven't ya?"

"Yeah, man. Don't you ever sleep? Haven't visited in days," Michael chuckled.

"Ah, well. Truth be told..." the blue fox scratched his cheek in embarrassment, "I actually slept over here last two nights. But I've made a breakthrough, guys!" he grinned.

"I've heard that one before," Lynn sarcastically said. Michael was counting with his fingers.

"Seriously!" Ted tried.

"That one too. Think this makes it the eighty-sixth time," Michael frowned his brows, but with a teasing smirk.

The three laughed. "You guys are unbelievable. Come all the way here only to poke fun at my work," Ted groaned in-between laughter, resting his paws on his sides.

"Well, c'mon. It's the afternoon already, I wanna go out and do something fun!" Lynn demanded.

"Oh, okay," Ted quickly ceded; he knew Lynn wasn't one he should argue with. "Just let me check this out for a few more minutes," he said as he returned to observing the sample, "Seems like it's grown slightly. According to my calculations it should be at least three times its size by now... maybe it's got to do with the administration process, or the environmental conditions thereof... I should,"

Michael interrupted and grabbed Ted, hurdling him over his shoulder and began carrying him towards the exit of the laboratory "Out we go, boy."

"Hey! I'm not done with..."

"Yes you are. C'mon, you're gonna get all stressed if you keep this up," Lynn laughed, opening the door for Michael as the gold fox set the blue one outside.

"Yeah, it's all gonna be there Monday morning when you come," Michael added, "So c'mon buddy. You oughta take a shower too, you've been here for days" he snickered. Ted blinked and reached down with his snout to sniff at his armpits, sure he hadn't applied deodorant today but he had taken a shower in one of the facilities, he wasn't stinky, at least.

"Bah. Fine you two win. You two go ahead. I'll just check out and leave this," Ted said, shaking his lab coat a bit for emphasis. His friends nodded and were about to leave, when all of a sudden the loud ring of an alarm alerted their sensitive ears.

"What's going on?" Michael asked out loud, when suddenly all three bore witness to a mob of people rushing down the stairs and out.

"FIRE!" they heard one of them yell.

"Crap! We gotta get out of here... Ted!" Lynn widened her eyes as the scientist went back into his laboratory. "Mike, he's gone in again!"

A loud crashing sound made Michael frown and charge inside "Dammit, Ted. Come back here!"

When Lynn and Michael went inside, they saw Ted standing in front of rubble set aflame. Apparently, some equipment had crashed through the ceiling from the floor above. "Damn, I can't get across! My experiment...!" Ted winced as he watched the chemicals and equipment all catching fire rapidly, "N-no! I gotta,"

"Ted, don't do something stupid!" Michael growled, reaching to grab Ted by his arm.

"Let go, Mike! It's my work we're talking about here!" Ted cried, trying to break free to go fetch his experiment and notes.

"Ted, ack... listen to Mike! We gotta go, or else we'll be trapped here!" Lynn coughed, multi-colored smoke was starting to cover the room.

"Place's gonna, ack, ack, go up in flames, buddy. I don't want YOU being part of that, so get over it already! You'll start again, okay?" Michael tried, yanking Ted's arm his way.

Ted coughed as well, the smoke made him feel funny, but the two were right. He didn't want to die. "No, I don't wanna stay here," he grimaced, "Let's go! Go, run!" he yelled. With a relieved smile, Lynn and Michael ran out along with Ted, the trio of foxes dashing down the corridors to the exit out in the streets.

"We're gonna make it!" exclaimed Lynn, but all of a sudden their hopes were crushed in the same way as the concrete of the ceiling which came crashing down and blocked the double doors of the exit.

"Oh fuck, this is great, ack..." Michael coughed again, looking up to see thicker, black smoke above and around them.

"Follow me, I know where the back exit is!" Ted ordered, focused on getting his friends out to safety. Lynn and Michael agreed and they made their way through the taller flames, skipping burning rooms and trying not to concede to the overpowering smoke. Finally, Ted stopped in front of a large room and opened its door, "Thank god it's open!" he sighed, indicating the other two to go in. Rushing inside, they made their way through an empty garage and finally outside of the building into the streets.

"We... we made it..." Lynn sighed in relief, bending her knees slightly as she rested her paws on her lap, panting, "Oh god. What could've caused that fire?"

"Dunno, probably some idiot playing with matches," Michael suggested, shrugging as he tried dusting himself off, noticing something was off with his clothes.

Ted grimaced one more time before he looked away from his work place, scanning for any truck nearby, "That's weird, the fire must've been contained while we were running... No fire fighter trucks here."

"Woah, you too?" Ted blinked as he heard Lynn and Michael converse and approached them, his eyes scanning them over for wounds or bruises, "Are you two okay? Wait, what happened to your clothes?" he blinked again, noticing that both the female and male's clothes were ripped all along, "You two didn't fall anywhere while running, did you?"

