Krystal on the Hunt Part 1 - Commission for Basque`

Story by TheGreatJaceyGee on SoFurry

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#19 of Theme: Cuckoldry

Krystal and Fox McCloud are madly in love with each other. Aboard the Great Fox, they are almost inseparable. However, a giant wedge that threatens to drive them apart is Krystal's ravenous sex drive, something that lands her in the beds of every man that isn't Fox's. With an insatiable desire for the perfect orgasm, she fucks every man on the ship that isn't Fox in order to find it.

Commission for Basque`Part 2Part 3

The Great Fox drifted through the Lylat system like a prowling shark, rogue and stoic, guarding that portion of the galaxy as it had since its first launch so many years ago. One of the many gunships who protected the Lylat system, she was by far the most prestigious thanks to her history as a reliable vessel as well as one of the most battle hardened. Her first Captain, James McCloud, was one of the most revered pilots in the galaxy. His son, Fox, carried on the tradition of bravery in battle both in the cockpit and on the ground. She was a vehicle both sleek and bulky in her design, bristling with weapons made for attack and defense. Her sleek profile was a gray silhouette blocking out the most fantastic displays of stars and planets. While she roamed she and her crew were gifted with sights of the infinite beyond, belts of gold speckled by the unblinking stare of lights close and far.

Her crew was the most talented and experienced in the galaxy. It included famous aces, wizened squadron leaders, brilliant engineers, fierce warriors, and courageous soldiers. At their helm was the famous Fox McCloud, brilliant commander and gifted pilot. He'd seen wars and battles across numerous corners of the galaxy, fighting hard to maintain peace and defeat evil. He'd made friends who trusted him with their life and enemies who had sworn everything to end his. His most important mission, prioritized over all others, was to keep the lives of his crew and wingmen safe, something he did better than most Captains and well enough to solidify the reputation he had.

One of the people who respected him the most was Krystal, the vixen who he had met not long ago. She was the Great Fox's jewel, both in beauty and in skill. She was a telepath who had proven herself one of the most valuable pilots under Fox's command. Her skill as well as intelligence had bailed the squadron out of many pressing situations, earning her nigh the amount of admiration their Captain did. It helped that she was stunningly beautiful. Her fur was a magnificent shade of blue that made the sky envious. Her eyes were the same, reflecting kindness as well as cunning. She was visibly athletic, a trait she had forged through years of acrobatics that did not cease once she had joined Fox's crew. Her hair was soft and her tail was fluffy. Before the days when she wore pilot suits she dressed herself in the revealing garb of her homeworld, Cerinia. Those who had seen her in it much preferred her in that, but didn't dare tell that to her face less they felt the scorch of her wrath.

Years of serving alongside Fox built a deep, mutual admiration between the two. They often complimented each other on their skills, character, and looks. Fox was dashing and young in the face, something she liked to tell him when they were alone. Krystal was the paragon of vixen beauty, as Fox would respond. Years of flirting and banter forged a relationship between the two, one that was unprofessional, but impossible to deny. They started seeing each other as partners. They stopped hiding their affection from the rest of the crew. They weren't ashamed, nor did they think they should be. They loved each other, and there wasn't much anyone could do to hinder that. They became inseparable; it was difficult to see one without seeing the other by their side.

At least that was when Krystal wasn't having her brains fucked out of her by another man.

It was the one thing Krystal was ashamed of, her greatest vice and crime. She was addicted, appallingly so, to sex. Her life was a constant search for sexual satisfaction, one that came dangerously close to superceding her dedication to the Alliance. Any man she deemed capable of pleasing her she went after. They usually followed the same physical type: tall, handsome, muscular, broad shouldered, and, most importantly, hung like a stallion. Whether or not they matched that final qualification didn't matter once she had them in bed. Once the clothes were off, so were the gloves. She assaulted them with every inch of her body and rocked them until she came, which wasn't always a guarantee given her ferocity.

She knew she had a problem, but confronting it was difficult. When someone told her she had too much sex, her immediate response was always "I don't have enough sex." She knew that wasn't true. Her hunt for better dick was an endless escapade that usually left her either disappointed or at the very edge of her physical limit. Men, on average, simply weren't built for what her mind required. Not helping was her incredible beauty. Hardly any man would say no to a night in bed with her, spare the homosexuals and the faithfully betrothed. She was like a billionaire: set for life, but driven even further by greed. There was no end in sight. She needed more, bigger, badder cocks. It made her feel dirty, but the desire overruled it. She was addicted, and addictions don't let go easily.

