Of Domination and Donations

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#109 of Commissions

Commission for Ephemeral_Dreams

A tired and frustrated Nate comes home and catches his son entertaining a live audience. Being overcome by his anger, Nate finally gets some use out of his son.


Posted using PostyBirb

Nate sighed to himself, walking away from the workplace. This day in particular had been an especially long and grueling one. The snow leopard was just glad that it was over. He had been pushing himself extra hard lately, there was a spot open for a higher position and he was hoping to snag it for himself. It was that hope that convinced him to take on the extra hours of overtime, seeming like a good idea at the time. But now Nate felt completely exhausted. It was now 9:30pm, any other plans for the day had been dead and gone. He couldn't even swing by the gym, it being just short of closing.

Sighing to himself, he climbed into and started the car, backing out of the parking lot before making the drive back home. This was the life that Nate built for himself. On the whole it was pretty good but had its many ups and down along the way. One of the biggest hurdles was having a raising a kid at the age of 17. He was young and dumb then, having gotten drunk at a party before boldly approaching his high school crush. Though the snow leopard scored, it became apparent that he failed to use protection when he got a sudden and distraught call from his 'one night fling,' Tabitha.

Right out of high school, Nate asked Tabitha to marry him. It only made sense seeing that the pair of big cats, one being a snow leopard and the other being a tiger were already having a kid. Luckily she agreed and they were soon hitched just before the baby came. They had a healthy baby boy, naming him Tanner. But he was usually called Tad, being his own preference since it sounded like his mother's nickname, Tab.

It certainly wasn't easy but Nate pulled himself together to become the father his son needed. With Tabitha staying home, he was able to work a day job that paid well enough, attending higher education at night. Everyday was full of stress but he didn't stop, reminding himself that it was all for his family. When things got too stressful, a trip to the gym was the remedy. There, the feline was able to get his frustrations out in a productive way.

In time, it all seemed to work out. Nate got himself a well paying job that he held onto till this day. IT work was hard sometimes but he saw it as an appropriate level of stress for the payout. Now he was 33, still in good shape from retraining his gym habit. He was mostly clean cut, having trimmed patterned fur but with long brown hair atop his head. As a whole, Nate wasn't much different from other members of his species, the only possible standout being a particular spot above his navel that kind of looked like a dragon.

His triumph provided a good life for Tad. The younger snow leopard grew up with a pretty normal childhood, coming from a nice home and not ever wanting for the necessities. All the same, Nate made sure the youthful leopard didn't grow up spoiled. Things were going well for some time. But there was yet another rough patch, this one being a blow to the family as a whole. Though they lived a much better life, Nate and Tabitha started to drift apart. It was something they both accepted, opting for a clean divorce rather than making a mess of it all.

It happened when Tad was about 12 and things hadn't been quite the same since then. The younger leopard used to get fantastic grades, appearing to have inherited his father's work ethic. Nate was patient with his son, understanding the divorce was likely the cause. But things just continued like that for the following years. Tad became lazier and lazier with each passing year. It was about that time that Nate began to work longer hours at his job, leaving his son at home alone for an extended amount of time. To Tad's credit he didn't leave the house trashed.

Well it turned out that Tad wasn't actually home most of the time. His teenage years brought about a phase of rebellion. Being all alone, the big cat would simply leave and go hang out with some friends he made, adopting their delinquent way. It was a kept secret, acting well enough around his father. But when at school or out on the streets, he threw caution to the wind, doing everything and anything he wanted.

Instead of doing homework, he would hang with his friends, going to their house. It was there he discovered the joys of the internet and gaming. Up until it was time for Nate to return, Nate would off playing games and smoking weed with the guys. This all did eventually show when Tad hadn't even bothered to do his class work. His grades were clearly slipping, much to his father's surprise and confusion.

This all came to a head in high school, doing just enough to move on to the next grade. Tad didn't take up any summer jobs, relying on the income that came from his father. And though Nate had made sure not to spoil him at first, after the divorce there was a permanent sense of guilt that he felt. He couldn't help but cave when Tad asked for something new. At that point, the leopard/tiger hybrid had taken up an interest in being a tuber, recording himself in his room and setting up streams for his small audience. Being in the field, Nate was actually in the know and supported his son, having a hope that his kid would make it big one day.

