Rivals: Ch. 3.5 - Tribal Orgy [Commission]

Story by shmoopsy on SoFurry

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#4 of Rivals

A commissioned addendum to the previous chapter. Pure sex. The tribe has some fun with Narva, and Rhix enjoys himself a bit as well. Not much story progression here. Pure, shameless sexual indulgence.

The previous chapter ended with an artistic fade-to-black, implying a night of extended debauchery. For one of my generous fans, this was clearly unacceptable. I was thus commissioned to post this. A nice little glimpse behind the curtain.

I ended up having a lot of fun with it. Not much story progression to be found here, except for a little teaser of things to come at the very end. This story is pure tribal orgy. Absolutely indulgent fucking of the highest order.

Please enjoy, and feel free to thank the (for now) anonymous commissioner in the comments. (Unless they wish to out themselves).

"[Turn her around. We'll trade holes.]"

Rhix exhaled in a huff. Narva's tongue pressed against his cock in the mildest of protest, which only served to keep his cock firmly rigid. She made a submissive, wet little nonsense noise that pleased him. Did he feel her cum when they were fucking her? He glanced at the chief, who was looking at him expectantly. A pang of jealousy struck him. Why did Narva cum on the chief's cock? She was nearly dry around his, the one time he claimed her pussy. Something he would have to change moving forward.

"[That's all well and good for you]," Rhix remarked, gripping Narva by the horn and sliding his cock free of her mouth. He pinched her snout shut and lifted it, looking her in the eye. "Swallow it all," he commanded, and he watched her obey, her throat working to get all of his seed into her belly where it belonged. Back to the chief he said: "[I can have her anytime I like. By your leave I'd like to sample some of your eager females.]"

The great tribe feast was separated into three huge bonfires. The tribe had parsed itself out; one fire for the old and the young, so the elders might watch over the hatchlings while the adults enjoyed the night, and two others for hunters and breeding age females. Most or all had eaten their fill (though some picked idly at the remnants, savoring the meats while they were still fresh). Some were swaying drunk, arms wrapped around a fellows' shoulder and belting ribald songs. Gaggles of females gossiped and laughed.

Many more, however, had begun their rather more uniquely adult festivities. Loincloths had been shed in such degree that most were stark naked, even if they were not in that moment in the process of fucking one another. A few males sat with spread legs and leaned-back postures as females bobbed their heads between their legs, noisily and sloppily sucking their cocks. Other females were on all fours, tail flagged high in the air as their lover gripped them by the hips and clapped hips to rump cheeks in spirited rutting. Others still explored front-to-front positions, a couple were standing. In the periphery, adolescent males and females either watched in unashamed stages of arousal or mimicked the adults; he noted with a grin a couple males whose expressions confirmed that the mouth sucking their penis or the cunt they were fucking was their first.

He was even surprised to see one or two same-sex couplings; one male lifting his tail for the other, females crouched over each other, snouts thrust between spread legs.

He noted there were not many groups doubling up on females; rather, the opposite seemed to be true. Some quick visual math confirmed that females outnumbered males nearly two to one. Given the dangerous life of a hunter in Shu tribes, this was not unexpected. Good, he thought. It expanded his options.

Narva made a noise like she intended to say something, but the chief took over the duty of keeping her quiet; he pulled out of her and turned her about-face with his hands, taking hold of her horn and thrusting his cum-slick cock into her surprised mouth, silencing the kobold with a firm thrust. "[Do as you will]," he chuckled. "[Only, shed the rest of that ridiculous costume. I will not have you pulling up any of my daughters' tails wearing that.]"

Rhix was feeling rather out of place. The tribal males were more or less all stark naked, festooned with, at most, hide or leather straps, some beads, feathers, or shiny stones by way of jewelry, and very little else. Rhix stood to his feet and shed his chain shirt and tunic. "[Daughters?]" he asked.

"[I have claimed over a dozen mates and sired twice that number of clutches]," the chief breathed, rolling his hips as he gently fucked Narva's drooling mouth. "[Oh yes, kobold, those balls tapping your chin are very productive. Outsider]," he continued, to Rhix, "[at least be sure to seed fertile bellies. Fresh seed is good for the tribe, that our pond not grow too shallow. I will be cross if I see you feeding females your seed in less productive holes.]"

