Commission: A Favor Or Fate?: Second Date

Story by Dani Drake on SoFurry

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#4 of Commissions

Ari and Jake's second date, and everything that comes with it.

"You gonna sit there staring at me all morning?" Jake yawned and stretched, pulling away from striped pecs and rubbing his eyes. A lazy smile cracked his muzzle as he watched the tiger's blue eyes dart downward, and his tongue slipped out in a teasing wag. In truth, Jake didn't mind the tiger's stare; the wolf just enjoyed the flustered expression on that cute feline face. He'd always had a soft spot for big boys with bumbling personalities, and Ari was a big, lovable dork.

"You, uh- You stayed. I wasn't expecting that." Ari looked away pointedly, tapping his fingers together in a gesture that didn't match his size. God, he was adorable. "Most of the time, guys are gone before I wake up. Especially after I try something kinky." His fingers clenched, then relaxed, reaching out to touch Jake's ruffled chest fur, playing with stray tufts.

"They can walk after you finish with them?" Jake teased, taking one of those hesitant paws and bringing it closer, letting fingers tangle in his chest fluff. His cheek rubbed against the strongly scented pillow below his head, releasing more of the tiger's musky scent. It was becoming one of his favorite odors, second to the smell of fresh coffee, and there was plenty of it, clinging to his fur and wafting from his sticky toes. "Lucky them. I'll be happy if I walk without a limp after yesterday."

"Oh. Sorry. Should I get you something to help with that?" Ari looked like a disciplined puppy, and Jake had to hold back a laugh. It was far from the cheesy macho persona he used to catch Jake's attention in the gym restroom, and Jake was glad he gave the tiger a second chance. "I think I have some ointment, or I can get you some painkillers?" He seemed genuinely concerned, bless him. The wolf couldn't let him worry, even if he was easy to tease.

"I'm teasing you, silly cat. I'm fine. I've taken much worse." The wolf wriggled in place, lifting his tail and surveying the damage to his sore rump with finger pads. His hole was still puffy and swollen, but only the faintest twinge of pain accompanied the press of his finger. When he was twelve, he hurt himself worse than that on a bike seat. At least this time, his butthole wouldn't be purple for several weeks.

Jake let the blankets fall from his body, stretching with one arm above his head and sitting up. Confident in his nudity, he scratched his unkempt fur and showed off his morning erection. "There is something you can help me with, though." There was nothing to be shy about anymore. Relationships didn't get much more intimate than licking and cumming over someone's foot paws.

Tail wagging, he climbed on top of the sleepy tiger and let his dick flop between silky furred pecs, taking advantage of their size difference to wrap his canine cock in striped mountains of heavenly softness. Ari made a comfortable seat, honestly. Those well-developed muscles supported his rump, and the view of vulnerable blue eyes staring up at him clenched his stomach, bringing a pearl of pre to his pulsing tip. "If you're okay with something less kinky than power washing my ass with your dick, that is."

"Oh yeah? Is this because of me?" Ari returned his teasing tone, craning his neck to drag his rough tongue along the leaking tip of Jake's cock. Bouncing his pecs with a flex, he lapped a string of arousal as if to encourage the wolf to do what he wanted. It would be more strange if he didn't accept it, considering the tiger's eagerness to paint Jake's toes with strings of liquid musk the day before. In comparison, this was positively vanilla, even boring.

Since they'd already broken the ice, Jake reasoned that their relationship was progressing quite quickly, and they could get a head start on exploring the kinky things that Jake always wanted to try. For most of his dating life, the wolf only dated guys smaller than himself, so it was interesting to have such a sculpted mountain of meat all to himself. There were so many things you could only do with a colossal partner if you didn't want to break something. So much more padding to work with, after all.

With an experimental thrust, Jake tested the silky softness of Ari's pecs, biting his lower lip and resting his hands on their striped splendor. It was far better than it had any right to be, unleashing another clear string of approval from his shaft to splash against the tiger's tongue.

Unable to resist that cute face begging him for more, he wagged his tail as his fingers clenched in soft fur, pressing bouncing pecs together into a fuckable cleft, then sawing his cock in and out with growing excitement. Fuck, most women would kill for tits this perky. Jake felt like he could die happy buried between those slickened hills.

"You like my chest, pup? I've worked very hard on these pecs. Years of training and watching my diet. Do you know how hard it is to meet a protein goal when you're this big?" Ari's chest vibrated with a soft purr, settling into pillows and raising his paws to take a grip on Jake's ass. Like a housecat kneading its owner, he massaged clenching cheeks.

Cheeky fingers worked their way toward his entrance, and he could feel blunted claws trail over puffy, sensitive skin. Hopefully, Ari would at least slick those fingers before they slid home. Jake didn't want another literal pain in the ass, though he had nothing against rough sex. It was just better to be able to walk afterward.

Jake's tail hiked, and he offered no resistance to those delving fingers once he felt the transfer of feline pre to their paw pads, meeting the claiming grip with a growl and a panting tongue lolling from his mouth. Slippery fingers explored his tender hole, finding his prostate and forcing him into harder thrusts with the added stimulation.

A particularly wild thrust between firm pecs lodged his cock between waiting lips. He slid himself home to the root in Ari's surprised maw before he was able to stop himself, nearly hypnotized by the wet heat of Ari's lips and intently thrusting fingers. Sputtering gags met his shaft, and he pulled back, concerned for the feline's throat, letting the tiger catch his breath. "You okay, kitten?"

Coughing but still hungrily staring down the barrel of a slick wolf cock, Ari nodded. "Yeah. You just caught me by surprise. I'm used to basic hotdogs, not juicy canine sausages." He contemplated the bouncing shaft, licking his lips and lolling his tongue out like a red carpet for Jake's cock. "Do it again. I'm ready this time." Fuck, he was cute when his face dripped with pre. Would cum look even better? Jake wasn't sure he'd be able to pull out in time, but the idea was sexy. Marking the tiger with his cum and soaking that pretty fur, then letting him lick the excess from Jake's drooling tip.

"Alright. Just slap my ass if it's too much, I guess. As hard as you can." Straddling the tiger's face, Jake nuzzled the tip of his dick against the rough surface of the feline's tongue, then rolled his hips. Bucking his cock into Ari's open maw until he felt his pointed tip hit hot, molten silk, he eased himself through, gritting his teeth and resisting the urge to piston his hips at top speed. Ari hadn't had the sort of training Jake's muzzle had. There would be plenty of time to get him used to taking dick without warning later. For now, he'd take his time and ease Ari into it.