Senior year came and in becoming 18 over the summer, Tad had gotten even closer to a border collie named Oliver that was his best friend to this day. It started as an after school thing. Tad would invite Ollie over

and with there being one around, it was only a matter of time before they began exploring each other. Framed as "doing homework together," the feline and canine were usually in the bedroom, having a smoke session before Tad would start sucking off his best friend despite claiming to be a top. He found out that he enjoyed being on the receiving end, hearing the moans of the border collie when stuffing his throat or tailhole.

One day Oliver suggested they record their fooling around. The camera could be twisted just a bit, pointing right at the bed. That was the start of what became Tad's secret "hobby." Whether with Oliver or just by himself, he began to host nightly streams when his father was usually asleep. He found the engagement was much more than his previous gaming videos. This led to his grades slipping even more, spending most of the night streaming rather than studying.

When graduation day came, Tad got his diploma, having passed with a meager 3.2 GPA and no scholarships to his name. In fact, there were no plans to attend college at all. Tad put more effort into his video making, making some good progress with his gaming videos, but his new cash cow were the late night streaming sessions. Now he had no shame in showing off his light grey fur, patterned with grey spots. And despite the dildos and vibrators he used often, Tad made a point to state he was a top "doing it for the stream." Viewers who donated got to dictate his actions. It didn't count if he was doing it for money after all.

Now Nate had gotten himself used to the sight of his son just sitting on the couch and playing video games, looking content while he returned from a day of hard work. Now that Tad was an adult, the sight frustrated him more than anything. True he worked so much to give his son an easy life, but that didn't mean the mixed bred feline could just mooch off of him forever. He made a plan to wean his son off more and more but was too focused on the promotion opportunity to put that plan into action. The younger cat was especially given leeway today off all days.

It was just after 1o pm when he finally got home. Groaning to himself, Nate unlocked the door. As soon as he could, the 6 foot snow leopard crashed on the couch. It all came rushing in right then and there, realizing just how tired he felt. Not even bothering to turn on the tv, Nate just lay there for a bit, taking in the peace of his own home. Looking back he could say that was indeed the most strenuous day of work so far. But it could very well be worth it. Besides, the next was a day off, giving ample time to catch up on both the missed rest and workout routine. With it being so late already he figured it was best to get an early start, getting up to properly lie down in his bed.


Tad was already busy with his streaming. He was told of his father working late, being told not to wait up for him. The hybrid intended to stay up late but not for that reason. This night in particular, Tad was going to celebrate an entire year of late night streaming. Quite the following had been gained since then and it was a celebration of how far he had come. There was something special in store for the viewers as well.

First being unveiled was a new vibrator. This was special as it could be connected to another device. It took just a bit of tweaking but now the toy's vibration levels could be directly chosen by a donator. Of course there came some comments accusing him of being a slutty bottom, then seeing how excited the orange furred cat was.

"Hey! I told you guys! It's for the stream. Besides, don't act like you don't wanna see a stud top on his knees, his tail lifted..." Tad talked to his viewers directly, using a sexy tone as he stood, slowly stripping for them.

More and more of his body was put on display for others to see. Tad was a bit tall, being 5 feet 8 inches. Though not subscribing to his father's workout regime, he had a fit build of his own. Without any major muscle to show off, Tad's build was more twinkish. He ignored the comments that called him cute and kept his focus on the stud act.

"Sorry to have kept you all waiting..." A paw reached down between his legs, groping at his sheath. He made sure the camera was focused on his bits, trailing down to caress the curvature of his balls. The viewers were eating it up, they always loved the slow and sultry start before things got rather wild. Caressing the smooth furred sack gave way to the pink and barbed cock that was sliding out from his sheath, twitching as it was becoming engorged with blood. Giving a small groan, Tad pinched the tip with his forefinger and thumb, grinding them directly against the barbs. That got him going, coaxing the rest of it out. Now standing proud for all to see were 5 inches of hybrid feline dick.

