Elysia: Sanctuary

Story by Mickeylion on SoFurry

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#6 of Elysia

A collaboration between Mickeylion and gilo2.2 (his accounts below).https://gilo2-2.sofurry.com/   https://www.furaffinity.net/user/gilo2.2/

My contribution was primarily writing up the outline and early drafts of the first two parts, while gilo2.2 did the brunt of the creative writing and final editing. It was awesome working with him!

This story continues the Elysia series and picks up after the events of Elysia: The Taxidermists: Part 2.https://www.sofurry.com/view/828832https://www.furaffinity.net/view/15965301

Elysia is now in charge of a flourishing wildlife sanctuary, having taken over John's ranch and all-but dismantled his old client base.

Sadly, Elysia knows that she still has work to do. She now sees it as her sacred duty to take the fight to humanity, having witnessed their cruelty and mindless destruction of nature first-hand. She has already transformed numerous well-deserving individuals into animals, having used them to fill the sanctuary and to help repopulate the surrounding countryside.

Elysia is eager to continue her good work, but first she decides to pay a little visit to some of her favourite past victims...

It was a beautiful summer's morning. The sun was shining brightly and the cheerful twittering of numerous birds could be heard echoing through the trees. It was a scene that any forest spirit ought to have enjoyed, but this wasn't the case for Elysia. She had work to do.

The past couple of years had been truly eye-opening for Elysia. She was once such a joyful, innocent soul; whose only desires were to live peacefully in harmony with the plants and wildlife under her charge. Even humans hadn't seemed so bad once upon a time. Sure they hunted and exploited nature for their own gain, but she used to reason that in this regard they were no different from any other animal. Sadly, Elysia had only recently learnt just how naive she had been back then. Humanity was like no other animal. Humanity was an abomination.

Elysia briefly stopped what she was doing as she shut her eyes for a moment. So many dark, evil memories of the past two years started to race through her mind as she reassured herself that what she was doing was right. Unveiling humanity's selfishness and cruelty had given her a new purpose. It was no longer simply enough to sit back and passively preserve nature. Instead someone had to start fighting back, to start teaching humanity that their actions had consequences.

This thought made Elysia get up and begin pacing around the dingy room she was in. The old farmhouse study was where Elysia now spent much of her time, rather than being out in the fresh air where she belonged. Instead, she had come to learn about human technology and how best to exploit it. Most notably, her discovery of the internet had given her a shocking glimpse into some of the darkest aspects of human society. Seeing humanity's careless, often sadistic destruction of nature simply added to Elysia's conviction that humanity needed to pay for their crimes.

So far, Elysia was pleased with her progress. Since taking over the farmhouse and the surrounding ranch she had done her best to convert it into a safe haven where nature could flourish. Now, the area was teeming with wild animals, many of whom had once been kept as pets or 'livestock' by their old human masters. Thankfully, these tormented creatures could now enjoy the freedom they deserved; while their former owners were now the ones being kept in captivity as residents of the numerous cages and enclosures dotted around the ranch.

Thinking about this made Elysia shudder as she remembered the vile activities that used to take place here. The former owners had operated numerous business ventures, though the most lucrative involved breeding and trading exotic animals. These animals were doomed to live short, pain-filled lives. Some were raised simply as pets, while others were destined to be hunted on private reserves or raised to fight and kill simply for entertainment.

Thankfully this cruel enterprise was now at an end. Over the past two years Elysia had worked tirelessly to dismantle the vast network of business contacts that the ranch's former owners had built up around them. Doing this had taken a great toll on Elysia, gradually causing her patience to wane and her anger to grow; to the point that she now utterly despised humanity and their detestable 'civilisation.' These up-jumped primates were a blight on the face of the planet; a blight that needed to be dealt with one vile person at a time...

Elysia considered this sad fact until she was distracted by a buzz from the phone in her pocket. After glancing at the screen, Elysia was pleased to see that she had received a text from her next intended victim. This detestable individual was in the market for exotic animals, which made them a perfect candidate to fill one of the cages outside.

This unwelcome guest was due to arrive at the ranch in about an hour, meaning there was plenty of time to prepare. In fact, Elysia reckoned that she would even be able to squeeze in a visit to some of her favourite animals; and as it happened, she knew exactly where to start...

Elysia looked over to the furry form of a black cat frozen in the same position it had been in for well over a year now. Mitchell was once her name. That had been her name back when she was human. But now, instead of a strong, gruff man, she was nothing but a helpless plaything; and one of Elysia's favourite animals on the entire ranch.

As punishment for her various crimes against nature, Mitchell had been transformed into a female cat and then trapped at the peak of arousal, just moments before climax. Thanks to Elysia's magic, she would never know the sweet release of orgasm. And though the petrified cat could not move or express herself, Elysia could sense the pure horror and torment that constantly swirled through her mind.

Humiliatingly, a look of unresolved ecstasy was permanently plastered across the cat's face. Her amber eyes were wide open and her jaws were parted as if letting out a loud cry of release. Her legs were also spread open, revealing her furry crotch to the world. Just as she had remained magically petrified for these many months, her feline vagina was also frozen in a gaping position, constantly begging to be filled. Being frozen in such a lewd pose caused Mitchell no end of shame, and the fact that she was left permanently staring at her own reflection in a nearby mirror only helped to cement just how far she had fallen.

After a few moments spent savouring the former-man's never-ending shame and need for release, Elysia grinned slyly as she leaned in to admire Mitchell's feline vagina. It was obviously moist with lubrication, as beads of her juices steadily oozed out and congealed in her fur. Not only was Mitchell trapped in a state of extreme arousal with no possibility of coming down from it, but Elysia had found a way to ensure that her level of pleasure was constantly being brought to new heights. This was thanks to a recent addition to Mitchell's plight; a special plant that had been specially cultivated to flourish inside the moist, fertile depths of her gaping female sex.

The plant itself resembled a thick, notchy root. It had been growing steadily for the past year, to the point where it now completely filled Mitchell's vaginal passage. This left the cat looking well and truly stuffed, with her pussy lips spread into a tight 'O' shape as the plant constantly stretched and filled the slick void between her legs.

As intended, the warm wet channel of Mitchell's cunt was the perfect habitat for this magical plant to flourish. It drew all of its nutrients from deep inside the cat's moist sex, constantly feeding on her sweet nectar. It was a very fruitful coupling, especially since the plant knew how best to stimulate its host and thus ensure that its food supply never dried up.

Aside from simply stretching and filling Mitchell with its thick, bulky shape, the plant was always slowly rotating; causing the various bumps and grooves on its surface to rub and tease the silky vaginal walls that were wrapped tightly around it. In addition, this main root was accompanied by numerous finer tendrils, each of which tickled and rubbed the sensitive flesh deep within their host's body. In particular, the plant knew to focus on Mitchell's clitoris and cervix, both of which were constantly being either flicked, rubbed or squeezed in a torturously pleasurable manner.

