Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 9 | Alister

Story by Lightsoul101 on SoFurry

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#9 of Lore of Mysticfell Series

Artwork by D685ab7f (https://www.furaffinity.net/user/d685ab7f)

Story and Characters by me

Alister awakens to find himself outside, he's confused about what happened to him the previous night. Was it all a dream? His question is quickly answered answered as he finds his new accessory fit snuggly on his tail. Eager to test the worth of what he was told the Minccino finds himself an opponent.

During the fight Alister discovers far more than he he was expecting, the power he seeks and so much more.

Chapter 9


The bright early morning sun awoke Alister the next morning, the Minccino found himself sleeping underneath the old oak tree in the park, his body felt oddly well rested and ready for today's travel. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep in the park, though he was sure that he was in a different spot when he passed out. Unnecessary details though. Getting up he noticed that he was wearing that strange right from last night, the one he saw in his dreams. It was attached to his tail near the base of it, the material was stone like, it was black with white stripes on it. It was mostly smooth to the touch with a few small ridges here and there. What material was this, it wasn't any kind of metal he knew about. More importantly how much of his dream was a dream and how much of it was real? Did he really see Basil and Shawn or were they nothing more than a dream?

Thinking about Basil and Shawn were they out looking for him, he did run away from home after all. Crossing his arms, the Minccino thought about going home and linking up with them, there was no point in running off now. But...Shawn. Did he really want to go on this trip with him, what would he bring to the table other than cupcakes? And who brings cupcakes? Alister sighs, he was so upset with Shawn last night that he didn't even try the cupcake and Shawn had worked so hard on it. What was he thinking, Shawn wouldn't have baked them himself, he was sure that he someone one his father's staff do it? Why bake something when he could just have someone else do it. Plus, didn't he talk about hosting that fight with Chip and Hathor, how could he go from that with cupcakes? Who brings cupcakes on an epic adventure? Too many questions for this early in the morning.

Alister began walking back towards the apartment, though as he went along, he saw the practice field, there were already a few Pokemon out getting in a morning workout. One of the Pokemon he saw was a Sycther practicing its cutting attacks against several tied together branches. It sliced the branches in a single cut making the Minccino become a little nervous. He would hate to have to fight that Pokemon. Walking away Alister feels like something was tugging at his tail, pulling him back towards the practice field.

'Fight that bug? Why would I want to do that?'

Alister feels a tug at his tail again.

'I can take him...I'm sure of it. Ya...ya...he's just a bug anyway, right? Avoid his one-shot slices and I'm sure I'll be fine...'

Alister walks towards the practice field passing by a few large looking Pokemon. Some of them he remembered worked for Highlands Guild as guards or guild Pokemon. The Guild wasn't just for adventurers to meet or find work, the guild also outfits the city with guards for external protection, police for internal protection, it also helped manage the merchant stales, provided education for young Pokemon and soon will have a stake in the arena that was about to open. And his father helped to run all of it...large paws to fill. But now wasn't the time to be reminded of his daddy issues.

Alister reaches the large black board used to mark down the daily opponents, currently no one was on it. He looks for some chalk and began writing his name on the board...

"Hey what you are doing?" A Machoke asked, the large Pokemon was bench pressing a sawed down tree trunk with a pair of boulders attached to it.

"I think he's looking for a beat down." A Rhydon says from the side. "You know kids these days think they are worth a damn. This field is for the City Guards only kid."

"I'm sorry...I just feel like getting in a fight this morning." Alister says. The Minccino thought that he was losing his mind, it was one thing to come to the practice field to watch the matches, it was another thing to write your name on the board and leave it open for you to face anyone. These Pokemon were guards, their job was to protect the outside of the city and the surrounding towns. They fought against wild Pokemon all the time with some even possibly going into Mystery Dungeons that sprang up.

The Machoke throws the tree trunk away, gets up and flexes. "Just erase your name kid, the smaller Pokemon practice field is a little aways. Maybe the babies will suite your needs better."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Alister asked. He looks towards the Scyther, the Pokemon wasn't even paying them any attention.