Rhix stood, naked as the day he hatched, cock fully erect and glinting with slave kobold saliva and a little bit of his spent cum, the firelight cast across his lithe, fit body and full, scaly testicles. "[I don't think that's going to be a problem]," he said.

The conversation went on half-listened-to above Narva's head. The chief was not rough with her, but he was firm. Any hint of an attempt to pull back was met with impassable resistance, her head gently, but authoritatively, pushed back down on the chief's mighty cock until she nearly kissed his sheath. His penis, so recently plunged deep into the recesses of her sex, now tested the limits of her throat. She winced, gagged, coughed, drooled, and it was clear this was all appreciated by her temporary master.

She was nude. She'd been nude for days now and the prospect of that changing were vanishingly small. Even with everyone else now more or less as naked as she, Narva could not fight the urge to hide herself. As Rhix moved away to go and conquer what he wished, Narva felt license to cover her backside. She was on all fours with a cock filling her mouth, but the least she could do was lower to tail to conceal the sight of her cum-dripping, well-fucked pussy.

Her eyes lifted up from the scaly groin of the chief all the way to his eyes, where she saw him looking at her. Feeling a sudden need to perform, she started bobbing her mouth on his member, closing her eyes and fighting her gag reflex as she worked to suck his cock. She was keenly aware that while the chief seemed friendly enough, his authority was absolute and she would not risk his wrath.

To her surprise his hand once again stopped her. "[No]," he said. "[Slowly. I will savor you, adorable thing that you are. I have watched my member disappear into countless mouths, slits, and tail-holes, but never into one like you. I may be productive, but I wish to take my time.]"

Oh, well, how nice that is for you, Narva thought sourly. Though even she had to admit that the chief had already forced a handful of orgasms from her; the latent tingle and occasional aftershock centered on her sex could not be easily ignored nor denied.

"[One of my young sons is admiring you]," the chief remarked, and Narva felt something twist in her chest. She did not want to be admired! Not as she was. Collared, naked and dripping cum. She appreciated even less what came next. "[Let's give him something more to appreciate]," the chief went on, and she felt him lean forward a little. A strong hand gripped her tail and yanked it up over her back. Her back arched, her hips rolled up, and both of her holes were bared in stark relief to the tribe. She felt the warmth of the fire on her tingling pussy and her clenching, still-a-little-sore tailhole. Though she could only see the groin of the chief currently stuffing her mouth, she could feel innumerable eyes appreciating the unobstructed view of her most private places. Not quite as private any longer.

Despite having been so recently and thoroughly fucked, Narva's soft pussy looked tight as ever, a dark line framed by scaly, fat little vaginal lips. The only hint that the chief had just finished making use of her was a glistening dribble of his spent cum dripping to the ground between her spread knees. Her anus was a tight, wrinkled hole tucked beneath her tail, clenching now and then as Narva struggled with exposure and humiliation.

She heard footsteps behind her, over the sound of the wet slap of scaly flesh, hisses of pleasure, and drunken singing. "[Chief, I-]," came a male voice.

"[Do not be shy]," the chief said, and it was clear to her that he was not talking to Narva. "[This is good practice. She is wet and ready for you. A young hunter needs experience if he is going to satisfy his mates. Look at how proud your member stands, ready to claim its prize. Claim her.]"

Narva made a small noise around the cock silencing her speech. A prize? Practice? She was little more than a training dummy for the cock of a Shu whose face she could not even see.

Hands gripped her by the hips. They stroked her ass, appreciating its firm roundness, the valley between her legs. Fingers slid over her slit and she whimpered, over-sensitive there. "[Is she not too tight?]" asked a nervous voice.

"[My member is larger than yours and you saw the energy with which I took her. You may be larger than your brothers but you are not yet as large as I. Fuck her.]"

A hand moved from her hip to her tail. The chief took his own hand away and used it to grip both of her horns. Narva winced. She was beginning to regret having horns that were positioned in such a way as to provide males with convenient handles. He pulled her towards him and she gagged properly this time, his cock shoved down her throat and fully choking off her air. Her hands grabbed fistfuls of earth as behind her, the unseen male thrust his cock deep into her wet sex.

"Nnk!" was all she could say with her lips pressed to the chief's scaly sheath, his balls firm under her chin.