As well as this, numerous vines of different sizes had sprouted from the root's head; all of which were designed to drive up Mitchell's pleasure even more. The largest of these vines worked the outside of the cat's body, constantly reaching out to tease the two rows of fleshy teats on her exposed underside. Thick loops of vine took turns squeezing and massaging Mitchell's soft mammaries, while much finer leaves and tendrils gently tickled her stiff, erect nipples; causing them to occasionally dribble with milk and provide the plant with a further source of nutrients.

As well as her teats, Mitchell's tail was also an extremely sensitive erogenous zone; something which the plant knew to exploit. A pair of vines were tightly intertwined with the furry appendage, always squeezing and stroking along its length and sending shocks of pleasure up the cat's spine.

As disturbing as this all was, what made this arrangement truly terrifying was the fact that the mystical plant seemed to go above and beyond to please its creator. One example of this was the broad, bowl-shaped leaf that sat directly beneath Mitchell's stuffed vagina. Any juices that spilled out of the cat's stretched pussy lips were collected by this special growth. Then, once it was full, the special leaf would carefully reposition itself so that it could pour Mitchell's own sticky lubrication straight down her throat. With no gag reflex available to her, Mitchell was powerless to stop the gooey wetness from spilling down her throat. This caused the strong taste of her feline arousal to constantly linger in mouth, thus providing yet another source for her immense despair and humiliation.

This had been Mitchell's life for over a year now. It was a never-ending rollercoaster of mind-numbing pleasure mixed with abject horror. She was prepared to do literally anything to finally cum and end her suffering, but sadly she knew that Elysia would always be there to ensure that that never happened.

"Mmmm... still enjoying yourself I see," Elysia whispered as she stared deep into Mitchell's frozen eyes, "I can feel your intense lust and feminine desire radiating from that sweet pussy of yours. My pet plant has done a fine job keeping you aroused, but I think I can still milk much more enjoyment out of your delicious torment..."

With that, Elysia gave no further warning as she plunged a finger straight into Mitchell's pussy. The former-man felt a sudden rush of both discomfort and shameful enjoyment as her already-stretched pussy was forced to accept the intruding digit.

Once inside, Elysia made sure to send a message to her magical plant, praising it for its good work. In response, the plant practically purred in delight, causing its vines to speed up the pace of their teasing. Elysia sensed a mental gasp of pleasure coming from the cat's tormented mind, but this only encouraged her as she started gently pressing her finger in and out; eliciting soft wet squishing sounds as she explored the moist depths of Mitchell's vaginal passage.

For the next few moments, all that could be heard were the subtle sounds of Mitchell's slick vagina being penetrated. Despite this though, Elysia was happy to feel the cat crying out internally, begging to be set free as her need for climax ramped up even more. Unfortunately, Elysia had no intentions of doing this as she instead moved her other hand down between Mitchell's legs. Once there, Elysia used a fingernail to gently circle the cat's vaginal mound, making sure to slowly drag over the swollen clitoris with each torturous pass.

With Elysia now starting to get into the swing of things, she decided that Mitchell needed to be punished further. To remedy this, Elysia focused her powers on the cat's strained mind, causing it to connect to two other animals that weren't too far away. Of course, these weren't just any animals... they were Jake and Liam; her two transformed sons.

Elysia giggled as she sensed Mitchell's immediate anguish. The cat's mind was suddenly vivid with all sorts of lewd images; images detailing what her children had been up to over the past few days.

First, Mitchell learnt about Liam's exploits. Her former-son was now cursed to live as a female opossum, one who was currently carrying a healthy litter inside her bloated, heavily-pregnant body. It was obvious that she was in a great deal of discomfort, due mostly to the kicking of her offspring and the jiggling of her swollen teats whenever she moved.

Of course, being in such a state would be bad enough for anyone; not least for what was once a confident young man. However, Elysia had provided Liam with a few further modifications, just to make sure she was put in her place.

Firstly, Liam was always in a state of intense feminine heat, no matter how close she was to giving birth. Her vagina was always moist and eager to be filled, meaning it constantly felt hot and swollen as it steadily dripped with sticky fluids. As well as this, Elysia's magic ensured that Liam's sex acted like a beacon for all male opossums for miles around. Not only did this spell attract plenty of potential mates for Liam, but it also made it clear that she was once human. This information made Liam an incredibly tempting target for any male opossums in the vicinity because, like Elysia, they too had numerous reasons to hate humanity and to see them punished.

As a predictable result of this, the young mother-to-be certainly had no shortage of sex in her new life. Elysia laughed and Mitchell internally screamed as images of opossums fucking filled the cat's mind. Despite being very late into her pregnancy, Liam was seemingly given no respite as she was taken advantage-of over and over again. The first few times she had tried to run and fight back, but these efforts ultimately accomplished nothing as each time she was forcibly mated and flooded with a healthy load of gloopy white semen.

These images and many more besides were now racing through Mitchell's mind. However, Elysia helped to further hammer-home the reality of Liam's grim new life by ensuring that Mitchell got to share in her former-son's punishment. It was impossible to describe, but Mitchell could somehow taste her son's heat in the air as she felt her own vagina throb with need. However, this was nothing compared to the feeling of being fucked by one of Liam's horny admirers.

Mitchell felt sick as she was briefly allowed to share her son's body. This meant she could feel everything as a pair of clawed hands grabbed Liam's flanks before a massive throbbing penis was pressed forcefully into her wet and inviting vagina. Mitchell was then taken along for the ride as the mating got underway. Her head started to spin as she felt Liam moving in time with her mate, causing her sagging teats to sway back and forth as the male's testicles slapped loudly against her furry ass. It was all so surreal and yet it felt exactly the same for Mitchell as it did for Liam.

After a short time spent in Liam's shoes, Mitchell was humiliated yet further as she got to feel her son climaxing around the stiff opossum cock buried inside her eager pussy. Weirdly, Mitchell was incredibly envious of her son's ability to orgasm. She reasoned that Liam was at least allowed a brief moment of relief and satisfaction whenever she came at the end of a successful mating. She would much rather that than have to exist as she did now, always on the edge but never quite able to get the release she so desperately craved.

With Mitchell left seething with resentment, she was then given one final humiliation as she got to feel the male opossum erupting passionately inside Liam's quivering vagina. The experience made her feel sick as she felt rope after rope of creamy semen splattering deep inside her son's fertile body. What made it even worse was the fact that Liam let out a delighted squeal as she jerked in time with the blasts of cum as they fired into her.

Mercifully for the distraught feline, her son's climax signalled the end of the horrible spell as the connection between them was severed. However, to her absolute horror, Mitchel soon realised that Elysia wasn't done yet. The cat let out an internal cry of despair as she felt her mind magically reconnecting with a different animal. It was a small, grey mockingbird. It was her other son Jake!

Elysia chuckled as she sensed the cat's horrified reaction. Vivid images of Jake's recent activities started to race through her mind. Mitchell felt sick as, like with Liam, she was allowed to relive these moments as if she were Jake herself.

