Mienfoo and Rockruff in the Field

Story by BadSanta on SoFurry

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An energetic pup gets more than she bargains for when asking a warrior-in-training to play!

Quickie-Commission for a Friend!

If you're interested in me writing something for you, just shoot me a message! I'll write for you and you can name your own price after you read it.

Oran's tail twitched as he sat centered in the grass field. For the young minefoo lad, was the perfect place for training and meditation, close enough to the wild world that there were practical distractions that he'd need to filter out to concentrate, while still being far enough away from it that there wouldn't be too many for his early stages of training to manage. Plus, it meant he could stand up, practice stances and punches and throws with the logs and rocks he'd gathered, and then sit down again to collected himself when he got too worked up. In time, the goal was to keep his mind calm even with the physical exertion and mental distractions, but these sorts of things were handled in steps. He was young. He was inexperienced. He didn't have to worry about achieving mastery just yet. He just had to become... Calm.

The scent that touched his nose was easy to filter out. Sweet... So delightfully rich. It was the most delightful treat he could imagine, but he resisted. It made his body twitch, drew his mind to it, but he was a void. He consumed the scent, not it him. It swam through his mind, bolstering itself, and while he did not let himself submit- He was letting it in. He was detached from his body in a way, but that did not mean his body was detached from him- The erection that was growing between his thighs smeared itself into his own fur, his arousal infusing his body with a peculiar heat. No, he was not in a state of mastery over himself to dispel the effect of this strange and potent odor, but he could remove himself to the point it didn't matter...

The bark that sounded out next to his ear made the little lad jerk in place, yelping and toppling out of his seated position and onto the shoulder from which the noise hadn't come from. He winced as his penis grazed across the grass, paws folding over one another so he could spring up, pivot himself around, and bring ready paws up in an offensive stance, just ready to lunge at... The happy, goofy-eyed face of the Rockruff pup that was standing there before him. He froze as it gave him a wolfish little grin and a much softer chuffing noise, dipping their head down sheepishly- That bushy tail pausing its wag to lift up and sort of match his still stance. Shoulders lifting as well, hunching with a look that was a mix of guilty and completely unabashed, eyes still dancing with a happy mischief as she just stared at him 'S-sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! Hi!" Their voice was pleasant enough. A little husky, perhaps, a little light on the notes, and it came out in a rush that made some of the syllables mash together, but their was clearly intelligent- Just not very fluid. They sprung out of that apologetic pose and almost dashed right to his chest- Their nose shoving in and only a careful deflection with the flats of his paws saving the mienfoo's face from being licked, her forepaws scrabbling against his wrist as she tried to dance herself up! "I'm Lulu! Wanna play?" They barked again, and Oran's nostrils flared with frustration. His tranquility! It was GONE! They'd ruined it, just for some... Stupid. Game?

But as he sucked in the air, he realized that the scent he was taking in wasn't some distant and delightful cooked treat, but coming from right in front of him. From this dog. From this girl. From her. He frowned, shifting his hips and feeling the way the tight muscles flexed his shaft, wincing a little at how cold and vulnerable it felt even in this summer air. She seemed to notice it too, her head cocking to the side with a most curious look, leaning in and sniffing while he just watched. He blinked, gasping at the sensation of her damp breath- And that was enough encouragement for all sorts of ideas to come flooding in. "I'm training" Oran spoke simply, keeping to the plain and simple truth as she examined his penis. His ears giving little twitches alongside his tail "I can't play games, but if you want to help me train..."