"It means that someone of your size, age, and more importantly power is not worth any of our time." The muscled Pokemon walks towards Alister, bends over and taps his head. "Laters...oh my god you smell. When was the last time you took a bath?"

"You know I came here because I wanted to fight that Scyther but I guess you'll do." Alister says. "That's if you're not scared."

"Me scared of you?" The Machoke bellows a loud laugh, the Rhyhorn follows suit. "Oh, kid you make me laugh, you really do. I needed that after my set...." The Machoke claps his hands. "GAINS!"

"Calm down Mr. Testosterone, and I'm not joking." Alister plants a foot. "You and me big guy. If you're so tough prove it."

"Are you hearing this guy?" The Machoke asked his friend. "He wants to fight the boss. He wants to fight me. Did you get laid last night kid, busted a nut in some hot pussy and now you think your all that?"

"Kid is crazy like a Spinda."

"Oh, my last girl was a Spinda, frisky little thing. Made sure I used that good old Protect if you know what I mean. Last thing this world needs is me helping to put crazier in it."

"That's the truth. Around crazy always provide your own."

Alister balls his fist. "Are you two done with your locker room talk? Cause if you are then let's fight, I'm not in the mood to waste my time." Alister didn't know why but he needed this fight, he needed to test the power of this ring. Maybe it was just a dream but...where did it come from? He was told by that mysterious Pokemon that this ring will allow him to experience his true potential so...let's see if it's true.

"Locker room talk...you hear this. This kid is funny, I love this kid he's so spunky." The Machoke bellows again though this time heads towards the field. "Alright kid you want to fight let's fight. I'll send you back to whatever pussy gave you the balls to challenge the City Guards. Little Devil." The Machoke meets Alister in the middle of the field. "So how badly do you want to lose?"


Alister's fight began with the Machoke taking a few steps forward and then retreating, he was trying to bait out an attack from him. And he got it as Alister didn't want to play this footies game, this wasn't Pokemon Tournament Fighters, this was the real deal, and he didn't have patience to play this guy's game. Alister closed the distance and swipes at the Machoke who grabbed him out of the air and threw him a bit away. The fighting Pokemon followed up by closing the distance, he grabs Alister's tail yanking him into his arms.

"Time to go for a ride." The Machoke throws him behind him sending Alister across the field, the Minccino skips on the hard ground landing on his face. He felt dizzy and confused. In the span of seconds, he lost the neutral game and was completely on the defensive.

'What the hell is going on?'

~ What are you doing? ~ Alister heard a voice ask him. The Minccino looks around trying to find the source. His tail felt so warm... ~ Look as hard as you might you will not physically see me...at least not yet. I'm too weak right now to do more than this. ~

'Am I going crazy?'

~ No. I need you to focus Alister. I did not choose you just to watch you fail already. ~

'Are you Ommin?'

~ Ommin! Do not compare me to that fool. Focus on the fight and do not worry about who I am. ~

Alister got up, his body arched all over, but he wasn't about to let this Machoke win. The fighting Pokemon flexes, his chest throbs a few times. "You like it?"

"Sus." Alister gets on all four, he needed to take gain the advantage state, staying on defense all match was a sure way to lose. "Let me deflate that ego a bit." Alister closes in again, this time his mind was a little clearer, his muscles for slightly stronger and his tail was so...warm. He liked it. As he got in on the Machoke he dodges a Karate Chop, the attack split the ground where his finger's touched. Alister jumps at the Pokemon and swipes him with his tail smacking his face twice before landing at his feet, he swipes at them with his tail knocking the larger Pokemon over. Alister attempts to follow up one more time, but it caught by the Machoke's hand.

"Come here boy!"

Alister is slammed onto the ground, he nearly blacks out from the hit.

"Just too slow." Alister heard the Machoke bellow, his laugher was one of the few things he could focus his mind on. He felt like he was running out of gas, every hit felt worst than the last. How was he going to deal with someone who seemed able to catch him at every turn?