First, as with her other son, Mitchell was treated to numerous vivid images of Jake's new love life. Similarly to Liam, Jake's avian cloaca attracted eager suitors from miles around, and not just those from her own species. Birds of all kinds flocked to Jake so that they could help put this former animal-abuser in her place.

Like with Liam, Mitchell was forced to share in Jake's suffering as Elysia strengthened the magical connection between them. The horrified she-cat felt sick to the core as she got to feel her son being forced into a squatting position before being mounted and claimed by a much larger pigeon. Disturbingly, Mitchell could feel Jake's sensitive vent rubbing against that of her mate, which weirdly sent pangs of unwanted pleasure into her own pussy as she struggled to process what was happening. Thankfully, the passionate avian sex didn't last for long, but that made it no less disgusting when Mitchell felt her son's cloaca being flooded with her mate's sticky load.

Although each humiliating encounter only lasted for a few short moments, Jake still found that mating took up almost all of her time. Every male bird in the immediate area seemed to visit her frequently, thus ensuring that she was fucked dozens of times every single day. Woodpeckers, crows, sparrows, fellow mockingbirds and many more besides all came to use Jake for their own pleasure and to do their bit to punish this former human for her crimes.

After learning plenty of grim details about her son's new love life, things soon got even worse for Mitchell as she was next forced to experience the birth of her own grandchildren. Mitchell could feel everything as Jake squatted down and started to lay the first of what was an unnaturally large clutch of eggs. The cat mentally shuddered as she felt her former-son's cloaca yawning open, revealing a smooth, rounded shape that was trying to force its way out of her birth canal.

Unfortunately, Elysia's magic had made this a much more uncomfortable process than it was in the wild. Jake's eggs were slightly bigger than normal, meaning she had to really strain to lay them. This was certainly the case for this particular birthing, as Mitchell felt her son's cloaca straining under the pressure of the large egg moving around inside her.

Mitchell continued to feel queasy as she felt her son's egg slowly emerge from between her legs. Disgusting strands of wetness spilled out around it as the mockingbird naturally lubricated herself in an effort to make the process a bit less uncomfortable. Unfortunately, while this tactic was effective in the wild, for Jake this was never quite good enough. Her egg-laying muscles strained to eject the huge object bulging inside her, but sadly her reproductive system just wasn't quite up to the task. After a few minutes of laying, Jake's egg was wedged fast; having become stuck at its widest point.

Elysia grinned to herself as she sensed Mitchell's distress. Her magic enabled the mortified cat to experience everything that her mockingbird son was going through. Feeling the tight, dark ring of Jake's cloaca hugging the egg reminded Mitchell of the way her own pussy bulged around the magical plant buried between her legs.

With Jake's birthing process having now ground to a complete halt, it would seem that the mockingbird was in trouble. However, the distressed bird did have one more trick up her sleeve; a unique adaptation to help get her out of situations like this.

To her utter dismay, Mitchell felt her son bending forward as she squatted down with the lower half of her body. Using her long beak, Jake was able to reach under herself and gently press against the bulging ring of flesh that made up her cloaca's muscular outer wall. Mitchell was then able to taste and feel everything as her transformed son started to rub her beak over the sensitive folds between her legs!

After just a short while spent doing this, it was soon clear that Jake had done this many times before. The speed and precision with which she moved her beak would have required hours of practice. She seemed to focus her attention on a few key areas of her gaping sex, each of which sent a shiver up her spine whenever her bony beak ground against it. It was obvious that the former-man hated what she was doing to herself, but humiliatingly it was the only way out of the cruel predicament that Elysia had left her in.

After a short while spent watching and feeling her son awkwardly stimulating herself, Mitchell was horrified when she noticed that Jake was gradually being turned-on by this lewd performance. Already, fresh spills of lubrication were beginning to drip out around the egg as the mockingbird's body reacted positively to her own teasing touches. Mitchell was also forced to sample her son's new feminine taste, as drops of wetness found their way past her beak and ended up dripping into her unsuspecting mouth.

Things continued like this for a short while longer, until Jake started to near what was obviously going to be a very intense climax. The mockingbird could clearly feel it coming as she rubbed herself harder and faster, causing her cloaca to begin convulsing as a powerful rush of emotions suddenly washed over her trembling avian body.

Jake flapped her wings and screeched out in release as a sudden wet spray shot out around the protruding egg lodged between her legs. The ecstatic mockingbird briefly entered a state of unimaginable bliss as her whole body violently convulsed in mind-numbing pleasure.

As disturbing as this sick display had been for Mitchell, it soon became clear that her son's self-induced climax had been for a purpose. The immense pleasure that rippled through her avian body caused certain muscles to relax and flex in just the right way. This seemed to be exactly what Jake needed as, with a wet squishing sound, the oversized egg finally slipped free of her body and landed in her nest with a sticky, wet thud.

Having seen and felt all of this herself, Mitchell was completely stunned as she struggled to process what her son had just done. However, she soon learnt that Jake was to get little respite as, with a despairing squawk, the mockingbird's second egg entered her birth canal; thus beginning the entire horrifying process again as her cloaca started to slowly bulge outwards around its smooth surface...

Mercifully, Elysia finally seemed satisfied that Mitchell had seen enough as she let the magical connection to Jake slowly fizzle out. Now the cat was alone again, though the vivid images of her two emasculated sons continued to race through her tortured mind.

"There we are dear," Elysia said as she stared into Mitchell's eyes and scratched her behind the ears, "I think you will agree that your former-sons have adjusted well to their new lives as productive females. The forest is now home to dozens of your grandchildren, and it won't be long before their mothers provide them with even more siblings to play with!"

Mitchell mentally groaned in anguish as she heard this. However, there was literally nothing she could do to help as she remained completely frozen in place.

"Now then," Elysia continued with a smile, "I have many other former-humans to attend to, so I'm afraid we will have to continue our fun some other time. Luckily though, I know you are being left in capable hands...."

With that, Elysia leaned in to whisper to the magical plant buried inside Mitchel's vagina. "You are doing a fantastic job my dear. Continue what you are doing and you will be well-rewarded. In fact, I might even consider giving you some more humans to feed from. Doesn't that sound wonderful!?"

In response to these kind words, the magical plant suddenly ramped things up a gear in an obvious effort to further impress its creator. Mitchell groaned internally as the thick root started to forcefully drill down into her gaping vaginal passage; all while the plant's numerous vines and tendrils worked frantically to amplify their host's never-diminishing need for sexual release.

With soft wet squelching sounds now echoing around the dingy office, Elysia reckoned that her work here was done. She mockingly blew a kiss to Mitchell before she excitedly turned and left the room. It felt good to see such a vile human getting exactly what she deserved. Happily though, Mitchell was by no means the only one; in fact, Elysia was now eager to see just how well her sanctuary's other residents were settling into their wonderful new lives...