Her latest attempt at satiating her desires brought her into the quarters of Panther Caroso, former enemy of Star Fox team turned member. He had Krystal against the wall opposite of his bed. He was nude except for a woefully small pair of compression shorts which bulged around his package. His fur was black like onyx, shimmering in the light which he had kept dim for some ambience. He was tall, lean, and handsome, chiseled like a statue up from his manly jaw and down to his wiry calves. His long, black cattail flicked and swayed behind him, rooted just above his dense, squared buttocks. He leaned on one paw against the wall. His fingers were splayed out next to and above Krystal's head. His face was lowered down to hers where they kissed.

Krystal was dressed similarly, wearing only a pair of panties currently soaked through by her arousal. Through the darkened fabric her slit could be seen, a thin line of cotton candy blue, soon to become widened by her elevating excitement. Panther's other paw was gripping the side of her trunk. His single black thumb looked massive against the backdrop of her chiseled white abs. His paw slid up to cup a breast. His thumb claw found her icy blue nipple and circled it gently. She murred into his maw. Her floofy foxtail swooshed behind her.

It was everything for her not to pounce on him right there, knocking him over to the bed and hopping on his dick for a quick ride. Her horniness made the flesh throughout her core shake. Her toes curled and her fists clenched. His manhood was so achingly close yet so far away. She could sense it getting harder, stretching the fabric of his underwear. His lips were soft but strong. His tongue was brutally coarse, nearly scraping the inside of her mouth raw. He made a soothing purr sound that rumbled from the very depths of his throat like a menacing beast warning an intruder to leave. Her paw was on his abdomen where she could feel that masculine layer of hard crafted muscle.

Everything about him drove her wild, yet she remained calm. She stayed where she was, kissing him and touching no more than his abs. This would prove for the better, she hoped. Foreplay was an important ritual, as it is for all couples, but especially for her. Jumping into penetration without any foreplay wouldn't work. She had to build on her arousal, peaking it for as far as it would go before the actual sex would begin. She made foreplay tiresome and tedious, driving both her and her partner wild with anticipation. The way she saw it, the longer the wait, the better the payoff. Conversely, so could the disappointment be.

She parted lips with him and gasped. She opened her eyes and peered into his. They were yellow like rare diamonds. He was incredibly handsome, even with that thick, pink crescent of a scar scything down the right side of his face. It was almost a shame given that it was his cock, not his good looks, that she was after. "Would you like to join me on the bed?" he asked in a voice that was smooth as it was manly. She hoped he had the sexual skill to match his charm, but she had no doubt that he had plenty of experience with women. He had the voice to talk a fish out of water, or a nun out of her cloth.

"I thought you'd never ask," she said.

He nodded back at the bed. "Come on, then." He held out his paw. She laid hers in his palm, and he wrapped his fingers around it gently. He walked her over to the bed, showing her a nice view of his grinding glutes. He came to a stop. "After you, beautiful."

She walked past him and climbed onto the mattress. She slid down on her belly and did a fluid roll onto her back. Her arms were bent lazily at her side. One knee was bent into the air. She could see his glowing yellow eyes travel her gorgeous frame before settling on her see-through panties. The smell of her eagerness was in the air, simmering Panther's nostrils and intensifying the erection in his shorts. He crawled after her, his slender cattail slinking up above him like a curious cobra. He crawled over top of her and lied down. His body was like a warm blanket. Their hearts pumped side-by-side. She could feel his penis jutting against her inner thigh. They resumed kissing. His paw rubbed around her flank before sneaking its way down to her underwear. It slipped underneath and found her wet cunny, burning anxiously.

"Nnnnh..." She squirmed a bit. His middle finger dipped inside, granting her the first real bite of pleasure. It went in little circles, nearby but not quite on her clit. She humped against his paw, smothering it with more of her juices. The urge to grab his forearm and pull him deeper was strong.

He chuckled. "Desperate, are we?"

Her face was terribly red. "Ahh, you have no idea."

"No, I think I do. You're awfully wet down there."

"I know. You're making me super fucking hot."

"My pleasure. You asked me to do this."

"I know. Keep doing it. Talk to me like I'm one of your girls."

He smiled. "You are one of my girls, my favorite by a lot. It's unfair for the others to compete with someone as ravishing as you are."

Krystal huffed. "I'm Fox's girl, not yours."

"Maybe, but while I've got you in my bed with your pussy on my finger you are."

That was hard to argue. "Just keep going. Oh God... Slowly."