Strained tears of effort formed in the corners of her eyes as the male mounting her from behind got to work. Her walls spread for him, and her lubrication - a mix of her arousal and the chief's heavy load - made entry and thrusting easy for the male fucking her. She tried to look back to at least see who it was that was fucking her, but she could not see past the chief's wrists as he maintained his grip on her horns. Her body rocked with the firm, steady thrusting, bumping her nose into the chief's groin with the strokes. The young male was, like the others, not quite able to hilt her. That vaginal tunnel was simply not intended for members of that length.

It did not seem to disappoint, as before long the male was grunting with earnest. Narva had her own problems. Her vision was starting to tunnel. She gagged again, and started squirming. The chief's grip was sure and steady.

"[Roll your hips, boy]," the chief instructed, utterly ignoring Narva's distress. "[Her clit is below your cock, so thrust down and grind against her upper cunt parts.]" The angle of the thrusts changed, and Narva tensed as the sexual stimulation mixed with the panic and distress over her slowly fading consciousness. "[That's it, she felt that. Slow down, haha, you're so eager!]"

"[She's tight!]"

"[Of course she is, but change your pace. Too regular and the female will grow bored. You must mix it up to keep her body interested.]"

Narva would have whimpered, but all it came out was a rippling of her throat muscles. She felt her body start to grow slack, her head swimming. Moments before she lost all strength entirely, the chief pulled back. Her grateful intake of breath through her nose could be heard by everyone.

"[You really must relax, slave]," the chief said to her. "[That was hardly any time at all. Your master will have to train your breathing better. Have you not held your breath for swimming? That wouldn't have been enough time to reach a river bottom.]"

Narva was not entirely sure she was in the mood for the lecture. It was all she could do to gulp lungfuls of air through her nose, even as the chief gently and casually stroked himself inside her mouth. She was perversely, keenly aware of just how familiar the taste of cock was getting for her. Before Rhix had forced her to fellate him in the catacombs, she'd never taken a male member in her mouth. Lately it felt like that was all her mouth was for.

The male behind her adjusted his pace and angle again. Narva could not help the moan that came out of her, rippling down the chief's cock. His intake of breath informed her that he appreciated this. "[Oh, you like the feel of my son's cock, do you? He's fucking you good, kobold?]" Narva winced in shame, even as a clench of her pussy around the young buck squirted some of her arousal on his swinging balls. She averted her eyes, looking for Rhix. From around the chief's hips she could barely make out a sea of scaly bodies, writhing, dancing, drinking-

The chief was doing something, taking one hand from her horn and reaching behind him. "[You are too distracted]," she heard him say, thrusting himself back into her throat. She was mid-breath, and her entire body writhed against his grip and the eager thrusting into her cunt. The chief's hand came back around, gripping his discarded loincloth. She watched as he brought it to her face, and then her vision went dark as he tied it around her eyes, blindfolding her with the cloth meant to cover his genitals.

"[There]," he said, claiming her horns with both hands again. "[Now you can focus.]" In a world of darkness, Narva gurgled around the cock in her throat as the father and son began earnestly fucking her from both ends.

Rhix's cock bobbed up and down, back and forth, as he walked naked down the line of Shu gathered around the huge fire. He was city-hatched and had never spent a day as a 'true' Shu, but he was starting to feel at home in a way he hadn't really ever before. In the human cities, he was always the standout, always well aware that he never quite belonged. Here he was merely another scaly body in a herd of the same, and somehow the group anonymity of that was thrilling. Almost as thrilling as the feeling of striding bare-ass naked in front of countless pairs of eyes, his penis erect and on full display for all to appreciate.

And it was appreciated! More than a couple tails lifted at his passing, females cooing at him and flagging their backsides. He drank in the sight of more cunnies and tailholes than he'd seen put together in all his years in just a few moments, and the scent of arousal and raw bodily musk was driving him wild. He'd never felt quite so connected not just to nature in general, but his own nature. His own intrinsic Shu-ness.

He took none of the offers, alluring as they were. He'd already pumped one load into his slave, which was feeling like a waste now. He could fuck Narva any time he wanted, but this opportunity would only come once in a lifetime! He knew his own body; he had maybe two loads of decent quantity left in his balls before his emissions would get watery, his orgasms painful. He needed to be strategic; thus, he'd selected his target.