Elysia eagerly stepped outside, squinting her eyes as she wandered into the brightness of the warm summer's day. She then practically started skipping along down the dirt path as she headed over to greet another of her more deserving victims.

The lioness in question was lying slumped on her side when Elysia found her. Sean was her old human name, though Elysia had long since stopped using it. After all, the creature in front of her bore absolutely no resemblance to the arrogant man that had first greeted her. Now, the former alpha male was nothing but a horny feline; a point which Elysia was always happy to remind her of.

Whilst on the subject of alpha males, Elysia casually looked over to a second lion in the enclosure; though this one was most definitely male. The big cat was known as Brutus, and after a lifetime of inhumane treatment he certainly lived up to his name. Aside from Elysia, the ferocious lion was both scared and enraged by most other animals; particularly humans. Elysia had done her best to comfort him, but even her magic had its limits. Instead, she reasoned that she could at least try to inject some joy into his life, and if that meant punishing a deserving human in the process then that was all for the better.

In keeping with this philosophy, Elysia liked to use Sean to help Brutus vent his frustrations. As she moved closer, she could see the telltale signs that the lioness had been bred recently. First, she spotted some saliva matting down the fur on the back of Sean's neck, obviously signposting where Brutus had bitten her to keep her in place. As well as this, whenever Sean flicked her tufted tail she gave the world a glimpse of the disgusting mess that lay between her legs. The fur around her feline sex was drenched with a sticky mixture of both semen and vaginal juices, while her pussy itself was visibly swollen and reddened as it slowly dripped with sticky residue.

All of these observations made Elysia smile as she crouched down close to Sean's head. In response, the startled lioness quickly got to her feet. However, rather than biting or threatening Elysia like she once might have, Sean just looked sadly into her tormentor's eyes as she pinned her ears down submissively.

This pathetic display brought Elysia no end of satisfaction. It was obvious that the once-strong and aggressive man had been utterly broken. The total despair in her amber eyes was clear to see. Now, it was obvious that Sean was desperate for a way out as she stood begging Elysia to let her nightmare end.

Regrettably, Elysia was no longer the gullible, easily-forgiving child she had once been. She remembered Sean's involvement with the ranch's former owners, and for that she deserved to pay the price.

"Awww," Elysia cooed as she beckoned Sean to approach, "does the poor pussy miss her old life?"

In answer to her own question, Elysia used her magic to delve into the lioness' torchered mind. From reading Sean's thoughts it became clear that she had some real regrets about her life, most of which had only surfaced after spending so much time as a powerless animal. There were so many unfulfilled goals: raising a family, passing on her legacy, perhaps even doing some charitable work for her hometown. Even making peace with her disillusioned father was now something that wass tragically never going to happen.

Regrettably, Sean knew that, instead of being able to achieve any of these things, she would most likely be trapped as a lioness for the rest of her life. Just being an animal was bad enough, but being a female mate it a hundred times worse. Cruelly, Elysia's magic ensured that Sean was always in a state of intense heat, leaving her body constantly feeling hot, horny and eager for sex. During her long captivity she had tried everything to ignore her body's urges, but the simple fact of the matter was that they were far too strong; whereas her own human willpower had gradually dwindled away to almost nothing.

As if to prove this point, Sean didn't even hesitate before she moved closer to her amused captor. Once she was close enough, Elysia reached out and started to gently scratch the lioness behind the ears. "Mmmm, you like that don't you? What an adorable kitty you are!"

Instead of answering. Sean simply stood still and let Elysia play with her as she pleased. Of course, the old Sean would have tried to rip the evil witch's throat out, but regrettably she no longer had the anger in her to try, nor the balls to dare find out what more could be done to her if her attempt failed. Instead, her only tactic was to keep looking pathetically at her captor whilst she prayed to be spared from this never-ending nightmare.

Unfortunately for Sean, Elysia didn't seem particularly interested in her plight. Instead, she continued to stroke her furry face as she leaned in to whisper to her.

"It's okay my dear," Elysia encouraged soothingly, "you have been such a good kitty for over a year now. For a former male you have been a surprisingly good mate to dear Brutus over there, and your new feminine urges have made you a wonderful mother to his cubs."

Instead of expressing any anger, shame or regret, Sean let out a soft purr which made it sound like she agreed with Elysia's analysis. This reaction earned the lioness a playful scratch behind the ears as Elysia smiled at her in satisfaction. Feeling Elysia's fingers running through her furry pelt made Sean feel warm and giddy inside. As a result, she ended up letting out more contented purrs as she started to rub up against Elysia's outstretched arms. This response only added to Elysia's enjoyment of the situation, which prompted her to continue subtly teasing the submissive lioness by running her hands through her soft fur and whispering more sweet words of encouragement.

With Sean now fully preoccupied with earning more of Elysia's affection, she tragically failed to notice what was going on around her as her vision narrowed. This was soon to have dire consequences as, with a sly grin on her face, Elysia watched Brutus get up and lick his muzzle. The big lion then turned and began stalking towards the ripe young female that was his for the taking.

"That's it, good puss puss," Elysia teased in an effort to keep Sean distracted, "you know, such a good kitten like you surely deserves a reward for her efforts. What do you say dear, perhaps after your next litter you can have your old life back. Wouldn't you like that?"

Upon hearing this, a part of Sean desperately wanted to believe it could be true. Sadly though, she knew from experience just how much Elysia enjoyed taunting her. But this was the first time she had mentioned the thought of being changed back in a very long time. Could it be true? Was there really some hope after all..."

Before Sean received answers to any of her questions, her heart almost stopped when she noticed a dark shadow looming menacingly over her. The lioness gulped nervously as she looked back behind her, only to see that Brutus was now eagerly eyeing-up her furry ass as he took in a deep whiff of the rich, pheromone-laced scent wafting from between her legs. The look of desire was burning brightly in his eyes. It was a primal masculine desire for dominance and sexual release. It was a desire for her!

For a brief moment, time seemed to slow as Sean considered making a run for it. Surely it would be better to try and get away from the beast, even if it only ended up delaying the inevitable. Sadly though, the reality she had learned from countless rough matings was that trying to defy Brutus would only make things worse. The truth was that being routinely fucked by Brutus was a cornerstone of her new horrible life. Given these grim set of circumstances, Sean figured that her best bet was to at least make things as quick and easy for Brutus whenever he did want to take her. It was a terrible and humiliating situation to be in, but she knew from first-hand experience that the alternatives were even worse.

Upon noticing Sean's hesitation, Brutus let out a threatening growl as he ordered his intended mate to stop wasting time and to submit to him fully Elysia could tell that he was impatient and raring to go, something that was made clear by the fully-erect penis that was bobbing eagerly between his legs.

With Brutus' intentions now crystal-clear to everyone, Sean's legs turned to jelly as any desire to flee immediately ebbed away. Instead, the reluctant lioness let out a deep groan of regret as she slumped down onto her belly and adopted a typical feline mating pose. Then, to make things even easier for her soon-to-be mate, Sean made a point of raising her tail and hiked her haunches upward; thus providing Brutus with full access to her feline vagina as she offered herself to him in open invitation.

