A Change Of Pace Chapter 2

Story by SplicerWolf on SoFurry

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Chapter two of my Change of Pace series where the dragon has a visit with family and the wolf does their best to cook a meal in their state. Hope you enjoy :3

How long had it been since the dragon left? The wolf had lost all sense of time, fully engrossed in the wonder of the scent wafting of the pillow and the sight of dancing flame. He didn't care about what time it was, he was only starting to count the wrappers on the floor one by one and realizing he had eaten all of them, but he was still starving. Weeeeellllll I mean the kitchen is right there, maybe a little peek couldn't hurt right? He hopped of the couch with his paws making a light slap on the polished hardwood floor and plodded his way along into the kitchen, opening the first cupboard to find....

weed, it was filled with weed. So was the next cupboard, and the next, and the next, finally a few more cabinets later there was actual food. It was filled shelf to shelf with packages of ramen. Even in their inebriated state the wolf let out a little chuckle and commented "Yeah, that checks out" before grabbing a few packages of ramen and heading to the stove, grabbing one of the smallest pans there, which was still the size of one of the wolf's largest, filled it with water and began to boil the ramen, trying to open the package with his sluggish paws, before promptly having it break open and the whole brick of noodles shattering on the floor. The next package went much the same, before the wolf stumbled back and fell on his butt, against the counter, where he promptly cracked open that third package and just started eating it dry while taking a few licks from the msg filled package. Which is when the door creaked back open, and the iridescent quadruped dragon walked back into the scene confused where the wolf went, until they saw the water boiling over on the stove and ramen noodles scattered on the floor. And sitting less than a meter from the pile was a little, giggling wolf, eating the dry noodles with his paws, not even aware that the dragon had returned. The dragon raised one paw and caressed the underside of the wolf's muzzle.

"You've made quite a mess my new friend" The dragon said, seeing the wolf's almost glazed over eyes caused him to realize exactly what had happened.

"....Huh? The weary wolf managed to mutter "Oh, it's you. Hiiiiiiiiiiiii"

"Here let's get you back up on the couch, I'll clean this mess up and we can chat about my trip."

"Yeah, sure...." The wolf yawned before promptly falling asleep, letting the package of ramen spill out of his hand.

He didn't even move as the dragon picked, him up and laid him down on the couch before sighing and getting the kitchen put away. Finishing his cleaning he opened the large door to his favourite weed's hiding spot and picking up a full plant. Satisfied with his cleaning, the dragon retreated to the lounge and dragged a chair to sit adjacent to the wolf, staring at his slumbering body chewing halfheartedly as his snack.

His discussion with his sister, was interesting to say the least and he was wondering how he would explain everything to the wolf. Hell, he wasn't even sure how well the wolf would be able to understand, seeing as how just being around the dragon caused the wolf's thoughts to slow to a crawl, if that. His trip to his sister's domain was quick but still rather cold, literally cold. While he enjoyed a nice, lush forest, his sister took up shop in a frost laden mountain. Her home, while hidden away in the mountains, was opulent to put it lightly, tall towers and walls, all carved from the ice from the mountain, but when the sun hit it right it sparkled with little flickers of gold, frozen forever within the bricks. Whether the ice was magic or just normal, the dragon found it excessive all the same, landing in the courtyard he was instantly set upon by many servants who had take residence within the castle

"Ah master Stoke, shall I ready a room for you?" One asked as he bowed to the dragon.

"No, thank you though Charles, I shouldn't be long... I, uh, actually, have a guest at home believe it or not."

"That is a tall tail, forgive me for being surprised sir" The butler ribbed as the two made small talk while walking to his sister's throne room. Walking in the room was a surprise every time, to be sure. It was always bigger than his previous visit, more piles of gold, it even seemed the throne was taller.

"Brother? How long has it been? 20 years perhaps?" His sister, a blue dragon befitting of the surroundings, with an opal crown almost comically dangling from one of her horns.

"Perhaps so, but there was something I needed answers for, and you were the closest one to help..."

The conversation had only lasted 20 minutes, but observing the now waking wolf on the couch, he had to quickly summarize the conversation. The gist being the dragons all had a particular wavelength of personality, invisible and undistinguishable to any conventional means but can be picked up on a spiritual level, and individuals who are particularly in tuned to that dragon's personality would eventually be drawn to the dragon. There was no telling where or how, but they will eventually come together and find a bond formed between the two that would last for the rest of their natural life, which based on how old Charles' was, seemed exponentially prolonged. Explaining this to the wolf, who lazily rubbed his eyes as he processed this seemingly impossible situation he currently stumbled into.