She sat with a few of her fellow females, the group of them watching the rest of the tribe and gossiping in hushed tones. It did not take long before they spotted his approach; most notably, his prey. She was one of the few remaining who still wore her loincloth. Given her size, the brightness of her eyes and scales, she couldn't have been too far past her first couple seasons. It was possible she'd not even clutched yet. But given her place of prominence in the center of the feminine group and the look of hard confidence from her eyes, he wagered he knew who she was.

Her eyes tracked him as he approached. He smirked as he saw her gaze dance down to his cock. At this point he'd seen more than dozens of his fellows around the fires, and knew that he matched up well. There was no point in humility.

"[Outsider]," she said as he approached; it was the polite alternative to the other words some of the tribal Shu had used for him, reserved for the city-hatched.

"[What is your name, chief's daughter?]" he asked. He rested his hand on his hips, standing directly in front of her; his cock bobbed a little with his heartbeat, pointed at her nose like a drawn arrow. Her looks of mild surprise pleased him.

"[Ah? And how do you know-]"

"[Name, I said]," Rhix replied, interrupting her. "[I'd rather not waste time.]"

She hesitated, but then she giggled. That was not entirely the reaction he'd hoped for. "[You're not a warrior, but you have the confidence of one]," she said, squirming just a little. Rhix's eyes went to her lap, where her loincloth was framed by her strong, youthful thighs. He wagered on a commanding silence, and when she opened her mouth again, he knew that wager had paid off. "[Xshal]," she said, in polite tones.

"[Xshal]," he repeated back to her. "[I am Rhix. Rid yourself of that cloth and turn to present to me. I'm going to put a clutch in you.]"

The females around Xshal looked at her, one or two giggling themselves. Xshal looked up at Rhix with confidence, gazing down the length of her snout at him. "[Do you know who I am?]" she asked.

"[First, you are a female in heat. I could smell it from across the fire]," he said, meeting her eyes with his own. "[That no hunter has yet bent you over to claim that fertile eggchamber tells me you're likely one of the chief's daughters. Well, that may give the hunters some pause, but not me. The chief instructed me to plant my seed where it would be most useful.]" That got the look of surprise he was hoping for. He could see her mental shield come down; her status within the tribe likely allowed her some degree of control over the males who dared approach her, but Rhix knew he walked with a unique, if temporary, license.

He opted not to give her too much opportunity scheme. He leaned over her; reflexively, she leaned back. Her friends on either side held their breath as one of his hands cupped Xshal's chin to keep her looking at him, while his other grabbed the front of her loincloth. She froze, and he did not hesitate, yanking it from her. The thin cord holding it in place snapped, rendering her as nude as he.

"[Turn around]," he said, "[or I turn you around.]"

He could see she was breathing heavily. His eyes held her gaze, and he put every ounce of his confidence into it. If she rejected him here, the humiliation would be so total he'd likely just crawl away on his belly. It was a stiff gamble.

With an almost meek look, Xshal squirmed a bit, turning herself around. Where once she was sitting, now she exposed her back to Rhix, bending herself over the smoothed log that served as a bench. She braced her hands on the other side, spread her feet apart, and lifted her tail over her back.

Rhix's eyes fell to her ass. Firm; this was a female who enjoyed running. Her tailhole winked at him, tight and virginal. Not tonight, he sighed; the chief would kill him if he fucked his daughter up the ass in such defiance of the mandate given to him. Between her legs, pointed right at him, was a fresh, youthful pussy that shined faintly with a light glaze of feminine arousal, and which reeked of fertility now that it was thrust in his direction.

"[Open your mouth]," he said, much to Xshal's apparent surprise. She did, and Rhix coiled the loincloth quickly into a bundled cord, pulling it between her open jaws and gripping it from behind. She whimpered suddenly, and a few of the other females gasped at the erotic, dominant display as Rhix harnessed her like a horse, her own loincloth used as the gag, clutched in Rhix's firm grip, pulling her head back in a display as absolute dominance.

"[Chief's daughter or no, this outsider is going to breed you!]" he proudly declared. With control over her body, it was trivially easy for him to position himself at her entrance. He thrust inside, hilting her immediately and hissing out his appreciation for the tight, warm, wet depths her heated body provided for him. She made a strangled noise of pleasure, but he ignored it. He was going to breed her like a stallion taking a mare. His other hand grabbed her by her lifted tail and held it for leverage as he started to fuck her with hard, rump-clapping thrusts into her fertile fuck tunnel.