They then pointed at Ted with the same dumbfound expression as his. Ted looked down only to gasp in surprise, his clothes were all ripped. "What could've caused this? I don't remember bumping on anything in the way..."

"Maybe there was acid in the experiments and it ate the fabric?" Lynn said, trying to cover her chest from view as her top had been badly hit by this phenomenon, although she had never had big breasts to need to cover a lot, the top somehow felt tighter.

"You think so? Well, I had to change these clothes anyway, look, let's just leave here. Don't wanna be held down here by paramedics or whatever," Michael dismissively said, about to leave when he suddenly stopped as a rip was heard. The golden fox looked down at himself only to widen his eyes to the shape of plates as he watched the seams of his shirt broaden until they became noticeable tears and it split in two. "Woah, what the heck?" he asked himself, inspecting the clothes only to feel his body being constrained by significantly tighter fabric. "Damn, my clothes are shrinking on me, man!"

"No, you're growing, Mike!" Ted shouted as he rushed behind the gold furred fox, who had always been taller but now towered over Ted at a monstrous eight feet. Ted gasped as his paw made contact with Ted's shoulder, but he knew that wasn't physically possible, at least until he watched how his pants and shirt had all but been torn off.

"Holy shit, you too!"

The foxes exchanged looks in disbelief, but a looming shadow stole their attention in a flash. "Uh, guys...?" Lynn was standing there, her bushy tail covering her front while she kept an arm in front of her chest. She was nude, and her clothes were all but torn pieces littered around her feet, but the most impressive detail was the fact that the eight feet tall giants were only able to reach up to the lower bust line of the massive red fox.

"Ted, you're the brains, what's going on?!" Michael asked. Ted grimaced a bit as a tingly feeling made his toes curl and fists clench, the feeling spreading along his body and warming it up, causing him to witness each part of his body swell larger and make his being reach new heights.

"...The 086 chemical..." Ted said in a surreal tone, reminding himself of the multi-colored smoke they had inhaled inside his lab. Mike and Lynn exchanged looks as they grew bigger, their forms starting to pass the ten foot marks along with Ted's. "It burnt up and we inhaled the smoke it produced!"

"We're growing... because of that? When is it gonna stop, Ted? We're only getting bigger and bigger!" Lynn panicked, although she somewhat was enjoying to have both boys' eyes on her hips and waist, especially their obviously lustful eyes that pasted onto her when she had surpassed their height.

Ted stuttered a bit as he shook his head, trying not to pay attention to her growing friend's nudity. It could be his nerves, but he could swear she was looking plumper than before, "W-well, the chemical produces red smoke when it burns up, actually... It wasn't just red when we inhaled it, so it may have been mixed up as it was all consumed by the fire!"

Michael had actually been enjoying the sight of his friends growing, but not only that , the whole experience of growing larger was starting to get to him, his very soul was savoring the indescribable feeling of his mass increasing. His arousal was growing with him, he surged and murred as he passed Lynn and Ted in the blink of a eye but then he heard Ted's explanation and looked down "What are you saying then, man?" A thirteen feet tall Michael asked as he went down on one knee in front of his friends, "What's the others chemicals do?"

Ted blinked in surprise at Michael's explosive growth spurt, but his train of thought crashed when he saw Lynn grabbing one of her breasts and squeezing it, hearing her moan in pleasure. "God, they ARE bigger!" the dark red fox said with glee, let alone the panic, as she casually held and kneaded her tits in her paws. Lynn had always been a B cup, but the boobs she was holding now were almost too much for a single hand to grab and they were attached to her! Ted moaned in need as he felt aroused at the childish but equally sensual display, his pants now a thing of the past when his sheath bounced out and revealed his rock-hard dick.

Michael felt lost at the whole thing, but also incredibly aroused. He was pumping his own erection as he watched, quickly forgetting it was his best friends he was getting a hard on out of. As the golden fox grew larger, the blue Ted felt an overpowering surge of energy instantly spread along his body, attacking every fiber in his body, enlarging him as before, but also focusing on his muscles. With his swimmer build, Ted had never really managed to sport a noticeable definition for his muscles, but right now he was seeing the results of work out sessions he never had.

Veins bulged all over the young fox's body as biceps and triceps ballooned, defined and swelled some more until he looked like he could rip a car in half bare-handed; calves and shins, quads and thighs. They hardened, swelled and then hardened some more, giving off the impression that a single kick would be able to demolish a small building; a row of packs emerging from his mid-section made Ted moan, a six pack not being enough to his body for what it went beyond and bulged yet another pair under his now massive and broad pectorals. Ted looked liked an Hercules cut from diamond, his cock having grown to almost his knees and having become nearly as thick as his bulgy arm, the base resting atop two swollen furry nuts.