He paused a bit to read some of the comments that scrolled along the screen. Most of them were calling him hot or sexy. Being thankful that the remarks calling him cute had passed, Tad ran his paw along the length, feeling it twitch against his fingers. It was clear to see that he was rather excited. Of course it wouldn't be openly admitted, but Tad was looking forward to actually trying the toy out. He dragged out the show of his naked body for a bit longer. Now it was time to get to the good stuff...

The final piece needed was a collar around his neck, having the words "kitty" emboldened on it. With that all taken care of, the camera was then focused on the bed. Tad leaned against it, making sure his ass was in full view, raising his tail and spreading his cheeks for a bit. Next to him was the lube and vibrator plug.

"Mmm..." Tad hummed when his wet fingers first prodded then began to sink underneath his tail. He was still a bit loose from the last stream, having ridden a knotted dildo into a few orgasms. Those watching were able to see his digits being slurped up by the pink soft looking hole. Along with that were the feline's moans.

Going the extra mile, those fingers were pumping back and forth, spreading the slick lube against his walls. The sense of being just slightly stretched brought pleasure but knowing there was much more to come kept his body trembling with anticipation. He reached in nice and deep before pulling the slippery fingers from his ass, showing off the hole that was slightly stretched.

"Now what you've all been waiting for..." Tad held up the toy for the chat to see, applying lube to its surface before reaching in back, touching to his glazed rim. The text was scrolling from the many horny comments that were being typed and sent one after the other. Clearly they were eager for it. Not wanting to keep them waiting, Tad showed himself slowly pushing the plug in, letting out another soft moan as it stretched him a bit more before popping inside, fitting snugly inside. The device was turned on but wasn't vibrating quite yet. That was up to Tad to sort out, returning to the computer so he could enable donations.

A queue system was set up, so each donor could see the reaction to their desired intensity. There were five settings and they corresponded with amounts starting at $10. $20 was for the second level of intensity and so on, $50 being the maximum. As soon as the donations were enabled, Tad suddenly shuddered and purred from the soft buzzing in his ass, shaking against his walls and prostate.

The first donation came from HunnyBunnnie45: Does it really work?

"Oh it works, HunnyBunnie..." Tad continued purring as he set up for the rest of the stream. The vibrator was just the beginning.


Nate's room was on the upper level while Tad kept his room on the ground floor. The snow leopard trudged his way upstairs to get out of his work clothes. He noticed how quiet it was in the house. Usually he could hear noise from Dylan's room, usually the noise of some movie or video game being played. For now he reached his bedroom, being a large one meant for two. But at the moment, the space was only occupied by himself. Putting that out of his mind for now, Nate undressed and got into something more comfortable.

Looking in the mirror he wore no shirt, only a pair of loose fitting shorts with no underwear underneath. That was the most comfortable way to sleep in his opinion. As he admired the reflection, Nate could feel his sheath stirring. It had been a while since he jerked off and just looking at his built form in the mirror was turning him on a bit. But again, that was put out of his mind. There was plenty of time for that tomorrow.

With a half chub he went back downstairs to at least wish his son goodnight before truly turning in. He still expected the hybrid to lie on his bed, maybe stuffing his face with chips while watching some show or movie. His fluffy footpaws cushioned the sound of his footsteps and the refurbished wood flooring didn't creak either. It wasn't as if he intended to interrupt the younger cat, just wanting to take a quick peak in the room.

When looking into the room, Nate nearly gasped aloud. For a moment it was certain that his fatigue was making him see things. But when looking again, he saw his son bend over his bed, pointing his ass at a recording camera. Quiet moans came as a plug was buzzing audibly in his ass.

"Fuck... Thanks for the 30 dollar donation DoRayMii..." The collar around Tad's neck was attached to a leash now, being tied to the bed. His hands were close together thanks to some cuffs. The orange anthro was groaning while arching his back and showing off his twitching cock, leaking precum onto the bed's surface. Being unaware of the eyes on him, Tad was basking in the pleasure the varied vibration speeds gave him. This was his best idea yet and the viewers were eating it up.