He smiled smugly. "Of course, beautiful." He did as he was told, fingering her as gently as he would stroke a puppy. He brought his snout into the crook of her neck, poking her with his cold nose and many whiskers. He kissed, suckled and gnawed, making her whimper and squirm even more. It was close to becoming too much. His fingering, him gnawing on her neck, and his penis grinding on her thigh was the perfect trifecta to turn her into a horny mess.

Eventually she hit her limit. "God... That's it. You gotta fuck me."

"Whoa... You don't want to continue this?"

"I do. Later, though. Right now you gotta fuck me, hard."

"Heh, alright then." He sat up on his knees, becoming a towering monolith of feline masculinity in front of her. He grabbed her panties and pulled them down her thighs. He pulled her legs up into the air and flicked them off of her toes. The aroma of her flower was unleashed, saturating the atmosphere and making his mouth water. Her legs came back down spread apart, ready for his entry. He pulled his legs together and pulled his underwear down, freeing his manhood finally. He lifted one knee and then the other to get the shorts down to his calves where he pulled them all the way down and off.

His cock sprouted out from him with as much pride as it could muster, but to Krystal's great chagrin, that wasn't a lot. It was a thick rod of glistening, barbed skin a similar shade to his fur. By no means a micropenis, it fell woefully short of the standards the rest of his perfectly designed body had set. The balls hanging from its root were nothing to celebrate either. Krystal guessed him at five inches, but that was if he was lucky. She tried to hide her derision, but something must've come across her face because he frowned. "What's the matter?" he asked.

"Nothing. Come here." She waved him over casually. Maybe he has the stamina to make up for it. He crawled back down on top of her, still wearing a mildly wounded look on his face. He mounted between his legs, placed one paw next to her shoulder and grabbed his penis with the other. He pulled his hips down and prodded her vulva, now hot and wet like a fleshy swamp. A faint buzz zipped up her spine, but nothing like the retort she would feel with one of her toys which he woefully fell short of in size. He continued teasing her cunt until she spoke up. "Just put it in."

He looked at her with a scowl. "Alright." He slid inside of her. There was no sudden crush of delight, no involuntary swoon, no instant change of mind. Her pussy gripped him for all he was worth, but found nothing.

She sighed mentally. Another dud. He made the first few thrusts, establishing a slow and steady tempo. He kissed around her neck and color, purring softly. That wasn't going to cut it. "Faster."

"Ah, alright." He went faster. He only used a portion of his length, weary of pulling out accidentally. His hips only tapped the underside of her thighs.

"Harder, come on. Go deeper."

"Wha..? I..." He was perturbed by her lack of moaning. She was showing more of a response when he was fingering her. Maybe he should've stayed doing that. None of his girlfriends had ever acted so dull. The fact that this was the beautiful Krystal stung deeply. "OK, I'll try."

"Don't try," she said coldly. "Do it."

He didn't like her tone, but he couldn't disobey. "OK..." He thrusted as hard and as deep as his cock allowed, plapping his balls and hips against her underside. The mattress shook and bounced beneath them. This was a level of energy he saved only for the latter stages of love making. Here he was doing it in the first minute, and Krystal was hardly reacting.

She felt something, for sure. It was good, but not at all what she needed. It was like serving a starving person just a morsel. There was temporary relief, but that only made the following hunger all the more poignant. She wasn't going to cum before he did, not at this rate. She snuck her paw down between their bellies and found her clit. She calmly fingered it right above his jamming piston. For the first time since he penetrated her she moaned, more from the swirl of her finger though it was. He took a level of offense to it that he hadn't felt before. Wasn't he good enough? He tried going harder. He gritted his teeth and amped up the effort. The first bit of sweat broke out across his fur.

All that did was slip his cock out and bat it across her taint upon the return thrust, something he had been trying desperately to avoid. Krystal immediately stopped moaning and glared up at him. "Hey! What are you doing?"

He was absolutely mortified. He grabbed his glistening cock and hastily tried to reinsert it. "Ah, shit! Sorry! I-"

"Hush. Get up."

He looked at her, horrified. "What?"

"I said get up."

He didn't want to, but he pulled back and knelt upright. He thought she would roll off the bed and collect her clothes. Instead she sat up and placed a paw on his sternum. "On your back." She shoved him, and he slumped backwards. She got up on her knees and waddled over his waist where she straddled him snugly. She didn't waste any time. She grabbed his dick, hovered her cunt over it, and promptly sat down on it. Panther's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. His cheeks blew out, just like his penis nearly did. "Don't you dare," she hissed. "Not until I'm done with you." She wasn't, not by a while.

