What Could Go Right? Chapter 1

Story by Rowan Nero on SoFurry

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#1 of What Could Go Right?

Hey guys, I read a amazing story on here and got some amazing insperation to write a while. The story is Love and Life: Exodus, written by Tigrus and his boyfriend Kaarsten. I cannot wait for it to update, and I am glad they gave me a amazing read that got the old writer in me to awaken. I cannot draw, so this is one of the only ways I can express myself as a furry. I hope you enjoy this story, I will update as I can but I am in college so updates will be somewhat long inbetween but I will do my best to update at least every other week if not every week.

btw, I think the tags are aproprate, if they are not please point me in the direction of appropreate tags.

Disclaimer: This story will contain adult content, meaning there will be sexual relations both gay and straight down the road. This story is not ment to be about yiff, but about the lives of a handfull of college students. There will be mentions about religions as well, and I ask that you do not take offence about any of these things. If you do, there are several buttons on your screen to exit my story and return to sofurry's normal page or even your homepage/desktop. I'd like to have advice and Constructive criticism so that I may improve. Please tell me what you do and do not like about my writing style. Also note that there are both Anthro furrys and Humans. The explination for this will be later in a actual class explanation. Please enjoy, and yes this is based off of a real campus. I go to the same school that Ken goes to, he is actually a representitentation of my college school life and personal feelings. This is how I want to vent it out in some way, not everything is 100% accuret, just some things. Enough of my rambleing in author notes now, and for my rambleing in a story!

Chapter one

Move in day

"Did you get everything packed?"

"Yes Mom."

"Sheets? Deodorant? Toothbrush? Toothpaste?"

"Yes, yes, yes, and yes."



A young adult otter was riding down the car with a brown tabby cat beside him driving. The cat, who he was now embarrassed at, wore the base firefighter uniform for one of the neighboring cities. Her hair was down to the middle of her back. In the back seat was a bunch of tubs, suitcases, and bags of food. A mini fridge could be seen underneath a lot of the stuff.

"I have ran a lot of calls around this area when I was a EMT. I know what goes on, hell I -went- here. There is nothing embarrassing about having a box of condoms in your dresser hidden from the roommate. I'd rather you not flunk out because you get some girl pregnant or get a STD, hear me?" She scolded the otter, who was tapping his claw on the door's handle. "Kennith!"

The otter, Kennith, snapped to attention and nodded mumbling "Yes mom." Well, he looked a lot like a otter. His ears where more catlike than otter, being positioned a little lower than a normal cat's. He pulled down the mirror to look at his face to make sure there wasn't anything there. Looking back at him was his reflection. He had grown used to being a hybrid when he was in Elementary, when a lot of kids noticed his eyes. They where ice blue, and cat like. His mother is a tabby cat, his father is a otter. He took most of his father's looks, but most of his mother's personality. His hands where not as webbed as they could be, but they where up to just before his knuckles. His nails though looked shorter than normal, and a lot sharper than a otter's should be. Bored, he extended one claw out of his finger to pick at some spot on his shirt. He was wearing a gray shirt with black basketball shorts. His feet had sandals on, his feet rather big. He wore a thirteen wide, so he was not the most coordinated person around. On his right ring finger was a gold colored class ring with a blue stone set into it. On his right leg laid a basic cell flip phone that was black.

"Finally, we're here. You are in Twin Towers East right?" The mother asked, to which Kennith nodded in response. They pulled into a pull in that looked like it was meant for delivery trucks that said No Parking, but there was two other vehicles there. They got out, leaving Kennith's stuff in the red car, and headed inside the fifteen story dorm on the right, there being a identical duplicate on the left connected by a single floor. They entered the rather busy lobby and found the sign in area. Kennith meet his RA, a badger named Robert, and was shown his room. Fourth floor, room 410, was empty stuff wise besides the basic dorm accessories. Two beds, with horrid looking tan mattress, with under bed drawers, two desks, and two closets with double brown doors and over head cabinet each.

"Your roommate hasn't gotten here yet, but he should be here sometime soon." Robert said, setting a few colored papers on the desk. "I need you to read these, showing that the damage already here is not your fault so that we know how the room was when you moved in. Covers both of us really. Also these are the policies and here is a campus map. I'll be back in a minute with your mailbox key, it isn't here for some reason." He said to Kennith. He then turned to his mom and said "If you want, the first day he isn't required to sign you in ma'am so you could go ahead and bring some of his stuff up if you wanted to save time."

Kennith's mom nodded and said "Alright, I'll do that. Thankfully he didn't pack his entire room so it'd take me only a few trips to get half of it. Then he can get the heavier stuff." as she left the room. Robert nodded to Kennith and said "You go by Kennith or do you have another name you use?"

"I go by Ken or Kenny. Either or is fine." Ken said, to which Robert nodded. "There will be a floor meeting Sunday night at nine thirty, be sure to go to it. In font of the elevators." Ken nodded in response, and returned to the paper work as Robert ran out to get his mail box key. After a half hour of getting papers signed, goodbyes said, and seeing his mother off Ken returned to his room to start sorting away his stuff. Just as he finished putting the last thing neatly away, the door opened to show a jaguar in baggy jeans and a NBA jersey walk in. He had a large book-bag on his back, a large suitcase in his free hand, and a younger brother carrying another medium sized suitcase. He nodded to Ken, sat his stuff on his side, and took his brother back out. He returned about ten minutes later with Robert, did all the paper work, and sighed as he leaned back in his chair. By this time, Ken had read through the last of the blog on his laptop and finished checking his Facebook. He looked to the jaguar and smiled saying "You must be Dillon, my name is Kennith but you can call me Ken or Kenny."