Ari's maw certainly didn't make resistance easy, with a welcoming carpet of rough tongue coaxing each drop of pre along Jake's shaft as if escorting it into his throat. Even when Jake's cock bottomed out, with the swelling knot still sadly free from that feline maw, Ari's mouth didn't relent, his throat massaging sensitive flesh.

Soft paws still massaged his ass, and paw pads rubbed over his lupine hole, squishing past his clenching entrance as if to beg him for more with pre-slicked thrusts. Three fingers lodged inside him before long, and he felt like he would howl with the intense stretch they forced on his overused hole. Fuck it. Ari wanted his dick. Jake didn't want to disappoint him.

"Fuck, kitten. I can't hold back. Sorry if this hurts." Growling and bracing himself against the bed's headboard, Jake dragged his cock free, then slammed it back in, wringing a wet gag from the overwhelmed tiger's full muzzle. If Ari wanted to work him up, he would reap the rewards. The growing desire to make Ari his bitch made itself known, and he channeled it into every shove, his balls bouncing off of the tiger's chin.

Saliva bubbled around his cock, and a reflexive swallow worked his cockhead, encouraging further deep pushes. Moans died against his cock, replaced by loud, strangled noises, and the tiger's eyes watered, but the hard smack to Jake's ass never came, so he settled into a brutal rhythm, fucking the tiger's throat. It was strange to fuck someone with the size to handle all of his dick, and he relished the feeling of his entire shaft receiving the same warm welcome that only graced his tip in the past.

Inexperience showed in Ari's oral ministrations, but he took Jake's cock, all the same, maintaining powerful suction around his plunging shaft like he was trying to pull Jake's soul out through his cock tip. Pretty blue eyes stared up as if daring him to fuck harder, and an eager tongue lapped at the underside with every shove, its roughness providing an intriguing contrast to the slick, wet tightness further inside. His face grew messy with mixed pre and drool, dripping down his chin with every purring gag.

"Fuck. Do you want the knot in your mouth, pussycat? I don't know if I'll be able to pull it back out." Jake could feel his balls boiling with an intense need to seed the tiger's maw, and he couldn't resist the siren's call of orgasm pulsing through his stomach. Taking the squeeze of his cheeks and forceful push against his prostate as permission, he shoved himself to the root, his knot ballooning fully once it felt the wet embrace of Ari's maw, locking itself behind his teeth.

Cum rocketed from his cock, bathing Ari's throat in gooey approval, and his knot forced that talented tongue against the inside of Ari's maw, pinning it. Noisy gulps followed as the tiger tried to keep up with the intense flow, and Jake could feel feline drool dripping down his balls, left with nowhere to go with Ari's throat occupied. Honestly, it was impressive that the tiger didn't spill a drop of lupine cream. Most guys had cum squirting from their noses after the first spurt. Further proof that Ari was boyfriend material, along with the growing list of other great things Jake was learning about the tiger.

"You okay?" Limp and spent from his orgasm, Jake hunched over the tiger, trying to give the stuffed feline's nose room to take in labored breaths against his pubic fur rather than mashing his nostrils against Jake's groin. Thankfully, Ari's maw wasn't completely tied, and a bit of creative wiggling dragged Jake's cock free, releasing the panting tiger and letting him wheeze grateful, deep breaths against Jake's dick, his tongue trailing licks along the drooling tip.

If Jake hadn't just seen him coughing and gagging on cock, he'd think Ari was a talented bottom. Beginner's luck? Or perhaps he just hadn't embraced his inner slut yet? It was impressive that not a single drop of lupine cum escaped his mouth, either way. Idly, he wondered if he could train Ari to take his dick for hours. Maybe he could edge himself in that talented throat, then fill the tiger's stomach with a deluge of cream when his dick was raw and oversensitive.

"Yeah. You're fucking huge, though." Ari licked his lips, nuzzling his flaring nose against Jake's cock. "You never really know how big a dick is until it's inside you. Thought I would drown." Cumslick and vibrating with purrs, his tongue lapped at the wilting shaft. "I guess I'm skipping breakfast. Who needs a protein shake when you have a stomach full of wolf cum?" With a shit-eating grin, he nipped at Jake's cock tip, rolling his rough tongue over the sensitive piss-slit.

Tapping his dick between the tiger's eyes, Jake sat fully on Ari's face, burying the tiger's nose behind his balls and trapping him between muscular thighs. "Oh yeah, kitty? If you're not careful, you may get a second helping." A few grinds smeared sweaty balls over huffing nostrils before he released the tiger, rolling off him to sit on the bed. Afterglow wrapped Jake's brain like a heavy blanket, bathing the world in a fuzzy sensation, but somehow he couldn't shake the intense need to fuck Ari. Was he in heat or something?

"Promise?" Ari licked his lips and followed suit, sitting up and wrapping his arms around the yawning wolf. Silky furred biceps wrapped around the wolf's middle, and the warm press of knotted tiger cock against his rump reminded him of the tiger's unattended need. It slipped between his legs to rest against his own, throbbing a lewd hello against muscular thighs.

That big feline cock was similar to Jake's, but the exotic barbs lining its length promised a rougher ride and reminded the wolf of his sore rump. He wouldn't be taking that dick again until he had a bottle of lube to smear over it. The barbs felt insane with the more friction-filled fuck they'd shared the day before, but the aftermath wasn't worth it.

Jake enjoyed running too much to ruin his hole and risk a permanent injury, despite his clenching hole's demands. Also, he could imagine trying to explain that to his coach. 'Yeah, sir. I can't run anymore. I busted myself open on cat cock.' Hilarious but embarrassing. Coach would be livid, and poor Ari would have an angry rhino showing up at his door before long.

Scooting backward until that feline cock rested between his thighs and Ari's chest cradled his head, Jake gripped the feline shaft in both hands and rolled his paws up and down its length. "Poor kitty. I bet you're so close to blowing already, aren't you? I'm surprised you weren't stroking away while I rode your face. Is my ass that fascinating?" Spitting in his palm, he spread slickness over the spiky dick, stroking with firm, rhythmic motions. Although this wasn't as satisfying as riding the tiger's dick until he begged to cum, this would have to do.

