It was Deception at First Sight

Story by TheSilverFox on SoFurry

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This was an entry for a Cafe Plaisir writing contest done about a year ago. After the contest, I always wanted to tweak and edit it some before I ever posted it. Well, that took longer than anticipated. So have a little bit of smut and mystery in a short story that I hope a few at least enjoy!

Thanks to Dark Violet for a wonderful universe, and all the others that gave wonderful feedback last year when looking over my story for the first time. I'm genuinely grateful for it all <3

Night. The time of debauchery, sleuthing, revelry, intimacy, and pure carnal lust. Well, nothing stops that from happening in the day around here either... Music filled the room, each song laced with heavy bass, deep buildups, and crashing drops that drove the room wilder. Lighting was dim, and the 'mon that crowded the floor could barely see those that grinded right next to them. But as a strobe or beam would catch the dancers just right, each time it seemed you were next to someone new.

Even on just her first night, the sneasel was intoxicated by it all as a plethora of guests took to Dark Pulse's dance scene. The tempo of music stepping up just a bit more with each song made hips sway and throw caution to the wind. Fur, scales, and feathers all danced around the sneasel, her panting and thumping heart loud in her ears as the smell of exertion, musk, and heat filled the room in a thrilling and passionate tango. Partners came and went through the setlist as the cat-like weasel seemed to gyrate her woes away.

But with all of her partners that moved through the crowd like rolling waves on the beach shore, one lingered... The Typhlosion who stood nearly twice her height rested a paw on the smaller one's shoulders as fiery red eyes met nearly matching ruby red eyes. The fire 'mons gaze seemed almost predatory...Like a hunter who had cornered its prey, but almost as soon as it came, it was replaced with a softer look as the fiery beast took the lead and sauntered together on the floor like a passionate young couple. Being half the height created a learning curve at first, especially as the typhlosion took the lead. Though she, and the Typhlosion was definitely a she from this close of an angle as the sneasel's head would press into the midriff of soft fur every few twirls, seemed to be so experienced that even with two left paws there was nothing to worry about.

Another twirl by the typhlosion left her alone for a moment. Was the dance move messed up as she was let go? It caused her to stumble just slightly and bump another dancer. But before she could even apologize or catch her bearings, her paw was caught and pulled back into the electrifying bass drops as the sneasel and typhlosion gyrated together. But the fire mon's movements seemed just a bit rougher than mere moments before, which was dismissed as just additional exertion and excitement between the two dancers. And their scent was it different?...No, it was still there, just best to blame it on the concoction of 'mon around them messing with her nose.

Words were nonexistent as the pair seemed to dismiss everyone else around them and the only call into the night had been their labored panting. Was this where the night would take the ice type? Moments later the DJ hit a scratch that rolled into another high intensity song, but the sneasel was instead swiftly pulled through the crowd by her paw. Still no words had been spoken, but the possessive presence being demonstrated here only made her give in and get swept away in a new high while the music and dancing with the other denizens began to slowly fade and her focus was on the partner in front of her.

Then the euphoric daydream broke as the small weasel-like 'mon hit the ground with a rather loud grunt. A too excited guest had split them up and swung right into the sneasel knocking her off balance, and all she could do was quickly scramble to her feet before potentially getting stepped on. Wild eyed and caught off guard she tried to frantically search for the typhlosions warm embrace. Low lights, loud music, and strobes destroyed her senses and couldn't focus to find her partner. A few moments had passed and the nightlife had seemed to close in and push her away from the one lead she had on a unique evening, and as she caught her breath and took a few steps to leave the dancefloor, her paw was caught from behind. She turned and an audible gasp escaped the sneasel seeing a smiling typhlosion yet again come back as a savior...Was she really this desperate?

"Thank y-" The sneasel was cut off by a warm digit to the muzzle and just a wink before being pulled closely and more carefully escorted through the dancefloor this time with such a gentle caring grasp. The cinnamon...That smell was so distinguishable now that she wanted to focus on it and not let it go.

The bass of Dark Pulse could be heard behind them as the pair took to the bar out front. A claw was pressed up to the sneasel's muzzle as it had begun to open, preventing her from saying anything yet again, and in return offered her a note written in delicate calligraphy. '20 minutes, room 212 <3'. The female fire type only offered a smile and a wink before taking a drink off the bar and sauntering off, leaving the slightly confused and bewildered sneasel alone. Looking around, no one else gave her a second glance or cause for concern and it left her with a choice to make.

Room 212

20 minutes later

There was a gentle and even a bit hesitant tapping on the door from a curious sneasel who couldn't help but give in to the mystery.