~ Alister Blacktail, son of Bangam and Nikcino Blacktail. ~ The voice spoke. Alister closes his eyes and focused his mind on the voice, as he did so he felt like his attention was being directed towards his tail and that warmth. His ring...why was it warm?

'Who are you?'

~ A friend, mentor, whatever you need me to be. ~

'So, you're not that old Pokemon who came to me?' Alister tries to get up, but his body refused to respond. Great...he was about to experience another lost.


~ You must get up, if you do then I can lend you what strength I have. ~ The voice spoke. ~ I can't stand the idea of the Pokemon I handpicked to be so easily defeated. And by some meat head of all things. ~


'I think the pain is getting to me.' Alister tries to rise again, he feels his paws shifting under him. 'I'm hearing voices.'


~ I'm more than a voice Alister. I am the way for you to achieve what you want. ~ And image flashed in Alister's mind, a large Pokemon, it was dark just like his ring, same color as if the ring and him were one in the same. Alister felt almost as if he could reach out and touch the Pokemon, what was he? A dragon? A god? He wanted to know...no he needed to know.


'Five? What the fuck happened to four?' Alister struggles to get himself up faster.

~ You were so focused on my image you stopped paying attention to the count. You still have five secs. All you need is one second to let me in...Let me lend you, my strength. ~ The voice says. ~ All you must do is accept me. And you win. You get what you...deserve. ~


'Eight?' Alister gasped. 'This is bullshit! How am I supposed to come back...I can't lose...I'm tired of losing? I lost to Shawn, I'm about to lose to this guy! I've lost to so many Pokemon before now and I'm tired of it! I'm tired of being a LOSER!!' Alister pounds his fist against the ground, his heart was pounding in his chest. 'I don't know what you are, who you are but...are better yet what you are but...Lets do this thing. Help me out.'

~ With pleasure. ~

Alister's became warm, his tail scrapes across the ground kicking up dirt. He quickly rose onto his four paws the Minccino lets out growl. Alister's eyes glare at the Machoke who had flexing and showing off for the few Pokemon that were watching while his friend had been conducting the count.

"Hey he's back up." The Rhydon yells.

"He got up after that?" The Machoke asked. "Whoa what got into him, he looks...feral."

Alister took a moment to look at his paws, he noticed he had claws, his nails had grown out, they were darker than normal. Behind him his tail's color had become darker, the ring was pulsing a blue light. He thought it looked a little odd but...who cares, this strength...there was no way he could lose.

"You ready for round two?" Alister asked, his voice was a little deeper.

"I like that confidence, its going to make it that much better when I crush it." The Machoke says. He closes the distance between them with a single step. Unlike last time the world seemed...slower, Alister was able to see how his opponent was moving and he reacted in kind as he raced to meet him. His claws dug into the dirt under him, he quickly got under his opponent who had little time to react.

"How did you--"

"..." Alister didn't respond to him right away, instead ramming his horns into the Machoke to knock the wind out of him. Alister pushed from his opponent landing a little away, a pair of claw marks was etched into the Machoke's stomach. He falls onto a knee.

"Damn that hurts..." The fighting Pokemon tries to catch his breath. Alister's tail twitched.

"You lose, my next attack will do you in." Alister smirks, the Minccino licks his claws, they began glowing pink. "Some guard, losing to a kid."

"You don't have the guts to do it--"

Alister didn't need much motivation to finish his opponent off, the Minccino swipes at the Machoke slashing him with his charged claws. The image of his father doing the same thing flashed in his mind, the way he channeled his power into his claws and horn, that raw power that could crush any opponent he faced. Why did his father and sister have to be the only one's with access to such power? He deserved that kind of strength too.

"Is that...Psycho Cut?" It wasn't the Rhydon who asked the question, but the very Pokemon that Alister had came here to face. The Minccino growls, he was done playing with this broken toy, the Machoke laid on the ground a fine cut ran from his shoulder down to his stomach. That should scar up nicely, give him a nice reminder of who he lost too. Alister felt the ring pulse.