Watching with an agape mouth, it took a few more seconds for it to register with Nate. When finally realizing what happened, there was a newfound anger that he felt. Perhaps it was the feelings that had been building up for years now. Here he was, working himself to the bone while his lazy bum of a son stayed home all day. It was infuriating enough imagining him just sitting on his ass for hours on end, but to know that his son had turned himself into an online slut, showing off his cock and plugged ass for who knows how many strangers to see...

Though seething, Nate made sure to enter quietly. He came in at the perfect time too. His son's back was to the computer, reading off messages and donations from the lower tiers. Nate was unaware of what was behind him, even as the chat was suddenly flooding with new comments, all talking about some big sexy cat that came into view. They were able to see a much larger and taller feline stalking up to the twink, not saying a word even though he looked utterly pissed off.

"Tanner! What the fuck is this?!"

Nearly jumping out of his pelt and spinning around, Tad was suddenly face to face with his furious father. The snow leopard loomed over him, wearing a look that made his son shrink instantly. Tad opened his mouth, trying to explain himself but his current situation painted quite the picture. Though unhooked from the leash, the collar still hugged around the hybrid's neck, the tight fitting cuffs kept his hands close together and though there was a way to undo them while cuffed, Tad was too busy freaking out to bother with that. But the most damning piece of evidence was the vibrator that buzzed loudly inside of him.

"Ugh..." he shuddered from the sudden increase in power, being much more than the other levels. Another donation appeared on the screen, being $50 reading: Who's the dilf?

"D-dad! This is just...uh. A project I'm working on!" Tad tried to explain, his tone being clearly panicked. He knew there was no way he could talk himself out of this still tried, his body trembling while looking up at the bigger feline and not just because of the vibrator still going at its strongest setting.

Nate just sniffed and looked beyond his son, taking notice of the comments that were scrolling by. "And what's all this? When I first helped you set this all up, it wasn't for this? What happened to your gaming channel?"

"I still do that! It's just more of a...day job kind of thing. T-this just pays better..." Tad admitted, gulping from the glare that was shot his way. Nate's attention was back on the monitor. He saw the donation amount that had been racked up. It was a pretty good amount and yet his son still lounged on his old man's dime.

"So not only are you whoring yourself out, but you're taking advantage of me too?" Nate accused, letting his true anger be known. From the banner atop the screen he read that this was an anniversary celebration. "You've been doing this for a year now, huh?" He continued to question his son about things, staying in the camera's field of view. Despite the feud between father and son going on, the chat was more concerned about the shirtless hunk with an obvious bulge in his shorts.

Even Tad had taken notice and was sneaking glances while answering his dad's question. He figured that being honest was the best route but it seemed to make his old man even angrier, learning that Tad had settled to doing this with his life, being a full time streamer, meaning this shameless peepshow would be continuing.

Though angry, Nate was forced to see his son in a new light. It was hard to ignore his naked twinkish form. Not helped by the constant buzzing of the vibrator and the moans that slipped from the guilty young adult. Hearing those sounds and seeing his 5 inch cock twitching from the stimulation kept his own cock in a semi hard state. But as the conversation got deeper, Nate was now seeing red. Everything he wanted for his son was falling apart. Tad had grown up into nothing but a lazy, slobbish, and now perverse bum. And he wasn't going to stand for it anymore!

From the computer came a message. Since it was such a high amount, being $100, it was read aloud by the text-to-speech system.

"Such a bad boy. He needs some punishment. Bend him over and give it to him hard~!" When the message was done being said, there were the chimes of new comments, giving their encouragement, urging the daddy leopard to punish his son for his naughty deeds.

A smirk spread over the older anthro's face, reaching out to grab and lift his son without another word from him. Tad yelped as he was so easily picked up from the floor, dangling helplessly before being put back down. But his dad sat down on the bed first, having put the younger feline in a familiar position from his youth when doing something bad and getting caught.

Now purposely keeping himself in the camera's view, Nate swung his heavy paw back before slamming it down on his son's ass. While the plug was still lodged in his ass, Tad grunted and winced from the spanks being given to his bare ass. They came down hard, making a sharp clap each time. Nate grunted from the effort he put into each strike and Tad was quick to react. He was still bound by the cuffs, squirming too much to focus and his dad was strong enough to hold him down with just one hand.