"Oh man, ohhh maaan! Look at those!" Michael exclaimed, admiring Lynn's shape from behind, the girl's breasts not only having grown, but her ass cheeks had also significantly plumped up to the point they tightly squeezed together into the shape of a love-heart. "Y-you're a Goddess, Lynn!" he finally shouted, snapping the dark red fox out from her sexy delusion, the three starting to become enclosed into the narrow three-walled exit to the garage. Lynn realized she, no, all of them had been growing larger at similar paces whilst she had been toying with her new breasts. Michael was too busy staring at her new, perfect ass to notice; but that aroused her in fact, she liked holding his attention for a change. She bit her lower lip at what she was about to do but her will was stronger than her nerves, "Oh Mike, look at this. You've never seen a better behind, have you?" she giggled, spanking her rump, eliciting a moan from her throat as she tasted her newfound sensitivity. Michael growled in arousal, howling at her for more as he jacked off, and she was loving it despite her initial reluctance.

She didn't have enough with monopolizing one hunky fox's attention with her sexy looks though, she had to have them both. Her tail slid off to show her wet, swollen pussy as she continued rubbing her ass with a paw and hunched over in order to stick her chest out even more prominently for Ted to see. Her eyes drifted in his direction but her seductive grin was rubbed off her face as instead of the relatively small blue fox she had always been friends with she was greeted with several tons of pure testosterone and musk. Her tongue rolled out and her eyes widened as she drooled at Ted's magnificent form.

The hunk was too busy experimenting with his new musculature to pay any more attention to the dark red giantess however, "Incredible, it's affecting our most prominent hormones and making them work so much that it's turning us into..."

"Gods?" Lynn finished for him, whimpering in need. "Oh Ted, you've made us so big, and we keep getting larger! It's a wonderful feeling...!" she yipped in delight as she felt a surge of energy make her bigger and to collapse on her massive knockers, she yelped as the pleasure and lust for more took over: "Guys, fuck me! Fuck me, please!" she begged.

Ted blushed, but his cock was throbbing, he needed release. He was about to comply, when the thirteen foot tall Michael made his way to Lynn's behind and grasped Lynn by her butt cheeks. Ted was impressed by the fact Michael had swelled as big as he, with rivaling muscles despite Michael already had had a figure before, in fact, it also turned him on to see such a hunky fox. Ted figured that it would be alright, they were all under the same state and condition, and Lynn looked so happy. Michael too. Maybe that's what they had been wanting for so long.

For so long, they had been going out together, best friends and everything, but each of them stared at each other like more than just that. Sexual tension was thick on them, and now it looked like it all had vanished as fast as their growth spurts had started.

Ted couldn't be happier. He began by positioning himself in front of Lynn, who eyed him hungrily. She leaned up, mustering what she could of her strength to lift her torso and hefty chest off ground, placing her open paws under her mammaries as he beckoned Ted with her seductive eyes, wordlessly telling him to sit down and leave it all to her. Michael needed no sort of invitation, he was so lusty, so horny, that he immediately thrusted inside of Lynn's love tunnel, drilling his relatively enormous cock into her tight cunny. Lynn bucked forwards as Ted sat next to her with his immense erection resting on the crevice between her luscious tits, her fangs clenching slightly as she took Michael in.

When she had adjusted to his size, the red vixen clutched her breasts and giggled as she did what she thought she would never be able to do until then; she grabbed Ted's cock with her large boobs, pressed them against the flesh of his shaft and began pressing to elicit moans out of the blue fox.

Unable to completely resist, Ted nearly came on the spot, but he made sure to keep it inside for as long as he could as she began giving him the tit fuck of his life. Michael by himself was having THE fuck of his life, doing it with a fourteen foot tall giantess with a killer body, with him being only slightly smaller. It all felt incredible, in fact, they were so impossibly aroused that neither of them could resist one another. A rough round of humps and thrusts ensued, but it only lasted so long. Their orgasms came before Ted could even blink, yet it felt as if he had just blown into the tightest cunt he had ever fucked without even having inserted his mammoth cock.

Lynn bathed in it; Ted was cumming like a hose, insurmountable amounts of hot fox jizz matting her fur down as she evacuated gallons of sweet female juice and some of Michael's semen which hadn't caused her to blow up yet.

They all had blissful smiles on, despite having had almost no time to enjoy their first macro threesome. It wasn't because of the orgasm only, however. They weren't paying attention for obvious reasons, but their bodies had violently reacted at the climaxes which had been the accumulation of their pent up sexual frustration for one another; the whole ordeal actually began affecting their appearance more.

Lynn's hips widened slightly at first, but then they were noticeably larger, her thighs having become even plumper but with the same firmness as before while her ass became even more impressively big; her breasts could be scaled down to a normal sized girl's Double Ds, but the vixen's tits suddenly began increasing in size, her cute pink nipples following suit as her large tits became Es, then Fs, and topped at FFs, almost too big for her to hold one of them in both of her paws. While she delighted herself with the changes, Michael and Ted developed differently.