Sean's total surrender was a welcome sight for both Brutus and Elysia.

Elysia reacted by reaching out to cradle the lioness' large furry head. She continued to whisper soothing words as she tried to take Sean's mind off the brutal fucking that was about to take place. Of course, this was all just a show. In reality, Elysia couldn't wait to see Brutus climbing on top of her and bluntly reminding her of her new status in life.

As for Brutus, the sight of Sean's swollen, dripping cunt was all that was needed to put his mating instincts into overdrive. Consequently and with a deep growl of satisfaction, Brutus unceremoniously bent his head down and delivered a big slurping lick right up the length of Sean's plump feline vagina!

This sensation made Sean's eyes shoot wide open as she felt Brutus' broad tongue gliding effortlessly over the sensitive mound between her legs. The area was still reddened and sore from her last mating, but the lioness' heat helped to numb and sooth her aching, abused folds as Brutus lovingly sampled her sweet taste.

In response to this intimate foreplay, Sean let out a deep, rumbling moan of delight as her pussy quivered and surged with warmth. Just being near such a dominant male deeply appealed to her natural mating instincts. Brutus clearly had the ferocity and strength needed to protect them both, meaning that she had to bring something to their relationship. Sex was one key part of this, but after so many months of constant breeding she had begrudgingly come to the realisation that her ultimate purpose was to be a caring mother for their cubs.

That last thought once would have made Sean recoil in horror. Now though, she accepted that motherhood was just another unavoidable aspect of her grim new life. Being in perpetual heat had already turned her into a prolific breeder. She had already sired a dozen cubs across four litters, and she was confident that the fifth was already developing deep inside her fertile womb. Every single day, even when she gave birth, Sean was left alone with Brutus or one of the sanctuary's other male felines. As a result of this, Sean had been pregnant for her entire stint as a lioness. It was a horrible, humiliating excuse for a life, but Sean had always tried her best to make it somewhat bearable, even if it came at the cost of her sanity and long-lost dignity.

With this in mind, Sean softly purred to herself as she shut her eyes and tried to enjoy the feeling of Brutus' persistent licking. She could sense his excitement as he panted in short, heavy breaths. The feeling of his hot breath blowing against her eager cunt made her flush hot with lust and excitement. Her whole body was now raring to go, and so she did her best to signal this to her handsome suitor. To this end, Sean excitedly lifted her tail and began to gently flick it back and forth, causing the tufted tip to rub against Brutus' face and thick masculine mane. It was a favourite gesture of hers that was designed to signal her intentions to any would-be-mate.

Thankfully, Brutus seemed to get the message loud and clear as he growled in satisfaction. He then delivered one last big slurp to Sean's dripping pussy before he pulled his head back and licked his lips eagerly. Then, with a deep rumbling growl of dominance, Brutus stepped forward and prepared to claim the eager lioness presenting herself to him.

Sean started to tremble out of both fear and excitement as Brutus' powerful bulk loomed large above her. She had been in this position countless times before, but that never made it any less nerve-wracking to be at the mercy of a fiersome, bad-tempered wild animal. She was praying that Brutus was either tired or in a good mood, since the big lion wasn't exactly known for being gentle when it came to mating.

Upon noticing Sean's obvious anxiety, Elysia leaned in to give the helpless lioness a few words of encouragement. "There, there," Elysia said in mock concern as she stroked Sean soothingly, "do not be afraid my sweet kitten. Soon Brutus will put his dick in you and fill you with his love. I can sense just how horny and impatient you are. I wonder what your old friends and family would say if they could see you now. I bet they would feel ashamed to see what a dirty, submissive whore you have become!"

Hearing these cruel words stirred something within Sean that she hadn't felt for a long time. Anger and hatred briefly cleared the lust in her mind as she snarled at Elysia threateningly. This bitch had stolen everything from her; her life, her family...even her once-manly body. Why had she been so complicit in her own humiliation? Why had she let Elysia treat her like some obedient pet for so many months? She had to start showing some defiance. She had to prove that her human fight and determination were still very much alive...

Right at that moment, Sean was pulled from her thoughts by a sudden spike of pain at the base of her neck. She could now feel Brutus' powerful jaws clamping down from above, thus ensuring that she remained pinned securely in place for what was to follow. This naturally horrified what was left of Sean's fractured human mind, but sadly her fate was soon sealed as, with a powerful thrust of his hips, Brutus surged forward and buried the entire length of his massive cock directly into her unsuspecting pussy!

Sean cried out in a strange mix of shock, horror and unwanted pleasure as she felt her fleshy folds spreading open to envelop her mate's rock-hard member. The way his dick stretched and filled her needy cunt sent shivers down her spine. Her brief show of defiance quickly disintegrated as she was bluntly reminded of her new position in life. Being down in the dirt with a strong male on her back was where she now belonged, and weirdly this thought made Sean feel hot and sexy as the feline portion of her broken mind relished the opportunity to mate with such a handsome male.

With his mate now fully subdued, Brutus took full advantage as he started to rapidly thrust in and out of Sean's warm and inviting passage. Regrettably, any hopes for a painless experience were quickly dashed as the mating got off to a rough start. Brutus moved like a rabid animal as he started fucking Sean like his life depended on it. In response, the helpless lioness let out several piercing wails of agony as the backwards-facing barbs on Brutus' cock dug painfully into her tender vaginal walls every time he pulled out of her.

On top of this, such was Brutus' enthusiasm that the force of his movements pushed Sean forwards, causing her head to squash up against the wooden wall of their enclosure. Sean tried to push back and recover some breathing room, but all she ended up doing was impaling herself on her mate's rapidly pumping cock. As a result, Sean soon gave up trying to resist as she let Brutus use her as he pleased.

As a result of this, both lions quickly settled into a steady mating tempo as they rocked backwards and forwards in unison. Loud wet squelches echoed around the enclosure as Brutus continued to ram his dick home deep and hard, causing Sean's ample lubrication to spill out from her abused passage.

As for the lioness, her cries of pain had steadily shifted into moans of pleasure as her body helped to numb certain sensations and amplify others. The feeling of Brutus' barbed cock stretching her open and raking her vagina's sensitive inner walls now made her tremble with desire. Having such a dominant male on top of and inside her made her feel so incredibly horny. Life didn't get any better than this, not now that she was destined to remain as a lioness forever.

With both lions now very obviously enjoying themselves, Elysia slowly moved around the edge of their enclosure so that she could admire their passionate lovemaking from multiple different angles. She was pleased to see the look of pure ecstacy etched across Sean's face as she moaned and grunted to herself in lustful delight. The fact that she was being forced roughly against the wooden wall in front of her didn't seem to bother her. Instead, she seemed to relish her mate's power and dominance as he gripped her firmly and showed her who was in charge.

