The Guardians of Time Ep 27-Realm of time Labyrinth

Story by Vangabond on SoFurry

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#27 of The Guardians of Time

Steven is found and the final battle has just started

The team dawning their new outfits had placed the 12th time stone in the time panel and unlocked the door to the last labyrinth which was the realm of time labyrinth seemingly the final one. "w-wait... " Theo had spoken up. "I am detecting another time stone... and.. Some sort of strong magical presence that's... similar to Lucas's" Lucas's ears had perked up. "Everyone... I think Theo found my brother... Now let's go!" Lucas had darted ahead with the others following him The realm of time had taken the form of a castle and was somewhat big as before they had reached the last room it showed the final bosses of each labyrinth they had taken down as trophies before Lucas busted down the door. It was then that Steven Charon, the last brother of Lucas Charon was seen sitting on his throne wearing the 13th stone looking at the people who barged into his throne room. He is a dark gray Unicorn with black hair with a red streak in it with red eyes. He is skinny and stands at the same height as his brother, 6ft. He wears a dark red cloak with a white dress shirt, a black tie and black slacks and dress shoes under it, but he was wearing the 13th stone like a medal around his neck. "Well well well... look what riff raff stumbled into my throne room..." "Steven ?!" "Hello Younger brother.. It's been quite sometime since I last saw you" "Y-yeah it's been a year! What are you doing here?" "Molding this place to be my own personal sanctuary... what are you doing here?" "To save you.." "Save me? Leave, I am happy here.." "No, I refuse!" "Then so be it..." Steven had then dawned a right handed sword, as Lucas dawned his left handed one. "Everyone take him down no matter what!" The team had clashed against Steven.

The Guardians of Time Ep 28-Reunited

The guardians of time against Steven Charon and his forces of darkness had clashed within the realm of time labyrinth. After a hard fight and Lucas using more of his own powers as time went on he ended the fight by knocking down his brother. It was...

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The Guardians of Time Ep 26-The Eclipse of the final dungeon

One month later, the team had taken a break from fighting in the time realm to focus on their lives and their powers. Lucas had gone out of his way to have special outfits created for the guardians of time to help enhance their powers and to look more...

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The Guardians of Time Ep 25-History Labyrinth investigation

When the team had unlocked the 8th door to the next Labyrinth, they were ready to kick any boss monster's butt. "W-wait...." "everyone... I'm not sensing a time monster boss here..." Theo had continued to speak. "It appears this place runs about 11...

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