"...sooooooo what you're telling me is I'm now, like soul chained to you or something?" The wolf skeptically asked

"Don't look at me! This is the first time I've had this occur to me, what, do you feel different or something?" the dragon almost snapped back, angered by the wolf's nonchalant attitude.

"I don't know, I don't feel all that different, aside from whenever you do that weird thing with you breath"

"right, sorry. I don't know how to help you with that honestly."

"It's also your smell, and even thinking about you kinda gets me lightheaded..." The wolf cut himself off before he could spill more embarrassing words from his mouth "Also this bond thing, what happens if I leave, I have a job you know, and people are expecting me... probably" The wolf recalled that pink husky who invited him to the trip, he had to be waiting right?

"I'm not sure, most bonded as my sister called them, don't usually leave the dragon's domain and if so, it's not very long before they're drawn back. Please forgive me for causing all this" The dragon sounded sorry, as if he had any choice in this spiritual attraction he exhumed. "I suppose we can work something out, we can make it work, I think we have to make this work..."

"Can you at least take me back to the hotel, or tell me what time it is? I need to think about all this"

"For sure, just uh hop on my back, the sun is down now, maybe getting to the hotel won't get me spotted."

The dragon got up from his seat and laid down just in front of the couch, still the wolf had trouble clambering up the warm, glowing in the dying firelight, scales of the dragon's back. Wrapping his arms around the dragon's neck, barely able to clasp his hands together on the other side. Raising from the ground on all fours, the dragon wen out to his front yard and stretched his wings out as far as possible

"Hold on tight, I've never actually had a passenger before... Please don't fall off..."

"Yeah yeah" The wolf nervously chuckled, terrified beyond comprehension. Digging his claws in and nuzzling close to the neck, breathing in he found himself quickly relaxing. Kicking his heels into the dragon's side, he cried out "Giddyup, onward and upward!"

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that..." The dragon obligated all the same, barely feeling the claws in his neck as he flew up high with a single, powerful wing stroke.

The rest of the trip was rather silent, the wind made talking hard, and hearing impossible, but before they both knew it the dragon was landing on the roof of the hotel the wolf was booked at.

"How, could you possibly know where I was staying?"

"Not sure, just a residual feeling, like you've been here before"

"Ok... well goodnight? See you sometime if I see you, I guess." The wolf trailed off, knowing full well he'd see the dragon once again, most likely soon. Entering the rooftop staircase, the wolf searched his backpack for his room key and quickly walked down to his room floor and counted numbers until he found the room... 420. How fitting. The wolf opened the door to find the pink husky laying on the bed, and his eyes lit up upon seeing the familiar face.

"holy shiiiiiiiit, where did you go off to? I thought you got kidnapped or something. My god I was about to call the police. What happened?" He hopped off the bed and hugged the grey wolf slowing his talking down as his nose twitched and he nearly wretched. "Dear god, you, smell like weed, like reek of weed, is that what happened? Sampling the local cuisine? Do you know what time it is? My god take a shower.... Not that it'd help you much"

"Yeah, I don't even know where to start, and no, I don't know what time it is. I'll tell you about it when I'm done showering." The wolf took a quick hot shower and let the steam clear his head a bit more, still a tad foggy from the dragon's influence. Upon coming out of the shower and toweled himself off, feeling clearer than he had all day.

"Ok, you're never going to believe this but..." the wolf began as he came out of the bathroom towel wrapped around his waist, recounting the days even starting with the rude cab driver.

"That's rich! Wow you must have really smoked yourself into a comma for a bit huh?" The pink husky was rolling on his bed laughing, clutching his stomach. "Well I mean quite the tale you've spun, but hey if this park is all you say it is, maybe I could join you tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure you'd be allowed to..."

"Why not? The big scary dragon won't allow it?" The husky was still chuckling to himself as he began falling asleep " 'night"

"Good night..." The wolf replied, knowing something felt odd. He tossed and turned in his bed sweating. He couldn't figure out how to get the dragon of his mind, the large, muscular dragon overlooking his field from his porch, scales glinting in the sunlight with their pink iridescent gleam. Looking down on the small wolf with a snug almost sense of ownership, towering over him on all fours. Looking like a mountain in the wolf's eyes. Turning his head down towards the wolf, the dream dragon inhales sharply and breaths down on the tiny wolf, smoke billowing endlessly from his mouth, sending the shivering wolf straight to dreaming about floating on iridescent clouds of bliss. The pink husky looked on at the now moaning and quivering wolf with almost envy.

"That must be one heck of a dream there..." He murmured to himself, squirming himself, he whined gently ignoring the tent that had been sprung in his sheets as he too fell asleep.