His eyes darted sharply to the other females on either side, who were watching him with wide eyes. He hissed at them as he fucked their friend in a brazen display of male dominance. "[Get those tails up]," he hissed. "[So I can decide who's next.]" This demonstration of erotic confidence seemed to be enough for a couple of them, and he watched, drunk on sex and power, as two similarly fertile young females turned in place, lifted their rumps, and raised their tails.

"[Father, I can't-]" gasped the young male pounding Narva from behind. It was all she could do to hang on. He was rutting her with such energy! Even when Rhix first took her, she did not feel this degree of needful lust.

"[It's fine, boy]," the chief answered. He was rutting Narva's mouth, his slow thrusts replaced with firm, dominant, needful pushed in and out of her throat. She fought to maintain some kind of breathing pattern, sputtering around his cock as he made use of her.

She squeaked softly as the male behind her slapped her rump and thrust himself in deep, the head of his cock planted firmly against her cervix in a forbidden kiss. Heavy ropes of Shu cum were spurted inside her, not for the first or last time, as the young male flagged his tail, raised his crest, and ejaculated heavily. Narva couldn't see any of this, of course, the chief's loincloth a very effective blindfold. But it was clear the only thing she needed at that moment were nice warm holes to serve at the pleasure of horny males. The felt pulses travel down the underside of the chirf's cock. His head was plugging her throat, pumping his own seed directly into her, past her tongue. It spared her the salty taste, but forced her to gulp it down, lest it find a path down her airway.

"Aah, nnh, aaah!" went the young male, riding out his orgasm. He finished with some heavy breathing, even as the last of his ejaculate dribbled from him deep within her. The chief was a great deal more dignified in his orgasm, merely flagging his tail in time with his ejaculate until he was finished.

"[Now, a test of your virility!]" declared the chief, as he pulled his cock from Narva's mouth. "[All have seen you cum. Are your balls so small that have only one burst of seed in them?]"

"[N-no, father]," panted the young male, his hands stroking Narva's body in the bliss of his afterglow.

"[Then scoop her up, under her legs. Spread her open for all to see.]"

"Ah-?!" Narva said, but something was stuffed into her mouth. Another loincloth? It certainly smelled and tasted like reptilian male essence. The chief tied it behind her head, leaving her now blind and mute. She wondered, idly, who's loincloth it was serving to silence her. Submission swam in her mind. She really was just some warm holes for these strong, tribal males.

The young male pulled out, his exit heralded with a wet pop. Seed leaked from her, not in drips but in a small stream, soon choked off by her tight folds coming back together. Suddenly, strong arms grabbed her from behind, threading under her legs and picking her clear off the ground. Her tail hung limp, and the grip beneath her knees spread her wide open. Blinded, she could not see who was looking, but she could feel herself leak more of the chief and son's seed down over her ass and tail.

"[Father]-?" she heard the male behind her say. The chief was doing something below her; then, she felt the male's erect cock, slick with her and his fluids, slide across the back of her tail to tuck just underneath it, wedging against her anus. She squeaked into her gag, but held as she was, her legs up and apart, arms trapped at her sides and a little behind her, there was nothing she could do.

"[Display your dominance!]" she heard the chief say. "[Show this slave her place with your mighty cock!]"

That seemed to motivate. The male let gravity do some of the work, his hips doing the rest, as his slick cock shoved its way up her ass. The entry forced air into and it escaped just as quickly, sounding like a wet fart. Narva squealed into the gag in a mix of discomfort, violation, and embarrassment. She heard plenty of laughter.

Oh, good. So she did have an audience.

Her feet bounced helplessly as the young male power-fucked Narva up the ass, held in what Narva dimly understood to be a full-nelson. She felt his thick cock fill her, putting pressure on her vaginal tunnel, making more of the mixed seed squirt from her pussy. Gagged, blindfolded, the collared kobold slave could only bounce on the cock of the dominant male and listen to the sound of his grunting, her whimpering, and the messy squelch of the cock claiming her tight ass.

The feeling of helplessness was unique. This wasn't the control of the collar, which was magical and irresistible. This was naught but pure muscle, size, and power. They would fuck her like this with or without the collar. Her tight tailhole was their plaything no matter her circumstance.