"Mmmph. Yeah. It's pretty damn great. Like grabbing two furry marshmallows." Panting and thrusting ineffectually against the wolf's milking fingers, Ari melted against his touch, his claws clenching on Jake's fur as though he were buried under Jake's tail again. His cock flexed, and something close to a mewl broke through his lips as Jake's palms found his knot, squeezing it and settling in behind it, simulating a tie.

Blasts of feline cream rained down in heavy spurts, coating Jake's hands alongside the rest of him. An impressive number of creamy eruptions flew from Ari's pointed tip, nearly arcing to the ceiling, before splatting against the bed and messing fur with slippery musk. Most of Jake's chest and stomach dripped with slimy strings, and he narrowly missed a shotgun blast of cum directly into his face. What a pent-up kitty.

"Did you just meow?" The wolf teased once the rain of feline satisfaction ended, trying to hold in a laugh. For such a big guy, Ari wasn't very imposing. First, that cheesy pseudo-dominant come on, and now a mewl? How adorable could a massive mountain of meat be? He could hide behind his smartass comments all he liked; Jake would bring this up for YEARS, possibly forever.

"N-No. You must have misheard me." Ari tried to refute Jake's teasing question, but his voice cracked as muscled thighs squeezed his dick. Too easy. Teasing the tiger was quickly becoming Jake's favorite pastime. There was something so addictive about his adorable reactions.

Thankfully for Ari, a beeping from the other room stopped the wolf's playful mocking. Releasing Jake from his snuggling grip, the tiger stood, his half-hard cock swinging comically as an air of panic replaced indignance. "Shit. What time is it? I've got class today." Rushing into the other room, he frantically fumbled for his phone to stop its alarm, his muscular ass in the air and his tail twitching with anxiety.

"Oh, that's right. I do too." Jake stretched and cracked his neck. Far less concerned with attendance, he usually just watched lectures online. His grades didn't matter much, anyway. Since his scholarship only required him to pass his classes, he settled for B's and C's. How did that old saying go? 'What do you call a doctor who got all C's? Doctor.'

The wolf took the opportunity to browse Ari's closet, selecting a massive, fluffy hoodie and sniffing it. It was a bit large on him, but it smelled just like Ari, and he couldn't wear his clothes from the night before, dirty as they were. Of course, even if he could, he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to steal something so comfortable. Ari could pry it from his paws if he wanted it back, though he might have trouble getting the wolf-cum stains out of the fabric.

Following the panicked tiger with the hoodie carefully held to keep it away from cum-soaked fur, Jake laughed at the big striped rump bent over the couch. Yet another adorable habit to add to the growing list of tiger behaviors. He was cute when he panicked. Well, maybe he was always appealing, but he was ESPECIALLY adorable when panicked.

The view was perfect, with his tail lifted, twitching while his pink hole clenched in the brisk air between rounded, bouncy bubble cheeks. They clenched with effort, showing off muscles beneath the thin layer of fat. It was almost disappointing when Ari found his phone and silenced its screech, his tail settling back into place and that mouthwatering sight disappearing from view.

Turning, he noticed Jake leering from the doorway and took a deep breath, visibly trying to relax. "Sorry. It's just this scholarship is pretty strict. I have to go to class every day. If my GPA drops below 3.6, I lose funding." He pushed past Jake, phone in hand, still gloriously nude, heading for his closet. The clink of wire hangers followed as he sited through his clothes for something to wear.

Hot AND smart? Damn, Ari was quickly crossing into perfect boyfriend material. "Shouldn't you shower first? I don't mind that you smell like a sock full of cum, but I think the professor might have an issue with that." In truth, Jake wouldn't mind if the tiger left their combined fluids to soak into his fur, but somehow he doubted Ari would enjoy the sensation, with how clean-cut he was.

"Oof. Right. I really should-" Ari thought for a moment as he picked out a pair of jeans, a white shirt, and a sweater. "Um, I don't have a lot of time, but do you want to share a shower? I hosed you pretty thoroughly." His tail curled into a striped question mark. Were all felines this expressive with their body language? Or was Ari just an open book?

"Wash all this lovely tiger musk away? I suppose." Jake plodded to the restroom door, leaning back to flash the tiger a wink and pantomiming blowing a cock. "But you have to promise you'll give me another coating later." Teasing seemed to have the desired effect as the tiger rushed over and nearly bowled Jake over to start the shower, a renewed erection leading the way.

Steam filled the room soon enough as the tiger fiddled with faucets, and before long, Ari stood in front of the open curtain, holding it open like a true gentleman. Chivalry must not be dead, though the bouncing tiger cock added a hint of absurdity to his good manners.

Stepping into the shower, Jake took a moment to marvel at the sheer size of the bathroom. A veritable waterfall of hot water battered his fur, and the ceiling was high enough that Ari could stand at his full height with a few inches to spare, while the bathtub under his feet could easily be considered a jacuzzi. Too bad there was no sign of any jets. Some warm, bubbly water against his fur while he rode the tiger would be lovely.

Now that he thought about it, the whole apartment was large, from the massive king-size bed to the leather couch Jake's clothes draped over. His sore rump and exhaustion distracted him too much the night before to look at his surroundings.

He supposed it all made sense, with how big the hulking tiger was. Regular furniture would be match sticks with one flop. It was an intriguing feeling to be the daintiest thing in the apartment, in all aspects but one. Jake was more used to being too large to fit in smaller fur's lives, but in Ari's world, he was perfectly sized, petite, even.

"Not too hot, I hope?" Ari's voice, vibrating with a purr that bounced off the walls, broke through Jake's contemplation. Striped fur looked even softer when wet, outlining heavy, well-developed muscles, and that feline cock dripped with warm water, begging for a touch. What was wrong with Jake? He wanted to drop to his knees and suck that fat tiger cock. Had he ever been this turned on by someone's body before? He couldn't remember feeling this worked up this often since puberty.

Fuck, Ari must chug protein shakes to keep himself that toned. Jake would be jealous if he weren't so proud of the shapely ass his cardio gave him. Runners didn't need to develop their upper body quite as much as the bulky tiger did. Certainly not to the point where they created such mouthwateringly bite-able tiger pecs. All wet and glistening and just begging for Jake- No.