The Rhydon ran out to assist his fallen friend, the Machoke was still breathing. Alister didn't try to end his life though it was hard to do so when there was so much magical protection here to prevent fatal blows. No he'll be out for a while but he should be alright after some rest.

"I hope your satisfied?" The Rhydon bitterly asked. "Matches are supposed to be fun."

"I had fun." Alister smugly responds. "Don't worry Spinda's dig scars."

Alister sees the Scyther eyeing him, the bug Pokemon didn't approach him, but he could tell that he was sizing him up. Once satisfied he flies away to tend to his defeated teammate. Alister licks his claws again, he could get used to this feeling and more importantly this power. What ever this ring was, it worked, and he loved it.

~ Excellent. See what happens when you let your inner strength rise. You might not be an Absol, but the DNA still runs through your veins and with the right...manipulation it can be brought out. Stick with me Alister, we're going to do great things together. ~

'I don't know what you are but...I like you. I like this power.' Alister says. The ring pulsed again, though this time inside of him feeling stronger he felt weaker, the power that he had been given faded away and with it the feeling of being...worth wild. He got up, his limbs felt so much weaker, his mind wasn't as clear and...he felt vulnerable.

~ Yes, power is good...power is great. Though I can only lend you my strength for so long Alister from where I'm at. I'm not what I used to be and...it shows. But together we can become what we're meant to be...together. Your father, mother, friends...they don't see in you what I do. I've waited so long to find someone who was compatible...I will not allow you to fail my friend. But my power only last so long, make sure to use it well. But the more we bond together the stronger WE shall become. Think about it Alister, Basil will respect you more and if she does...why I'm sure other good things will happen besides just winning a few matches. I can give this to you. ~

'You don't have to convince me, I'm tired of being a loser.' Alister looks at his paws, he missed the claws already. 'What do I call you though? Who do I owe this power too?' Alister asked. He needed to know what to call this...thing. What does he call the being that gave him a taste of what it meant to be worth something and free him from the prison of being a loser?

~ You can call me, Necro though I don't mind Neo as well. I'm whatever you want me to be...partner. ~


Alister returned home in time to find Basil and Shawn were walking out of the apartment, the Quilava's eyes were slightly puffy. The moment she saw him she raced over to the Minccino, hugs him and then pinched his tail.

"Ouch!" Alister tries to pull away, but her grip was oddly very firm. "What did I do?"

"You know what you did you idiot." Basil growls. "You don't think I didn't notice you leaving last night, but I decided to let you go out so you can clear your head and then come back to me. You didn't come back."

"I came back..." Alister says, the Minccino felt like he didn't do anything wrong.

"Ya the next morning." Shawn says.

"Wait why is he here?" Alister asked. "Were you two..."

"NO!" His friends bitterly tell him.

"Come on we're going over to Kyuubi's place for breakfast." Basil says. "And before you ask, we're going over since while I was calling around looking for you Kyuubi invited us over for breakfast. Since I was busy looking for you, I didn't have time to make breakfast." Basil grab's Alister's collar.

"Do not forget why we wear these Alister..."

"I know..." The Minccino sighs. He didn't expect to come home to a worried Basil, or a surprisingly worried Shawn. Why did he get worried for him, they were only friends? Well...friends do worry about other friends, but at the same time what friend shakes up with your mate all night. What if he...

Alister felt his tail being moved around, Basil and Shawn were both looking at his new accessory.

"Where did you get that from?" Shawn asked.

"I um...found it..."

Who was going to believe that he had a dream of being with his friends and then a mysterious Alakazam shows up talking about weird stuff that he didn't even fully remember and then he is given a ring that is supposed to help bring out his potential? Which worked...he did take down a Machoke who right before that moment had their little match won. But all great things happen with time, and it was time for Alister to rise to greatness, with Necro's help he'll never have to taste bitter defeat again.

"Really now?" Basil asked him as she holds onto him, the pair slowly walk down the hall with Shawn following behind. She didn't seem that convinced. Alister knew that he'll need to watch himself when around his mate, she always seemed to have a weird sense to know when he was lying, and he didn't like it.