"Please, come in." The voice was soft...Almost distant, and with the slightest apprehension caused by a fair bit of butterfrees in the stomach, the sneasel stepped into the next unknown of her visit.

Her first thoughts were that she stepped into a different era. This was much grander than her own. A cozy warmth radiated from the modernized, but still rustic room. Dark hardwood flooring meshed cleanly with stoned walls that looked so real she wanted to run her claws over them. Ears flicked from the sound of a crackling fireplace, which was an exotic touch for a room. There was no smell of smoke or fire, so maybe gas...But the crackle was so realistic. The flames entranced her as she thought of how much Plaisir seemed to be dedicated to the details. Her attention was pulled from the dancing flame as a cleared throat turned her attention to the typhlosion leaned against a doorway. The gaze of the typhlosion crackled and danced like the flame on the hearth, and the piercing stare made her feel like she was about to be the next prize on a trophy wall.

"I'm so glad you decided to come. It was magnificent dancing with you, and I was truly hoping you would come back to have another dance." The voice was deeper than one would have expected from such a sultry female fire type. It was gentle though...Very calm and soothing almost like those first steps one would take across a field of freshly laid snow.

The sneasel could feel her cheeks flush softly at the comment before speaking. "We're here to live in the moment, right? No purpose in wasting our time or chances. That's what actually brought me here to this Café in the first place. I feel like I've passed up too many chances in my days...And I want to change that, to do something different and bold!"

With a nod and chuckle, the typhlosion turned and walked into the attached room, a finger curling over her shoulder to motion a growingly excited sneasel to follow.

"It is definitely an interesting place. Many things happen here, and from my few times of being a guest I can say I've never been dissatisfied with my experience. If you're looking for something to do, well, you've definitely come to the right place...And the right room." The Ty spoke with a rhythmic and pleased tone.

The adjoined room kept to the same fashion of a rustic hearth. The focal point was definitely the large bed trimmed out of beautifully crafted dark wood with gentle white accents. The sneasel's eyes were focused on it, especially with an incredibly attractive typhlosion that stood and grinned at the edge.

"Care to join me?"

As the fire type extended her paw to the sneasel, she stepped forward with her heartbeat throbbing in her ears and a flutter in her chest. A fire type was nothing like anything she had been with before and she could only expect that things were about to get very heated. And even in the heat of the moment, something still seemed slightly off but she couldn't quite place her claw on it as she took the typhlosion's paw.

"Of course, and you may call me Jasmine."

"Adar;" was the bipedal badger-like 'mon's response. It was a unique name, one the sneasel thought odd for a female. And about that time, any real thoughts melted as her head was tilted back into a firm kiss. Her eyes widened for a moment, and quickly closed while being embraced by the larger fire type at the edge of the bed.

Something wasn't right though, and she placed it on the scent...It was different now. Being this close, it was a very subtle difference but still noticeable, the lack of cinnamon. It was almost nonexistent. The kiss broke, and Jasmine figured it out another realization in the same moment as red flesh began to peek out of a sheath hidden amidst fur. Immediately her thoughts raced and ears flicked back in confusion and a slight bit of concern.

Taking a step back her muzzle opened, but no words came out due to her uncertainty of the situation. This in result caused the typhlosion's head to tilt. "Is something wrong?"

A few seconds of silence lingered in the air before she decided to voice her concern.

"I...I thought. On the dance floor...You, um, were a...Female? I...Could have sworn..."

Adar only smiled at her question. "Well this place can surely mess with one's senses. I assure you that I am a fully endowed male." He chuckled as a warm paw caressed her cheek. "Though, I hope this realization doesn't change anything if it was not to your expectations?"

Jasmine had seen it though...The hint of that fiery snatch she had stared at and daydreamed of driving her muzzle into back in Dark Pulse. But...How would he have known of them...Or changed? Was this a zoroark? But his paw was so gentle and inviting as she leaned into his touch. Was this some trick of the mind? The caress turned to another soft kiss as her eyes closed and warmth pressed to her muzzle. Maybe she was a bit disoriented in Dark Pulse from hitting her head and had been wrong all along. A hefty moan escaped her muzzle as he picked her up, while paws kneaded into her rear and laid her down in the bed.

"...It doesn't," she nearly purred out. Quite frankly, at this point her mind gave up caring and even if she wasn't expecting some shaft to begin with, the thought was truly growing on her while her neck was craned back into a soft pillow and the typhlosion above her was nipping along her curves.