Being males, the focal point became their already huge cocks. Ted groaned as his shaft lengthened with the pleasure of his orgasm, the immense rod having finally grown past his knees and was now definitely as big as his arm. He panted, but was not exhausted, his balls had also grown accordingly, almost the size of watermelons each. Michael's anatomy suffered the same changes, but he didn't see it. He felt it when all of a sudden the arguably tight vagina he had just fucked in under ten minutes became a vice grip. Michael and Lynn nearly came again from the roughness of their selective growth, but out of curiosity of what had happened with his cock which made it feel so good, Michael unhilted his gigantic pole.

"Oh man, I'm more hung than a horse! This is awesome!" the gold fox cheered, stroking his length to feel more pleasure, when he noticed on the sidewalk that there were peering eyes enjoying the show. The other two also noticed them: pedestrians. "What to do now...?" was the thought occupying the giant trio's minds. They all thought of different options as the pedestrians kept staring. But Lynn was the first to move.

Her fourteen feet tall form towered over the pedestrians, her pussy was still dripping wet. Michael and Ted watched her curiously more than lustfully as she sensually walked to the mob. Lynn had something in mind, they knew it; they just didn't know what.

"Mmm, I'm so horny, boys..." the dark red fox told a pack of presumably jocks who were dressed like football players. "I don't suppose you can help me with that?" she purred. Ted was surprised the most. Lynn had never acted so feminine before, at least not around them, but now she was a hot vixen, a goddess of lust. But more importantly, she didn't seem to care now that everyone was watching her nudity. Then again, why would any of them need to feel shame or guilt for anything?

"We're gods..." Ted repeated in his head, watching his paws, then at his monster of a dick. Scanning his eyes over the mob, the blue muscle-bound titan realized how insignificant they were. Like bugs, like ants. They were nothing to them.

Ted walked forwards as Lynn reached down to scoop the quartet of jocks in her arms, even those which were scared at seeing such a big girl, and laid down to play with them. Ted was about to grab some peasants for himself, but Michael stopped him.

As Lynn had two of them eat her out, she told the other two to worship her breasts while she enjoyed resting her back. Cute yips and moans were held as she gave the orders out, and threatened the only guy who was reluctant on doing it. Lynn loved the power of suggestion she now had.

"D-dude..." Michael said.

"Yeah?" asked Ted.

Michael gulped a bit, "You sure about this? I was liking the whole thing but now I kinda feel,"

"C'mon Mike, don't puss out now," Ted suddenly grinned, making Michael blink.

"You too...?"

"Hey, this is the opportunity of a life time. We don't know when we'll stop growing bigger. Or if we'll ever stop. All I want now is to enjoy and do whatever the hell I want!" Ted widely smiled. Michael thought about it. He eyed the mob and came to the same conclusion as Ted, then thought about his words. A blush permeated his golden fur, before he suddenly reached forwards and placed a kiss on Ted's lips.

Ted was surprised at first to say the least, but gladly accepted the show of affection. In fact, had he not been so consumed by his lust and pride, he would've probably done the very same. It had been months now, but he had been hiding a crush on both his friends, and it now was clear that he wasn't alone in that. Michael briefly stopped.

"Do whatever the hell I want," Michael repeated with a smirk. The foxes grinned to each other and put an arm around each other. With an evil smirk, they went to scoop peasants for themselves as Lynn continued enjoying the petty 'mortals' as she was calling them worship her body. She was growing as she was, Michael and Ted didn't want to fall behind.

The rest of the peasants had remained frozen out of fear of inciting the rage of these large beings. Ted scooped a male and Michael a female. "This is what we'll do..." Ted whispered to Michael's ear, smiling to their catches. The foxes sat down on their butts and folded their legs, pointing their erections at other, then began sliding forwards slowly, "Now," Ted ordered.

Right on cue, Michael and Ted placed their victims under their shafts, holding them there. "Mrrr, this feels so good. Feel 'em squirm!" Michael howled in pleasure, Ted then pushed forwards, his cock grinding against the other male's. With their heads bumping against each other, they each removed their paws and squished their cocks together, crushing the little furs in-between. They then began to grind their cocks, moaning in pleasure as they felt the tiny people shrink in their eyes as they grew larger from pleasure.

But it wasn't enough. Neither for Lynn. With a swipe, Lynn grabbed who she remembered had been against her idea of worshipping her body. She guessed she was now over twenty feet tall from the constant growing and grinned evilly to the boy.

"P-please don't eat me!" the pig boy said. He was big for his height, but he was going to be of a lot more use than he thought he would.

"Eww, don't be gross, I'm not going to eat anyone... Mm... not yet, anyway," Lynn grinned, telling the other three to stop as she spread her legs, pushing the other two out and then in a swift movement thrust the boy up her cunt. The pig squirmed and screamed for help, but his friends were too scared to try defying this giant growing vixen. Before they could even blink, however, Lynn began moving the pig inwards then swiftly pulled him out to watch him. Lynn softly moaned and blushed as she watched all her juices and some leftovers of Michael's jizz coat the unconscious pig, "Hee! You look so delicious... mmm," she softly reached to lick the pig, murring at his taste, "I think I like this," she smiled, returning to inserting him in and out of her pussy like a living dildo.

