An offering of heat and seed

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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This is a short story commission avatar?user=508610&character=0&clevel=2 Nulkurrak has done for Dradmon

Description: After willingly accepting a curse that transforms Haze and his dragoness partner Asenath into alternate versions of themselves with bat features, the two implement their long-awaited plan of making babies.

This was the impregnation prompt of my Kinktober list.

Haze belongs to

Asenath belongs to

***An offering of heat and seed***

Some people sang their favorite childhood songs while plucking berries. The more reserved ones preferred the subtler, silent humming, joined by the occasional whistle if their lips permitted.

Haze did neither. He had too much to ponder on to busy with head with nonsense, aware that every extra minute he spent out here was a minute away from Asey. What sort of male left their partner steam in the juices of her heat while he rounded up a carefully selected basket of fruits to delight her with?

A proper one. A confident one. A mate who had prepared for this moment for months on end. Haze would have it no other way; once a solution was discovered to circumvent the banalities of their far too different species, he understood their union had to be perfect. That it needed to happen at the right time, on the apex of Asey's heat, with a suitable offering to celebrate the most significant breakthrough in their mateship.

Just dwelling on her new form got his sack all tight and tingly. Long, bat-like ears with a soft, subtle arch, colored an inviting mauve on the inside. Blood-red eyes, menacing to everyone but him. A tall, pointy nose most indicative of the cursed blood flowing through her, inflicted by the same fruit he ate.

Such a petty thing, to despise curses on account of prejudice and ignorance. For those whose diet already included blood, it made no difference. The fruits, on the other hand...those might take some time getting used to, assuming his bat-infused virility needed them to keep in top form. A curse indeed!

The dismissive flap of Haze's wings brushed off that humorous, albeit cynical thought. There was more to it, of course. More than just his overly keen ears, able to pick out the wind's song rustling through the leaves. He was all coated in fur of the finest variety, so velvety he often ran his fingers down his nape just to reacquaint himself with it. Broad, golden-edged crimson wings sprouted from his back, an opportunity to join Asenath in the sky as an equal. There was much more to his appearance, last but not least a few welcomed changes in his member tailored for increased sensitivity, but he planned to let Asey remind him of everything he missed.

An aromatic Night's Kiss flower was added to complete the bounty he amassed in the dusty basket. It smelled rich, appealing, strong, just like Asey's delightful vulva. His task completed, Haze strode his way back to the neglected dragoness who likely tore into everything her claws could savage in retribution for all this waiting.

Situated at the foot of a mountain known for its heightened volcanic activity in the past, the temple he picked for their temporary hideout was protected by more than just vines, ivy and moss growing on its weathered husk. For people to truly desert a location, it took superstition of the highest order, a convenient irony Haze took advantage of. The local civilization built this offering of wood and stone as a means to pacify their gods, but the condensed heat of the earth cared not for beams and arches, hieroglyphs and swathes of tattered cloth still dangling from the putrid rafters.

Haze's clutch on the handle of his basket tightened, nerves beginning to churn within the pit of his stomach. He had known Asey since forever, but as a different creature with a different body. He did not do this to her; they chose this, just as they forfeited their safety in favor of the ultimate gesture of unity between mates.

They wouldn't just mate now. They would breed, a highly arousing detail already hardening his cock to full mast just from the thought of it. Let those witch hunters find the remnants of their copulation! By the time they tracked the aura of the magic that had granted Haze and Asey new bodies rife with power and delightful similarities, his female's belly would already be bloated with his legacy.

"Krrrhh!" a mere whiff of Asey's creeping heat was enough to sting Haze's nostrils, stirring that familiar ache within his neglected loins. The patter of his claws upon the cracked and broken tiles should have alerted her of his return, but so far, only the rough staleness of neglected heat greeted him, a reminder--a tease--of what he put her through. Sacrifices were necessary. They helped highlight critical moment's of one life, taking away something in exchange of far greater rewards.

Being helplessly hard, with the bulging spade tipping his cock flared to full prominence and the barbs strewn over his knot formed into tiny nubs of want, paid for all this. He had never been so eager, so filled with seed and yearning, and it was all for her. In his state, losing in one's fantasies came easy, the pheromone-induced haze reminding him from where it came. From that big, swollen spade, oozing its strong-smelling fluids over everything it touched. Oh, how he'd spread those tight, clamping walls! How hard she would climax from the first stroke, the tip of his cock too much for her constrictive tunnel, the barbs too blissful in the relieving scratches they provided, and the knot! His weakest, most satisfying part of the cock, attempting to ram its way through on the precipice of--

"Krrih!" Haze's bulk lurched dangerously close to a fall from Asey's lighter weight that hit him harder than she anticipated.

"Whatever took you so long!" Asey rubbed herself against him like a cat, unperturbed by the damage she caused.

The basket--his offering to his goddess--crashed on the ground. Harder, meatier fruits tumbled to a halt, squeezing the juices from the soft berries they crushed. Asenath herself stepped on a patch of raspberries, squishing them under soft, plump pads.