"No, it's comfy." Leaning in, Jake rubbed his face against moist pecs, biting at one ebony nipple playfully. Still, he knew their time was limited, so he only allowed a few little love bites before reaching past the tiger for the bottle of fur shampoo. At least Jake could enjoy those sculpted muscles with his fingers before it was time to leave. After all, if he got his way, the tiger would be his. Best to find his sensitive spots now so he could drive him wild later.

Lazy circles traced over clenching pecs, erasing the evidence of Ari's orgasm with foaming suds. Regretfully, Jake couldn't take his time, but that didn't stop him from squeezing and massaging those muscles, trailing his claws through wet fur and teasing dusky nipples with his fingertips. Ari's stomach followed, steely but yielding, with each ab clearly defined under his striped coat and tensing with each bounce of his excited dick.

Pressing a teasing kiss to that bouncing cock, Jake moved lower, dragging his fingers over thick thighs, then lower until his fingers soaped colossal feet and his nose pressed against low hanging, relaxed balls. Sadly, most of the tiger's musk and sweat vanished down the drain, but he nuzzled them all the same, weighing the orbs with his palms before he polished them with a thick coat of shampoo, following suit with the tiger's sheath and giving his hard cock long, soapy strokes.

"Fuck. You're making me want to skip class. I'd rather see what else those hands can do instead of sitting there taking notes for two hours." Ari's growl echoed across tiles, cutting through the soft patter of water dripping down to the tile below. Soapy fur pressed forward until Jake's back was to the wall, and that mountain of feline muscle shielded him from the water, his coat getting a thin layer of foam from the tiger's closeness. Demanding under its layer of foamy suds, that massive tiger cock bounced and smeared itself over lupine fur.

"Oh yeah? How about a promise, then? Go to class, and I'll come back here for our second date. I'll even spend the night." Encouraging an A student to skip class was never Jake's style, but providing incentives was right up his alley. Plus, it was a convenient excuse to see the tiger again. "I'll bring the lube. You bring the movie for us to ignore while we fuck~?"

"S-Second date? Already?" If Ari were a canine, his tail would be wagging, but instead, all that happened was an excited slap of tiger cock against Jake's fur. Sadly that massive member would have to wait until later. By the time he finished with Ari, that barbed monster would be begging him to stop.

"Mmhmm. One condition, though." Jake reached around the tiger's waist and smacked that gloriously rounded feline ass. "You got to knot me, so it's my turn tonight. I've been eying this since yesterday." With appreciative fingers, the wolf massaged those cheeks before putting his hands to work, soaping the tiger's back and slotting his muzzle between soapy pecs, staring up at Ari.

"It's a deal. Seal it with a kiss?" Turning around and bending over, Ari offered his rump. Wiggling his ass and flashing sharp teeth in a smartass grin, Ari wiggled his butt, spreading his legs to show off his freshly cleaned pucker. Dextrous and teasing, his tail swiped under Jake's chin, then loosely wrapped around his neck like a leash. If only he knew how much Jake wanted to shove him to the floor and fuck him open right then. Goddamn.

No stranger to burying his tongue between cheeks, Jake didn't hesitate. With a hard slap to those muscular, striped cheeks, he leaned down, circling Ari's hole with a teasing tongue, then pressing a kiss to its silky surface with an exaggerated "Mwah." Reluctantly, he didn't allow himself any extra licks despite the freshly cleaned rump calling to him. "Now rinse off and get to class." He wanted to add, 'we've got all the time in the world to play around,' but he didn't want to scare the tiger off. Maybe after their second date, he'd ask to go steady.

Biting his lower lip and nodding, Ari quickly rinsed himself off and stepped from the tub. Hurried fingers dried himself off, running a brush through his fur until he was just as well-groomed as always and throwing his clothes on in a rush. He was about to leave when he seemed to have second thoughts, reaching past the shower curtain to pull Jake in. A rushed but passionate kiss followed, punctuated by a pleasing growl. "See you tonight, pup."

Head spinning from the tiger's kiss, Jake took a moment to gather his thoughts under the onslaught of warm water. Despite meeting the tiger the night before, somehow, he felt like they'd been together for months. Was the secret to an intimate relationship hardcore kinky sex? Jake must have been wasting his time with small talk in past relationships because he'd never fallen for someone this quickly.

Though his cock was painfully hard, he ignored it, soaping his fur and daydreaming of Ari's bulky charms. That massive butt and bulging biceps danced through his head, bringing drool to his mouth, but he shook his head. He needed to save SOMETHING for tonight. Blowing his load on the shower wall, then being unable to perform would be the worst. Although, he was sure that Ari would be more than happy to fuck him again, and he couldn't deny that it would be just as good. Maybe he could just- Nah.

The water ran cold before Jake turned it off, cooling his raging erection and snapping him back to reality. He didn't bother with a towel, shaking himself vigorously until his fur fluffed, then hopping out of the deep tub and plodding into the living room. There was no sign of Ari, but his clothes sat neatly folded on the couch, and his shoes waited by the front door, though he noticed that one of his socks was missing. Silly tiger. He probably kept it to sniff.

Slipping his underwear and jeans on and ignoring the rest of his clothes, Jake took Ari's hoodie in both hands, pressing his nose against the cloth and breathing deeply. It smelled just like Ari, though there was a disappointing lack of the heady musk his sweat gave off. Still, he felt the urge to roll in the fabric like a feral wolf in mud. How could someone smell so good?

Would Ari wear it to the gym if he asked? Those sexy pecs would soak the fabric while his pits stained the underarms, providing more of that sexy scent for Jake to roll in and sniff. Fuck it, he'd ask him tonight. Maybe the wolf could start a collection of 'tiger memorabilia' and build himself a whole wardrobe. He'd look like a cub trying to wear their parents' clothes, but he'd smell amazing.

Too soon, Jake left Ari's apartment, locking the door behind him and pulling the tiger's oversized hoodie around him like a musky blanket. It was a cold day, so he was thankful that he decided to wear pants and shoes underneath the warm embrace of Ari's shirt but lamented that he couldn't walk around with nothing underneath it. There would be something so deliciously freeing about walking around, basically naked, possibly dripping tiger cum from his ass, while others were none the wiser.

A comforting cloud of tiger scent fluffed from the cloth with every step, and Jake had to stop himself from huffing the material. Thankfully, his apartment wasn't very far, and he made it there before devolving into a feral masturbating mess in the middle of the street. Jake was all for public fun, but he wasn't looking to get arrested.