The trio arrives as the fox Pokemon's apartment, it was the closes residence to the edge of the city, and it would be easy to leave here and head straight out on their adventure. Alister didn't want to hurry up and get his adventure going but as always there was one final obstacle between him and his goal...

"Huh...what you are doing here?" Chip asked at the front door.

"Believe me, I wouldn't be here if I didn't have to be." Alister groans as he was being held still by Basil.

"Hello Chip, you are looking for good today. Kyuubi invited us over" Basil smiles. "I would have brought something but--"

"But you were worried about Alister and couldn't possibly think about cooking." It was Kyuubi, the odd hybrid fox speaks from the kitchen. He walks towards the door and bows. "I am so excited to see you guys. Chip let them in."

"I'm not the door Pokemon Kyuubi!" The Zorua groans. "Why is all of the Pokemon in my life so bossy..." Chip lets the group in. Basil finally puts Alister down in front of the Zorua before she heads into the kitchen to help Kyuubi with the cooking while Shawn goes over to the window to start sunbathing. Alister noticed the pink Fennekin Hathor trotting out of the bathroom, her fur was slightly puffed up.

"She just took a bath." Chip puts a paw on his nose. "You smell."

"Why does everyone have to point that out." Alister closes the door behind him and sits on the couch. "I lost my match against Shawn and--"

"Oh, I know...Shawn told me and Hathor everything." Chip says as he takes a seat next to him. "Guessing you two haven't done it against since then."

"That was a one-time thing Chip." Alister sighs. "Shawn told me how your match went, losing to your girlfriend."

"It was a draw!"

"Not the way Shawn tells it. Hathor dominated you from beginning to the end, the only thing she didn't do was publicly take your pride."

"Ya well at least my best friend didn't practice his bondage fetish on me." Chip snapped back. Alister lets out a groan hearing that.

"Why did you have to remind me..." Alister sighs. I didn't deserve that you know. It's a big reason why I wanted to get away from this town, so I can escape that stupid moment. Basil insists that we drag Shawn along. But he's the reason I want to go."

"Have you tried talking to him?"

"About what?" Alister asked.

Basil walks back in holding a tray with some small cheese slices on it. She pets the boys' heads and then walks back into the kitchen. Alister looks at the food.

"Look it's not my place to get involved with you two but he really...." Chip looked unsure of himself.


"This feels really weird...you're really telling me you don't notice how he looks at you?"

"What that he is always looking to one up me?" Alister asked. "Or that he wants to mock me and make fun of me or--"

"Chip." Hathor says from near where Shawn was. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure..." The Zorua got up and leaves Alister by himself. The Minccino lays down on the couch, he felt so lost. He wanted to be on the road right now, not hanging out with the breakfast club. Maybe therefore Pokemon who want to become stronger walked alone, it was easy to get stronger when you didn't need anyone else in your life. He thought back to his fight he just had, the image of him leaping at that Machoke and using...what was it...Psycho Cut? How was he able to do that? Was it the ring? And that voice...

"Alright everyone who is ready to eat?" Kyuubi says as the fox comes out of the kitchen. "Can you guys help set the table, we need plates, cups, and napkins."

"I'm starving." Shawn says while getting up from his short nap. "Alister, do you want to help me?"


"Because you're a good friend and that is what good friends do." Basil pokes her head out of the kitchen. "Besides don't you want to catch up with your best friend?"

"But we came over here together..." Alister sighs and goes into the kitchen to help Shawn set up. The boys take down the plates and together set the table. Shawn seemed extra energetic after his short nap. From time to time the saur had a little bounce in his step. Shawn smiles brightly as they finish setting their portion of the table and.

"Are you excited?"

"To get out of this city, ya." Alister sits in his spot. Hathor and Chip set the drinks of the table and then take their seats together. Alister watches as Basil and Kyuubi finish by bringing in the food. He wondered what Basil has talked about with Kyuubi, the two of them had been in the kitchen for a while.