Following on from this, Elysia continued moving around the enclosure until she was in a good position for a nice rear view shot of the action. From here she was truly able to appreciate Brutus' impressive strength and stamina as his hips maintained a fast and powerful rhythm. The sight of the lion's fuzzy testicles slapping loudly between his mate's legs made Elysia giggle in amusement, as did the occasional glimpses she got of Sean's pussy lips yawning open before being quickly filled by Brutus' girthy cock.

Elysia continued to circle like this for a few laps of the enclosure; constantly watching like an eager vulture for the inevitable climax that was rapidly building between the two cats. Both lions were completely lost in the throws of passion as their mating reached a fever pitch. It was now only a matter of time before things reached their dramatic conclusion...

As predicted, a passionate roar of ecstacy soon echoed around the ranch as Sean reached an unimaginably intense orgasm. Rich feminine juices squirted messily over Brutus' dick as her body released its sticky prize. A sense of deep, primal satisfaction then settled over the happily panting lioness as she revelled in the wonderful sensations that were now washing over her. The last few minutes had been simply amazing, and the trembling of Brutus' cock inside her told her that he felt much the same way...

After feeling his mate climaxing beneath him, Brutus sensed that it was time to finish what he started. With a firm shove forwards with his hips, the powerful lion sank his dick as deep into his mate's body as it would go, leaving his balls squashed demandingly against the entrance to Sean's vaginal passage as his cocktip pressed right up against her cervix. Brutus then lifted his head and let out an ear-splitting roar, after which Sean felt the first powerful jets of semen erupting deep inside her young fertile body.

Elysia watched in satisfaction as the two lions jerked in unison. Each squirt of cum made Sean shiver in delight as she was quickly filled to the brim by her mate's thick, creamy load. She even managed to coax more out of Brutus by tensing and squeezing her vaginal muscles over his pulsating member. Sharp spikes of both pain and pleasure shot up her spine as her fleshy folds wrapped tightly around him, causing his brutal barbs to dig deep into her soft inner walls as he continued to ejaculate deep inside her. Ultimately, Sean reasoned that her efforts were well worth it. Her stuffed vagina now felt unbelievably good as it sat oozing with gooey wetness and stretched tightly around her mate's thick, barbed member.

With the action having finally died down, Brutus remained inside Sean for a few moments as he let the last wet dribbles of his impressive load slowly spill into her cum-filled vagina. Elysia was delighted by the results as she watched disgusting bubbles of semen and pussy juices frothing and dripping out around the base of Brutus' cock. Seeing the once-proud man in such a state caused her no end of amusement, as did the knowledge that Brutus still had enough energy to keep breeding until sunset.

With this in mind, Elysia decided that it was time to say goodbye to Sean. After all, she would be in Brutus' very capable hands for the rest of the day. Nevertheless, Elysia simply couldn't resist sauntering up to Sean and giving her some parting words of cruel humiliation.

"There we are," Elysia said as she ran her hands through Sean's soft furry pelt, "you were desperate for a good fuck, weren't you my sweet pussy!?"

Hearing this helped Sean come down from her lustful high as she only just started to register what she had done. It was hardly the first time she had been in this position, but being pinned beneath the massive lion and feeling his sticky cum slowly spilling out of her still filled her with shame and regret. She once again looked at Elysia with large, desperate eyes as she begged the vengeful forest spirit to let her go.

Regrettably, Elysia merely chuckled in response as she continued to savour Sean's despair. "That look never gets old," she said as she stroked Sean's furry cheeks, "even I am surprised at just how pathetic you are. Being a horny lioness suits you much more than being a man. You should just continue being a submissive whore and let a real male like Brutus take care of the both of you!"

Sean clearly wanted to offer some kind of protest, but she was abruptly cut short as Brutus finally decided to dismount her. The lioness let out a screech of pain as Brutus' barbs raked her reddened folds one last time on the way out. Sean's pussy lips were then spread open one last time, before Brutus' dick finally slipped free with a wet, slimy *pop*. This was swiftly followed by a fresh spill of sexual juices which ended up dripping down messily over Sean's damp, despoiled crotch.

With his mission now complete, Brutus unceremoniously got up and went to lie down at the back of the enclosure. There, he started to clean himself up with the expectation that he would get another turn with his favourite lioness before too long.

As for Sean, she was left feeling humiliated, aching and raw as she felt the cool breeze tickling her still-dripping entrance. Such was the ferocity of Brutus' lovemaking that her gaping pussy lips were currently unable to fully close. She now felt dirty and used as she felt Brutus' cum coating her vaginal passage and congealing in her fur. Sean desperately wished there was some way out of this horrific nightmare she now found herself in, but deep down she had already accepted the fact that Elysia was never going to let that happen.

"Well dear," Elysia said as she stood up and looked down at Sean's defeated expression, "it was fun spending time with you but I'm afraid I had best be off. Do not worry though my dear, I'm sure Brutus will be able to amuse you for the rest of the day. I bet that sounds good, doesn't it girl!? I bet you desire more of his delicious cum even now!"

Sean said nothing as she remained in her crouched position. Shamefully, her never-ending feline heat meant that there was some truth to Elysia's words. Being fucked by Brutus at least helped to scratch the constant itch between her legs, while being filled with his sticky cum temporarily doused the torturous burning sensation right in the depths of her swollen feline sex. And now, Sean couldn't help feeling lonely and empty as her need steadily started to creep upwards with each passing moment. Sure it was disgusting, shameful and wrong to want Brutus inside her again, but she reasoned that if she was going to be taken anyway then it might as well be on her own terms.

With this warped sense of logic in mind, Sean shakily rose to her feet and looked over to Brutus as he slumped down lazily in the far corner of the enclosure. Sean deliberately avoided eye contact with Elysia as she prepared to do the unthinkable. Her ears burned hot with shame and embarrassment as, with a nervous shudder, she gingerly turned away from her captor and instead moved to join Brutus as he watched her intently.

Elysia watched in amusement as Sean went to join her recent mate. She was amused to see the disgusting wet trail that the lioness left in her wake as various sexual fluids dripped messily down from between her legs. However, Sean didn't seem phased by this as she gently settled down beside Brutus, making sure to rub her body against his in a show of both submission and affection.

As amusing as this was for Elysia to watch, things soon got even better when Sean gently dipped her head down between Brutus' furry thighs. Once there, the lioness briefly paused as she sat staring at her mate's crotch, with his still-dripping cock mere inches from her face. For a second Elysia thought that Sean might lose her nerve. Happily though, the lioness did eventually follow through with her plan as, with a purr of satisfaction, she suddenly reached down and slipped Brutus' cock straight into her mouth.

Elysia couldn't help laughing out loud as she watched Sean bob her head up and down over the spined penis in her mouth. The lioness was clearly trying to appease Brutus by cleaning his dick for him, presumably in the hopes that their next coupling would be less violent. Seeing the once-proud man reduced to this shameful act made Elysia feel giddy inside. This was what Sean deserved. She had been taking from nature her whole life, but now she was helping to undo that damage one litter at a time.