He was larger and radiated so much heat as he once more kissed her. This was what she wanted, this was the purpose of Plaisir, right? To throw caution to the wind and be swept up in the moment. Her claws traced his sides and felt the toned muscle beneath soft fur. He was strong...Powerful...And given the situation she could even sense it.

"Then just relax."

The Typhlosion let out a low, almost hum of a voice as he pulled away from her muzzle, leaving a paw that gripped her shoulder and him almost towering above her. As Jasmine sunk into the bed, the sneasel's heart fluttered at the sight and then she felt the pulsing of blood in her head when the feeling of an almost searing warmth between her legs pressed against her. The involuntary whimper that came from it only made Adar grin. Breaking his gaze, she saw between her spread legs the hefty shaft that threatened to break down her entrance.

Her gasp only made him laugh as he took her smaller leg and held it with the softest of touches before the throbbing red length ground against her delicate folds. It almost burned. Fire types had always been a fantasy, but did they really have to be this more ways than one? A shiver ran down her spine as that tip teased her tight entrance, and then another loud gasp that turned to a heady moan as she gripped the forearm that held her shoulder when that shaft split her for the first time. He pressed into her at a languid pace, and it seemed to just keep going.

"Fuck. I...Fuck..."

She panted and clung to the larger 'mon as he began to rock into her. The thick, fiery shaft worked its way into the smaller sneasel's snatch and his soft pants only spurred her on even further. Her own mind surprised her on how needy she was for a male...or just just give it to her.

Claws dug into his arm, and it made his pace quicken almost like one would spur a rapidash. His claws dug into her shoulders in return, enough for her to feel pain mixed with the euphoria as that shaft found its way deeper into her slit. Thrust after thrust and the sneasel gave up trying to stay modest with every press making her gasp, whimper, or moan. Eyes opened long enough to see his warm smile radiating down at her, and one would think the blush on her face was enough that she could have been a fire type herself. Having to break his gaze, another glance was stolen between her legs.That was where she saw the small bump in her belly with every thrust received. Trying to whimper and close her legs from the pleasure that overwhelmed her, a paw kept them open and wide, giving unrestricted access to the entirety of her dripping slit.

"Oh Arceus..." she groaned, realizing how much of him there was to take.

"Arceus isn't here today, Miss Jasmine. Just...Us..."

Adar's voice was so gentle and smooth, but the hesitation and lingering of the word 'us' caused her mind to slip as she almost questioned it. However, her words got caught in her throat and a needy whimper was all that she mustered when he really began to rut her into the bed. She could smell the cinnamon now...Was it something that radiated from him? It mixed beautifully with his musk and only made the ice type melt into what she would consider a water type classification.

The nearly feral lust that filled the air burned through the pair as Adar did his best to stuff the sneasel. A loud grunt then hit the typhlosion as he went still to adjust to the sudden shift from her. Jasmine was there. Tipped over the edge, and it was like an avalanche crashed down in the Snowpoint mountains. Her claws wrapped around his arm and dug into his tight muscles as the orgasm ripped through her. She could hear his growls and moans as her hips rose to meet his and then the tight grab on her collarbone came. She was held steady and it hit her, exploding warmth felt like it was filling her straight to her core. The sneasel felt each strong pulse as they webbed their way through her most private sanctum. Ice and fire had been bound together as they were both left silent except for their rapid pants as they stared into each other's eyes, until Jasmine gave in and her head fell back into the pillows. The typhlosion leaned in for a tender kiss to seal the deal.

"So... How has your Plaisir experience been so far?" Adar grinned as his paws rubbed over the sneasel's body, caressing her in a warm afterglow embrace.

"If this is just the beginning...Then I think I could really grow to love this place." Jasmine purred out nuzzling into the warm fluff of the fire type's chest.

"Oh, I can assure you, it is just the beginning." This voice though wasn't Adar's... A different voice, huskier and softer in tone and immediately, the sneasel's ears shot forward. The sight of her alertness made Adar chuckle as he withdrew from her leaving a hefty mess in their wake. He rolled off to lay next to the sneasel, as the view became clear.

In the same doorway stood another typhlosion. So eerily similar to the male, even the main markings looked the same, and a dampness between the legs that looked like it had been tended to during the pair's dance in bed.

"I'm Anala. And I must say that you dance beautifully both here and out there my dear. But this night is still young, and the fun has just begun. Welcome to Plaisir, Jasmine." She laughed as she inspected one of her claws and stepped closer as the scent of the apparently well met, yet still new fire type's arousal mixed with the rest of the room.

"This place is definitely full of surprises. I knew I wasn't entirely crazy... Now come give me what I really came to 212 for..." Jasmine impishly grinned out with a husky growl.