"Alright everyone thanks you for helping to set up for breakfast." Kyuubi says before letting them eat. "Today all of us are finally going to go out and enjoy summer. My mom likes to say, "Adventure is at paw, you just have to poke your nose around enough to find it." But I hope that we can all travel together and see this fantastic region of ours to the fullest before having to commit to life."

Everyone agrees. Alister watches Basil stand up to speak as well.

"Thank you everyone for being willing to keep a look out for my Alister, even though he came on his own. Kyuubi not only were you willing to possibly help look should the need arise you offered to fix this meal for me as well. You guys are some real friends and it'll be a pleasure to at least do a little traveling with you all."

Alister gasped, not only was Shawn being dragged along but now Kyuubi and the fox club was coming too! What happened to his journey of discovery, of adventure, his quest to become a better fighter? This was turning into something else, and he didn't like it. He needed to get some air or something. Alister decides to step away just after the group began eating, the Minccino excused himself to get some air and found himself pacing around out on the balcony. From here he could see the border to the city, there wasn't a great wall protecting the city but rather a lake. Once he crossed that bridge, he'll be outside of the city and would hit the forest that acted as a boundary.

"Are you coming back in?" Basil was the one to ask. She smelled of their breakfast.

"I just want some air." Alister sighs. "My adventure feels like it's been stolen from me, and we haven't even left the city yet."

"What do you mean?"

"Shawn, and now the fox trio...what kind of adventure party is this?" Alister says. "This was supposed to be my journey of discovery."

"And it still is." Basil says as she wraps her arms around Alister and squeezes him. The Minccino manages to push himself free. "Someone seems a little stronger."

"Never feels that way."

"Alister this still is your adventure, so what if you have a few others tagging along. It makes traveling that much more fun and it also means you don't have to do everything by yourself." Basil grabs him again this time holding him in a way that made it impossible for him to escape. "Even if Shawn wasn't coming along, I would be here for you. I'll always find your Alister, even if it means walking to the end of the world."

"Same..." The Minccino says.

"Same." It was Shawn. "Even if you act childish sometimes."

"And jealous." Basil pitched in.

"And you whine a lot."


"Ok!" Alister growls. "I get it..."

Alister's friends laugh together, the Minccino gets a big hug from both Basil and Shawn. "Hey, don't..." Alister feels the air pushed out of him from the group hug. "Guys..." Alister manages to slip from their grip. He didn't like hearing all his flaws.

"You guys really love me that much?"

"YES!" They say together.

"Guys..." Alister sighs, he didn't know how much he deserved this much love. Shawn was...and odd friend to have but someone he loved having on his side. And Basil...he sometimes wondered if he deserved her. She didn't deserve a loser as a mate, she was good, good for that. Alister feels his ring becoming warm. He looks at his paw, the image of that other form, those claws, that strength, yes...with that power Basil will never have to see him lose again. His father was wrong, there was no room in this world for a loser. With this power behind him he'll never lose again, not to Pokemon like that Machoke, not to Pokemon like that cowardly Scyther and most of all...

"You alright Alister?" Shawn asked. Alister stares at Shawn, his so-called friend, but in truth he was his rival, the Pokemon he needed to defeat to be worth anything. Sooner or later, he'll challenge him again and next time he'll make Shawn experience what that Machoke experienced. He'll leave a mark on Shawn that he'll never forget, and he'll experience the humiliation that he's made him endure.

"Yes Shawn...I'm perfectly fine." Alister smiles.

~ Excellent... ~

Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 10 | Meadow

# Chapter 10 Meadow Port Lore the city of the ancients, here is where magic was first discovered, where the creation of the plates had been conducted and where the magical history of the region was stored. The great library or...

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Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 8 | Alister

# Chapter 8 Alister Alister's family lived in a high rise that overlooked the park. Bangam had moved here just after Alister was born and it was his place that lived in until he met Basil and left to live with her. The family's villa was...

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Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 7 | Chip

# Chapter 7 Chip Highlands Arena, the crown jewel of the Cheater empire, or at least that was what Shawn told Chip and Hathor as he guided them through the entrance hall. Chip and Hathor had run into Shawn when they went to the park...

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