Lost in your Eyes - Chapter 7

Story by Ambelsyn on SoFurry

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#5 of Lost in your Eyes

They had reached Mike's house rather quickly. Mike turned into a little ball of nerves, still not sure how to explain anything to his mother. He prayed that Max knew what he was doing. They both left the car and began walking up to the front door only to see Ronda yanking open the door, barging out and stomping towards Mike. She lifted up a claw to slap at her son in her rage. Mike flinched, awaiting the inevitable. "Wait! Ma'am, let me explain! This is my fault!"

Ronda stayed her wrath after the fox spoke, looking down at the boy in amazement. "Darty...is that you?" Max shook his head, smiling warmly to her. "No, ma'am. I do have his eyes though, thanks to a transplant. Otherwise, I just happen to look like him." Mike peeked from under his arm, looking up at his Mother. She glared back down at him, the look in her eyes telling him that they would finish their buisness soon. Max coughed into his fist quietly before he spoke.

"Ma'am, I moved in about a week ago, and my first few days here were not the best. Mike was the only one who showed me any hint of hospitality, and he stood by my side when I chose not to go to school these last two days. I had to hide from my mom and dad while they were fighting, and I didn't know where else to go. I felt alone, and I didn't want to go back to school to be bullied..." Mike felt sick to hear this fib. It wasn't going to work...even if the story were true, he couldn't use it as an excuse to skip school. Max then began to tear up as he looked pleadingly into Ronda's eyes. "Please...forgive me for wasting your son's time...and thank you for raising your child to be such a sweet young wolf." Ronda was hypnotized by the eyes of who she knew as Mike's fallen best friend, and her heart melted with pity. She shook her head, sighing. "It's all right...Mike's grades are strong, and he can catch back up." Ronda lifted Mike's chin up to look him in the eyes, smiling down at her son. "Mike, you're grounded for the whole week next week. You'll be studying in your room, nothing else. If you want to invite your new friend or Spencer over, you can stay in the kitchen to study at the table."

Mike was shocked. How could this possibly have worked? Max had some kind of magic powers it seemed, a power of manipulation. Mike nodded to his mother, who he was glad to hear punish him lightly. It was enough to let him know that she cared about his future, and light enough to not be too overbearing on his youthful life. He gave her a tight hug. "I'm sorry, Mom..." Ronda returned the hug, patting his son on the back. She looked at Max who was smiling now, the tears seeming to have vanished in an instant. "Please join us for dinner. I'm almost done with meatloaf, and I have plenty extra!" Mike grinned goofily. She would make spending time with his new mate so much easier. He also loved her meatloaf...it was orgasmic. "I'd love to! Anything to stay away fom my parents." Mike noticed Max gazing into his mother's eyes with the same look that melted his own heart. He was somewhat bothered...surely he's not showing THAT kind of interest in his mom...is he?

"Well, if you're that afraid, you can spend the night. I wouldn't mind the company. But you'll have to stay in Mike's room, or in the living room." Ronda sniffed the air, the horrid stench of Mike's B.O. hitting her like a brick. "Jeez Mike! Get out of those clothes and into the shower, pronto! Dinner will be ready in 40 minutes." Mike nodded, looking over at Max with a thanking nod. Max followed him inside, followed shortly by Ronda.

Mike to the room that was just across from his own. It was the large bathroom with a shower/tub at the far side. Mike quickly stripped off his dirty clothes, grabbing a towel out of the closet and hanging it over the railing next to the shower. He slid the curtain open and stepped into the cold top, shivering from the sensation. He removed the head of the shower from its resting place, turning on the water and aiming the water away from his fur until it would be hot enough to satisfy him. The hot water came eventually, and he hung the shower head back up, letting the water wet his fur. The heat felt so unbearably good against him. He hadn't showered in over two days.

He heard the bathroom door open up, assuming Mom had come to get something out of the closet. He heard the door close again shortly after. He went back to cleaning himself off, stroking along his chest down to his thighs with a lathered up washrag. He stroked through his cheeks where his sore anus was gently rubbing the warmth against the sore. It felt amazingly good...only a gentle pain ebbed through him upon each touch, followed by a release of bliss. It was like the feel of gently stroking a bruise...it sent life through you via genlte pain. He felt a sudden coldness hit his back, followed quickly by a great warmth. He turned around to see Max, standing naked and arroused next to him. Max quickly snatched the shower head away from Mike, grinning amorously at the wolf.

Mike felt scared...was he about to be raped again? Well, at least it was here. Perhaps it would be enjoyable in a clean shwoer. "Mmm, Mike...let me make up for an unpleasant first time hm?" Max twisted the shower head, changing it to shoot one stream of hot water instead of several weak streams. He got on his knees, brushing his lips against the sheath of his mate. Mike shuddered, feeling a wave of excitement stimulate his every sense. He shut his eyes, letting the fox earn his way back into Mike's interest. Max aimed the warm stream dead on at Mike's abused anus, forcing a loud murr that rumbled within Mike. It felt amazing...It was better than anything he's ever felt. Perhaps this was Max's plan all along. He became stiff quickly, only to be further stimulated at Max's muzzle stroked along the length of Mike's member, tongue grazing against the sensetive base of his length. Mike bucked his hips into Max's, paws using his ears as handles for easier riding. Max held still for the wolf, only spreading open those sore cheeks to make sure he kept spraying his healing heat into his mate.

"Max...fuck..." Mike felt Max's paw pressing firmly beneath his sack making his climax even harder to get to. Mike bucked wildly into him, instincts making him do what he can to cum without having to shove Max's paw away. It was frustrating beyond belief...Max knew the wolf's body too well, and forced him to build up his pleasure. Max chuckled some at the torture he was putting Mike through, hi tail waggin in excitement. Mike loudly yelled in plea, "Fucking let me come!" Max let his paw drop, pushing his muzzle around the not and swallowing repeatedly after deepthroating the throbbing member. Mike let out a quiet howl, spilling tons of seed into the fox's tummy. He violently bucked his hips, forcing every ounce of himself out before he would collapse against the side of the shower. He was relieved...and the soreness in his rear was subsiding. Max stood up, pressing his wet fur against Mike's. "Do you feel better now, sweety?" Mike looked into Max's eyes, seeing the caring gaze that Darty always had. He leaned in to passionately kiss his lover. He was entranced by the alpha's care. He loved being the bitch in the relationship...he wanted it. He'd follow Max wherever he went now, knowing he was cared for.

The bathroom door slammed open. "What the FUCK is going on in here!?" Mike's heart stopped, looking at Max in a plea. Max looked back, still as happy as he was before. Mike wondered how Max would explain this to his mother...or if he really couldn't.