"Yeah just like that!"

"Bad kitty!"

"Make his ass red and raw!"

Donation messages were pouring in, the viewers calling for Nate to dole out more punishment and shaming Tad for being such a bad son. Up and down, smacking and reeling back, Nate gave them what they wanted, spanking the ass hard enough for red to show through the orange fur of his ass. When it came to an end, Tad was left panting and teary eyed. Nate finally stopped, having made his point clear but that didn't mean he was done with his son.

His anger somewhat subsided, the older cat was quick to consult the onslaught of comments and donations. They were pouring in now, coming and going almost too quickly to read. But from what Nate could make out, a lot of them were begging the hunky feline to take things to the next level.

"We wanna see you dom him!"

"Put the little bitch in his place!"

"What's his @? I love hot dads!"

"Fuck his ass already!"

From what Nate could tell, the majority also saw this as some kind of act. With it being the special anniversary celebration many were convinced this was a special scripted event. Those comments and the now fully erect state of his cock convinced the snow leopard to proceed. He needed release and this was the perfect opportunity!

There was no trouble in handling the younger cat. Now fully committed, Nate was set on finally releasing all of his pent up feelings. Tad was still shuddering from the pain in his ass but the sudden yanking up of his body brought attention away from that.

"You wanna be a slut for pay? Then let's give their money's worth!" Nate growled as he pushed Tad down on the bed, having him leaned over the side. His ass was shown off towards the camera. A hard shiver and loud moan filled the bedroom. Rather suddenly, the plug was pulled from his hole, still buzzing away. Nate just tossed it onto the bed, leaving his son's tailhole stretched and winking from the sudden emptiness.

But to the fill the spot were his fingers, two thick ones that jammed in roughly. Tad's cuffed paws were roughly gripping his blanket. The next thing he knew, the hybrid was a writhing and moaning mess, responding to the fat digits that were forcing their way in deeper, grinding and twisting against his walls. He couldn't hold back the sounds that spilled from his muzzle. A mix of shame and excitement raced through his being, realizing that he was being fingered by his dad. It was wrong but also hot at the same time. This was all being recorded live, every little reaction on full display to see.

Nate had noticed this as well, roughly prodding around inside of the slick and warm hole. It was squeezing down on them, but those pitched almost bitchy moans were working to turn him on. While leaning over his son, the camera was able to see the large tent in his shorts. Just glancing at the computer revealed the many comments pointing it out. The more he felt around, touching certain spots along the way, Tad reacted more and more. It helped to see his son in a new light, as a rather cute twink with a very fuckable ass. His need for release was a silent urge to just take the plunge.

Fuck it!

Nate roughly pulled his fingers out and stood up, being quick to grip and tug his shorts down. That was all it took to leave him completely naked. The chat was of course going wild, finally seeing his cock on full display. To their shock, Nate turned out to be huge all over. Jutting out from his spread sheath were about 9 inches of barbed leopard meat. It throbbed and was already oozing a string of precum at the tip. Along with the comments came more donations, throwing their suggestions of what they wanted to see next. One of them stood out to Nate and he pulled his son from the bed, turning him around.

Tad was now face to face with his dad's dick, twitching right in front of his muzzle. He was speechless when seeing it. The younger cat had seen himself as a stud but his old man put him completely to shame, being twice his size in every aspect. A heavy hand came down and pushed his muzzle into the shaft. He could feel it throbbing, the heat, and even the pure scent of masculinity. Any attempts to pull away were made futile by the much stronger male.

"This is what a real man looks like!" Nate berated, grinding his son's face along the length. "But you wouldn't know anything about that!"

"Are you a real man, boy?" Nate urged. He wanted to hear it from his son's own mouth. But first he reveled in the catharsis or rubbing the smaller cat's face against his cock. It could be compared to rubbing a puppy's face in its mess. His son was just being taught a lesson. It would also take him down many pegs while thousands watched from home.

Tad dared to look beyond the meaty cat dick. On his screen he could see that the viewer count had risen drastically, going from 800 to 2,000! The viewers were eating it up, calling for more from Nate. A sense of dread came over him when seeing them mentioning how good the acting was. Did they really think that was some kind of scripted thing?