"Training is boring!" The girl complained with a groan, scuffing her paws a bit along the grass. "Everyone is always training! I wanna play!" Her ears twitched, swiveling forward while her nose tracked along the length of his penis. It wasn't very sizeable- Or rather, it was very large for his small stature, but the narrow pink taper could have replaced a tooth, and even as the conical shape expanded it wasn't any thicker than one of his digits. Not much longer either! But she seemed to find it fascinating, whatever heat she was in leading her to smack a fat tongue out right across the bottom curve, scooping up all those protective fluids that coated it from the sheath and slurping on down to his balls, where she took a startled step back and curled her tongue back into her mouth, looking wide-eyed down at his penis while her tail broke out into another wag. Oran's breath was just shaking, his eyes even wider than her own, paws hovering above her head- Wanting to grab her and yank her back down there again... And not wanting to impede her a single bit. His entire body felt hot, his crotch was tingling- More than just his length! It took her speaking again to snap him out of his momentary stupor, that and her nose pressing down along the top of the shaft "What is that!" Her eyes were peaking up at him, her tone absolutely wonderous, like she'd found a sacred treasure!

It made Oran shiver

"That... I-it's part of my body! You can... You can lick it again, if you want!" He swallowed heavily, his limbs all trembling together, but he had to steel himself. He was here to train! But... But this could be part of training. Yeah. He'd... Never had a girl touch him there before. Never had anyone touch him like that, actually, except himself of course but that hardly counted. It was part of his body, a natural biological function, but that didn't mean it wasn't something to also overcome. Yeah. And to overcome it, he... He had to know what it felt like! When done properly! That's all. She was going to help him with training

The second swipe of her tongue broke his thoughts apart and scattered them into the wind. He moaned, her tongue catching his shaft from the other side now and making pre pulse out as she swiped along with such vigor that it made her shaft bob and slip off to the side! Slick dollops of his excitement mixed with her saliva dripping off, her nose eagerly dipping down to come up, though she paused halfway gliding up the center vein, an eye wincing shut as his creamy pre drooled out just in front of the lid. He was panting "Are you OK? That's a weird sound you made!" Oran grunted- He could handle these interruptions! They'd only... They'd only just started, but he needed more now. She was so soft. Her tongue obviously, but even that fur was luxuriant, the little hairs along her muzzle tickling at his cockflesh as she peered up to his face "Y-yeah. I'm fine. It's just a very... Uh. Very sensitive part of my body. I'm trying to learn to control my body. To master myself. To become a great hero! A-a-and if you help me! I'll play with you!" He couldn't help but let his paws roam forward, gripping her by the scruff with both paws and ignoring her squirm. She fussed until she realized he'd had her held, his shaft sliding along the top of her muzzle and smearing her with the wet, and then puffed up her cheeks! The loose lips only holding the air briefly before deflating "Okaaay! But only cuz you taste so good"

Oran almost trembled with relief upon hearing those words. falling back and hoisting her up with him. As amazing as her muzzle was, he didn't know if he'd get an opportunity like this again, or how long it would last, and he wanted to take full advantage while he could. Her paws fussing and scrabbling along his sides and chest as she tried to yank herself off him, but he yipped out a little "'Stay still!' and 'Hold on!', and she actually complied!

It took a moment to get things in position. The lad sprawling out with his back flat in the grass, legs extended, and Lulu's paws planted either on his shoulders, on his chest or beside the grass- She couldn't decide where she wanted them for sure, but she got the general idea of the positioning quickly enough. Then, he could focus on the more important part- Her rear end! Or, more specifically, the crotch nestled in beneath her rear, proportionate to his own. She was trying to sit, which made it a little harder, but he could feel the thick, plump treasure that was nestled between her legs- That scent he was smelling indeed her heat, the tender grains plastering his fur to them, leaving a faintly wet, very hot trail across his lap as he finagled her over his penis. Grunting as the length twitched and pulsed into her fluff, the sensation enough to make him cum all on its own, but he desperately held himself back. He wanted to feel this! ...He explained what they were to do as he repositioned her back paws. "Alright. So, you're going to feel something, and your job is to Keep feeling that something as long as possible. Stop... Stop moving! Alright! So when you start feeling it, I'm going to show you how to move your body. And then you keep doing that exactly as I show you until you can't anymore. And. Um. We can make it a game even! If you stop feeling the thing while doing it exactly right, then you win, a-and if you mess up before then then I win! And whomever wins gets to order the loser around! Alright?"

