Darkling Caught

Story by Benshee on SoFurry

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Darkling Caught Sedrik slowly limped down the stairs into the basement of his tower. The muffled growls of her greeted him even before he entered the room. He smiled as he looked her over: "Well, well.. you are not as threatening bound and gagged as you tried to make yourself seem out in the forest, my dear." He stepped closer and passed a table that was covered with a linen cloth. Various shapes bulged through the material. When his hand ran over it in passing her eyes seemed to widen and her growls turned to moans of fear. A grin spread on his face as he closed in on her and looked her over, just to be replaced by a certain amount of surprise. She actually was quite pretty in her way. She had luscious black fur at exactly the right length to emphasize her very female shape. Her breasts were neither too big nor too small and her hips very well-formed without being exaggerated in any way. Her face was very close to a girl's face, but covered in a shorter version of the same shiny black fur and sharp teeth were visible when she opened her mouth. At her rear a slim tail protruded at a length of about four feet, all black like the rest of her but with an unusual cute white tip. He shook his head, trying to get these thoughts out of his head. How could he think of a darkling as pretty? And how much less as cute? They were intelligent, you had to give them that, but they were merciless hunters. Of course they would have much similarities with human females, considering they preyed on human males and enslaved them for mating and doing the low jobs in their matriarchic society. Darklings usually wore simple cloths, rags by human standard. Hers were lying on a shelf in the room right now so he would have better access for what he intended to do. He regained his grin when he looked into her eyes: "I hope you had a good time out there, hunting me. Well, I for my part really liked it... especially the arrow I took through the shank really made my day. Let me see if I can return the favor." She moaned something unintelligable through her gag and turned her head away, trying to avoid his gaze. "Don't worry... I'll go slow on you, just like you did. You know.. first that arrow, then this scratch across my face to mark me.. I really owe you a good one for that." She had stopped moaning and her body shook in silent sobs. Her eyes were squeezed shut, a single tear ran down the short black fur of her cheek. Sedrik had a queasy feeling in his stomach. He hadn't expected her to react like that. Moaning, growling, maybe cursing - yes - but he hadn't expected her to break down in such a way before he had even started. With some effort he got a grip on himself. She had not cared about him begging to her when she had tied him to that tree so tightly that he thought he would suffocate any moment. A whole night he had stood there fighting for breath in the cold air without clothes on. And all that time she had looked at him with that satisfied expression on her face. No, he would teach her a good lesson and it had only just started. But he would give her a chance. He reached out and loosened the strap that held her gag, then he pulled it out. "I'm giving you a chance to try and convince me to let you go.. maybe you will succeed, who knows? You better make that really convincing though, because I can't really see it happen." He was still grinning and his voice had a cruel tone. He was surprised how he seemed to sound the worse the more his own actions repulsed him. But he was giving her a chance, wasn't he? It took her considerable time to be able to speak. Her mouth was dry from spending several hours gagged and her voice was shaky with terror: "P.. Please.. I know you won't let me go. I know I've been cruel to you.. Please, I don't plead for my life. You have won, I have lost. Just please don't make me suffer. Please kill me quickly, I beg you." Then she turned her head away again in fear and shame and started crying silently. Sedrik just stood there completely crestfallen and at a loss what to think or say. So she thought he was going to give her a slow and painful death in revenge for her mistreatment of him? Well, he couldn't blame her - actually he had tried to imply just that hadn't he? "You won't die here.", he replied with a somewhat curt voice that he hadn't intended to use, "But you will learn what it means to be prey." Slowly he turned around and walked towards the covered table. Her sobs grew louder as he grabbed the linen cloth. In a more calm voice he added: "Actually, I am not going to hurt you either." With a quick pull he removed the cover and his captive's eyes grew even wider then before. She almost choked when she coughed in surprise. The table was covered with a lot of very strange objects indeed, but none of them were items of torture. It hadn't taken her more then a moment's guessing what he had in store for her here. She was still afraid, but surprise was the major element in her feelings. There even was a little hint of arousal. Sedrik was pleased about the effect of his presentation. At least now she wasn't mortally afraid anymore, while still scared enough so she would not forget her position. He picked up a glass of water from the table. He could see her eyes begging him for it. "Your mouth must be parched from being gagged so long. Don't worry, I won't tease you with it." He moved the glass to her lips and she drank greedily until it was empty. "Don't mind the strange taste, it's just a little fireflower and heartfern. You will need your strength." After finishing the drink she lowered her head again and some more tears ran down her face. In the forest she had kept him thirsty for two days when he had denied her the satisfaction of calling her mistress and refused to grovel before her. It was two very hot days and she ensured that he sweated alot all through them. He had been hers for almost three weeks. She had tried her best to break him into