Another hard push got his attention, this time shoving his muzzle into the plump warm balls that hung just lower. His nose was pressed snugly to them, the hand on his hand keeping a pressure that wouldn't allow him to lift. The little breathing room he had was tainted with musk.

"You're not getting out of this until you answer the question!" Nate said, able to power through his son's squirms.

"Alright. I'm not a real man!" Tad caved. Having learned his lesson, he just wanted this to be over with.

"That's right. And tonight you're my little bitch!" Nate said, lifting his son's head up. Nate yelped from the claws that dug into his scruff, them being muffled by the thick cocktip that wedged its way into his open muzzle.

Nate took full advantage of the situation, pressing again. Tad strained as the fat thing was rubbed over his tongue and soon pressing to his throat. Another push from behind forced him to take it, forcing a gag and a stinging pain from the sudden bulging of his windpipe. While Tad was trying to make sense of it all, the elder feline was moaning deeply. It had been a while since he felt a hot throat around his dick.

"Breath through your nose." That was the only advice given before going at his own leisure, both moving Tad's head back and forth while thrusting into the soft maw. The views were still climbing and more donations came but the snow leopard was more concerned about seeing this through. For years his words had fallen of deaf ears so surely actions would act on the lazy teen.

Tad took the advice given and was breathing through his nose. He could still smell the scent of his father, the sweat that had built from a long day at the office. Every breath he took brought more of the sweaty scent to him. Along with that was the strong taste of male that reached his tongue. Though he was familiar with this thanks to Oliver, there was something wildly different about this. The taste of his dad's cock grinding back and forth over his tongue, it made him shudder yet his mouth was watering. And in his flicking ears were the rumbling moans, coming out with steady purring. While he was being roughly used, his dad was thoroughly enjoying himself.

There was no leverage given on his end. His dad's strong hand dictated his actions, being made to bob and down while that fat cock was pounding at his throat. He couldn't help but how smooth each stroke was, cleanly jamming the rod into his windpipe. All he could do was endure and ride it out, even as he felt the pulsing in between his tongue and the roof of his mouth. Hot precum was already oozing down his throat, making it clear just how pent up the snow leopard was. Having no choice but to swallow, Tad shuddered from how thick and hot it was.

The pulses were getting stronger and so were the sounds from his dad. Tad felt his heart pound realizing that he would be soon drinking down a certainly thick load of cum. Again, he tried to pull back. But even in his state of pleasure, Nate hadn't let his guard down. Strong humps shoved all of it inside, until his dad's pelvis pressed to his parted lips. He felt the heavy warm balls smacking to his chin repeatedly. Though he wasn't able to see, Tad was certain that the chat was cheering his dad on, wanting to see his throat fully bred.

But to his surprise, the hefty thing was pulled from his mouth. Another gag and groan came from Tad as it smacked against his lips, streaking them with a thick rope of pre. The taste of it was now strong on his tongue, being a powerfully salty taste. It clung to his taste buds, only being smeared further along the pink surface as he tried to get it off. At the very least, he was glad to be able to breathe freely. He saw Nate grip his cock and expected the snow leopard to start jerking himself off until that promised load came out to paint his face. Surely the viewers would love that.

But he was forced to his feet before being shoved forwards. Catching himself. Nate landed on the very end of his desk. Nate was quick to get behind him, keeping his son's body down with one hand while the other reached over to adjust the camera. When the view was on the two of them, Nate smirked, flexing his muscles while making sure the angle caught his cock throbbing on Tad's back.

"What should I do with you know? How about letting the fans decide?"

Of course the general consensus was to see the younger feline getting his brains fucked out by the hot daddy leopard. Both many comments and voiced donations championed this outcome.

"You heard them, boy?" Nate said, giving a firm smack to the still sore asscheek, hearing the pained hiss that came from it. "Better give them what they want."

Tad didn't respond, instead just trembling as he felt the heavy shaft pulling back and pressing in between his asscheeks. His hole was already lubed and the mix of precum and spit on Nate's cock would serve well enough. Tad was squirming, trying to resist but his father was able to overpower and press his tip inside. The younger feline groaned from his ass being stuffed with more cock than it had ever taken before. It was being pushed in whether or not his ass was prepared.

