Bulls Life: Hello…Bunny - Part 2

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#6 of Bulls Life, Season 2

Bulls Life: Hello...Bunny - Part 2

By: DarkSerpent

Adam P.O.V

I stared intensely at him; I hadn't seen him in so long. He was grown up now; handsome, tall, and strong. They two guys under him arms holding him up were obviously his lovers. I knew that sparkle in their eyes as they helped him. They were in love with him just like I still was. I started to shake not knowing what to say after four long years.

"So you're Adam," The kangaroo spoke to me. I could only nod before my heart forced me to run. I turned and shot out of the door. I ran as fast as I could, feeling the cold tile floor under my feet. I whipped into and elevator as it started to shut I burst into tears. I fell to my knees hating my life, what I chose, letting him go. Well I guess I did have some explaining to do.

I did leave years ago to go to college in California. I only went for a year and hated it. I missed Drew so much that it killed me inside. When I got back I wanted to get a job and get an apartment before I asked Drew to take me back. But a lot of jobs weren't available and I did something that killed me inside even further. I wanted to be alone with him in my own place that I resorted to selling myself. A snake found me one night on a street corner and basically became my pimp. He sold me to anyone and everyone. I wanted money and I wasn't getting any whatsoever. I tried to leave so many times but he would just pull me back. I only knew Drew was in the hospital because his parents called me. So I ran away and made it here.

When the elevator stopped I moved out into the lobby holding myself. I looked up seeing the snake who owned me. He hissed tapping his fingers. "Where'd you think you go cottontail," He grumbled and I just fallowed him to his car. He smacked my ass forcing me into the car. I just cried silently sitting in the seat of his brand new car. I didn't want to go back...That filthy whore house he owned. It always stunk of pot and booze.

He owned sixteen guys like me and knew we had nowhere else to go. We all slept wherever there was a spot and he would pick one of us to fuck every night. Every weekend he'd invite his friends over and sell us for the night. I hated it so much. I saw his hand sliding along the steering wheel.

It was amazing I hadn't caught some kind of dieses yet. Suddenly he sat in the other seat and started the car. I knew something would happen once he got me back. I would either get a beating, locked in the bathroom, or...or...or he would just kill me. As we started to drive he hissed to himself. I'd seen him shot guys for being disobedient before. His fingers gripped the wheel roughly.

I didn't want to know or find out what happened. I clicked on my seat belt and he turned onto a little off road. He was going to stop and beat me. I wasn't going to take it again as we speed between trees I grabbed the steering wheel. I whipped it to one side forcing the car into a spin. "You bitch!" He yelled and forced the wheel to turn. His overcompensation forced the car off the road and strait into a tree at sixty miles and hour. I saw him slam his head into the steering wheel and not move.

I was fine amazingly. He began to bleed and I forced my door open. I couldn't get the belt undone and I heard him grumble as he started to awake. With a gasp I slid out of my belt and hopped out the door. I ran back down the dirt road. I didn't know where I was going but as long as it was far away from him. I turned back out onto the main highway seeing the hospital only a few blocks away.

Would I go back to what I wanted and needed? Or should I keep running away from all of my problems. I weighed my options; which one was harder and which one was easier. The sound of gravel crunching behind me forced my decision. I ran across the highway a car barely missing me by a foot. My bare feet ached as I ran across the hot asphalt. Blocks vanished behind me. I was at the hospital again.

Slowly I entered the hospital again seeing the bright green bat in the lobby. "Adam?" He looked up at me and smiled. I slowly walked over to him. "Um hi...Um I don't know your name?" I spoke and he reached out his wing. "Oh I'm Matt," He smiled and I shook his wing. "Why did you run?" He asked and I turned seeing two policemen coming toward the glass door. "Well...can I explain in the elevator?" I asked and he nodded. We got into an empty elevator and headed back up to the fourth floor. "Now tell me," He turned to me. "Well I was scared he wouldn't care about me anymore, I mean...he's moved on and probably hates me," I sighed and Matt patted my back.

He led me back to Drew's room and I slowly moved inside. He shut the door and I slowly stepped forward seeing him lying back in bed. The kangaroo sat next to him and held his hand. I slowly moved over till I was at the foot of his bed. "How ya feelin?" I asked not able to think of anything else. "I've felt better...Adam...Where did you go? Why didn't you text me or..." I stopped him and set next to him on his other side. "'ey kid...how bout we go get some lunch at the cafeteria," the roo stood and led Matt outside to give us some privacy.