"Eeeuurrh!" Her face immediately scrunched in revulsion, ever disgusted with soiling her precious paws. "What made you think I could ever like those soft, squishy...rrrarh...."

It only took an unenthusiastic shake of her paw before she completely gave up on the idea, resuming her headbutting, nuzzling and hugging against Haze's bigger, more imposing frame.

"It was all part of a ritual. Not that you would care," Haze grabbed her by the fluff of her throat, dipping his hands into that luxurious mane as puffy as her plump spade. He only caught glimpses of it in Asey's agitated state. Her wings barely held still, butting and slapping Haze's face now and then. Her forepaws upon his face made up for it, seeking to grab him as if anthro herself, all so that she could hold him still during a storm of hefty licks.

"Mmmmm," Haze found it impossible to form words between the lashes of her lithe tongue. "I get it. I shouldn't have left you."

"You shouldn't have," Asey chirped in agreement, dropping on the ground to splay on her back, flaunting that cute, innocent, needy look. Much as Haze relished the captivating glare of radiant crimson eyes, his focus skipped to the source of musky arousal enshrouding the two in its erotic bubble.

Poor thing. So swollen, so soaked, so warm he could practically feel her warmth ensnaring his nostrils.

"How will you make up for it?"

The dark shade of burgundy looked even more appealing when soaked in natural lubrication. Flickering torchlight kissed its shapely form, outlining the depths of her need leaking out of her at this very moment, trickling drop by gooey drop from the tip of her clit. Sure, it was tucked in there, barely visible to the naked eye, but all it took was a pull of his tongue upon waiting lips to suckle on that bead of paralyzing delight.

"I only had our entire time together to think of this," Haze turned to the altar at the center of the grand chamber, covered with an assortment of furs, cloths and pillows he scavenged from the sleeping quarters. Its size could more than fit Asenath, likely designated for sacrifices, if the runes etched into the oily black stone were to be believed. He'd give the gods of this temple their due attention through an offering of heat and seed.

If only it was that easy. Asey immediately scrambled on her feet, not even deigning the fruits fit for a sniff. Such attention went to his crotch instead, her coal black nose bumping against the firm exterior of his sack, heavy with the fruits she far better enjoyed.

"Mrrr, now this is a more welcoming scent than that silly farmer's basket."

"There, there," Haze mumbled to her, the strokes of his fingers combing through her fluff unsteady. They twitched, froze and clenched with every nuzzle against his awfully sensitive barbs, the warmth of her huffs irresistible against such hard, aching malehood.

"Maybe it's best that you...wait a bit before....tasting..." he strained to keep his voice coherent and his steps steady, overtaken by perverse lust to just turn to her and let her suckle on his member. She wanted that; so, so very much. But fantasies had to give way to necessity at times, a heavy truth weighing his balls down with the pent-up seed he reserved for this grand day.

After stumbling his way through her curious nuzzles, licks and excited squeaks, Haze was rewarded with the picture of erotic elegance. Instead of just hopping onto the altar and offer herself to him, Asenath leaned her stomach over its length, tail raised and a hind paw dangling in the air, its padded paws clenching in nervous need.

"Is this a good enough waiting position?"

She knew how compromising this position was; how it flared his pulse to a steady thrum. Her ploy was all over her sly, confident expression, the lower jaw slightly drooped to make room for salacious swirls of her tongue brushing the sides of her muzzle. Fangs that could eviscerate prey in a split second poked their way past her lips, tame and welcoming, should he need the extra dose of stimulation.

Why would he, when the mere sight and smell of her already drove him crazy with desire? Not even a minute there, and her honey already created a wet stain over a sheet of tattered linen, impregnating it with the heavy-scented nature of her heat.

Haze's body closed in the last few inches separating them, pressing his thighs against the velvet fur of her haunches, their middle damp with juices. All it took was aim at her entrance, ease his way into her, and Asey's shriek already shook his frame with the might of her first orgasm, born from his slow, single thrust deep within her.

"It's fine. It is...nhhh, fine..." Haze stroked the taut muscles of her haunches, gritting his teeth to withstand the pulsing waves of fresh climax lapping at his intruding length. To give his mate a chance to recover, Haze withdrew most of his shaft but for the tip, lips curled into a fierce snarl from the sheer strength of her pheromone-filled reek.

"Mreh!" The dragoness recovered far faster than he believed it possible, climbing onto the altar and rolling on her back to assume the most favorable position for the prolonged breeding they both dreamt of.

"You're a sly one, wishing to see every detail of what goes into you." Haze's murmuring growl washed over her excited trill at being entered from a more comfortable and intimate angle. "Too bad those sweet red eyes of yours will snap shut during the big moments."

"Ewrh!" The dragoness squeaked her indifference at that, sneaking her tail under his balls to keep them well supported, preventing them from swinging too widely when the pace picked up. For now, Haze continued with a moderate flow of his hips, simply enjoying the tightness of his partner while he tried loosening her a tad. Both spade and ridges did a wonderful job at scraping the older, staler film of arousal glued to her walls, a viscous layer of snout-scrunching aromas heavy with the musk of unattended heat.