...Lulu had only been half-paying attention. She was frowning back at all the minor little adjustments, the way his thighs and fur tickled at her crotch was... Distracting, and she really didn't understand this posture at all. She felt like she were just laying on him. But she didn't have anything better to do, and plenty of games required a little bit of setup! But normally that setup meant running away, and.... And she could feel something start to wedge up and push apart the grains. Narrow and small, but so was she- It wriggled as he wriggled, and started to scooch its way and kiss into the warmth of her body. Slick head cascading down as she was pried apart, the sensation shocking to the girl, but with the reassuring grip on either of her haunches, she kept herself still. This was the something! He really did have game going on! Her tongue began to loll as a strange sensation passed on through her. Waves of... Something. She didn't even know how to describe it, like a really bad itch being scratched in a really good way, and it brought energy. Her muscle-walls flexing as those inches trickled in, smearing into her slick-hot flesh, just its presence being there making her nerves pulse with a dramatic, near orgasmic effect. Her back arcing, tail clenching into her butt, curling in just because she was tensing so much- She wanted more, saliva leaking out of her muzzle and drooling onto the lad's face. Dimly aware that she had to keep... Something going. He was going to show her something. That thought guided her, helped her focus and keep from going wild on her own.

Oran was knew immediately he was going to get no training done. Those insides were so soft. He thought he was going to burst just pressing into that chubby, grainy outer flesh- He was ejaculating within seconds of feeling her crotch settle onto his, feeling her trembles and twitches and spasms and jerks, many of them kissing at his balls. Just little jets of hot semen smearing into her tube-like flesh, hips thrusting up and contained by her weight while the rest of his body gave its own spasms and jerks as well. Dimly, her was able to clench his fingers into her hips and make her bottom roll- The girl resisting at first, but slowly getting into the motion, sending him to new heights as she gingerly rode him at his peak! Overstimulation hitting him in waves, the boy crying out for a moment as his cock became so hard it hurt!

She caught onto the rocking motion almost immediately, awkward and clumsy as it might have been. Able to lift herself scarcely an inch before having to slam herself back down again, Oran groaning in pure bliss as he plastered her with his creamy mess, the cum bursting out like his shaft was an exploding balloon, then throbbing when there was nothing left to give but trickles. And she kept going, sloppy plops to be heard as his length edged her folds, muscles clinging so tightly that only a lathered mess left trailing down his shaft. He felt a little guilty, just a little, that he was surely impregnating this naïve girl, but- Well. Who could possibly blame him? And she was in heat! Surely she was old enough. Just stupid. Or maybe wild. Probably the daughter of a bandit or some other type of brigand. He was doing the world a favor by giving them another mouth to feed

The both of them where wheezing as she came to a halt, the muscles in her legs giving rapid spasms, the unnatural posture impossible to maintain any longer, or perhaps it was just the massive amounts of pleasure coursing through her that made it such an impossibility for them to respond properly anymore. Creamy mess leaking out and soaking between their two furs, the mienfoo's paws jerky and shaky as she stroked and pet along her flank, trying to encourage her to move that little bit more. To squeeze that little bit extra out. It worked... His semen leaked into her crotch, though far more was leaking out now. He gripped her flank more tightly with one paw, folded his other over her shoulders and yanked her chest down, and then the two of them just sort of rolled over onto their sides. His shaft already losing rigidity, retracting into it's little pouch, but he was still able to bask in her warmth for just that little it longer. Nestling and nuzzling along her face as she panted and as well, grinning as wicked thought took over "You stopped moving. So I win. But... We're gonna rest for now. And then I'll figure out what Imma do with you!" He paused, breath catching- He wasn't certain he'd be able to catch her if she decided to run away. But she just nodded, and he sighed happily while closing his eyes, applying a broad lick to the top of her snoot "Good! Good... Let's just rest here for a moment then..."