"Yo Tom. Decency check. I'd better not see you two fucking on the couch!" Calling into the apartment before he walked in, Jake cautiously padded in, averting his eyes from anywhere that his roommate might currently be fucking his new girlfriend. Tom was cute, but Jake considered him an annoying younger brother, and he'd never been fond of nude women.

"Oh, you must be Jake. Hey there." A doe in a tank top and panties sat at their table with a bowl of cereal, her makeup in disarray and the unmistakable frizz of 'sex hair' flying in all directions. "Tom's... Recovering." She winked and slipped from her chair, holding out a hand. "I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you. Sorry for putting you out yesterday, but uh-" Looking the wolf up and down, she giggled, and a grin split her face. "Judging by your outfit, you and Ari hit it off, so no hard feelings?"

"I guess you could say that yeah. Ari's just as cute as Tom said he would be." Hitting it off was an understatement, but he couldn't admit that. Instead, he continued past the woman after shaking her hand, heading for his room. He was never proficient at small talk, and Sarah seemed like a lot to handle.

"Remember, if you break his heart, I'll break your face~! I know where you live~." A cheery feminine voice followed him into his room as Sarah sauntered into Tom's, still munching away at her cereal. Geez, she was scary. Tom was in for a rough ride if he ever pissed her off.

Regretfully, Jake had to change out of Ari's hoodie, but he stashed it behind his pillows for later. At the very least, it would be a cute story to tell later in their relationship, and its scent would be a great reminder of the tiger if he didn't spend every night in those hulking arms.

Shimmying out of his pants, Jake replaced his underwear with a tight-fitting sky blue jockstrap that hugged his ass, then slipped into a pair of grey sweatpants and a matching long-sleeve t-shirt. He didn't particularly care about his appearance, as long as he could be comfortable. Clothes were just in the way at the end of the day, and it's not like Jake had anything to prove. Plus, if Ari's claws shredded these, he wouldn't mind one bit- Fuck. There was his erection, again, tenting his pants at the slightest thought of the tiger.

Having resisted the urge to cum himself silly while sniffing Ari's shirt, Jake left the apartment, rolling his eyes at the groans and giggles he could hear from Tom's room. It seemed the stag finally woke up, and Sarah took advantage of him again. Good for them, but they could at least wait until he left.

Going to class wasn't an option, with the raging erection slapping around in his pants and threatening to flop free of his jockstrap, so Jake headed to the track instead, stopping to take a deep breath once he reached the ring of concrete. The rich scent of fall caressed his nose, with a hint of pumpkin spice from the nearby coffee shop, the musty odor of fallen leaves, and the crisp, cold bite of a chilly breeze, clearing the horny fog settling over his brain for the moment and cooling his cock's throbbing rampage.

Starting slowly with a light jog, Jake plodded around the track, gaining speed with each lap until the wind whistled in his ears. Muscles clenched with every step, screaming with mixed pain and pleasure, but he leaned into the wind, letting his mind blank. There was something so zen about letting himself go and embracing the wild, almost feral side of himself. Letting his lupine instincts run wild and racing as if chasing prey on some prehistoric plain. Maybe a plump tiger with a great ass just waiting for him to- FUCK. With his head down and his legs pumping, Jake tried to shake his brain free of thoughts again.

Sweating and panting with effort, Jake finished his run, collapsing into the nearby bleachers and leaning back. His erection was finally gone, though he had to be careful to prevent its resurgence. One moment spent daydreaming about that striped ass would 'wake the dragon.'

What was going on with him? Why couldn't he get Ari out of his head? He'd fallen in love before, but never like this. With other guys, he'd never felt this comfortable this quickly. Even in long-term relationships, moving into someone else's life as a permanent fixture rather than a guest was daunting. He could easily imagine himself waking up next to Ari, and on some level, that scared him. Did Ari feel the same way? Was Jake rushing into things? So many questions with no concrete answer, and thinking of the tiger only added more, along with a growing, gnawing need.

A glance at his phone brought a sense of relief. He wouldn't be alone with his thoughts much longer. Ari wouldn't mind if he showed up early for their date, and he was bringing one hell of a gift for the horny tiger. Sweaty wolf feet, cock, balls, and whatever else Ari wanted to lick.

The wolf ran to Ari's apartment, refreshing the layer of musk with a fresh coat of sweat and doubling over at the tiger's door to catch his breath. Once his panting slowed, he knocked at the door, his mind filling with kinky possibilities before Ari could even answer. Fuck waiting. He was going to rock the tiger's world from now until morning. Throbbing in agreement, his cock tented his pants, demanding the opportunity to breed.

"Oh, hey. I just finished cleaning myself up for our date. I was about to call Sarah and see if she had your number-" Ari's voice trailed off once he noticed the predatory stare Jake was giving him and the growing canine erection in his pants. "You okay? You look like you want to eat me."

Answering with a feral tackle, Jake mashed his lips against Ari's, stuffing the sloppy ribbon of his tongue past the tiger's lips in a drooling kiss. They hit the ground hard, and his paws groped at Ari's pecs, his claws digging at the tiger's sweater until a loud rip tore the fabric away, revealing heaving striped fur. Greedy fingers took hold of the revealed muscle and tugged at sensitive flesh.

"Jake. You're-" Half-hearted protests died in another claiming kiss, and the tiger's bulky arms wrapped around the wolf's body, digging clawed fingers past his waistband to grip his ass. Kicking the front door closed, he met every grinding kiss with equal ardor, his motoring purr vibrating through their lips' union.

"Clothes off. I can't wait any longer." Jake tossed his shirt to the side, biting the tiger's neck with insistent teeth and savaging his nipple with tugging fingers. His dick flopped free shortly after, its sheath soaked and dripping with sweat. Heated balls drooped under their weight, smearing canine scent over Ari's stomach, while his cock jumped, dribbling pre like a small fountain.

"Fuck. I don't know what's making you act like this, but it's fucking hot." Burying his face in Jake's fur, Ari sniffed the luxuriously thick musk, a shudder racing through his body. He let his tongue loll out for the wolf's kiss, gratefully accepting every sloppy oral embrace and spreading his legs, letting lupine cock slot itself against his rear as clumsy fingers dragged his jeans up and off.