Haze couldn't help himself from tasting that inebriating honey, feeling his cock harden and his throbs tighten from only a taste. More of it, and his seed would have washed over her insides far sooner than expected.

He couldn't have that. Not when her womb remained his final goal. Given Asey's low endurance to his thick girth prone to trigger an orgasm every several thrusts, Haze seized upon the pleasure swirling in his balls, relying on the jolts of warmth gripping the base of his knot to pace himself. Her lovely features began to fade, shrouded by the haze of breeding. With their passions running high, the only thing that mattered now that fat, swollen spade, stretched as much as it allowed to accommodate every inch of throbbing meat he pounded into her.

"Keep...still..." Haze's groans shifted into rough, guttural growls as his hands pried her legs open. Antsy in anticipation of the strongest climax he ever experienced, his jittery fingers found it impossible to grab onto soft, slippery fluff, forcing him to bend forward for better balance. That lessened the breadth of his thrusts, but what he lacked in strength, he made up in speed and quality.

"Yes...yes...I....khh...know," he croaked, more to himself than to the moaning shrieks Asey began to produce on the way to yet another orgasm.

Haze did not stop. He fucked her right through that gushing mess, pulling out just a few inches of his shaft to keep her plugged, enjoying the way the pressure welled within her. Every now and then, her pussy squirted its load, consecrating his crotch with sharp, biting musk of maddening intensity.

"Awwrrrh..." Asey's weak moan drew his attention to her cute, drooling muzzle. Robbed of strength from this previous orgasm, her lower jaw no longer had the energy to close, turning her cute mouth into a mirror of the frothing mess his spearing thrusts created around her vulva.

This was getting intense. Even Haze, for all his stamina, had to admit it to himself. Yes, he could maintain this increased rhythm a bit longer; to ram his knot against her puffy vulva a few more times and watch her head lurch and her paws twitch, revived by the new waves of pleasure. Asey experienced more subsequent orgasms than ever. Plentiful as her erupting fluids were, the reserves were bound to dwindle at some point.

Intent on giving her the best time of her life, Haze sucked one final, deep breath, holding it tight within his breast to avoid the distractions of panting. This allowed him to fully immerse in the sensations flowing through him; in the throbs of his tightening ridges and stiffening barbs slowly reaching stimulation peak.

"So....grrrhhhh....wet, hot...." Haze muttered, overtaken by the fervent urge to work himself up to the fullest. Asey's vulva squelched, throbbed and spat ropes of juices of varying thickness, her final orgasm closing in. At his limits himself, Haze chanced a glance at her jolting paws, at those shocked, widening eyes and erratic forepaws desperately clawing their way forward down her belly, as if trying to reach him. To plead him to stop, for she couldn't take it any longer.

Haze answered her plea by ramming his knot against her ripe spade. Once, twice, thrice, until her soppy lips finally distended enough to swallow him whole.

"Shaaawwwrh!" His little dragoness wailed, crushed under an ocean of drowning ecstasy. Her haunches immediately squeezed him, tail curling around his rump to hug him tight to her sex, all while the spasms rocking her insides clutched and massaged Haze's far too vulnerable knot, begging to feel the molten pressure hid within explode forth.


All Haze managed was an abrupt gasp, slumping forward to hug his partner, his thighs trembling and rocking against hers as the final vestiges of lucidity left him.

His first shot completely robbed him of sense, dizzying him with its fiery intensity. That pressure. The mind-reeling tightness exerted on cock tip and knot both. It felt as if life itself was squeezed out of him rope by thick, pent-up rope of creamy seed, the heavy twitching of his cock silenced by the entrapping confines of his partner.

"Kreeeeehhh!" Another of Asey's shrieks propagated through her chest and slithered its way into his balls, her passionate call ensuring that he gave her his everything. Between his eerily still frame, still-pumping hips and eyes smeared by tears of unbridled satisfaction, Haze couldn't bring himself to give her even a single, gasping praise.

Knotting someone always did this to him. Double the pleasure when his tip happened to lodge itself through her cervix. While the initial shock hurt Asey, the caress of her curling tail that cradled his balls revealed her emotions on the gifts he bestowed her with. The most sacred of them all.

The gift of life, ejaculated straight into that nicely rounded belly which now acquired a pleasant fulness thanks to his diligent spurts that directly fed her womb. Such a calming thing, to hug the cradle of fertility, to feel its foreign, pleasant swell against his hands.

"What do you think of the wait? Was it worth it?"

Asey's gaze diverted to him and to his cock, rested against her pussy, its spade reacquiring inviting plumpness.

"It's not over," his fingers snuck under his cock to squeeze the tip of her vulva, singling out the clit to rub as tenderly as he could manage. Asenath immediately stiffed, ears pinning back, eyelids screwing shut during her surprised squeak.

"This.... was just the foreplay."

***The End***

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