All Panther could do was hold onto her hips for dear life while she rode him like a rodeo girl, bouncing and grinding her hips on him wildly. Her head was whipped back, face pointed to the ceiling, eyes closed, jaw agape. Her breasts wobbled and jostled, her nipples in perfect alignment with each other. She clenched her fists on top of his pecs, scraping her claws on his hard muscle. Her blue foxtail coiled and cracked behind her. For the first time, she was moaning loudly.

Poor Panther was just there as a witness. He could hardly feel any pleasure beyond the angry grip of her cunt. The scratch of her claws on his chest was unpleasant, as was the lingering anxiety that she would break his dick in half. He wasn't having fun anymore. He was beginning to regret ever having gone after her. Out of all the many, many, many women he had ever laid with, he would've replaced Krystal with any one of them.

He was forced to cum after only a few minutes, making him groan loudly and scrunch his face. Krystal hardly noticed, focused more on riding him and fingering her clit like a mad woman. She only realized something was wrong once his dick started going soft, robbing her of her pleasure. She slowed to a stop and looked down. "Ahh... Did you cum?"

She didn't notice? Oh sweet God in heaven, save me. "Yes, I did. You were like a bull, I've never had-"

She ignored him and hopped off, letting a fat drop of cum fall out of her and back down onto his balls. She sat down on his thighs and aggressively stroked his shaft. He gasped and hissed, coming close to knocking her off and telling her that he wasn't some toy. He was too afraid of the consequences, though. Denying this rabid nymph what she desired was very likely a bad idea. His dick grew hard again and ached sharply. The cum from his previous orgasm hadn't even begun to dry before she aimed his dick back up and reinserted it. He cringed hard. He thought he was about to cry. This was going to be a long night.

Krystal went wild again, moaning as hard as she grunted and huffed. She humped on his dick angrily. The room felt like an oven for the both of them, it had gotten so hot. The pleasure was building for her, driving her to go even harder. She was going to cum eventually, even if it killed her, or him. Finally she felt her climax getting close like a growing bonfire in the distance. She could hear the crackling flames get louder. The heat grew on her fur and blossomed through her body. "Ahhh... I'm fucking cumming... Yes. Hah... I'm cumming. Huhhh~! Yes! Yes!!!"

Panther was afraid of what was going to happen when she did. All he could do was hold on and pray that it didn't kill him. Fortunately he would survive, as her orgasm wasn't the rapturous explosion she was hoping for. Her head threw back and her bosom thrusted forward. A gurgling sigh erupted out of her maw and her cunt tightened on him. The bonfire flared, but did not explode. The heat was fierce, but not incinerating. A disappointment.

She came to rest once it was over. She panted hard and was bathed in sweat. It had been just as much of a workout for Panther who lay beneath her in a state of shock. He was denied another orgasm once she stopped, leaving him behind in an anguished stupor. He was just glad to be done with it. "Ahah... I hope you enjoyed that, my queen. It makes me so happy to see you finish."

"Ah, shut up." She wiped the sweat off of her mouth and straightened her back. "I didn't finish shit. I ain't done with you."

He looked at her with pure grief, then slumped his head onto the mattress. "No, I didn't think you were."

She swirled her hips around. "You're still hard. You've got a few left in you, don't you?" She didn't wait for him to answer. She started riding him. "Come on. Make me cum a few more times, pretty boy."

He did, although he had no say in the matter. The amount of climaxes shared between them was immeasurable, at least by Panther's perspective. The next hour was an agonizing series of humping, grinding, riding, moaning, and groaning which all lead to orgasms no longer desirable as they were taxing. Every one of Krystal's had Panther praying that it was the last. Every one of Panther's made her pray that it would make him last longer the next time so that she could cum again. Finally he was spent, being left with a miserably raw dick that hung between his legs like a worm of pain. He ended the night on his back, limbs spilled out haphazardly, eyes uncoupled drunkenly. Their combined fluids were doused across his entire crotch and in dark spots across the mattress.

Krystal was on the edge of the bed, not even close to being worn out. Her cunt burned like hell, yet she still had a few more left in her. She and the entire room reeked of sweat and sexual aftermath. The amount of energy she had burned was enough to knock a marathon runner on their ass. None of that stopped her. She still twiddled her clit, yearning for yet another climax. She got it eventually, but it was nothing but a splatter of sparks coming out of a firepit reduced into embers. She grunted angrily and stood off the bed. She looked behind her and saw the defeated Panther. His inadequate dick slurped back into his sheathe.

"That was fun, I guess," she said. She calmly walked over to the bathroom to get herself clean. "If you ever wanna try that again just talk to me." He could only groan like a zombie in response. "Or not. You don't have to." For the health of both of them, he didn't think he would.