Pink and puffy, Ari's hole called to him, freshly cleaned and undoubtedly fucked open by feline claws. Though it looked loosened enough, Jake couldn't resist a taste of the softness laid out before him. He dipped his head, burying his face with a dominating growl and rolling his tongue over its clenching star.

"T-That's new. I always thought 'eat my ass' was an insult." Wiggling his hips, the cheeky tiger giggled at his joke. Thankfully, a bite to one of those striped ass cheeks stopped his playful comments, replacing them with a deep moan. Toes curled, and he took hold of his cheeks, using those toned core muscles to keep that massive ass on display.

Dominating lips kissed over Ari's pink hole, smearing it with slippery canine drool and threatening the clenching star with nibbling teeth. Insistent and desperate, Jake lapped his way further with each lick until his tongue popped in, lapping at slippery inner walls and lubing them with a thick layer of wolf slobber. Sloppy sounds filled the air, and he couldn't stop himself from sucking at that luxurious softness, plumping shuddering flesh into puffy perfection.

"Fuck, pup. I need it bad. Stop teasing and shove it in." Ari's cock was steely hard by now, slapping against his stomach and drooling sticky strings of translucent approval to his striped fur. Hole clenching with a glistening coat of canine drool, he wiggled his hips to wobble those spread cheeks. Like a silk target, it begged for Jake's dick, pouting with a tongue-fucked gape.

Jake couldn't resist that display, slotting his pointed cock against Ari's pink entrance. Without a hint of hesitation, he slid to the root, mashing his dripping balls against welcoming cheeks and draping himself over the massive tiger's form. With his cock finally at home inside the feline, he recovered his wits, letting his tongue loll out and resting his face between heavenly pecs. "Sorry. I know I should have waited 'till tonight, but you're just so goddamn hot. I couldn't stop thinking about you, about THIS."

"Oh yeah? You wanted my ass that bad?" Ari licked his lips, tilting Jake's head to meet his gaze. "I guess that means you're going to breed me, aren't you?" He punctuated his words with a tight clench of silky inner walls and a goading growl. "Gonna make me your bitch for the night?"

Liquid arousal shot deep within the tiger's clutching depths, and Jake's cock surged at Ari's dirty talk. Hips moved on their own, dragging his cock out to the tip, then ramming it home with a sloppy, wet noise. Ari's words rang true. That was what Jake wanted. What he'd fantasized about for the past few hours while he waited for the tiger to return. Not just making Ari his bitch, but making him HIS. His tiger, his mate, his cocksleeve, his playmate. His lover.

Pistoning hips picked up speed, wringing groans from the tiger's open muzzle with every hard shove that smashed his prostate against Jake's demanding spire. There was no tenderness, no care, only animalistic rutting that threatened to consume the wolf with every thrust, tinting his world with the haze of pure lust. He needed to fucking mark this big, bouncy ass, to fill it up and leave it so thoroughly fucked that Ari's hole wouldn't close for days.

"God, you're bigger than- Than anything I've-" Panting tiger lips couldn't form coherent sentences, devolving into desperate mewls as drool dripped down the fucked silly tiger's muzzle. His chest heaved with exertion, and his entire body seemed devoted to wringing Jake's cock like an impossibly tight silken fist. His voice grew high-pitched and needy as Jake's knot battered his hole, but he didn't shy away, offering himself to the tie like a bitch in heat.

Snarling teeth found their way to Ari's pecs, wreathing a nipple and chomping down. Quivering flesh tensed under his teeth, and when he pulled back, a perfect imprint of his muzzle surrounded the pebbled nub. Pleased with the result, he pressed more bites over that deliciously plump chest, nipping sensitive flesh and leaving behind marks deep enough to bruise without drawing blood. Those juicy pecs were his.

Slurping walls finally gave way under his vicious anal assault, trapping Jake's knot within soft depths. Ari couldn't hold his orgasm with the massive bulb spreading him open, leaning his head back and clenching rhythmically around the wolf's cock as his firehose of a cock sprayed thick ropes of feline virility over his chest and face.

Jake wasn't far behind, humping his way into an earthshattering orgasm, pressing deep with a loud whine, craning his neck, and folding the tiger's rump toward him to bite into a striped shoulder. Clamping his jaws as he fountained creamy satisfaction into that perfect ass, he felt himself white-out, his world drowning in pure pleasure.

When Jake could finally think again, he unclenched his jaw, releasing the tiger's shoulder and letting the feline relax into a more natural position. Legs settled around his waist, cum smearing against his face as his cheek settled between heaving, marked pecs, listening to a fluttering heartbeat.

"Are you always that forceful?" Ari trailed his fingers down Jake's back, twirling his claws through the fur. With their height difference in the way, his muzzle was too far away for a kiss, but his warm paw cupped the panting wolf's cheek, his thumb rubbing over soft fur. "Or am I just lucky?"

"Will you-" Without meeting Ari's eyes, Jake licked at bite marks, tasting the feline's cum. "Will you be my boyfriend? I can't stop thinking about you. I know it's early, and all we've done is fuck for like two days now, but there's something about you." Before he lost his nerve, he asked the tiger out, closing his eyes and waiting for an answer. He could only hope that Ari felt the same way.

"Shouldn't you wait? I don't want to take advantage." Fuck, there it was; Ari was rejecting him. He knew he should have waited. Stupid dick, driving his decisions. Did he fuck up what could have been a perfect relationship? This relationship wasn't some romantic comedy. He should have known better.

"Sarah said you just went through a bad breakup. You know, the whole reason I was supposed to take you out last night." The tiger scratched behind Jake's ears, and when the wolf looked up, he had a barely hidden grin plastered across his face, like he desperately wanted to say yes to the wolf's little confession.

Wait. What? "Uh. I've been single for almost a year now. What breakup?" Broken from the growing dread by the tiger's words, Jake propped himself up on both arms, looking questioningly at the tiger. "My ex wasn't even really a boyfriend. He just wanted me to fuck him when he had nothing better to do, and we broke up last year in December."

"That bitch. Did she lie?" Ari's face twisted with annoyance. God, he was even cute when he was mad. "She must have wanted you out of the apartment so she could work her new boyfriend over without interruptions." He gripped the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and shaking his head. "She's getting an earful tomorrow."

"So..." Laughing at the tiger's comically impotent rage, Jake put on his best begging face. "I guess nothing is stopping you from saying yes?" His tail wagged behind him, and his ears slid back. Though that feral fuck-lust still filled the back of Jake's mind, it coexisted with rising excitement.

