Project Radikal Chp. 1 - It's only getting started!

Story by Blazey Wavey on SoFurry

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#1 of Project Radikal

Disclaimer: If your under the legal age or don't enjoy such sexual acts. Legal age is 18/21, depending on your region, if your underage, please don't read any further, if not. Please, enjoy the story.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'll work on getting more in on chapters, it's just hard to find where to end it.

Neon was the average teenager, he went to school, he hung out with his friends on a daily basis. He was pretty popular in school, he had a lot of friends, he was an A student, and he loved his family. His mom was a fox and his dad was a husky. He was half husky and half fox. He was fluffy like a husky and had a fox tail.

"Dad! I'm home." Opening the door to my house, walking inside, hearing the television on and the afternoon sports playing. Sitting down on the couch, hearing my dad enter the living room area "How was school?" as he walks in and sits down. "Boring, same stuff." Standing back up and walking into the kitchen, swaying my tail side to side, pouring a cup of water and quickly gulping it down. Taking a few deep breaths and heading downstairs into my room. "Going to do homework."

After hours of homework, it was finally the weekend, I liked doing my homework right after school, especially on Friday's, so I have the whole weekend to have fun and not worry about school. Looking over at my clock to see it was 6:30pm, wondering what my friends were doing, wondering around my room to find my phone. Finding it underneath a pile of clothes laying on the floor, picking it up to see three unread text messages. Two from Luc and one from Blaze. Looking at them, "Hey Neon, come to the skatepark, there's going to be a party tonight, Blaze.", "Hey, what's up?" and "Did you hear about the party tonight? Call me when ever you look at this."

Dialling a bunch of numbers and pressing the enter button, hearing my phone ring once, twice before hearing someone saying "Hello?"

"Hey Luc."

"Oh hey Neon, get my text?"

"Yup, so, are you going?" playing with my tail

"Yeah, want me to swing by and get you on my way there?"

"Sounds perfect. I'll be waiting."

"Alrighty, see ya then" *click*

Laying back onto my bed, looking over at my clock. "Well, I got an hour before Luc get's here. Might as well go have a shower." Sitting back up and making my way towards the bathroom, walking inside and turning on the light and locking the door. Turning on the water in the tub, sticking my paw in to make sure the temperature is to my liking, before taking off my clothes and stepping inside. The warm water felt nice against my body, matting down my fur, sliding my paws up and down my chest. Grabbing the shampoo and slopping it on my fur, rubbing it in slowly. Working in the shampoo in my fur, sliding my paws down my chest and carefully massaging my sheath, murring slightly and continuing onto washing the rest of my body. Taking extra time around my sheath, pulling it back slowly, revealing my excitement. Slowly starting to rub my length, tracing my claw around the tip, spending extra time around the tip of my cock. Letting out a soft moan as I do so. Putting my paw against the wall for extra balance as I pick up my own pace, rubbing my length faster, the water running down my body, leaning my head back, feeling the warm water run down my face and neck. Moving my one paw down to massage my balls, still rubbing my cock, playing with the tip. Moving my other paw, down to my backside, using my finger to rub my tailhole and slowly push in a bit. Biting my lip, pushing in further, sliding my finger in and out, starting off slowly, working my pace up a bit. Moaning and slowly starting to paw myself off faster, feeling the load becoming greater and my climax rising with each stroke. Pushing my finger in one last time before suddenly jerking my hips, unable to hold back my load any longer, shooting a sticky mess all over the wall. Watching as the water washes away my stickiness. Panting softly and washing the rest of my body, finishing up.

Taking a moment to stand in the warmth of the water before turning it off and stepping out. Drying off my fur, wrapping the towel around my waist and walking back to my room, looking at my clock and seeing it was 7:20pm I had ten more minutes until Luc arrived. Quickly grabbing a new set of clothes and throwing them on. Grabbing my phone from my charger and putting it in my pocket. Picking up my collar from my table and putting it on, gliding my paw across it. Looking out my window to see a car pull up, quickly running up the stairs. "See ya later dad, I'm going out.". Not waiting for answer before opening the door and running down beside the car, jumping in the passenger seat. Smiling ear to ear, looking over at Luc.