"I've always been curious about that, mmm..." Ted smiled, Michael blushed but he was smiling.

"Really? Well..." Michael looked at the remaining people and swiftly grabbed them off-ground. Lynn had already grown to near the size of a very tall tree, they were coming short. "I don't wanna fall behind! I wanna be bigger than her!" he claimed, then amended: "No! I wanna be bigger than anything and everything!" he growled. The passion transmitted by Michael's eyes made Ted feel even more suited for this whole ordeal. His paw reached for one of the peasants, then he lifted one of his legs and moved his tail out of the way.

"Please! No! No! Don't put me there, n-nooo!" The small fur pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears. Ted thrust him in, his cock twitching as his growth began picking up. With his hand thrusting the little person in and out energetically, Ted felt heavenly good.

"Damn, Michael, you gotta try it, this feels so good!" Ted groaned. Michael could only comply. The fur he still had alive in his hand became another living dildo. The gold fox immediately began enjoying it, moaning and yipping out loud as pre spurted on the street as he got ever bigger and now even faster.

Lynnwasn't busying down either, when she was too big to feel the pig, she grabbed another boy and pushed him in as well, a ritual which the other two adapted as well. The abuse of the civilians reached so far, however. After about forty feet, their bodies suddenly began feeling all tingly, and in a blink of an eye their growth speed accelerated beyond any of their expectations. The furs vanished into the respective holes as Lynn grew right out of the street and onto the buildings in front whereas Michael and Ted's bodies shared the destruction of Ted's ex-workplace. A hundred, then two, and finally three hundred feet later, their growth speed escalated even more and while they had been occupying a block each, they were now growing into the nearby ones, their paws, butts, legs, cocks, tails, all of it was crushing the buildings they came into contact with as their bodies forced their way into consuming more and more space.

With their heights having accumulated to over a thousand feet, their growth speed reverted to a more normal pace. Inexplicable as it was, neither of them seemed to mind now being larger than the tallest apartment buildings they knew. Lynn was the first to enjoy her new size as she stood up only to jump and land on a couple blocks on her back, "Wheee! This is a dream come true! I feel soooo good! So free!" she exclaimed, Ted getting near her.

"Hey, Lynn?" he softly asked, "Grr, Michael said it for me, but you ARE a goddess."

"You're so sweet..." the vixen smirked, "But you also look godly if I say so myself..." she murred, stroking under his pectorals. They kissed, Michael getting on the opposite side, his knees crushing a parking lot as he settled beside the giantess "I love you two!" she shouted happily.

"I love you two, too," Michael said with a grin, interrupting their kiss only to kiss Ted and then Lynn in succession, his eyes narrowing. "But I don't have enough of this world, I want more!" Michael announced, standing back up, purposely grinding his feet onto the parking lot as cars fell off his fur, "Rawr!" he jokingly growled, "Who wants me to treat them?" he winked. Lynn giggled and raised her paw.

With a mischievous expression, Michael walked by a row of buildings until he was able to find the tallest one, a skyscraper. The golden fox looked behind to wink at Lynn, "Come on, girl. Get your rump in the air," he playfully said, Lynn widening her eyes and smile as Michael wrapped his powerful paw around the base of the skyscraper and easily ripped it clean out of the ground. People, rubble and even more things were falling off from the bottom but Michael didn't seem to care, Ted was eagerly watching, his cock throbbing eagerly as Lynn flipped over on her belly and breasts and presented her plump backside.

"I think I already like this," Lynn playfully stuck her tongue out at Michael, then turned to wink to Ted, who stood up and walked away, where he found more buildings and peasants as well as cars. A dark smile crept up on the blue fox's face.

"And you're gonna love it even more now!" Michael laughed, hornily approaching Lynn. The yellow giant grabbed her by the base of her tail to move it further away, Lynn letting out a small gasp of surprise as he applied some strength, probably to make her feel dominated, but she didn't mind. As Michael delighted his eyes with Lynn's delectable behind, he slowly approached the building in his grasp to the crevice between her buttocks. "Oh this is gonna be so sweet!" he growled, suddenly thrusting the skyscraper square into Lynn's ass. The sheer brute strength crushed the first top floors, but the rest went in smoothly, the tightness of Lynn's ass pulling the edifice without so much of trouble.

"Ohhh! Ohhh yes!" Moaned the giantess as she ground her chest on the floor. Her sensitive tits brushed and topped lesser buildings as well as vehicles scattered under them, pleasuring her even further as she contracted her anal muscles in order to pull the skyscraper deeper into herself. Michael couldn't be happier and reached for another apartment, and while thrusting the building in Lynn back and fro, the male fox licked his lips and lifted his own tail. Lynn watched back as a growl alerted her, watching Michael insert the building into his own ass, making her blush in excitement and lust as she started bucking her hips against Michael's paw.