The jaguar nodded and said "Call me Dill." with a deep voice. "A otter, hope you don't mind me hating water."

"Half right, I'm a hybrid. Mostly otter, but my mother is a tabby. I have a few cat traits." He responded. "And as long as you know what a shower is we'll be fine." Dill laughed and nodded, saying "I'm a freshman in the football team, you?" "Just a freshman, don't really care for sports."

After Dill had set his side of the room up he laid down on the bed and took off his shirt. He was really well built, and not afraid to show it by the looks. He kind of looked like he was trying to compare himself to the otter-cat but gave up and said "So you are mostly otter huh? What cat traits do you have? Haven't meet any hybrids before."

Ken sat up and extended his claws saying "Well, I have the typical cat claws as well as the eyes. My ears are more cat-like than otter, and I also make more cat noises than my mom does." He said with a chuckle. The large cat raised a eyebrow himself, and shrugged. "You a snoring sleeper or a purring sleeper?" he asked, to which Ken shrugged. The jaguar shrugged then said "Well, what do you like to do then?"

Ken sat up and said "Well, I play basic online games that are free to play." Dill frowned and said "You can't only do that, you are in better shape than that." Ken chuckled and said "What else does a otter do?" To which Dill flinched. He checked his watch and said "Unfortunately the cafe doesn't open until Monday, wanna go eat together you do you have plans?"

Dill shrugged and said "I don't have any boys to hang with yet, why not?" As he picked his white undershirt and NBA jersey back up and put them on. He then grabbed his wallet, which Ken mimicked, and they headed outside. Once they got to the outside of Twin Towers East(TTE) they looked up Fifth Avenue, the street beside the dorm and edge of campus, and saw McDonald's, Steak Escape, Burger King, and a few other fast food places down the road. Dill said "Golden arches?" To which Ken responded "Cheapest here, gotta save for the rest of the time."

They walked past the newer Recreational Center that was beside of the Freshman Dorms that was right up from TTE. They continued to the cross walk where they got off campus and after two blocks they got into McDonald's. It was decently busy, two registers being worked. They stood in line together, talking about small things.

"I'm from Chicago, so this is a downgrade city wise for me." Dill said, as the line moved.

"I see, I'm from West Virginia, from Flatwoods, but I don't have any friends here. Most of them went to WVU or they didn't go to school at all." Ken responded, thinking on what to get.

"I see, so you basically have this solo too."


"May I take your order?" The girl at the register asked. She was human, a young African American woman with her dark hair in a bun. Ken nodded and said "I'd like a three piece chicken select with ranch sauce, two double cheese burgers with only lettuce, mayo, and onion, and a large sweet tea." She rang it up and then he paid. He turned to Dill, who looked at him dumbfounded. He then ordered himself a quarter pounder with cheese and a water. They got a table and started to dig in.

"Order enough food?" Dill asked to which Ken shrugged. He opened his selects and unwrapped a burger as Dill opened his quarter pounder.

"So, you leave any girls broken hearted at Flatwoods?" Dill asked, a sly smirk on his face. Ken, not waisting time to eat, swallowed the bite of his burger and said "Nope, I didn't. How about you?" Dill looked taken back for a moment, and his jaw slightly opened as he thought on what to say. He then shook his head and said "We broke up before the prom, caught her sleeping with my best friend's brother." as Ken almost inhaled his burger. He took a drink of his tea and started dunking one of his selects in the ranch sauce. "God, you eat really fast dude."

The otter shrugged and responded "School kinda trained me to rush if I wanted to enjoy what little time we had for it. Sucks that she did that, so what are your plans for college?"

"Well, I am majoring in physical education. That way I can pass on the joy of physical play instead of kids staying in their room with a computer to get fat." Dill responded as his tail flicked with aggravation. "I'm glad you at least go out and exercise, I would have been your personal trainer if you wasn't in shape." He took another bite of his burger and chewed slowly, now about half way through with it as Ken finished up his last select and last bite of his burger. As Ken took a long drink of tea, the large cat shook his head. "Well, how tall are you?"

"I'm about five foot eleven. You're a bit shorter than me, but your way more muscular." Ken responded, which made the built cat smirk and flex his left arm to show off.

"I worked hard for these guns, they're well worth it!" He said, flexing his right arm to bump into a elderly tigress. Her drink dumped all over him, being hot coffee. Dill hissed loudly, which the Tigress apologized. Ken had acted quickly, taking off his shirt and using it to soak up the hot liquid off of his roommate. The manager hurried over, the cream colored rat looking worried. After apologies went around, and Dill buying her a new drink they left. Ken carried his now soaked shirt in his left hand as the sun shinned down on his brown fur. Dill moved a little stiff, as if his back was hurting him.

They showed their key to the lady at the desk and got into the elevator. Ken watched Dill a little more, seeing how he avoided letting his back touch anything. They got into their room and Ken asked as the door closed "Is your back alright, I thought I got to you in time to at least stop a lot of the burn, unless your fur isn't that thick."

"No, I didn't get burned. The liquid shocked me more than anything else. I just hurt my back a month ago, and the way I moved aggravated it I think." Dill responded as Ken frowned. "Take off your shirt and change into some shorts, I'll be right back." As he walked out of the room. Dill's ears perked up at first, not knowing what to expect, and he immediately flattened his ears as he changed like instructed.