Once they were gone I looked at Drew who was looking at me. "I'm sorry..." I began to cry and I felt his hand touch mine. "Tell me what happened Adam," He spoke.


I stood on a street corner in my skirt and black net shirt. A black car pulled up before me and the window rolled down. A large white mustang sat inside smiling at me. "How much baby?" He asked. "Two hundred for an hour," I exclaimed looking down. "Hop in bunny boi," He smirked and I did as he said. He drove to an alley way and he dug into his wallet.

"There any rules I should know about?" He pulled out two large hundred dollar bills. "Don't call me bunny," I fiddled with the bright ring on my finger. He nodded and slid the money into my hand and we moved to the backseat. He started to kiss my neck instantly. I just closed my eyes and tried to imagine myself with my daddy bull. He led my hand down between his legs. I felt his massive member softly making him gasp. Before I knew it I was one my hands and knees my face forced into leather seat.

I cried feeling his hand sliding down my panties. "Mmm nice ass babe," his hand gripped my bottom. His zipper slid down and I felt his member run against my ass. I cried into the leather silently wanting it to be over. It was quite for a minute then I felt that big flared head pressing against my pucker. "I'm sorry Drew!" I yelled into the leather making sure it was too muffled for him to hear. Suddenly his filled my with his horse meat.

"Shit baby," I felt him groan. He slowly pulled back sliding the dry meat out of me. The flared head stayed in when he suddenly slammed back in. His hand grabbed my ears roughly and pulled hard as I let him rape me. "Take it bunny take everything I give you!" I forced back into him with all his strength.

"Please don't call me that," I pleaded and it only fueled his rage. He tugged my ears and I cried in paid. "Shut up you bunny slut," He ordered and I gripped the door. I never noticed that my ring had slid off. The pain of this horse fucking me was to only thing I felt. He leaned over me and whispered curses into my ear as I felt him start to throb. "I'm gonna cum into you bitch, take all of my cum boy," He grunted and suddenly he exploded into me.

He didn't cum a lot and I noticed the wedding ring on his finger. I looked at my hand for a second to find the ring that meant so much to me missing. I got worried but before I could look for it I was forced out of his car. "Wait please I dropped..." He sped away and I looked down. I'd never see it again.

I looked down the alley seeing the serpent who ruled my life. He lit a joint and I slowly walked over to him. He held out his hand and I placed the money into his hand. "Not bad cottontail," He smiled and blew the smoke into my face. I coughed and he smirked. I fallowed him to his car unwillingly but the gun tucked into his belt made me do as he said.

End Flashback:

Drew looked at me as I explained everything. I collapsed on the side of his bed sobbing into the sheet. I expected him to tell me to leave because he hates me. But I felt his hand rest on the back of my head and softly rub my hair. "Are you ok? I mean you didn't catch anything did you?" He asked and I shook my head no.

He forced himself up and lifted actually lifted me up. I gasped and I could see the look of pain in his face. "Stop your hurting yourself." I tried to push away but he pulled me close and hugged me. We didn't say anything just hugged and I felt like I belonged for the first time in a long time. I latched onto him and felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up seeing the roo from before. "Welcome home mate," He hugged me as well. Matt hugged us form the other side and I couldn't help but cry.

"Thank you, all of you," I wiped my eyes and sat on my daddy bulls lap. "I never got your name," I looked at the roo. "Names Glenn," He smiled and kissed my cheek. I blushed and he sat next to Drew. "So how are you all working this out?" I asked sniffling. "Well we really didn't work anything out," Matt rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah they just kinda share me," Drew smiled. "You've made yourself a nice little personal harem haven't you," I tapped his nose. "Well yeah," He blushed and I touched the warm cream colored fur softly. "You're a lot different from the shy little bull I ran into in the hallway," I looked down.

Suddenly a knock came at the door. Matt walked over and answered. "Yes we're with the Tremble County police were looking for a rabbit who was involved with a car crash," A voice came from behind the door. "Sorry no bunnies here," Matt smiled. "Mind if we take a look?" The police officer asked and I got worried. Drew quickly set me down and Glenn slid me in the small space behind the hospital bed. "Sure," Matt stepped aside and the two policemen walk in.

I held my knees hoping they wouldn't find me. I heard them step in and stop making a quick search. They got pretty close to the space I was hiding in but turned at the last moment. They walked out and I peeked out from my spot. "Are they gone?" I questioned quietly. "Yes Adam they left," Drew spoke and slid out from behind my bed. "Car crash?" Matt questioned and I looked down. I explained what happened and to my surprise they just shrugged it off.