Ted by himself was already making a big mess. He was playing to be Godzilla, rampaging through town, smashing his massive muscled feet ahead of him, kicking cars, demolishing buildings, grinding his toes against peasants just to feel his power increase as he grew larger. His lovers were still growing, and they wouldn't stop; there was no scientific proof of that but he didn't care, he just wanted it to never end. With his renewed erection in his paw, he began jacking off half of his inhumanely large penis, briefly leaning down to grab a car on the move only to rub it against the shaft, feeling the tiny object and its vibrations stimulate his cock further.

Ted reached for more, grabbing a truck this time and smashed it all on his cock, which seemed to keep begging for more, undamaged despite the splintering fragments of destroyed machinery covering it. Ted knew it, he was indestructible, invincible, overwhelmingly powerful. It turned him on so much; his pre was raining down on the city without stop, flooding the streets, messing the buildings, drowning the citizens.

And Lynn and Michael kept abusing tall buildings until they had all but been spent. The female was already by her fifth whereas the former was very close, his ass having crunched on the fourth. Their orgasms were once more approaching, and when they hit, the city was helplessly drowned in white. Ted's orgasm was indubitably the strongest, his growing dick spraying gallon after gallon into the air, covering the city, his friends and himself in jizz while Michael cummed all over Lynn's ass, glass and rubble falling off her butt. Her orgasm had been so strong that the skyscraper had been crushed due to the involuntary contraction of her ring. "Mmmmm, I feel it. They're growing bigger againnnn!" she groaned, stroking her breasts softly as they swelled larger at a faster pace than her body, reaching a new size of roundness and overall plumpness. Had she been a normal sized gal, one would have been able to compare her tits to a pair of beachballs. Michael and Ted had become even larger, their cocks easily having become their literal third legs with balls as big as Lynn's previous breast size.

Ted turned around and panted, the now mile large fox holding his still hard boner in both paws, "I've no trouble lifting it with these muscles, but I KNOW it's sooo heavy. Feels so big! So good!"

Michael rose to his new height as well, just under a mile, comparing his dick with his friend's, "Not bad. Screw horses, we're an all new kind of alpha males!" he boomed with laughter.

"Fuck yeah! Try what I did," Ted said, pointing at the now tiny 'big city' under them, revealing it to be an extension of white on the map they were standing. "Bet you've an ocean, just like me, in your balls!"

"Oooh," cooed Lynn as she got off the ground, matching their height, licking her lips off the cum remains on her face, "I want to see that, Mike. C'mon 'alpha male', do it!"

Michael widely grinned and gave Lynn and Ted a good look at his muscles while flexing, going down to grab his massive boner to begin pumping it. Ted's dick bounced in excitement, and Lynn got behind Michael, knelt behind him and gave his tight rump a good nuzzle. "Mmm, going to help?" asked the masturbating fox.

Lynngiggled, "I believe male gods should also be worshipped!" she confidently said, licking Michael's butthole, beckoning Ted over as Michael sighed in bliss from the treatment. "Take care of his balls, will you?" she sweetly asked. Ted didn't need to be asked twice. He got on his knees and began nuzzling the enormous fox testicles dangling from Michael's crotch. Blue and red licked, grabbed and stroked, and yellow just pumped harder, their bodies ever growing while they played. Neighboring cities were flattened as knees and feet sunk down on the earth with massive weight, puddles of pre dwarfing rivers as yet another orgasm was being built inside of Michael. He was going to go soon.

"Oh fuck! I'm cumming!" announced Michael with a booming roar, his cock suddenly going off with such strength that his cum fired for several miles in the first few shots, covering or otherwise ruining more cities and towns with giant fox sperm. Michael fell back from exhaustion, being caught in the arms of his two growing friends, who were grinning at him.

"Damn! Now that's what I call an orgasm! Atta boy, Mike!" Michael grinned at Lynn's compliment, his growth escalating with theirs, the trio of friends growing a mile per minute now. The foxes were so big that the cities were beginning to dwarf into nothingness, converging into what seemed to be the large state they once lived in; and now they were standing on it, quite literally. At eight miles, Ted stood up and gazed upon the emptiness of the space beyond them.

"...Look." He clutched his paws, knowing they were mere moments from transcending this diminishing world. Ted reached up with his arm, as if trying to grab one of the many stars that dressed the veil of the void, but a red paw brought his down. Blinking, Ted looked towards the ever naughty Lynn.

"We'll get those soon. But I'm hungry now..." she playfully said, watching Michael just stretching and slacking off, enjoying his body overgrowing the world underneath them.