With Sean now eagerly servicing her mate with a series of loud wet sucking sounds, Elysia finally decided that it was time to move on. With a gust of wind and a flash of light, Elysia shifted into the animalistic form of a raven before taking off into the sky. Despite being a bird she was still able to make a sly grin spread across her beaked face. Humiliating Sean was always fun, but nothing made her happier than seeing the next transformed human on her list...

Elysia was easily able to find her next victim by locking on to the sounds of frantic squeaking coming from below. After spotting her quarry, Elysia moved to a better vantage point as she swooped down and landed on a nearby section of fence.

Using her new perch, Elysia looked down to see a large mob of about thirty rats scurrying around beneath her. There were rats of all different shapes, sizes and colours; and all of them were distinctly male specimens... all except for one.

Using her keen avian vision, Elysia focused on the lone female buried amidst the swarm of excited male rodents. To Elysia's amusement, the black female rat was busy being frantically humped by a large male on her back; all whilst a dozen others impatiently fought to have a turn with her next. The female was standing in a disgusting puddle of sexual juices as her vagina and crotch dripped with the excess of countless recent breedings. Even now, this puddle was steadily growing as the female's current mate stuffed his dick deep inside her, sending more of his rivals' semen spilling out behind her as he prepared to replace it with his own.

As a result of living like this for well over a year, the lone female showed no signs of trying to stop what was happening to her as she moved in time with her mate's thrusts. Her body was clear proof that she had been in this position before, given that she looked close to bursting with what was obviously a very sizable litter. In fact, Elysia could sense that the female was carrying exactly 23 babies inside her womb; a number that was only made possible thanks to one of the many magical modifications that had been made to the rodent's body.

Aside from increased litter sizes, the female rat also lived in a constant state of intense female heat. Even now when she was mere days from giving birth, her rodent pussy was swollen and eager to be filled as it lovingly squeezed and milked the rapidly-pumping cock buried deep inside her. This, and the feeling of her twelve heavy milk-filled teats swaying rhythmically beneath her, brought the female an immense amount of pleasure every single time she was claimed.

Elysia continued to watch in amusement as the squeaking coming from the mass of rodents suddenly built to a pleasurable crescendo. The two frantically fucking rats both cried out in delight as the male shoved his hips forward and plunged as deep into his mate's passage as he could go. Then, with a disgusting wet spray, both rats came together as the male fired jet after jet of sticky cum into his mate's depths; causing the puddle beneath them to grow slightly bigger as a fresh torrent of juices dripped and flowed into it.

Once he was done ejaculating, the satisfied male finally dismounted as he was absorbed back into the mass of writhing bodies beneath him. As for the female, she wasn't even able to take one step before, with a frantic scrabbling of clawed hands, the next male in line roughly mounted her and forced his throbbing cock straight into her still-dripping pussy. Then, the lewd process started to repeat itself as the male began eagerly thrusting with his hips while the female pushed back against him and allowed him to use her as he pleased.

With Elysia having witnessed all of this, only now did she make her presence known as she cawed out in mocking greeting to the helpless female. In response, the female briefly looked up before she looked back down in shame. It was obvious that she was trying to hide her emotions from her amused captor, though she couldn't contain the odd squeak of approval whenever her mate's dick rubbed over her tiny clit and stretched her juicy folds nice and wide apart.

This reaction made Elysia smile as she reminded herself who the horny female rat used to be. Her old human name was John, and she deserved every bit of her just punishment. She once owned the ranch and used it to illegally breed and trade rare animals on the black market. With the help of her wicked sons, she had also overseen the torture and cruel treatment of countless innocent creatures. Many, such as Brutus, had been so mentally damaged that they were far beyond healing. Just thinking about the vile man's countless crimes against nature made Elysia feel sick, which is why she felt absolutely no remorse about dooming him to live out the rest of his life as a dirty female rodent.

As part of this punishment, Elysia had allowed John's human mind to remain fully intact. Despite being subjected to almost two years of near-constant rape, John was still fully aware of what was happening to her, though she remained utterly powerless to do anything about it. Elysia vowed to never grant John the luxury of losing his sanity. Instead, the former-man still knew exactly who she used to be and what she had lost. John was therefore left in a state of permanent torment, a fate which Elysia still considered too good for her in many ways.

As Elysia considered this she looked down at the helpless rat with disgust. Ever since John's first day as a rat, Elysia had only ever approached and interacted with her while in her raven form. She never spoke to nor telepathically communicated with John, reasoning that a dirty rodent like her did not deserve the privilege of being able to converse with another intelligent being. Instead, her only meaningful social interactions were with males of her new kind; as she was used over and over again merely to satisfy their pent-up sexual frustrations.

Although Elysia cherished all of nature's living creatures, save for humans of course; even she had to admit that John's male admirers were little more than mindless, sex-crazed beasts. They were all the result of generations of incestuous breeding with their one shared mother. Elysia's curse ensured that all of John's offspring were born male, meaning that she would be the only female they ever knew. Furthermore, these rats were so savage and imbred that they had absolutely no qualms about fucking their own mother and trying to impregnate her; and given that John was the only female in the vicinity of the ranch, she was the only hope that any of them had of satisfying their magically-enhanced libidos.

With this in mind, Elysia decided to focus on John's thoughts, in order to find out what the man inside was really thinking. To her sheer delight, John was utterly horrified, disgusted and ashamed by her grim new life. She hated every second of it; from the countless breedings and never-ending heat to the sensations of swelling with young and then giving birth to them. This, and the knowledge of what had happened to her proud sons, caused John to hate Elysia with every fibre of her being. John had vowed to kill Elysia if she was ever given the chance; though thus far she had always been far too preoccupied with either her mates, her motherly duties, or sometimes both at once.

Satisfied that John was still in there and hating every second of her new life, Elysia exited the rat's mind as she settled in to witness the climax of her current mating.

By this stage, loud wet squelches could be heard coming from John's sloppy, cum-filled pussy, as her rodent son eagerly forced his dick deep into her pregnant body. John had given up trying to hide her emotions now that the pleasure radiating from her ratty cunt had grown too strong. Now, she was happily squeaking out in delight as she shoved her furry ass back against the rigid dick inside her, allowing her son to stretch and penetrate her just that little bit more as she eagerly ground against him.

As an inevitable result of this passionate lovemaking, it wasn't long before an intense orgasm crashed over John as her whole body trembled in pure animalistic delight. Not long after, the male on her back started to empty his balls deep inside her as he came violently. Creamy white cum could soon be seen adding to the mess surrounding John's rear-end as it messily oozed out over her crotch and down her back legs.

With John now busy being flooded with her own son's thick, sticky load, Elysia decided that she had seen enough. Elysia was pleased with her handiwork given that, as intended, John was still mentally intact and utterly revolted by her new life. The former man was now forever trapped inside a fleshy female prison from which there would be no escape. She would be doomed to suffer like this as penance for the numerous, unspeakable crimes against nature that she had committed in her past life.