"He'll be looking for me..." I looked down and Drew touched my shoulder. "You can hide at our house, they were getting ready to head back anyway," He told me and I lit up. This was the first chance I had to escape what I've done with my life. I hugged him tightly and Glenn tapped my shoulder. "Ya gotta hurry mate, those cops turn back round and we'll be up shit creek," He smirked and I fallowed him out. I didn't want to leave Drew but I knew I'd see him again.

Glenn and Matt slipped me into the elevator then out into to Drew's car. Glenn started up the car and we pulled away. I ducked in my seat seeing the snake talking to the cops at the corner. A large bandage around his head. We drove past them and I let out a long sigh.

Over the next few days I waited in Drew's house. I made my self at home and didn't leave much. Glenn and Matt would leave for work and college and I would wait. Once they got back I would have dinner made for them and everything would be nice and clean. We became friends as we waited for the one thing we all had in common to come home. The day before he could come home from the hospital Matt and Glenn approached me.

"Hey Adam! Glenn and I hav'a question to ask you," Matted continued to question and I sat across from them at the table. "Well ya said a 'arem created 'ere, and ya be right, so we'd like to know if ya'd be interested in joinin our 'ittle famly," Glenn leaned onto the table. I blushed and looked down. I wasn't sure. I was positive I wanted to be with Drew again but I didn't know if I could share him. I shrugged and they patted my shoulders. "Look we understand your used to having him to yourself, but you should know we aren't giving him up for anything," Matt crossed his arms. "This'll be ya only chance," Glenn crossed his as well.

"Yes!" I suddenly shouted and they both smiled. They both hugged me and I blushed deeply. "Welcome to our family bunny," Matt and Glenn both quickly kissed me and I went wide eyed in surprise. They pulled back and I sat there. That was the first kiss I've enjoyed in months. My mind raced and I knew I'd be with Drew again. I smiled and jumped up in a loud "Yes".

I fallowed the two of them down the hall way. "How does this work?" I asked turning back to my old self. "Well we have our own way of deciding who gets him first," Matt smiled and we turned into the bathroom. "It's our own little personal game," Matt pulled off his shirt. Glenn fallowed and opened a drawer under the sink and pulled out three collars. Matt put his on as did Glenn. "These are our versions of promise rings," Glenn slide the strong leather around my neck. I looked down ready the name Adam written across it.

I smiled and they both pulled my shirt up and off. I covered myself blushing. "Don't worry we won't do anything you don't want to." They both gripped the sides of my pants and pulled them down and off. I quickly moved to cover my erection that pushed my thong up and out. Glenn leaned back onto his tail and slid off his pants over his feet.

I stared seeing he wore a thong as well. Matt bent down pulled his off and tossing them with the others. My eyes moved to his panty covered butt sticking up as he bent over. "Well...How do we play the game?" I asked blushing deeply. "Whoever gets hard last is the winner," Matt grabbed my ass and pulled me close kissing me gently. I wrapped my arms around him and started to kiss back. Glenn moved up behind me and kissed my neck softly. I tried with all my might to keep my erection under control. Matt's long tongue moved into my mouth and wrapped around mine slowly. Glenn ran his hand between my legs and softly rubbed me.

I was losing the battle but I wanted Drew to bad to quit. I reached back and grabbed Glenn through the material and worked him. I did the same with Matt and the two groaned softly. "Not...nice to double team," I gasped and squeezed them gently. I felt normal again for once in my life. I wasn't being sold or bought I was playing because I wanted to play. I couldn't help but giggle feeling Matt get hard and push up against his panties. "Damit!" He yelled and stepped back.

I turned all my attention to the roo. "C'mere you," He picked me up and kissed me roughly. He wanted him bad as well. I wrapped my legs around him and ground up against him. He bit his lip and I ground as hard as I could. "C'mon 'at's...cheatin," He growled and I grabbed his ears. "I know," I pulled his ears and kissed him.

I felt his erection press up against my ass. "I win!" I yelled jumping down. "Damn, 'lright ya get first crack at 'em, I get 'em next and Matt ya go last," He explained and Matt let out a long huff. "Aw come on it was a fair game," I smiled at Matt. He sighed and stood up hugging me gently. I smiled and hugged back. The next day we got the house all cleaned up as Glenn went to the hospital. We stared out the window and our similar tails flickered seeing Glenn help Drew out of the car.

I was happy again!