"What do you propose we do then, my goddess?" Ted half-joked, knowing that Lynn already had fully convinced herself of being one, although he couldn't say he wasn't on similar terms with his beefed up body. Lynn discreetly pointed at the many spots they had covered in cum or juices, slurping her lips. "...Seriously?" he asked.

"I only regret not having eaten one of those boys from before..."

"You actually did."

"...With my mouth," Lynn added with a smile, taking Ted's strong paw in hers, shaking her humongous tits in front of him, "C'mon, take me out to dinner, Teddy. I'll let you play with these later..." she seductively purred. Ted grinned.

"When did you turn into the hottest tease in the world?"

"About seven pages above. Now let's go you piece of hunk, I wanna eat it all!" the buxom vixen said, practically dragging her lover all the way to the first stain. She stood clear of it and let Ted go, folding her arms under her most conspicuous boobage. "Well? Use your muscles!"

Ted looked at the stain that had been made when Michael had orgasmed, then back at Lynn's hungry eyes and then down at his scaled-up basketball-sized biceps, starting to grin widely. "Open wide!" he said with excitement as he reached down and dug his powerful claws on the crust, effortlessly managing to extract a sizable chunk of the state with the cum 'topping' in the center. The now thirteen and a half thousand miles high vixen was becoming impatient, her jaw already as low as it could go. Ted didn't waste time and proceeded to push many cities, tons of buildings and hundreds of thousands furs into her awaiting maw at once; Ted's cock sprung back to life when Lynn's mouth drove her pearly white fangs down onto the chunk of land and delightfully swallowed it all, for some reason, it turned Ted on massively. Two thousand miles per minute was their growth speed so far.

She crunched and narrowed her eyes sensually as her tail swished; Lynn had caught his expression and was enjoying it as much as she was calming her hunger. She softly let a sigh of bliss out and licked the 'crumbs' off her maw, "Deeeeeelicious" she slowly said, making Ted blush.

"D-do you want more?!" Ted eagerly asked, frantically looking left and right for another sizable stain, but their bodies had been growing so large so fast that the city they had lived in for so many years was nowhere in their sight anymore. Instead, Ted realized that they were all now well beyond the 20,000 mile mark, almost ready to begin making fun of planet Earth's size. A swift grab at his behind made him yip as he was snapped out of his thoughts by Lynn.

"Told ya we'd reach it soon!" the dark red fox girl giggled, walking across the world in a few steps. "Mike, get up!"

"Wha? What's the rush? WOAH!" The golden fox finally snapped out of his afterglow, realizing what the other two already had. "Maaan! I can see so many planets!" he excitedly said, sitting up, realizing his legs had dipped into two oceans at once. He grinned widely, "We're. So. Damn. ENORMOUS!!" with that yell and manly display of pectorals, the three of them finally began to slowly float off Earth. "Whoop! We're flying-! Is this some side-effect of the potion, dude?" he asked Ted, who merely laughed.

"Relax, we aren't flying, and even if we could it wouldn't matter anymore. The Earth just isn't big enough to hold us to its gravitational force anymore! We're bigger than it after all!" the blue muscle-god affirmed, grabbing the planet in his paws as if it was a beach ball. "Think fast, Mike!" he laughed, hurling their former home-world in the golden one's direction. Four thousand miles a minute.

Michael widened his eyes at the incoming projectile, being taken by surprise at the speed of it, but Lynn caught it by pouncing the world instead. They watched as her growing breasts slowly hugged and then began smothering the planet, both of them moaning in lust as she kept it still, "Guys, don't play with the food," she said with an acted motherly tone, giggling at her own joke afterwards. Michael blinked. Ted looked even more hopeful though. Eight thousand a minute.

"Look at this. So small, still shrinking; no, we're growing too fast." She exchanged looks with the horny males as the now volleyball Earth lodged in her incredible cleavage, smirking as she knew she had their attention. "So fast that we're gonna get much bigger very soon! I can feel it, and so can you, right?" they mindlessly nodded, she giggled and continued, "I don't wanna have all that fun on an empty stomach... and I don't want us to have to search for food for a good while, so, while it's still possible..." the nearly 100,000 mile large vixen wildly smirked, taking the planet out of her worldly valley, spinning it on her index. "Let's each take a bite, mmkay?"

Michael started to see where it was going, and he liked. Ted and he grasped their erections to keep them at bay as they approached the sexy furry goddess with the planet in her paw. She let it go, but then her lips pressed against its surface. Ted and Michael mimicked her, approaching Earth from different angles and pressed their muzzles to the world. She gave them each a spank and took a bite; they followed on cue and the planet was no more.

Ted kissed Lynn, they shared their saliva as well as played with their Earth chunks, Michael interrupted a kissed Ted, then Lynn wildly came in-between and started lashing her tongue in-between theirs while their mouths were open. The three foxes kissed passionately, wrestling their tongues as they swallowed their planet, cuddling together and moaning as they grew at sixteen thousand miles a minute now. As they closed their eyes, their paws began exploring each other, licking, pawing, groping. They were going to enjoy inhibited space sex after a good meal.