With this in mind, Elysia let out a loud caw of farewell as she prepared to leave John to it. John briefly looked up at her in hatred, but was soon distracted by the feeling of two more clawed hands grabbing her sides and yet another large furry body clambering on top of her. John clearly wanted to communicate with the amused raven watching her, but she was abruptly cut short when she felt yet another throbbing rodent cock being shoved roughly inside her abused orifice.

With John's frantic squeaks now echoing around the ranch, Elysia cawed to her one more time before she flapped her wings and took off; leaving John to her well-deserved fate. She intended to return to see the expecting rat give birth to her litter, but for now she had business with a couple of John's other children. Now it was time to see what had become of John's once-human sons, Ben and Randle...

Elysia remained in her bird form as she landed on the wooden wall of the cougar enclosure. She then cawed to the two cougars inside as she flapped her wings excitedly. It was always fun to visit John's transformed sons just to see the different ways in which they were dealing with their respective curses.

First, Elysia turned to Ben as she lay slumped on her side in the dirt beneath her. The cougaress was busy grooming her paws in content as her four precious children greedily gulped down her nutritious milk. She seemed to enjoy each and every nip and suckle of her teats as she purred to herself in relief. Moreover, Ben also clearly enjoyed the intense pangs of pleasure that directly radiated from her jiggling mammaries down her chest and into her sensitive feminine sex. In fact, each swish of her tail revealed just how wet and swollen her pussy was. Like so many other former humans that had been cursed to live out their lives as female animals, she too was now living in a state of perpetual heat. Unlike many of her fellow victims though, it was clear that Ben had not only learned to live with her new body; she had actually come to enjoy it!

Slipping into the cougaress' thoughts, Elysia was pleased by what she saw. Ben's mind had been gradually warped ever since her fateful transformation. She had been changed, body and soul, into a full-blown female animal. Her old human life seemed like a distant dream to her new cougar-self. She no longer knew what it meant to be a man; to feel a cock and balls between her legs. As far as she was concerned it was right that she should have a warm, wet cunt between her legs. There was nothing remotely human or male about her. She was just a horny, needy feline; whose sole purpose was to raise her cubs in order to ensure the continued survival of her new species.

As part of her new outlook on life, Ben had come to embrace every aspect of her newfound femininity. She sincerely cared about her young at a deep emotional level, having had to carry them, birth them and raise them for many long months. On top of this, she had come to love the feel of her soft, female body. Everything from her rich golden-brown fur to her stiff, sensitive nipples just felt so damn good all of the time.

Most of all, Ben loved the look, feel and taste of the wet, swollen slit between her legs. When she wasn't too encumbered by her young she often liked to bend down and give herself a thorough once-over with her tongue. Her ability to sample and pleasure her own juicy folds was one of the highlights of her amazing new body. However, the pleasure she managed to derive from this lewd act was nothing compared to the wonderful sensation of having something actually inside her. She did of course know how to get what her body craved, but unfortunately it relied entirely on her not-so-enthusiastic brother Randle to lend her a hand...

Just at that moment, reacting as if she had been listening to Elysia's thoughts, Ben let out a deep, rumbling moan of need as she raised her tail and presented her ripe, juicy folds to her transformed brother; in a clear invitation for him to come and claim her.

In response, Randle just buried his head in his paws as he tried to block out the sight and sounds of his former brother, now his cougar sister. However, one thing he couldn't avoid was the rich, pheromone-laced scent of Ben's heat wafting through the air. In their relatively-cramped enclosure, Randle's head was never more than a few feet away from Ben's pussy. This meant that his senses were constantly assaulted as the urge to mate with her lingered in the back of his mind. What made this particularly damning was the fact that he always succumbed in the end. No matter how hard Randle fought to keep his composure, eventually, every single day, he ended up giving in to his sister's urges and fucking her like his life depended on. Ben's cubs were a constant reminder of his past failures, after all, they were as much his offspring as they were hers.

After savouring Randle's despair, Elysia stepped back and decided just to observe the pair for a few minutes. She watched with great anticipation as the transformed brothers continued their strange sexual dance.

Typically, Ben's vagina became increasingly wet as her lust grew. This meant that her inner thigh gradually became soaked in her sweet juices as she fantasised about feeling her brother's barbed cock thrusting deep inside her. Her irresistible scent continued to fill the air as it started to overwhelm her brother's heightened sense of smell.

As for Randle, he valiantly kept fighting against the temptation that was slowly rising within him. He could practically taste Ben's heat in the air as her pheromones formed a thick cloud around him. Her hot, breathless moans also made things harder as memories of his past failures started to assault his straining mind.

Images of Ben crouched down beneath him with her tail raised and her pussy on full-display started to seep into Randle's thoughts. He felt sick as he locked eyes with the imaginary form of his former-brother. Seeing the shameless, unbridled lust in her eyes was deeply disturbing as she licked her lips and looked back at him suggestively. And, as horrible as it was to admit, Randle couldn't help feeling a slight pang of need in his furry feline balls as his cock slowly started to stir between his legs. It was a telltale sign that his resistance was waning. Soon, he knew he would be mindlessly screwing Ben and pumping her full of his sticky semen. He often asked himself why he bothered resisting at all, given that it only served to prolong the inevitable intercourse that always resulted.

After a few minutes of this strange performance, both Ben and Elysia could sense that Randle was slowly beginning to lose his composure. To further entice him, Ben playful flicked her tail out over her brother's nose and muzzle as she gave him a more concentrated dose of her powerful feminine scent. To coincide with this she also meowed pathetically to Randle, begging him to come and scratch the itch deep inside her pussy as it continued to steadily drip with her arousal.

Amazingly, Randle was still hanging in there, though it was becoming clear that Ben was gradually wearing him down. Elysia could see bits of drool dangling down from Randle's jaws as his desire for his cougar sister continued to grow. What's more, the aching in his balls was starting to get uncomfortable as his body urged him to put them to good use. However, the most damning sign of Randle's crumbling resolve was the large erection poking out from between his legs. Randle tried to hide it by squatting down low to the ground, but both Ben and Elysia could sense that it was there as a new musky scent started to mix with Ben's heat in the air. The performance was certainly progressing nicely, which is why Elysia was so irritated when she was abruptly distracted from her fun and games...

"Dammit," Elysia said as she heard the unmistakable sounds of a car pulling up in the distance.

Her next victim had arrived early, meaning she would miss Randle's imminent downfall which she had been so keenly anticipating. She would love to stay and watch the two cougars finish their prolonged mating ritual, but sadly she had work to do and another vile human to deal with.

And so, with a reluctant caw farewell, Elysia said goodbye to the cougars as she left to deal with yet another one of John's evil clients. She was gutted that she would miss Randle give in and mount his former-brother, but she reasoned that there would be plenty more opportunities to witness this in the future.

Now though, Elysia's thoughts shifted to her next victim; as she eagerly anticipated putting another vile human in their place...