"Fuck... At least you keep yourself tight," Nate huffed as he plunged his barbed dick into the soft and snug passage. Hard clenches were given to keep any more from sinking in but that only succeeded in riling up the larger feline even more. A strong thrust was given that jammed all 9 inches deep inside, forcing a girly moan out of Tad.

Without giving pause, Nate started thrusting into his son, doing so with enough force to rock the desk. But the mounted camera was recording it all having been adjusted to the perfect angle. The viewers were able to see the thick pink appendage gliding smoothly in and out of the tight looking ass. Tad's twink body was pressed to the desk by the weight of just one paw, his squirms doing little to stop the filmed rutting. Along with his father's groans, there was the repeated clap of a muscled pelvis crashing into his aching backside. He couldn't the moans, them being forced out by the thickness that kept his hole spread on all sides. Even worse were the barbs that stimulated his sensitive surfaces, sending waves of feeling through him.

All the same, Tad still tried to resist in any way he could. He kept moving despite being pinned. But the final straw was reaching out for the camera. His attempt to cut the stream short was quickly thwarted the moment his hand reached out. Having grown tired of his unruly son's antics, Nate yanked both arms of the hybrid behind his back, still only needing one hand to hold the smaller male down.

"S-somebody call-" Tad's back suddenly arched and his plea for help from the audience was cut short by a purposeful jab to his prostate. It was done so smoothly, not breaking the pace that Nate was still going at.

Of course the younger feline attempted to call for help over and over again, and each time his dad beat him to the chase, shutting Tad up with simple ease. With his hands bound, trying to call out for help was the only thing he could do. But there would be no help given. The chat was on his dad's side, either convinced this was all fake or maybe they just didn't care.

Now all Tad could do was make pitiful moans as the huge cock pistoned its way through his ass, rolling back and forth so effortlessly. His cock was throbbing harder and harder the longer it drew, much to his growing shame. As if sensing it, Nate turned his son around, having heaved his body up on the end of the desk. Now the stream viewers could see Tad's cock leaking and twitching in response to every hard thrust, his body being rocked from the force and his voice growing ever louder. His sweet spots were repeatedly touched and it was getting him closer and closer to his limits. He didn't want to but couldn't stop himself from cumming hands free, shooting ropes of his seed all over his stomach and chest.

Nate held on tighter, humping hard against the tight clenches, his purrs turning into even deeper growls and snarls. His cock was pulsing hard and Tad could only brace himself before a roar broke out, the built leopard's cock swelled and his barbs flexed as he came hard inside of his son's hole, unleashing the pent up fluids that had stewed within his now churning balls. Nate kept himself pressed fully inside, voicing the pleasure he felt while draining his balls, his pleasured sounds being joined by the ones that were forced from Tad, feeling the hot seed flooding his tailhole.

The chat was absolutely losing it from the sight, calling it the best porn they had ever seen. Nate just pulled out and left his son panting heavily on the desk. "Half of that money is mine," he muttered. He would allow Tad to keep doing this but from now on he would have to start paying his dues, either with money or with his body. It seemed being a good fuck was the only thing his son was worth at this point.

Tad was left with the stream still going. Despite how much he had wanted it all to be over, his cock was still rock hard. That was the best fuck he ever had in his life. His body was pulsing with excitement and the strange desire for more was slowly bubbling up to the surface...

A Private Show for Superstar

Bruno had excitedly waited for this all day. He had gotten a ticket for a private show. The time had come and his ticket was read, allowing the bear entrance in the private section of the hottest club in town, Fazbears: After Dark. There was a small...

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Do You Still Love Me 12 - Final Chapter

Travis laid on his bed, thinking about everything that happened earlier. He felt so conflicted inside, not sure if he said the right things back there. The things Duke said gave him a lot of things to reconsider. Sure they both walked away from the...

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Do You Still Love Me 11

Duke's eyes slowly opened, feeling warmth all around him. His surroundings were much softer than usual and there was a pleasant scent close by. It was when he heard a light groan next to him that remembered what happened last night. He was still in...

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