So the male fucked her. He fucked her in front of everyone. Up the ass, where all could see his mighty young cock spread her anus into a tight O around his shaft, plunging in and out of her helpless hole. They could see her flop in his grip, exhausted and overpowered. They could all see her leak cum from her well-claimed pussy. Her body was nothing more than a tool for the young hunter to show off his power, to display his manhood.

There was no effort on the part of the young male to slow down or pace himself. He railed her with full-bodied thrusts that took her to the hilt each time. Now and then he would fuck an embarrassing noise out of her mouth or ass but he wouldn't stop. She was a toy to be played with. Her sore ass a nice tight hole for his dominant cock. And when he came, she took his seed as she was meant to, hanging there mewling into her gag as a fresh male's seed filled her rectal passage. She didn't even know his name. Or his face. She only knew him from the contour of his cock.

She was deposited unceremoniously to the ground. For a moment, she simply lay there in the dirt, keenly aware that she was leaking from her well-fucked tailhole. Her hands were free, so she removed the blindfold. Rhix's bare thrusting ass was the first thing she saw...

Rhix was having the time of his life.

Xshal was mewling heavily beneath him, one hand gripping her firm and clenching rump cheek, his other keeping a tight grip on the girl's loincloth, gagging her. His cock plunged in and out of a tight, firm pussy that had just finished cumming around him, and he could feel it clenching back up again. He was not going to last.

He unwittingly gave Narva the first look at his own tailhole as his tail flagged high, his legs braced and muscles tensed as he thrust in heavily. He hissed with pride and victory, tail flagging in time with the pulses of virile ejaculate he spurted into Xshal's body, seeding the fertile female in a moment of pure dominant ecstasy.

Well, Narva thought. At least Rhix is having fun, the bastard.

She felt hands grip her. Blearily she looked up to see a new face; one of the hunters. In fact, it was the leader of the hunters that had first captured them, who had made the snide remark about enjoying the view of Narva sucking Rhix's cock. She looked at him with a gaze of helpless submission and pleading mercy. The sneer she got in return did not inspire confidence.

Her hands were gripped and tied together at her front with a small cord that she recognized as one meant to hold the loincloths in place. The gag was pulled down for a moment, hanging over her collar, as another male tipped a gourd into her mouth. Narva obediently drank without comment, gulping down the liquid. She winced, and suppressed a cough. Oh. More of the stiff drink. How wonderful.

The gag was shoved back into her mouth. Her head swam and the world pitched this way and that. She was drunk. Compliant, she allowed them to stand her up and march her in... some direction. She could not tell. Her mental geography was all off. The world had become a spinning miasma of sex, musk, cocks, naked bodies, hissing, distant singing, drums.

She was bid to step up onto something. She obeyed. Her wrists, already bound together, were further tied by a rope; this was pulled up, and she found her arms stretched above her head. She was bid to step up again, this time onto two small chopped logs, placed far apart. Her arms were stretched up over her head a little more, and she whimpered; fingers splayed, she could barely keep her weight off her arms by standing on her tip-toes, legs spread far apart to put her completely on display.

A line formed behind her.

They were young adults; she could hear one of the older hunters coaching them. She was to be more 'practice', it seemed. She felt her hips gripped from behind, her eyes lazily sweeping over the tableau before her. Rhix was throwing his head back, his head-frill flared up proudly as he thrust into one of the other females, the first one slumped over the log and drooling Rhix's seed from her gaping pussy. The chief was mounting an older female to a chanting, clapping audience, taking her from behind with his hands gripping her upper arms, not unlike he'd gripped Narva's not long ago.

The male behind her thrust inside. At least his cock was smaller than any she'd yet taken. Still larger than most kobolds. She could do nothing - absolutely nothing - but take it. Her vision blurred as the male started to fuck her. Was her pussy aroused? Was it sore? She could barely process these things. The male's cock hilted her, his balls slapping her clit. Her little body shook, her rump jiggling, as the male was cheered on by his friends. Narva felt herself suddenly cum. It was uncontrolled, as if happening in someone else's body, but she squealed all the same. This got a few more cheers.

The male went on fucking her. Cum ran down the inside of her thighs. She was drowning in sex. Helpless and bound and on display, she was fucked through her orgasm, her head rolling back, eyes unfocused, the male grunting into her ear.