"Heya hun." Giving the doberman a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Hey there foxy."

"So, are we ready to roll?"

"Your such a dork." Giggling to himself.

"Oh look who's talking."

"Okay, ready for a night of awesome?!"

"Hah, sure. Night of awesome it is." Looking out my passenger window as we pull out of my drive way, and getting onto the road.

"So, what did you do after school, you didn't respond to my texts."

"Oh, I just got so over concentrated in school that I must have left my phone on the floor... Conveniently under a pile of clothes... Oh well. After I was done my homework I found it and gave you a call."

"Wow, you did all your homework on a friday, right after school... Nerd."

"Hey, at least I won't have to worry about it on Sunday."

"True true, you'll be worrying about mine."

"Yeah right..."

Driving down multiple streets and countless turns before slowly pulling into a driveway, looking upon the house. It was huge. Getting out of the car, hearing loud music being played from inside the house, knocking on the door, as someone opens it.

"Welcome! Neon and Luc."

"Uh, hey." Looking over at Luc and pulling him off to the side. "I thought we were going to the skatepark for a party?"

"Yeah, there's only directions to here at the skatepark."

"Oh, okay..." walking inside the huge mansion.

Being overwhelmed by a bunch of furs from all over the town. Loud rap music being played in the background, slowly walking through the house, finding myself in the kitchen and being handed a drink. Smiling and taking it, saying thanks to the fur who gave it to me. Finding my way back to Luc and giving it to him. "Here, I don't drink.". Luc looking back at me. "Sure you do.", staring back at him. "No, not really. Plus, someone has to be able to drive back tonight.". Luc taking the drink from me and quickly gulping it down. It was a long night of dancing and loud music. I was out in the back, standing near the pool. The pool lights were on, and it was the only gleaming light in the back. It was beautiful, even amongst all the furs dancing around it and countless guys falling into it. Leaning onto a near by table, looking at my phone to see if I got any new messages, none. Putting my phone back into my pocket and going back into the house to search for Luc, running into a couple of furs from school.

"Hey Neon! How are you?" As the otter takes a couple drinks from his cup.

"I'm alright, how are you Ty?"

"Pretty good, this party is pretty crazy huh?"

"Yeah, but it's getting late. I was just about to leave." Looking down at my phone for the time, to see it was already 2:30am

"Yeah, time flies by when your having fun. Well, have a great night. I'm gonna go find some hot chicks to hit on" the otter slowly stumbling away.

Giggling to myself and continuing my search for Luc, walking upstairs and looking down below. Spotting him, mingling to a group of furs. Walking back down and slowly making my way through the crowd, reaching Luc and standing by his side.

"Hey, it's getting late, wanna call it a night?" pulling him aside from the group.

"I am getting kind of sleepy, but this is fun. I wanna stay."

"It's 2:30, I think it's time for you to be in bed." Smelling the scent of vodka and other liquor on his breath.

"Maybe... How about... Just a little longer?" staggering a little to his side.

"No, I think it's time to go" wrapping his arm around my shoulder and waving off to the group, walking back to his car.

Laying him down in the passenger seat, buckling him up and walking back to the driver seat, sitting down in his car. Revving the engine before turning on the headlights and pulling out of the driveway. Making my way back to Luc's house. Driving up into his driveway, with my headlights off, so I wouldn't wake his parents. Getting out of the car and walking over to the passenger side, opening the door and helping him out, wrapping his arm around me again for balance. Walking over to the downstairs door, grabbing the key from Luc and opening the door, luckily, his room was downstairs. The whole basement was his room. He had a couch and a Hi-Definition television set and a room off to the side, walking in and shutting the door behind me. Locking it and bringing him into his room. Laying him down in bed, covering him up in the blankets. "Want a cup of water?" Asking him before walking upstairs to get a quick snack. He slowly shook his head, so I wondered upstairs, looking inside his fridge to find cold pizza, grabbing a slice and eating before even getting downstairs again. Slowly climbing into his bed, snuggling into his arms. Yawning loudly and falling asleep quickly. Thinking to myself how the 'night of awesome' was pretty decent. Closing my eyes and resting my head against Luc's chest. Listening to his heart beat, feeling his chest slowly rise and descend, helping me fall asleep faster.