"Fuck. Yes. I'm all yours. Although, maybe not every night, if you're always this rough. How did you put it? 'I'm not sure if I'll be able to walk after you finish with me?'" Pinching Jake's cheeks, the silly tiger stretched them playfully. "Plus, I won't be able to go shirtless without being asked if I feel safe at home, you little piranha."

"Heh. Sorry. It's your fault for having such a great ass. The damn thing makes me want to go feral and fuck you 'till you're pregnant." Gritting his teeth, the wolf applied gentle pressure to their tie until Ari's puffy pink pucker released its vicelike hold, his cock popping free along with a small flood of wolf cum. The sight of that dripping hole made his cock surge, and he barely stopped himself from shoving back in for round two.

"I'm pretty sure that's impossible, but I'm willing to try as often as you like." Ari stuck his tongue out in a taunting gesture, then gathered the wolf closer, dragging him in for a softer, more intimate kiss. There was something different in the tiger's behavior, like he was relaxed and let himself enjoy the moment. Was he holding back for Jake's benefit before? That was so damn sweet.

"You, uh, want to order a pizza? I'd offer to cook you dinner, but I'm pretty sure my legs are jello." Trying to sound nonchalant despite the dopey grin on his face, the tiger shifted, and his stomach growled. "Also, I haven't eaten anything but your dick today. I'm starving."

"Mmm. I want pineapple and bacon on my half." Nuzzling into Ari's sticky chest with a lazy yawn, Jake licked at the tiger's cum, gathering musky strings until his cheeks bulged. "Buh firs'-" With his mouth full of tiger cum, he pressed his lips to Ari's, guiding the mouthful in on his tongue and sliming their lips with its salty musk.

Sticky strings of tiger cream connected their maws as they transferred the load through eager lips. Back and forth, it swirled, coating Jake's senses in heady musk, until a greedy feline gulp swallowed the remainder, leaving nothing but a pleasant masculine aftertaste and strings of cockslime connecting their maws. More of the cum smeared across their faces than made it down Ari's throat, but somehow that made it better.

"Perfect. You're goddamn perfect, except for your choice in pizza toppings." Rubbing his nose against Jake's, the tiger slapped his ass. "Pineapple on pizza is a crime against food, but I'll forgive you. At least it'll sweeten your taste next time you fuck my throat. Well, if you even let me taste it, mister 'blast his stomach and pull out when I finish.'"

"Hey, I like a bit of contrast in my pizza." Nipping at the tiger's neck as Ari pulled out his phone and started typing in their order, the wolf closed his eyes and listened to the purring hunk's slow breaths. "Kinda like you. Salty but sweet."

"Uh-huh. Is that a reference to my sweaty fur, the way my cum tastes, or my personality?" Ari finished placing his order and tossed the phone aside, his paws returning to Jake's ass and playfully drumming a beat on his soft flesh, then kneading it like twin piles of bread dough.

"Mmm. All of the above, you big dork." Jake returned the tiger's teasing tone, pulling himself regretfully from the soft bulk below. "Let's at least get you to the couch. Unless you plan on giving the poor pizza delivery guy an eyeful." He offered a paw to the lazing tiger, bracing himself against the nearby wall to heave him to his feet. Thankfully Ari did most of the work himself since he had a few hundred pounds on the wolf. Jake wouldn't be nearly strong enough to lift him if he were to go limp.

"Why? Would that make you jealous enough to fuck me into the floor again? I'm sure you could pop your knot into me on the first try." Grunting with effort, the tiger stood, dusting himself off and rubbing his sore rear. Though his legs were shaky, he could walk well enough, stretching until his back popped. "You mind answering the door for me? I gotta piss." As Ari walked away towards his bathroom, a devious smirk crossed his face, but Jake was too high on the tiger's acceptance to care.

Nodding and retrieving his clothes, Jake hastily threw them on, wiping leftover tiger cream from his lips and tucking his wilting dick into his waistband. His scent would be another problem, but hopefully, the pizza guy wouldn't notice that he smelled like a locker room full of masturbating athletes. Not that there was anything wrong with that. Sweaty cock was a delicacy.

A skinny squirrel in an orange uniform knocked at the door shortly after, pressing a massive pizza box into his paws, then racing off with a "Thank you for ordering! Sorry, too many orders! Gotta go!" in his high-pitched voice. Jake almost felt bad for him.

"Pizza's here!" He called through the apartment, then nearly dropped the box when Ari walked back into view. He didn't think it was possible, but the tiger managed to bring himself from a solid ten to a twelve.

Rather than staying nude, the tiger had poured himself into a snug jockstrap that hugged his balls and sheath so tightly that nothing was left to the imagination, his pointed tip drooling through the bright red fabric. "How's it look? You kept gushing about my ass, so I figured why not prepare dessert while I wait for the pizza." He turned, his tail hiked to show off his rounded rump. Fabric cupped his ass cheeks, lifting them and separating them enough to show off his glazed hole, and a trail of lupine cum dripped down his thighs, staining straps and fur alike.

"I- Holy shit." Ari's rump short-circuited Jake's brain, leaving him with nothing but thoughts of pounding the tiger again. "Yes. Butt. Yes." He finished lamely, his dick instantly surging back to painful hardness while he did his best to maneuver himself to the couch without taking his eyes off the captivating sight. How could a bit of cloth make Ari's ass look ten times better? Fucking black magic underwear.

"That good, huh? You're in for a treat, puppy." Teasing the wolf, Ari sat on black leather and took a dripping slice of pizza, which disappeared into his mouth in only a few bites. He must have been hungry since his half of the pizza disappeared in moments, leaving nothing but the faint smell of olives and sausage behind.

"Treat? Yes, please." Any appetite for food had disappeared, replaced by the desire for that perfect dripping hole, and Jake nipped at the tiger's pecs, his greedy paws stripping down to bare fur once again. With his cock bouncing proudly, he gave the tiger his best 'puppy-dog eyes.' Hopefully, the pretty kitty would take the bait.

"Damn, I should wear these more often. I didn't think you'd be this excited." Ari reached over to stroke over the wolf's dripping cock, his thumb teasing the pointed tip. A creak announced his departure from the leather couch, and warm breath tickled Jake's tip. "Hmm. I don't normally do ass-to-mouth, but since I cleaned myself out, I'll make an exception just this once. Next time you're washing your dick in the sink first."