The males' cocks each rubbed against one breast, making Lynn moan in pleasure as they smothered her fur with their pre. She in turn played with their ballsacks. But Ted and Michael didn't have enough with them; one by one, they reached and grabbed every planet and star or natural satellite they could reach in order to feed Lynn's enormous butt with them as if they were anal beads that would never return. Their threesome lasted for hours, and the more they grew, the faster they grew. The more space they consumed, the more planets and stars that disappeared. The galaxy was soon consumed by Lynn's ravenous ass, the busty vixen rewarding Ted with a well-deserved blow job and Michael with a titfuck as the males passionately kissed each other. Their growth had accelerated so much that they were growing at more than 4,000 light years a second now.

Quadrillion of miles later, Lynn appeared to be stuffed by dozens of galaxies, while Ted and Michael continued to abuse her incredible body, but they knew that wasn't enough. They wanted more. "I need to fuck you, Lynn, nnngh..." moaned a frustrated Ted, holding his immeasurable cock in his paw after having taken it off Lynn's maw.

"I want your ass, Lynn, you've been teasing me with it for all, ohhh, day...!" Michael groaned, removing his cock from her tits, "I need something to squeeze me!" he moaned in need. Lynn smirked at the boys, shifting in place, exposing herself to the lustful males.

"Now, is that any way to ask something of a goddess?" the vixen playfully smiled, her visage representing only naughty mischief. Michael and Ted exchanged looks and then whimpered in desire to the self-proclaimed galactian goddess. "Say please..." she poked her tongue out.

"Please, let us already!" They yelled in unison, music to Lynn's ears. She giggled and spread her legs, nodding in their direction. Ted and Michael wasted no time. The latter 'swam' over to her behind, where he firmly grasped her butt and thrust his hard erection into her asshole. She was about to yelp, when Ted pounced the two over and without warning impaled his third leg into her cunt. The mixed sensation of pain plus the pleasurable stretching made her orgasm instantly, but they boys still needed work. Her juices made it easier for Ted to fuck her with his immense tool, but the anal contractions milked Michael for every last of his seed.

They fucked each other madly, growing endlessly, orgasming endlessly. They didn't seem to notice a bright blue light approaching them, their eyes closed as they half-enjoyed their afterglows only to go at it again and again and again. All galaxies were destroyed or otherwise absorbed into their swelling forms, the universe was penetrated by the trio of bodies, they were transcending their current plane of existence into another, unknown one.

They had grown so big and impossibly sensitive, that their last biggest orgasm knocked them out into a deep sleep.

Ted seemingly was the first to wake up. He felt an unfamiliar weight in his chest and belly, he knew the red, plump ass in front of his face was Lynn's, so he decided to give her a small lick to wake her up, "Yo, you up girl?" he asked, although he blinked when he noticed the timbre of his voice wasn't the same. It was more treble, high-pitched, soft... feminine. Ted panicked and looked down only to find himself sporting more than enormous pectorals, but gigantic boobs. The extra weight wasn't only coming from his chest though, he reached to feel his belly, when some moans made him come to.

"Oh mmmm, Lynn, I love this new body... Keep squishing my boobs! Fuck them!" Michael's voice. Although significantly different in timbre, Ted recognized his way of talking. He drifted away from Lynn's massive ass only to bump with two extra spherical furry things underneath. Weirded out, the blue fox carefully drifted further away only to be greeted by the image of two perfect hermaphrodite foxes tit-fucking each other, paunches in their bellies. The last image reminded him of the extra weight he had been feeling so far, and he shyly reached to his belly to feel, and felt it engorged with something, something that was moving.

Ted was about to freak out when Lynn called his name: "You finally woke up! Sorry we didn't wake you, Teddy, but we, mmm... got frisky the moment we saw each other!" Lynn giggled, seemingly undisturbed by the whole surreal event. They all looked exactly the same save for the fur colors.

"What happened...? What is this place? Why are we like this?" Ted asked, trying to look around for an answer, finding several spirals swirling not too far from them, growing ever smaller in his sight.

"Well, we came from there..." Michael gingerly said, pointing with his tail to the blue spiral behind Ted, "I dunno what happened. But I think we're pregnant!"

"P-pregnant?" Ted repeated.

"What're you so surprised about, Ted?" Lynn giggled again, moaning as she gave Michael's cock a good lick, "Ever since being under the effect of that chemical of yours we've been changing more and more, not only growing! Now I'd say we fit the definition of gods... And what's better than being able to produce offspring to help us with our conquest of this... hmm, Multi-verse?!" she laughed at the name she gave to the place they were in.

Ted's eye twitched, but... After reviewing Lynn's statement and interrogation, he also reviewed all the fond memories they had created after having literally taken out their universe in their lustful wake. He squeezed his tits and moaned in delight, then looked over at his lovers and smirked, "Let's own the place."

The End.