obedience, to make him her slave. It had taken her two weeks to succeed. When he finally begged her to serve her she had treated him with scorn for being weak and here she was, after only a night, totally broken. She decided that if he was trying to break her pride he had succeeded already. Denying that would only make her suffer more. She knew well enough how she had made him give up, before that one night when he had escaped, because she had been too sure of having broken him. Maybe it had all just been show... It didn't really matter now. She took a long breath and did what she knew she had to do: "I, Thera, of the third house of Karathi, pledge to you my name, my title and my honor. I am yours. Name me as you choose and receive my service if it pleases you, master." Sedrik dropped the glass. It hit the floor with a loud clanking noise and broken fragments scattered all over the floor. He closed his eyes. Again something he had not expected. He knew her as the harsh and overproud hunter who had tormented him for weeks, who had tried to break him. Then he had seen her broken, hoping for a quick death at his hand rather then dying painfully and he felt sorry for her. He hadn't felt any pleasure at seeing her defeated as he had expected. And now she had given herself to him, the oath of property wasn't a thing to trifle with for darklings. And what was most surprising of it all was that she had not done it out of fear. He could see it in her eyes that it was a decision she believed was right. Slowly he raised a hand and ran it across her cheek, wiping away the tears that had stuck in her fur. "I accept your pledge.", he moved closer and gently kissed her forehead as was custom for this kind of ceremony, "You can keep your name and your honor. My first command to you is.. to enjoy yourself." At this he gave her a gentle smile for the first time and her eyes locked with his as she nodded. There was still some fear in her, but he would work that out pretty soon. He reached back and pulled the table closer. His first choice of tool was the feather. A mixture of doubt and expectation crossed her face as he turned it between his fingers. Next he took a red strip of silk from the table. "Trust me, I won't hurt you, Thera. I will give you pleasure like you haven't felt before." She moved her head forward obediently so he could attach the blindfold, and he was very careful when he tied the knot behind her head. Then she felt him caress her face again. She couldn't really understand her own feelings at that point. Here she was, bound, blindfolded and the property of the very male she had hunted and tried to subdue and all she felt was a mixture of eagerness and arousal. How far had she fallen and how little did she care. When she first saw him in the woods, he had been picking herbs and humming a tune. He had seemed so content and so very attractive. Since she didn't own a mate yet and he seemed quite perfect, she had chosen him. It all had seemed so simple. She would capture him and after a short period of training, he would be her mate. She wasn't even an overly dominant female, he could be allowed his freedoms once he had understood whom to obey. She was pulled out of her thoughts by the tip of his feather brushing over her right nipple. She gasped and shivered. Again the smooth silky texture stroked her sensitive flesh and again. She lost track and began to moan softly. Her arousal was rising quickly as she felt something wet and hot run over her other nipple. A little yip escaped her mouth. He had actually used his mouth on her! When she had captured him and explained in detail what she expected of him, he had flatly refused. He had told her he wasn't going to be anybody's property and he had called her.. a monster. This one word still hurt. It wasn't the only time he had used it to taunt her. A fresh tear dropped from her eye, slipped from under her blindfold and fell on his forehead. He looked up and soon his hand caressed her face again. This time it was she who spoke: "Forgive me for speaking without permission, but I am confused, master. I thought you wanted to teach me how it feels to be prey and yet you use your mouth to give pleasure to me.. to a.. monster?" If she had tried to say more it was swallowed up in her sobs. Sedrik groaned as the truth behind her words hit him like a bludgeon. When she had captured him he had been furious. Time and again he had taunted her to release him, told her that he would never be the property of such a.. such a monster. Back then he hadn't cared about what his words would mean to her, the more they would hurt the better. But now he felt shame and self-loathing over the way he had treated her. While she had been his captor, had tried to break him, had tried to take him against his will, it had in fact been him who had succeeded to break her. His words had hit her harder then nights without sleep and days without water could ever have hurt him. Suddenly his mouth was dry as dust, but he had to make up for it all. And on top of it all he realized that through all those deprivations and hardship he had developed feelings for her. He thought it had been hate, but could it be love? He surely could not hate her now, not anymore. "You are no monster", he said in as calm a voice as he could manage, "You have hunted me and I have resisted and called you all kinds of names in spite, but that was only because I felt so helpless.." Her sobs grew less until she was quiet. Then, at the same moment both of them spoke: "I am sorry." After some more time he added: "I think I should let you go now. I believe we are even." For the first time a smile appeared on her face: "No, actually you owe me to finish what you have started, if you will. And the pledge I gave you cannot be revoked", and in a pleading tone she added, "Please don't leave me this way." He sighed and then he did what he now knew he had wanted to do all along. He raised her blindfold and looked into her eyes. She returned his gaze with a serious, tender expression. He moved his hands to her cheeks and slowly his face approached hers. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth as his lips met hers in a first, sweet kiss. She felt her face flush and her heartbeat speed up. So this was what it felt like to be kissed.. to be loved. There was an old priest who in her youth had found a man in the woods who had broken his leg. The wolves were already attacking him and had almost killed him, when she had repelled them and saved his life. He had been very grateful and willingly became her mate. Watching her and her chosen one together was strange and fascinating, but also abit depressing. She was the only woman she knew who had found real love. Darklings weren't meant for love, her mother had taught her. They were hunters and warriors and a young female's first great hunt was for a mate and that mate had to be selected for strength and cunning, but then thoroughly subdued, lest he get any wrong ideas. The kiss seemed to last forever as she extended her tongue to meet his. New tears flowed, but it was tears of joy. She felt so much alive, stronger then ever before, dispite the long uncomfortable night. The kiss grew more passionate and soon they were both breathing heavily, their tongues entwined, little bits of saliva dropping where their lips failed to hold it, running over her chin and down her chest. When their lips finally parted, she was still panting with her eyes closed in rapture. He caressed her cheek one more time before slowly lowering himself to his knees: "As you said, dear, I still have a job to finish. And I intend to show you that I am both willing and able." With that he ran his right hand over her right inner thigh and punctuated the gentle touch with a soft kiss to her belly. Thera moaned softly in anticipation as he applied gentle touches to both her inner thighs and more kisses to her lower belly, slowly approaching her more intimate area. When finally his lips made contact with her nether region, she was already very wet. The first touch was so very brief, yet it made her tremble from head to tail and moan like he had already done alot more. This girl is seriously hot, Sedrik thought, then snickered to himself about how quickly the situation had changed. Just days ago he had thrown a particular heavy insult at this woman and had taken an arrow for it in flight, now she was writhing under his touch and he was willingly pleasuring her, actually even beginning to feel love for her. Feeling his darkling lover get more accustomed to the new sensation he ventured further, tilting his head to the side and giving a sweet french kiss to her sex. She moaned again, mixed with a cooing sound, telling him that she was ready for more. Gently he moved his agile tongue in and out of her well-lubricated channel, drawing more of her sweet taste and her rapturous moans every time. After a while he decided to try giving her even more pleasure. He rubbed his right index finger over her lower lips until it was covered with her juices, then he removed his tongue and gently slipped the finger inside her folds. Tenderly he moved it in and out just an inch or two, then to the second knuckle, finally all the way in. Her body responded heavily and she had long since lost all coherent thought and movement. Her breath came in heavy pants and she trembled wildly, but when he leaned forward again and rubbed his tongue over her swollen clit she could not hold on anymore. With a loud cry, much like a wolf's howl she came heavily around his finger, shuddering in rapture through the waves of pleasure her first orgasm was giving her. He did his best to prolongue her joy by keeping his tongue pressed to her clit, but without moving it, so as to not discomfort her. Getting up he noticed that she was totally spent and hanging by her arms from her bonds. He had a sensation of pain at the thought of having left her bound like this all the time, even though he had used ropes of silk. Quickly he unfastened the bonds and she slipped into his arms, mumbling happily to herself and only half-awake. Very carefully he carried her upstairs to his bedroom, forgetting even the trouble with his leg. He gently laid her down on his bed and covered her body with a blanket. Her eyelids fluttered open for a moment and a smile spread on her face: "Thank you.. thank you so much", and she closed her eyes again and drifted into a deep and comfortable slumber. He sat down on the chair next to the bed and just watched her. There was so much he had to think about, so much had changed in just a matter of hours. But right now he would put his mind at ease and watch over her sleep. The future was for tomorrow. * * *

Please tell me what you think about this. It's an independant story in my "wolfriders" universe that I will continue if there is enough interest. I think this will help me get over my writers block regarding the main series. Also I am getting new ideas for the "felidine dreams" series that will soon spawn the third part of that series. The story itself was spawned from the idea of what it would be like to be actually captured by a darkling. I have thought about all possibilities and incorporated the aspect of different cultures and thereby different conceptions of "right and wrong". I believe I got that part working pretty good - both characters show good and evil in about equal proportions. Some aspects about who they are could be revealed in further episodes; if you have read the "wolfriders" you already know abit more about darklings as I conceived them. They are not felines, nor are they canines - but, heck, there isnt many useable keywords (all way too specific and seemingly no end to keywords one in a million stories might use). The feline keyword was just closest because of her tail. Please comment and vote - when you like it tell me what you liked, if you disliked it tell me why and what it was you think needs improvement. Think of it as the only payment an author really receives in a free story environment, one that you should give, thank you.