When he was finished - pressed to the hilt, moaning aloud as he filled her - he simply stepped away and left her standing there, drooling his seed. Fresh hands gripped her. A new cock thrust inside. She made a small animal noise into the gag, and the thrusting resumed.

In time, she felt her arms released. How many of them had fucked her? How long had the night gone on? Had she faded in and out of consciousness? How many times had their energetic, needy cocks forced unwanted orgasms from her traitor pussy? These questions had no answers.

Someone was carrying her. She was laid down on a firm surface. The singing had died down. The hissing and wet slap of flesh was less prominent, but was still there.

She was on her back. Her eyes stared up at the stars. Then, Rhix's face replaced them, peering down at her. It was not an improvement.

"Still with us?" he asked.

"Mrrggngh," she replied, into the gag. Oh, right, a loincloth was still in her mouth. The chief's. She'd nearly forgotten.

"They want to see me fuck you," Rhix said, smirking. "I got almost nothing left, but I don't want to disappoint."

Narva stared at him vacantly, as if in a dream. She watched as he hooked his arms under her knees and mounted her from the front. This spread her thighs wide apart and bent her pelvis up, folding her nearly in half, with his powerful, naked body between her helplessly splayed legs. His cock was erect, and wet with the leavings of who-knows how many female cunts and previous ejaculations.

He shoved himself into her without ceremony. It sounded like like a fist being pushed into a bag full of runny cheese; a wet, squirting 'splrrt'. Cum ejected from her from around his cock, and he chuckled.

"Getting used to your new life?" he asked. She did not answer. Not only could she not, from a purely practical standpoint, but she similarly lacked the energy and wherewithal. He shoved himself in as deep as their mutual biology would allow. She was amazed to learn she could still feel it.

Her eyes cast about as Rhix started to rut her. She was familiar by now with the sounds he made during sex, though she noted he sounded like he was putting in effort. His cock was not as firm and rigid as usual. Doubtless he'd exhausted himself in the pussies of eligible local females. She could see they had an audience, some of whom watched in cozy silence, cuddled together, enjoying their mutual afterglow as they watched the outsider fuck his slave.

"Wrap your arms around me," he commanded. She obeyed. She couldn't get them all the way around, but she could grip his sides. She could feel his muscles roiling beneath his scaled. Gods, he felt powerful. Males were so strong.

"Moan for them."

She obeyed. It didn't have to be faked. She moaned in sexual exhaustion, she moaned because a cock was stretching her pussy, sliding against her lips, his groin now and then grinding against her pubis, scales glancing over her clit. He fucked down into her, powerfully, holding her in a firm and uncompromising mating press.

"Look up at your master."

She did. Her eyes went to his. Her master. Her master was fucking her. His body rolling, thrusting, those strong hips driving that cock deep into her body.

"Climb towards your climax," he breathed. She could see the gears turning in his mind. She whimpered. Her pussy clenched. Even in her inebriated state, she realized what he was thinking. He could tell her to do anything, and she would obey. Even involuntary things. Even-


She stiffened. Her toes splayed. Her pussy clenched down on him. She squirted over his balls and thighs. Their audience muttered and murmured. She wept. She came, and sobbed, and squirted, and moaned, and gripped him-


She arched, she squealed. One orgasm crashed into the next. Her tail shivered. Her little legs kicked, she clenched tight around him. He groaned. Over-sexed as he was, she knew he was deep in the moment. She could feel his head swelling deep inside her.


She wailed. She came for him, again. Her body shuddered under him; had he not such a strong grip on her, she would have flopped about like a fish. It wasn't even pleasure, anymore. It was a spasm, an involuntary tightening. Her mind blanked. She was nothing but bone and muscle and flesh, squirting, mewling, eyes rolled back in her head.

He was hissing, grunting. She could barely register it. All she knew is when he drew out and stepped back, his cock was finally starting to flag, pulling slowly back into his sheath. He was panting, staring at her. She lay, legs apart, oozing cum freely from her pussy.

Some distant part of her raged. She was a mercenary. She was... this wasn't...

But it was so distant. Miles away. She made no effort to cover herself. Naked, fucked utterly into submission, Narva lay there spread open for all to see.

A well-used sex slave.