Wet sandpaper rolled along the underside of Jake's cock then soft snuffles buried themselves in his fuzzy balls. "Mmmph. Why didn't you tell me you were so musky? I would have licked you clean before you fucked me." Punctuating his words with loving licks, the tiger pulled sagging orbs past his lips until Jake's cock rested against his face. Soft sucks polished fuzzy nuts while his tongue rolled them around, and greedy sniffs pulled canine musk.

"Sorry. I had other things on my mind. I'll remember that next time I go for a run." Moaning as soft lips broke their suction, the wolf spread his legs, letting the tiger's freed muzzle press against his perineum and roll upward, accompanied by sweet kisses and rough licks.

"Damn straight. You will." With a playful growl, Ari spoke against Jake's cock, letting his tongue clean pearls of pre. "Wasteful puppy. Trying to keep all this to yourself when you could have been sitting on my face and letting me suck." Making eye contact with the wolf, he dove down Jake's dick, though he didn't deepthroat him. Instead, he started a slow rhythm, his paws wrapping around the growing knot and squeezing with each slurping slide.

Melting into the couch, Jake surrendered to the tiger's oral ministrations. Those blue eyes brought butterflies to his stomach, and his balls boiled as his oversensitive shaft was subjected to a rough polishing by Ari's tongue, announcing his climax with churning pleasure. He squirmed, trying to thrust, but the tiger's grip tightened, and his tongue went still, leaving the wolf on the edge of orgasm, whimpering and desperate.

Teasing lips backed off enough to speak, muffled around Jake's tip. "No, no. This time you have to wait, puppy." As if paying the wolf back for his rough treatment, the tiger waited until Jake settled down, then replaced his gentle suction and roaming tongue, milking the lupine shaft with each bob. Again and again, the tiger brought him to the edge, pushing him closer and closer to the abyss of orgasm, only to pull him back with glittering, playful blue eyes staring up at the wolf's twisting expression.

Torturously close to orgasm, Jake could only pant, growing more and more desperate to blow, until all sensation disappeared from his cock, leaving him dripping in the open air. He was so hard that it almost hurt, and the underside of his cock was so sensitive from insistent licks that he felt like the slightest draft would set him off. Gods, wouldn't that be a waste, with that slick hole waiting for him?

"You wanted my ass, didn't you?" Fluffing Jake's chin with the tip of his tail, the tiger stood, placing his paws on the coffee table and backing his dripping ass up until Jake's cock slotted against his hole. Silken striped softness clenched, then relaxed, wobbling as he squished his heated pucker against the pointed tip. "I'm going to make sure it lasts. Going to give you as much ass as you can handle." An evil grin stared back at the wolf as the tiger bounced his cheeks, almost making the striped rump clap. "Say something if I'm crushing you. Don't want to turn you into a wolf pancake."

Slick with lupine cum and somehow softer than before, Ari's hole engulfed Jake's cock in puffy splendor. The first few inches bobbed as if testing his hardness before soft paws gripped his base to guide him. Inch by torturously slow inch, Ari's massive striped butt swallowed his dick until, with surprising ease, Jake's knot slurped in. Wet heat assaulted his senses, demanding his orgasm, but he resisted, his fingers digging into the tiger's waist.

"Calm down, pup. Not yet. Not yet." Sitting down fully to envelop the wolf in soft fur and clenching muscle, the tiger wiggled his ass, wreathing Jake's hips in squishy softness. "I want to try something. Hold still for me. I promise you'll love this." Placing his paws on the wolf's thighs, he tested their tie, groaning aloud as he popped free, his sloppy hole dripping canine pre down Jake's shaft. "Fuck yeah."

"Ari, I- Fuck." Jake felt like a sex toy as the tiger repeated his actions, popping the wolf's knot in and out with growing ardor. He couldn't resist if he wanted to as the mountainous feline rode his cock, so he settled in, whimpering with desperate need. If he couldn't pain that pink hole white soon, he was sure he'd pass out from the sheer intensity of the tiger's efforts.

"Now you can- Nnngh. Blow for me." Slamming his hips, the tiger nearly lifted Jake from the couch with each knotting until finally, he shoved down, pinning the wolf under his bulk and clamping down. Rolls of his hips massaged the wolf's knot, and that perfect ass wriggled from side to side, mashing pillowy cheeks against the wolf's groin.

At Ari's urging, the wolf let loose, frantically humping upward against the tiger's weight and spraying deep into silken innards. Hundreds of pounds of panting tiger held him in place, rocking with every spurt and milking him for everything he had, while the tiger's cloth-covered bulge flopped against his churning balls.

"Feel better, pup? It feels like you blasted everything you have into me." Ari's hips stopped their movements, and he settled in with a pleased moan, twisting so he could lean back without crushing the wolf under his striped bulk. "You know you're the first guy I've bottomed for in a long time. I could get used to this."

"Mmm. I can't think. Too good." Jake wrapped his arms around what he could, letting his nose snuffle against glistening fur. "Edging isn't fair with an ass that great. It's like trying to block a firehose with a paper bag." He couldn't complain, though. Ari pushed every one of his buttons at once.

"Heh. How else will I be sure you're satisfied, you horndog?" Ari raised his hips, grunting with effort as he popped free from their tie, falling to the side with that ruined hole on display. The jockstrap kept that perfect butt spread, and his tail flicked from side to side as his fingers explored his creamed hole. "God, you loosened me up."

"I'm not finished. After I catch my breath, we're going again." Jake licked his lips and took hold of that perfect butt, spreading the tiger's soft cheeks and surveying his handiwork. Ari was gaped and dripping, but something was missing. With shaking legs, he kneeled over the tiger's upturned rump, dragging him back until the wolf's drooping cock rested on one cheek.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Looking over his shoulder, the tiger raised an eyebrow at the wolf's positioning, but he wiggled his hips, settling into the couch. "Tomorrow's my turn, though. I'm not giving up that fluffy butt for anything."

"Deal." A golden stream dribbled free, messing Ari's fur. Growing by the second, the wolf aimed his fountaining dick at the tiger's open hole, marking it as his. The tiger's eager acceptance and lazy stretch to show off more of his body for the wolf to paint with golden fluids brought a smile to his muzzle. Leaning over to grab a slice of pizza, he munched while he painted his tiger in a musky flood. Life was good.